Put the word vote in a sentence

Synonym: ballot, choice, decision, designation, determination, poll, referendum, selection, voice. Similar words: voter, vote in, devote, voting, note, quote, remote, notebook. Meaning: [vəʊt]  n. 1. a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative 2. the opinion of a group as determined by voting 3. a legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US constitution; guaranteed to women by the 19th amendment 4. a body of voters who have the same interests 5. the total number of votes cast. v. 1. express one’s preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution; cast a vote 2. express one’s choice or preference by vote 3. express a choice or opinion 4. be guided by in voting 5. bring into existence or make available by vote. 

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(1) He was elected by a unanimous vote.

(2) Let’s put the matter to a vote.

(3) The party gained over 50% of the vote.

(4) The matter will be decided by vote.

(5) In 1918 British women got the right to vote.

(6) You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.

(7) Who did you vote for?

(8) The chairperson has the casting / deciding vote.

(9) Once the vote was taken, things quieted down quickly.

(10) The motion under debate was put to a vote.

(11) I’m still undecided about how I’ll vote.

(12) Nothing would induce me to vote for him again.

(13) Exercise your democratic right to vote.

(14) Do you qualify for the vote?

(15) A majority vote enabled the passage of the resolution.

(16) The destiny of our nation depends on this vote!

(17) Intensive negotiations between the main parties preceded the vote.

(18) I didn’t vote in the last election.

(19) I gave my vote to Mr. Wang.

(20) They are putting pressure on people to vote yes.

(21) A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company.

(22) Associate members do not have the right to vote.

(23) ‘Would you vote for him?’ ‘Never.’

(24) To decline to vote is a cop-out.

(25) Experts say a ‘yes’ vote is still the likely outcome.

(26) A call for a vote of no-confidence in the president was rejected.

(27) The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote. Sentencedict.com

(28) We demand an immediate restoration of our right to vote.

(29) The polls are not a reliable guide of how people will vote.

(30) According to radio the British electorate are going to vote tomorrow.

More similar words: voter, vote in, devote, voting, note, quote, remote, notebook, protest, protein, promote, take note of, potentially, protective, protection, come to terms with, environmental protection. 

голосовать, баллотировать, голосование, голос, голоса, право голоса


- голосовать, баллотировать, вотировать

without the right to vote — с совещательным голосом


- голосование, баллотировка

- голос, право голоса

an affirmative vote — голос «за»
casting vote — решающий голос в случае равного распределения голосов
concurring votes — совпадающие голоса
one vote per 10 shares — эк. один голос на каждые 10 акций
to cast a vote — проголосовать
number of votes recorded — число поданных голосов /опущенных бюллетеней, избирателей, участвовавших в выборах/

- собир. голоса; количество поданных голосов; количество голосовавших

the floating vote — голоса независимых /колеблющихся/ избирателей
to carry /to gain/ all vote — получить все голоса; пройти единогласно
N. gained the vote against X. — N. получил больше голосов, чем X.
to get out the /a/ vote — амер. добиться явки избирателей на выборы
the vote was light — амер. процент явки на выборы был низкий

- право голоса; избирательное право

women have the vote — женщины пользуются избирательным правом

- тк. sing вотум; резолюция; решение (принятое голосованием)

vote of confidence [of no confidence] — вотум доверия [недоверия]
the vote of censure — а) вотум порицания; б) вотум недоверия
vote of thanks — выражение признательности

- избирательный бюллетень; шар (при баллотировке)

to cast one’s vote into the urn — опустить бюллетень в урну

- парл. ассигнования, кредиты (принятые законодательным органом)

army vote — ассигнования на армию

- избиратель
- определённая группа избирателей (социальная и т. п.)


- proposal [a candidate] — голосовать за [против] предложения [кандидата]

to vote in the affirmative [in the negative] — голосовать за [против]
to vote by ballot — баллотировать, решать тайным голосованием; подавать голос посредством избирательного бюллетеня и т. п.
to vote by (a) show of hands — голосовать поднятием руки

- (into) выбирать

to vote smb. into the chair — избирать кого-л. председателем
to vote into parliament — выбрать в парламент

- постановлять (большинством голосов)

the assembly voted an appeal — собрание приняло обращение
the assembly voted a deputation — собрание избрало делегацию

- парл. ассигновывать; выделять (средства)

to vote a sum — ассигновать /утвердить/ сумму
to vote £1,000 for the sufferers — выделить 1000 ф.ст. на помощь пострадавшим

- решать, единодушно признавать

the play was voted a success — по общему признанию, пьеса оказалась удачной
she was voted charming — все нашли её очаровательной

- разг. стоять (за что-л.); выражать мнение, предлагать

I vote that we go home — я за то, чтобы пойти домой
to vote with one’s feet — голосовать ногами, уходить (с собрания и т. п.)

Мои примеры


the certification of the vote — официальное утверждение результатов выборов  
a fractional share of the vote — дробная часть голосов  
the puissance of the labor vote — могущественное влияние электората лейбористов  
to cast non-vote — подать незаполненный баллотировочный бюллетень  
to vote down legislation — провалить предложение  
to vote on a motion — ставить предложение на голосование  
to put to vote — поставить на голосование  
ballot / election / vote rigging — фальсификация результатов выборов  
secret vote — тайное голосование  
to split one’s vote / ticket — голосовать одновременно за кандидатов разных партий  
teller vote — голос в анонимном голосовании  
unready to vote for it — неготовый голосовать за это  

Примеры с переводом

I vote that we go home.

Я за то, чтобы пойти домой.

Let’s have a vote on it.

Давайте проголосуем. (примем решение путём голосования)

Did you vote in the last election?

Ты голосовал на последних выборах?

I vote that we all go home.

Я за то, чтобы мы все пошли домой.

This website was voted the Best Site of the Month.

Этот веб-сайт был признан лучшим сайтом месяца.

The play was voted a failure.

Пьеса была признана неудачной.

How many members voted on the housing question?

Сколько человек приняло участие в голосовании по жилищному вопросу?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She won by a vote of 206 to 57.

They voted the referendum into law.

A vote for us is not a wasted vote.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

vote down — провалить, забаллотировать, отвергать
vote in — избрать голосованием
vote through — проводить путем голосования

Возможные однокоренные слова

unvote  — отменять повторным голосованием
votary  — приверженец, почитатель, монах, сторонник
voter  — избиратель, участник голосования
voting  — голосование, выборы, голосующий
votive  — исполненный по обету
revote  — повторное голосование, переголосовка, переголосовывать, ставить на
voteless  — не имеющий права голоса, лишенный избирательных прав

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: vote
he/she/it: votes
ing ф. (present participle): voting
2-я ф. (past tense): voted
3-я ф. (past participle): voted

ед. ч.(singular): vote
мн. ч.(plural): votes

Ultimately, we want to know how parties, in their efforts to attract votes, move across the platform space.

Thus parties can play strategically, choosing a platform by which they hope to collect enough votes to win.

Most voters gave both of their votes to the same party, but of those who split their votes, most followed the current coalition patterns.

Policy moderation by incumbents has a positive significant effect on their votes.

Since the candidate with more resources has an advantage when he tries to ‘buy’ votes, he has the stronger incentive to converge.

Under an absolute majority rule, by contrast, there are not enough votes in favour to enact the measure.

Politicians who want their votes are therefore likely to emphasize body bags more than geopolitics.

Secondly, standard indexes use the random voting model as their assumption of electoral behaviour under a given electoral rule.

The seats in these multimember districts are awarded to closed party lists in proportion to the votes they receive.

The question then becomes: are these votes the important ones?

First applied to roll-call votes in the 1920s, scholars today still use cohesion scores to study the strength of legislative parties.

Needless to say, impacts on the legislative result and sanction from the party leadership would differ between voting against and abstaining from the bills.

Most journalistic and academic treatments of the policy process focus on the stage when authoritative decisions are made, such as congressional votes or court rulings.

A final interpretation is that while maximizing votes is obviously important, maximizing the likelihood of being included in the governing coalition is more important.

A voter casts a ballot for the party whose platform generates the higher utility, and the party obtaining the most votes wins the election.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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Progress Check – 1

V – 1

I. Put in the sentences
the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

communication lose give
up means waste of time competitions mind tried luck missed tour win believe

1. I never take part in
any … .

2. Sometimes I … the

3. If you don’t believe
in your … , you can miss a very good chance.

4. I’m afraid he has
already … his chance.

5. Every leaf … a lucky
month in the next year.

6. What gave a new
beginning to the history of long distance … .

7. Does she … his
travelling by air?

8. Is she going to …
playing tennis?

9. I hope to win the
Round-the-World … .

10. I think computers
are … because children become nervous, angry and tired.

II. The word in
capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that
fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: FRIEND

Her family is close and
… . – Her family is close and friendly.


I prefer to listen to …


What a … day!


I like … winters very


My sister hates … kinds
of sport.


H. Wells wrote …

III. Complete the
sentences using 
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present

Past Simple or Future
Simple tense.

1. We (go) on a tramp
last Sunday.

2. Granny (not cook)
dinner now.

3. My sister (wash) the
dishes every morning.

4. His parents … already
(get) up.

5. You (not eat)
ice-cream tomorrow.

6. What … your brother
(do) yesterday?

7. … you (play)
computers on weekends?

IV. Choose the right
form of the verb.

1. I would like …
shopping this afternoon.

a) go b) to go c) going

2. Mark enjoys … to pop

a) listen b) to listen
c) listening

3. Of course, you can …
a friend.

a) bring b) to bring c)

4. Do you mind … me
with my homework?

a) help b) to help c)

5. I want … it to the
car wash.

a) take b) to take c)

Progress Check – 1

V – 2

I. Put in the sentences
the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

luck give up missed
lose competition believe tour communication win a chance in a million tried
means mind

1. Last year I tried to
take part in a sports … in our school.

2. It’s not very
important if I win or … .

3. Catch falling leaves
in autumn and you’ll have good … .

4. Have you taken part
in the competition? – Yes, I … my chance two weeks ago.

5. The British … that
on Halloween’s the souls of the dead return to place where they live.

6. These means of long
distance … were used for centuries.

7. Do you … my opening
the window?

8. I’m afraid he’ll …
studying English.

9. It was a dangerous …

10. — We’ve won the
International Teenagers’ Competition. What luck!

— That’s great! It was
… . There were so many participants.

II. The word in
capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that
fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: FRIEND

Her family is close and
… . – Her family is close and friendly.


What … events can you
find in the novel?


I think A. Sakharov is
a … person.


I have never seen an …

4. FUN

He likes jokes and …


Next year I’m going to
realize my … project.

III. Complete the
sentences using 
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present

Past Simple or Future
Simple tense.

1. Tomorrow Nick (not
go) to school.

2. Look! My friend
(play) football.

3. Kate (not write)
letters every month.

4. We (see) a very good
film last Sunday.

5. You … just (clean)
your room . Let’s have a rest.

6. … your classmates
(walk) yesterday in the park?

7. What … your mum (do)

IV. Choose the right
form of the verb.

1. Let’s stop …

a) eat b) to eat c)

2. I can only …
everything is well.

a) hope b) to hope c)

3. My sister would like
… a taxi home.

a) take b) to take c)

4. Do you want … me any

a) give b) to give c)

5. I hate …, but would
you do the cleaning?

a) ask b) to ask c)

Progress Check – 2

V – 2


a) Put in the sentences
the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

foreign; is spread; is
washed by; capital; island; is situated; powerful;

languages; occupies;

1 India … in Asia.

2 There are 15 official
… in India and thousands of different dialects.

3 Great Britain is an …
where England, Scotland, and Wales are located.

4 What city is the … of
Japan? – Tokyo is.

5 The UK … the Atlantic
Ocean in the north.

6 Success in … language
learning is not connected with a person’s natural talent.

7 The … of the Russian
Federation is about 112 thousand of people.

8 Australia … a whole

9 The USA are
considered to be one of the most … countries in the world.

10. English language …
all over the world.

b) Fill in blanks
with suitable words.

The United States of
America 1)… in the central part of North America. Its western coast 2)… by the
Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast – by the Atlantic Ocean. The total 3) … of
the USA is over nine million square kilometers. The 4)… of the USA is about 250
million people; most of them live in towns and cities. The USA is a very large
5)… . The 6)… of the USA is Washington. The largest 7)… of this country are:
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and others.

II. Put in: who or which.

1. She returned me the
book … I gave her yesterday.

2. Do you know the
student … has won the first prize in the competition?

3. The mother tongue is
a language … a child learns naturally, in his/ her family.

4. I knew a lady … played
tennis every day.

5. Kate found a bag …
she liked.

III. These sentences
are the answers to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your
questions with “How”.

Example: It takes him 20 minutes
to get to school. – How long does it take him to get to school?

1. Sir John Bouring
could speak 28 languages.

2. The Thames is 334
kilometres long.

3. This nice dress is
only 25 dollars.

4. My mother is
thirty-five years old.

5. I would like little

IV. The word in
capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that
fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: IMPRESS

Her dance made a great
… on my friends. — Her dance made a great impression on my friends.


There were 1,000
lollipop ladies in the streets of London standing at zebra … with their

“Lollipop signs”.


80 % of all … in the
world’s computers is in English.


Alexander Popov is a
Russian … who was known all over the world.


The … of the English language
rapidly increases.


His … are considered


a) Use each verb
Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Future
Simple Passive.

1. Bread (eat) every

2. The letters
(receive) yesterday.

3. Nick (send) to Moscow
next week.

4. I (give) a very
interesting book at the library last Friday.

5. Many houses (build)
in our town every year.

6. This work (do)

b) Read a sentence and
write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the 
Passive Voice.

1. Leo Tolstoy wrote
the novel «War and Peace» in the nineteenth century.

2. A lot of children
visit the circus every year.

3. The builders will
reconstruct this theatre soon.

4. Scientists will
solve most mysteries in the future.

5. The explorers gave
the newspaper reporters a long interview.


a) Use each verb
Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Future
Simple Passive.

1. Bread (eat) every

2. The letters
(receive) yesterday.

3. Nick (send) to
Moscow next week.

4. I (give) a very interesting
book at the library last Friday.

5. Many houses (build)
in our town every year.

6. This work (do)

b) Read a sentence and
write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the 
Passive Voice.

1. Leo Tolstoy wrote
the novel «War and Peace» in the nineteenth century.

2. A lot of children
visit the circus every year.

3. The builders will
reconstruct this theatre soon.

4. Scientists will
solve most mysteries in the future.

5. The explorers gave
the newspaper reporters a long interview.


a) Use each verb
Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Future
Simple Passive.

1. Bread (eat) every

2. The letters
(receive) yesterday.

3. Nick (send) to
Moscow next week.

4. I (give) a very
interesting book at the library last Friday.

5. Many houses (build)
in our town every year.

6. This work (do)

b) Read a sentence and
write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the 
Passive Voice.

1. Leo Tolstoy wrote
the novel «War and Peace» in the nineteenth century.

2. A lot of children
visit the circus every year.

3. The builders will
reconstruct this theatre soon.

4. Scientists will
solve most mysteries in the future.

5. The explorers gave
the newspaper reporters a long interview.

Progress Check – 2

V – 1


a) Put in the sentences
the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

motto; is washed; name;
area; population; capital;

was called; is
situated; languages; country

Canada is the second
largest 1)… in the world. It 2)… in the northern part of the North American
continent. Its total 3)… is 9,975,000 square kilometers. Canada 4)… by three
oceans – the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. Canada’s 5)… comes from an
Indian word kanata, which means «village». When the area
came under the British rule in 1897, the new country 6)… the Dominion of
Canada, or simply Canada. This country has a small 7)…, only about 27,300,000
people. There are two official 8)… in the country: English and French. The 9)…
of Canada is Ottawa. Canada’s 10)… «From Sea to Sea» is appropriate
because it’s surrounded by three oceans.

b) Fill in blanks
with suitable words.

The United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1)… on the British Isles. The British Isles
2)… two islands, Great Britain and Ireland. The western coast of Great Britain
3)… by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. Their total 4)… is over
244 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is one of the world’s
smaller 5) … . Its 6)… is over 57 million people. London is the 7)… of the
United Kingdom.

II. Put in: who or which.

1. I want to go to the
party … will be at our school.

2. Do you know people …
can speak more than four languages.

3. The official
language is the language … is spoken on radio, TV and by official people.

4. Look at the man … saved
my life.

5. There was nothing on
the table … the friends sat around.

III. These sentences
are the answers to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your
questions with “How”.

Example: It takes him 20 minutes
to get to school. – How long does it take him to get to school?

1. Our scientist M.
Lomonosov could speak more than 3 foreign languages.

2. Everest is 8848
metres high. It’s the highest mountain in the world.

3. They have 6 lessons
on Monday.

4. My father is
forty-four years old.

5. Travelling by boat
is safe this time.

IV. The word in
capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that
fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: IMPRESS

Her dance made a great
… on my friends. — Her dance made a great impression on my friends.


One thing that American
teachers are very concerned about is the … of our children.


The International
Library of Poetry has just announced an International Poetry … .


A sea voyage is the
most romantic way of … .


Which American … was
from California?


On the 4th,
July the Americans celebrate their main holiday – the … Day.


a) Use each verb
Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Future
Simple Passive.

1. Bread (eat) every

2. The letters
(receive) yesterday.

3. Nick (send) to
Moscow next week.

4. I (give) a very
interesting book at the library last Friday.

5. Many houses (build)
in our town every year.

6. This work (do) tomorrow.

b) Read a sentence and
write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the 
Passive Voice.

1. Thomas A. Edison
invented the electric bulb in the seventeenth century.

2. They water the
flowers regularly.

3. The famous ballet
dancers will stage this ballet in 15 countries.

4. D. Livingston
explored the Kalahari Desert from 1841 till 1852.

5. The boys will paint
the roof of the house.


a) Use each verb
Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Future
Simple Passive.

1. Bread (eat) every day.

2. The letters
(receive) yesterday.

3. Nick (send) to
Moscow next week.

4. I (give) a very
interesting book at the library last Friday.

5. Many houses (build)
in our town every year.

6. This work (do)

b) Read a sentence and
write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the 
Passive Voice.

1. Thomas A. Edison
invented the electric bulb in the seventeenth century.

2. They water the
flowers regularly.

3. The famous ballet
dancers will stage this ballet in 15 countries.

4. D. Livingston
explored the Kalahari Desert from 1841 till 1852.

5. The boys will paint
the roof of the house.


a) Use each verb
Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Future
Simple Passive.

1. Bread (eat) every

2. The letters
(receive) yesterday.

3. Nick (send) to
Moscow next week.

4. I (give) a very
interesting book at the library last Friday.

5. Many houses (build)
in our town every year.

6. This work (do)

b) Read a sentence and
write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the 
Passive Voice.

1. Thomas A. Edison
invented the electric bulb in the seventeenth century.

2. They water the
flowers regularly.

3. The famous ballet
dancers will stage this ballet in 15 countries.

4. D. Livingston
explored the Kalahari Desert from 1841 till 1852.

5. The boys will paint
the roof of the house

Progress Check — 3

V – 1

I. Complete
each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

education compulsory
allowed argument private behaviour attends

trouble depressed

1.      Students are … to come
to school whatever they want.

2.      And if you tell anyone,
you will be in big … .

3.      In … schools of
Australia education is free.

4.      They are famous as the
place where some prominent people got their … .

5.      You have to go to another
school where the teachers all know about your bad … .

6.      The naughty boy was …
by the old man.

7.      I’m not allowed to take
even a small dog in the room.
I’m so … about it.

8.      It’s a weak … .

9.      The girl … a public
school in the USA.

10. Secondary education is … for all
children in the UK.

II. Transform
the following sentences changing verbs from Active into Passive Voice.

Example: My elder
brother repaired the bike. – The bike was repaired by my elder brother.

1.      Lyuda will show you a
new book of pictures.

2.      Tom Sawyer whitewashed
the fence.

3.      In summer the boys
often drive the horses to the fields.

4.      The explorers gave the
newspaper reporters a long interview.

5.      A marble pavillion
protects the house.

III. Put in the
right form of pronoun.

1.      … (Her/Hers) car
is slower than … 

2.      What colour are … (you/yours) eyes?

3.      … hair is as dark
as … 

4.      That house over there
is …(their/theirs).

5.      These are Nina’s toys.
The toys are … 

IV. Choose the correct

1.      I had to do a lot of
homework yesterday.

a.      Мне следовало
бы делать много домашней работы вчера.

b.      Мне пришлось
делать много домашней работы вчера.

c.      Я обязана была
делать много домашней работы вчера.

2.      You must work hard at
your English.

a.      Тебе придется
усердно работать над английским языком.

b.      Ты должен
усердно работать над английским языком.

c.      Тебе следует
усердно работать над английским языком.

3.      I’m afraid you’ll miss
the train. You should take a taxi.

a.      Ты должен взять

b.      Тебе придется взять

c.      Тебе следует
взять такси.

4.      You needn’t go to the
library. I have already taken it.

a.      Тебе не следует
идти в библиотеку.

b.      Тебе не нужно
идти в библиотеку.

c.      Ты можешь не
ходить в библиотеку.

5.      Must we stop near the
market? – No, you mustn’t.

a.      Нет, не нужно.

b.      Нет, не

c.      Нет, нельзя.

Progress Check — 3

V – 2

I. Complete
each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

private punishment
depressed secondary education allowed argument

argue trouble
compulsory behaved

1.      Students are … to talk
freely about their problems.

2.      I’m frightened of
getting into … , but it’s not true.

3.      The education in …
schools is very expensive.

4.      Public schools are
famous not only for their perfect … .

5.      Each teacher reports if
you have … well or badly.

6.      In Russian schools
there are several types of … like in British schools.

7.      Martin is … because he
can’t speak to the girl he really likes.

8.      It’s a strong …

9.      You shouldn’t … with
your parents.

10. At … school pupils study for five years.

II. Transform
the following sentences changing verbs from Active into Passive Voice.

Example: My elder
brother repaired the bike. – The bike was repaired by my elder brother.

1.      The boys will paint the
roof of the house.

2.      Bessy’s father gave her
a complete set of Walter Scott’s works.

3.      They water the flowers

4.      The doctor ordered me a
month’s rest from studying.

5.      Our mother tells us
stories every evening.

III. Put in the
right form of pronoun.

1.      Don’t take … (my/mine) pen!
… (your/yours)!

2.      What was … (your/yours) mother

3.      … farm is as rich
as … 

4.      This office is … (their/theirs).

5.      Those are Victor’s
books. The books are … 

IV. Choose the
correct translation.

1.      She had to stay at home
because she didn’t feel well.

a) Ей следует остаться
дома, т.к. она плохо себя чувствовала.

b) Ей пришлось остаться
дома, т.к. она плохо себя чувствовала.

с) Она обязана была
остаться дома, т.к. она плохо себя чувствовала.

2. I must help my
mother today.

a) Я должен помочь маме

b) Мне нужно помочь
маме сегодня.

с) Мне следует помочь
маме сегодня.

3. Her diction is not
very good.
She should read aloud.

a) Ей придется почитать

b) Ей следует почитать

с) Она должна читать

4. You needn’t play
computer games so long time.

a) Тебе не следует
играть в компьютерные игры так долго.

b) Тебе не нужно играть
в компьютерные игры так долго.

с) Ты можешь не играть
в компьютерные игры так долго.

5. Should the children
play in the street? – No, they mustn’t.

a) Нет, нельзя.

b) Нет, не следует.

с) Нет, не нужно.

Unit 3

Grammar Test

V – 1

I. Complete the

Example: If Mike … (do)
his best at school, his parents would be happy with his marks. –

If Mike did his best at
school, his parents would be happy with his marks.

1.      If my friend … (be) at
home, he would tell us what to do.

2.      If you did your morning
exercises every day, your health …
(be) much better.

3.      If they … (not go) to Moscow
next year, they would hear that famous musician.

4.      You … (not feel) so bad
if you …
(not smoke) too much.

5.      If you … (speak)
English every day, you …(improve) your language skills.

II. Choose the correct

1.The teacher doesn’t
want … to speak Russian in class.

a) we b) us c) they

2. I’d like … to help

a) you b) your c) yours

3. He expects … to come
on Sunday.

a) I b) my c) me

4. Our mum would like …
to take care of our cat.

a) them b) us c) we

5. Do you want … to
meet him at the airport?

a) they b) their c)

III. Complete the
sentences using 
one or ones .

1.      Did he write novels? –
Yes, he wrote a lot of interesting … .

2.      Does he have a sister?
– Yes, he has got a little … .

3.      Did she buy any socks?
– Yes, she bought some red … .

4.      Was there a toy in the
box? – Yes, there was a funny … in it.

5.      Have you learnt any
poems? – Yes, I’ve learnt some … .

Grammar Test

V – 2

I. Complete the

Example: If Mike … (do)
his best at school, his parents would be happy with his marks. –

If Mike did his best at
school, his parents would be happy with his marks.

1.      If it (be) too cold, I
would put on my coat.

2.      If you really loved
music, you (go) to the Philarmonic much more often.

3.      If he (not read) so
much, he would not be so clever.

4.      You (not understand)
the rule if you (not listen) to the teacher.

5.      If you (give) me your
dictionary for a couple of days, I (translate) this text.

II. Choose the correct

1.      Granny would like … to
help her.

a) I b) she c) us

2. I don’t want … to
tell him about it.

a) you b)your c) yours

3. What do you want …
to do now?

a) I b) me c) my

4. Our parents expect …
to discuss our problems.

a) them b) we c)us

5. Would she like … to
listen to the song?

a) they b) their c)

III. Complete the
sentences using 
one or ones .

1.      Have you got a bike? –
Yes, I have got a new … .

2.      Are you going to buy a
house? – Yes, we are going to buy a big … .

3.      Are there any apples in
the fridge? – Yes, there are four green … in the fridge.

4.      Is she making a blouse
? — Yes, she is making a nice … .

5.      Did they have any
computer games? – Yes, they had some good … .

7th form

Progress Check – 4

V – 1

I. Complete
each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

ill healthy competition
support necessary injury

mascot keep fit sore luck

1. Jason should take
part in the swimming … .

2. I … my skills every
day in the garden or down in the fields.

3. And I feel bad, I’ve
got a … throat.

4. Becky always looks
really … .She must get lots of exercises.

5. That’s why I try to
do my best not to get … — I take vitamins, in spring and autumn especially, and
do sports to keep fit.

6. The choice of a …
for the 1st World Youth Games in Moscow was a very difficult problem.

7. Vitamin C is … for
building bones and teeth.

8. We did our best but
lost it. We were out of … .

9. About 20 million
people fill the stadiums every year to … their favourite players.

10. People of all ages
and types do exercises at home to improve their health and to … .

II. Complete
the sentences.

Example: Can she run …?
(quick / quickly)

Can she run quickly?

1. James can speak
German quite … (fluent / fluently), and his language is … (correct /

2. He returned again to
his … (day / daily) routine on the farm.

3. “Why are you
speaking very … (loud / loudly)?” – “Because how beautiful is here!”

4. When I was 22 years
old, I came home from work, put a leash on my dog and went for my … (usual /
usually) walk.

5. My mother opened the
door … (careful / carefully), and she loaded the laundry into the machine.

6. We stop for a …
(quick / quickly) commercial break, and then we come back to the traditional

III. Complete
the sentences.

1. Tim came home very …
(late / lately) yesterday. His parents worried about him a lot.

2. They … (hard /
hardly) ever make mistakes.

3. In South Korea and
Indonesia women own … (near / nearly) half a million firms.

4. Try to eat more
fruits and vegetables. It’s … (high / highly) useful for you.

5. You haven’t been to
the gym … (late / lately). Are you all right?

IV. Complete
the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.

Example: He works … at
English than his friend. (hard)

He works harder at
English than his friend.

1. This is … (short)
way to the station.

2. Mr Smith is not so …
(talented) as Mr Jack’s son.

3. I can’t hear you.
Could you speak a little … (loud), please.

4. Everyone in the race
ran fast, but John ran … (fast) of all.

5. Could you explain
the point … (clear)?

6. Please hang the
picture … (high).

7. Tom’s dictation was
good. But mine was … (bad) in the class.

V. Answer the

1. Do you go in for

2. What do you do /
should you do to keep fit?

3. Why do people need

4. Have you ever visited
a doctor? What problem(s) did you have?

5. What is the symbol
of the Olympic Games? What does this symbol mean?

7th form

Progress Check – 4

V – 2

I. Complete
each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

injury supported health
medicine necessary sick

luck train compete
motto shape

1. I hate staying in
bed and taking … .

2. The … of the 1st World
Youth Games was “Moscow, the Wide World of Youth”.

3. Vitamin E is … for
skin and body.

4. I … hard twice a
week and on Sundays.

5. That’s why I don’t
feel depressed when I get …, but try to get well as soon as possible.

6. Ben couldn’t play
football for two months because of an … .

7. It was an exciting
game and the fans … their teams.

8. I don’t do sports at
my college now. And I’m getting out of … .

9. The best athletes …
in running.

10. If you care for
your …, eat more natural products.

II. Complete
the sentences.

Example: Can she run …?
(quick / quickly)

Can she run quickly?

1. It was a bit
different from what you … (usual / usually) did.

2. How about fitness?
That makes me feel very …(good / well) as a doctor.

3. My … (week / weekly)
audience at that time was over 300 thousand people.

4. You can use the
buttons Ctrl + J to open the Downloads page … (quick / quickly).

5. Just be … (careful /
carefully) when crossing the street.

6. They allowed the
game to become … (slow / slowly) and uninteresting, and I decided to move

III. Complete
the sentences.

1. He hasn’t been very
industrious at school … (late / lately). He … (hard / hardly) does anything at
all, to tell you the truth.

2. There is a tennis
court … (near / nearly) our school.

3. We specialize in …
(high / highly) quality facial animation for video games and films.

4. Speak a bit louder,
please. I can … (hard / hardly) hear you.

5. It’s too … (late /
lately) to go to the swimming pool. It is already closed.

IV. Complete
the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.

Example: He works … at
English than his friend. (hard)

He works harder at
English than his friend.

1. Tom is … (lazy)
pupil in our class.

2. Go … (fast)! We
should be there earlier than Nick.

3. English suits are …
(good) suits in the world.

4. I expected her to
respond … (soon).

5. Have you heard …
(late) events?

6. Please speak…
(slow). It’s too difficult to understand anything.

7. Mr Brown is as …
(talkative) as Mrs Brown.

V. Answer the

1. Do you go in for

2. What do you do /
should you do to keep fit?

3. Why do people need

4. Have you ever
visited a doctor? What problem(s) did you have?

5. What is the symbol
of the Olympic Games? What does this symbol mean?

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