Put the word emphasis in a sentence

Synonym: accent, importance, insistence, stress. Similar words: emphasize, as is, phase, elephant, employ, empire, temple, preempt. Meaning: [’emfəsɪs]  n. 1. special importance or significance 2. intensity or forcefulness of expression 3. special and significant stress by means of position or repetition e.g. 4. the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch). 

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1. Too much emphasis is placed on research.

2. Morality was the emphasis of his speech.

3. Some schools put/lay/place great emphasis on language study.

4. Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing.

5. In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.

6. You always put too much emphasis on the last syllable.

7. The emphasis has shifted markedly in recent years.

8. The emphasis is on the final syllable.

9. Words are sometimes italicized for emphasis.

10. Put the emphasis on the second syllable.

11. Our company puts the emphasis on quality.

12. She repeated the question with emphasis.

13. ‘I’, he said with great emphasis, ‘was the one’.

14. The Democrats shifted the emphasis away from direct taxation.

15. Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image.

16. The company lays great emphasis on customer care.

17. Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.

18. The company places a lot of emphasis on training.

19. The emphasis here is on hard work, not enjoyment.

20. The emphasis should be on the first syllable.

21. The party places great emphasis on family values.

22. The emphasis should be shifted more towards Parliament.

23. The course has a vocational emphasis.

23. Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.

24. The emphasis now is on recycling household waste .

25. The course places emphasis on practical work.

26. Great emphasis is placed on education.

27. She placed the emphasis on the word ‘soon’.

28. The school puts a lot of emphasis on teaching children to read and write.

29. His slight emphasis on the word «Lady» was definitely mocking.

30. Examine the events leading to the war, with particular emphasis on France’s role in them.

More similar words: emphasize, as is, phase, elephant, employ, empire, temple, preempt, employee, employer, as if, Asian, aside, basic, exempt from, employment, casino, crisis, as it is, insist, subsist, persist, assist, resist, contretemps, contemplate, consist, unemployment, contemporary, lay aside. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

делать акцент

поставить акцент

делайте упор

делаю акцент

ставят акцент

делают акцент

делать упор

A building façade is important because it is a chance to put the emphasis on design.

Фасад здания важен, потому что это шанс сделать акцент на дизайне.

And since we live in a world of interdependence, the North-South dialogue that has been dormant for so long needs to be revived urgently to put the emphasis on the economic development of third world countries.

И поскольку мы живем во взаимозависимом мире, диалог Север-Юг, который так долго пребывал в состоянии летаргии, должен быть безотлагательно возрожден, с тем чтобы сделать акцент на экономическом развитии стран третьего мира.

It’s an art — how to swear, where to put the emphasis, where to lower her voice and where to improve.

Это ведь целое искусство — как правильно материться, куда ставить ударение, где понижать голос, а где повышать.

Where to put the emphasis in the word «contract» in the singular and plural

Где ставить ударение в слове «договор» в единственном и множественном числе 2

Not surprisingly, in other words with the same root want to put the emphasis on his «usual» place.

Неудивительно, что в других словах с тем же корнем хочется поставить ударение на его «привычное» место.

There are often heated debates about how to put the emphasis in the word «marketing» correctly.

Часто возникают горячие споры о том, как же правильно поставить ударение в слове «маркетинг».

We put the emphasis today on resuming the political dialogue.

Сегодня мы сделали акцент на возобновлении политического диалога.

How to put the emphasis, both variations are considered correct.

He put the emphasis on the idea that this event might have been arranged differently.

Он сделал акцент на том, что это событие можно было организовать по-разному.

In terms of combined capability-building, the allies should put the emphasis on developing assets such as intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance, electronic warfare, and precision engagement.

В плане совместного строительства способностей союзники должны поставить ударение на развитии таких активов, как разведка, рекогносцировка и наблюдение, средства для электронной борьбы и точечное участие.

Better and longer lives are certainly a worthy goal (though I personally would put the emphasis on quality rather than quantity), but this doesn’t license a mad pursuit for immortality.

Лучшие и более длинные жизни-это, безусловно, достойная цель (хотя лично я бы сделал акцент на качестве, а не на количестве), но это не лицензирует безумное стремление к бессмертию.

And the right to put the emphasis in the word «sorrel» in the end will help the words-«neighbors» surrounding it on all sides.

А правильно поставить ударение в слове «щавель» в итоге помогут слова-«соседи», окружающие его со всех сторон.

Call or call us — how to put the emphasis?

This year we put the emphasis on charity.

В этом году акцент делается на призвании к богопосвященной жизни».

This year we put the emphasis on charity.

В этом году мы как раз хотим сделать упор на антивирусное действие .

So we put the emphasis on ensuring the stability and flexibility of both services.

The traditional communication training has put the emphasis on national realities and contexts surrounding their professional practice.

Традиционный тренинг общения поставил акцент на национальных реалий и контекстов, связанных с их профессиональной практики.

But I’d put the emphasis on the…

Functionality is what I would like to put the emphasis on.

Функциональность — то, на что нужно делать упор в первую очередь.

It seems to put the emphasis in all the right places.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

In typography, emphasis is the strengthening of words in a text with a font in a different style from the rest of the text, to highlight them. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«Hollinsclough Primary is an outstanding school, the only one in the country which makes practical emphasis on individual development both by allowing flexi-schooling as a general school policy.


However, if you don’t have a relevant title and aren’t well-known in your field, it may be better to place emphasis on a few important keywords instead of your name.


It would be natural to assume that this new emphasis on disclosure, transparency and dialogue will pave the way for strategic communications to play a bigger and more obvious role in Japanese business.


That’s fine — my objective is, and always has been, to share our analysis with an emphasis on the complete market cycle.


Good communication is essential to any relationship, and good communication between parent and child is the emphasis of this book.


There’s an impressive array of technology, and as long as you’re OK with a stiff ride — a byproduct of the Q70’s emphasis on driving performance — you’ll have little to complain about.


While I would probably recommend viewing The Departed over Infernal Affairs to the uninitiated viewer due to its increased emphasis on character, there’s just something about the way that the Hong Kong original develops its ending that makes the film feel more sinister and unsettling.


The power exercised by the state therefore needs to be decentralized, participatory democracy encouraged and a greater emphasis placed on social justice and environmental sustainability.


I think our society puts too much emphasis on what other people think about us.


This suicide is unforgivable because you can not repent for it malarkey seems to place more emphasis on a technicallity than on God’s reason for sending his son.


The harsh reality is that this new emphasis on increased academic rigour and memorising ever increasing amounts of information has been targeted at the most distracted generation.


Senators focused on the cost and benefits of Pell Grants, Duncan’s emphasis on funding certain competitions, education in high-demand STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields and No Child Left Behind.


A lot of the writing in IPE [international political economy] tends to see relationships in competitive but positive-sum terms, but in the sub-field of security the emphasis is on rivalry and zero-sum outcomes.


At first, The Evil Within 2 feels like it will follow a similar path, with an emphasis on exciting set pieces and chase sequences outrunning buzzsaw-wielding foes.


With this growing need for accumulated knowledge, companies and employees are placing a special emphasis on workplace education.


Tonobu Itagaki’s games were a bit looser on timings than the Virtua Fighter series, but the biggest differentiator was the emphasis on countering mechanics.


For student outcomes, greater emphasis on the selection and retention of high-quality principals would appear to have a very high payoff.


However, there’s always the risk DRIVECLUB could be sucked into the wormhole that engulfed Test Drive Unlimited 2, another title that had an emphasis on open world racing and the community spirit.


A variety of strategies for building background knowledge that can be implemented, K-12, will be explored, modeled, and practiced, with special emphasis on the Six-Step Process for Teaching Academic Vocabulary in each discipline.


In addition to our camps for grades 3 — 10, Akeela offers Beyond Akeela, preparing 11th and 12th graders for life after high school, with an emphasis on social skills, independent living skills, community service and FUN!


In FF in 2012, the emphasis is on creditworthiness, rather than earnings or cash flows.


Shea was rewarded for his «dedication, commitment, and positive contributions,» with special emphasis on his commitment to preparing his students for post-high school success as global citizens.


No surprise, then, that getting Franklin to grab less and push more would become a teaching point of emphasis in training camp.


I think the emphasis and perhaps freakout about sexbots is obscuring other discussions about how robots likely will be intertwined in our relationships, romantic or not.


My goal with this book is to emphasis that you can decorate any space, right now.


That means over-the-shoulder gunplay, paired with emphasis on action rather than survival horror.


A bit more emphasis is placed on the pre-animation stages such as concept art and maquettes, but this is still a satisfying piece.


The new top model puts full emphasis on Mercedes technology on the drive side.


With the NCLB emphasis on testing and progress, special education students may first be viewed as a demographic rather than individuals with challenges.


We will examine the characteristics of the RNA contained in exosomes in the aqueous humor with special emphasis on its function in exfoliation glaucoma, including the most common form of secondary open-angle glaucoma.


As we shall see, this difference in emphasis has consequences.


In the years leading to the opening of Soka University of America (SUA), Dr. Ikeda put special emphasis on the importance of the creation of this institution.


Advocating for all Albertans is something that my colleagues and I in the UCP caucus understand deserves to be taken up earnestly and honestly with an emphasis being put on democracy.


The latest report by the Education Select Committee about the recruitment and retention of teachers argues that the Government should place greater emphasis on improving teacher retention.


Practical cookery and food education is also firmly back on the curriculum, with an emphasis on providing pupils in key stages one, two and three with the skills to prepare a range of savory dishes and apply the principles of healthy eating and nutrition.


Although Lat Pulldowns are technically a compound exercise, most of the emphasis is on the Latissumus Dorsi, or «lats» for short.


Its website says there will be «an emphasis on academic achievement, with daily Hindu prayers, a vegetarian diet and opportunities to practice yoga, meditation and the arts».


There’s a wide range of cultural attitudes within the U.S. Large parts of the northeast U.S. tend to be achievement-oriented, while in the South, there is an emphasis on honor, Basáñez says.


In July 2017, the Trust launched its «Your Character Counts» strategy which places an emphasis on providing opportunities for students to develop important character traits and employability skills.


I’m somewhat overweight but have been losing by eating paleo and exercising with an emphasis on weights but I do fair amount of cardio too.


Self funding should be mentioned because of our societal emphasis on saving.


Under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations the expression Persona Non Grata is only used for diplomats, being the expression «not acceptable» reserved for all other members of the mission (emphasis mine):


Good nutrition can solve so many problems faster than medication ever will, which is why we put such an emphasis on personalized testing and health coaching.


Indeed, whenever in the Gospels the question of the in-breaking of God’s Kingdom comes up, Jesus» emphasis is not on prediction, not on prophesying, but on readiness.


»… Fire Emblem is a traditional turn-based strategy RPG that puts more emphasis on battlefield tactics than raw customization.»


The Panel puts special emphasis on integrating the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development, and argues for the introduction of a «new political economy» in order to achieve sustainability.


Others noted the emphasis in the communique on mobilising substantial financial resources from the private sector and multilateral development banks, suggesting this was an attempt to shift the burden from cash-strapped finance ministries.


With increased emphasis on assessment-led pedagogy and accountability, teachers are improving their skills in data collection and analysis.


They also place greater emphasis on helping students understand not only the products of science — science content — but also the processes and practices used to create new knowledge.


The government also promises to put a new emphasis on math skills after half of all Grade 6 students failed to meet the provincial math standard this year, continuing a steady decline in test scores over the past five years.


  • Use the word EMPHASIS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Why didn’t I put more emphasis on that point?

Checking her complementary influence againstJupiter’s emphasis.



Wick, please, why this emphasis on liquids?

If you want to record my exploits, I wish to put less emphasis on the melodramatic And more intellectual issues involved.

What is he whose grief bears such an emphasis?

The emphasis was on the word «foot».

Too much emphasis on the physical.

We’ll tell them without colouring them, without emphasis, so that you’ll see their reality, which you’ll watch without decoration, it’s a squalid reality, unable to seduce anyone.

To fulfill that obligation, primary emphasis must be placed upon return on investment.

At the presidential level, the emphasis must be financial.

Well, I couldn’t prove you’re wrong of course, sir, but some fellow criminologists including some behavior scientists, have begun to make me believe we’ve all been putting too much emphasis on environment and too little on heredity.

Double emphasis, you don’t need it.

With a very special emphasis on the spleenwort, which we looked at last term.

Of course, all this is very far removed from the subject on which your charming headmistress would like emphasis to be placed.

So much emphasis is being given to love in literature.

Right now my main emphasis is getting lunch.

But make me to sit down and talk in whispers of this and that… with an emphasis here and a shrug there, and I’m soon confounded and defeated.

This emphasis on physical pain.

What is he whose grief Bears such an emphasis?

It comes down to an undue emphasis.

Of course, I don’t like to place undue emphasis on our sports activities… but they do keep us pretty busy this time of the year.

I’ve been paying for 15 years, and when a tooth rots those of the emphasis tell me:

That’s fine. You put emphasis on change. Old priorities get forgotten.

I find it incredible that they put so little emphasis on time and money!

Instead of all this technical namby-pamby there’s so much of today, we’re putting the emphasis on speed, endurance and courage, the way it used to be.

Our voices are not raised in any harmonious chorus but our differences are differences of emphasis rather than of fundamentals.

With emphasis on the cranial and oral areas.

But our main emphasis is on, uh, reducing.

You are to summarize this chapter with special emphasis on the prognostic time continuum thought processes

You do realize that our school lays… emphasis on the fist and the stick

For history teaches us, with unmistakable emphasis… that appeasement but begets new and bloodier war.

And I could wish that you had paid less attention to learned counsel’s emphasis on the wholly hypothetical ringleader activities of the defendant who committed suicide.

Luper, he argues, was after a more homogeneous scheme where, if there was to be any especial emphasis, it was to come in the centre of the project.

He’s… He’s putting his emphasis on contracts.

May I remind you with overmuch emphasis… that I am one-third owner of this wretched domicile and its ranking resident.

And your glib tongue, your deliberate pauses, your precise emphasis.

I mean, on the contrary, this incredible emphasis that we all place now… on our so-called careers… automatically makes perceiving reality a very low priority… because if your life is organized around trying to be successful in a career… well, it just doesn’t matter what you perceive or what you experience.

One is an outer emphasis

They’re crazy. You get furniture with the emphasis on comedy.

«with a Special emphasis on the Management of Terror as a Strategic Weapon. «

With an emphasis on «amount.»

Very heavy emphasis on educational achievement.

I know already that you would tell me that its intentional, to put emphasis on the central motive, right?

The food was eatable, but I prefer less emphasis on meat.

You always put the emphasis on «Rim». Makes me sound like a disinfectant.

Examples of how to use the word “emphasis” in a sentence. How to connect “emphasis” with other words to make correct English sentences.

emphasis (n): the particular importance or attention that is given to something

Use “emphasis” in a sentence

He placed emphasis on the importance of education.
This point deserves special emphasis.
The emphasis should be on the first syllable.

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