Put in the where necessary if no word is necessary leave the space empty


A: Did you have a nice holiday?

B: Yes, it was the best holiday I’ve ever had.

A: Where’s the nearest shop?

B: There’s one at the end of this street.

A: It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?

B: Yes, there isn’t a cloud in the sky.

A: I’ve got a problem with my computer. lt isn’t connecting to the internet.

B: That’s interesting. I’ve got the same problem with mine.

A: We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.

B: Why didn’t you stay at a cheaper hotel?

A: Would you like to travel in space?

B: Yes, I’d love to go to the moon.

A: What is Jupiter? Is it a star?

B: No, it’s a planet. It’s the largest planet in the solar system.


А: Хорошо ли вы провели отпуск?

Б: Да, это был лучший отпуск, который у меня когда-либо был.

A: Где находится ближайший магазин?

Б: Есть один магазин в конце этой улицы.

А: Сегодня прекрасный день, не правда ли?

Б: Да, на небе нет ни облачка.

A: У меня проблема с компьютером. Он не подключается к Интернету.

Б: Это интересно. У меня такая же проблема с моим компьютером.

A: Мы потратили все наши деньги, потому что остановились в самом дорогом отеле в городе.

Б: Почему вы не остановились в более дешевом отеле?

A: Хотели бы вы путешествовать в космосе?

Б: Да, я бы с удовольствием полетел на Луну.

А: Что такое Юпитер? Это звезда?

Б: Нет, это планета. Это самая большая планета в Солнечной системе.

Exercise 1   

Put in the or a where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.

1   A: Our apartment is on ……………………. tenth floor.

     B: Is it? I hope there’s ……………………. lift.

2   A: Did you have ……………………. nice holiday?

     B: Yes, it was ……………………. best holiday I’ve ever had.

3   A: Where’s ……………………. nearest shop?

     B: There’s one at …………………. end of this street.

4   A: It’s ……………………. lovely day, isn’t it?

     B: Yes, there isn’t ……………………. cloud in ……………………. sky.

5   A: I’ve got a problem with my computer. It isn’t connecting to ……………………. internet.

     B: That’s interesting. I’ve got ……………………. same problem with mine.

6   A: We spent all our money because we stayed at ……………………. most expensive hotel in town.

     B: Why didn’t you stay at ……………………. cheaper hotel?

7   A: Would you like to travel in ……………………. space?

     B: Yes, I’d love to go to ……………………. moon.

8   A: What’s Jupiter? Is it ……………………. star?

     B: No, it’s ……………………. planet. It’s ……………………. largest planet in ……………………. solar system.



the tenth floor … a lift

2  a nice holiday … the best holiday

3  the nearest shop … the end of this street

4  a lovely day … a cloud in the sky

5  to the internet … the same problem

6  the most expensive hotel … a cheaper hotel

7  to travel in space … go to the moon

8  a star … a planet … the largest planet in the solar system


UNIT 73. The I


We use the when there is only one of something:

Have you ever crossed the equator? (there is only
one equator)

What’s the longest river in Europe?

Our apartment is on the tenth floor.

Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.

I’m going away at the end of this month.

We use the before same
(the same):

Your sweater is the same colour as mine. (not
is same colour)

‘Are these keys the same?’ ‘No, they’re different.’


We say:











I love to look at the stars in
the sky. (not in sky)


has changed the way we live.

We need to do more to protect the environment. (=the
natural world around us)


goes round the sun, and
the moon goes round the earth.

We also use ‘Earth’ (without the) when we think of it as
a planet in space (like Mars,
Jupiter etc.).

Which planet is nearest Earth?

We say space (without the)
when we mean ‘space in the universe’. Compare

There are millions of stars in space. (not in the

I tried to park my car, but the space was too small.

We use a/an to say what kind of thing something is (see Unit 71
B). Compare the and a:

The sun is a star. (=one of many stars)

The hotel we
stayed at was a very nice


We say: (go to) the cinema, the theatre.

I go to the cinema a lot, but I haven’t been to the theatre for ages.

When we say the cinema /the theatre, we do not necessarily mean
a specific cinema or theatre.

We usually say the radio, but television/TV (without the). Compare:

I listen to the radio a lot.        but           I watch television a lot.

We heard it on the radio.        but         We watched it on TV.

The television /the TV= the television set:

Can you turn off the television, please?


We do not normally use the with breakfast/ lunch/dinner:

What did you have for breakfast?

We had lunch in a very nice restaurant.

But we use a/an if we say ‘a big lunch’, ‘a wonderful dinner’, ‘an early breakfast’ etc. :

We had a very nice lunch.
(not We had very nice lunch)


We do not use the before noun +number. For
example, we say:

Our train leaves from Platform 5. (not the Platform

(in a shop) Do you have
these shoes in size 43? (not
the size 43)

In the same way, we say: Room 126 (in a hotel), page 29 (of a book), question 3 (in an exam), Gate 10 (at an airport) etc.



Put in the or a
where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.


A: Our apartment is on ___the ____ tenth floor.

B: Is it? I hope there’s ___a
___ lift.

A: Did you have __________ nice

B: Yes, it was __________ best
holiday I’ve ever had.

A: Where’s __________ nearest

B: There’s one at __________ end
of this street.

A: It’s __________ lovely day,
isn’t it?

B: Yes, there isn’t __________
cloud in __________ sky.

A: I’ve got a problem with my
computer. lt isn’t connecting to __________ internet.

B: That’s interesting. I’ve
got __________ same problem with mine.

A: We spent all our money
because we stayed at __________ most expensive hotel in town.

B: Why didn’t you stay at __________
cheaper hotel?

A: Would you like to travel in

B: Yes, I’d love to go to __________

A: What is Jup1ter? 1t __________

B: No, it’s __________ planet.
It’s __________ largest planet in __________ solar system.









Put in the where necessary. If you don’t need the, leave the
space empty.


I haven’t been to ____the____ cinema
for ages.

Sarah spends most of her free
time watching ________TV.

Do you ever listen to ________radio?

________television was on, but
nobody was watching it.

Have you had ________dinner

Lisa and I arrived at ________same

What’s ________ capital city
of Canada?

What do you want for ________breakfast?

I lay down on ________ground
and looked up at ________sky.










Put in the or a
where necessary. (See Unit 72 for a and the if necessary.)


Sun is star.

I’m fed up with doing same
thing every day.

Room 25 is on second floor.

Moon goes round earth every 27

It was very hot day. lt was
hottest day of year.

We had lunch in nice
restaurant by sea.

What’s on at cinema this week?

I like to eat good breakfast
before I go to work.

We missed our train because we
were waiting on wrong platform.

Next train to London leaves
from Platform

You’ll find information you
need at top of page 15.

___ The sun is a star. ___________






















Complete the sentences using the
following. Use the where necessary.









Are you going out this
evening?’ ‘Yes, after ___dinner______’

There was no wind, so _____________was
very calm.

The test wasn’t too difficult,
but I couldn’t answer _____________

‘I’m going to _____________tonight.’
‘Are you. ? What film are you go.mg to see?’

I didn’t have time for _____________this
morning because I was in a hurry.

Oh, _____________is open. I
must have forgotten to shut it.

) Flight AB123 to Rome is now boarding at _____________








72.1 Put in the or a/an where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty (-).

1 A: Where did you have ….. lunch? B: We went to a restaurant.

2 A: Did you have a nice holiday? B: Yes, it was the best holiday I’ve ever had.

3. A: Where’s the nearest shop? B: There’s one at the end of this street.

4 A: Do

you often listen to radio? B: No. In fact I haven’t got radio.

S A: Would you like to travel in space? B: Yes, I’d love to go to


6. A: Do you go to cinema very often?

B: No, nor very often. But I watch a lot of films on television.

7 A: It was …… nice day yesterday, wasn’t it?

B: Yes, it was beautiful. We went for a walk by …………. sea.

8 A: What did you have for ……. breakfast this morning?

B: Nothing. I never eat



9 A: Can you tell me where Room 25 is, please?

B: It’s on … second floor

10 A: We spent all our money because we stayed at themost expensive hotel in town.

B: Why didn’t you stay at a cheaper hotel:

Ответы на вопрос


1 A: Where did you have lunch?

B: We went to a restaurant.

2 A: Did you have a nice holiday?

B: Yes, it was the best holiday I’ve ever had.

3 A: Where’s the nearest shop?

B: There’s one at the end of this street.

4 A: Do you often listen to the radio?

B: No. In fact I haven’t got a radio.

5 A: Would you like to travel in space?

B: Yes. I’d love to go to the moon.

6 A: Do you go to the cinema very often?

B: No, not very often. But I watch a lot of films on television.

7: It was a nice day yesterday, wasn’t it?

B: Yes, it was beautiful. We went for a walk by the sea.

8 A: What did you have for breakfast this morning?

B: Nothing. I never eat breakfast.

9 A: Excuse me, where is Room 25, please?

B: It’s on the second floor.

10 A: We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.

B: Why didn’t you stay at a cheaper hotel?

Новые вопросы

We use the … when there is only one of something:
* What is the longest river in the world? (there is only one longest river)
* The earth goes round the sun and the moon goes round the earth.
* I’m going away at the end of this month.

Don’t forget the:
* Paris is the capital of France. (not ‘Paris is capital of…’)

But we use a/an to say what kind of thing something is. Compare the and a:
* The sun is a star. (= one of many stars)
* The hotel we stayed at was a very nice hotel.

We say: the sky the sea the ground the country the environment:
* We looked up at all the stars in the sky. (not ‘in sky’)
* Would you rather live in a town or in the country?
* We must do more to protect the environment. (= the natural world around us)

Note that we say space (without ‘the’) when we mean ‘space in the universe’:
* There are millions of stars in space. (not ‘in the space’)
but * I tried to park my car but the space was too small.

We use the before same (the same):
* Your pullover is the same colour as mine. (not ‘is same colour’)
* These two photographs are the same. (not ‘are same’)

We say: (go to) the cinema, the theatre:
* I often go to the cinema but I haven’t been to the theatre for ages.

When we say the cinema/the theatre, we do not necessarily mean one particular cinema or theatre. We usually say the radio, but television (without ‘the’):
* I often listen to the radio.
* We heard the news on the radio.
* I often watch television.
* We watched the news on television.
but * Can you turn off the television, please? (= the television set)
Compare a:
* There isn’t a theatre in this town.
* I’m going to buy a new radio/television (set).

Breakfast lunch dinner
We do not normally use the with the names of meals (breakfast, lunch etc.):
* What did you have for breakfast?
* We had lunch in a very nice restaurant.
* What time is dinner?

But we use a if there is an adjective before breakfast, lunch etc.:
We had a very nice lunch. (not ‘we had very nice lunch’)

We do not use ‘the’ before noun + number. For example, we say:
* Our train leaves from Platform 5. (not ‘the Platform 5’)
* (in a shop) Have you got these shoes in size 43? (not ‘the size 43’)
In the same way, we say: Room 126 (in a hotel) page 29 (of a book) Section A etc.

72.1 Put in the or a/an where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty(-).
1. A: Where did you have — lunch?
B: We went to _a_ restaurant.
2. A: Did you have — nice holiday?
B: Yes, ‘it was — best holiday I’ve ever had.
3. A: Where’s nearest shop?
B: There’s one at — end of this street.
4. A: Do you often listen to radio?
B: No. In fact I haven’t got radio.
5. A: Would you like to travel in — space?
B: Yes, I’d love to go to — moon.
6. A: Do you go to — cinema very often?
B: No, not very often. But I watch a lot of films on — television.
7. A: It was — nice day yesterday, wasn’t it?
B: Yes, it was beautiful. We went for a walk by — sea.
8. A: What did you have — breakfast this morning?
B: Nothing. I never eat — breakfast.
9. A: Can you tell me where — Room 25 is, please?
B: It’s on — second floor.
10. A: We spent all our money because we stayed at — most expensive hotel in town.
B: Why didn’t you stay at — cheaper hotel?

72.2 Put in the where necessary. If you don’t need the, leave the space empty(-).
1. I haven’t been to _the_ cinema for ages.
2. I lay down on — ground and looked up at — sky.
3. Sheila spends most of her free time watching — television.
4. — television was on but nobody was watching it.
5. Have you had — dinner yet?
6. Mary and I arrived at — same time.
7. You’ll find — information you need at — top of — page 15.
8. Peru is a country in South America. — capital is Lima.

72.3 Put in the or a/an where necessary. If the sentence is already correct, put ‘RIGHT’. (If necessary, see previous units for a/an and the.)
1. I Sun is star. _The sun is a star._
2. Tim lives in small village in country. —
3. Moon goes round earth every 27 days. —
4. What is highest mountain in world? —
5. I’m fed up with doing same thing every day. —
6. It was very hot day. It was hottest day of year. —
7. I don’t usually have lunch but I always eat good breakfast. —
8. If you live in foreign country, you should try and learn language. —
9. We missed our train because we were waiting on wrong platform. We were on Platform 3 instead of Platform
8. —
72.4 Complete the sentences using one of the following. Use the if necessary.
breakfast cinema dinner gate Gate 21 Question 8 sea
1. I didn’t have time for — this morning because I was in a hurry.
2. ‘I’m going to — this evening.’ ‘Are you? What film are you going to see?’
3. There was no wind, so — was very calm.
4. ‘Are you going out this evening?’ ‘Yes, after —
5. The examination paper wasn’t too difficult but I couldn’t answer —
6. Oh — is open. I must have forgotten to shut it.
7. (airport announcement) ‘Flight BA123 to Vienna is now boarding at —


2 a nice holiday … the best holiday

3 the nearest shop … the end of this street

4 listen to the radio … I haven’t got a radio

5 to travel in space … go to the moon

6 go to the cinema … a lot of films on television

7 a nice day … by the sea

8 for breakfast … eat breakfast

9 where Room 25 is … on the second floor

10 the most expensive hotel … a cheaper hotel


2 the … the

3 —

4 The

5 —

6 the

7 the information … the top of page 15.

8 The


2 in a small village in the country

3 The moon … the earth

4 the highest mountain in the world

5 the same thing

6 a very hot day … the hottest day of the year

7 have lunch … eat a good breakfast

8 live in a foreign country … the language

9 on the wrong platform. We were on Platform 3 instead of Platform 8.


2 the cinema 3 the sea

4 dinner 5 Question 8

6 the gate 7 Gate 21

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  • Put in the sentences the suitable words each word or word combination is only used
  • Put in the right word in the gap
  • Put in the necessary question word
  • Put in the missing words use one word only in each space
  • Put in the missing words one word is left out