Put the missing words and get word combinations

ПомОгиТе СрОчНо!!!

Put the missing word or word combinations from the list below:

persecution protection flee safety human rights

a) Unable to find safe ways to move, people suffer and die in search of_______________ while crossing the Sahara desert, the Andaman Sea, the Mediterranean and dozens of other dangerous places around the world.

b) Providing emergency help to those forced to flee is often the first step towards long-term _______________and rehabilitation.

c) _________________occurs when human rights violations or threats are sustained or systematic and governments either fail to protect their citizens or, in some cases, actively participate in the violations.

d) Thousands of Syrians _________their country every day.

e) The 1951 Refugee Convention defines refugees’______________, including the principle of non-refoulement, stating that a refugee “should not be returned to a country where he or she faces serious threats to his or her life or freedom.”


Countryside: meadow, horse, orchard, pig, field, well, shepherd,farm, harvest City: University, lift, rubbish chute,



meadow, horse, orchard, pig, field, well, shepherd,farm, harvest

City: University, lift, rubbish chute, block of flats, shopping mall, metro, central heating, theatre, trolleybus, milking machine (По поводу доильной машины. Смотря что имеется ввиду. На ферме доильные машины тоже используются)


Отв. дан
2019-04-02 11:12:26

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Помогите,срочно нужно…
Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations.
1.The British Parliament consists of…and….
2. Englishmen always respect their…
3. The United Kingdom is separated from the continent by…
4. Many young people from all over the world would like to enter…
5. Agriculture is developed in Scotland, especially…
6. The climate of the UK is…
7. Liverpool is famous….as the Beatles were organized there.
8. Among British industries the most developed are…
9. Two thirds of the world’s….used to come from UK….
10. In the early 18th century British…manufacture was based on wool which was processed by individual artisans.
A.customs and traditions
C.from a cultural aspect
D.Oxford University
E.the House of Lords
G.the Straits of Dover
H.computing and electronics.
J.the House of Commons

Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]

The words and word combinations below help us to speak about certain arts. Organise them according to the arts that they describe. (Certain words can belong to more than one category.)

  • Theatre
  • Cinema
  • Music
  • Sculture
  • Painting
  • Literature
  1. Theatre – Drama / Success / Classical / Gallery / Stage / Balcony / Applause / Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Box / Audience / Opera / Scenery / Tragedy / Sound / Comedy / To act / Character / To applaud / Seat / Dress circle / Stalls / Performer
  2. Cinema – Drama / Success / Classical / Screen / Audience / Tragedy / Sound / Comedy / Colour film / To act / Horror movie / Cinemagoer / Feature film / Character / Seat / Performer
  3. Music – Flute / Success / Classical / Stage / Violin / Piano / Applause / Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Audience / Opera / Sound / To compose / To applaud / Performer
  4. Sculpture – Sculpture / Success / Bronze / Work of art / Monuments / Theatre Statue / Museum
  5. Painting – Success / To draw / Gallery / Work of art / Museum / To paint.
  6. Literature – Drama / Success / Classical / Fiction / Tragedy / Comedy / Character

Другие задания учебника[править | править код]



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations
b) the USA
c) Turkey
d) February
f) wool sack
g) Thanksgiving Day
h) cranberry sauce
i) domestic
j)the eve
k)Chimney sweeps
1)Halloween or….of all saints Day is celebrated on october 31. 2)Thoung there are few …working today,a sweeps festival is celebrated in rochester on the first weekend in may in honour of this old profession. 3) St valentines Day is celebrated on….14. 4)to present …on Christmas is a good tradition. 5)….is a characteristic feature of english people. 6)i know that many English people like …animals. 7) Thanksgiving Day is very popular in…. 8)The people can spend …with their families as it is a four-day holiday. 9)as the….cooks make the simple homemade….10) The lord Chancellor presides over parliament sitting on a …which symbolizes the importance of wool in english history

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1) j)the eve 
2) k)Chimney sweeps
3) b) February 
4) a)gifts 
5) e)Politeness 
6) i) domestic 
7) b) the USA
8)  g) Thanksgiving Day 
9) c) Turkey,h) cranberry sauce 
10) f) wool sack

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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.

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