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Вам будут интересны эти курсы:
Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Клиническая психология: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации»
Курс повышения квалификации «Введение в сетевые технологии»
Курс повышения квалификации «Организация практики студентов в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС педагогических направлений подготовки»
Курс повышения квалификации «История и философия науки в условиях реализации ФГОС ВО»
Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков: английский, немецкий, французский»
Курс повышения квалификации «Финансы: управление структурой капитала»
Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в профессиональном образовании: английский, немецкий, французский»
Курс повышения квалификации «Источники финансов»
Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Организация деятельности секретаря руководителя со знанием английского языка»
Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Корпоративная культура как фактор эффективности современной организации»
Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Управление качеством»
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I variant
1.Countable or uncountable
Example: book-c, rice-u
a)Pencil ___
b)Music ___
c)Rain ___
d)Flower ___
e)Apple ____
f)Money ___
g)Bread ____
h)Tea ____
2.Write “some”, “any” in the gaps
a)I’ve got ______ pens in the office
b)There isn’t ________ sugar in the dining room.
c)Have you got ________ photographs of Tom?
d)Peter put ______ water and _________ glasses on the table.
e)There wasn’t _________ petrol in the car.
f)There were _________ flowers on the table?
g)Would you like __________ juice?
3.Much/ many
a)We need ____ oranges to make orange juice.
b)I drink ____ milk- one liter a day.
c)He always puts ____ salt on his food.
d)They have got ____ money. They are rich.
e)There are ___ potatoes in the box.
4.Write past forms of the verb
5.Add some more words:
Tea, water …….
Hamburger, potato …….
6. Circle the correct answer.
1.There isn’t _________ snow on the ground
a)many b) much c) few
2.There _______ much flour in the cupboard
a)isn’t b) are c) aren’t
3. ________ you got any eggs?
a)do b) has c) have
4.How _________ money do you have?
a)much b) many c) little
5.Are there ________ eggs in the fridge?
a)some b) not many c) any
6.There is _______ milk in the bottle.
a)some b) any c) many
II variant
1.Countable or uncountable
Example: book-c, rice-u
a)Book ___
b)Love ___
c)Air ___
d)Egg ___
e)Pineapple ____
f)Salt ___
g)Water ____
h)Cheese ____
2.Write “some”, “any” in the gaps
I haven’t read ___ of these books but Tom has read ___ them.
Have we got___ eggs?
There is ___ bread on the plate.
They haven’t got__ children.
Ann has bought ___ new shoes.
Have you got ___ money?
Is there … milk?
3.Much/ many
a)How ____ cheese do you buy?
b)b) There are ____ eggs in the box.
c) There is ____ flour in the packet.
d) There are ____pears on the plate.
e)He always puts ____ sugar on his coffee.
4.Write past forms of the verb
5.Add some more words:
Tea, water …….
Hamburger, potato …….
6. Circle the correct answer.
1.There isn’t _________ rain on the ground
a)many b) much c) few
2.There _______ much sugar in the cupboard
a)isn’t b) are c) aren’t
3. ________ you got any apples?
a)do b) has c) have
4.How _________ money do you have?
a)much b) many c) little
5.Are there ________ potatoes in the fridge?
a)some b) not many c) any
6.There is _______ water in the bottle.
a)some b) any c) many
I variant
1.Countable or uncountable
flour — apples — oil — cars — salt — houses — cheese —
rice — tea — games — tomatoes — cream — honey — carrots –
cars — air — bottle — bread- education- health-
2.Write “some”, “any” in the gaps
1) There isn’t … bread on th table.
2) I want … flowers.
3) He hasn’t got … money.
4) Is there … butter on the plate?
5) There are … men in the garden.
3.Much/ many
1. I haven‟t visited _____ cityin the United States.
2. There (isn‟t/aren‟t) ______ moneyin my bank account.
3. I don‟t get _____ letter.
4. There (isn‟t/aren‟t) _____ hotelin my hometown.
5. There (is/are) ______ too _____ furniturein Anar‟s living room.
6.He always puts ____ salt on his food.
7.They have got ____ money. They are rich.
8.There are ___ potatoes in the box.
4.Write in the sentences the reflexive pronouns
1. Do you like the salad? I have made it………………..
2. When you look in the mirror, you can see……………….
3. Mrs Wilson told her children, “Look at……………….in the mirror!”
4. I like Mary’s dress. Did she make it……………?
5. He looked at ……………….in the mirror and laughed.
5.Put the word-combinations into the columns:
Be healthy; smoke; wash hands; clean the house; eat too much; drink the alcohol; eat the snow; breathe in fresh air; go in for sport; eat fruit and vegetables; do morning exercises; eat too many sweets; go to bed late; keep our body clean; be sleepy; sleep eight hours; visit the doctor regularly; clean the teeth; feel fine; feel sick; have headache; have a bad cold; drink very cold water.
6. Choose the right form of the verb.
1. There … some meat in the soup.
a) are b) be c) is d) wasn‟t e) aren‟t
2.There … a lot of peach trees in our garden.
a) be b) am c) is d) are e) being
3. There … many polar bears in Arctic.
a) was b) is c) be d) am e) are
4. There … some boys in the café.
a) is b) are c) was d) isn‟t e) are
5. … there any juice in the glass?
a) be b) have c) is d) am e) are
II variant
1.Countable or uncountable
time — books — sugar — milk — pens — hair — chairs —
meat — butter — pencils — bread — jam — friends — fingers —
ham- money- salt- oxygen- milk- eye- arm-
2.Write “some”, “any” in the gaps
1) There are … fish in the lake.
2) Is there … milk?
3) Are there … monkeys in the Zoo?
4) There aren’t … mice in the house
5) Would you like __________ juice?
3.Much/ many
1.There (isn‟t/aren‟t) ____ caron the road today.
2. I can‟t go with you because I have too ____ workto do.
3. He always puts ____ sugar on his coffee.
4. I couldn‟t find ______ informationin that book.
5. How ______ homeworkdid the teacher assign?
6. I haven‟t met ______ peoplesince came here.
7. How ____ cheese do you buy?
8.There is ____ flour in the packet.
4. Write in the sentences the reflexive pronouns
1. We didn’t like the party. We didn’t enjoy……………….
2. Jack, you will enjoy……………..if you travel by train.
3. Thank you for a nice day. I have enjoyed………………….
4. “I can/t tell him the truth now,” she said to…………………….
5. All the people were enjoying…………………..
5.Put the word-combinations into the columns:
Be healthy; smoke; wash hands; clean the house; eat too much; drink the alcohol; eat the snow; breathe in fresh air; go in for sport; eat fruit and vegetables; do morning exercises; eat too many sweets; go to bed late; keep our body clean; be sleepy; sleep eight hours; visit the doctor regularly; clean the teeth; feel fine; feel sick; have headache; have a bad cold; drink very cold water.
6. Choose the right form of the verb.
1. There … a lot of milk in the bottle. Give me a little!
a) was b) has c) is d) were e) been
2. There … some potatoes and carrots in the bag.
a) is b) are c) – d) be e) was
3. There … a pen and some erasers in the pencil-case
a) being b) be c) is d) are e) –
4. There … little coffee in the cup.
a) is b) were c) have d) be e) are
5. . … there any milk in the cap?
a) be b) have c) is d) am e) are
Адрес публикации: https://www.prodlenka.org/metodicheskie-razrabotki/167945-kontrolnaja-rabota-po-anglijskomu-jazyku
1. Read the text and complete the outline with the components of human health mentioned in it.
Healthy Lifestyle: Important Rules for a Teenager
One of the most valuable things in our life is health but a lot of teenagers do not pay enough attention to a healthy lifestyle. However it is very important to take care of your body and everyone has to be concerned about it since childhood. The rules of healthy living are not very difficult to follow – the key feature is to understand that our bodies and minds do depend on the way we treat them. And we need to remember that taking care of our health today means a better hope for tomorrow.
It is not a secret that our bodies and minds are closely connected and we can enjoy our life when we are healthy both physically and mentally. Having some good time with family or friends, enjoying some pleasant time doing what we like means a lot for a healthy lifestyle. Being friendly and cheerful is one of the best promoters of health. And one more rule to remember is finding some time and attention for ourselves.
Moreover wellness and prevention are essential features to live long and healthy. Some useful habits will help us to enjoy all the colours of life. The first thing to be mentioned is the diet we follow. Having a healthy well-balanced diet is one of the main features of avoiding the long list of modern diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Our bodies need to get vitamins, minerals and nutrients regularly so the best way to feel and look well is eating enough fruit and vegetables and avoiding fast food.
The next important rule for being healthy is physical exertion. There are so many ways to feel the pleasures of being active – sports, dancing, or just walking. Regular exercising is a great way to be healthy and to enjoy life.
Besides being active our bodies need to have enough rest to refresh. Having enough sleep (8 -9 hours for a teenager) is really important. It seems impossible to observe this rule in our everyday busy life. But if we do not waste time on watching TV or surfing the Net we will definitely find some precious minutes or even hours for the rest our bodies need.
And last but not least rule for a teenager is avoiding bad habits and addictions that are offered by the modern life. Smoking, alcohol and drug addictions can not only destroy our bodies but, unfortunately, can ruin all the hopes for the future.
Taking care of our life today will open the benefits of the long healthy and happy life.
2. Visit the WHO (World Health Organization) website (https://www.who.int/ru/) and answer the questions:
1. Which countries are the members of WHO?
2. What are the main lines of work of WHO?
3. What medical statistics are freely available on its website?
4. What is the role of WHO in global health education?
5. What is the role of WHO in preventing outbreaks of various diseases?
3. Visit the website of the WHO European Bureau and study the Health 2020 strategy (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-policy/health-2020-the-european-policy-for-health-and-well-being/about-health-2020). Make up 10 questions so that the answers to them will result in a re-presentation of the main points of the article.
4. Match the words and word-combinations with Russian equivalent.
1 |
health |
A |
заботиться о здоровье |
2 |
bad / poor health |
B |
хрупкое здоровье, ослабленный организм |
3 |
good health |
C |
регулярные занятия |
4 |
to be in bad / poor / ill health |
D |
иметь слабое здоровье |
5 |
to enjoy good health |
E |
придерживаться диеты |
6 |
to do exercises |
F |
упражняться |
7 |
regular exercise |
G |
крепкое здоровье |
8 |
not to take drugs |
H |
бегать трусцой |
9 |
to jog in the morning |
I |
не принимать наркотики |
10 |
to keep to a diet |
J |
придерживаться диеты быть в добром здравии |
11 |
to keep fit |
K |
здоровье |
5. Put the word-combinations into the columns:
We must |
We must not |
Be healthy; smoke; wash hands; clean the house; eat too much; drink the alcohol; eat the snow; breathe in fresh air; go in for sport; eat fruit and vegetables; do morning exercises; eat too many sweets; go to bed late; keep our body clean; be sleepy; sleep eight hours; visit the doctor regularly; clean the teeth; feel fine; feel sick; have headache; have a bad cold; drink very cold water.
6. Read the text and fill out the chart about bad habits.
Bad Habits and the Ways to Combat them
There are no ideal people in this world. Each person has some negative traits of character as well as bad habits. But there are people, who try to combat them or those ones, who even do not notice their disadvantages. Bad habits are an indispensable part of each person, and even if one states that he does not have them, usually such people just try to avoid problems and forget about their drawbacks.
Bad habits refer to the patterns of negative behavior. They differ from the addiction because of the willpower presence and after a great job one can get rid of them. The earlier you start, the easier it will be to overcome it.. If such a habit can be controlled, it means it is not a bad one.
There are numerous kinds of bad habits many of which have appeared due to the development of technology. Nowadays scientists define such bad habits as alcohol consumption, smoking, swearing, biting fingernails, watching TV, social media addiction, eating too much fastfood, sweets or chocolate, addiction to video games, modern smartphones and iPads etc. All of them are contagious and difficult to overcome, as the temptations are everywhere in the contemporary world. Sometimes we have bad habits of boredom and stresses in our life, so the best way to eliminate them is to diversify your life. But sometimes the reason of the bad habit is much deeper, so be ready to be honest with yourself and realize what is hidden behind it.
Some of the bad habits are very dangerous. Regular intake of sedating medicines or alcohol may bring your organism to incurable diseases. Some bad habits in combination with driving or speeding can even result in death. Poor eyesight, problems with your back, bad teeth, diabetes or other problems are the main symptoms of your habit to be a bad one.
The problem of many bad habits is in doing “too much”. Overconsumption, too much time in front of the thing of your addiction can result in a bad habit. Remember, everything is available, but in small amounts (of course, except drugs). If you determine your limits, a bad habit will eventually turn into an ordinary one. Another disadvantage of such habits is their possibility to be expensive. Cigarettes and alcohol are put large taxes on, so it can cost you a fortune to have these habits, let alone drugs. Shopaholics destroy their budgets even without noticing it. Some bad habits might affect other people. The smoke of cigarettes influences badly on people surrounding the smoker. Many people have such troubles in the kitchen: leave the caps of the bottles, drink from the carton of milk never thinking about other dwellers, never clean up their messes etc.
There is also a theory that people can pick up habits from others, especially the bad ones. When you spend a lot of time with a definite person you can catch yourself on doing similar things. Whether it is eating or shopping, smoking or drinking, they affect you and you start doing the same things, get used to doing them and obtain a new bad habit. But of course, it does not mean you can’t avoid them, just stay strong and think about what you do.
One more interesting fact about bad habits involves your benefit from having it. Some researchers divide these benefits into physical and moral ones. For example, smoking or drugs can wake you up, social networks give you a chance to forget about everyday problems and swearing might change your position and influence in the society. To sum up, each bad habit addresses your certain need, so the best way out is to substitute these needs with something completely different. Do not just give it up, as your organism will lack something and it can make your life more difficult. It is the first piece of advice in the struggle against the bad habits. Another one is to cut out all possible triggers, as their presence won’t let you resist the temptation. Avoid the things that cause them: hide a TV remote control, change the place of your rest or pass by the shop without entering it. The next step is to find a support. You can join forces with anyone, who can exactly understand your feelings and remind you of your decision each time you are ready to subside. One more hint is the change of your surrounding: choose only those people to get acquainted with or socialize, who will exactly agree with your new point of view. Prepare the word «but» for your conversations and inner talks to get more confidence and positive intentions. Do not be afraid of mistakes, they will bounce you higher and higher as the harder you throw, the higher a ball bounces. You may also find a penalty for yourself in case you violate your laws. It can be a good stimulus for quitting a bad habit.
One more aspect to be mentioned is a possible medical treatment of bad habits. Drug addiction and smoking are treated in different medical centers and very often medication can stop the addictive behavior.
In conclusion I must say that bad habits are a characteristic of each person, but the fewer of them we have, the easier our life is.
8. Smoking is usually called a “bad habit”, although by the mechanism of occurrence of this addiction, it must be attributed to the same serious diseases as drug addiction and alcoholism. Examine WHO data for tobacco use (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/disease-prevention/tobacco) and evaluate the smoking cessation guidelines this organization offers.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the mechanism of craving for smoking?
2. Do you smoke? Why?
3. If yes, have you ever tried to quit?
4. Was it successfully? If not, why?
5. Are the measures proposed by WHO effective in your opinion? Why?
9. Free sexual relations are often included in the category of something like “bad habits”. It is important to say that any person has the right to satisfy his sex needs in any way that does not contradict the law and moral standards of the state in which he lives. However, the freedom that was given to man by the 20th century on this issue also implies a serious responsibility of each of us to our sexual partner, whether it is one-night acquaintance or a long relationship.
This responsibility covers a lot of things, but here are three main ones: sexual integrity, preventing the spread of STDs and reproductive health.
Sexual integrity implies the possibility of sexual relations with another person only if he has reached the age of majority or age of consent, and only with his permission and when he is fully conscious. It would seem a simple thought, but, for example, in Russian culture this causes a lot of controversy. It is widely believed that if your partner was drunk and asked for sex, then it is normal to have sexual intercourse with him or her. Or if at first the woman gave her consent, but in the process changed her mind not to listen to her, because «a woman’s no is yes» etc.
Watch this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQbei5JGiT8), which, albeit in a humorous manner, but clearly demonstrates the abnormality of such an attitude, and make a list of rules that could be used by any person who wants to enter into an intimate relationship with someone.
In modern European society, men and women lead a free sexual life, often having several sexual partners before marriage. In this situation, the responsibility for health comes to the fore: your own and your partner’s. We are talking about the “plague of the 20th century” – HIV and AIDS.
Recently, Yuri Dud’ released a documentary about the HIV epidemic in Russia. Immediately after the release of the film, a flurry of criticism fell on it from the authorities. The accusations sounded very different: the disease statistics are distorted, the film propagandizes loose behavior, etc. But the truth is that HIV and AIDS have long been no longer a disease of homosexuals and drug addicts, this applies to completely traditional heterosexual couples. The level of the disease in Russia is comparable to that in some African countries. Watch the film (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTRAEpllGZo), study the WHO data (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/communicable-diseases/hivaids) and draw a poster that would reflect the measures for the prevention of this disease.
The main measure to prevent the spread of HIV and STDs is condom protection. A condom is also an effective way to plan your pregnancy. The reproductive policy of both the individual and the family is very important for two reasons: overpopulation of the planet, which entails a shortage of food resources and drinking water, and the personal right of every woman to decide whether she wants to be a mother. And if the first reason seems relevant for overpopulated regions like China or India, the second applies to the European society, in which, despite the obvious progress in protecting human rights, there is reproductive pressure and, in some cases, violence. This is extremely true for our country.
If we compare the likelihood of a woman dying during childbirth in the newly independent states of the former USSR and in the European Union, then in the first case it is more than four times higher. In some countries, unsafe abortion accounts for more than 20% of all reported cases of maternal mortality, and in Eastern Europe there is the highest abortion rate in the world. Many people still lack information on issues such as sexuality, family planning, pregnancy and childbirth, sexually transmitted infections, infertility, cervical cancer prevention, menopause.
WHO proclaims that men and women should have access to safe, effective, affordable birth control methods of their choice, as well as adequate quality health care services that allow women to safely pass through pregnancy and childbirth and provide married couples have the best chance of having healthy babies.
Examine the section of the WHO website on sexual and reproductive health of a person (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/Life-stages/sexual-and-reproductive-health/sexual-and-reproductive-health) and compile a table that reflects the main pros and cons of various contraceptive methods and methods and serves as a convenient reminder for your friends.
Английский язык
Методическая разработка по теме
Преподаватель Сёмина К.С.
Список лексики по теме:
healthy |
здоровый |
be in good health |
Иметь хорошее здоровье |
be in good shape/fit |
Быть в хорошей форме |
patient |
пациент |
be ill/feel ill |
болеть |
be in poor health |
Иметь плохое здоровье |
fall ill |
заболеть |
catch a disease |
заразиться |
catch cold |
простыть |
get better |
Становиться лучше |
recover |
Выздоравливать (восстанавливаться) |
ache |
боль |
toothache/headache/stomachache |
Зубная боль/головная боль/Боль в животе (желудке) |
pain |
боль |
to have a sore throat |
Больное горло (ангина) |
have a fever |
лихорадить |
be running a high temperature |
Иметь высокую температуру |
high blood pressure |
Ваысокое кровяное двалене |
sneeze |
чихать |
runny nose |
насморк |
cough |
кашель |
nausea |
тошнота |
dizziness |
головокружение |
faint |
Падать в обморок |
Sickness, illness, disease |
болезнь |
epidemic |
эпидемия |
heart attack |
Сердечный приступ |
appendicitis |
апендицит |
bronchitis |
бронхит |
flu |
грипп |
pneumonia |
Пневнония/воспаление легких |
burn |
ожог |
cut |
порез |
fracture |
перелом |
sprain |
растяжение |
twist |
вывих |
wound |
рана |
take temperature |
Измерять температуру |
feel pulse |
Измерять пульс |
make tests |
Сдавать анализы |
take blood pressure |
Измерять кровяное давление |
examine |
осматривать |
make a diagnosis |
Поставить диагноз |
go to the doctor |
Обратиться к врачу |
Complain of |
Жаловаться на |
Cure, treat |
лечение |
Prescription |
рецепт |
A medical certificate |
справка |
A sick leave |
больничный |
Stay in bed |
Соблюдать постельный режим |
Chemist’s (drugstore) |
аптека |
A medicine (for) |
Лекарство |
General practitioner (GP) |
терапевт |
dentist |
стоматолог |
surgeon |
хирург |
nurse |
медсестра |
Proverbs and Sayings:
Translate and find Russian equivalents (Переведите и найдите русские эквиваленты):
An apple a day keeps a doctor a day.
A sound mind in a sound body.
Health is better than wealth.
Prevention is better than cure.
Health is not valued till sickness comes.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Fit as a fiddle.
Read and translate the text.
When we are ill, we call a doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness. When we have a headache, a stomach ache, a sore throat, a cold, or a pain in some parts of the body, we call a doctor. He takes our temperature and our pulse. He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have pain, and tells us what the matter is with us. The doctor prescribes medicine, and gives us a prescription, which we take to the chemist’s, who makes up the medicine. If you follow the doctor’s orders, you get better; if you disobey the doctor, you may get worse, and even die. We must obey the doctor, if we want to get better. If we have a temperature, we must stay in bed and take the medicine he prescribes. If we cannot get better at home we must go to hospital. If we are too ill to walk, we go to hospital in the ambulance. After our illness we can go to a sanatorium until we are strong again.
When we have toothache, we go to the dentist’s. He examines our teeth, finds the tooth which hurts us, stops or extracts it. Now here in Russia health system incorporates a variety of medical institutions. The medical service in Russia is of two kinds. Some state establishments give their employees medical insurance cards. They guarantee the people free of charge medical assistance. Some medical establishments charge fees for treatment.
They may be rather high, but our medical service now uses all modern equipment and medicines and provides qualified medical help to all people.
Find English equivalents in the text:
Выписать лекарство, Вам может стать хуже, современное оборудование, квалифицированная медицинская помощь, скорая помощь, лёгкие, аптека, соблюдать постельный режим, страховые медицинские полисы, медицинские учреждения, система здравоохранения, санаторий, осматривает зубы, вырывает его.
Medicines are not meant to live, an English proverb says. Yes, that’s true and we may add that good health is better than the best medicine. If your health is good, you are always in a good mood. You have a sound mind in a solid body, as an Old Latin saying goes. The English proverb «Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind, expresses the similar idea, but from the different point of view. The profession of a doctor is one of the most noble, respected and needed in the worlds, as we turn to a doctor for advise at the hardest moments of our life, when we fall ill or suffer from pain or some disorder in our body and soul. We complain of low medical treatment, poor equipment of hospitals, difficulties in getting this or that medicine and so on. What a pity we start to value our health only when it is necessary to take medicine. Taking medicine is an unpleasant thing of course, and if we want to avoid it, we should go in for sport and keeps ourselves fit. Physical exercises to my mind are necessary. Physically inactive people catch cold more often than those who do plenty of exercises.
Physical exercises are good pastime. That is true that good health is better than the best medicine. If you do early exercises you feel refreshed you have a good posture and that makes you felled so pay attention to the way you stand waken sit. Here some rules for good health.
1. Take long walks in the open air as often as you can.
2. Keep your body clean.
3. Keep your teeth clean.
4. Wear clean clothes.
5. Sleep with your window open.
6. When you are reading or writing let the light come from your left shoulder.
7. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables all the year round «An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Of all things people probably have diseases most. There is nothing more unpleasant than being taking ill. If you are running a temperature, have a splitting headache feel deezy or cough you go and see a doctor or send for him at once. She or he will come and feel your pulse, take your temperature, listen to your heart, tested your lungs, measure your blood pressure, etc.
Certainly, he or she will prescribe some medicine which you can get made up at chemists [drug-store]. At chemist’s shop you can get different kinds of medicines: pulls, tablets, ointments and many other things. I remember one of my most serious illnesses.
It was four years ago. Illness started unexpectedly. Early in the morning I woke up and felt deezy and feverish. I had a splitting headache and terrible cough. My nose was running, I was sneezing all the time. I could hardly recognize my own voice. Besides I was running a high temperature. The doctor asked me to strip to the waist, then sounded my lungs, felt my pulse, examined the throat. I had phenomena and I was to be taken to the hospital.
I had to stay for a month there and obliged to get a lot of penicillin injections. In the long run I recovered of course.
But most of all I’m afraid of visiting a dentist. Toothache can’t be compared with anything else. Extracting a tooth or having a tooth field are quite common things but now painful.
Answer the following questions:
- How do you feel?
- What’s your temperature?
- Have ever had flu?
- How did you feel when you were ill?
- Did you go to the polyclinic or did you call a doctor?
- How did the doctor examine you?
- What did the doctor find? What was the matter with you?
- What did the doctor prescribe?
- Who went to the chemist’s to get medicine?
- How often did you take medicine?
- What happened after the doctor’s visit?
- When did you feel well again?
Read the text:
Healthy Living
It is a pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and slim beautiful lady.
It is known that healthy people live longer and their career is more successful. To look well you must follow some simple rules: don’t smoke and take drugs, don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat too much chips and sweets, eat more vegetables and fruits, sleep well, do exercises.
We have lessons of physical education three times a week. We do exercises, run, jump, play basketball and pioneer ball, ski in winter. I think that we must have more PE lessons than we have now. For example American pupils have their PE lessons every day.
I like to play tennis, to ride a bicycle and to swim. But most of all I like roller-skating. I could hardly wait when snow melted, I put on roller-skates and went outdoors. I spent one or two hours every day skating with my friends and we’ve got a lot of fun!
I don’t smoke (nobody smokes in our family). I know that this very bad habit may cause serious problems in your health. I do my morning exercises, try to eat “healthy” food and think that this is really a good way to live.
Answer the questions:
- What should you do to look well?
- Which bad habits were mentioned in the text?
Read the funny story and say what mistake the man has made:
Medicine for a Headache
One day a man went to the chemist’s shop. He saw the chemist and asked him, “Have you anything for a headache?”
The chemist said, “I have a very good medicine”. Then he took a small bottle from the shelf. He held it under the man’s nose and opened it. It was not a great pleasure for the man, because tears came to his eyes and ran down his face. He couldn’t speak and didn’t like the medicine.
“What did you do?” he said when he could speak again.
“Well, I didn’t do anything bad”, said the chemist. “You wanted something for your headache, didn’t you? That medicine has helped you, hasn’t it?”
No, it hasn’t”, said the man. “It’s my wife who has the headache, not me!”
“Oh, I’m, sorry!” said the chemist. “Next time please tell me more about the medicine you want. And I’ll ask you more questions before giving you something”.
Dialogues (Read and act out):
— What`s the matter with you? — I feel bad. I have a high temperature. — I think you should go to the doctor — Ok. You`re right |
— Что с тобой? — Я плохо себя чувствую. У меня высокая температура — Я думаю, тебе следует обраться к врачу — Хорошо. Ты права |
— What` troubling you? — Doctor, I have a bad cough and headache — Let me examine you. I`ll listen your heart and take a pulse. — Ok — Take these pills three times a day. — Thank you, doctor |
— Что Вас беспокоит? — Доктор, у меня сильный кашель и болит голова — Позвольте Вас осмотреть. Я послушаю Ваше сердце и измерю пуль — Хорошо — Принимайте эти таблетки 3 раза в день — Спасибо, доктор |
— How`s your sister keeping? — She is getting better. — It`s great. Tell her I hope we soon see — Ok |
-Как себя чувствует твоя сестра? — Она выздоравливает — Это великолепно. Скажи ей, что я надеюсь, что мы скоро увидимся — Хорошо |
— Are you ok? — No. I`m going down with the flu. I have a soar throat, a bad cough, my nose is clogged and I feel shivery — You should stay in a bad and drink a lot of tea I`m going to shop. I`ll buy some medicines for you — Thanks |
— С тобой всё в порядке? — Нет. Я заболеваю гриппом. У меня болит горло, сильный кашель, мой нос заложен и меня знобит — Тебе следует соблюдать постельный режим и пить много чая. Я собираю в магазин. Я куплю лекарства для тебя — Спасибо |
—Что случилось с твоей рукой, Энн? — Я была невнимательна, когда кипятила молоко. Я побежала в поликлинику, и медсестра положила мазь и забинтовала руку. Теперь намного лучше. |
— Почему ты хромаешь, Джон? Что случилось? — Вчера я играл в футбол и потянул лодыжку. Так болит, что я едва могу ходить |
Read and act out the dialogue: write out the underlined words and translate them: (Прочтите и разыграйте диалог. Выпишите подчеркнутые слова и переведите)
Going to the Doctor
Hugo: I feel bad. My throat hurts.
Diego: Maybe you have a sore throat.
Hugo: I have a headache as well.
Diego: I can turn down the TV if you like.
Hugo: Thank you, Diego. You are a good brother.
Diego: Do you want an aspirin for your headache?
Hugo: Yes, please. My back hurts too.
Diego: Maybe you should go to the Doctors.
Doctor´s Office
Doctor: Come in.
Hugo: Hello. I´m Hugo.
Doctor: Hello. How do you feel?
Hugo: I feel terrible. My head, throat and back hurt.
Doctor: Are you tired and exhausted?
Hugo: A little. Sorry. I have to sneeze. AHHCHOO!
Doctor: I have to ask you some questions. Do you feel sick?
Hugo: I feel very sick! Please help me!
Doctor: Calm down. Don´t worry. Everything is going to be okay. Do you have an earache?
Hugo: No. I have a headache, a backache and a sore throat. I feel dizzy.
Doctor: Are you allergic to anything?
Hugo: I don´t think so.
Doctor: When was the last time you were sick?
Hugo: I never get sick. I never catch colds. I am healthy. I do sports every day and I still get sick. AACHHOO!
Doctor: Would you like a tissue?
Hugo: Yes, please.
Doctor: Here you go.
Hugo: Thank you, Doctor.
Doctor: No problem. I think you have a cold, Hugo. My advice for you is to go home and try to get some rest.
Hugo: My head is spinning!
Doctor: I´m going to give you a prescription for some headache tablets. Also, I am going to give you a prescription for some cough syrup. It will help you with your sore throat.
Hugo: Thank you, Doctor.
Doctor: In a few days, you will start to feel better. Do you know where the pharmacy is?
Hugo: I think there is a pharmacy near my house but I feel too sick to go there.
Doctor: There is a pharmacy on this street. As you leave this building, walk 500 metres and it is on your left. Did you come here with anyone?
Hugo: My big brother brought me here. He told me I had to come here.
Doctor: Your brother cares about you. I think he should take you home now. I hope you get well soon.
Hugo: Thank you very much, Doctor. Have a good day. Bye!
Doctor: Take care. Bye.
Read and act out the dialogue:
Put the sentence in the right order to make a dialogue.
Doctor: — What’s the matter with you? — Do you sleep well? — Do you keep late hours? — Let me sound you? Do you smoke? — You must take a vacation. You should go to some quite place and stay there for at least half a month. Try to stop smoking. Walk at least an hour a day. This is the only way to recover. -Have you been working a lot? |
Patient: — I have had some urgent work to do and I was very nervous about it. — Doctor, will you prescribe me any sleeping pills? — No, I don’t . I have been sleeping very badly lately. — Occasionally. About a pack a week. — I don’t go to bed till midnight, sometimes later. — Thank you, doc. I’ll try to follow your advice. — Well, I don’t know, but a I have a terrible headache. |
Health/Well-being Vocabulary Test
Choose the correct word:
1) High salt _______ can lead to heart disease and stroke.
a) consumption b) use c) intake d) input
2) The economic costs to the individual associated with _____ these illnesses are colossal and climbing.
a) treating b) curing c) collecting d) mending
3) American privatized health insurance companies often put profit before ______.
a) cure b) core c) dare d) care
4) We can’t get the toxic carbon dioxide out of our bodies, so we are full of aches and pains and prone to ______ ageing.
a) prenatal b) premature c) fast d) mature
5) People say you are wearing rose- _____ spectacles (glasses) when you are extremely optimistic.
a) filled b) painted c) tinted d) smelling
6) Gross national product and ______ mortality rates were among the main indicators of social development.
a) infant b) childish c) baby d) young
7) As positive effect the ________ of metabolism more than 5%, in comparison with initial level, was considered.
a) intensity b) development c) growth
d) intensification
At the age of 67, Dr. Fleming wrote a book about a new diabetes-______ approach through diet and exercise.
a) precautionary b) preventative c) warning d) alerting
9) Between 1990-1995 and 1995-2000, life ______ increased in all regions of the world except Eastern and Southern Africa and Eastern Europe.
a) duration b) length c) expectancy d) continuity
10) To save electricity and _____ your monitor’s life, click the Power button at the bottom of the Screen Saver tab.
a) increase b) extend c) enlarge d) expand
11) Fresh air and exercise _______ to good health.
a) invest b) inlay c) increase d) contribute
12) A _____ of the muscle layer is a powerful blood supply and innervation.
a) peculiarity b) peculuarity c) pecuiliarity
d) peculliarity
Insert the correct preposition:
1) In good times most of them manage to get enough to eat, in bad times they die ____ starvation.
2) His personality seemed to be undergoing a change and it was obvious his personal life was _____ some stress.
3) I’m allergic _____ big noisy cities.
4) The research involved 15 patients in medium heavy state of health, who were admitted ____ Manchester military hospital.
5) You can force him, massage him, stretch him, operate _____ his tail, but a monkey is a monkey.
6) Ancient Eastern medicine was not just medicine, not just a cure ___ the body, but a cure ___ the soul.
7) For several days after the accident, his life hung _____ a thread.
It seems to have made the patient weaker and more addicted to dangerous drugs, as well as more susceptible _____ new strains of the virus that may, in some cases, eventually prove fatal.
9) According to the National Institute of Gerontology, 4.5 million Americans suffer _____ Alzheimer’s disease and it annually costs the economy 100 billion dollars.
Put the word-combinations into the columns:
We must |
We must not |
Be healthy; smoke; wash hands; clean the house; eat too much; drink the alcohol; eat the snow; breathe in fresh air; go in for sport; eat fruit and vegetables; do morning exercises; eat too many sweets; go to bed late; keep our body clean; be sleepy; sleep eight hours; visit the doctor regularly; clean the teeth; feel fine; feel sick; have headache; have a bad cold; drink very cold water.
Fill the gaps with appropriate words:
Caught a cold feel good feel sick has a cold have to sneeze tired and exhausted blow her nose back ache have a headache have an earache sore throat lost her voice broke his arm temperature allergic to have diarrhea has a black eye
I __________________ today. I am not sick.
Hugo ____________________ because he thought he was Harry Potter. He banged his head against the bathroom wall. Now he has a bruise on his eye.
Olivia has to ______________________.It is blocked.
I __________________a cold yesterday. I feel terrible.
My English teacher _______________________. She can´t speak.
My friend is _________________________ because he was working all day long.
She _______________________ because she keeps sneezing and coughing.
Do you have a tissue? I ____________________! AHHCHOO!
Hugo fell off a tree. He is lucky he didn´t __________________________.
Hugo and Diego do not ________________. They just like to go to the toilet every five minutes to check their appearance in the mirror.
I think I have a _______________________. My back really hurts.
Please turn down the TV. I have a _____________________!
My throat really hurts. My mother says I have a _____________________.
I ____________________. I don´t feel well. I want to go home.
I am ________________cats. I start to sneeze and my eyes start to water whenever I am around cats.
Translate into English:
Однажды утром я почувствовал, что нездоров. У меня был насморк, и болело горло. Мама измерила мне температуру и сказала, что у меня жар. Она посоветовала мне остаться дома и вызвать врача. Когда врач пришел, он сказал, что у меня все симптомы гриппа. Он выписал мне больничный лист на три дня и посоветовал соблюдать постельный режим, так как грипп – очень заразная болезнь. Выписав рецепт на таблетки, врач ушел. Я попросил маму сходить в аптеку и во всем следовал советам врача. Через три дня я выздоровел.
- Мне нездоровится. 2) У меня болит ухо. 3) У меня болит горло. 4) У меня всё болит. 5) Мне больно ходить. 6) Она зимой часто болеет гриппом. 7) У него аппендицит.
Зайди в аптеку и купи мне лекарство. 9) У меня болит зуб и мне придется (have to) идти к стоматологу. 10) У меня сильная головная боль, голова кружится и меня тошнит.
Translate the English phrases into Russian and Russian phrases into English.
- Я плохо себя чувствую.Where can I find a doctor?
- У меня опух локоть. What doctor an recommend me?
- Where’s the nearest polyclinic? Я хочу проконсультироваться с врачом.
- Что с вами? – I have a high temperature.-У вас болит горло? – No, but I feel sick and I have rash. – У вас ветрянка.
- Н меня сильно болит зуб. – I’ll give you something to sooth the pain.
Task 8. Do you know if you are really healthy? Answer this questionnaire. Tick “Yes” or “No” and then look at the results.
1. Do you begin your day with morning exercises, do it regularly and with a great pleasure? | |
2. Do you spend a lot of time out of doors every day? | |
3. Do you refuse from bad habits (smoking, drinking, snacking between meals)? | |
4. Do you limit your time you spend in front of the television and the computer? | |
5. Are you sporty? Do you go in for sport or join a sports club? | |
6. Do you keep to a healthy balanced diet? | |
7. Do you have a hobby? |
Count your points. One point for each answer “Yes”. 7 points: You are quite healthy. 3–6 points: Not bad, but be attentive to your health. 0–2 points: Oh, dear! Change your lifestyle. You should think about your future!
Task 9. Put the word-combinations into 2 columns:
In order to be healthy …
Be healthy; smoke; wash hands; clean the house; eat too much; drink the alcohol; eat the snow; breathe in fresh air; go in for sport; eat fruit and vegetables; do morning exercises; eat too many sweets; go to bed late; keep our body clean; be sleepy; sleep eight hours; visit the doctor regularly; clean the teeth; feel fine; feel sick; have headache; have a bad cold; drink very cold water.
Task 10*. How do you understand the proverb “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”?
Спорт в нашей жизни.
Чтение: работа с учебным текстом «Sport in our Life». Грамматика: модальные глаголы may, can, must. Лексика: виды спорта, глаголы действия. Говорение: монолог-рассказ о любимом виде спорта
Task 1. Study the vocabulary
Jogging Running Walking Roller skating Cycling/biking Skateboarding Bowling Horseback riding Skydiving Golf Tennis Ping pong Darts Billiards Karate Gymnastics |
Бег трусцой Бег Ходьба Катание на роликах Катание на велосипеде Катание на скейтборде Игра в кегли Катание на лошади Прыжки с парашютом Гольф Теннис Настольный теннис Дротики Биллиард Каратэ Гимнастика |
Weightlifting Boxing Wrestling Baseball Football Hockey Basketball Volleyball Skiing Skating Sailing Rowing Rafting Swimming Surfing Martial arts |
Тяжёлая атлетика Бокс Борьба Бейсбол Футбол Хоккей Баскетбол Волейбол Катание на лыжах Катание на коньках Парусный спорт Гребля Катание на плоту Плавание Сёрфинг Восточные единоборства |
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1.Which of the games/sports in the word list do you play?
2. Which of them are you good at?
3. Which of them would you like to try?
4. Which is the most/least popular in Russia?
5. Do you think sport is important in our life?
Вычисление основной дактилоскопической формулы Вычислением основной дактоформулы обычно занимается следователь. Для этого все десять пальцев разбиваются на пять пар… |
Расчетные и графические задания Равновесный объем — это объем, определяемый равенством спроса и предложения… |
Кардиналистский и ординалистский подходы Кардиналистский (количественный подход) к анализу полезности основан на представлении о возможности измерения различных благ в условных единицах полезности… |
Обзор компонентов Multisim Компоненты – это основа любой схемы, это все элементы, из которых она состоит. Multisim оперирует с двумя категориями… |