Program code to word

You can also use SciTE to paste code if you don’t want to install heavy IDEs and then download plugins for all the code you’re making. Simply choose your language from the language menu, type your code, high-light code, select Edit->Copy as RTF, paste into Word with formatting (default paste).

SciTE supports the following languages but probably has support for others: Abaqus*, Ada, ANS.1 MIB definition files*, APDL, Assembler (NASM, MASM), Asymptote*, AutoIt*, Avenue*, Batch files (MS-DOS), Baan*, Bash*, BlitzBasic*, Bullant*, C/C++/C#, Clarion, cmake*, conf (Apache), CSound, CSS*, D, diff files*, E-Script*, Eiffel*, Erlang*, Flagship (Clipper / XBase), Flash (ActionScript), Fortran*, Forth*, GAP*, Gettext, Haskell, HTML*, HTML with embedded JavaScript, VBScript, PHP and ASP*, Gui4Cli*, IDL — both MSIDL and XPIDL*, INI, properties* and similar, InnoSetup*, Java*, JavaScript*, LISP*, LOT*, Lout*, Lua*, Make, Matlab*, Metapost*, MMIXAL, MSSQL, nnCron, NSIS*, Objective Caml*, Opal, Octave*, Pascal/Delphi*, Perl, most of it except for some ambiguous cases*, PL/M*, Progress*, PostScript*, POV-Ray*, PowerBasic*, PowerShell*, PureBasic*, Python*, R*, Rebol*, Ruby*, Scheme*, scriptol*, Specman E*, Spice, Smalltalk, SQL and PLSQL, TADS3*, TeX and LaTeX, Tcl/Tk*, VB and VBScript*, Verilog*, VHDL*, XML*, YAML*.

Есть программный код на C++, который необходимо вставить в отчет по работе в Word 2013.

Но если напрямую вставлять его — то получается совершенно не читаемая белиберда.

Хочется оформить так, как код выглядит в компиляторе — с номерами строк, правильным форматированием и подсветкой синтаксиса.

Встроенных средств для этого я не нашел. Подскажите, как это можно сделать?

  • Вопрос задан

    более трёх лет назад

  • 106331 просмотр

Встроенных средств для этого я не нашел

Как так? Создаете свой стиль, там настраивайте шрифт, отступы, табуляцию и тд. Вставляете текст и применяете к нему ваш стиль. Подстветка останется, если в стиле не переопределять цвет шрифта.

С номерами строк придется труднее — надо будет настроить свой стиль нумерации, и в созданном выше стиле абзаца указать, чтобы использовать эту нумерацию.

Например, можно добиться вот таких результатов


Скачать док:….

Пригласить эксперта — онлайн-редактор кода с подсветкой синтаксиса для кучи разных языков. Полученное скопипастить в Word.

Из Microsoft Visual Studi, Qt Creator, Eclipse (да вроде почти из всех IDE), код копируется отформатированный, с подсветкой и т.д.

С номерами строк вам наверное не помогу, но вот подсветка отлично копируется из Qt Creator.

Я для этих целей Notepad++ — у него есть ф-ция копированя RTF в буффер
единственное что не будет номеров строк кажется

Я всегда вставляю preformatted текст в таблицу.
Таблица состоит из одной большой ячейки, если вставляется самодостаточный кусок кода или фрагмент лога, и из нескольких — если нужны заголовки или комментарии.
А по поводу подсветки синтаксиса в копируемом коде коллеги выше уже всё сказали.

  • Показать ещё



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Code snippet in Word

If you’re creating an article, instructional piece, or essay in Microsoft Word, you may need to include a snippet of code. Whether HTML, JavaScript, or Python, you likely want it to appear different than the document text.

There are a few ways to insert command or code blocks in your Word document. Depending on if you want the reader to simply view the code or have the ability to copy it, let’s walk through the options.

Option 1: Paste Special as HTML

One of the quickest ways to add code to your document is with the Paste Special option for HTML. This inserts the code you’ve copied without the other formatting of your document. And, this option allows your reader to copy the code or command straight from your document.

RELATED: How to Paste Text Without Formatting Almost Anywhere

Select the code or command from your application and copy it using the toolbar, the context menu, or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C on Windows or Command+C on Mac.

Copy in the shortcut menu

Place your cursor in your Word document where you want to paste it. Then go to the Home tab, click the Paste drop-down arrow, and choose Paste Special. Select “HTML Format” and click “OK.”

HTML Format selected in the Paste Special box

When the code appears in your document, you can format the font or the snippet if you like.

Pasted HTML in Word

Use the Home tab to color specific pieces of code with the Font section of the ribbon. To add a border or shade, select the Borders drop-down arrow in the Paragraph section and pick “Borders and Shading.”

Shaded code block in Word

Option 2: Insert an Object

If you want to insert the code or command in your document only for the reader to see and not copy or edit, you can insert an object containing the snippet.

RELATED: How to Insert a Picture or Other Object in Microsoft Office

Go to the Insert tab, click the Object drop-down arrow, and pick “Object.”

Object on the Insert tab

On the Create New tab, select “OpenDocument Text” as the Object Type. Click “OK.”

OpenDocument Text selected in the Object box

A new Word document will open for you to insert your code or command. You can use the Paste Special HTML format described earlier if you like. After you add the snippet, close the document.

Your code then appears in your original Word document as an object. You can then move it, resize it, or add a border if you wish.

Object inserted in Word

Option 3: Attach a Screenshot

Another option for adding your snippet as an item instead of text is using an image. If you have your code or command in an active application window like Notepad++ or Command Prompt, you can easily add it to your document. The drawbacks here are that the reader can’t easily copy your code if they need to and that resizing may negatively affect readability.

Go to the Insert tab and click the Screenshot drop-down arrow. You should see the application window as an option.

Available windows in the image menu

Select it and it’ll pop into your document as an image. You can then crop the image to remove the surrounding application window if you like.

Inserted image in Word

Alternatively, you can use the Screen Clipping option in the Screenshot drop-down. When you select this tool, your cursor changes to a crosshair. Use it to drag the area of your screen or other application window you want to capture and release.

Screen Clipping tool capturing an image

That image then appears in your document. You can move, resize, or customize the snippet screenshot like any other image in Word.

Screen Clipping inserted in Word

Option 4: Use a Syntax Highlighter

One more option is to use a syntax highlighter like Easy Syntax Highlighter. This is a free add-in for Microsoft Word that highlights your code for you including a background and colors for pieces of the code. Plus, you can customize the language and appearance.

RELATED: How to Install and Use Add-ins for Microsoft Office

After you install the add-in, place the code or command in your document. You can type or paste it, whichever you prefer.

Select the code and go to the Easy Syntax Highlighter tab that now displays. To apply the default formatting with the language automatically detected, select “Highlight Selection” in the ribbon.

Highlight Selection on the Easy Syntax Highlighter tab

You’ll see your snippet highlighted and your text formatted.

Snippet highlighted with default theme

If you want to select a specific language or formatting, select “Settings” in the ribbon instead. When the sidebar opens, choose a Language and Theme.

Language and Theme in the Settings

With your code selected, click “Highlight Selection” in the sidebar.

Highlight Selection in the sidebar

You’ll then see your snippet formatted per the settings you picked. This keeps your code or command as text so your reader can copy it, but makes it stand out as its own block.

Snippet highlighted with dark theme

There’s more than one way to add a code or command block to your Word document. Depending on the purpose for your reader, choose the option that’s best for you!


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Word does not natively support syntax highlighting, or other code formatting. As such, it is best to create the highlighting etc in a different program (visual studio, eclipse, notepad++, or this website which can do 14 languages and requires no install).

When pasting the text however, doing it directly in the word document itself can lead to headaches like spelling and grammar underlines.

To fix this, instead of directly copying and pasting, use Insert -> Object -> OpenDocument Text. This will open a new document. Paste the text here, and close the window. Your code will now be shown as an object, complete with all of the formatting that showed in the previous window, but with no spelling or grammar check showing.

While it is possible to format code with styles, there are no built in styles to do this, and it is not really what styles are meant to do. If you with to use styles to format your code, just use this style in all of the objects that you create.

Update: If you want to do this with code styles, here are some ideas.

  • Use a paragraph style with a monospaced font
  • Light background (grey works well)
  • Spelling turned off
  • Make sure the line spacing is the way you want it

If you want to add a little more complexity, you can layer character styles on top of the paragraph style to create something similar to the code preview on stackoverflow with different formatting and/or color for class names, instance names, etc.

Setting up the style like this takes work, but you can get a more customizable result than compared to what you can get using the syntax highlighting from notepad++ or Visual Studio.

As a speedup when formatting code with a style, it may help to first do the syntax highlighting in one of those programs, and then use Word’s Find utility to search for text that matches a color or other font style so that you do not have to manually identify what is a class name for example in the code manually (it is under more->format in the find prompt).

Microsoft Word is a very useful writing tool, in recent years thanks to the great features it brings. From creating texts, web articles, monographs among other works, that can be used in the area of ​​files and labor documents. So in this article we will explain how to use a Microsoft Word document to insert or copy source code.

On the other hand, Word allows you to insert audio and music files , and other tools that can further enrich the writing of a document. Not only can it be written, it also allows people who work with programming to access its many functions .

Can you insert source codes into a Word document?

If you work as a programmer or software developer, you could use Microsoft Word technical support for your work. However, it must be recognized that in a Word file it will not allow you to create source codes, but you will be able to copy them onto a sheet in Word .

What problems will you have when using source code?

Programmers often write or create software programs using a coded language that includes Java, C ++, HTML in their work. These produce specific instructions that are recognized as source code groups, which are notably not visible to internet users. But this does not mean that it cannot be printed in a Word format to have a visible presentation of your work.

Sure, pasting source code into a Word file can give you a memory error . This also includes a reformatting of the text , and a continuous creation of links, adding to these annoying spelling errors in the copied file.

But do not worry, we will explain in a simple way how you can insert a programming source code into a Word document quickly and safely.

What to do to paste the code in Word?

To avoid the frequent errors that occur when pasting source code, we recommend that you paste the source code into a different document window . Here are the steps you need to carefully follow in order to insert the code into a Word file successfully.

  • Have a second document in a file open in Word.
  • You will do this by opening a document in Microsoft Word.
  • Left click on the “Insert in the ribbon” tab.

Note: To display the developer tab in Word you must activate it so that it is added to the Word ribbon.

  • Then you will click on the “Object” option on the right side of the ribbon.
  • Click on « Microsoft Word Document «, to ensure that «Show» as icon is not checked.
  • Click “OK” so that you can open a new document window with the file name and save it to documents.
  • In the document that has the title, that you have put, copy and paste the source code , the errors that it presents will be ignored. As long as the document is inserted as an original and not on another Word document that you have open on your computer.
  • In the upper left a window called “File” appears, click on it.
  • When you open a list will appear on the left, you will look for the tab that says “Save as”, click on it, so that the changes are saved.
  • Once you save successfully, close the document, when you do it, the source code will appear at the top.
  • Click to see the HTML source code of the web page , to select it.
  • Copy and paste where you want the final document to appear.
  • Once done, resume work on the main document.

By following the steps mentioned above, you will be able to copy and paste the source code you want into a Word document . Note that this may work for one code page only and not for copying and pasting multiple codes.

Abdullah Sam

I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

Если вы изучаете программирование в университете, то вам приходится писать пояснительные записки к курсовым и дипломным работам, оформлять лабораторные работы в которых надо приводить код или фрагменты программ, написанных, например, на Python, C++, Pascal, Javascript и так далее. Прочитав эту публикацию, вы научитесь делать это красиво и правильно. Например, так как показано на скрине ниже, если вы используете в своей работе Ворд: для подготовки текстов.

Подсветка кода в тексте

Согласитесь, выглядит такой код в тексте очень солидно. Вы можете сами убедиться в этом, скачав файл с примером, скрин которого здесь приведен. Ну а теперь расскажем как повторить такой же код быстро и без проблем. Научившись делать это один раз, вы будете использовать этот прием постоянно.

Алгоритм добавления кода с подсветкой в Word

  • Получите подсветку нужного вам кода кода в любом онлайн сервисе, который генерирует css стиль подсветки и код html-страницы. Это можно сделать здесь.
  • В любом текстовом редакторе, например в Notepad+, создайте простейший html-файл, добавив в него код, полученный в предыдущем пункте.
  • Сохраните этот файл в кодировке utf-8 с расширением html.
  • Перейдите в ваш редактор Word и в нужное место вставьте сохраненный html-файл.
  • Если надо, отредактируйте формат вставленного кода.

Важное замечание. Надо понимать, что стили html-файла Word обрабатывает своеобразно, игнорируя некоторые стили. И самое важно — когда ваш файл будет добавлен в редактор, то html-список строк кода превратится в список, оформленный по правилам Word. Выделите полученный код и выберите в стилях (Формат-Списки). Настройте список как вам надо. Рекомендуем убирать нумерацию строк списка, как в нашем примере, хотя вы можете и сохранить авто-нумерацию или изменить ее стиль.

Если у вас до сих пор по какой-то причине не установлен Microsoft Office для Windows, то вам сюда: и ваши курсовые с программным кодом с учетом наших рекомендаций будут выглядеть отлично, а ваш преподаватель будет спрашивать вас, как вы сумели так красиво вставить код с подсветкой в вашу работу.

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2019-10-04 • Просмотров [ 30355 ]

Microsoft Word is a very useful writing tool, in recent years thanks to the great features it brings. From creating texts, web articles, monographs among other works, that can serve in files area and labor documents. So in this article we will explain how to use a Microsoft Word document to insert or copy a source code.

On the other hand, Word allows you to insert audio and music files, and other tools that can further enrich the writing of a document. Not only can it be written, it also helps people who work with programming to access its many functions that has.

Can you insert source codes into a Word document?

If you work as a programmer or software developer, you could use Microsoft Word technical support for your work. However, it must be recognized that in a Word file it will not allow you to create source codes, but Yes you will be able to copy them onto a sheet in Word.

What problems will you have when using source code?

Programmers often write or create software programs using a encoded language including Java, C ++, HTML in their jobs. These produce specific instructions that are recognized as source code groups, which are notably not visible to internet users. But this does not mean that it cannot be printed in a Word format to have a visible presentation of your work.

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word document

Sure, pasting source code into a Word file can give you a memory error. This also include a reformatting the text, and a continuous creation of links, adding to these, annoying spelling errors in the copied file.

But do not worry, we will explain in a simple way how you can insert a programming source code in a fast and secure Word document.

What to do to paste the code in Word?

To avoid the frequent errors generated by pasting source code, we recommend paste the source code into a window different document. Here are the steps you need to carefully follow in order to insert the code into a Word file successfully.

  • Have a second document in a file open in Word.
  • You will do this by opening a document in Microsoft Word.
  • Left click on the «Insert in the ribbon» tab.

Note: To show the developer tab in Word you must activate it so that it is added to the Word ribbon.

  • Then you will click on the «Object» option which is on the right side of the ribbon.
  • Click on «Microsoft Word document«, to ensure that» Show «as icon is not checked.
  • Click «OK» so that you can open a new document window with the file name and save it to documents.
  • In the document that has the title, that you have put, copy and paste the source code, the errors it presents to you will be ignored. As long as the document is inserted as an original and not on another Word document that you have open on your computer.
  • In the upper left part a window called «File» appears, click on it.
  • When you open a list will appear on the left, you will find the tab that says «Save as», click on it, so that the changes are saved.

entering source code in word

  • Once you save successfully, close the document, when you do it, the source code will appear at the top.
  • Click to see the HTML source code of the web page, to select it.
  • Copy and paste where you want the final document to appear.
  • Once done, resume work on the main document.

By following the steps mentioned above, you will achieve copy and paste over a Word document the source code you want. It should be noted that this may work only for one code page and not for copying and pasting multiple codes.

Source by

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