Profitability in the word

  • 1


    рентабельность, прибыльность, доходность

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > profitability

  • 2

    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > profitability

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > profitability

  • 4

    profitability over the route

    эффективность маршрута

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > profitability

  • 5

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > profitability

  • 6

    рентабельность, прибыльность, доходность

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > profitability

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    customer profitability выгодность клиента low profitability низкая прибыльность low profitability низкая рентабельность marginal profitability предельная рентабельность profitability выгодность profitability доходность profitability прибыльность profitability рентабельность

    English-Russian short dictionary > profitability

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    полезность, выгодность





    рентабельность, прибыльность, доходность



    * * *

    прибыльность, рентабельность, выгодность; показатель доходности.

    * * *

    один из показателей эффективности производства, характеризующий уровень отдачи затрат и использования денег


    возможность или способность проекта или фирмы принести прибыль; прибыль измеряется как: доход на используемый капитал, положительная величина чистых свободных средств, отношение чистой прибыли к общему объему оборота



    показатель эффективности единовременных и текущих затрат; в общем виде рентабельность определяется отношением прибыли к единовременным или текущим затратам, благодаря которым получена эта прибыль

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > profitability

  • 9

    Politics english-russian dictionary > profitability

  • 10

    1. рентабельность; прибыльность; доходность

    2. доход

    English-Russian base dictionary > profitability

  • 11

    рентабельность, прибыльность, доходность

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > profitability

  • 12

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > profitability

  • 13

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > profitability

  • 14

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > profitability

  • 15

    доходность; прибыльность

    English_Russian capital issues dictionary > profitability

  • 16

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > profitability

  • 17

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > profitability

  • 18



    а) прибыльность, рентабельность, доходность

    high / low profitability — высокая / низкая прибыльность

    long-term / short-term profitability — долгосрочная / краткосрочная рентабельность

    Англо-русский современный словарь > profitability

  • 19

    прибыльность, выгодность, доходность, рентабельность

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > profitability

  • 20

    * * *

    рентабельность, прибыльность, доходность

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > profitability


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • profitability — prof‧it‧a‧bil‧i‧ty [ˌprɒftəˈbɪlti ǁ ˌprɑː ] noun [uncountable] COMMERCE the state of producing a profit, or the degree to which an activity, company etc is profitable: • restructuring proposals to help boost profitability (= increase it ) •… …   Financial and business terms

  • Profitability —   Profitability is the profits, generated by investments and capital, expressed in a percentage of the profits. See also Gross profitability …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • profitability — index utility (usefulness) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • profitability — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ high, low ▪ greater ▪ declining ▪ concerns about the declining profitability of the industry ▪ overall …   Collocations dictionary

  • profitability — prof|it|a|bil|i|ty [ ,prafıtə bıləti ] noun uncount * the degree to which something is profitable, or the state of being profitable: We have consistently increased turnover and increased profitability. Selling off assets should return the company …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • profitability */ — UK [ˌprɒfɪtəˈbɪlətɪ] / US [ˌprɑfɪtəˈbɪlətɪ] noun [uncountable] the degree to which something is profitable, or the state of being profitable We have consistently increased turnover and increased profitability. Selling off assets should return the …   English dictionary

  • profitability — prof|it|a|bil|i|ty [ˌprɔfıtəˈbılıti US ˌpra: ] n [U] when a business or an activity makes a profit, or the amount of profit it makes ▪ a decline in company profitability …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • profitability — noun (U) the state of producing a profit, or the degree to which a business or activity is profitable: a decline in company profitability …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • profitability — The capacity or potential of a project or an organization to make a profit Measures of profitability include return on capital employed and the ratio of net profit to sales …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • profitability — /ˌprɒfɪtə bɪlɪti/ noun 1. the ability to make a profit ● We doubt the profitability of the project. 2. the amount of profit made as a percentage of costs …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • profitability — /ˌprɒfɪtə bɪlɪti/ noun 1. the ability to make a profit ● We doubt the profitability of the project. 2. the amount of profit made as a percentage of costs …   Dictionary of banking and finance

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


This could be profitability and growth that shareholders demand.

Это могут быть рентабельность и рост, которые требуют акционеры от организации.

Although operating profit declined, profitability was higher than the corresponding quarter of last year.

Несмотря на это, судя по операционной прибыли, рентабельность была выше, чем в соответствующем квартале прошлого года.

Which in turn influences the profitability of your business.

А это, в свою очередь, повлияет на прибыльность ваших сделок.

This in turn negatively impacts their profitability.

Это, в свою очередь, окажет сдерживающее влияние на прибыльность .

Evaluate trading performance and profitability in real-time.

Оценивайте результативность и доходность торговли в режиме реального времени.

For importers and exporters, exchange rates can affect profitability and sales.

Для импортеров и экспортеров, валютные курсы могут существенно повлиять на доходность и продажи и т.д.

Any company that cares about profitability is disciplined about controlling expenses.

Любая компания, которая заботится о своей рентабельности, дисциплинирована в отношении контроля над расходами.

We could perhaps see employee bonuses as an investment in future profitability.

Мы могли бы, возможно, увидеть сотрудников бонусы, как инвестиции в будущее рентабельности.

Global data also suggest that robot density per 1,000 workers is positively associated with higher corporate profitability.

Мировая статистика также говорит о том, что плотность роботов на 1000 рабочих имеет положительную прямую связь с повышением рентабельности коммерческих предприятий.

In turn, profitability safeguarded our editorial independence.

В свою очередь, рентабельность нашего издания была гарантией нашей редакционной независимости.

Options such as predictive maintenance plans can improve property performance and impact profitability.

Такие варианты, как планы прогнозного технического обслуживания, могут улучшить характеристики собственности и повлиять на прибыльность.

We delivered very strong profitability improvements this year, above our expectations.

Мы добились очень высоких показателей рентабельности в этом году, что было выше наших ожиданий.

This suggests that private banks total balance on the verge of zero profitability.

Это свидетельствует о том, что прочие, частные банки суммарно балансируют на грани нулевой рентабельности.

However, macroeconomic developments alone are unlikely to generate sustained improvement in non-life sector profitability.

Тем не менее, «макроэкономические события сами по себе вряд ли будут способствовать устойчивому улучшению рентабельности сектора общего страхования».

But profitability was not just about what happened inside slaughterhouses.

Но прибыльность предприятия зависела не только от того, что происходило внутри самих скотобоен.

Dairy producers worldwide face similar challenges around animal welfare, farm profitability, food safety and work efficiency.

Производители молочных продуктов во всем мире сталкиваются с аналогичными проблемами в отношении благосостояния животных, рентабельности фермерских хозяйств, безопасности пищевых продуктов и эффективности работы.

Currently several market and policy failures decrease the profitability of sustainable forest management.

В настоящее время в результате проявления недостатков в рыночной системе и в политике уменьшилась прибыльность устойчивого лесопользования.

This maximises profitability and reduces waste due to mould or other moisture related defects.

Это максимизирует доходность и уменьшает отходы из-за плесени или других дефектов, связанных с повышенным уровнем влажности продукта.

We just now have positive profitability.

«В результате мы сейчас имеем отрицательную рентабельность.

Shares have higher profitability than other some assets.

Акции имеют сравнительно высокую доходность, чем некоторые иные активы.

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Evaluate the profitability of our special offers for the business community.


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Оцените выгодность наших специальных предложений для представителей деловых кругов.


You will quickly maximize your profitability and minimize wasted time, ink and paper.


context icon

Вы будете быстро максимизировать прибыль и минимизировать впустую время, чернил и бумаги.


and content in Europe today does not cause doubts.


context icon

и контента в Европе сегодня сомнений не вызывает.


Proper maintenance is the life of your machines and profitability of your company.


context icon

Надлежащее техническое обслуживание

обеспечивает долгий срок службы вашего оборудования и прибыль для вашей компании.


This can cause appetite and emphasize the profitability of the purchase, thereby stimulating it to be made.


context icon

Это будет и вызывать аппетит, и подчеркивать выгодность покупки, стимулируя покупку.


This mirrored the corporate strategy of Deutsche Messe,

which was aimed at maximizing profitability and growth.


context icon

Это отражало корпоративную стратегию Deutsche Messe,

нацеленную на максимальное увеличение прибыли и рост.


To calculate the profitability of products sold held Bole deep

and complex analytical calculations.


context icon

Для расчета выгодности продаваемой продукции проводится боле глубокий

и сложные аналитические расчеты.


Determining real economical profitability and payback period of the biogas plant;

context icon

Определения реальной экономической выгодности и окупаемости установки;

Auxiliary pairs are used to increase profitability for our investors.


context icon

Вспомогательные пары используются для увеличения доходности


наших инвесторов.


context icon


Air Kyrgyzstan declares its profitability, having told about the work on attracting investments.


context icon

Эйр Кыргызстан» заявляет о своей рентабельности, рассказав


работе по привлечению инвестиций.


Achieving greater profitability and product flexibility with advanced LOESCHE technology in changing cement markets.


context icon

Современные технологии LOESCHE для большей экономичности и гибкости ассортимента на быстро меняющемся цементном рынке.


The profitability of the banking sector in April continues to show growth.


context icon


The profitability of private enterprise in relation to women’s work.


Together with economic profitability(as described above)

amorpha harvesting will have important ecological impact.


context icon

Наряду с экономической выгодой( описана выше)

сбор аморфы окажет важное экологическое влияние.


Halyk Bank’s profitability exceeded that other top 10 banks’ indicators ROAA 8M-



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Farmers’ profitability does not depend solely on the level of commodity prices.


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Доходы фермеров зависят не только от уровня цен на их продукцию.


The largest contribution to the profitability will come from production and trade development.


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Доход по привилегированным акциям составил 5% годовых.

It reached profitability in 2015 and saw revenues treble to $68m in 2016.

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ID Finance достигла точки безоубыточности в 2015 году, в 2016 году ее выручка увеличилась до$ 68 миллионов.

Profitability ofIDGC ofCentre for IQ2012 reached the following values:

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Union: In the building materials sector, profitability is ensured by export markets.

context icon

Союз: рынок экспорта прибреждения в секторе строительных материалов.

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Высокий или низкий доход от животноводства.


We will draft the entire proposal for you, including revenue, expenditure, and a profitability calculation.


context icon

Мы составим для вас полный план, включая доходы, расходы и расчет окупаемости.


Results: 2504,
Time: 0.0349





рентабельность, прибыльность, полезность


- прибыльность, рентабельность, доходность; упр., учет рентабельность
- полезность, выгодность (чего-л.)

Мои примеры


the simultaneous optimization of growth and profitability — одновременная оптимизация роста и рентабельности  
common production profitability — общая рентабельность производства  
percentage of profitability — процент прибыльности  
profitability at the stumpage price level — окупаемость по попенной плате  
profitability center — учётно-прибыльное подразделение  
profitability control — контроль прибыльности  
profitability factor — коэффициент рентабельности  
profitability index — индекс избыточной дисконтированной ценности; показатель рентабельности  
profitability of a project — прибыльность проекта  
profitability of an enterprise — рентабельность предприятия  

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

According to experts, the company took its lumps but is on the road to profitability.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Definition: Profitability is ability of a company to use its resources to generate revenues in excess of its expenses. In other words, this is a company’s capability of generating profits from its operations.

What Does Profitability Mean?

Profitability is one of four building blocks for analyzing financial statements and company performance as a whole. The other three are efficiency, solvency, and market prospects. Investors, creditors, and managers use these key concepts to analyze how well a company is doing and the future potential it could have if operations were managed properly.

The two key aspects of profitability are revenues and expenses. Revenues are the business income. This is the amount of money earned from customers by selling products or providing services. Generating income isn’t free, however. Businesses must use their resources in order to produce these products and provide these services.

Resources, like cash, are used to pay for expenses like employee payroll, rent, utilities, and other necessities in the production process. Profitability looks at the relationship between the revenues and expenses to see how well a company is performing and the future potential growth a company might have.

There are many reports to use when measuring the profitability of a company, but external users typically use the numbers reported on the income statement. The financial statements list the profitability of the company in two main areas.

The first signs of profit show in the profit margin or gross margin usually calculated and reported on the face of the income statement. These ratios measure how well the company is using its resources to generate profits.

The second sign of profit isn’t really a sign; it’s more like the real thing. The income statement always reports the net income at the bottom of the report. This is often the true sign of profitability because it shows external users the total amount of revenues that exceeded the expenses during the period.

Profitability Meaning

Profitability is the ability of a company or business to generate revenue over and above its expenses. It is usually measured using ratios like gross profit margin, net profit margin EBITDA, etc. These ratios help analysts, shareholders, and stakeholders to analyze and measure the company’s ability to generate revenue to cover its operational cost, create value by adding assets to the balance sheet and analyze its ability to expand and take up projects for its future growth.

  • The higher the ratio, the better it is because the company performs well.
  • These ratios are often used to compare the performance of companies against each other.
  • Business owners and investment analystsAn investment analyst is an individual or firm that excels in the financial and investment research and have a keen knowledge of financial instruments and models. Such financial professionals include portfolio managers, investment advisors, brokerage firms, mutual fund companies, investment banks, more use profitability to determine whether it’s wise to invest or not, considering its current and future growth.
Table of contents
  • Profitability Meaning
    • How to Analyze Profitability?
      • #1 – Gross Profit Margin
      • #2 – Net Profit Margin
      • #3 – Operation Profit Margin
      • #4 – EBITDA
    • Advantages
    • Disadvantages
    • Recommended Articles

How to Analyze Profitability?

Let us take an example of profitability.


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You can download this Profitability Excel Template here – Profitability Excel Template

  • Sales = $50,000
  • Purchase = $30,000
  • Direct CostsDirect cost refers to the cost of operating core business activity—production costs, raw material cost, and wages paid to factory staff. Such costs can be determined by identifying the expenditure on cost more = $500
  • Rent = $1,000
  • Salary = $3,000
  • General Expenses = $1,500
  • Depreciation = $500
  • Interest Paid = $200
  • Taxes @ 30% = $3,990

Profit = $ (50,000-30,000-500-1,000-3,000-1,500-500-200-3,990)

Profit = $9,310

Let us calculate the most commonly used ratios to calculate profitability.

#1 – Gross Profit Margin

Gross profit marginGross Profit Margin is the ratio that calculates the profitability of the company after deducting the direct cost of goods sold from the revenue and is expressed as a percentage of sales. It doesn’t include any other expenses into account except the cost of goods more is a ratio of gross profit to sales, which means the entity can recover its cost of production from the revenue it is earning. Therefore, the higher the percentage, the better it is.

As per the above example,

Calculation of gross profit will be: –

Calculation 1

Gross Profit = Sales – Purchase – Direct Cost

Gross Profit = $(50,000-30,000-500)

Gross Profit = $19,500

Calculation of gross profit margin will be: –

Profitability Example.1.0

Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Sales

Gross Profit Margin = 19,500/50,000

Gross Profit Margin = 39%

#2 – Net Profit Margin

Net profit marginNet profit margin is the percentage of net income a company derives from its net sales. It indicates the organization’s overall profitability after incurring its interest and tax more is a ratio of net profit to sales. Net profit is the profit earned after reducing operational costs, depreciation, and dividend from gross profit. A higher ratio/margin means the company is making well enough to cover all its costs and payout to its shareholders or reinvest its profit for growth.

Profitability Example

Profitability = $9,310 / 50,000

Profitability = 18.62%.

As calculated above, the net profit margin is 18.62%.

#3 – Operation Profit Margin

Operating profit marginOperating Profit Margin is the profitability ratio which is used to determine the percentage of the profit which the company generates from its operations before deducting the taxes and the interest and is calculated by dividing the operating profit of the company by its net more is a percentage of earnings to sales before interest expense and income taxes. A higher margin means companies are well equipped to pay for their fixed and operational costs. It also indicates efficient management and their ability to survive in economic downtime compared to their competitors.

As per the above example,

Calculation of operating profit will be: –

Calculation 1.1

Operating Profit = Sales – Expenses excluding Interest and Taxes

Operating Profit = $(50,000-30,000-500-1,000-3,000-1,500-500)

Operating Profit = $13,500.

Calculation of operating profit margin will be: –

Profitability Example.1.2

Operating Profit Margin = Operating Profit / Sales

Operating Profit Margin = 13,500/50,000

Operating Profit Margin =27%.


Its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization. EBITDAEBITDA refers to earnings of the business before deducting interest expense, tax expense, depreciation and amortization expenses, and is used to see the actual business earnings and performance-based only from the core operations of the business, as well as to compare the business’s performance with that of its more is commonly used to compare a company’s performance with others and is widely used in valuation and project financing.

As per the above example,

Calculation of EBITDA will be:-

Calculation .1.3.0

EBITDA = Sales – Expenses (Excluding Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization)

EBITDA = $(50,000-30,000-500-1,000-3,000-1,500)

EBITDA = $14,000


Some of the advantages are as follows: –

  • Profitability helps us determine the pricing of our products and services. In many cases, if any revision is required. Pricing is very important for any business, as it leads to increases in net revenueNet revenue refers to a company’s sales realization acquired after deducting all the directly related selling expenses such as discount, return and other such costs from the gross sales revenue it more. Still, it also has to be at a comparable level with competitors. Therefore, it helps in pricing strategy.
  • Higher profitability is directly related to higher sales. The various ratios and metrics used help compare past data and analyze if the company can survive in a downtime.
  • It helps us in analyzing the return on investment from a business. That means how effectively the company issues its resources to generate value and profit. In addition, it lets us know if the resources are properly deployed and if they can sustain in the future.


Some of the disadvantages are as follows: –

  • It does not accurately predict company performance in the future as companies often window dress their accounting statements.
  • Cannot compare a company’s performance across different industries. For example, the analysis of comparing pharmaceuticals with the FMCGFast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) are non-durable consumer goods that sell like hotcakes as they usually come with a low price and high usability. Their examples include toothpaste, ready-to-make food, soap, cookie, notebook, chocolate, more industry would not be accurate.

Profitability ratios are key indicators to analyze the performance and liquidity of the company and are derived using income statements. It is also used to determine the strengths and weaknesses and how companies achieve profit from their operations. Analysts use ratios to decide whether or not it is a good proposal for investment purposes. Banking institutions often use such ratios to determine the creditworthinessCreditworthiness is a measure of judging the loan repayment history of borrowers to ascertain their worth as a debtor who should be extended a future credit or not. For instance, a defaulter’s creditworthiness is not very promising, so the lenders may avoid such a debtor out of the fear of losing their money. Creditworthiness applies to people, sovereign states, securities, and other entities whereby the creditors will analyze your creditworthiness before getting a new more of a company and sanction loans based on such ratios. Among other ratios, profitability ratios are of utmost importance as all businesses ultimately focus on earning profit and creating value for their stakeholders.

Recommended Articles

This article is a guide to Profitability meaning. Here, we discuss the profitability formula with examples, advantages, and disadvantages. You can learn more about valuation from the following articles: –

  • Operating Profit Formula
  • EBITDA Margin Calculation
  • Formula of Return on Sales

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