Pronunciation of the word question

вопрос, сомнение, проблема, дело, спрашивать, сомневаться, допрашивать


- вопрос

- проблема, дело, обсуждаемый вопрос

- (парламентское) предложение

a question before the House — предложение в палате
the previous question — предложение о прекращении прений и переходе к обсуждению
to pop the question — сделать /внести/ предложение
to put the question — ставить на голосование

- сомнение; возражение

- допрос, следствие

to call smb. in question — подвергать кого-л. допросу, допрашивать кого-л.; отдавать кого-л. под суд

- ист. пытка

to put smb. to the question — подвергать кого-л. пытке, пытать кого-л.


- спрашивать, задавать вопросы; расспрашивать

he questioned me closely about what I had seen — он подробно расспросил меня о том, что я видел

- допрашивать; опрашивать

to question a witness — допрашивать свидетеля

- подвергать сомнению, сомневаться, ставить под вопрос

to question a decision — сомневаться в правильности решения
to question smb.’s right to smth. — ставить под сомнение чьё-л. право на что-л.
he never questioned her being twenty-one — ему и в голову не приходило сомневаться в том, что ей 21 год
to question the truth of his story — не быть уверенным в правдивости его рассказа
I question whether he is right — я не уверен, что он прав

Мои примеры


to divine the answer to a question — предугадать ответ на вопрос  
a flip answer to serious question — легкомысленный ответ на серьёзный вопрос  
a glib response to a complex question — поверхностный ответ на сложный вопрос  
to duck away from a question — увиливать от вопроса  
question! — а) ближе к делу! (обращение председателя собрания к выступающему, если последний отклоняется от обсуждаемого вопроса); б) это ещё вопрос!  
ask no questions and you will be told no lies — посл. не задавай вопросов и не услышишь лжи  

Примеры с переводом

Reply to the question.

Отвечай на вопрос.

I need to ask a question.

Мне нужно задать вопрос.

It’s true beyond question.

Вне всякого сомнения, это правда.

Are you questioning what I’m saying?

Вы ставите мои слова под сомнение?

What a dumb question.

Что за тупой вопрос. / Какой глупый вопрос.

This question puzzles me.

Этот вопрос ставит меня в тупик.

Answer question number 4.

Ответьте на вопрос номер четыре.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…let us propound the question whether mercy killing should ever be an option…

…a dank and uncongenial castle that makes one question just how merry old England really was…

…a longtime familiar of the bar, she would most likely have been there on the night in question…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

quest  — поиск, поиски, дознание, искомый предмет, искать, разыскивать, производить поиски
questionable  — сомнительный, подозрительный, пользующийся плохой репутацией
questioner  — корреспондент, интервьюер, тот, кто спрашивает
questionless  — бесспорный, несомненный, бесспорно, несомненно
questioning  — допрос, вопрошающий
questionary  — анкета

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): question
мн. ч.(plural): questions





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Hey everyone, it’s Hadar, and this is The Accent’s Way. And today we’re gonna talk about the question: how to pronounce the word ‘question’? It’s pretty simple as long as we remember that it’s not pronounced the way it’s written because English is not a phonetic language.

So, this word has two syllables. And in every word there is one syllable that sticks out the most. It is longer, louder, and higher in pitch. And in this case it’s the first syllable – “kwes” “kwes”. We begin with a ‘k’ sound. Then it’s a ‘w’, round your lips for a ‘W’. Then the ‘eh’ as in ‘red’ – “kwe”. And then you end it up with an ‘S’ – “kwes” “kwes”. Just like the word ‘quest’ – “kwes”. That’s the first syllable.

The second syllable begins with a ‘ch’ sound as in ‘chicken’. Right? I know it’s spelled with a ‘T’ but we do want to pronounce that as a “ch”. “Ch”, “ch”, “ch”. Then we reduce to a schwa – “chuh” “chuh” – and then close it with an ‘N’ – “ch’n” “ch’n”. “Kwes-ch’n”. Tah-tah. Question. Question. “Hey, I have a question.” “Do you have any questions?” “Can I ask you a question?”

Now, you might be hearing people pronouncing this word more with a ‘sh’ sound, like “kwesh-t’n”. “Kwesh-t’n”. That’s also okay but I would focus on the accurate pronunciation with a ‘s’ sound – “kwes-ch’n”.

All right, that’s it. Thank you so much for watching. Please share this video with your friends if you liked it. And if you have any questions for me, let me know in the comments below. Have a great week and I’ll see you next week in the next video. Bye.

The consonant sequence /st͡ʃ/ in this word, and others, can indeed be replaced in pronunciation by something like [ʃt͡ʃ] as the result of assimilation. (I don’t know if it would be correct to analyze this as representing a distinct phonemic sequence /⁠ʃt͡ʃ/.) This assimilation is not mandatory, and different people may assimilate at different rates. I don’t have any data about that, however.

The people in the comments saying that this prounciation doesn’t seem common in their area are not a particularly good source of evidence about the commonness of this pronunciation because many phonetic assimilations aren’t easy for a native English speaker to notice: the sound [ʃt͡ʃ] in this context might be heard as /st͡ʃ/ by a native English listener, because that’s what the listener expects to hear in the word «question».

Contexts where coda /s/ may become [ʃ] due to anticipatory assimilation

Coda /s/ in English may be assimilated to a sound like [ʃ] before a following fricative /ʃ/ or a following semivowel /j/ (Gimson’s Pronunciation of English, Seventh Edition, by Alan Cruttenden, 9.4.5). These assimilations occur fairly often between words in phrases.

Certain words that originally contained a heterosyllabic sequence /sr/ may be pronounced with [ʃr], e.g. grocery («Into the ears, through the head, out on the lips. How listening errors can trigger new instances of palatalisation» (Olivier Glain, 2013). To me at least, it feels like the pronunciation of grocery with [ʃ] contains the phoneme /ʃ/: it coexists for me with a variant pronunciation with /s/, and only /s/ is possible for me for some of the words where other speakers may have palatalization, such as anniversary.

Contexts where onset /s/ may become [ʃ] due to anticipatory assimilation

Assimilation of /s/ to a [ʃ]-like sound in sequences like /str/ is maybe a somewhat different phenomenon in that /str/ often occurs in English as a tautosyllabic cluster (e.g. in the word street). Tautosyllabic [ʃt͡ʃ] may occur for some British English speakers as an onset cluster in words like student due to assimilation. Likewise, the onset cluster /str/ may undergo assimilation, resulting in a cluster pronounced something like [ʃtɹ]. Glain cites a passage in Wells’s LPD 2008 that mentions these two contexts where onset /s/ may undergo assimilation, as well as a 2011 paper by Rutter:

Rutter (2011) uses acoustic measurements to compare ten English speakers’ realisations of the onsets /ʃ/, /ʃɹ/, /ʃtɹ/, and /s/. He finds out that most of the occurrences of /str/ clusters produced by these speakers fall within their normal range for /ʃ/, as opposed to various intermediate phonetic realisations falling somewhere between a typical /ʃ/ and /s/. The results indicate that the change towards /ʃ/ is complete for those speakers.

So acoustic measurements at least may provide some support for writing /ʃtr/ and not just [ʃtɹ] for speakers who have assimilated onset /s/ in original /str/. I don’t know of a similar acoustic study that covers words like question.

I haven’t read the Rutter paper, but another paper that cites him says that

Rutter points out that in his own experiment, several of the sounds initially perceived as [s] were found under spectrographic scrutiny to more closely resemble [ʃ] (34)

(«On The Perception of /s/ and /ʃ/: Considering the Effects of Phonotactics», by Kristen Scudieri, 2012)


Alternative forms[edit]

  • quæstion (archaic)


From Middle English question, questioun, questiun, from Anglo-Norman questiun, from Old French question, from Latin quaestiōnem, accusative of quaestiō (a seeking, investigation, inquiry, question), from quaerere (to seek, ask, inquire)[1], of uncertain origin, but possibly from Proto-Italic *kʷaizeō, from Proto-Indo-European *kʷeh₂- (to acquire).

Displaced native Old English āscung. Compare also Middle Low German quēstie (questioning; inquiry), Middle High German questje (question).


  • IPA(key): /ˈkwɛst͡ʃən/, /ˈkwɛstjən/, /ˈkwɛʃt͡ʃən/
  • (US also) IPA(key): /ˈkwɛʃtən/
  • (Indian English) IPA(key): /ˈkwɛst͡ʃɛn/, /ˈkwɛʃ(t͡ʃ)ɛn/
  • (Hong Kong) IPA(key): /ˈkwɛ.ʃən/, /ˈkwɛʔ.ʃən/
  • Rhymes: -ɛstʃən
  • Hyphenation: ques‧tion


question (plural questions)

  1. A sentence, phrase or word which asks for information, reply or response; an interrogative.
    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 4, in Mr. Pratt’s Patients:

      I told him about everything I could think of; and what I couldn’t think of he did. He asked about six questions during my yarn, but every question had a point to it. At the end he bowed and thanked me once more. As a thanker he was main-truck high; I never see anybody so polite.

    • 2006 Feb. 3, Graham Linehan, The IT Crowd, Season 1, Episode 4:
      Can I ask you two a question? / Please, Christ, yes. / How can you two live like this? / How can… / Don’t google the question, Moss!

    What is your question?

  2. A subject or topic for consideration or investigation.

    The question of seniority will be discussed at the meeting.

    There was a question of which material to use.

    • 2014 October 14, David Malcolm, “The Great War Re-Remembered: Allohistory and Allohistorical Fiction”, in Martin Löschnigg; Marzena Sokolowska-Paryz, editors, The Great War in Post-Memory Literature and Film[1], Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG., →ISBN, page 173:

      The question of the plausibility of the counter-factual is seen as key in all three discussions of allohistorical fiction (as it is in Demandt’s and Ferguson’s examinations of allohistory) (cf. Rodiek 25–26; Ritter 15–16; Helbig 32).

  3. A doubt or challenge about the truth, accuracy, or validity of a matter.

    His claim to the property has come under question.

    The story is true beyond question.

    He obeyed without question.

    • 1622 (date written), Francis [Bacon], “An Advertisement Touching an Holy VVarre. []”, in William Rawley, editor, Certaine Miscellany VVorks of the Right Honourable Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount S. Alban. [], London: [] I. Hauiland for Humphrey Robinson, [], published 1629, →OCLC:

      It is to be to question, whether it be lawful for Christian princes or states to make an invasive war, only and simply for the propagation of the faith.

    • 2021 April 2, Ciara Nugent, “Can Public Transit Survive the Pandemic? London’s New Transport Commissioner Wants You to Believe It Can”, in Time[2]:

      The pandemic has not only caused an immediate fall in ticket revenues for the world’s public transit networks—rail ridership in Barcelona, Moscow, Beijing and New York City at times plummeting 80%—in some cities it also has thrown into question the future of mass urban transportation.

  4. A proposal to a meeting as a topic for deliberation.

    I move that the question be put to a vote.

  5. (now archaic, historical, chiefly with definite article) Interrogation by torture.
    • 1751, [Tobias] Smollett, chapter LXXVII, in The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle [], volume II, London: Harrison and Co., [], published 1781, →OCLC:

      I, not at all ambitious of the crown of martyrdom, resolved to temporize: so that, when I was brought to the question the second time, I made a solemn recantation []

  6. (obsolete) Talk; conversation; speech.
    • c. 1603–1606, William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of King Lear”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act IV, scene iii]:

      Made she no verbal question?


  • (interrogative): inquiry, enquiry, query, interrogation
  • (subject): subject, topic, problem, consideration, proposition
  • (doubt): issue, doubt
  • (proposal): proposal

Derived terms[edit]

  • a question of
  • Adriatic Question
  • Armenian Question
  • begging the question
  • beyond question
  • bonus question
  • burning question
  • call into question
  • chicken-or-egg question
  • closed-ended question
  • cross-question
  • double-barreled question
  • Eastern Question
  • essay question
  • federal question
  • frequently asked questions/FAQ
  • German Question, German question
  • in question
  • indirect question
  • Irish Question
  • Jewish Question
  • Karelian Question
  • leading question
  • loaded question
  • multiple-choice question
  • national question
  • no questions asked
  • open question
  • open-ended question
  • out of question
  • out of the question
  • Polish Question
  • pop the question
  • previous question
  • question mark
  • question sheet
  • question stem
  • question time
  • question-master
  • questionable
  • questionist
  • questionless
  • questionnaire
  • questionwise
  • reverse question
  • rhetorical question
  • Roman Question
  • scaled question
  • Schleswig-Holstein Question
  • tag question
  • toss-up question
  • West Lothian question
  • yes-no question


  • query
  • quest


sentence, phrase or word

  • Abkhaz: азҵаара (azcʼaara)
  • Adyghe: упчӏэ (wupĉʼe)
  • Afrikaans: vraag (af)
  • Albanian: pyetje (sq) f
  • Amharic: ጥያቄ (ṭəyaḳe)
  • Arabic: سُؤَال (ar) m (suʔāl)
    Hijazi Arabic: سؤال‎ m (suʾāl)
  • Aragonese: please add this translation if you can
  • Armenian: հարց (hy) (harcʿ)
  • Aromanian: ãntribari f
  • Assamese: প্ৰশ্ন (prosno)
  • Asturian: entruga f, pregunta f
  • Avar: суал (swal)
  • Azerbaijani: sual (az), soru (az)
  • Baluchi: جست(just), سوال(sawál, suwál)
  • Bashkir: һорау (horaw)
  • Basque: galdera, itaun
  • Belarusian: пыта́нне (be) n (pytánnje)
  • Bengali: প্রশ্ন (bn) (prôśnô), সওয়াল (bn) (śôwal)
  • Bikol Central: hapot (bcl)
  • Breton: goulenn (br) m
  • Bulgarian: въпро́с (bg) m (vǎprós), пи́тане (bg) n (pítane), запи́тване (bg) n (zapítvane)
  • Burmese: ပုစ္ဆာ (my) (puchca), အမေး (my) (, မေးခွန်း (my) (me:hkwan:)
  • Buryat: асуудал (asuudal)
  • Catalan: demanda (ca) f, qüestió (ca) f
  • Chamicuro: inajpeki
  • Chechen: хаттар (xattar)
  • Cherokee: ᎠᏛᏛᎲᏍᎩ (advdvhvsgi)
  • Chichewa: funso
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 問題问题 (man6 tai4)
    Dungan: вынти (vɨnti)
    Hakka: 問題问题 (mun-thì)
    Mandarin: 問題问题 (zh) (wèntí)
    Min Dong: 問題问题 (ông-dà̤)
    Min Nan: 問題问题 (zh-min-nan) (būn-tôe, būn-tê)
    Wu: 問題问题 (ven di)
  • Chukchi: пынԓён (pynḷjon)
  • Chuvash: ыйту (yjt̬u)
  • Cornish: govyn m, kwestyon m
  • Crimean Tatar: sual
  • Czech: otázka (cs) f
  • Danish: spørgsmål (da) n
  • Dutch: vraag (nl) f
  • Elfdalian: fråga f
  • Esperanto: demando (eo)
  • Estonian: küsimus (et)
  • Faroese: spurningur m
  • Finnish: kysymys (fi)
  • French: question (fr) f
  • Friulian: domande f
  • Galician: pregunta f, cuestión (gl) f
  • Georgian: კითხვა (ḳitxva), საკითხი (saḳitxi)
  • German: Frage (de) f, Anfrage (de) f
  • Greek: ερώτηση (el) f (erótisi)
    Ancient: ἐρώτημα n (erṓtēma)
  • Greenlandic: apeqqut
  • Gujarati: પ્રશ્ન (praśna)
  • Hausa: tambaya (ha)
  • Hawaiian: nīnau, ui
  • Hebrew: שְׁאֵלָה (he) f (she’elá)
  • Hindi: सवाल (hi) m (savāl), प्रश्न (hi) m (praśna)
  • Hungarian: kérdés (hu)
  • Hunsrik: Froh f
  • Icelandic: spurning (is) f, spursmál n
  • Ido: questiono (io)
  • Igbo: please add this translation if you can
  • Indonesian: pertanyaan (id), soal (id)
  • Interlingua: question
  • Irish: ceist (ga) f
  • Italian: domanda (it) f
  • Japanese: 質問 (ja) (しつもん, shitsumon)
  • Javanese: please add this translation if you can
  • Kalmyk: сурвр (survr)
  • Kannada: ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ (kn) (praśne)
  • Kapampangan: kutang
  • Karachay-Balkar: соруу (soruw)
  • Karakalpak: soraw, sawal
  • Kazakh: сұрақ (kk) (sūraq), сұрау (kk) (sūrau), сауал (kk) (saual)
  • Khakas: сурағ (surağ), сурығ (surığ)
  • Khmer: សំនួរ (sɑmnuə)
  • Korean: 질문(質問) (ko) (jilmun)
  • Koryak: пыӈлон (pəŋlon)
  • Kumyk: сорав (soraw), суал (sual)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: پرسیار (ckb) (pirsyar)
  • Kyrgyz: суроо (ky) (suroo)
  • Ladino: פריגונטה(pregunto)
  • Lao: ຄຳຖາມ (kham thām)
  • Latin: rogātiō f
  • Latvian: jautājums m
  • Lezgi: суал (sual), жузна (žuzna)
  • Lithuanian: klausimas (lt) m
  • Livonian: kizzimi
  • Lombard: questión f
  • Luxembourgish: Fro f
  • Macedonian: прашање n (prašanje)
  • Malagasy: fanontaniana (mg)
  • Malay: soalan (ms), pertanyaan, tanya (ms)
  • Malayalam: ചോദ്യം (ml) (cōdyaṃ)
  • Maltese: kwistjoni f, mistoqsija f
  • Maori: pātai, ui, whakaui
  • Marathi: प्रश्न (praśna)
  • Middle English: questioun, frain, fraign
  • Middle Persian: tr-pursišn
  • Mirandese: please add this translation if you can
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: асуудал (mn) (asuudal)
  • Navajo: naʼídíkid
  • Nepali: प्रश्न (praśna)
  • Norman: tchestchion f
  • Northern Sami: gažaldat, jearaldat
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: spørsmål (no) n
    Nynorsk: spørsmål n
  • Occitan: question (oc) f
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: пытаниѥ n (pytanije), вопросъ m (voprosŭ)
  • Old East Slavic: пытаниѥ n (pytanije)
  • Old English: āscung f
  • Oriya: ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ (or) (prôśnô)
  • Oromo: gaaffii
  • Ossetian: фарста (farsta), фарст (farst)
  • Pashto: پوښتنه (ps) f (puӽtᶕna), سوال (ps) m (swāl), مسأله‎ f (masalá)
  • Persian: پرسش (fa) (porseš), سؤال (fa) (so’âl)
  • Polish: pytanie (pl) n
  • Portuguese: questão (pt) f, pergunta (pt) f
  • Punjabi: ਸਵਾਲ (pa) (savāl), ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਨ m (prśan)
  • Rajasthani: please add this translation if you can
  • Romanian: întrebare (ro) f
  • Romansch: dumonda f
  • Russian: вопро́с (ru) m (voprós)
  • Sanskrit: प्रश्न (sa) (praśna), पृच्छा (sa) f (pṛcchā)
  • Scots: quaisten
  • Scottish Gaelic: ceist f
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: пи́та̄ње n
    Roman: pítānje (sh) n
  • Shor: сурағ (surağ)
  • Sicilian: dumanna (scn) f, dimanna (scn) f, dimanna (scn) f, dumanna (scn) f
  • Sindhi: please add this translation if you can
  • Sinhalese: ප්‍රශ්‍නය (praśnaya)
  • Skolt Sami: kõõččmoš
  • Slovak: otázka (sk) f
  • Slovene: vprašanje (sl) n
  • Somali: please add this translation if you can
  • Southern Altai: сурак (surak)
  • Southern Sami: gyhtjelasse
  • Spanish: pregunta (es) f, cuestión (es) f
  • Swahili: swali (sw)
  • Swedish: fråga (sv) c, spörsmål (sv) n, spörjning c
  • Tabasaran: суал (sual)
  • Tagalog: tanong (tl)
  • Tajik: пурсиш (pursiš), савол (tg) (savol)
  • Tamil: கேள்வி (ta) (kēḷvi)
  • Taos: cìakǫ’óna
  • Tatar: сорау (soraw)
  • Telugu: ప్రశ్న (te) (praśna)
  • Thai: คำถาม (th) (kam-tǎam)
  • Tibetan: དོགས་གནད (dogs gnad)
  • Tigrinya: ሕቶ (ḥəto)
  • Tocharian B: prāśśäṃ
  • Turkish: soru (tr)
  • Turkmen: sorag, sowal
  • Tuvan: айтырыг (aytırıg)
  • Ukrainian: пита́ння (uk) n (pytánnja)
  • Urdu: سوال‎ m (savāl)
  • Uyghur: سوئلا(so’la), سوراق(soraq)
  • Uzbek: soʻroq (uz), savol (uz)
  • Venetian: dimanda f
  • Vietnamese: câu hỏi (vi) (句𠳨)
  • Volapük: säk (vo)
  • Walloon: please add this translation if you can
  • Waray-Waray: paki-ana, pangutana
  • Welsh: cwestiwn (cy) m
  • White Hmong: lo lus noog
  • Yakut: ыйытыы (ıyıtıı)
  • Yiddish: פֿראַגע‎ f (frage)
  • Yoruba: ìbéèrè
  • Yup’ik: apyun

subject or topic

  • Arabic: مَسْأَلَة (ar) f (masʔala)
  • Armenian: հարց (hy) (harcʿ)
  • Azerbaijani: məsələ (az), mövzu (az), məqam (az), mətləb
  • Bengali: বিষয় (bn) (biśoẏ), প্রসঙ্গ (prôśôṅgô)
  • Bulgarian: въпро́с (bg) m (vǎprós), предме́т (bg) m (predmét)
  • Catalan: qüestió (ca) f
  • Czech: otázka (cs), téma (cs)
  • Danish: spørgsmål (da) n
  • Dutch: thema (nl) n, kwestie (nl) f
  • Esperanto: temo (eo)
  • Finnish: kysymys (fi), kyse (fi)
  • French: question (fr) f
  • Georgian: საკითხი (saḳitxi)
  • German: Frage (de) f
  • Gothic: 𐍃𐍉𐌺𐌽𐍃 f (sōkns)
  • Greek: ερώτημα (el) (erótima)
  • Hebrew: שְׁאֵלָה (he) f (sh’elá)
  • Hungarian: téma (hu), tárgy (hu), kérdés (hu), ügy (hu)
  • Irish: ceist (ga) f
  • Italian: questione (it)
  • Macedonian: прашање n (prašanje)
  • Maori: marau
  • Middle English: questioun
  • Ngazidja Comorian: suäla class 5/6
  • Norman: tchestchion f
  • Persian: مسئله (fa) (masa’le)
  • Polish: kwestia (pl) f
  • Portuguese: questão (pt) f, tema (pt) m
  • Punjabi: ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਨ m (prśan)
  • Russian: вопро́с (ru) m (voprós), предме́т (ru) m (predmét)
  • Slovene: vprašanje (sl) n
  • Spanish: tema (es) m, asunto (es) m, tópico (es) m, cuestión (es) f
  • Swahili: swali (sw)
  • Swedish: fråga (sv) c

doubt or challenge

  • Armenian: հարց (hy) (harcʿ)
  • Bengali: সন্দেহ (bn) (śôndehô)
  • Bulgarian: съмне́ние (bg) n (sǎmnénie)
  • Catalan: qüestió (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 疑問疑问 (zh) (yíwèn), 質詢质询 (zh) (zhìxún)
  • Danish: spørgsmål (da) n
  • Dutch: twijfel (nl) m
  • Esperanto: dubo (eo)
  • Finnish: kysymys (fi), epäilys (fi)
  • French: doute (fr) m
  • Georgian: ეჭვი (eč̣vi), შეკითხვა (šeḳitxva)
  • German: Frage (de) f, Zweifel (de) m
  • Greek: απορία (el) f (aporía)
  • Hungarian: kétség (hu), kétely (hu)
  • Macedonian: сомнеж m (somnež), сомнение n (somnenie), сомневање n (somnevanje)
  • Maori: urupounamu
  • Middle English: questioun
  • Portuguese: questão (pt) f
  • Russian: сомне́ние (ru) n (somnénije)
  • Slovene: vprašanje (sl) n
  • Spanish: duda (es) f, cuestión (es) f
  • Swahili: swali (sw)
  • Swedish: tvivel (sv) n

Translations to be checked

  • Catalan: (please verify) qüestió (ca) f
  • Crimean Tatar: (please verify) sual
  • Dutch: (please verify) vraag (nl) f
  • Icelandic: (please verify) spurning (is)
  • Romanian: (please verify) întrebare (ro) f
  • Spanish: (please verify) incógnita f, (please verify) duda (es) f, (please verify) interrogante (es)
  • Swahili: (please verify) swali (sw)
  • Telugu: (please verify) ప్రశ్న (te) (praśna)
  • Turkish: (please verify) soru (tr), (please verify) soru işareti (tr)


question (third-person singular simple present questions, present participle questioning, simple past and past participle questioned)

  1. (transitive) To ask questions of; to interrogate; to ask for information.
    • 1836, Frederick W. Thomas, East and West, volume 2:

      Yet he lingered in Perryville with the determination of seeing Ruth, and questioning her about Helen Murray’s letters.

    • 2019, Nic Pizzolatto, “The Hour and the Day”, in True Detective, season 3, episode 4:

      Another former resident noticed the car because it was new and upscale and no one ever came back to question him. This points to serious flaws in the investigation from the beginning.

  2. (transitive) To raise doubts about; have doubts about.
    • 1985 April 17, Herbert, Frank, Frank Herbert speaking at UCLA 4/17/1985[3], UCLACommStudies, archived from the original on 10 February 2017, 15:46 from the start:

      Question things. I have the most fun when I’m writing questioning things that people do not question— the assumptions that everybody knows are true.

    • 2019, VOA Learning English (public domain)
      He questioned South Korean claims that China is a major source of its pollution.

  3. (intransitive) To ask a question or questions; inquire or seek to know; examine.[1]
    • 1597, Francis Bacon, Of Discourse
      He that questioneth much shall learn much.
  4. (intransitive, obsolete) To argue; to converse; to dispute.
    • c. 1596–1598 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Merchant of Venice”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act IV, scene i]:

      I pray you, think you question with the Jew.


  • frain, quaeritate (obsolete)

Derived terms[edit]

  • questioner


ask questions of

  • Arabic:
    Egyptian Arabic: استفهم(istafhim)
  • Armenian: հարցաքննել (hy) (harcʿakʿnnel)
  • Azerbaijani: sorğu-sual etmək
  • Breton: goulenn (br)
  • Bulgarian: питам (bg) (pitam), разпитвам (bg) (razpitvam)
  • Catalan: interrogar (ca)
  • Dutch: ondervragen (nl)
  • Esperanto: demandi (eo)
  • Finnish: kysyä (fi), kuulustella (fi), udella (fi)
  • French: questionner (fr), interroger (fr)
  • Galician: preguntar
  • German: fragen (de), hinterfragen (de), befragen (de)
  • Greek: αμφισβητώ (el) (amfisvitó)
  • Hawaiian: nīnau
  • Hungarian: faggat (hu), vallat (hu), kérdőre von, kikérdez (hu)
  • Icelandic: spyrja (is), fregna (archaic)
  • Irish: ceistigh
  • Italian: chiedere (it)
  • Latin: scisco, quaero (la), scitor, percontor
  • Macedonian: испрашува (isprašuva), прашува (prašuva), распрашува (rasprašuva)
  • Malay: bertanya, whakaui
  • Maori: pātai, ui
  • Middle English: afrainen
  • Neapolitan: addimannà
  • Persian: سؤال کردن(so’âl kardan)
  • Polish: pytać (pl)
  • Portuguese: questionar (pt)
  • Romanian: întreba (ro)
  • Russian: расспра́шивать (ru) impf (rassprášivatʹ), расспроси́ть (ru) pf (rassprosítʹ), допра́шивать (ru) impf (doprášivatʹ), допроси́ть (ru) pf (doprosítʹ)
  • Sanskrit: पृच्छति (sa) (pṛcchati)
  • Spanish: preguntar (es), consultar (es), cuestionar (es), interrogar (es)
  • Swahili: kuuliza
  • Swedish: fråga (sv)
  • Telugu: ప్రశ్నించు (te) (praśniñcu)
  • Tocharian B: pärk-
  • Turkish: sorgulamak (tr)
  • Ukrainian: допи́тувати impf (dopýtuvaty), допита́ти pf (dopytáty)

raise doubts about

  • Azerbaijani: sorğulamaq, sual altına qoymaq
  • Bulgarian: съмнявам се (sǎmnjavam se)
  • Catalan: qüestionar (ca)
  • Czech: zpochybnit
  • Dutch: in vraag stellen, in twijfel trekken
  • Esperanto: dubi (eo)
  • Finnish: kyseenalaistaa (fi)
  • French: mettre en doute (fr), douter de (fr), mettre en question (fr), remettre en question (fr)
  • German: anzweifeln (de), bezweifeln (de), infrage stellen (de), in Frage stellen
  • Greek: αμφισβητώ (el) (amfisvitó)
  • Hungarian: megkérdőjelez (hu), kétségbe von (hu)
  • Icelandic: efa (is), draga í efa
  • Italian: mettere in dubbio, interrogarsi, mettere in discussione
  • Latin: scitor, scisco, sciscitor
  • Macedonian: става под прашање (stava pod prašanje), оспорува (osporuva)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: sette spørsmålstegn ved, stille spørsmål ved
    Nynorsk: setje spørsmålsteikn ved, stille spørsmål ved
  • Polish: kwestionować (pl)
  • Portuguese: questionar (pt)
  • Russian: ста́вить под вопро́с impf (stávitʹ pod voprós)
  • Spanish: cuestionar (es), poner en tela de juicio (es), dudar (es)
  • Swedish: ifrågasätta (sv)

See also[edit]

  • answer
  • ask
  • interrogative


  • question in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • question at OneLook Dictionary Search
  1. 1.0 1.1 “question”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.


Alternative forms[edit]

  • quæstion (obsolete)


From Middle French and Old French question (12th c.), borrowed from Latin quaestiō, quaestiōnem. At first a learned word, therefore retaining preconsonantal -s- (compare related quête).


  • IPA(key): /kɛs.tjɔ̃/
  • Rhymes: -jɔ̃


question f (plural questions)

  1. a question

    Je voudrais vous poser une question.

    I would like to ask you a question.
  2. issue, matter, topic, problem

Derived terms[edit]

  • en question
  • foire aux questions
  • hors de question
  • j’ai une question
  • mettre en question
  • pas question
  • question fermée
  • question ouverte
  • question partielle
  • question piège
  • question rhétorique
  • question totale
  • remettre en question

Further reading[edit]

  • “question”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.


  • quêtions, toniques



  • IPA(key): /kwesˈtjon/


question (plural questiones)

  1. question

Middle English[edit]



  1. Alternative form of questioun

Old French[edit]


Borrowed from Latin quaestiō, quaestiōnem.


question f (oblique plural questions, nominative singular question, nominative plural questions)

  1. question (verbal statement intended to elicit a response)
  2. question (problem in need of resolution)


  • Middle English: questioun, question, questiun, questyon, questyounn, qwestyon, qwestioun
    • English: question
    • Scots: quaisten, quastin
    • Welsh: cwestiwn
  • French: question
    • Romanian: chestie, chestiune
  • Norman: tchestchion (Jersey)


  • question on the Anglo-Norman On-Line Hub

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