Project to excel online

Convert MPP to XLS online and free

I tried it and immediately fell in love! It was so easy to use! After a couple conversions I bought the guys a cup of coffee. A couple more and decided this was too good to abuse! I joined! My life is so much easier!


I had a huge, problematic file to convert that couldn’t go through the usual automated conversion process. The Zamzar team responded quickly to my request for help, and they took the extra steps needed to do it manually.


Used it for over a year to convert my bank statements to csv files. Great quick app, increased my productivity a lot. Also, amazing support — always helped me quickly!

Agata Wierzbicka

I’ve used this product for years. And customer service is excellent. Just had an issue where I was charged and I didn’t agree with the charge and they took care of it, even though they didn’t have to.


A very useful and professional site. The service is easy to use and the administrators are helpful and courteous.

David Shelton

I use Zamar whenever I need to convert audio and video files from multiple submitters to 1 uniform file format for Audio and Video Editing. I can do multiple large files in a short amount of time.

Christopher Bee

Great for when you need a lot of conversions in a short time. You have directly access and can even put the subscription on for just a month.

Sabina Calis

Great thanks to you all for helping me to get the OLD files converted correctly. 20 years, quite a long time, reviewing the files brings much memory to me. That’s the best gift I received last year. Thank you all again.

Jiunn-Ru Lai

I feel like Zamzar is an active team member, especially for projects that I work on where I am the workhorse and it saves so much time and frustration. I am spoiled with Zamzar, because they have set the bar for file conversion and customer service very high.

Deborah Herman

Fantastic service! My mom’s computer died and she has 1000+ Word Perfect files she wants to keep for some reason. Since Word Perfect is basically dead, I decided to convert all her files. Zamzar’s converter was perfect.

Aron Boyette

Trusted by employees at these brands

Employees of some of the world’s most well-known brands rely on Zamzar to convert their files safely and efficiently, ensuring they have the formats they need for the job at hand. From global corporations and media companies, to respected educational establishments and newspaper publications, employees of these organisations trust Zamzar to provide the accurate and reliable conversion service they need.

Your files are in safe hands

Zamzar has converted over 510 million files since 2006

For every 10,000 files converted on Zamzar, we’ll plant a tree. By using Zamzar you are helping to make a difference to our planet

We’re committed to regular charitable giving. Each month we donate at least 2% of our company profits to different charities

From your personal desktop to your business files, we’ve got you covered

We offer a range of tools, to help you convert your files in the most convenient way for you. As well as our online file conversion service, we also offer a desktop app for file conversions straight from your desktop, and an API for automated file conversions for developers. Which tool you use is up to you!

Want to convert files straight from your desktop?

Get the App

Fully integrated into your desktop

Convert over 150 different file formats

Convert documents, videos, audio files in one click

Need conversion functionality within your application?

Explore the API

One simple API to convert files

100s of formats for you to choose from

Documents, videos, audios, images & more…

Tools to suit your file conversion needs

You’ll find all the conversion and compression tools you need, all in one place, at Zamzar. With over 1100 file-conversion types supported, whether you need to convert videos, audio, documents or images, you’ll easily find what you need and soon have your files in the formats and sizing that work for you.

MPP Document Format

MPP Converter

An MPP file is also known as a Microsoft Project file and was developed by Microsoft in the 90s. The file itself contains everything you may require to run a successful project including being able to list and organise tasks including the assigning of people to those tasks. You’re able to add and track timelines, display budgets, add dependencies and measure projects at a macro and micro level. MPP files are popular and are the default file type for the Microsoft Project application. MPP files can only be opened on Windows devices but can be converted to files such as PDF to allow people to view a project plan. Microsoft Project is one of the oldest project based software around and was originally part of the Microsoft Office Suite and was used as a key marketing tool to differentiate Microsoft with Apple.

Related Tools

  • Document converters

  • MPP Converter

XLS Document Format

XLS Converter

The XLS file format was developed by Microsoft for its Excel spreadsheet program. XLS is a binary spreadsheet format that can include cell data and formulas, as well as charts and macros. Excel is one of the most popular software programs for recording, organising, calculating and analysing data. It’s often used for budgeting and reporting.

Microsoft introduced the new XLSX format for Excel in 2007, to replace XLS. However, you can still open XLS files in newer versions of Excel, as well as saving XLSX files into this older format. Excel is part of Microsoft’s Office suite, which is available as a one-off software purchase or an Office 365 subscription. Other spreadsheet programs that can usually open XLS files include Google Sheets, Apple Numbers and LibreOffice Calc.

Related Tools

  • Document converters

  • XLS Converter

How to convert a MPP to a XLS file?

  1. 1. Choose the MPP file that you want to convert.
  2. 2. Select XLS as the the format you want to convert your MPP file to.
  3. 3. Click «Convert» to convert your MPP file.

Экспорт проекта Project Online в Microsoft Excel

Project Server 2016 Project Server 2013 Project Online Еще…Меньше

Иногда работать с данными проекта удобнее в Microsoft Excel. Вы можете экспортировать данные центра проектов в Excel, где у вас будет доступ к списку проектов с датами начала и окончания, а также другими данными, включенными в центр проектов. Вы также можете экспортировать данные задач из одного проекта.

Экспорт данных центра проектов в Excel:

  1. На панели быстрого запуска выберите пункт Проекты.

  2. На вкладке Проекты в группе Общий доступ нажмите кнопку Экспорт в Excel.

Экспорт данных на уровне задачи одного проекта в Excel:

  1. На панели быстрого запуска выберите пункт Проекты.

  2. Щелкните имя экспортируемого проекта в центре проектов.

  3. На вкладке Параметры в группе Общий доступ нажмите кнопку Экспорт в Excel.

    Примечание:  Вам не нужно открывать проект для редактирования, чтобы экспортировать данные проекта в Excel.

Нужна дополнительная помощь?

You can also convert MPP into many other file formats. Please see the complete list below.

MPP TO XPS Converter (Open XML Paper Specification)

MPP TO TEX Converter (LaTeX Source Document)

MPP TO SVG Converter (Scalable Vector Graphics File)

MPP TO PDF Converter (Portable Document)

MPP TO XLSX Converter (Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet)

MPP TO XLSM Converter (Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet)

MPP TO XLSB Converter (Microsoft Excel Binary Spreadsheet File)

MPP TO ODS Converter (Open Document Spreadsheet)

MPP TO XLTX Converter (Microsoft Excel Open XML Template)

MPP TO XLT Converter (Microsoft Excel Template)

MPP TO XLTM Converter (Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Template)

MPP TO TSV Converter (Tab Separated Values File)

MPP TO XLAM Converter (Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Add-In)

MPP TO CSV Converter (Comma Separated Values File)

MPP TO FODS Converter (OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet)

MPP TO SXC Converter (StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet)

MPP TO HTM Converter (Hypertext Markup Language File)

MPP TO HTML Converter (Hyper Text Markup Language)

MPP TO MHTML Converter (MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML)

MPP TO MHT Converter (MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML)

MPP TO MPP Converter (Microsoft Project File)

MPP TO MPX Converter (Microsoft Project Exchange File)

MPP TO XER Converter (Primavera P6 Project File)

Convert MPP TO PPT (PowerPoint Presentation)

Convert MPP TO PPS (Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show)

Convert MPP TO PPTX (PowerPoint Open XML Presentation)

Convert MPP TO PPSX (PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show)

Convert MPP TO ODP (OpenDocument Presentation File Format)

Convert MPP TO OTP (Origin Graph Template)

Convert MPP TO POTX (Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML Template)

Convert MPP TO POT (PowerPoint Template)

Convert MPP TO POTM (Microsoft PowerPoint Template)

Convert MPP TO PPTM (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)

Convert MPP TO PPSM (Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show)

Convert MPP TO FODP (OpenDocument Flat XML Presentation)

Convert MPP TO EPUB (Digital E-Book File Format)

Convert MPP TO MOBI (Mobipocket eBook)

Convert MPP TO AZW3 (Kindle eBook format)

Convert MPP TO TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

Convert MPP TO TIF (Tagged Image File Format)

Convert MPP TO JPG (Joint Photographic Expert Group Image File)

Convert MPP TO JPEG (JPEG Image)

Convert MPP TO PNG (Portable Network Graphic)

Convert MPP TO GIF (Graphical Interchange Format File)

Convert MPP TO BMP (Bitmap File Format)

Convert MPP TO ICO (Microsoft Icon File)

MPP TO PSD Conversion (Adobe Photoshop Document)

MPP TO WMF Conversion (Windows Metafile)

MPP TO EMF Conversion (Enhanced Metafile Format)

MPP TO DCM Conversion (DICOM Image)

MPP TO DICOM Conversion (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)

MPP TO WEBP Conversion (Raster Web Image File Format)

MPP TO JP2 Conversion (JPEG 2000 Core Image File)

MPP TO EMZ Conversion (Enhanced Windows Metafile Compressed)

MPP TO WMZ Conversion (Windows Metafile Compressed)

MPP TO SVGZ Conversion (Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics File)

MPP TO TGA Conversion (Targa Graphic)

MPP TO PSB Conversion (Adobe Photoshop Image File)

MPP TO DOC Conversion (Microsoft Word Document)

MPP TO DOCM Conversion (Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Document)

MPP TO DOCX Conversion (Microsoft Word Open XML Document)

MPP TO DOT Conversion (Microsoft Word Document Template)

MPP TO DOTM Conversion (Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Template)

MPP TO DOTX Conversion (Word Open XML Document Template)

MPP TO RTF Conversion (Rich Text File Format)

MPP TO ODT Conversion (Open Document Text)

MPP TO OTT Conversion (Open Document Template)

MPP TO TXT Conversion (Plain Text File Format)

MPP TO MD Conversion (Markdown)

Конвертировать Microsoft-Project to Excel онлайн


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Microsoft-Project to Excel conversion

Conholdate Microsoft-Project to Excel Conversion — это кроссплатформенное и кроссбраузерное приложение для конвертации, которое позволяет конвертировать Microsoft-Project to Excel в любом современном браузере (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Tor и т. д.) и на любой ОС (Windows, Unix и MacOS), независимо от характеристик вашего ПК. Преобразованный Microsoft-Project to Excel сохранит исходную структуру, содержимое и стили документа. Microsoft-Project to Excel Приложение для конвертирования построено на основе высококачественного механизма преобразования документов, который обеспечивает выдающиеся результаты преобразования и производительность. Наша цель — предложить нашим пользователям безопасные и наилучшие возможности преобразования. Приложение Conholdate.Conversion предлагает функцию OCR, которая позволяет анализировать файлы изображений и экспортировать данные в документы Excel, например преобразовывать PNG в Excel.

Как Конвертировать Microsoft-Project to Excel

  1. Щелкните внутри области перетаскивания или перетащите файл.
  2. Подождите, пока файл Microsoft-Project to Excel не будет загружен.
  3. Выберите выходной формат из выпадающего меню.
  4. Нажмите кнопку Конвертировать, чтобы начать преобразование Microsoft-Project to Excel.
  5. Скачайте или поделитесь полученным файлом.

How to

часто задаваемые вопросы

Q: Как преобразовать файл Microsoft-Project to Excel?

A: Загрузите файл, перетащив его в зону загрузки или щелкните по нему, чтобы выбрать файл с помощью проводника. После этого выберите конечный формат, в который вы хотите преобразовать файл, и нажмите кнопку Преобразовать.

Q: Могу ли я извлечь таблицы из изображений (PNG) и экспортировать их в файлы Excel?

A: Да, это возможно. Преобразование Conholdate изображения в Excel будет анализировать файлы изображений с помощью функции OCR и извлекать текст и данные таблиц. Извлеченные данные можно сохранить в различных форматах, таких как Excel, OpenOffice и других.

Q: Сколько файлов можно конвертировать одновременно?

A: Вы можете конвертировать по 1 файлу за раз.

Q: Каков максимально допустимый размер файла?

A: Максимально допустимый размер файла для загрузки и конвертации составляет 20 МБ.

Q: Как получить результаты конвертирования файла?

A: В конце процесса преобразования вы получите ссылку для скачивания. Вы можете скачать результаты сразу или отправить ссылку на вашу электронную почту.

Q: Как многостраничный документ преобразуется в изображение?

A: Каждая страница такого документа будет сохранена как отдельное изображение. После завершения конвертации вы получите набор таких изображений.

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About mpp to xls Excel converter


To convert mpp to xls Excel press the «browse» button, then search and select the mpp file you need to convert.
Press the green button «convert» and wait for your browser to download the xls Excel file that you have converted before.
The process of mpp to xls Excel conversion can take a some seconds or
minutes depending on the size of the file you are converting.

Examples of Common Queries about converting mpp to xls Excel

mpp to xls Excel converter helps you to find a solution about:
  • How do I turn mpp into xls Excel?
  • How to convert mpp to xls Excel.
  • How to make mpp xls Excel.
  • How do I convert mpp files to xls Excel files ?
  • Is mpp to xls Excel converter free?
  • Where can i find mpp to xls Excel converter online.
  • Is there a way to convert mpp to xls Excel?

Microsoft Project helps you create and manage a budget , that’s why this Microsoft tool is widely used by business leaders to administer or manage the progress of a project, which typically involves a group of people or resources. Using this software, you can make presentations that show the progress of a project after a certain time.

Excel is another tool of the same Microsoft package , much better known to most people. This is used for easily create spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel   and make calculations or graphs very useful in business presentations; therefore, in many occasions it is necessary to have the information that a project file displays in an Excel file.

Because Project is not one of the most well-known Office tools, it is possible that when you want to share the same information with several people, many of them do not have it installed on their computers; for this reason he is easier to convert a file with an MMP extension to an XLS file.

What does a Microsoft Project MMP extension file look like?

The main type of file generated by Microsoft Project has an .mpp extension and usually stores a list of tasks that are part of a project. In fact, the convert Microsoft Project MPP file to PDF online is also possible; And it allows the manager or person in charge of said project to define the route to be followed and the time of each task, so that it can be satisfactorily completed within a certain time frame.

The files .mpp contain various elements , such as the tasks, the interdependencies between them, the duration of each of them, the resources allocated to these tasks; The analysis of all these components allows us to produce Gantt charts, to be able to easily visualize the development of the current project.

What is the Microsoft Excel XLS file extension like?

Microsoft Excel generally uses files with the extension .xls or also .xlsx depending on their version, the oldest versions (until 2007) use the first and the most recent the second type; This type of files typically stores calculations, tables, graphics that can be achieved in a few steps. In fact, you can easily convert SHS file to XLS online in order to have an XLS file handy.

The main difference between the two types of Excel extensions mentioned is that .xls saves their information in binary format, while .xlsx stores them through XML structures; therefore, .xls files are backward compatible with all types of programs MS-DOS and files .xlsx are also compatible with web technologies.

On the Internet we can find several websites that allow us to convert a Microsoft Project file into an Excel file, online, completely free and without complications; We present to you a small list of pages for this purpose, the procedure to follow is practically the same for each one of them.

  • Zamzar
  • GroupDocs
  • aspose
  • converter i

Everything is summarized in 4 steps : we enter the web portal from our browser, we download the Project MPP file, we choose the destination format for the conversion (it is already marked as XLS), and we press the button that will execute the process; after that, the new excel file will be generated and automatically downloaded to our computer.

For example, during Zamzar’s visit, we defined the process in 3 steps; First select the files in the «Add files» button. (You can also put a URL in case you don’t have them locally), the second step is bypassed because the XLS format is already marked, and at the final step, you press the button «Convert now» and the terms and conditions box.

Currently, the Internet offers us all kinds of pages and tools for our daily and professional activities; conversions of pdf files or other types, such as from Project to Excel, we help simplify work and to share more easily, the graphs and the analysis of our projects, with the other members of our work team.


easily convert a file from Project to Excel

Microsoft Project helps you create and manage a budget , so this tool Microsoft < strong> it is widely used by business managers to administer or manage the progress of a project, which typically involves a group of people or resources. Through this software can make presentations indicating the progress made by a project after a certain time.

Project professional

Excel is another tool the same pack Microsoft , better known by most people. This serves to easily create spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel & nbsp; and make calculations or graphs useful for business presentations; therefore often it is necessary to have information showing a Project file in one of Excel.

Because Project is one of the most famous tools of Office, you may when you want to share the same information to several people, many of them have not installed it on your computer; For this reason, it is easier to make a conversion of a file extension XLS to one MMP.

How is a file extension of Microsoft Project MMP?

You may also be interested in:

The main type of file generated by Microsoft Project, has an extension .mpp and typically stores a list of tasks that are part of a project. In fact, convert a Microsoft Project MPP file to PDF online is also possible ; and this allows the manager or person in charge of the project define the path to be followed and the time of each task, so you can finish successfully on a given deadline.

files extension .mpp contain various elements , such as tasks, interdependence among them, the duration of each, the resources allocated to these tasks; analysis of all these components, we can make Gantt charts, to easily visualize the development of the ongoing project.

How is file extension XLS Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel files often used .xls or .xlsx also depending on your, older versions version (up to 2007) used the first, and the most recent that of the second type; this kind of files usually stored calculations, tables, graphs that can be done in a few steps. In fact, you c onvert SHS to XLS file online so easily and so may have XLS at hand.


The main difference between the two types of extensions mentioned Excel .xls is that information stored in binary format, while .xlsx the store through structures & nbsp; XML; therefore .xls files are retro-compatible with all kinds of programs based on MS-DOS and .xlsx are additionally compatible with web technologies.

Converting a Project file to Excel free and easy online

On the Internet can find several websites Allow us to convert a file from Microsoft Project into one of Excel, so online, completely free and uncomplicated; Here is a small list of pages for that purpose, the procedure should be done is almost the same for any of them.

file converter Zamzar Project to Excel

  • Zamzar
  • GroupDocs
  • Aspose
  • i-converter

    Everything is summarized in 4 steps : we enter the web portal from our browser, we climbed the MPP Project file, choose the target format for conversion (and is marked as XLS), and press button to execute the process; After that, the new Excel file will be generated and automatically downloaded to your computer.

    For example visiting Zamzar, we have defined the 3-step process; first select the files on the» add files» button. (You can also place a URL should not have them locally), the second step is obvious because you already have marked the XLS format, and the final step press the button» convert Now» box Terms and Conditions.

    Today, Internet gives us all kinds of pages and tools for our daily and work activities; file conversions of the PDF type or other types, such as Project to Excel, we help simplify the work and share more easily, graphics and analysis of our projects, the other Member our work team.

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