Word usage errors in research papers written by non-native speakers of English are more common than other mistakes and are only topped by errors in style. Since the main purpose of academic writing is to clearly convey information, knowing how to use words correctly and effectively is absolutely crucial.
Some problems with word choice stem from the fact that the English language contains pairs or sets of words that sound alike (homophones) and/or look alike (homonyms) but have different meanings. Additionally, there are words that sound and look different but have similar meanings. Other mistakes occur when ESL authors think in their mother language while writing and try to translate entire expressions into English. And sometimes, the wrong word is actually the right word spelled incorrectly. Here, we list examples of typical errors in word usage that we frequently come across in academic texts written by ESL authors and provide tips on how to avoid them.
Table of Contents:
- Words with Similar Sounds but Different Meanings
- Words with Similar Meanings but Different Connotations
- Using the Correct Word Stem with the Wrong Prefix or Suffix
- Translation Errors and Collocations
- Spelling Mistakes That Can Change Your Meaning
Words with Similar Sounds but Different Meanings
Confusing similar words that have different meanings is one of the most common errors in word choice, and one that happens to native speakers as well. In spoken English, many of these might not be very obvious or just sound like a slip of the tongue. However, when writing any kind of academic text, you should check for such mistakes to make sure the reader clearly understands what you are trying to convey.
1. Affect vs effect / affective versus effective
Affect as a noun describes the strong experience of feelings or emotions, while the verb to affect means to impact. The noun effect, in contrast, is the result of something, and the verb to effect means to cause something to happen or to bring about a certain result. In brief, if something affects something else, it leads to a certain effect.
NO Sleep deprivation clearly effected the patients’ overall well-being.
YES Sleep deprivation clearly affected the patients’ overall well-being.
NO The affect of exercise on depression is not clearly understood.
YES The effect of exercise on depression is not clearly understood.
2. Then vs than
Than is a conjunction/preposition that is used for comparison, while then is an adverb that means at that time or subsequently.
YES The effect of exercise on depression is less obvious than that of medication.
YES Patients were debriefed, and then asked to fill in a questionnaire.
NO The effect of exercise on depression is less obvious then that of medication
3. Principal vs principle
Principal as an adjective means the main or the most important, while as a noun, it means head of a school. A principle, on the other hand, is a general theorem or law or a system’s underlying foundation.
NO Our approach is based on the scientific principals of behavioral analysis.
YES Our approach is based on the scientific principles of behavioral analysis.
YES The principal idea of our approach is that early socialization affects behavior.
4. Advice vs advise
Since to advise means to give advice, the main difference between the two is that one is a noun and one is a verb. You therefore don’t have to worry about meaning when using these two, but only about correct grammar.
NO Patients should be adviced against smoking after cancer treatment
YES Patients should be advised against smoking after cancer treatment.
YES Our advice to patients after cancer treatment is to stop smoking.
5. Accept vs except
Accept and except sound almost identical but mean very different things – accept means to consent or to receive, while the verb and the preposition (to) except both mean to not include.
NO Subjects were called back after 2 weeks, accept for those who had dropped out.
YES Subjects were called back after 2 weeks, except for those who had dropped out.
YES Smoking is widely accepted as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease
6. Alternate vs alternative
An alternative is an additional or different option or choice, while alternating refers to the action of switching between choices, states or actions
NO TMS has emerged as an alternate treatment option for anxiety.
YES TMS has emerged as an alternative treatment option for anxiety.
YES We explored the role of alternate care sites in responsiveness to COVID-19
8. Adapt vs adopt
To adopt is to take something and make it your own, while to adapt means changing an existing idea or approach so that it suits your needs. These words often seem to be used interchangeably, but because they sound so similar, you have to make sure you are using the correct one that conveys your intended meaning.
YES Many recent studies have adopted a similar cross-sectional design.
YES We adapted the usual clinical design to better reflect patient characteristics.
9. Access vs assess
To access means to enter or approach or take hold of something, while to assess means to evaluate, determine, or judge.
NO The aim of this study was to access the clinical outcomes of the seton procedure.
YES The aim of this study was to assess the clinical outcomes of the seton procedure.
YES Author KA was granted access to patient data by the hospital ethics committee.
Words with Similar Meanings but Different Connotations
1. Infer vs Imply
Implying means to suggest something while not directly showing or saying it. Inferring, on the other hand, means that you come to a conclusion, based on clear evidence, on your own assumptions, or on what your data or someone else imply.
YES These findings imply that neuropeptides play a role in feeding behavior.
YES Intuitive responders infer that everybody responds as they do
2. Among vs Between
Many authors, native as well as non-native speakers of English, seem to be confused about how to use among and between correctly. The problem is that there are essentially two rules on how to use these two, one that is well-known but in essence an oversimplification and one that is lesser known but explains the difference more precisely. Rule 1 says that you use between for comparisons between two things and among when you refer to groups or sets of more than two elements.
While you will very often choose the correct word when you follow this rule, this approach can lead to “overcorrections” that sound awkward. That’s where Rule 2 comes into play, which states that you can use between for any number of elements, as long as all the elements are separate and distinct. You can choose between eggs and cereals or between eggs, cereals, and toast for breakfast. Among is used for people or things that are not distinct and viewed as a group rather than as individual elements. Negotiations between Italy and Denmark (a comparison of two distinct countries) or among the EU member states (seen as a group) can fail. You share secrets between friends (from person to person) but you feel comfortable with or among your friends.
YES MoO3 showed the best performance among the investigated HDO catalysts.
YES There was no behavioral difference between the test and the control group.
3. Amount vs Number
These words might seem similar in meaning, but their correct usage is related to the concept of countable and uncountable nouns in English. Number can only be used with countable nouns, while amount is used with uncountable nouns.
NO The number of literatures included in this meta-analysis is enormous.
YES The amount of literature included in this meta-analysis is enormous.
YES The number of earlier studies on this topic is low.
Using the Correct Word Stem with the Wrong Prefix or Suffix
Additions to the beginning (prefixes) or end (suffixes) of root words can change a word from an adjective (e.g., happy) into a noun (happiness), or an adverb (happily), into its opposite (unhappy), or affect the tense of a verb. The problem with prefixes and suffixes is that they cannot be used with every word and that they do not always have the same effect. You therefore need to make sure you don’t create words that do not exist or change your intended meaning by adding the wrong prefix or suffix.
NO Changes were determinated using a computer-controlled spectrophotometer.
YES Changes were determined using a computer-controlled spectrophotometer.
NO Protein instableness is a common issue in protein pharmaceuticals.
YES Protein instability is a common issue in protein pharmaceuticals.
NO We assessed sources of diagnostic inaccurateness of cardiac markers.
YES We assessed sources of diagnostic inaccuracy of cardiac markers.
Translation Errors and Collocations
Thinking in your native language and translating phrases literally into English because they sound “natural” is one of the most common reasons for incorrect or awkward expressions in English texts written by non-native authors. While understanding and correcting such mistakes might seem more difficult than grasping the difference between two similar verbs, there are ways for you to avoid such errors.
For example, you can check your wording with Google Scholar or the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, and self-editing your text with the help of our lists of common expressions in research papers or the most useful verbs for the different parts of a paper will make your writing much stronger. And while you are at it, you are also well-advised (not “adviced”) to check your use of prepositions, another common source of mistakes in English writing. If you are not even sure what kind of expressions you might need to check, the following list of commonly mistranslated/misused expressions can give you an idea.
NO Patients underwent dizziness and worsening symptoms.
YES Patients experienced dizziness and reported worsening symptoms.
YES Patients presented with dizziness and showed worsening symptoms over time.
NO Patients underwent a questionnaire after the experiment.
YES Patients filled in a questionnaire after the experiment.
NO Patients succeeded complete remission.
YES Patients achieved complete remission.
NO The difference between groups was obtained with one-way ANOVA.
YES The difference between groups was assessed with one-way ANOVA.
Make sure who does or shows or undergoes something and that the subjects and verbs of your sentences always correspond to each other.
NO Patients performed liver biopsy.
YES Patients underwent liver biopsy.
YES Two experienced surgeons performed liver biopsy.
You also need to pay attention to the difference between people and things, because some verbs only go with one or the other.
NO The study was not able to analyze age differences, due to its design.
YES We were not able to analyze age differences, due to the design of our study.
NO PET alone was not able to diagnose our patients.
YES We were not able to diagnose our patients using PET alone.
Spelling Mistakes That Change Your Meaning
Some mistakes simply stem from phonemic differences between English and other languages. For example, native speakers of languages that do not clearly distinguish between “r” and “l” might misspell words in English without noticing. This is no problem when you make a real spelling mistake and your spellchecker catches it. But sometimes, the incorrect spelling results in a correct word that a spell checker will not flag. Such mistakes can only be avoided by careful proofreading.
NO Collect doses were determined by a series of tests.
YES Correct doses were determined by a series of tests.
NO We did not arrow participants to leave the room between sessions.
YES We did not allow participants to leave the room between sessions.
Before submitting your academic document to journals, be sure to receive professional editing services, including paper editing services, to fix any remaining language and style issues. And to correct your writing errors in real-time, try our ai online editor, Wordvice AI.
Using the Correct Word Stem with the Wrong Prefix or Suffix. Translation Errors and Collocations. Spelling Mistakes That Can Change Your Meaning.
What are four common word choice problems?
Here are four common conundrums that writers encounter all the time—and how to sort them out.
- Farther vs. Further. “Farther” has the word “far” in it. …
- Oral vs. Verbal. Wondering whether you have a “verbal” or “oral” agreement? …
- “You and Me” vs. “You and I” …
- Affect vs. Effect.
What are the most common problems with words?
It features 18 common grammar mistakes with examples of how to correct them.
- Mixing Up Similar Words. …
- Unnecessary Commas. …
- Mixing Up Possessives and Plurals. …
- Mistakes With Well and Good. …
- Comparisons That Are Incomplete. …
- Mixing Up Adverbs and Adjectives. …
- Confusion Between Fewer and Less. …
- Title Capitalization Problems.
What are the common problems in the choice of words and grammar?
Sometimes word choice is a problem because the words are used incorrectly; sometimes word choice is merely inappropriate.
- Agreement. …
- Awkward constructions. …
- Citation Style. …
- Clichés, trite expressions. …
- Combining sentences. …
- Comma Splices. …
- Dangling modifier. …
- Documentation.
What are word choices examples?
Example 1: I sprayed the ants in their personal places. Revision 1: I sprayed the ants in their hiding places. Reason for change: The first sentence has a double meaning. The second sentence conveys the intended meaning and is completely clear.
Word Choice
What is a word choice error?
Using a word that sounds similar to the intended word but has a different meaning is one of the most common errors in word choice. Among native speakers, such an error is often just a slip of the tongue.
Is word choice a grammatical error?
Word choice errors are often due to interference from the writer’s first language and are sometimes called false-cognate errors or translation errors.
What are the major Common errors in English?
Common English Grammar Mistakes
- 1) Present and Past Tense. …
- 2) How To Avoid the Overuse of Adverbs. …
- 3) Your/You’re. …
- 4) Misplacing Apostrophes. …
- 5) There / Their /They’re. …
- 6) Confusing similar spellings and words. …
- 7) Using incomplete comparisons. …
Getting adjectives and adverbs confused.
What are the three major causes of grammar errors?
Reasons of errors
There are many reasons for errors such as, mother- tongue interference, overgeneralization and errors due to the effect of teaching, omission, redundancy and so on.
What are the 10 common errors in English?
10 Common Grammar Mistakes Writers Should Avoid
- 1 Overuse of adverbs.
- 2 Too many prepositional phrases.
- 3 Ambiguous (“Squinting”) modifiers.
- 4 Misuse of lie/lay.
- 5 Ambiguous pronoun references.
- 6 Comma splices.
- 7 Run-on sentences.
- 8 Wordiness (inflated sentences)
What are the 3 types of word problems?
Word problems, or story problems, appear in everyday life and also show up in the Common Core State Standards for every grade level, K-12. You can use three common types of word problems — part-part whole, separate and join and multiply and divide — for everything from counting pennies to calculating a tip.
What are the three common errors?
There are three types of errors that are classified based on the source they arise from; They are:
- Gross Errors.
- Random Errors.
- Systematic Errors.
What are three common writing errors?
- Wrong Word. Wrong word errors take a number of forms. …
- Missing Comma after an Introductory Element. …
- Incomplete or Missing Documentation. …
- Vague Pronoun Reference. …
- Spelling. …
- Mechanical Error with a Quotation. …
- Unnecessary Comma. …
- Unnecessary or Missing Capitalization.
What is the most common 4 letter word?
The most common four-letter words are that, with, have, this, will, your, from, they, want, been, good, much, some, and very.
How many common 4 letter words are there?
How many 4 letter words are there? There are 3,996 legal four-letter words, according to the Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary, Volume 6.
What are the common errors in English justify with three examples?
Here are 16 English grammar mistakes Indians commonly make:
- Incorrect: Myself I am Suresh babu. …
- Incorrect: I am having four brothers and three sisters. …
- Incorrect: He do not have a laptop. …
- Incorrect: Does she has a car? …
- Incorrect: That only, she is very arrogant. …
- Incorrect: He did not wrote the test last week.
What are the common causes of errors?
Common sources of error include instrumental, environmental, procedural, and human. All of these errors can be either random or systematic depending on how they affect the results.
What are the 3 components of grammar?
Grammar consists of three components: (1) syntactic component, (2) semantic component, (3) phonological component. So, it does not only give sentence structure but also give an explanation of the mechanism of sentence formation as a structure born from an inner structure.
What are the three basic types of spelling and grammar errors?
- the red line indicates a misspelled word.
- the green line indicates a grammatical error.
- the blue line indicates a contextual spelling error.
What are 5 types of errors?
The errors that may occur in the measurement of a physical quantity can be classified into six types: constant error, systematic error, random error, absolute error, relative error and percentage error.
What are common errors examples?
A common error is to shut down the air inlets too soon, before the stove has had a chance to heat up properly. It has been a common error to view prisoners as a homogeneous group with a set of common values.
What are the types of common errors?
- Sentence fragments. …
- Sentence sprawl. …
- Misplaced and dangling modifiers. …
- Faulty parallelism. …
- Unclear pronoun reference. …
- Incorrect pronoun case. …
- Omitted commas. …
- Superfluous commas.
What type of error is using the wrong word?
Confused diction errors result when a writer uses one word in the place of a word which resembles the correct choice. The solution is to verify the meaning of the words you choose, especially when you are aware of similar words which mean something quite different. Not all confused diction errors can be addressed here.
What are the factors affecting the choice of word?
The factors that influence a speaker’s or writer’s choice of language vary, and they include the context that surrounds the speaker or writer, the age, gender, culture, etc. Very often, the choice of language is conscious, and the speaker can switch the language choice depending on such factors.
What are the 8 grammatical categories?
There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.
October 14, 2018
Below is a list of word choice errors the Virtual Writing Tutor can detect and correct. The list is not exhaustive. Instead, it will give you a sense of the kinds of errors that I consider a word choice error and I have been working to correct.
Transfer errors
Word choice errors are often due to interference from the writer’s first language and are sometimes called false-cognate errors or translation errors. Other times the errors seem developmental in nature, coming from a lack of knowledge of the different vocabulary choices available in English or collocations required by a particular context. Sometimes, phrases just sound awkward in English because they are words we would never put together.
Translation errors
Another source of word choice errors can be bilingual dictionaries or automatic translation websites. For example, a root waterway treatment is not a synonym for a root canal treatment.
I have not included typos as a word choice errors if they can be considered contextual spelling errors instead, for example, I was the winner or one million dollar. However, I consider the wrong choice of homophones (for example, there/their) is a type of word choice error. Here is another example: Words pored from his mouth, but the students were up until midnight, pouring over their books.
Often-confused words and eggcorns
Similar sounding words that are often confused are another source of word choice errors. Adverse/averse, effect/affect are common examples.
Eggcorns are another problem. Doggy-dog and duck tape are common examples.
70 Word Choice Errors
Copy and paste this list into the grammar checker to see the corrections.
- The tiger of Serghei took a lot of place.
- This problem is really bigger than I expected.
- I don’t remember my tall, but I am short.
- I usually like to wear joggings.
- I like eating at Lonimar, my favorite Dominican food.
- She spoke very loudly like I was deaf.
- All prisoners had committed heavy crimes.
- It was a little difficult question.
- The police asked for a little description of the car
- The website is named Biology Corner.
- He told me he had followed several trainings.
- Suddenly, he took me and he hardly kissed me.
- For me, I can not support the pets of Jackson. (False-cognate)
- We opened the light and we saw blood in the bathroom.
(False-cognate) - This website is named “Biology Corner.”
- He was determined to get the money by all means.
- I advise you to take as many exercises as you can.
- I’m doing the course to expand my job opportunities.
- I said you before
- Almost foreigner like pizza.
- Almost students are tired.
- There is a lot of tools at your disposition.
- This website is a huge difference maker for me.
- I measure 5 feet.
- The thing is that I did not know or think that this field of study has as much responsibilities.
- The metro is ten minutes away by walking.
- Every dentist needs a dental collaborator to help with cleaning and preparation.
- On my last visit to the dentist, I had a root waterway treatment.
- First of all, social anxiety is characterized by an intense fear of situation that can procure humiliation.
- I like to see my friend, look movies and read some good book of science fiction.
- Some couples prefer not to make children.
- In my new job I have to make a lot of important choices.
- Finally, look random video on YouTube make me smile.
- Words pored from his mouth.
- The students were up until midnight, pouring over their books.
- I think I’ll lay down for a few minutes.
- We are wholly adverse to the new policy.
- Taxes are having an averse effect on production.
- The news is much surprising.
- I pass all my classes with excellent grades.
- The boss of another multinational wants us to join our two companies.
- It is a really affective remedy.
- The majority of them are working in an educational entourage and the others in health department.
- The car couldn’t stop because it’s brakes were broken.
- Dinner is the main dish of the day.
- It was a long distance between the hotel and the beach.
- The magazine is printed every month.
- Unemployment is a very important problem.
- That didn’t let me enough time in the morning to pray.
- While I was walking I see my friend and he proposed to me to embark in his car.
- Basement flats are often dark and moist.
- Last day, I had a dream.
- He’s name is Boris.
- It was very delicious.
- The teachers are very kind and comprehensive.
- When I arrive at work, I take my new email on my computer.
- I am very a blunderer.
- Results found the relationships among these variables.
- We have received a great deal of complaints.
- He earned a lot of money on the lottery.
- We have an urgent need of a new secretary.
- I speak French since ever.
- I work as a sales in a clothes shop.
- I use English during my work on when I speak to friend who only speak English.
- I have been talking French since I’m born.
- In my new job I’m demanded to work overtime.
- When you are not in your best, they are every time behind you like brothers.
- Having in mind that the roads will be busy,I think that we should make an early start.
- I got to know the south of London very deeply.
- There was a negligent amount of liquid in the test tube.
One of the trickier concepts that you will be tested on ACT English is your ability to choose the right word from among many that are not quite right, and to spot when words are being used incorrectly.
Are you confident in your ability to find the differences in a group of similar words? Can you distinguish what’s needed from the context of a question?
If you’re not so sure, read on to see how the ACT English will test you on this skill! In this post, I’ll cover everything you need to know about these questions:
What Does “Diction” Mean, Anyway?
Diction is a fancy synonym for “word choice” — you may have heard your literature teacher talk about it when analyzing a famous author’s writing style.
On the ACT English, there are three main ways that word choice becomes important:
- recognizing commonly confused words
- understanding meaning in context
- recognizing idiomatic uses of phrases with prepositions
This final topic is large enough that we have a whole separate article dedicated to it.
But for the first two, let’s look at some example sentences that illustrate these concepts.
There is nothing better then (1) waking up to the smell of freshly-brewed coffee. The exciting (2) smell really gets my blood pumping.
B. better than
C. better
D. better to
B. simulating
C. dazzling
D. stimulating
Answers: 1. B; 2. D
How did you do? These questions cover two of the most common types of diction errors that you will see on ACT English – commonly confused words and understanding meaning in context. Both of these test your ability to understand when a word is being used incorrectly. I’ll go into each of these question types in more detail below.
But first, let’s talk about why ACT English has diction errors in the first place.
ACT English basically tests your ability to be an editor. The ACT wants to see if you can spot and correct errors in short passages. This skill is important for college level work, such as writing papers.
Most of the ACT English questions focus on grammar, punctuation and style. By reading our guides or using another prep method, you can learn the various grammar rules that are important for being able to answer most of the questions on ACT English.
With diction questions, the ACT is looking to see which students can also spot errors where you can’t apply your grammar rules. The only way you will know these answers is to understand the subtle differences between similar words.
If you don’t think this task sounds too difficult, keep in mind that many students make diction errors all the time in their everyday speech and writing. The makers of the ACT know which words are most confusing for students, and focus on these when writing the test.
So let’s start there – with the most commonly confused words that the ACT loves to test.
The Most Common Diction Errors
Some of the diction errors the ACT tests are random and therefore essentially impossible to study for.
However, the ACT writers have a couple of favorite errors, which usually appear at least once on every test. We’ll go through these one at a time.
The first key concept for diction questions is understanding the difference between “than” and “then.”
Than is used to show a comparison.
I am smarter than you are.
He eats more rice than beans.
Then is used for showing what happens next.
First, she went to the store. Then, she went home.
I want to eat my rice, then my beans.
Pop Quiz!
Look at the following pair of sentences. Can you tell which one is correct?
I like blue Cornish cheese more then any other cheese in the world.
I like blue Cornish cheese more than any other cheese in the world.
Answer: the second is correct because the sentence shows a comparison — than is needed.
How Should You Approach These Questions?
Then/than errors are pretty easy to spot and correct.
When you see one of these words underlined, look at the rest of the sentence. If it is comparing something, use “than.» If it is telling that one thing happened after another, use “then.”
Let’s look back at the first question
At the beginning of the article, I gave you the following question:
There is nothing better then waking up to the smell of freshly-brewed coffee.
A. No change
B. better than
C. better
D. better to
Now you can understand why the answer is (B) better than. The sentence shows a comparison (waking up and smelling coffee vs. waking up and doing anything else), so we need than.
The second most important diction pair to know is “have” and “of.»
The important distinction here is that “have” is a helping verb, while “of” is a preposition. If you see “of” being used as a helping verb, it will be incorrect!
The #1 Rule for Have/Of:
If you see could of, would/will of, should of, or might of: these are all INCORRECT.
Instead they should be could HAVE, would/will HAVE, should HAVE, and might HAVE.
This is one of those “everyday English” mistakes. In speaking, people tend to pronounce “have” like “of” because it’s faster and easier to say. It also sounds a lot like our contractions “would’ve,» “should’ve,» etc.
This has led some people to believe that “of” is actually the correct word to use in these circumstances — but it’s not!
Let’s look at some examples:
She would of preferred gorgonzola, but she got Cornish blue instead. INCORRECT
She would have preferred gorgonzola, but she got Cornish blue instead. CORRECT
«Would of» is always incorrect; «would have» is the correct replacement.
How Should You Approach These Questions?
Have/of questions should also be very easy to spot if you’re looking for them. If you see of or have underlined, be ready to see a diction question.
Remember that if you have would/will of, might of, should of, or could of, you can immediately cross out those answers.
Choose an answer that replaces “of” with “have” and is also grammatically correct in the sentence.
Let’s look at an example from the ACT.
Dickinson’s last twenty years of letters — many over 1,500 words in length — reveals the breadth and depth of her connection to the world through a wide circle of correspondents.
B. reveal
C. will of revealed
D. would of revealed
First thing we see in the answer choices are two answers that can automatically be crossed out, which makes our lives so much easier! Get rid of C and D, which both have the dreaded “of” construction.
Now it’s a matter of differentiating between “reveals” and “reveal.» At this point, you may notice that we are looking at a subject-verb agreement question. So we need to find what the subject is.
Ask yourself: what is doing the revealing? It’s the “last twenty years of letters.» When we cross out modifiers and the prepositional phrase, we get “last twenty years of letters.» Now it’s obvious that “years” is the subject.
Since “years” is a plural noun, we need the plural verb, which is “reveal.» B is the answer.
Other Easily Confused Words
The ACT will rarely test other commonly-confused words. These questions are very difficult to predict because they happen quite infrequently.
I have included a list of commonly confused words at the end of this article. Try reading through them and see if there are any that surprise you or that you didn’t know.
If so, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure you have these down before you take the test.
But don’t bother spending a lot of time worrying about this list. The ACT will rarely test this kind of question, so it’s really not worth stressing out over.
You will most often see these commonly confused words in the context of our next type of question, which is….
Understanding Word Meaning in Context
Instead of using really tricky commonly confused words, the ACT usually uses fairly common words with similar meanings, and asks you to choose which one is best for the sentence.
This can be tricky because you have to really think about what the differences are between the different words that you’re given, and also understand what the sentence needs in order to most correctly complete it.
Let’s look at an example of this type of problem from the ACT:
Many people might be surprised to learn that the American way of computing a person’s age differs from the traditional Korean way. In Korean tradition, a person is considered to be already one year old at the time of his or her birth.
As a child growing up in two cultures, I found this contest a bit confusing. When I was in the fifth grade, was I ten or eleven years old?
B. change
C. dispute
D. difference
This example shows how the ACT uses relatively simple words to try to trick you. You are probably familiar with all of the words in the answer choices, so let’s look at them closely to see which one best fits the sentence.
All of the words here imply some sort of contrast or conflict, but in very different ways.
Let’s start with the given word, “contest.» A contest implies some form of formal competition between two things. Though the author says that there are differences between American and Korean age counting traditions, he doesn’t imply that they were actually in competition with each other. So (A) is out.
Let’s look at (B). “Change” implies that something was one way, and then became another way. This doesn’t work because these traditions haven’t changed from one to the other — they were just different to begin with. So (B) is out.
(C) is quite similar to (A), in that “dispute,» like “contest,» shows a direct conflict between two things. Again, this doesn’t really work because the two traditions aren’t actually competing with each other.
That leaves us with (D), which is the only answer that makes sense. As we’ve said, the two traditions aren’t having a fight; they contrast simply because they have different characteristics. That means that (D), “differences,» is the most appropriate answer.
How Should You Approach These Questions?
The meaning in context questions are definitely the trickiest of the diction questions. To spot them, look for questions that have an underlined word and answer choices that are completely different words, but are loosely related in meaning.
First, read through the sentence. Try to place a word of your own in the spot of the underlined word.
Now look at the answer choices. Though they will be slightly similar words, they will have different meanings. Which of them can have the meaning most like the word you put into the sentence? Choose that as the answer.
Let’s look at this example from the ACT and use the above strategy to answer it.
Perhaps the celebration of New Year’s Day in Korean culture is heightened because it is thought of as everyone’s birthday party.
B. raised
C. lifted
D. lighted
First, let’s read through the sentence and try to see what should go in the blank. “Perhaps the celebration of New Year’s Day in Korean culture is _______ because it is thought of as everyone’s birthday party.”
Something along the lines of “made more important” makes sense here. So which word could mean that?
You’ll notice that almost all the words imply going up in one way or another — this is how the ACT is trying to trick you. But in the right context, one of them can also mean showing greater importance.
“Raised” and “lifted” both refer to physically moving something up (unless they are paired with other words — not the case here). So (B) and (C) are out.
“Lighted” is thrown in here to trick you and is quite different to the others — its means something has been made lighter, as in the opposite of darker. It doesn’t work at all, so (D) is out.
Therefore the best word is the one the sentence started out with. If you look up “heighten”, you will see it can mean to physically raise something up, but it can also mean to make something more intense or significant, which is close to the original idea we came up with, which was making something more important.
Looking Back
The second question I gave you about smelling coffee in the morning had one of these meaning in context errors. Take a second look at the question.
Though the answer choices are all vaguely related – they all imply something that excites or surprises in some way – the correct answer is “stimulating”. This is the only word that really implies something that helps wake you up, which is what is needed to correctly complete the sentence.
Quick Recap
To summarize, here are the key strategies you need to use to master diction questions on ACT English:
- “Of” used as a helping verb (would of, should of) is always incorrect. Choose an answer that replaces it with “have.»
- Use “than” for sentences with comparisons.
- Use “then” to show one thing happening after another.
- When you see a meaning in context question, first read through the sentence and mentally replace the word with one that makes sense in the sentence. Choose the answer that comes closest to the word you used.
Now It’s Your Turn!
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
For the past twelve years, Khoubbane has been the unassuming leader of a unique (1) culinary movement in Morocco: creating and distributing a variety of high-quality cheeses throughout the country
He slices a small piece off the outer edge of the wheel. A fine dusting of white mold already covers the cheese. The flavor is intense and creamy, with just a hint of the tang that will of developed (2) over the next five months with only Khoubbane’s watchful eye and sensible (3) palate to determine when it has finished maturing.
It is an unexpected undertaking for the 56 year old. Cheese, as the western world knows it, is unpopular in Morocco. «Moroccans don’t eat smelly things,» he says with a shrug. «There is less love for cheese here then in (4) France or Italy.»
This attitude is slowly changing, thanks to Khoubbane.
His success, he says, has been due to the fact that he has viewed the process as a labor of love, rather than a business adventure.(5)
B. single
C. differentiated
D. specified
B. would of developed
C. will develop
D. develops
B. sensitive
C. emotional
D. touchy
B. then between
C. than in
D. than between
B. venture
C. advantage
D. process
1. A; 2. C; B.; 4. C; 5. B
List of Commonly Confused Words
accept |
to receive, take |
except |
excluding |
access |
entrance; opportunity |
excess |
more than needed |
addition |
something added |
edition |
a certain production of something |
adopt |
to legally take on, accept |
adapt |
to change to be more suitable |
advice |
a recommendation |
advise |
to give a recommendation |
adverse |
bad; unfavorable |
averse |
opposed to |
affect |
to influence |
effect |
a result |
afflict |
to cause suffering |
inflict |
to force something harmful |
aisle |
space between rows |
isle |
island |
allude |
to make an indirect reference |
elude |
to avoid |
allusion |
an indirect reference |
illusion |
a false idea or vision |
already |
happened before now |
all ready |
to be entirely prepared |
altar |
table for religious ceremony |
alter |
to change |
altogether |
completely; entirely |
all together |
all things with each other |
a lot |
a large number of something |
allot |
to give out an amount of something |
ambivalent |
to have two different feelings about something |
ambiguous |
having more than one possible meaning |
amoral |
having no sense or right and wrong |
immoral |
having intentionally bad morals |
anecdote |
a short personal story |
antidote |
a substance or activity that stops something bad |
angel |
a spiritual creature |
angle |
space between intersecting lines measured in degrees |
apart |
separated, into pieces |
a part |
a piece of something |
appraise |
to examine and judge |
apprise |
to tell someone of something |
are |
3rd person plural of “to be” |
our |
belonging to us |
accent |
how someone pronounces words |
ascent |
movement up |
assent |
agreement/approval |
assistance |
help |
assistants |
helpers |
attribute |
a quality/characteristic |
contribute |
to give something |
auditory |
related to hearing |
audible |
able to be heard |
aural |
related to hearing |
oral |
spoken, or related to the mouth |
balmy |
pleasantly warm |
barmy |
crazy or silly |
bare |
not covered |
bear |
to carry or accept something |
bated |
in suspense, excited |
baited |
to harass (past tense) |
bazaar |
a market |
bizarre |
very strange and surprising |
berth |
a bed on a boat/train |
birth |
time when a baby is born |
beside |
next to something |
besides |
in addition to something |
boar |
a wild pig |
bore |
a dull person |
board |
a long, flat piece of wood |
bored |
feeling uninterested |
born |
to have been birthed |
borne |
carried |
bough |
a large branch of a tree |
bow |
bend upper body forward |
breath |
air that comes from lunch |
breathe |
to take air in and out |
brake |
part of a vehicle that stops it |
break |
to separate into pieces |
buy |
to purchase |
by |
shows a person who does something |
canvas |
a strong cloth |
canvass |
to ask people their opinions |
censure |
to criticize formally |
censor |
to remove offensive things from public |
capital |
city where government is based, or money |
capitol |
state legislature building |
choose |
to decide or pick |
chose |
past tense of choose |
climactic |
an important or exciting time |
climatic |
relating to the weather |
coarse |
rough and thick |
course |
a series of lessons |
collaborate |
to work together |
corroborate |
to provide supporting information |
command |
to order |
commend |
to praise |
complacent |
feeling you don’t need to try hard |
complaisant |
willingness to please others |
complement |
something that goes well with something else |
compliment |
saying something to show praise |
comprehensive |
thorough |
comprehensible |
easy to understand |
conscience |
the part of you that makes you feel guilty |
conscious |
aware; awake |
contemptuous |
showing contempt |
contemptible |
extremely bad |
corps |
a group of people or military force |
corpse |
a dead body |
council |
an elected group of people |
counsel |
to give advice |
credible |
able to be believed |
credulous |
gullible |
dairy |
milk products |
diary |
a book of personal thoughts |
descent |
a movement down |
dissent |
disagreement |
desirous |
wanting something |
desirable |
attractive |
dessert |
sweet food |
desert |
hot, dry area |
device |
equipment used for a particular purpose |
devise |
to design or invent something |
discreet |
secretive |
discrete |
separate and different |
disinterested |
impartial |
uninterested |
not interested |
do |
a helping verb |
dew |
drops of water |
due |
expected or planned |
dominant |
most important or wanting control |
dominate |
to control or have power over |
die |
to stop living |
dye |
substance used to change color |
dyeing |
to change the color of |
dying |
present participle of “die” |
elicit |
to get info or a reaction from someone |
illicit |
not legal |
eminent |
respected |
imminent |
about to happen |
immanent |
permanent part of something |
emit |
to send out gas/heat/light |
omit |
exclude |
envelop |
cover something |
envelope |
what letters go in |
everyday |
commonplace |
every day |
each day |
exhaustive |
comprehensive |
exhausting |
tiring |
expandable |
gets bigger |
expendable |
non-essential |
explicit |
clear, detailed |
implicit |
implied or suggested |
fair |
reasonable |
fare |
cost |
farther |
more distant (physical distance) |
further |
more |
flaunt |
exaggerate |
flout |
intentionally break the rules |
formally |
properly |
formerly |
before |
foreboding |
apprehension or anxiety |
forbidding |
unfriendly or hostile |
forth |
forwards |
fourth |
first, second, third….. |
gorilla |
large monkey |
guerrilla |
unofficial military group |
hear |
percieving sound |
here |
in this place or moment |
heard |
percieved sound (past tense of hear) |
herd |
flock/gaggle/group |
hoard |
collect/store |
horde |
large group |
hole |
hollow space in something |
whole |
complete |
human |
people/person |
humane |
kind |
implicit |
implied or suggested |
complicit |
involved in |
imply |
suggest |
implicate |
suggest someone is involved in something |
infer |
guess something based on the information you have |
incur |
cause unpleasant consequences to oneself |
occur |
to happen |
indeterminate |
uncertain or unclear |
interminable |
lasting a long time, in a boring way |
influence |
impact |
affluence |
wealth |
ingenious |
really clever |
ingenuous |
innocent and trusting |
its |
belongs to |
it’s |
it is |
knew |
past tense of «know» |
new |
not old |
know |
to be aware of something |
no |
a denial |
laid |
past tense of lay |
lain |
past tense of lie |
later |
occuring further along in time |
latter |
near the end of a period |
lay |
to put something down |
lie |
to recline horizontally |
lead |
to take charge |
led |
had taken charge |
lessen |
to reduce or decrease |
lesson |
what a teacher teaches |
lightning |
weather |
lightening |
becoming lighter or brighter |
loose |
not tight |
lose |
to not win |
maybe |
an adverb that means «perhaps» |
may be |
a verb phrase indicating that something could happen but is not certain |
meat |
flesh |
meet |
assemble |
mete |
administer a punishment |
metal |
hard, shiny substance |
medal |
metal object given as a prize |
mettle |
courage, strength, or fortitude |
miner |
someone who works in a mine |
minor |
not important; underage person |
moral |
right and wrongs |
morale |
confidence level in the success of an endeavor |
passed |
to go by something; alternatively, to qualify |
past |
something that’s happened before now |
patience |
to stay calm |
patients |
sick people |
peace |
tranquility |
piece |
a part of |
peak |
the top |
peek |
a quick look |
pique |
annoyance |
pedal |
foot operated part of machine |
petal |
part of a flower |
peddle |
to sell |
perpetrate |
do something bad |
perpetuate |
to sustain or preserve something |
personal |
relating to a person |
personnel |
staff |
persecute |
oppress or abuse |
prosecute |
to take legal action against someone |
perspective |
viewpoint |
prospective |
potential buyer, or applying to the future |
plain |
ordinary, unremarkable |
plane |
flying vehicle |
pore |
small hole, esp. in the skin |
pour |
make liquid flow from a container |
precede |
to happen before something else |
proceed |
to go forward |
precedent |
an example or model |
president |
the head of |
prescribe |
recommend or authorize medical treatment |
proscribe |
to forbid |
presence |
being in a place |
presents |
gifts |
principal |
most important |
principle |
fundamental rule |
quiet |
no noise |
quite |
completely |
rain |
precipitation |
reign |
to rule |
rein |
straps that control a horse |
raise |
to lift |
raze |
completely destroy |
rational |
reasonable |
rationale |
the reason |
reluctant |
unwilling |
reticent |
saying little about what you feel |
respectfully |
showing respect |
respectively |
in the same order |
reverend |
Christian official |
reverent |
showing respect |
right |
correct |
rite |
traditional religious ceremony |
write |
produce words |
road |
surface built for vehicles |
rode |
to have ridden |
scene |
location or site |
seen |
to have looked |
sense |
feeling or awareness of something; one of the 5 senses |
since |
between the past and now; because |
sensible |
practical or realistic |
sensitive |
delicate; responsive |
sensory |
connected to the physical senses |
sight |
vision |
site |
a place |
cite |
mention something as proof |
simulate |
to mimic |
stimulate |
to activate or energize a process |
stationary |
unmoving; still |
stationery |
office supplies, esp. paper |
straight |
not curved |
strait |
narrow waterway or channel connecting two bodies of water |
suppose |
assume or presume |
supposed to |
expected to do something |
taught |
educated, instructed |
taut |
stretched very tight |
than |
used to compare two things |
then |
at that time |
their |
belongs to them |
there |
at that place or location |
they’re |
they are |
through |
from one end to the other |
threw |
to have thrown |
thorough |
completely |
to |
preposition used to describe a definition or identify the object of something |
too |
as well as |
two |
comes after one |
track |
narrow path |
tract |
large area of land |
visual |
relating to seeing |
visible |
able to seen |
waist |
around the middle of your body |
waste |
a bad use of something |
waive |
give up or cede |
wave |
move hand from side to side |
weak |
not strong |
week |
7 days |
weather |
conditions in the air above the earth (wind, rain etc) |
whether |
if, or not |
wether |
a castrated ram |
where |
to, at, or in what place |
were |
past tense of «to be» |
which |
determining pronoun |
witch |
woman with magical powers |
whose |
pronoun identifying what belongs to someone |
who’s |
who is |
your |
belonging to you |
you’re |
you are |
yore |
a long time ago |
What’s Next?
Now that you know how to tackle one of the trickier subjects on the ACT English, try another: here is how to take on idioms on the ACT.
Not sure what else you’ll be up against? Here is a full breakdown of what you will find on ACT English.
Aiming high? Here are some top tips to get a 36 on ACT English.
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About the Author
Mary Ann holds a BA in Classics and Russian from the University of Notre Dame, and an MA from University College London. She has years of tutoring experience and is also passionate about travel and learning languages.
- Transitive and intransitive
Transitive (diikuti dengan objek) | Intransitive (tidak diikuti dengan objek) |
1. raise, raised, raised, raising (to move to a higher place or to cause to rise). Raise (Noun): an increse in salaryTom raised his neck.Heavy rain raises the water level of the reservoir every spring.
Heacy rain raised the water level of the reservoir last week. |
1. rise, rose, risen, rising (to go up or to increase)Rise (Noun): an increase in price, worth, quantity, or degreeThe sun rises in the east.
The water level rises when it rains every spring. The water level rose when it rained last week. |
2. lay, laid, laid, laying (to put, to place, or to cause to lie)I am laying the book in the desk.The postman lays the mail in the table every day.
The postman laid the mail on the table yesterday. |
2. lie, lay, lain, lying (to recline or to occupy a place)He is lying in his bed.He lies on the sofa to rest everyday after work.
He lay on the sofa to rest yesterday after work. Lie juga termasuk regular verb yang artinya tidak mengatakan sebenarnya He lied to me about his age. |
3. set, set, set, setting(to put, to place, or to cause to sit)I will set the book in the desk.
The students set the lab equipment on the table every class. |
3. sit, sat, sat, sitting (to occupy a place on chair or a flat surface)I sit in the front row.The equipemnt sits on the table every class.
The equipemnt sat on the table last class period. |
4. hang, hung, hungI hung my clothes in the closet. | |
5. hang, hanged, hangedThey hanged the criminal by the neck until he was died. |
- Similar verbs
1. tell, told, told (is often used before complements especially persons)The teacher tells us how to do it. | 1. say, said, said (is not used before complements that are persons. Usually followed by clause that)The teacher says that we are making progress. |
2. let, let, let (to allow or to permit)Their mother lets them stay up late every night.
Their mother let them stay up late last night. |
2. leave, left, left (to let someone or something remain; also to depart or to go)She leaves her briefcase at the office every day.She left her briefcase at the office yesterday. |
3. borrow, borrowed, borrowed (to take and give back. It is often followed by from)Karen’s father borrows money from the bank every term. | 3. lend, lent, lent (to give and take back. It is often followed by to).The bank lends money to Karen’s father every term. |
4. do, did, done (complements that describe work and chores)We do our homework before class everyday. | 4. make, made, made (complements that are derived from verbs)We make an agreement with each other every semester. |
DO | MAKE | verb |
an assignment | an ageement | to agree |
the dishes | an announcement | to announce |
a favor | an attempt | to attempt |
homework | a decision | to decide |
the laundry | a discovery | to discover |
a paper | an offer | to offer |
research | a profit | to profit |
work | a promise | to promise |
business | a mistake | |
justice | a progress |
Latihan A1
- The cost of living has raised 3 percent in tha past year (salah, seharusnya risen). Kok aneh
- The flag is risen at dawn by an honor guard (salah, seharusnya raised). Kok aneh
- Kay needs to rise her grades if she wants to get into graduate school (salah, seharusnya raise).
- The landlord has raisen the rent (salah, seharusnya raised).
- The smoke that is raising from that oil refinery is black (salah, seharusnya rising).
- The average elevation of the Himalayas is twenty thousand feet, and Mount Everest ____ to more than twenty-nine thousand feet at its apex.
A. raises
B. rises
C. roses
D. arises
7. When the temperature is risen to the burning point without a source of escape for the heat, spontaneous combustion occurs (salah, seharusnya raised).
8. A calorie is the quantity of heat required to rise one gallon of water one degree centrigade at one atmospheric pressure (salah, seharusnya rising).
Latihan A2
- Her coat was laying in the chair (salah, seharusnya lying karena kalimat intransitif).
- I have lain your notebook on the table by the door so that you won’t forget it (salah, seharusnya laid karena kalimat transitif).
- Key West lays off the coast of Florida (salah, seharusnya lies karena kalimat intransitif). (soal ini sering muncul di soal TOEFL, artinya occupy a place)
- Why don’t you lay down for awhile? (salah, seharusnya lie karena kalimat intransitif).
- Linda always forgets where she lies her glasses (salah, seharusnya lays karena kalimat transitif).
- The geographic position of North America, ____ in the early days of the European settlement.
A. laying between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, isolating it
B. isolating it as it laid between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans
C. lying between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, isolated it
D. isolating it between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans as it was layed
7. Melanin, a pigment that lays under skin, is reponsible for skin color, including the variations that occur among different races (salah, seharusnya lies karena kalimat intransitif).
8. The audible range of frequencies for human beings usually lays between 20 and 20,000 Hz (C, seharusnya lies).
Note: biasanya kalimat intransitif setelah Verb adalah preposisi misal on, in, under, dll.
Latihan A3
- Please sit the telephone on the table by the bed (salah, seharusnya set).
- Won’t you set down? (salah, seharusnya sit).
- Their house sets on a hill overlooking a lake (salah, seharusnya sits).
- Let’s sit your suitcase out of the way (salah, seharusnya set).
- Terry has sat there waiting for us for almost an hour (salah, seharusnya sit).
- When Jacquiline Kennedy was first lady, she collected many beautiful antiques and ____ them among the original pieces in the White House.
A. sat
B. set
C. sit
D. sits
7. Hyde Park, the family estate of Franklin D. Roosevelt, sets on top of a bluff overlooking the Hudson River (salah, seharusnya sits). Mirip soal 3
Latihan B4
- I really don’t mind making the homework for this class (salah, seharusnya doing).
- Did you do a mistake? (salah, seharusnya make).
- Please make me a fover (salah, seharusnya do).
- Are they doing progress on the new road? (salah, seharunya making)
- Have you done any interesting discoveries while you were doing your research? (salah, seharunya made).
- The president usually ____ unless his press secretary approves it.
A. doesn’t do a statement
B. doesn’t make a statement
C. doesn’t statement
D. no statement
- A one hundred-horsepower tractor can make the work of a large number of horses (salah, seharusnya do).
Pilih kata yang tepat di dalam kurung
- The student (raised, rose) his hand in class.
- Hot air (raises, rises).
- Ann (set, sat) in a chair because she was tired.
- I (set, sat) your dictionary on the table a few minutes ago.
- Hens (lay, lie) eggs.
- Al is (laying, lying) on the grass in the park right now.
- Jan (laid, lay) the comb in top the dresser a few minutes ago.
- If you are tired, you should (lay, lie) down and take a nap.
- San Fransisco (lay, lies) to the north of Los Angeles.
Jawaban : raised, rises, sat, set, lay, lying, laid, lie, lies
Objectives: You will be able to…
- Recognize common sources of word choice
problems, such as using wrong forms (wrong spelling or part of speech),
style (informal word choice), idiomatic errors (using wrong articles or
prepositions for phrasal verbs), collocation errors - Consider various aspects of vocabulary (part
of speech, register, spelling, collocation, meaning in context, frequency,
synonymy, etc.) when choosing the “right word” to use in academic writing. - Use Google, Word and Phrase. Info, Corpus of
Contemporary American English (COCA) as
reference tools when choosing the “right word” to use in academic writing. - Recognize important considerations for
successful word search using the reference tools above
— Good for beginners (user-friendly, dictionary-like interface)
— Fewer number of words than regular COCA (only 120 out of 450 million words of texts)
— Less custom search functions available compared to the regular interface
— Only one line of a text is available to study the context
— Good for experienced users and researchers with some linguistic background knowledge
— More number of words than Word and Phrase Info
— More custom search functions, such as phrase search, customized wild card search (wild card words with certain part of speech/collocation options, collocation search, synonym search)
— Can read more than one line to study the context -> «Expanded text» function (Click either the year or the genre code to see the expanded text)
Task 3: Register for free on COCA Website and explore on your own.
Helpful Resources:
Tips for More Effective COCA Search
- For setting up a good search string, choose the right search key word (an anchor word) carefully. Not all adjacent words are relevant for a search (or interpretation of the search). E.g.) if you are looking for a content word that goes into the blank in I hope to ___?___ the goal, you should use the goal as an anchor word (the key word for search) because it determines the kind of the verb you should use in the blank. You should not use hope to as an anchor word.
- Use a search (word) string that is an appropriate size. If the search string is too short (only one or two words), it is difficult to get a reliable answer quickly. (e.g. using only «implications» as a search word to find the preposition for «implications ___ teaching ESL») If the search string is too long (too specific), it is difficult to find many matching texts. (e.g. using «implications for teaching ESL»)
- For interpreting the results, Go for MORE FREQUENTLY used phrases. «Hot debate» and «Heated debate» are both possible collocates in English, but «heated debate» is much more commonly used.
- Always check the CONTEXT and GENRE. It is often dangerous to look at only the frequency count and decide which one to use. Having a higher frequency counts does not always mean both words are possible in a given context. For example, «totally» and «fully» are considered synonyms, but only one of them is desirable in academic English. Also, «received the phone call» and «answer the phone» are both possible/frequent in English, but only one of them would work in a given context.
- If there is no or few result showing, it happened for one of the following reasons: 1) one of the words could be spelled wrong, or an ungrammatical word or 2) the word combination is impossible or rare.
‘Word Choice” in writing is the usage of effective and precise language that conveys information not just in a functional way, but also to enlighten the reader. Effective word choice examples are the ones that use clichés sparingly, focuses on denotations and connotations, delivers straightforward meaning, avoids jargon, and is not characterized by a wide vocabulary.
Why is “Word Choice” Important in Writing?
As an author, choosing the right words while writing a manuscript is crucial for success. Academic writing, like most other forms of writing, is a series of choices. When it’s time to write, you have to carefully choose words that can clearly express the idea and then decide how you will rearrange those words into phrases, sentences, and even paragraphs. A strong word choice makes it easier for readers to understand the concept. It clarifies, explains, and expands ideas.
While evaluating word choice, it is important to address the concerns that restrict the author from disseminating correct information to the readers.
Some of the most common problems concerning word choice usage include the following:
Misused Words
Sometimes in a haste or out of ignorance, authors tend to use incorrect words. This arises mostly in cases of commonly confused English words.
Example 1: There were averse effects.
Revision 1: There were adverse effects.
Reason for change: “Averse” means to be disinclined towards something, whereas “adverse” means detrimental.
Example 2: The journal excepted your article for publication.
Revision 2: The journal accepted your article for publication.
Reason for change: “Except” means to exclude something, whereas “accept” is the consent to receive something.
Words with Unwanted Connotations or Meanings
Example 1: I sprayed the ants in their personal places.
Revision 1: I sprayed the ants in their hiding places.
Reason for change: The first sentence has a double meaning. The second sentence conveys the intended meaning and is completely clear.
Example 2: I want to do something different in my presentation.
Revision 2: I want to do something unique in my presentation.
Reason for change: “Different” mean something other than the regular activities, whereas “unique” implies something completely unusual and unrelated to the regularly presentation practices.
Using Complex Words Instead of Simpler Words
Example 1: “Conventional wisdom” is a relatively new designation.
Revision 1: “Conventional wisdom” is a relatively new term.
Reason for change: The first sentence uses a complex word, whereas in the second sentence, it is substituted by a simple word with a clear meaning.
Example 2: It was difficult to comprehend.
Revision 2: It was difficult to understand.
Reason for change: The word “comprehend” is substituted by “understand” without changing the meaning of the statement.
Awkward Word Choices
Example 1: Child students’ consciousness for marine education still remains an open research problem for creating a suitable teaching plan.
Revision 1: Consciousness among young students for marine education still remains an open research problem for creating a suitable teaching plan.
Reason for change: The italicized phrase in the first sentence does not read well and lacks clarity to a certain extent, whereas the second is certainly clearer.
Example 2: I came to the realization that the answer is incorrect.
Revision 2: I realized that the answer is incorrect.
Reason for change: Sentence revised to avoid wordiness and provide direct information.
Incorrect Use of Words with Similar Meaning
Example: When discussing the definition of tuberculosis, we should address that physicians are required to quickly identify patients with risks of infection with pathogens.
Revision: When discussing the definition of tuberculosis, we should address that physicians are required to promptly identify patients with risks of infection with pathogens.
Reason for change: The word “quickly” means “rapidly, with speed,” whereas “promptly” means “both soon and quickly,” so the latter is the right word choice in this sentence.
Use of Jargon
Example: The dialectical interface between neo-Platonists and anti-disestablishment Catholics offers an algorithm for deontological thought.
Revision: The dialogue between neo-Platonists and certain Catholic thinkers is a model for deontological thought.
Reason for change: The words “dialectical interface”, “anti-disestablishment” make the sentence wordy and would not be understood by all the readers. The revised statement is a simplified statement to be easily understood by all without compromising its meaning.
Use of Clichés
Example: I am as loose as a goose today.
Revision: I am very relaxed today.
Reason for change: The cliché “loose as a goose” is replaced in the revised version to give direct information in a simpler manner.
Example: I came to the realization that this method won’t work out.
Revision: I realized that this method won’t work out.
Reason for change: The phrase “came to the realization” is replaced by “I realized” to reduce the word count and not hamper the meaning of the sentence.
Choosing Specific Words
Example: Previously, a substantial number of patients with HCAP were defined as having community-acquired pneumonia.
Revision: Previously, a substantial number of patients with HCAP were diagnosed as having community-acquired pneumonia.
Reason for change: The first sentence uses a word that conveys a meaning that is not as accurate as the word in the second sentence (also, from a content perspective, “diagnosed” is the accurate technical term here).
Moving on, word choice in academic writing also involves using words that are shorter and more concise than their lengthier counterparts, even though they mean the same. The table given below lists some such words.
Longer phrase |
The concise word |
I came to the realization that |
I realize that |
Concerning the matter of |
About |
During the course of |
During |
In the event that |
If |
In the process of |
During, While |
Regardless of the fact that |
Although |
Due to the fact that |
Because |
In all cases |
Always |
At that point in time |
Then |
Prior to |
Before |
Keeping in mind |
Considering |
Practice following exercises to improve word choice while writing a manuscript:
So, now you know that when you choose words to express your ideas, you not only have to think about what makes sense and sound the best to you but also what will make sense and sound the best to your audience. Thinking about the reader and their expectations will also help you make better decisions. As word choice is important, reviewing the evaluative modifiers is one way to revise for word choice.
Do follow these tips and choose the right words when writing your manuscript. Here’s to flawless academic writing!
How do you plan on overcoming the challenge of word choice in academic writing? Let us know about your experience while drafting academic papers in the comments section below!
You can also visit our Q&A forum for frequently asked questions related to different aspects of research writing and publishing answered by our team that comprises subject-matter experts, eminent researchers, and publication experts.
The Writing Center at UNC-Chapel Hill. Word Choice. Retrieved from http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/word-choice/
Word Usage in Scientific Writing. Retrieved from http://www.chem.ucla.edu/dept/Faculty/merchant/pdf/Word_Usage_Scientific_Writing.pdf
Statistics Solutions. 5 Literal Word Choices to Improve Your Writing. Retrieved from http://www.statisticssolutions.com/5-literal-word-choices-to-improve-your-writing/
Using a word that sounds similar to the intended word but has a different meaning is one of the most common errors in word choice. Among native speakers, such an error is often just a slip of the tongue. Among non-native speakers, however, it could be the result of genuine confusion.
What is a precise word choice?
Precision. A very important part of word choice is precision. Through precise word selection, you can increase the clarity of your argument by enabling your readers to grasp your intended meaning quickly and accurately. Therefore, you also need to choose words that will convey your ideas clearly to your readers.
What are four common word choice problems?
Here are four common conundrums that writers encounter all the time—and how to sort them out.
- Farther vs. Further. “Farther” has the word “far” in it.
- Oral vs. Verbal. Wondering whether you have a “verbal” or “oral” agreement?
- “You and Me” vs. “You and I”
- Affect vs. Effect.
What are the experts saying about your choice of words?
Social psychologist of the University of Texas, James W. Pennebaker, observes that we often go wrong when trying to present ourselves in a way we think other people will find acceptable. When we over-think how we speak, we tend to use constraining words that can stop us from sounding authentic.
Is it possible to say’your choice * for’?
The separate object could be a reason (I chose this car for the simple fact that it’s the best there is) or an object/person (I chose this car for you because it’s the best there is). I think this is best shown by the fact that My choice for is not a phrase that is often heard, it sounds more like an announcement.
How can this sense be indicated in writing?
I’ve often had situations where I’m unsure of the correct word to be used, either when writing or proofreading. How can this sense be indicated in writing? Someone mentioned adding a question mark just before it to indicate that the writer is unsure of that particular word. For example:
Picture this: You’re reading an article, a blog post, or an advertisement, and so far, it seems like the company behind it knows what they’re talking about. The writing is professional, engaging, and informative.
Then, suddenly, you see it: They used the wrong your, their, or to, and now all their credibility is thrown into question.
How could a company possibly be professional and knowledgeable if they allowed such an obvious oversight?
As much as your word choice in writing may not seem like a big deal, small mistakes can make a huge difference in how your business’s credibility is perceived. And the more amateur the mistake, the worse it looks to potential customers.
To save you the headache, we’ve compiled a list of seven word choice mistakes that commonly trip up writers, along with suggestions for how to fix them.
In a rush? Get this article as a PDF guide so you won’t miss these tips!
1. Making Things Too Complicated
One of the most common writing mistakes is choosing a complex word or phrase when a simple one would do.
Although this is usually done to make your copy sound smart or authoritative, it often has the opposite effect. Sentences filled with big words can be difficult to follow—and can even come across as try-hard or pretentious.
Some examples of complicated words and their simple counterparts include:
- commence vs. start
- concur vs. agree
- consolidate vs. combine
- endeavor vs. try
- facilitate vs. help
- initialize vs. begin
- terminate vs. end
- utilize vs. use
To avoid making this mistake, read over your copy and note any words the average fifth grader would have trouble understanding. If a simpler word would suffice, opt for that.
2. Making Things Too Simple
On the flip side, overusing words that are too simple can make your copy sound juvenile or uneducated. In some cases, this may even change the meaning of what you’re trying to say.
This is most important when it comes to instances where a simple, vague word is used when a more precise one is needed.
For example, don’t use the word “bad” when you really mean distasteful, impractical, incorrect, or inappropriate. Similarly, avoid using “good” when you really mean beneficial, favorable, or advantageous.
Other examples include:
- Things
- Stuff
- Small
- Big
- A lot
To avoid making this word choice mistake, look closely at the word you’re about to use and ask yourself if there’s a more accurate way to describe what you mean. If there is, go with that word instead.
Doing this will not only make your copy sound more professional but also help you avoid any potential misunderstandings.
3. Taking the Long Road
Another word choice mistake that’s all too common is using a long phrase when a concise word or two would suffice.
Lengthy phrases can make your copy wordy and difficult to read. When your sentences meander, it’s easy for the reader to stop paying attention or lose track of what you’re saying. In some cases, lengthy phrases might even change the intended meaning.
Examples of lengthy phrases and their concise counterparts include:
- At that point in time vs. then
- In all cases vs. always
- For the purpose of vs. for
- With respect to vs. about or regarding
- In light of the fact that vs. since or because
- Prior to vs. before
- Subsequent to vs. after
- In the event that vs. if
Do you use any of the above phrases in your writing? If so, see if there’s a shorter, simpler way to say what you mean. In most cases, there is.
And if you need help finding opportunities to make your writing more concise, reach out to Super Copy Editors. Our team of editors will help you bring out the best in your writing so you can ensure success.
4. Correct Word, Wrong Context
Sometimes your word choice in writing is technically correct, but it doesn’t quite fit the context. This often happens with words that have more than one meaning or those with subtle connotations.
For example, “imply” and “infer” have similar meanings but different connotations.
Although the sentence “The bystander implied the husband murdered the wife” may technically be correct, it sounds a lot more scandalous and accusatory than the more factual “The bystander inferred that the husband murdered the wife.”
Similarly, “serious” and “grave” have similar meanings, but “the report had serious findings” and “the report had grave findings” have very different connotations.
And for an even subtler example, “cause” and “produce” have virtually identical definitions. But because “cause” is usually associated with negative events (“the car crash was caused by a drunk driver”) and “produce” is usually associated with positive events (“the company produced record profits”), they can impart different meanings to your text.
5. Unintentional Innuendos and Euphemisms
While euphemisms and innuendos are technically different from each other, when it comes to word choice errors, they can both be categorized as double meanings to innocent-sounding words and phrases.
While innuendos and euphemisms can help communicate humor or personality when used intentionally, they can be disastrous when used unintentionally.
For example, think about a sentence like “We observed the research participants in private.” Simply replacing “private” with “individually” drastically reduces the chance of a misunderstanding.
To avoid this mistake, look through your copy for anything that could be mistaken to refer to:
- The body or bodily functions
- Sex
- Drugs
- Crime
And when in doubt, check Urban Dictionary.
6. Similar Sound, Different Meaning
When it comes to word choice in writing, using words that are spelled similarly but have different meanings is just about the most common mistake out there.
Although they might sound the same when you say them out loud, using the wrong word in writing can make your sentence nonsensical.
Common examples of words with similar spellings or sounds but different meanings include:
- Affect vs. effect
- Advice vs. advise
- Brake vs. break
- Compliment vs. complement
- Desert vs. dessert
- Hear vs. here
- I vs. eye
- Right vs. write
- Than vs. then
- Their vs. there
Though most skilled writers and editors—and grammar correction software—can spot and fix these mistakes in written copy, errors like these are still frequently missed. This common issue is one of many reasons it’s so important to invest in an expert copy editor.
7. Wrong Prefix, Suffix, or Modifier
Another common word choice mistake is using the wrong prefix, suffix, or modifier. This often happens when words have irregular or unexpected modified forms, or when the meaning of the word changes based on its spelling.
For example, you may think that because “unstable” is a word, then “unstableness” is a valid modified form. But the correct word would actually be “instability”—even though “instable” isn’t correct.
Other examples of the incorrect vs. correct form of words include:
- Unlegible vs. illegible
- Unadvantage vs. disadvantage
- Unloyal vs. disloyal
- Nonattention vs. inattention
- Awaked vs. awakened or awoke
- Sitted vs. sat
To avoid making this rookie mistake, always check the dictionary for the correct spelling of the word you want to use, and make a note of any irregular forms.
Don’t forget! Download “Word Choice in Writing: 7 Mistakes That Scream ‘Amateur’” to keep it handy and take action on it. Click here to download it now.
Master Your Word Choice in Writing With Super Copy Editors
Despite your best efforts, your copy may have a few word choice errors hiding in plain sight—and that’s why copy editors exist. Copy editors are experts at word choice in writing and can help you find the perfect word or phrase for every situation.
Our team at Super Copy Editors is ready to help you make your copy strong, compelling, and optimized for success. Get your quote now.
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