Project is unviewable как снять защиту vba word

When I try to edit or step into my VBA code for debugging purpose I get «Project is Unviewable». I have created .dotm file at location (C:UsersUserNameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWordSTARTUP).

niton's user avatar


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asked May 23, 2014 at 5:04

user3463768's user avatar


When launched automatically at startup the VBA project in .DOTM files are not viewable. I couldn’t find this clearly documented by Microsoft but I tested/replicated it across multiple OS and versions of Office to conclude it was «by design»

There is some ways around it:

Option #1

Copy template OUT of Start Up Folder, right click file and select «Open» You can debug it.

Option #2

Ensure you have write permission to file in startup folder. Even if you are Admin, if UAC is ON you won’t have access — grant your user «full control» or «write access to file» to DOTM file in startup folder.

Close all instances of Word, right click .DOTM file and Open, you can now debug it.

However you can’t save changes — to save changes you must grant permissions for the user to write to the STARTUP folder.

answered Jun 23, 2014 at 1:41

Malcolm McCaffery's user avatar

Update 2022

When editing macro-enabled Word documents (for example, .docm files) that are stored on OneDrive, you may receive the following warning:

Macros have been disabled.
Enabled Content

After clicking Enabled Content, and opening the VBA editor, attempting to view the project may result in the error:
Project is unviewable

After closing and reopening the document, again open the VBA editor. Within the Word document, you will then receive the following message:

Check out this document to view and edit its macros.
Check Out

After checking out out the document, macros may be edited.

answered Feb 22, 2020 at 17:51

Christopher Peisert's user avatar


this is not a bug. This is a feature of Microsoft Templates when you open a template it never opens original file rather opens a copy of the template. to modify or debug a template right click on template itself and say open or open word and use Open file dialog to modify the code of the template.

answered Aug 26, 2016 at 16:57

Rashid Khan's user avatar

Rashid KhanRashid Khan

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Open the .dotm from …/STARTUP location and do modifications and saves there.

answered Apr 9, 2015 at 11:27

nicname's user avatar

Open your DOTM file and on Developer Tab (you will need to enable Dev Tab first 1) and choose Document Template and uncheck items that are currently loaded in under Global templates and add-ins.

answered Jun 30, 2016 at 15:37

iaforek's user avatar


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To expand on, in my case (Windows 7 Pro, MS Word 2007), left-clicking on a .dot file from Windows File Explorer (Win+E) causes MS Word to create a new document (namedDocument5in my case). The macros from the .dot file I opened are active inDocument5, but when I attempt to edit these macros (MS Word Developer tab, Macros button, Edit button) this message pops up:

Project is unviewable

However, if I right-click on the .dot file from Windows File Explorer, select Open With, and choose Microsoft Office Word from File Explorer’s menu, MS Word opens the file for editing rather than creating a new Document (the name in Word’s Title Bar is that of the .dot file I opened). From this instance of Word I can view and edit the macros contained in the .dot file.

Community's user avatar

answered Jan 9, 2017 at 15:35

CODE-REaD's user avatar


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Go to Review > share workbook > Editing > disable the checkbox

answered Oct 31, 2018 at 15:45

Lakhan Mane's user avatar

For anyone having this issue that uses Office 365 with OneDrive, please note that if your docm document was previously synced to your OneDrive, but your OneDrive is currently logged out, this will cause the «Project is unviewable» error. If you log back into OneDrive and sync the docm file, you should be able to edit the VBA as normal. In my case, this fixed the issue.

answered May 10, 2022 at 13:41

Trayton's user avatar

For editing VBA you have to go to Review/Share workbook. Need to disable checkbox.

Good luck =)

answered Jul 28, 2017 at 8:41

andexte's user avatar

Удалить пароли с проектов VBA – удаление паролей с проектов VBA, в том числе «Project is UNVIEWABLE», и обратная установка UNVIEWABLE

  • “Установить пароль Unviewable” – устанавливает пароль на проект VBA  выбранной книги
  • “Снять пароль Unviewable” – снимает пароль с проекта VBA  выбранной книги
  • “Снять пароль VBA” – удаляет пароли со всех активных книг, кроме защищенных паролем “Project is UNVIEWABLE”

Удалить пароли VBA и Excel remove pasvord главная панель операции с файлом project is unviewable

Главная панель удаления пароля проекта VBA Unviewable

“Установить пароль Unviewable” – устанавливает пароль на проект VBA  выбранной книги Excel и Word

При использовании инструмента открывается диалоговое окно выбора файла для установки пароля – “Project unviewable”

Снятие паролей с проектов VBA
Данный инструмент создает резервную копию используемого файла.

VBAProject is unviewable

VBAProject is unviewable

Удалить пароли VBA и Excel remove pasvord главная панель операции с файлом project is unviewable

Главная панель удаления пароля проекта VBA Unviewable

“Снять пароль Unviewable” – снимает пароль с проекта VBA  выбранной книги Excel и Word

При использовании инструмента открывается диалоговое окно выбора файла для снятия пароля – “Project unviewable”

После использования инструмента, при открытии файла, должны появиться сообщения в диалоговом окне. Жмем кнопку “Да” до полного закрытия диалогового окна. По завершению переходим в проект VBA – пароль снят!

Снятие паролей с проектов VBA
Данный инструмент создает резервную копию используемого файла.

Снятие пароля с проекта VBA "Project unviewable"

Снятие пароля с проекта VBA «Project unviewable»

Удалить пароли VBA и Excel remove pasvord главная панель операции с файлом project is unviewable

Главная панель удаления пароля проекта VBA Unviewable

“Снять пароль VBA” – удаляет пароли с проектов VBA, активных книг Excel

Снятие паролей с проектов VBA
Для активации снятия пароля необходимо раскрыть папку проекта VBA

Снятие паролей с проектов VBA
Пароли не снимаются с проектов, защищенных ошибкой — «Project unviewable»

locked project is unviewable vba excel word

While in Visual Basic Editor (VBE), you click on a VBA project and receive the ‘Project is unviewable‘ error, instead of a password input prompt. You can neither view, nor edit macros. 

This article presents the 2 main reasons behind this message. We will also show you how you may be able to gain access to the VBA code inside the locked project.

If you have received the file from another person, the most likely scenario is that the workbook or add-in author locked macros to prevent users from viewing or editing his or hers VBA code. 

Software tools, such as our popular Unviewable+ VBA application, can protect macros, by making a VBA project unviewable in VBE. In addition, VBA debug mode is disabled, so macros cannot be traced when an error occurs. 

​​If the author locked the project using the Unviewable+ VbaDiff level (lowest security), you can use the VbaDiff Windows application to review the code, even if macros are not accessible in Excel.

If the project has been locked with a higher level of protection, it means that the author would like to protect his or hers intellectual property from all 3rd parties. Any attempt to view or extract VBA code from Unviewable+ protected projects may be a violation of your software license agreement. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may be liable for civil compensation or subject to criminal charges. 

Testimonial for Project is Unviewable+ VBA for Excel

Workbook Is In Shared Mode

Several Excel features are unavailable in Shared workbooks. Developers cannot write, record, change, view or assign macros, as VBA is unviewable. Users can only run existing macros that don’t access unavailable features. 

Here is what to do in order to view macros:

  • Use our Macro Mover add-in to unlock VBA in a Shared workbook
  • Unshare the workbook from: Review Tab > Unshare Workbook

How to unshare workbook in Excel 2016

unshare workbook in Excel 2016

Project is unviewable — как разлочить


Дата: Среда, 09.03.2016, 18:02 |
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0% ±

Excel 2010

Добрый день.

Прошу подсказать, что делать.
Неожиданно при попытке открыть проект стало открываться сообщение «Project is unviewable», как разлочить.

Пользователь (т.е. Я) защит и паролей не устанавливал.
Заранее благодарю за помощь.


PS файл несколько раз пере сохранялся. Не открывается код только в 2 последних версиях.

Благодарю. С уважением Татьяна В.




Дата: Среда, 09.03.2016, 18:17 |
Сообщение № 2

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Excel 2010, 2016

tanver, скорее всего у Вас файл находится в общем доступе.
Рецензирование — Доступ к книге — снимите галку «Разрешить изменять файл нескольким пользователям одновременно».

ЯД: 410013299366744 WM: R193491431804




Дата: Среда, 09.03.2016, 18:19 |
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0% ±

Excel 2016 х 64

Попробуйте для начала открыть опенофисом, он парольную защиту не замечает (вдруг она сама поставилась). B) .

вот вам барабан
яд 41001231307558 wm R419131876897




Дата: Среда, 09.03.2016, 18:22 |
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0% ±

Excel 2010

Общего доступа галочки нет.

Благодарю. С уважением Татьяна В.




Дата: Среда, 09.03.2016, 18:34 |
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0% ±

Excel 2010

openoffice -надо скачать. Попробую. Спасибо




Дата: Среда, 09.03.2016, 18:50 |
Сообщение № 6

Группа: Модераторы

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Excel 2010, 2016

tanver, попробуйте поставить, а затем снять общий доступ.
Вдруг поможет.

ЯД: 410013299366744 WM: R193491431804




Дата: Четверг, 10.03.2016, 10:40 |
Сообщение № 7

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Ранг: Участник

Сообщений: 59




0% ±

Excel 2010

Добрый день, всем.

попробовали вчера назначить и отменить общий доступ. Не помогло.
и открывать в openoffice. Не смогли открыть даже сам файл.

Но сегодня доступ к VBA Project открылся сам, как ни в чем не бывало, наверно был какой-то сбой в файле или компьютере.

Всем спасибо!



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  • Question

  • I am using Access 2010 and I am working on an access file created in 2003 in .mdb format. When I try click on the AfterUpdate event of a text field, I got the error message saying «project is unviewable». I followed the MS support to remove
    the digital signature, but it isn’t there. There is no certificate to remove. I try to add my certificate, it says it can not save my certificate. I also try to publish and package in Access 2010; it doesn’t work either. Please
    help! Thank you. 


  • At the top of the Access 2010 window, you should see a tab on the ribbon called «Database Tools».

    Inside that tab, there should be a button called «Visual Basic».

    if you click that button, it will open the Visual Basic Editor Window.

    Now, in the upper left area of the VBE Window, you should see a «Project» sub window.

    If you do not see that, then click VIEW>PROJECT EXPLORER

    Once you see the Project Explorer Sub Window, you should see the VBA Project associated woith your database.

    It is displayed in a hierarchy type format (with little + and — signs) but all of it is contained within the main project group for your database.

    If the main project group is already shown as open, you will see inside that group «Microsoft Access Class Objects» and «Modules» if any modules have been added.

    If you see any of these items right away, then your VBA project is not locked.

    HOWEVER, if it is all shown as collapsed inside the main VBA Project group (with a +sign next to it) then click the + sign to open it.

    If it opens, your VBA project is not locked.

    If you are prompted for a password, then your VBA project is locked.

    • Edited by

      Friday, May 24, 2013 7:38 PM

    • Proposed as answer by
      Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:17 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Dummy yoyo
      Monday, June 3, 2013 5:23 AM

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