Put the word in brackets into the correct form after we

Прошу срочно помогите с ДЗ по английскому, тут вроде всё просто но сомневаюсь что правильно сделал..((

1/ Put the word in brackets into the correct form (Past Perfect):

1. After we ___ (finish) lunch, we went out.

2. The garden died because it ___ (be) dry all summer.

3. She ___ (meet) him somewhere before?

4. They were late for the plane because they ___ (forget) our passports.

5. She told me she ___ (study) a lot before the test.

6. The grass was yellow because it ___ (not/rain) for a long time.

7. The lights went off because they ___ (not/pay) the electricity bill.

8. The kids ___ (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble.

9. We ___ (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant.

10. We couldn’t go into the concert because we ___ (not/buy) our tickets.

11. She said that she ___ (visit) Ukraine before.

12. She ___ (not/use) messanger before, so I showed her how to use it.

 2/ Make 5 your own sentences using the rule Past Perfect.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense. Compare with your partner.

 1    A: ………. (you/see) the film last night?
     B: No. It ……….  (start) before I ………………..
     (finish) my homework.
2  A: What……………. (happen) to John?
    B: He………. (fall) and………… (break) his leg
     while he….. (ride) his bike to school.
3 A: Why…………. (Ann/cry) before?
  B: She………. (train) for the finals for over a
week before she……….. (find out) that she
had been disqualified.
4 A: When……………. (you/meet) her?
    B: Yesterday after I………. (finish) work.
5 A: Why…………. (he/not come)?
    B: He………. (just/arrive) at the airport when
he………… (realise) he………… (leave) his
passport at home.
1     A: What ………….  (you/do) yesterday at 6
o’clock in the evening?
    B: Well, Ann………. (tidy) the house while I
……… (plant) some flowers.


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похожие вопросы 5


1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of
the past perfect.
1 When we returned, we found that somebody ….
(broke into) our flat.
2I ……. (not/finish)
cooking dinner when my parents came to visit.
3 Jim went out for coffee after he ….. (write) a letter to his grandmother.
4 They left the cinema after the film….. (end).

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Нужна срочно помощь…
Put the verbs in the correct past form.
1 She (to open) the door and (to come) into the room.
2 We (to travel) a lot last year.
3 Peter (to have) a birthday party last week and we (to enjoy) it very much.
4 Children (to go) to Gorky Park and (to spend) the whole day there.
5 Chekhov (to be) a great master of short stories and (to write) a lot of them.
6 Our football players (to win) this match with a great score.
7 Two years ago my brother (to finish) school and(to enter) Moscow State University.
8 He (to read) the book with pleasure and (to return) it to me yesterday.
9 How Muscovites (to look) like a century ago?
10 In the 15th century Moscow(to become) the most powerful of the Russian city-states

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1. opened, came
2. travelled
3. had, enjoyed
4. went, spent
5. was, wrote
6. won
7. finished, entered
8. read, returned
9. how did muscovites look…
10. became

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  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
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  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
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Put the words in brackets into the correct form.

I’m _____(bore) because the film is _____(bore).

I’m ______(interest) because the book is_____( interest).

I’m_______ (shock) because the news is_______(shock).

I’m________ (embarrass) because the situation is________ (embarrass).

I’m really ______(disappoint) by what you did.

The flight lasted for 8 hours, which was absolutely ______(exhaust).

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