Put the hard word on

put the hard word on

Австралийский сленг: попросить (кого-л.) о милости, попросить (кого-л.) об одолжении, попросить (кого-л.) об услуге

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «put the hard word on» в других словарях:

  • put the hard word on — ► put the hard word on Austral./NZ informal ask a favour of. Main Entry: ↑hard …   English terms dictionary

  • put the hard word on — (Aust) To ask, particularly for a loan or (esp sexual) favour • • • Main Entry: ↑hard …   Useful english dictionary

  • put the hard word on Austral./NZ — informal ask a favour of. → hard …   English new terms dictionary

  • the hard word — n a. a rejection or condemnation ► It was the one thing that would bring Christina [Onassis] and her father to gether again. It was only a matter of time before Christina gave me the hard word. (Joseph Bolker quoted in Heiress, by Ni gel Dempster …   Contemporary slang

  • Put the hard word on — 1. apply pressure in pursuit of agreement to a proposal (often sex related); 2. ask a favour of; 3. ask another for sexual intercourse …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • put the hard word on — Australian Slang 1. apply pressure in pursuit of agreement to a proposal (often sex related); 2. ask a favour of; 3. ask another for sexual intercourse …   English dialects glossary

  • hard word — put the hard word on Ask forcefully for something in the expectation that you will not be refused. Originally the phrase was used of a man propositioning a woman, and was first recorded in 1923. It is now also applied to any manner of heavy… …   Australian idioms

  • The L Word — infobox Television show name = The L Word caption = The L Word title logo format = Drama runtime = approx. 50 mins per episode creator = Michele Abbot Ilene Chaiken Kathy Greenberg starring = Jennifer Beals Erin Daniels (2004–2006) Pam Grier… …   Wikipedia

  • The Hard Goodbye — SinCityComic comic name = The Hard Goodbye caption = comic color=background:#000 publisher = Dark Horse Comics creators = Frank Miller editors = Randy Stradley (original series) Diana Schutz (2005 collection) protagonist(s) = Marv Goldie and… …   Wikipedia

  • The Hard goodbye (Sin city yarn) — SinCityCharacter character name = Hard Goodbye comic color=background:#000 publisher = Dark Horse Comics debut = Dark Horse Presents creators = Frank MIller full name = The Hard Goodbye (Originally Sin City) affiliation = Marv Goldie and Wendy… …   Wikipedia

  • hard — ► ADJECTIVE 1) solid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken, bent, or pierced. 2) requiring or demonstrating a great deal of endurance or effort; difficult. 3) (of a person) not showing any signs of weakness; tough. 4) (of information or a subject… …   English terms dictionary

put the hard word on

put the hard word on

Main Entry: ↑hard

English terms dictionary.

Look at other dictionaries:

  • put the hard word on — (Aust) To ask, particularly for a loan or (esp sexual) favour • • • Main Entry: ↑hard …   Useful english dictionary

  • put the hard word on Austral./NZ — informal ask a favour of. → hard …   English new terms dictionary

  • the hard word — n a. a rejection or condemnation ► It was the one thing that would bring Christina [Onassis] and her father to gether again. It was only a matter of time before Christina gave me the hard word. (Joseph Bolker quoted in Heiress, by Ni gel Dempster …   Contemporary slang

  • Put the hard word on — 1. apply pressure in pursuit of agreement to a proposal (often sex related); 2. ask a favour of; 3. ask another for sexual intercourse …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • put the hard word on — Australian Slang 1. apply pressure in pursuit of agreement to a proposal (often sex related); 2. ask a favour of; 3. ask another for sexual intercourse …   English dialects glossary

  • hard word — put the hard word on Ask forcefully for something in the expectation that you will not be refused. Originally the phrase was used of a man propositioning a woman, and was first recorded in 1923. It is now also applied to any manner of heavy… …   Australian idioms

  • The L Word — infobox Television show name = The L Word caption = The L Word title logo format = Drama runtime = approx. 50 mins per episode creator = Michele Abbot Ilene Chaiken Kathy Greenberg starring = Jennifer Beals Erin Daniels (2004–2006) Pam Grier… …   Wikipedia

  • The Hard Goodbye — SinCityComic comic name = The Hard Goodbye caption = comic color=background:#000 publisher = Dark Horse Comics creators = Frank Miller editors = Randy Stradley (original series) Diana Schutz (2005 collection) protagonist(s) = Marv Goldie and… …   Wikipedia

  • The Hard goodbye (Sin city yarn) — SinCityCharacter character name = Hard Goodbye comic color=background:#000 publisher = Dark Horse Comics debut = Dark Horse Presents creators = Frank MIller full name = The Hard Goodbye (Originally Sin City) affiliation = Marv Goldie and Wendy… …   Wikipedia

  • hard — ► ADJECTIVE 1) solid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken, bent, or pierced. 2) requiring or demonstrating a great deal of endurance or effort; difficult. 3) (of a person) not showing any signs of weakness; tough. 4) (of information or a subject… …   English terms dictionary

«Never tell people about your problems. 80 percent don’t care about it, the rest twenty are glad that you are in trouble.» — Никогда не говори людям о своих проблемах. 80% они не интересуют, остальные 20% рады, что они у тебя есть

 Friday [ʹfraıdı] , 14 April [ʹeıprəl] 2023

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Разговорные фразы

австрал., новозел. просить об одолжении, просить взаймы; просить (женщину) стать любовницей

He didn’t put the hard word on me once, and my credit is still good. (D. Lockwood) — Ни разу он не предложил мне стать его любовницей, и моя репутация по-прежнему высока.

«Don’t you think hitching’s a little dangerous for females?» — «Well, some sheilas I know have had the hard word put on them.» — «Не кажется ли тебе, что поездки на попутках опасны для женщин?» — «Ну, к некоторым девицам, которых я знаю, действительно приставали.»


просьба не раскрывать секрет или не рассказывать о чём-либо или о ком-либо.
ВОВ: I hope you won’t tell all this to anyone. BILL: Don’t worry, the word is mum.
l<The word is mum, » said Jane to ease Mary’s mind about the secret.

(американский разговорный)

Мне нужно немного поговорить с вами наедине. (Вместо глагола could могут употребляться сап или may.)
BOB: Can I have a word with you? SALLY: Sure. I’ll be with you in a minute.
SALLY: Tom? TOM: Yes. SALLY: I’d like to have a word with you. TOM: Okay. What’s it about?

(американский разговорный)

1) последний крик моды

2) последнее слово, решающее слово (в споре, обсуждении)

to have the last word — сказать последнее слово

My sister always has to have the last word. — Моей сестре всегда нужно сказать последнее слово.

The last word has not yet been said on this subject. — Этот вопрос ещё окончательно не решён.

The finance committee has the last word on what we spend. — Решающее слово в утверждении затрат остаётся за финансовым комитетом.

3) (the last word on) последнее слово в (какой-л. области), авторитетное мнение по (какому-л. вопросу)

The book is hardly the last word on the subject. — Эту книгу вряд ли можно считать последним словом в этой области.


неопределённый приветственный вопрос. (Разговорное и фамильярное. Прямого ответа не ожидается.)
ВОВ: Неу, Тот! What’s the good word? TOM: Hi, Bob! How are you doing?
SUE: What’s happening? JANE: Hi, Sue. What’s the good word?

(американский разговорный)

Поверьте мне. Доверьтесь мне, я говорю правду.
BILL: Take my word for it. These are the best encyclopedias you can buy. BOB: But I don’t need any encyclopedias.
RACHEL: No one can cook better than Fred. Take my word for it. BILL: Really? FRED: Oh, yes. It’s true.

(американский разговорный)

The internet is the new word of mouth — or word of mouse, as you might say. — Интернет – это новый вид сарафанного радио, так сказать, мышка на хвосте принесла.

выражение, употребляемое в конце разговора после или вместо слов До свидания!
MARY: Bye, Тот. ТОМ: Bye, Mary. Don’t work too hard.
SUE: Don’t work too hard! MARY: I never do.

(американский разговорный)

Это секрет. Не говорите об этом никому.
MARY: Can you keep a secret? JOHN: Sure. MARY: Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone, but Tom is in jail.
BILL: Have you heard about Mary and her friends? SALLY: NO. Tell me! Tell me! BILL: Well, they all went secretly to Mexico for the weekend. Everyone thinks they are at Mary’s, except Mary’s mother, who thinks they are at Sue’s. Now, don’t breathe a word of this to anyone. SALLY: Of course not! You know me!

(американский разговорный)

сообщать (что-л.), извещать (о чём-л.) в письменной форме

The witness should have sent word to the lawyer that he would not be able to come. — Свидетелю следовало письменно предуведомить адвоката о том, что он не сможет прийти.



жестокосердный; жестокий, бесчувственный; чёрствый, нечуткий, бездушный


cruel, brutal



1) практичный, расчётливый; трезвый


matter-of-fact, logical, practical, sober, abstinent

2) упрямый, несговорчивый


wilful, obstinate, stubborn


нуждаться, не иметь средств

You must be hard up for ideas if you’re using that old joke in the show! — Должно быть, вам не хватает свежих идей, если вы используете в программе такие старые шутки.


Я никому не расскажу о вашем секрете.
BILL: Don’t tell anybody, but Sally is getting married. MARY: I won’t breathe a word of it.
ALICE: The Jacksons are going to have to sell their house. Don’t spread it around. MARY: I won’t tell a soul.

(американский разговорный)

внимательно посмотреть на что-л., изучить что-л.; серьёзно подумать о чём-л.

Ministers were urged today to take a long hard look at a report on the workings of the House of Lords before launching into further reforms. — Министров сегодня призывали внимательно изучить доклад о работе Палаты лордов прежде, чем приступить к дальнейшим реформам.

So take a long, hard look at your contribution to the company before you go throwing around ultimatums. — Итак, серьёзно подумайте о своём вкладе в дело компании прежде, чем начать предъявлять ультиматумы.


фраза, за которой следует прощальное напутствие или последний вопрос для обсуждения.
JOHN: One final word, keep your chin up. MARY: Good advice!
SUE: And one final thing, don’t haul around a lot of expensive camera stuff It just tells the thieves who to rob. JOHN: There are thieves here? SUE: Yeah. Everywhere.

(американский разговорный)

As NATO enters the third month of its air war in Yugoslavia, it finds itself between a rock and a hard place. The rock: Slobodan Milosevic. The hard place: The prospect of interminable bombing with its specter of mounting casualties. — Вступив в третий месяц воздушной войны в Югославии, НАТО оказалось между молотом и наковальней. Наковальня: Слободан Милошевич. Молот: перспектива бесконечных бомбардировок с угрозой все возрастающих потерь.

— what does this word mean? что значит это слово?

What does this word mean? Что значит это слово?
(разговорные фразы)

by word of mouth — устно; из уст в уста

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put the hard word on

ask a favour of someone, especially a sexual or financial favour — Australian & New Zealand informal

1997 — Derek Hansen — Sole Survivor — But if he’d come to put the hard word on her, why hadn’t he picked a more appropriate time?

Midmorning had never struck her as particularly conducive to romance.

RELATED IDIOMS : be hard put to

find it very difficult to

2001 — Marc Blake — 24 Karat Schmooze — He wore an Armani suit with a navy shirt, a club tie (although the vintners would have been hard put to name the actual club) and a Freemasonry pin.

hard as nails

very hard

(of people) insensitive or callous — without pity

hard as the nether millstone

callous and unyielding

The nether millstone is the lower of the two millstones by which corn is ground. The phrase alludes to Job 41 : 24 : His heart is as firm as a stone, and as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.

hard at it

busily working – informal

1997 — Independent — I leave home just after 6am each day and I’m hard at it by 7.30.

a hard case

a tough or intractable person

an amusing or eccentric person – Australian & New Zealand

a hard nut to crack

a person or thing that is difficult to understand or influence – informal

a hard row to hoe

a difficult task

Hoeing a row of plants is used here as a metaphor for very arduous work

the hard way

through suffering or learning from the unpleasant consequences of mistakes

1996 — Nozipo Maraire — Zenzele — I think she understands better than the rest of us that we are at heart one family, for she has had to learn the hard way.

play hard to get

deliberately adopt an aloof or uninterested attitude, typically in order to make yourself more attractive or interesting – informal

hard nut to crack

someone who is difficult to deal with or hard to beat

a formidable person — informal

put the hard word on :

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put the hard word on someone: translation

put the make on someone & put the moves on someone & put the hard word on someone


to attempt to seduce or proposition someone. •

I think he was beginning to put the make on me. I’m glad I left.

James tried to put the hard word on Martha.

Are you putting the moves on me?


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