Put the word in brackets in the correct form tom is and sociable friend


помогите срочно
Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.
31. My younger brother is ____________________ (sociable) person in our family.
32. Don’t you think that Adam needs to be a bit _____________ (sensitive) to other people’s feelings?
33. Mrs. Brown is _______________________ (patient) teacher I have ever had.
34. According to an English saying, the __________________ (old) we grow, the wiser we become.

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

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Put the words in brackets into the correct form. – Поставьте слова в скобках в правильную форму.
0. I always go red when I am embarrassed. — Я всегда краснею, когда я смущен.
1. My brother is really annoying when he’s with his friends. — Мой брат действительно раздражает, когда он со своими друзьями.
2. I was disappointed because only three people came to my party. — Я был разочарован, потому что только три человека пришли на мою вечеринку.
3. I don’t want to play tennis. It’s boring. — Я не хочу играть в теннис. Это скучно.
4. I love going on holiday — packing is really exciting. — Я люблю ходить на каникулы – паковать вещи очень интересно.
5. I was terrified when the lights went out. — Я был в ужасе, когда свет погас.
6. You must read this story. It’s amazing. — Вы должны прочитать эту статью. Она удивительна.
7. Why are you surprised that you failed? You didn’t do any work. — Почему вы удивлены тем, что вы потерпели неудачу? Вы не сделали какой-либо работы.

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2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
Il. I am
(tall) than my sister.
12. My mum thinks that cats are
(good) than dogs.
13. It is the
(interesting) book of these three.
14. My car
(fast) than yours.
15. A blue whale is
(heavy) than twenty-five elephants.
16. You look
(thin) than last month. Have you lost weight?
17. English is
(difficult) than History.
18. She is the
(nice) person of all I know.
19. Monday is the
(bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons.
20. Computers are
(cheap) than mobile phones.
21. Janet is the
(intelligent) girl in the class.
22. Your dress is
(expensive) than mine.
3. Choose the correct item.
23. Visitors can’t have to / don’t have to clean their rooms at a hotel. The cleaners do it.
24. You can’t / must / mustn’t get permission to invite friends in your room.
25. The students needn’t / mustn’t/ have to drive on campus. It’s forbidden.
26. You mustn’t/ must / can’t pay the rent. That’s the rule.
27. I’m afraid you can/can’t/ needn’t go out now. It’s too late.
28. He has to /can’t / mustn’t do his homework every day.
29. You look ill. You must/can/have to go to the doctor.
30. People can/mustn’t/ must stop at the red line. It’s the rule.
31. Students can/ must / mustn’t put posters on the walls. It’s forbidden.
32. You can’t/ must / can haye party here. It isn’t allowed.
4. Read the text and answer the questions.

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Module 1 Test

V 2

A Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

1. He can’t talk to you right now. He __________ to (listen) to music.

2. I never __________ (to have) supper at about 5 o’clock.

3. Bob _______ just ____ (to read) the book.

4. John __________ (to clean) the room when his mother came home.

5. We _______ (to watch) the house the whole evening.

6. I _____ ( to play) tennis on Monday at 7 p.m.

7. It’s cold here. I ____ (to close) the window.

B Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words on the «; widows: 0; orphans: 0»> 

1. We should always look on the bright side of life. It’s better to be _________ OPTIMISM

2. The new girl in our class is very ____________________________ ATTRACT

3. Helen’s paid for my theatre tickets. She’s very_________________________GENEROSITY

4. My mom became _____________ when I came late again. FURY

5. The book was quite ______________________________ BORE

C Find the Russian equivalent of the idioms:

1.to drive someone crazy a) сводить с ума

2 to speak one’s mind b) начать общение

3. to get on someone’s nerves c) высказывать свое мнение

4. to be a pain in the neck d) придержать язык

5. to break the ice e) доставлять неприятности

6. to hold one’s tongue f) действовать на нервы

D Translate from English into Russian.

1 stubborn people

2 almond shaped eyes

3 curly ginger hair

4 a friendly girl

5 an outgoing person

6 a rather handsome man

7 a middle-aged woman

E Translate from Russian into English:

1. очень привлекательный

2. достаточно щедрый

3. немного застенчивый

4. чуть-чуть нетерпеливый

5. сильно болтливый

F Complete the gaps with the correct form of the words:

1. Henry is _____________(clever) boy in the school.

2. — Thanks so much for you help! — It’s ____( little) I could do.

3. Rose is _____ (beautiful) than me.

4. The ______ (soon) the _______ (well).

5. Tom is much _____________ (popular) than Sean.

Test 1, the 8th grade, the 1st term

II    Fill in the missing word/ phrase. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Showed up, acquaintances, niece, slim, got over, stubborn, colleagues, shrugged, tapping, reliable

1. Pam is so _____________ !  She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.

2. I don’t think Ann is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t ______________ her cold.

3. I only met Ted three weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just ______________.

4. Don’t worry, Mike will be here on time; he’s very ______________.

5. When we complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just __________

     his shoulders and said he couldn’t do anything about them.

6. Ben was _____________ his foot nervously while he was waiting for his test results.

7. When Alan told his _____________ that he was leaving the company, they decided to buy him a

    going- away present.

8. Kate is a pretty girl with green eyes and a(n) ______________ build.

II      Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Hug, opportunity, fond, energetic, dull, keen, host, avoid, bright, blush

9.  The film I went to see last week was so _________ that I almost fell asleep at the cinema.

10.  When I told Tom the good news, he gave me a big __________ and a kiss on the cheek.

11.  We always enjoy ourselves when we go to Mel’s parties; he’s an excellent _____________.

12.  Cindy is very _____________. She works very hard and likes participating in a lot of activities.

13.  Greg is a very cheerful person who always looks on the ___________ side of life.

14.  I’m not very __________ on basketball. I prefer football.

15. ________ asking  British people about their age, religion, politics, weight or how much they earn.

III      Underline the correct item.

16.  Do you know where Mark is? I have waited / have been waiting for him for over an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience.

17.   Watch where you’re going! You are falling / are going to fall into that hole.

18.  Lyn is always interrupting/has always interrupted me whenever I tell a story. It’s so annoying!

19.  There’s someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is.

20.  The film is starting/ starts at 8:00. Do you want to go to dinner before that?

21.  My friends stay/ are staying in a nice hotel in the centre of the town.

22.  Ben works/ has worked at his uncle’s restaurant every Saturday night.

23.  I promise I am helping /will help you with your homework as soon as I can.

24.  Have you met/ Have you been meeting our new neighbours yet? They seem really nice.

25.  We are going / will go to the cinema tomorrow night. Why don’t you join us?

IV     Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

26.  My younger brother is ____________________ (sociable) person in our family.

27. Don’t you think that Adam needs to be a bit _____________ (sensitive) to other people’s feelings?

28.  Mrs. Brown is _______________________ (patient) teacher I have ever had.

29.  Ben was very rude to Jane. I think that ________________ (little) he could do is apologise to her.

30.  According to an English saying, the __________________ (old) we grow, the wiser we become.

V        Translate from English into Russian.

31. stubborn people

32  almond shaped eyes

33  curly ginger hair

34  a friendly girl

35  an outgoing person

36   a rather handsome man

37   a middle-aged woman

Test 1 A (Module 1)

21.  My friends stay/ are staying in a nice hotel in the centre of the town.

22.  Ben works/ has worked at his uncle’s restaurant every Saturday night.

23.  I promise I am helping /will help you with your homework as soon as I can.

24.  Have you met/ Have you been meeting our new neighbours yet? They seem really nice.

25.  We are going / will go to the cinema tomorrow night. Why don’t you join us?

D     Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

26.  My mother _____________ (rarely/leave) us home alone when we were young.

27.  What time ______________ (you/take) the dog for a walk this morning?

28.  Nadia _______________ (water) the flowers while Nick was cleaning out the garage.

29.  We _____________  ( not/ meet) Sandra and Ian for coffee yesterday , because we were too busy.

30.  Mary didn’t hear the phone ring because she _____________ ( listen) to music very loudly.

E     Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

31.  My younger brother is ____________________ (sociable) person in our family.

32. Don’t you think that Adam needs to be a bit _____________ (sensitive) to other people’s feelings?

33.  Mrs. Brown is _______________________ (patient) teacher I have ever had.

34.  Ben was very rude to Jane. I think that ________________ (little) he could do is apologise to her.

35.  According to an English saying, the __________________ (old) we grow, the wiser we become.

Everyday English

F     Choose the correct response.

36.  Can I offer you something?   ________                              A So am I.

37.  Excuse me!                            ________                              Take care.    

38.  Talk to you later.                   ________                              Yes, can I help you?

39.  I’m glad you came.               ________                               D Fine, thanks.

40.  How’s it going?                     ________                              E No thanks, I’m fine.


G    Read the text and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

Test 1 A (Module 1)

Too cool for school

   You’ve always wanted to be popular in school. You’ve dreamt a thousand times what it would be like to be the star of your school’s football team or that tall blonde girl who everyone fancies.

 ‘Cool’ people are attractive, confident and always wear stylish outfits. Everyone wants to hang out with them. But often “cool” people aren’t very nice! They can be selfish and bossy. At times they get impatient with people who might be shy or a bit quiet.

   If you really want to make some true friends, here are some tips. Don’t choose friends based on looks. What really matters in a friend is not being slim and beautiful but reliable and generous. Choose friends who are humorous, talkative and who never treat others badly. In fact, these are the people who are truly cool! Try to choose friends that you can actually benefit from. Those who are creative and have interests other than fashion and parties.

   Be flexible but don’t say or do things that make you feel uncomfortable just to make ‘cool’ people like you. Always speak your mind. Those who really care for you will still be your friends- even if at times you drive them crazy. Remember: real friends are those you can open up to. Those who will hold their tongue and will never give away your secrets.

   Take a minute and think. What really matters? Making friends that count or counting friends?

41. Popular kids in school are often selfish and bossy. _______

42. It is better to hold your tongue and never speak your mind or you will end up all alone.______

43.  You will benefit more from having one friend who is creative and interesting than having ten who are boring. _

44. A true friend will care for you even if at times you get on their nerves.________

45. “Cool” people are usually ugly._______


H        Listen to some teenagers talking on a radio programme about their friends. Then, match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.

A  The speaker thinks of his/her friend as part of the family.

B  The speaker moved close to his/her friend’s house.

C  The speaker thinks he/she is lucky to have such good friends.

D  The speaker sees his/her friends every day.

E  The speaker and his/her friends share the same pastime.

 The speaker spends all his/her free time with his/her friend.

46.  Speaker 1 ____

47.  Speaker 2  ____

48. Speaker 3 ____

49. Speaker 4____

50. Speaker 5 ____

Test 1 B (Module 1)


A   Fill in the missing word/ phrase. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Respect, colleagues, slim, stubborn, acquaintances, shrugged, tapping, reliable, got over, nephew

  1. When Mike told his _____________ that he was leaving the company, they decided to buy him a

going- away present.

2. Don’t worry, Ted will be here on time; he’s very ______________.

3.  Sarah is a pretty girl with blue eyes and a(n) ______________ build.

4. When we complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just __________

    his shoulders and said he couldn’t do anything about them.

5. Diana is so _____________ !  She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.

6. I only met Alan two weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just ______________.

7. I don’t think Lyn is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t ______________ her cold.

8. Dan was _____________ his foot nervously while he was waiting for his test results.

B   Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Blush, host, fond, dull, hug, avoid, bright, energetic, opportunity, keen

9. ________ asking  British people about their age, religion, politics, weight or how much they earn.

10.  Ben is a very cheerful person who always looks on the ___________ side of life.

11.  He’s not very __________ on basketball. He prefers tennis.

12.  The film we went to see last week was so _________ that we almost fell asleep at the cinema.

13.  Beth is very _____________. She works very hard and likes participating in a lot of activities.

14.  We always enjoy ourselves when we go to Bob’s parties; he’s an excellent _____________.

15. When I told Mark the good news, he gave me a big __________ and a kiss on the cheek.


C   Underline the correct item.

16. We are going / will go to the theatre tomorrow.  Why don’t you join us?

17.  Kate works/ has worked at her aunt’s restaurant every Friday night.

18.  I promise I am helping /will help you with your homework as soon as I can.

19.  Have you met/ Have you been meeting our new neighbours yet? They seem really nice.

20.  Do you know where Ann is? I have waited / have been waiting for her for over an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience.

Test 1 B (Module 1)

21. There’s someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is.

22. Watch where you’re going! You are falling / are going to fall into that hole.  

23.  Jack is always interrupting/has always interrupted me whenever I tell a story. It’s so annoying!

24. Nicole and her husband stay/ are staying in a nice hotel in the centre of the town.

25.  The concert is starting/ starts at 9:00 pm.  Do you want to go to dinner before that?

D    Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

26. I _____________  ( not/ meet) Kate and Jason for coffee yesterday , because I was too busy.

27. What ______________ (you/do) at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

28. Sam didn’t hear the phone ring because he ____________ (listen) to music very loudly.

29. He picked up his jacket, locked the door and ___________ (leave).

30. When _______________ (you/ start) learning French?

E    Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

31. Paul is ____________ (selfish) person in his family.

32. I’ve never met a ________( dull) person than Steve.

 33. Thanks so much for the flowers!- It’s ____________ (little) I could do.

34. The _________ (much) he said, the angrier I felt!

35. The sooner, the ___________ (well).

Everyday English

F    Choose the correct response.

36. I haven’t seen you for ages. ________                             A So am I.

37. Thank you very much.        _________                            B Indeed it is.  

38. I’m glad you came.             _________                            C Couldn’t be better!

39. What a nice day!                  _________                           D I know! You haven’t changed a bit.

40. How’s it going?                   __________                         E Don’t mention it.


G     Read the text and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

Test 1 B (Module 1)

Too cool for school

   You’ve always wanted to be popular in school. You’ve dreamt a thousand times what it would be like to be the star of your school’s football team or that tall blonde girl who everyone fancies.

 ‘Cool’ people are attractive, confident and always wear stylish outfits. Everyone wants to hang out with them. But often “cool” people aren’t very nice! They can be selfish and bossy. At times they get impatient with people who might be shy or a bit quiet.

   If you really want to make some true friends, here are some tips. Don’t choose friends based on looks. What really matters in a friend is not being slim and beautiful but reliable and generous. Choose friends who are humorous, talkative and who never treat others badly. In fact, these are the people who are truly cool! Try to choose friends that you can actually benefit from. Those who are creative and have interests other than fashion and parties.

   Be flexible but don’t say or do things that make you feel uncomfortable just to make ‘cool’ people like you. Always speak your mind. Those who really care for you will still be your friends- even if at times you drive them crazy. Remember: real friends are those you can open up to. Those who will hold their tongue and will never give away your secrets.

   Take a minute and think. What really matters? Making friends that count or counting friends?

41. A true friend should be reliable and generous.________

42. The only way to make new friends is by doing everything they ask you to do. _____

43.  A true friend should be able to keep your secrets._________

44. What really matters is having a lot of friends. _________

45. People who are truly cool are talkative and friendly. ________


H        Listen to some teenagers talking on a radio programme about their friends. Then, match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.

A  The speaker and his/her friends share the same pastime.

B  The speaker moved close to his/her friend’s house.

C  The speaker sees his/her friends every day.

D The speaker spends all his/her free time with his/her friend.

 E  The speaker thinks of his/her friend as part of the family.

 The speaker thinks he/she is lucky to have such good friends.

46.  Speaker 1 ____

47.  Speaker 2  ____

48. Speaker 3 ____

49. Speaker 4____

50. Speaker 5 ____



1 stubborn                                 5 shrugged  

    2 got over                                  6 tapping

    3 acquaintances                        7 colleagues

    4 reliable                                   8 slim

B  9 dull                                       13  bright  

    10 hug                                      14  keen    

    11 host                                      15 Avoid

    12 energetic

C 16  have been waiting               21 are staying

    17  are going to fall                   22  works

    18  is always   interrupting        23  will help

    19  will go                                  24  Have you met

    20  starts                                     25 are going

D 26 rarely left                    E      31   the most sociable

    27 did you take                        32    more sensitive

    28 was watering                       33   the most patient

    29 didn’t meet                          34  the least

    30 was listening                        35 older

F  36 E                                G      41 T                               H         46   C    

    37 C                                          42 F                                           47   F  

    38 B                                          43 T                                           48  A

    39 A                                          44 T                                           49  E

    40 D                                          45 F                                           50  D



  1 colleagues                           5   stubborn  

     2 reliable                                 6 acquaintances

     3 slim                                      7 got over      

     4 shrugged                               8 tapping

B  9  Avoid                                  13 energetic

    10 bright                                   14 host    

    11 keen                                     15 hug

    12 dull  

C 16  are going                             21  will go                                

    17 works                                    22  are going to fall                  

    18  will help                              23  is always   interrupting        

    19 Have you met                       24  are staying

    20  have been waiting                25 starts

D 26 didn’t meet                 E      31   the most selfish

    27 were you doing                   32    duller

    28 was listening                       33   the least

    29 left                                       34   more

    30 did you start                         35  better

F  36 D                                G      41 T                               H        46   F    

    37 E                                          42 F                                          47   D  

    38 A                                          43 T                                          48   E

    39 B                                          44 F                                           49  A

    40 C                                          45 T                                           50  C


Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.
1) Mr Adams is (patient) teacher I have ever had.
2) According to an English saying, the (old) we grow, the wiser we become.
3) Don’t you think that Nathan needs to be a bit (sensitive) to other people’s feelings?
4) Ron was very rude to Mary. I think that (little) he could do is apologise ti her.
5) My younger sister is (sociable) person in our family.

1 ответ:



<span>1) Mr Adams is the most patient teacher I have ever had.
2) According to an English saying, the older we grow, the wiser we become.
3) Don’t you think that Nathan needs to be a bit more sensitive to other people’s feelings?
4) Ron was very rude to Mary. I think that the least he could do is to apologise to her. 
5) My younger sister is </span> the most sociable person in our family.

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Where does blood go?

Разделительный вопрос:
Blood goes into the right ventricle, doesn’t it?

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2. comprehensive
3. fail
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буква Y в начале слова yacht [jɒt]  является согласным звуком, поэтому пишешься артикль A.

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