Put the word in boxes into the past simple or the past continuous

Put the words in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
1. _ (you/watch) the film when the phone _ (ring)?
2. John _ (see) a bright light as he _ (walk) down the street.
3. The baby _ (not/sleep) when Grandpa _ (arrive).
4. While he _ (travel) on the bus to work, he _ (remember) that it was his wife’s birthday.
5. _ (the children/study) while their nanny _ (prepare) dinner?
6. While you _ (be) out, the postman came and _ (deliver) these letters.


Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 4b. Did you hear about …?. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Поместите слова в скобках в past simple или past continuous.
1. _ (вы / смотреть) фильм, когда телефон _ (звонить)?
2. Джон _ (видеть) яркий свет, пока он _ (гулять) по улице.
3. Ребенок _ (не / спать), когда дедушка _ (приходить).
4. Пока он _ (ехать) на автобусе на работу, он _ (помнить), что это был день рождения его жены.
5. _ (дети / учиться), а их няня _ (готовить) обед?
6. Пока вы _ (быть) отсутствовать, пришел почтальон и _ (доставить) эти письма.

1. Were you watching the film when the phone rang?
2. John saw a bright light as he was walking down the street.
3. The baby wasn’t sleeping when Grandpa arrived.
4. While he was travelling on the bus to work, he remembered that it was his wife’s birthday.
5. Were the children studying while their nanny was preparing dinner?
6. While you were out, the postman came and delivered these letters.

Перевод ответа
1. Вы смотрели фильм, когда зазвонил телефон?
2. Джон увидел яркий свет, когда шел по улице.
3. Когда дедушка пришел, ребенок не спал.
4. Когда он ехал на автобусе на работу, он вспомнил, что сегодня день рождения его жены.
5. Дети занимались, пока их няня готовила ужин?
6. Пока вас не было, пришел почтальон и доставил эти письма.

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. A. As soon as Margaret 1) … (get) off the train, she 2) … (pull) her coat around her. Rain 3) … (fall) heavily and a cold wind 4) … (blow) across the platform. She 5) … (look) around, but no one 6) … (wait) to meet her. She 7) … (turn) to leave when she 8) … (hear) footsteps. A man 9) … (walk) towards her. He 10) … (smile) at her, then he 11) … (say), “You’re finally here”. B. George 1) … (pick) up his bag then, 2) … (throw) it over his shoulder. It 3) … (get) dark and he 4) … (have) a long way to go. He wished that he had let someone know that he was coming. It 5) … (start) to rain, and he was feeling cold and tired from the long journey. Suddenly, he 6) … (hear) a noise, then he 7) … (see) two bright lights on the road ahead. A car 8) … (head) towards him. It slowed down and finally 9) … (stop) beside him. A man 10) … (sit) at the wheel. He 11) … (open) the door quickly and 12) … (say) “Get in, George”.

В статье представлены упражнения на проверку знаний двух времен английского языка Past Simple и Past Continuous. Ответы даны после упражнений.

Если вам нужны неправильные глаголы, то можете их посмотреть по данной ссылке.

Упражнения на Past Simple и Past Continuous (Exercises)

1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. We …. (go) dancing every weekend when we were young.

2. Bob … (dance) when he fell and hurt his leg.

3. Tim … (cook) dinner when his dad … (come) home from work.

4.  I … (do) shopping when I met Tom.

5. Peter … (watch) TV while Ann … (play) computer games.

6. Robin … (sing) in the school choir twenty years ago.

7. Why ……….… (you/laugh) during the class yesterday?

8. Mr. Green … (arrive) at the office and … (turn on) the computer.

9. …… (you/study) hard when you were at university?

10. She … (sleep) at 9 o’clock in the morning.

2. Correct the mistakes. Исправьте ошибки.

1. The students were listening to the teacher while he were speaking.

2. Phil was washing the car while the rain started.

3. She was slipping on a banana skin and broke her leg.

4. I was always enjoying reading the fairy tales in the childhood.

5. They were going to the theatre last Sunday.

6. Bill came home late, drank some milk and was going to bed.

7. We were having dinner at a lovely restaurant every evening when we were on holiday.

8. Liza was buying a new dress for a party two days ago.

9. I took some really nice photos when I was being in Mexico.

10. Bob was meeting Mary yesterday.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

A. Mary 1) … (tidy) the attic at 4 o’clock last Sunday. While she 2) … (tidy) it, she 3) … (find) some old photos her grandfather 4) … (take) when she was a child. Mary 5) … (remember) about happy moments of her childhood, so she 6) … (decide) to put them into the frames in her bedroom.

B. It 1) … (happen) last night. Peter 2) … (sit) in the living-room with his wife Mary. They 3) … (watch) an interesting film when suddenly, the lights 4) … (go out). They 5) … (hear) a strange noise outside the house and Peter 6) … (rush) to see what it was.

C. When the fire alarm 1) …. (go off) at the hotel Mr. Black 2) … (talk) on the phone. Two men 3) … (pay) their bill at the reception desk. A porter 4) … (carry) some suitcases. To prevent panic Mr. Black immediately 5) … (call) the fire brigade and 6) … (begin) to evacuate people.

4. Underline the correct form of the verb. Подчеркните правильную форму глагола.

1. While I was in the park, I saw lots of children who rode/were riding bikes.

2. I washed/was washing the dishes when the phone rang/was ringing.

3. What did you do/were you doing last weekend?

4. Three day ago, Tim gave/was giving his wife a gold ring for their wedding anniversary.

5. He was walking/walked down the street when he was seeing/ saw the accident.

6. Bob was having/had some coffee with his friends when he was hearing/heard the news.

7. The sun shone/was shining and the birds sang/were singing.

8. Sheila arrived/was arriving in London last month.

9. She got out of/was getting out of bed, went/was going to the kitchen and turned on/was turning on the coffee machine.

10. I watched/was watching a good film at 10 o’clock yesterday.

5. A policeman is asking a witness about the robbery in the bank he saw. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. Полицейский допрашивает свидетеля об ограблении банка, которое он видел. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

P: Where 1) … (be) you when you 2) … (see) the accident, Sir?

W: I 3) … (stand) near the bakery opposite the bank.

P: What exactly 4) … (happen)?

W: Well, I 5) … (hear) a strange noise, 6) … (turn around) and 7) … (see) as two men 8) … (run out of) the bank. They 9) … (sit) into the car and 10) … (drive away).

P: 11) … (you/see) their faces?

W: No, not at all. They were in masks.

P: Thank you very much for your help.


Ответы (Answers)

1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. We went dancing every weekend when we were young.

2. Bob was dancing when he fell and hurt his leg.

3. Tim was cooking dinner when his dad came home from work.

4.  I was doing shopping when I met Tom.

5. Peter was watching TV while Ann was playing computer games.

6. Robin sang in the school choir twenty years ago.

7. Why were you laughing during the class yesterday?

8. Mr. Green arrived at the office and turned on the computer.

9. Did you study hard when you were at university?

10. She was sleeping at 9 o’clock in the morning.

2. Correct the mistakes. Исправьте ошибки.

1. The students were listening to the teacher while he were was speaking.

2. Phil was washing the car while when the rain started.

3. She was slipping slipped on a banana skin and broke her leg.

4. I was always enjoying always enjoyed reading the fairy tales in the childhood.

5. They were going went to the theatre last Sunday.

6. Bill came home late, drank some milk and was going went to bed.

7. We were having had dinner at a lovely restaurant every evening when we were on holiday.

8. Liza was buying bought a new dress for a party two days ago.

9. I took some really nice photos when I was being was in Mexico.

10. Bob was meeting met Mary yesterday.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

A. Mary 1) was tidying the attic at 4 o’clock last Sunday. While she 2) was tidying it, she 3) found some old photos her grandfather 4) took when she was a child. Mary 5) remembered about happy moments of her childhood, so she 6) decided to put them into the frames in her bedroom.

B. It 1) happened last night. Peter 2) was sitting in the living-room with his wife Mary. They 3) were watching an interesting film when suddenly, the lights 4) went out. They 5) heard a strange noise outside the house and Peter 6) rushed to see what it was.

C. When the fire alarm 1) went off at the hotel Mr. Black 2) was talking on the phone. Two men 3) were paying their bill at the reception desk. A porter 4) was carrying some suitcases. To prevent panic Mr. Black immediately 5) called a fire brigade and 6) began to evacuate people.

4. Underline the correct form of the verb. Подчеркните правильную форму глагола.

1. While I was in the park, I saw lots of children who rode/were riding bikes.

2. I washed/was washing the dishes when the phone rang/was ringing.

3. What did you do/were you doing last weekend?

4. Three day ago, Tim gave/was giving his wife a gold ring for their wedding anniversary.

5. He was walking/walked down the street when he was seeing/ saw the accident.

6. Bob was having/had some coffee with his friends when he was hearing/heard the news.

7. The sun shone/was shining and the birds sang/were singing.

8. Sheila arrived/was arriving in London last month.

9. She got out of/was getting out of bed, went/was going to the kitchen and turned on/was turning on the coffee machine.

10. I watched/was watching a good film at 10 o’clock yesterday.

5. A policeman is asking a witness about the robbery in the bank he saw. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. Полицейский допрашивает свидетеля об ограблении банка, которое он видел. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

P: Where 1) were you when you 2) saw the accident, Sir?

W: I 3) was standing near the bakery opposite the bank.

P: What exactly 4) happened?

W: Well, I 5) heard a strange noise, 6) turned around and 7) saw as two men 8) were running out of the bank. They 9) sat into the car and 10) drove away.

P: 11) Did you see their faces?

W: No, not at all. They were in masks.

P: Thank you very much for your help.

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите пожалуйста.
Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or thepast continuous. 1 We …………………………………. (visit) an ancient temple last weekend. 2 What ……………………………………….. (Tom/see) at the cinema on Friday? 3 They ……………………………………….. (watch) TV when the phone rang. 4 The Vikings ………………. (carry) goods by boat. 5 When I saw her, she ………………………………….. (talk) to Jeff. 6 Where …………………………………….. (they/live) when they were young? 7 The girls ……………. (sleep) in their room while the boys ………………… (play) computer games. 8 The Navajo Indians ……………………………………. (not/build) houses from stone. 9 ……………………….. (you/see) the Machu Picchu ruins when you were in Peru? 10 He ………………………….. (fly) to Rome this time last Monday.

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Ответы и объяснения 1



Надеюсь, поймёшь мой почерк…………………

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  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
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71 месяцев назад

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 1. I_____ (work) in Oxford when I _____(meet)

Tony for the first time. 2. It _____ (rain) when Sara _____ (arrive) home. 3. We _____ (have) lunch when you _____ (ring). 4. You ____ (chat) when I _____ (come) in. 5. Joe _____ (cook) when he _____ (cut) his finger. 6. Dave and Becky _____ (watch) TV when the baby _____ (wake) up. 7. Ben ____ (play) chess when you ____ (enter) the room. 8. She ____ (take) a music lesson when your friend ____ (call) on me.


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  • Put in a word for definition
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