Pronounce the word world

мир, свет, вселенная, общество, царство, мировой, всемирный


- мир, свет, земля, земной шар

the whole /entire/ world — весь мир
to bring into the world — произвести на свет, родить
to come into the world — появиться на свет, родиться
a citizen of the world — гражданин мира, космополит
the world over, all over the world — во всём мире, по всему миру
a journey round the world — кругосветное путешествие
world’s fair — всемирная выставка

- планета

are there any other inhabited worlds? — есть ли ещё обитаемые миры, кроме нашего?

- мир, вселенная
- часть земного шара

the Third World countries — страны «третьего мира»
the Old World — Старый Свет
the New World — Новый Свет

- население земного шара, человечество
- сфера, область

the world of books [of art, of music] — мир книг [искусства, музыки]
the scientific world — научный мир
the world of commerce — мир коммерции

- мир, царство

the animal [the vegetable] world — животный [растительный] мир

- период истории

the ancient [the medieval] world — древний [средневековый] мир

- жизнь (человека)

- окружающая среда; мир, мирок; круг (знакомых и т. п.)

her middle-class world — её мещанский мирок, её мелкобуржуазное окружение
I do not move in his world — я не принадлежу к его кругу

- общество

the great world, the world of fashion — высший свет
all the world and his wife — шутл. весь свет, все
he lives out of the world — он редко бывает в обществе
what will the world say? — какова будет реакция общественности?
all the world knows that … — всем известно, что …

- разг. множество, масса, уйма

- рел. мир, свет

to forsake the world — отказаться /уйти/ от мира; постричься в монахи
to go to a better world — уйти в лучший мир /на тот свет/
the other /the next/ world, the world to come — тот свет, загробная жизнь
this world — этот свет, этот (бренный) мир (в противоп. потустороннему миру)
in this world and the next — на этом и на том свете
he is not long for this world — он не жилец на этом свете
the lower /the nether/ world — а) преисподняя, ад; б) земля (в противоп. небесам); этот свет

- эмоц.-усил.:


- относящийся ко всему миру, всемирный, мировой

a world championship — первенство мира

- охватывающий весь мир

world peace — всеобщий мир, мир во всём мире

- известный во всём мире

world scientist — учёный с мировым именем

Мои примеры


all the world loves a lover — влюблённого любит весь мир  
in many areas of the world — во многих районах мира  
a world made safe from war — мир, защищённый от войн  
the byways of the art world — малоизвестные нюансы мира искусства  
a naive view of the world — наивная картина мира  
the trenches of World War I — окопы Первой Мировой войны  
The Eurasian landmass is the largest in the world. — Евразийский материк — самый большой в мире.  
world capitals — мировые столицы  
world championship — первенство мира  
the ancient civilized world — древняя цивилизация  
world commerce — мировая торговля  
world conquest — завоевание мира  
consummation of the world — конец света  

Примеры с переводом

All the world’s a stage.

Весь мир — театр.

How goes the world with you?

Как Ваши дела?

How wags the world?

Как идут дела?

His world is a very narrow one.

Его кругозор очень узок.

The world is your oyster.

Ты — хозяин собственной судьбы. / Всё в твоих руках.

He has had a world of troubles.

У него была пропасть хлопот.

He lives in a fantasy world.

Он живёт в мире фантазий.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It can be found anywhere in the world.

She is now fifth in the world rankings.

She has done dives all around the world.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

underworld  — преисподняя, подземный мир, дно, антиподы, подонки общества
worldly  — мирской, земной, светский, житейский, искушенный, опытный, любящий жизненные блага
overworld  — уважаемые, добропорядочные граждане, небесный, божественный мир, земля

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): world
мн. ч.(plural): worlds





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Have you ever heard this quote?

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” —Bruce Lee

I wrote about it my bog and I’m repeating it again here because this quote shows why I focus on one word or sound at a time in many of my lessons. If you master the word “world” or any of the other words I have been teaching in this free video lesson series, “How do you pronounce…” it will help you pronounce many other similar words and sounds too.

Focusing on one small thing until you master it, is extremely beneficial to your language learning. If you master just one word in 12 minutes, that will stay in your memory (especially your muscle memory for English pronunciation) longer than if you try to learn a million different words with that same amount of time.

In this free English lesson you will learn:

  • How to pronounce “world” in the general American English dialect

  • The IPA symbols for each sound found in the word “world” /ˈwɚld/ 

  • Practice sentences spoken at a native speaking speed for “world”

  • Compare similar words:

    • whirl /ˈwɚl/

    • word /ˈwɚd/

    • were /ˈwɚl/

  • Two practice paragraphs using the word “world” several times with detailed breakdowns of:

    • linking like a native English speaker

    • reductions

    • letters that sound different than they are spelled

Enjoy this free video lesson and please remember to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to see lessons like this first!

Transcript of “How to Pronounce World”

Hi, it’s Monica with #GOALS English. And this is: «How Do You Pronounce World?» «World.» So this has a similar ending— If you watch my video with «girl»— but now you have «world.»


«World», just like «girl,» it’s a ‘er’ /ɚ/ + ‘l’ but then we add a ‘d’ at the end. So even though it’s spelled ‘o- r’ the sound is still the same as ‘er,’ ‘ir,’ or ‘ur.’ Just like «bird,» «teacher,» «girl» that ‘er’ /ɚ/ sound. So that’s the most important in this one. ‘er’ /ɚ/ like you’re biting down on something ‘er.’ Right? Not, *strange sound*, or if you pull your tongue too far, you go, *weird sound.* Right? You have your tongue down and then it pops up and it maybe pulls back a little bit, but not too far. If you pull too far, you go, *weird sound*, right?

You want ‘er’ /ɚ/

So, your tongue is down, it goes:

(01:01): ‘er’ /ɚ/ And so it’s kind of floating in the mouth ‘er’, and the jaw is pretty closed. ‘er’ /ɚ/

Let’s try that with a ‘w’ /w/ /ɚ/

Regular ‘w,’ mouth rounded. /w/ /w/ /ɚ/


That’s a little round, but not as round as a ‘w.’ Right? ‘were’ /wɚ/ It’s a little flatter. ‘were’ And we have our ‘darl l’ /l/ /l/ So that dips down here, /ə/, and back up to the ‘l’ /əl/ Different than a beginning ‘l’: «light,» «love.» Doesn’t have that *dark l sound* Right? No. Love is a ‘light’ or ‘clear l.’ ‘Dark ‘l’ is at the end of a syllable. /əl/ and then add the ‘d’ /d/ «world» «world» «world»

If you don’t get it the first time, that’s totally fine. Just start listening for it. Right? «world» «world» Later in the video, we’ll compare it to some similar sounding words. First, let’s do some sentences. «It’s a great big world.» «It’s a great big world.» «world» /wɚld/. It almost sounds like one sound by the time you’re saying it that fast. «It’s a great big world.» Strange sound. This and girl. «girl» «world» ‘irl’ ‘irl’


«This is the world we live in.» «This is the world we live in.» You can drag it out for emphasis: «This is the world we live in.» «This is the world we live in.» Or you can snap right through it: «This is the world in the world we live in.» A lot of Americans are mumblers, right? [speaking overly clearly] «We don’t always talk so clearly like American English teachers.» «This is the world we live in.» «live-in» «live-in» «world- we» «world we live in.» «This is the world we live in.» «Where in the world are you?» «Where in the world are you?» «Hello? Hello. Where in the world are you? Where? What? This is the world we live in. Am I right?» «She studied the world Wars world Wars.» «Wars» is another tough one. «Wars» ‘or’ it’s more of a ‘or’ /oɚ/ sound, not ‘ar’ /ɑɚ/ ‘w-ar.’ Not like «car»—> /ˈwoɚ/ or just like I «wore» some clothes. «World War.» I «wore» some clothes. «She studied the World Wars.» «What in the world is going on here? »


«What in the world is going on here?» If you go too forward in the mouth, you’ll sound more British: [British RP accent] «What in the world is going on here?» Right? Middle of the mouth: «What in the world? What in the—» ‘whaaaa’ ‘uhhh’ «What in the world is going on here?» So let’s compare it to some other words. I am being silly. «whirl» So, even though «world» has an ‘o-r’ spelling and «whirl» has an ‘i-r’ spelling, it’s the same /ɚ/ sound, just like ‘e-r’ «teacher» «world» «were» «world» «whirl» The IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) gave us something a little different. It emphasized the vowel sound before the ‘l’ a little more with those IPA symbols. So if you’re looking at that and you’re like, «wait, why?» It’s making it almost more like two syllables. «whir-ul» «whirl» «Give it a whirl.» «whirl» So it’s a little more dragged out than «world» «world» where it just kind of is all smushed in one sound «world» versus «whirl.»


If we drag it out: «world» versus ‘whir-ul’ «whirl» So it has more of a dip. «Give it a whirl.» «Whirl around the world» «word» So same idea. ‘o-r’ still has that ‘er’ sound. We’re adding just the ‘d’ skipping the ‘l’ «word» «word» «What’s the word?» It’s like, «What’s up?» «What’s happening?» Right. «Are we going to the movies? What’s the word?»

Oh! «What’s THIS word?» Misread my own line. «What’s this word?» That makes more sense? But Hey, you just learned some slang. So I kind of almost reversed it. So we have «world» with ‘r-l-d’, ‘erld’, and then we have «word» no ‘l,’ and then we have, «were» no ‘l’ or ‘d.’ «were» Just that ‘er’ sound. «Where were you?» «Where were you?» So again, let’s go down the list: «world, whirl, word, were.»

So these are all really similar. I’m going to do it one more time, slower: «world, whirl word, were.» So you noticed that even though those last two have that ‘er.’ It’s a little clearer sounding because we’re not going into that /ɚrl/ sound with the ‘l’, right? «World» versus «word.» Okay, so let’s do a practice paragraph using the word «world.» I’ll read it through once:

«There’s a phrase that says: ‘It’s a great big world out there. That’s the truth. The world is huge and inspires artists and musicians to think of things greater than themselves. Just look at how many songs have the word world in the title. Wild World, Top of the World, We are the World, A Whole New World, Change the World, Run the World (Girls). The list could go on and on. Do you have a favorite song about the world?»

So let’s go through this and point out some points of pronunciation and linking. «There’s a»— so we have linking here, and this sounds like a ‘z.’ «There’s a phrase»— ‘f’ sound phrase and ‘z’ again— «There’s a phrase that says»— ‘stop t’ «that» «that»— «There’s a phrase that says: ‘It’s a great—» ‘stop t’— «great big world out there.» «There’s a phrase that says: ‘It’s a great big world out there.’ That’s the truth.»— The S drags over a little bit. — «That’s the truth.» And keep in mind ‘t’ before ‘r’ sounds like a ‘c-h’ ‘ch’ /tʃ/ «truth»— «That’s the truth. The world is huge.»— ‘soft g,’ sounds like a ‘j’ «huge.» «The world is huge and inspires artists and musicians to think of things — Think of— think of things greater»— ‘flap t’ sounds like ‘d’ «greater» «greater than themselves.»


Okay, «and in»— this links a little bit too— «and inspires artists and— artists and musicians.» Okay, I’m going to go through this again. Slowly repeat after me. «There’s a phrase that says: ‘It’s a great big world out there.'» — This is also a ‘stop t.’ Basically any ending ‘t’ will be a ‘stop t.’ «There’s a phrase that says: ‘It’s a great big world out there.’ That’s the truth. The world is huge and inspires artists and musicians to think of things greater than themselves.»


Okay, second paragraph. «Just look at how many songs have the word ‘world’ in the title.» So «word,» just like «world» has that ‘e-r’ sound, so it’s not ‘war-d’ or ‘war-ld.’ It’s «word» and «world.» «Just look at how many— look at»— So ‘stop t.’— «Just look at how many songs have the word world in the title.» This ‘t,’ ‘flap t,’ sounds like ‘d’ «title» /dəl/ /dəl/ «title» «Wild World, Top of—» linking — «Top of the World, We are the World, A Whole New World»— So this is an ‘h’ sound «h- whole»— «A Whole New World. Change the World. Run the World (Girls)»— and I have another video about how to pronounce «girls,» if that’s a difficult word for you. «Girls» with a ‘z’ «girls»—

«The list could go on and on— on and— on and on. Do you have a favorite?»— So it’s not ‘fave-or-rit’, it’s ‘fave-rit’— «song about the world?» «Do you have— Do you have a favorite song about the world?» That last paragraph, one more time: «Just look at how many songs have the word «world» in the title: Wild World, Top of the World, We are the World. A Whole New World, Change the World, Run the World (Girls). The list could go on and on. Do you have a favorite song about the world?


All right, let’s do this one more time. All the way through. Follow me and mimic me exactly as I go, even my stress and intonation. «There’s a phrase that says: ‘It’s a great big world out there.’ That’s the truth. The world is huge and inspires artists and musicians to think of things greater than themselves. Just look at how many songs have the word «world» in the title: Wild World. Top of the World. We are the World, A Whole New World, Change the World, Run the World (Girls). The list could go on and on. Do you have a favorite song about the world?» All right. That’s it for now. Make sure to subscribe and leave any comments or questions, any other words you want me to do videos on, I will do that for you. Until next time. Keep practicing, friends!

How to pronounce WORLD

Click on the «Listen» button to listen to the pronunciation of WORLD in your preferred language.

how to pronounce world feature image

English Pronunciation

IPA: /wɜːld/

Pronunciation in other languages

English U.K. Pronunciation
Italian Pronunciation
Spanish Pronunciation
German Pronunciation
French Pronunciation
Indian English Pronunciation
Hindi Pronunciation
Japanese Pronunciation
Portuguese Pronunciation
Russian Pronunciation
Chinese (Mandarin) Pronunciation

Facts and definition of WORLD

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Similar Words

Надо сказать, что американское произношение слова World отличается от британского. Англичане опускают букву ‘r’, и казалось бы, это должно облегчить задачу. Ан нет. Трудности с произношением испытывают все, изучающие английский язык. Основная проблема состоит в том, что нашему языку сложно соединить звуки — w-r-l — одновременно.

Давайте посмотрим наглядное видео, в котором, носитель языка дает несколько советов и «трюков» по правильному произношению.

Транскрипция World — [wзr:ld] — Amer
Разделите слово ‘world’ на две части — ‘were’ и ‘old’.
Произнесите их одно за другим.
Затем соединяя их, произносим быстрее одним словом, как показано на видео.
Я вырезала этот кусочек отдельно на аудио.

С первого раза произнести слово сразу правильно — не получится, это нормально.
Нужна практика.
Посмотрите второе видео.
Здесь, так же показано американское произношение.
Главная ошибка: не говорите «вОрлд».
Правильно будет: «Увёрлд» — посмотрите, как это делает американка.

При произношении первой части ‘were’ — произношение как ‘her’ — хёр, только произносим ‘were’ — увёр.

Произношение World — британский акцент

Как я упоминала выше, англичане опускают звук ‘r’, но от этого не становится сильно легче. Приблизиться к правильному произношению можно только после тренировок. Очень помогают в этом обычные скороговорки на английском языке.

Итак, давайте попробуем сказать слово ‘world’ на британском акценте.

Транскрипция слова World — [wз:ld] — Bre
После прослушивания, вам может показаться, что звучание этого слова — «вОлд».
На самом деле, здесь всё так же, как и в американском произношении.
Плавнее после звука ‘w’ — «увёлд»

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How to Pronounce ‘world’

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‘World’ – the 4th most difficult 1 syllable word in English

Have you ever struggled to say the word ‘world’? Look no further than today’s post:

What’s the problem?

This word contains a tricky combination of a difficult long vowel sound, three tricky consonants and a sneaky silent letter.

How do I get it right?

It should sound like /wɜ:ɫd/:

1. Consonant Sound /w/
Round the lips, pull the tongue back and keep the teeth well away from the lips.

2. Long Neutral Vowel Sound /ɜ:/
This is the thinking vowel sound. It is like a long schwa /ə/, you literally relax the jaw, lips and tongue – your mouth should not move at all. The sound is full length in this word.

3. Silent /r/

Don’t say the ‘r’ in ‘world’! Not even a tiny bit, it is completely silent as it is followed by a consonant.

4. Dark /ɫ/

The ‘l’ in world is dark because it comes after a vowel sound. Your tongue should raise at the back and the front, it is a very soft sound, not like the clear /l/ you find at the beginning of a word.

5. Voiced Alveolar Plosive /d/

Make sure your tongue touches the alveolar ridge (the gum behind the teeth, NOT the teeth). This sound must be voiced – if it sounds like a ‘t’, then it is wrong.

What happens if I get it wrong?

English students produce all sorts of strange pronunciations of this word, often it becomes confused with ‘word’, ‘ward’ and even ‘wall’:

word /wɜːd/, world /wɜːɫd/
ward /wɔːd/, world /wɜːɫd/
wall /wɔːɫ/, world /wɜːɫd/

[thrive_leads id=’7075′]



British English IPA Variations

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In today’s English pronunciation and reading lesson, you will learn how to pronounce ‘world’, which is a commonly mispronounced word. To make sure that the correct pronunciation sticks in your mind, we first have to go through a list of similar words that contain the same vowel sound as ‘world’. Notice that the words in the list have different spellings, but contain the same vowel sound. Watch the lesson video for a demonstration:

Pronunciation Practice Step One

The words in the list below all contain the /ɜː/ vowel. Watch the lesson video and repeat-after-me the pronunciation.

her → Is that her turtle?

learn → Let’s learn some new words.

bird → The early bird catches the worm. (idiom)

turn → Take a turn for the worse. (idiom)

worth → It’s worth its weight in gold. (idiom)

journey → A journey to the centre of the Earth.

In the next part of the lesson, we will practice another group of similar words.

Pronunciation Practice Step Two

The three words below are similar in that they all contain an /ɜː/ vowel that is followed by a dark /l/ sound. Repeat-after-me the pronunciation…

girl → The Girl with a Pearl Earring. (film)

earl → The Earl of Sandwich. (noble title)

whirl → Whirl in a circle.

How to Pronounce ‘World’

We are nearly ready to pronounce the commonly mispronounced word ‘world’, but first we need to practise two words that are spelt completely differently, but sound very similar.

were ▶︎ Notice that in its stressed form, ‘were’ is pronounced /wɜː/

whirl ▶︎ Notice that ‘whirl’ is pronounced like ‘were’, but with a dark /l/ at the end → /wɜːl/

And finally, we have arrived at our destination. We are now ready to pronounce ‘world’!

World ▶︎ Notice that ‘world’ is pronounced like ‘whirl’, but with an extra /d/ at the end → /wɜːld/

Extra Tips for Pronouncing ‘World’

When pronouncing ‘world’ in British English, be sure not to include an ‘o’ sound in its pronunciation. If you are still struggling with the pronunciation of this word, try changing the spelling in your imagination so that it is spelt ‘werld‘ in your mind’s eye. This trick works like magic for many of my students!

Extend Your Learning

▶︎ Study another pronunciation lesson: How to Pronounce “furore”

▶︎ Check your pronunciation of “Edinburgh” is correct; lots of students get this word wrong! Pronounce Edinburgh lesson.

▶︎ Remove this American pronunciation from your English: How to Pronounce “Advertisement”

I am often asked the following question when working with English pronunciation, “How do I pronounce the word ‘world?’ ” Because of the spelling it is tricky!

Is it:  world /wɔːrld/ (American) , /wɔːld/ (British/Australian)   or  world /wɝːld/ (American),  /wɜːld/ (Brit/Aussie)??

If you picked the 2nd lot where the ‘or’ says ‘er’ you were right. 

So here is the secret:  When an ‘or’ has the ‘w’ letter right before it, the ‘or’ changes and is said as a stressed ‘er’ /ɝː/ (American), /ɜː/(Brit/Aussie).  So when you want to know how to pronounce ‘wor’ in a word, you  actually need to say ‘were’, and then add the rest of the word.  For example, ‘world’ is said ‘wereld’.

(Some main exceptions are – worn, wore- in these words the ‘or’ is pronounced ‘or’ as in form.)

I have prepared an audio lesson for you below so you can practise how to say ‘world’, and other English ‘wor’ words correctly.  

How to Pronounce ‘world’ and other English ‘wor’ words – word list:

world    /wɜːld/ (British and Australian) /wɝːld/ (American)












world wind




worry  /wɝːr.i/(American ) – for the British and Australian pronunciation the ‘er’ is said as an ‘u’ as in ‘cup’- worry /ˈwʌr.i/ 

For more words containing ‘wor’ have a look here.

Best wishes, Esther

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