Пример дашборд excel скачать

Шаблоны готовых решений для аналитических расчетов таблиц со статистическими показателями деятельности и функционирования предприятия за определенный промежуток времени.

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kak-sdelat-krugovuyu-diagrammu-boleye-chem-100 Как сделать круговую диаграмму более чем 100%-200% в Excel.
Интересная идея как создавать диаграммы для показателей более чем 100% или 200% и выше. Пошаговая инструкция с файлом примером готового результата – скачать.

kak-sozdat-teplovuyu-kartu Как создать тепловую карту США или ЕС в Excel: скачать.
Разработка интерактивной тепловой карты США и Евросоюза для визуализации данных в Excel. Скачать готовый шаблон дашборда с фигурами штатов US и стран EU.

kak-sdelat-krasivuyu-diagrammu-dlya-dashborda Как сделать красивую диаграмму для дашборда Excel скачать.
Пошаговая инструкция сборки комбинированной диаграммы с оформлением цветовой схемы. Скачать готовый пример с шаблоном дашборда для презентации кол-центра.

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Урок по созданию шаблона календаря для дашбордов с пошаговым описанием. К уроку прилагается файл с примером и готовым решением для интерактивного календаря.

vizualizatsiya-dannykh-s-elementom-geymifikatsii Скачать визуализацию данных Excel с элементом геймификации.
Шаблон с примером универсального дашборда для презентации визуализации данных о бизнес-процессах производственной цепочки с элементами игрофикации.

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Скачать пример дашборда для эффектно презентации логистических показателей. Применяются элементы анимации инфографики. Сборка красивых диаграмм.

kak-sdelat-world-map-chart Как сделать простую презентацию World Map Chart в Excel.
Пошаговая инструкция для создания инфографики с эффектом анимации. Урок с примерами как делать интересную визуализацию данных в Excel. Скачать шаблон примера.

kak-sdelat-map-chart-dlya-logistiki Как сделать Map Chart для управления логистикой в Excel.
Скачать презентацию отчета эффективности управления логистикой. Как создать свой интерактивный Map Chart с построением маршрутов логистической цепочки поставок.

logistiki-i-upravleniya-tsepochkami-postavok Анализ логистики и управления цепочками поставок в Excel.
Скачать шаблон презентации отчета для оценки эффективности управления логистикой с визуализацией данных. Как составить ТЗ для разработки дашборда под бизнес?

krasivyy-dashbord-dlya-analiza-prodazh Красивый дашборд для анализа процессов продаж в Excel.
Бесплатно скачать шаблон дашборда со стильным дизайном для презентации отчета о продажах. Пример возможностей Excel в области разработки визуализации данных.


Подготовили подборку разработанных нами интерактивных управленческих отчетов в Excel для экономистов и финансистов. Эти отчеты или дашборды можно скачать, заполнить данные и вносить изменения, а еще разобраться с тем, как они построены и «прокачать» свои навыки в Excel. Но не обещаем, что это будет легко )

Скачивайте файлы — это бесплатно. А если вы хотите научиться строить такие отчеты самостоятельно, приходите к нам на курсы.

Дашборд в Excel с картой

Анализ продаж

Дашборд в Excel пример БДР

Отчет по продажам в Excel с Power Pivot

Если вы хотите научиться консолидировать бюджеты с использованием Power Query и выполнять расчеты ключевых показателей с помощью DAX-формул, приходите к нам на курс «Бюджетирование с Business Intelligence».

Финансовые показатели в Excel

Финансовый дашборд в Excel

Дэшборд в Excel с рисунками

Дэшборд с карточками

Анализ показателей с EVA

Анализ ключевых показателей и EVA

В отчете проиллюстрированы изменение ключевых показателей, ликвидности, рентабельности собственного капитала и факторы, влияющие на изменение EVA.

Панель мониторинга в Excel

Анализ "Что-если" в Excel

KPI менеджеров

Отчет о результатах продаж

Файл показывает выполнение плана и ключевые показатели эффективности: прибыль, выручку, рентабельность и поступление денег. А также вклад менеджеров в формирование показателей.

Дашборд — это интерактивная информационная панель. Он заменяет десятки таблиц и слайдов. Посмотрите коллекцию дашбордов Института бизнес-аналитики и вдохновитесь на создание персонального монитора управления бизнесом.

Дашборд — это интерактивная информационная панель. Он заменяет десятки таблиц и слайдов.

Для отчетов по маркетингу, продажам и финансам

Для девелоперских и строительных компаний

Для крупных промышленных предприятий

Примеры дашбордов в Power BI

Для проектов с нестандартной визуализацией

traffic light dashboard template

We have good news for the Excel funs! No more traffic jams if you use our traffic light dashboard! Just work or learn using our fully editable and free stoplight template. Before creating a dashboards or templates, set up your goals. It is important to decide what metric is most suitable for you.

In the example, you will learn how to track a project using a smart way. Use key performance indicators, and you can measure all activities easily.
One of the most liked tools is conditional formatting in Microsoft Excel. A traffic light report is an all-round tool, and it is not a difficult task to build it.

As usual, the light has three statuses. Use three different colors (red, yellow, and green) to track the project status!
Before we take a deep dive: just a few words about the solution. We apply a new method besides the VLOOKUP and SUMIF formulas. Learn how to build dashboards from the ground up using a blank Excel workbook.

human resource KPI dashboard in Excel

Today’s guide will be about how to create a Human Resources Dashboard Template using typical hr metrics. HR is responsible for recruitment, handling employee records, administer payroll and follow-up work performance. As part of the building of the dashboard, we are focusing on the most frequently used HR KPI measures.

For convenience, we’ve just grouped them under the following four categories: Employee Turnover, Recruiting, Retention, and Training. Using this dashboard, you can easily track your employee human resource data using a single Worksheet. The template is portable and can be deployed in seconds.

We’ll use qualitative and quantitative metrics to provide better dashboards. The published template is an intermediate level spreadsheet. Which is the best way to create a useful and user-friendly dashboard? We will share with you some great data visualization technics like shape-based people graphs and speedometers.

social media dashboard 2022-05

Social Media Dashboard Template is fully optimized for Youtube channel tracking using Microsoft Excel. The free excel dashboard gives you a quick overview and helps you to track views and engagement on your videos. Are people engaging with your video tutorials? Use this spreadsheet to analyze and measure social engagement, and discover trends and know your audience.

Many users need more details to analyze data using an easier way. In the example, you only need to replace your initial data on the ‘data’ sheet. You will able to create various reports for Twitter, Pinterest, or Facebook analytics. It’s important to understand how all of these metrics work. Look at all your data in a single location in Excel. The report enables you to stay on top of social media analytics from all of your favorite social media channels.

The Template uses our latest dashboard framework. You can track the most important metrics like Total watch time, Audience Retention, Engagement, Impressions CTR. Furthermore, you will get information about the revenue if you check the ratio of Estimated revenue and Monetized Playbacks.

Finally, follow the Subscriber’s trend in real-time. Last but not least, analyze the traffic sources on a stunning radial bar chart. Follow our step by step tutorial! Learn more and discover how to build stunning dashboards in a few clicks.

HR Analytics Dashboard 2021q4 revised

Keep an eye on the HR resources of the company! In today’s excel dashboard guide, you will find two ready to use workbooks. As usual, we will build the dashboards from the ground up.
The first template uses a people graph. You can track the following key metrics: Salary, Bonus, Sick days by branch.

How to show the performance using a new way? The first thing that you should learn an old Excel function. The fact: sparklines will not appear in earlier versions. Making a good dashboard in Excel is a space-saving job. If you are using the REPT function and a little trick, you can fully replace sparklines. Because it is a text function, you can repeat custom fonts in a single cell. Read more, and you will see how it works!

Are you ready to use the linked picture method in Excel? The drop-down list and pivot tables are core functions in Excel. The next dashboard has an easy learning curve. As first, place your data set in the data Worksheet. Insert simple vector graphs into the ‘Data’ Worksheet. Create unique ranges for graphs using the name manager. After that, link the pictures to the ‘Dashboard’ sheet from the ‘Data’ sheet. Finally, use line charts to display the plan and actual values. It is easy!

financial excel dashboard template

Check our financial dashboard template! One of our favorite spreadsheets will produce a dynamic dashboard! You can track the main financial metrics month by month. Show comparisons and trends using modern chart types, grid layouts, and smart navigation structure.

The included metrics and groups are efficiency, liquidity, and profitability. Our template combines traditional reports of financial information with charts of financial measures. The excel dashboard provides a logical and easily editable structure. You can put your raw data into the ‘Data’ sheet. Apply some calculation on the ‘Calc’ sheet. Finally, show the result on the main dashboard sheet.

If you are looking for a clean dashboard to take a quick overview, you are in the right place at the right time. Using this template, you can easily communicate the result with your staff. You can measure Incomes, Expenses, Net profit, etc. The dynamic waterfall chart helps you to track the yearly performance from the Total income to the Net Profit. We apply infographics-style double doughnut charts to visualize the net profit margin.

dashboard best practices

Dashboards in Excel – The all-time classic! We have a goal, which is the exact value that it should reach and ranges for tracing purposes. The business world for some time now is heading in the direction that we weigh every possible thing. To quote a phrase: we weight it, it gets better. So we got the idea for the key performance indicator from here. And how right is the before quoted sentence!

Do we know the sources of the information? Where is the dashboard “feed” from? Automated updates are necessary, or is it enough to send daily or weekly reports? If we know the answer to all these questions, then it will be easy for us. If we do not, then we have to find out every little detail by a preliminary survey.

How do I choose the appropriate chart? This always depends on the given project. Think about what you want to visualize. In the newer versions of Excel, you can use the Recommended charts function.

Which is the best solution for creating a dashboard? If you only have a few key performance indicators, then a gauge chart is the best. If there are more of them, we recommend the bullet chart.

Is it rewarding to use a business intelligence or kpi dashboard? If the usual excel dashboard is not enough, then yes. The Excel Power BI was built for cases like this!

create kpi dashboard in excel

Today you will learn how to create a dashboard using key metrics. If you are an Excel newbie, this tutorial is yours! This Excel dashboard will show you how to enhance your story using key performance indicators. Good to know that you can edit the template freely. A great KPI template is simple: create a proper layout and build a wireframe. Pick your key metrics carefully!

Let us see the main steps! As first, you need to clean, group, and sort the data. When it is done, use the name manager. It can help you to define a range. Are you want to highlight the top 5 and bottom 5 performance? No problem, use simple Excel functions to reach your goal.

Dynamic dashboards in Excel are great! If you are using option buttons, form controls, and small macros, you show a large data set in a small place.

You will learn how the OFFSET function work. It is a volatile function, but this is one of the best ways to create a dynamic list in Microsoft Excel. Read more about this KPI Dashboard Template!

dashboard form controls

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an Excel Dashboard using form controls. Are you looking for a space-saving solution? We will use a radio button, slider, and some smart technics to build a dynamic dashboard. Furthermore, you will learn how to save time without using pivot tables. If you have a large amount of raw data, the best choice is using built-in Excel tools.

Use these controls on worksheets to help select data. For example, boxes, spinners, and scroll bars are useful for choosing items from a large list. If you want to add a form control, go the ribbon. Now chose the Form Control Menu. Select the right control, which is fit your project. Select the cell or range you want your form control and insert it. You can resize the forms anytime. Easy!

Download the Excel file, which contains the dashboard template. Follow the step by step instructions! We will help you to make the right business decisions.

customer service dashboard overview

Download our customer service dashboard template and make quick decisions! Use dashboards in Excel to analyze trends and track the performance. We love drill-down methods! With its help, you can transform your data into a custom view. It’s important to display the data in an easily understandable format.

How to create it? The answer is simple. Show the most important metrics! Agents, team leaders, managers depend on a well-organized dashboard to track performance over time.

Our goal is to improve customer service’s performance. Furthermore, we’ll take a snapshot of the plan vs. actual ratio for improvements. In the example, we’ll track and measure the following metrics: Calls, Resolved Calls, Customer Satisfaction.

This excel dashboard allows you to transform data into an advanced template! Get information about various levels, from overall contact center performance to departments and sales representations.

We already know that processing a huge data set is not an easy task. Discover how to convert the results of outgoing calls into an advanced dashboard template!

dashboard ux template

The Dashboard UX template will show you how to create better Excel dashboards using smart screen tips. You will learn how to make a clickable question mark icon. After that, it’s easy to show or hide the context help.

Would you like to improve the UX? This feature is yours! The ideal case is if you have easy to read dashboards. In some cases, you have to add some comments because a few metrics requires further explanation.

How to build comments to avoid poor report design? For example, provide information to describe a particular data visualization, or to explain data values shown.

There are methods in Excel to avoid help text cluttering up your dashboard template. The best way if you show pop-up windows (text boxes) upon clicking or hovering over a help (question mark) icon.

It is not rocket science, learn how to add any description for your template without any troubles! Download our free template and check how to provide better support for users using a single page dashboard.


SEO Analytics Dashboard Template provides an overview of the performance of your site. With its help, you can track 11 SEO metrics, for example, page views, bounce rate, traffic sources. We have sad quite a number of times that raw data without a visual context is useless. In a nutshell, charts that make life easier.

If you are building a dashboard in Excel, we recommend using sparklines. This mini chart is a smart choice to show trends in a cell or a small space. For the greatest impact, place your chart near the data. Use sparklines if you want to highlight the peaks and show trends.

Use a simple setup, the Excel dashboard template shows the trend over 45 days by default. If you need more options, use the built-in drop-down list and select the period what you want to show. Look at the peaks and lows over days or months; you will see the characteristic of your site. In the example, most of this data comes from Excel. If you need more, you can get real-time data from Google Analytics using Power BI.

call center template

Learn how to create a one-page dashboard template for tracking the actual status of key metrics. Use our call center dashboard to track the weekly activity of a call center. In some cases, less is more. Insert a simple line chart and column chart (combo chart) to display the variance for each week.

You will get answers about how to reduce the time to answer and abandon rate and increase the first call resolution (FCR). Before we start, we will explain to you the most used metrics with the help of a few examples. Using these KPIs, you can track and trace the overall service level easily.

Today’s guide about to create and configure a spin button in Excel and create a dynamic report. This free spreadsheet displays information for the relevant audience. Last but not least: Improve decision making and simplify your data set! Our main goal is to track the ‘Time to Answer’ and ‘Abandon Rate’ and show them on a clean dashboard.

customer analytics amp image

Today we will show you how to build customer analytics in a short time. This Excel dashboard contains many useful ideas, we will explain all of them. Follow our tutorial and learn how to build a dynamic dashboard in Excel.

Let us see the main steps! As usual, you will use the ‘data’ sheet to create an Excel table. If your data is in raw format, you should have to convert the range into a table. For the sake of simplicity, we will use five products and five customers to build a dashboard. Use a line chart to highlight the min and max sales value. Apply the red color for the lowest, and green fill for the highest value.

Select cell I7 and go to the Data tab on the ribbon. Insert a drop-down list. Make sure you checked the list option. Now link the data range – which contains months – to the given cell. From now, you can select the month, and your chart will reflect in real-time. Take a closer look at the ‘calc’ sheet! We will explain how to create a dynamic list using formulas. Read more about this free excel dashboard template!

healthcare kpi dashboard initial view

If you want to create an Excel dashboard using infographics, take a deep into our template! Today’s lesson will be about a custom business spreadsheet. You will see how to build a stunning report using a male and female infographic. The good news: we know how to build a heat map style dashboard in Excel. No more boring pie charts! If you like custom dashboard design, follow our detailed guide, and download the free template.

You need only a few steps to track the main metrics on your dashboard template. As first, go to the ‘Calc’ sheet and plan your structure. Divide your intervals into 16 equal parts. With the help of the PERCENTILE function, you can split the data range. For example, if you want to can decide to examine peoples who score above the 10th percentile. After that, create a gradient color scale. The template contains built-in color schemes. You only have to pick your preferred colors.

Finally, create 16 shapes and assign the colors to them. We are ready! Stay tuned. We’ll improve your dashboard frequently and provide the latest tips and tricks.

dynamic vba dashboard feat

In this free example we will use sales data to create a scrolling chart using a simple macro.

We’ll build an interactive report applying Excel’a VBA with exercise file which you can download. We will see the essential things that we need to understand to develop dynamic charts.

Learn advanced tricks to create awesome visualization! We’ll use a small animation because the task is so unique that we don’t get along with the known methods.

free dashboard widgets

What is a widget? We hear and talk a lot about it in our everyday work. Maybe many don’t know what this phrase exactly means.

Widgets are supplements, mini applications that Excel does not include as a default. Do you need new ideas? From gauge chart it is never enough! The quarter style widget is not too frequent but can be excellently use.

Just imagine that you have a template and you notice at the end that you run out of place on the worksheet. We will help you to fix it!


If you are working with an Excel Dashboard and you are in sales, you have to monitor often the sales of your team. It is time to talk about today’s topic. The scrolling list using the OFFSET formula is a handy tool to create dynamic lists. Dashboards in Excel are very popular, and we have made many blog posts about them.

Let us see our data set! The main list contains all states of the US. We only want to show five states in a small window. With the help of a slider (we’ll talk about it later in detail), we’ll create a scrolling-list. Why is this good? Viewers can switch between countries using menus. We can use it in such situations where we only want to show parts of a large data table. Learn more about it. So many reasons why we love Excel dashboard templates!

product metrics dashboard amp

How to create a dynamic product metrics template? It’s a crucial criteria in designing a report that is should support valuable business decisions.

The interactive window on the right hand site is the most valuable part of the product metrics dashboard. For the chosen product we display the most important indicators on an interactive chart. We visualize the results for the marketing related to 15 different products.

Furthermore, we display trends and graphical elements so the report will be smarter. Sparklines is one of the most popular mini charts. It is great for displaying trends!

We use the gauge chart here for the first time. We’ll learn a lot about that later!


Dynamic charts are core elements of dashboards. In this tutorial, you will get great tips to build a timeline based data visualization. We have said many times that the best dashboards in Excel based on form controls. We love this topic because, in most cases, we have to transform large data sets into a small dashboard screen. At first glance, it is not an easy task.

Today’s goal is to create an interactive dashboard to track the key metrics. As first, place the initial data set. Above all, go to the Developer tab. Insert a blank list box. Fill the list box: right click on the control! Add the input range and the cell link. In the example, the input is the range that contains names.

Insert a column chart! Column charts are used to compare values across categories. Add a line chart. Under the trend options, choose the moving average. Finally, use two periods moving average.

Information is power, but gathering the data to produce the right information can be a challenge. If you use Excel, your spreadsheets might be packed with valuable data, but few people have time to dissect it and make sense of the numbers. This is why Excel Dashboards can be so valuable. 

An Excel dashboard is a single page that consolidates valuable information into a summary, often using charts and other visuals to help users digest key data and make important business decisions. 

Excel dashboard template screen shot.

A free Excel dashboard template can help you make sense of results and improve strategic planning.

Creating an Excel dashboard can be a complex process. This single page summary often pulls data from many different sources and must do so in a way that makes sense. Since there isn’t much logic in reinventing the wheel, you’ll probably want to start with an Excel dashboard template, provided there is one that closely meets your requirements. 

The good news is that there are a ton of free Excel dashboard templates available for download — if you know where to look. Today, we’re going to give you a list of 22 free templates for Excel dashboards that you can download to get started. 

You can use these as-is or make changes to them so that they fit your exact requirements. As always, if you need help customizing one of these tools or find that you need to troubleshoot an issue in Excel, our live chat service is always standing by to help. 

Free Excel Executive Dashboards. When you own or manage a business, it often becomes useful and necessary to have access to high-level data on results. This helps gauge progress towards achieving goals and provides a starting point to make key business decisions. An executive dashboard is the answer. 

1. You can get a free Corporate Summary Excel Dashboard template from Eloquens. This is a feature-rich dashboard that delivers a wide range of metrics on a single page. These include such things as revenue, expenses, and customer satisfaction. 

2. Smartsheet also has a free Executive Dashboard template that is a bit more simplified. It gives monthly data in a table for revenue, revenue growth, number of customers, customer growth, average order value (AOV), and progress in AOV. There are also bar and line graphs and totals for the current period. 

Excel spreadsheet displaying on a desktop computer.

Excel KPI dashboards allow you to track your performance metrics in one convenient template.

Free Excel KPI Dashboards. You can use an Excel dashboard to track your company’s key performance metrics. In many cases, this will show the data in both table and graph formats. 

3. The first free KPI Dashboard template is from Smartsheet. This template allows you to view multiple KPIs, view targets and averages for selected KPIs, and see these in different formats. 

4. Trump Excel also offers a KPI Dashboard template at no cost. You can track KPIs for various companies or departments, select one for drilling down to further data, and see the information on scatter and bar charts for further visuals. 

5. Excel Dashboard School provides a variety of free Excel templates. One is a Human Resources KPI Scorecard template. This template provides an HR department with an attractive way to gauge essential performance indicators such as employee turnover, recruiting, retention, and training & development. 

6. Excel Dashboard School also offers a free Healthcare KPI Dashboard. This is an infographic-style dashboard that depicts healthcare quality information separated by male and female as well as a list of body parts. 

Free Excel Financial Dashboard Templates. Many executive and KPI templates report financial figures, but other reports are more targeted to financial analysis. These financial dashboard templates should help you get on the right track if this is your goal. 

7. Smartsheet has a free Financial Dashboard template that includes many of the key financial metrics related to a business. These include revenue by product (estimated vs. actual) and revenue broken down by region. These figures are also depicted in graphs and pie charts. 

8. Eloquens also has a Revenue and Expenses Excel Dashboard that you can download at no cost. It is a one-page summary that includes a variety of operational metrics like revenue and expenses. The data can be split by operational department, period vs. full year, and region. 

Digital touch screen.

Excel Chat can help if you need to troubleshoot issues or customize an Excel dashboard template.

Free Excel Sales and Marketing Dashboard Templates. Most businesses sell something, whether it is a product or service. Keeping track of what is selling best, who is selling the most, and what methods work can be a challenge. These free sales and marketing dashboard templates can put useful data on a single page.

9. Microsoft Office has a free Online Sales Tracker that is a dashboard template. On one page, you’ll get information such as the cost per item, percent markup, total revenue, and profit. There are also different graphs that depict the profit per item or product. 

10. Smartsheet has a free Sales Management dashboard template that has a ton of features. You’ll be able to see sales results over time broken down by salesperson, region, outlet, and product mix. 

11. If you’re interested in seeing how lead generation is working, there is also a free Lead Generation Dashboard template from Smartsheet. This gives you details on leads generated, leads per source, percentage of goal reached, response time, and untargeted leads. 

12. Another way to track leads is with the Marketing Dashboard template from Smartsheet. This is a similar template to the one above, but with a greater emphasis on traffic. It tracks leads per day/month as well as leads per source. It also tracks and displays traffic per source/month and annual traffic/source.

13. You can track and measure the effectiveness of your various social media marketing efforts with this free Social Media Metrics Excel dashboard template from Eloquens. There is a data input tab that allows you to enter data relevant to the activity on your different social platforms. The metrics reported on the dashboard (“heartbeat”) page include Activity, Interaction, Reach, and Subscribers. 

Group of coworkers discussing data with excel charts and graphs.

Excel dashboard templates can provide helpful visibility into your business data.

14. Smartsheet also has a free Social Media Dashboard template. This allows you to monitor performance across multiple channels (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google Plus) so that you can track engagement and make targeting decisions. Some of the areas that the report shows include total visits per period, visits vs. goals, followers, post reach, clicks, favorites, “likes,” and subscribers. 

15. Not all online marketing is done via social media. Smartsheet also has a Digital Marketing Dashboard template that allows you to track the effectiveness of your online marketing campaigns across various channels. These include social media, paid ads, email marketing, and organic vs. paid reach. 

16. If your company is using email marketing to keep in touch with customers and drive sales, this Email Marketing Dashboard template can help you track these efforts. The report gives you a quick look at new subscribers, unsubscribers, growth, bounce rates, and data for various campaigns. 

Free Excel Project Management Dashboard Templates. Whether you are attempting to get one project in on time and under budget or are juggling several at once, it helps to have data at your fingertips. These project management dashboard templates that are free to download can help you stay on track.

17. Smartsheet has a free Project Management Dashboard template that delivers and tracks various KPIs for managing a project. These include deadlines, financial status, and risk mitigation. 

18. If your project is more technical, this free Development Operations (DevOps) Dashboard template might be a better choice. It includes areas for reporting and tracking feature vs. bug investment, resolved and unresolved issues, work in progress limits, and a release tracker. 

Tabletop with laptop, documents, and notebooks.

Specialty templates can help you organize information quickly and easily.

Other Free Specialty Excel Dashboard Templates. There are several situations in which you might want to locate and use an Excel dashboard template. Here are a few more. 

19. Trump Excel has a free Call Center Performance Dashboard template. This system allows you to view and track such things as total calls, average answer speed, call abandon rate, and average calls per minute. 

20. If your company provides support services to clients, you can track this activity with this free Support Dashboard template. This dashboard will display ticket volume and response times, report performance for a period, and compare that to past results. 

21. This free HR Dashboard template gives a broad overview of a company’s staff and salaries. It graphically displays the number of employees per department as well as a breakdown of the average salary and salary range per department. 

22. You can download a free SEO Dashboard template from Smartsheet that will give you some insight into your Search Engine Optimization efforts. The dashboard will show such things as traffic sources, top ranking keywords, visits/month, backlinks, and conversions. 

Some of your projects and ongoing business operations need a dashboard. These visual representations of large amounts of data can streamline your processes and make it easier to communicate results. This list of free Excel dashboard templates should be enough to get you started. 

You may find that one of these templates is close to suiting your needs, but not quite perfect. Or maybe there is an issue with a formula or function that pulls data from the corresponding sheets. If you need help customizing or troubleshooting an issue with an Excel dashboard template, Excel Chat is standing by. 

Your first live chat session is always free. 

шаблон дашборда в excel

На волне всеобщего помешательства о здоровой пище, решил тоже обратить свое внимание на то, какое количество белков, жиров и углеводов попадает в мой организм. Засим, был создан Excel дашборд, куда я вводил все, что я съел за день. После месячного трекинга потребляемой пищи, нарисовалась, не внушающая оптимизма, картинка, которая заставила задуматься об отношении к тому, что я запихиваю в свой организм. Оказывается, количество белка, даже вполовину не соответствует рекомендуемой дневной норме потребления. Были сделаны соответствующие выводы и внесены корректировки и ежедневный рацион.

Скачать дашборд и прочитать о нюансах  его работы можете под катом.

Как работать с дашбордом

Файл с дашбордом состоит из пяти листов, два из которых видимы для пользователя, остальные – скрытые.

Data (видимый) – сюда вноситься информация о приемах пищи. Пользователь вводит в новую строку таблицы (при этом таблица данных DataTable расширяется) дату, категорию, продукт и вес. При этом потреблённая энергетическая ценность рассчитывается от веса продукта.

Ввод данных в дашборд

Value (скрытый) – лист с информацией о пищевой ценности продуктов. Сюда вы заносите данные о продуктах, которые составляют ваш ежедневный рацион. Благо интернет изобилует такого рода информацией. Продукты, занесенные в эту таблицу, формируют списки на листе Data. Две таблицы на листах Data и Value связаны между собой формулой подстановки ВПР.

Обратите внимание, добавил для каждого продукта идентификационный номер (на будущее), вдруг, кто-нибудь захочет расширить функционал дашборда. На данный момент номер ID ни в одном из расчетов не используется.

Oper (скрытый) — один из двух операционных листов. Отвечает за формирование списка категорий и списка продуктов на листе Value.

Calculation (скрытый) – здесь производятся расчеты, которые в конечном итоге будут отображены в дашборде.

Dashboard (видимый) – самый красивый и основной лист, ради чего все это задумывалось. Лист с дашбордом.

лист с дашбордом excel

В дашборде задается два параметра: период, за который вы хотите отобразить данные, и компонент, по которому строятся два верхних графика.

Как читать дашборд

На дашборде отображены четыре графика, визуализирующие информацию в определенном ключе:

Потребление компонента – график Парето, который показывает, какая категория продукта была основным вкладчиком в потребление того или иного компонента.

Тренд потребления компонента – отображает недельный тренд потребления в сравнении с рекомендуемой суточной нормой (тренд строиться за последнюю неделю от Даты ПО, указанной в периоде).

Потребление за период – здесь все понятно. Информация обо всех потребленных компонентах за период.

Факт vs Целевое значение – сравнивает все потребленные компоненты в процентном соотношении с рекомендуемой нормой. Идею взял у МакДональдса, уж больно она мне понравилась.

макдональдс в excel

Excel интересности в дашборде

В дашборде используется принцип динамических диаграмм, которые меняют свое отображение в зависимости от заданных параметров. Как мы уже упоминали, в нашем случае присутствует два параметра.

В зависимости от указанного периода – первый параметр – меняются данные в таблицах листа Calculation, которые основаны на формулах СУММЕСЛИМН (диапазон C10:F15). Далее происходит сортировка выбранных данных (L10:L15) с помощью функции НАИБОЛЬШИЙ. Этот подход был описан статье Добавление сортировки в дашборд.

За формирование списков категорий и списков продуктов отвечает небольшой макрос, который запускается каждый раз, когда вы покидаете лист Value. Макрос помещает категории продуктов в столбец A листа Oper. Напротив каждой категории в строку помещается список всех продуктов, которые присутствуют в этой категории.

В зависимости от выбранной категории в таблице DataTable меняется список продуктов, который появляется при выборе продукта. За формирование списка отвечает именованная формула операц, которая использует в качестве параметра значение категории, находящееся в ячейке слева.

=СМЕЩ(Oper!$A$1;ПОИСКПОЗ(Data!$C51;спкатегорий;0)- 1;1;;СЧЁТЗ(СМЕЩ(ДВССЫЛ(АДРЕС(ПОИСКПОЗ(Data!$C51;спкатегорий;0);2;;;»Oper»));0;0;;2000)))

зависимые списки excel

В итоге

Дашборд я строил исключительно под свои нужды, поэтому, вероятно, каждый из вас, скачав шаблон дашборда, сделает свой, более функциональный и красочный.

Скачать дашборд Excel бесплатно

Excel Dashboard Examples and Template Files

The Excel dashboard section of TheSmallman has lots of Excel dashboard templates for you to download and use with your own data.  The goal of the site is to create a visual hub for Excel dashboard design with a range of different dashboards, from financial, to organisational and KPI dashboards.  The first part of the article deals with the theory of Excel dashboard design, with some pictorial examples of Excel dashboards I have created for CPA Australia. Next, there are links to pages on the site with a range of Excel dashboard examples — templates for you to take away.

Excel Dashboard metrics

An Excel dashboard is a one page summary that contains important information which allows you to analyse your subject. The art of creating stylish Excel dashboards is not an easy one to master. I will admit I have made my share of mistakes in Excel dashboard creation but I hope I am learning and improving the quality of information and appearance at the same time.  There are a great many Excel dashboard examples on this site and it has taken a considerable amount of time to compile them so you should not have to.  I hope you find the Excel dashboard example you are looking for.

The following outlines some key Excel dashboard design rules. Simple use of colours, clean design which is easily read. There are some key things to consider when creating an Excel dashboard. Excel dashboards should ideally be;

  • Understandable and easily read.  There should be no confusion over what each of the metrics mean.

  • Interactive so can be changed to reflect different areas of an organisation.

  • Able to display the key measures of the time.  Work out what is important and use those key items in the dashboard.

  • Liberal with white space. ‘White Space’ is the areas you are not using and they are just as important visually as the areas you are using on a dashboard.

  • Clearly labelled, each of the charts and tables on the dashboard need to display a clear message.

  • Try to work your dashboard into a symmetrical grid where you align sections into blocks of data. Symmetry is important for visual display.

Create stunning Excel dashboards like the ones above either in a course or buy my favourite Dashboards which make up my courses.

Excel Dashboard Example

The following YouTube video is a look at what is possible using an Excel dashboard. The video shows the key functionality and how things can move and change just by changing a single metric.

Excel dashboards are a very valuable corporate tool when created with forethought. An organisation can see all of the key information in one place and see how it is tracking against the key criteria. The following are some examples of Excel dashboards which I have put together. The information in these Excel dashboards is not real, it is for demonstration purposes only. After going through the exercise of creating all of these Excel dashboards I can say one thing with complete certainty, making Excel dashboards is a lot of work but very worthwhile when you see the final working result.

One of the issues with developing the following Excel dashboards is obtaining the data. I would scratch my head as I started creating the raw data from scratch early on. Later I got a bit smarter and found that wiki and some government websites had ready made tables which were Excel compatible. I then just needed to sketch out a final output dashboard and work backwards to make the data fit that vision. Many of the techniques spoken about in the site which I have incorporated on TheSmallman.com are built into these Excel dashboards. On the whole these Excel Dashboards do not need VBA at all. There are a couple of exceptions when you get down to the Heat Map section but mostly native Excel run these dashboards.

Excel Dashboards

Many of the current dashboards I have created have been for clients or for accounting bodies. I have to be pushed in order to create something that I am proud enough to share here. The one to the left is for a course I have ran several times over the years. It has evolved and grown over time and is one of my favourite creations.

business dashboard

The dashboard on the right is also for a course I have for an accounting body. I have just recently completed it and the Excel dashboard runs on Power Pivot exclusively. The course focused on how to manage large datasets and create and refresh rereports that can be updated seamlessly. The purpose of a dashboard such as this one is to provide a quick way for managers and other key stakeholders to track progress, identify trends, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Power BI Dashboards

Power BI Dashboards

Power BI dashboards provides a tool for business users to show their most important metrics in one place, updated in real time, and available on a multitude of different devices. With one click, users can explore the data behind their dashboard to help find the answers to important operational questions.

The same broad concepts that are used to create Excel dashboards can be used to create dashboards in any program. Once you learn the basics, the application is a matter or repeating those concepts. The adjacent dashboard is a Power BI model that compares Sales figures for the current year versus the prior year and plan based on the region which can be selected using a slicer.

A full day course on how to create Power BI reports in including the dashboard above will be included shorty.

power bi dashboard

The genuinely cool thing about Power BI Dashboards is how easy they are to create once the raw data has been input and manipulated. The data can be turned into charts and tables with the click of a few buttons and the interface is very user friendly.

Power BI can unify all your organisation’s data, whether in the cloud or on-premises. Using Power BI you can connect SQL Server databases, Analysis Services models, and many other data sources to your same dashboards in Power BI. If you already have reporting portals or applications, embed Power BI reports and dashboards for a unified experience.

Free Excel Dashboard Tutorial (90 mins)

I have made a quick dashboard tutorial which is posted on YouTube. This outlines how to extract data from the internet and format it in a way that allows you to generate an informative one page Excel dashboard. There are step by step guidelines to follow which will allow you to build the dashboard from scratch.

Project Excel Dashboard

Excel Dashboard Templates

The next section starts with a 90 minute tutorial on how to create an Excel dashboard from scratch. It also contains a large selection of the Excel dashboards on this site which are free to download.  All have an associated Excel dashboard template which is fully functional and has a complete data set inside it.  The dashboards are all a little different, some spin on combo boxes, option buttons, slicers and there is a few that changed based on the mouse rolling over a cell or two.  


Dashboard Courses and Models

Generate highly visual and insightful insights, drive change through clarity which allows immediate action. Easily generate dashboards to help your organisation make timely decisions based on the right data,  much faster.  To learn how to put really these type of Dashboards together why not sit my Excel dashboard course.

 Dashboard Course

Or maybe a starting point you are looking for — a professional model which can be populated with your data — then perhaps look at some of the premium model available on the site.

Dashboard Models

Thanks for visiting my site.

Excel Dashboards in Practice

Here is an example of how the dashboards work in practice. This short YouTube video shows how all of the metrics change as the levers are pulled inside the dashboard. A lot of work inside Excel needs to happen for this sort of thing to become possible. When an Excel spreadsheet is laid out correctly the dashboard can change and update in the way that you want it to. The example presented is one of my favorites Excel dashboards to build and showcase.

The Following 35 Excel Dashboards are Free to Download

The following are the sites current Excel dashboards to download. I will be creating more and more Excel dashboards and these dashboards will be free to download. Click on the link or picture to visit the specific Excel dashboard page. An Excel file is on every page with a brief description of the Dashboard. Click on the picture or link. At the bottom of the corresponding page there will be a link to the dashboard where you can download the Excel file associated with the dashboard.

EBIT Dashboard

Corporate Dashboard Report

This dashboard appears to be the most popular Excel dashboard template on thesmallman.com.  It is a simple dashboard to create that uses very few colours.

The EBIT Excel Dashboard report is an update of another of the original dashboards on the site. I have used some relevant infographic elements to spice the dashboard up a bit. It is functional and tells the Excel story of a company based in the update of two combo boxes. Splits the dashboard by reporting metric and group. The following is a link to the dashboard template. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Department Dashboard

Department Dashboard in Excel

The department store Excel dashboard is a mixture of financial and non financial metrics all presented in a single page. It has a map feature which displays the region in focus. The following is a link to a page which contains the dashboard template.

The following is the link to this free dashboard template. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Operational Dashboard Report

Operational Dashboard Report

This Excel dashboard uses a mix of 3 colours (blue, red and green) it is not overly busy and tells a story in a small space.  Excel dashboards can be as simple or complex as need be, this is an Excel example of a simple data set shown clearly in a single page.

The above Excel Dashboard shows a range of metrics on a single page from an operations perspective. The underlying business is primarily banking however, the underlying data set can be adapted to fit a range of businesses. This dashboard did not take entirely long to produce relative to the other ones — perhaps I am learning… The following is a link to the dashboard template. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Corporate Summary Dashboard

Corporate Summary Dashboard

The above Excel Dashboard displays a range of organisational metrics from revenue, expenses, FTE, Issues all against a «well thought out plan». The underlying dataset is split over several sheets and the report updates via a slicer at the top of the Dashboard which allows it to spin by State. It is highly interactive and very user friendly — enjoy. This link takes you to the dashboard template. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Consulting Dashboard

Consulting Excel Dashboard

The above Excel Dashboard is an update of one of my very first dashboards on the site. It have had some infographic elements added to it to enhance the story. It is debatable weather they work or not but I like the finished product.

The dashboard displays revenues, expenses, FTE, key projects by region and a range of other metrics.

The following is a link to the dashboard template. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Traffic Light Dashboard

Traffic Light Excel Dashboard

While the above is an updated version of the first Excel dashboard I published on the site. It has been refreshed and updated which was long overdue. The following is a link to the traffic light Excel dashboard template.

The template uses example data to display actual V plan data and shows EBIT, revenue and expenses graphically at the side. There is a traffic light effect to indicate progress against plan for each of the areas of the organisation and a combo box to choose which areas financials you want to see. It was the very first Excel Dashboard I incorporated into thesmallman.com, so it gets centre. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Key Measures Dashboard

Key Measures Excel Report

This Excel dashboard has only a small amount of information — this is an example of how to fill the space with infographics — adding relevant pictures can enhance the story of your dashboard.  You will notice the dashboard is still fully flexible.

The above is another original updated Excel Dashboard. The heat map on the right with some key metrics has been added along with an EBIT chart which shows a trend over time. The following is a link to the excel dashboard template displayed above. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Revenue Expense KPI Report

Excel Revenue, Expense and Staffing KPI Report

This KPI Report is an update to one of the original dashboards on the site. I have reworked the dashboard and added additional features to fit inside a single page. The toggle at the top right of the report allows the user to spin the information by year which will change all of the data within the display. It is a functional report which displays a lot of information about various groups within an organisation in a small amount of space. The following is a link to the Excel dashboard template. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Human Resources Dashboard

Human Resources Dashboard

The Human Resources — HR Dashboard is a mixture of employee related information, from salary, hires, employee satisfaction, age demographics and much more. All split by department and sub department. It makes a very nice template for a human resources department to track a range of key performance metrics. To get to the dashboard template either click the picture above or the link below. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).


Sales Dashboard

The Sales Excel dashboard highlights the month in focus with a light blue bar depending on the month shown in the drop down. You can see from the chart that September is in focus so the bar shifts to light blue in September and all of the other Charts change to reflect that month. The dashboard also has a traffic light setup. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Excel free dashboards

Financial Trends Excel Dashboard

The Financial Trends Excel Dashboard features price and turnover by region. The dashboard uses an Excel slicer on the main page to isolate countries in the chart. It also has the ability to slice by region and has a combo box for top or bottom 5 by country.

The months which appear in the dashboard is controlled by a combo box which allows year to date data to be shown without too much fuss. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Excel Dashboard by State

US States Dashboard

This US Excel dashboard is a sneak peak at population data obtained from Wiki. At the right of the dashboard there is some radio buttons which enables the selection by region. The States are grouped into their regions and as the grouping is selected the State Flags and charts change in accordance with the radio button.(Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Banking Dashboard Excel

Banking Excel Dashboard

The following Excel dashboard has been used in the financial modelling document. It is an Excel dashboard which outlines Banking highlights. It uses a spinner button to generate projections which are highlighted in blue on the right to indicate that these figures are budget. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

Restructure Excel Dashboard

Restructure Excel Dashboard

The Restructure Excel Dashboard is predominant designed around workforce planning and trapping the savings from changing the size, shape and nature of the organisation. It is clean and clear, it has no spinner controls on the dashboard which means the dashboard is updated with new raw data. (Free Excel Dashboard — Updated April 2020).

The Top 10 Excel Dashboard

Top 10 Excel dashboard depicts the top 10 US corporate, highlighting some key common metrics. The design of the body of the Excel dashboard (world) stays the same while the logo changes as each company is filtered with the drop down on the left hand side.

Excel Dashboard Chart

Gauge Dashboard

Gauge Excel Dashboard

The Gauge Excel dashboard features a gauge. I once read that the gauge on a dashboard was like the fast food for Excel Dashboards. They take up too much space for the information they provide. However, when you only have a small amount of information to show on your dashboard and that information is important, then there is no reason why they can not be added to a dashboard.

Demographic Dashboard Excel

Demographic Dashboard

The Demographic Excel dashboard shows demographic information for the USA. It introduces a heat map which shows high concentrations of particular demographics, such as race.


Prior Year Excel dashboard Prior Year

Excel dashboard tracks a firms key spending items, plan v actual for EBIT, revenue and expenses. I tried adding just two colours to the Full time equivalents chart but it did not look right so I kept the multi coloured look and in this dashboard I think it works.

Sparklines Excel Dashboard

The Sparklines Excel dashboard is an interesting one as it has many sparklines and the sparklines are conditional formatting not charts. The file works well as a visual display of each of the metrics being displayed.

Sparklines Excel Dashboard

World Cup Excel

The World Cup Excel dashboard is a tribute to the upcoming world cup in Brazil. This sort of dashboard is known as a Wall Chart. So it’s a world cup wall chart in Excel. You can predict the matches and see who may meet up in the knock out stages of the tournament. This sort of dashboard can be used with any tounament based competition if the methodology which I have used is followed. Enjoy!

World Cup Excel Dashobard

Rollover Dashboard

The Rollover Excel Dashboard draws on the article on Chart Hyperlinks which details how to change a chart by rolling over a particular cell. It is a really cool technique which has far reaching implications especially in the creation of Excel dashboards. I have shown a couple of concepts for a dashboard however there will be many many more.

Excel Dashboard

Overview Dashboard

The Overview Dashboard below once more has a rollover feature in the same manner as the above dahsboard. The years in the top right pannel of the dashboard are what change the charts in the dashboard add in the flexibility in the model. Just roll the mouse over a year to see the metrics associated with that year in the dashboard. The article on Chart Hyperlinks might provide some more insight in how to set one of these Excel dashboards up.

Overview Excel Dashboard

Heat Map Dashboard in Excel

The Heatmap Dashboard is a breakdown of salary and unemployment information in the USA. The charts on the right of the dashboard are spark lines and will change colour with the change in the combo box on the top left. The heat map of the USA will change colours based on the selection of the drop down above the map of the USA. The dashboard displays top and bottom 10 metrics by state by region.

Salary Excel Dashboard

Heat Map of India Dashboard

India Heat Map Dashboard is an Excel dashboard which displays a heat map of the states of India. The dashboard displays revenue and expenses by type and by State. The dashboard also has a break down of the top 5 revenue, expenses and profit by State. It is quite a simple Excel dashboard and should be easy to follow.

India Heat Map Excel Dashboard

UK Heatmap Dashboard in Excel

The England Heat Map Dashboard is an Excel dashboard which displays a heat map of the regions in England. The dashboard displays age group metrics, house price, income and life expectancy data. The dashboards spins on a combo box beside the map of England. The colours in the heat map part of the dashboard change with the combo box.

England Heat Map Excel Dashboard

NBA Dashboard

The NBA Player Excel Dashboard is a dashboard which shows some of the current batch of NBA starts and their statistics. It is an Excel 2010 workbook with a couple of macros to show change the colour of each of the active tabs. These tabs control the charts on the dashboard which display stats like points per game, rebounds per game and steals per game. I enjoy the NBA so this dashboard was a bit of fun.

NBA Excel Dashboard

National Dashboard

National Excel Dashboard

National Excel Dashboard The following Excel dashboard has a heat map of Australia which changes according to the selection made in the drop down. The flags next to the slicer will change based on the selection. The technique for this can be found on the Toggle Chart page. This Excel dashboard will work on Excel 2010 and later.

School Dashboard

The School Excel Dashboard is a dashboard which shows plan v actual for a number of schools across disciplines. It is an Excel 2010 workbook which uses a slicer to flick the dashboard between schools to show performance. The dashboard shows data by discipline and shows the trends on spend over a one year period. You can see the peaks and troughs. There is some coding behind the sheet but this is only to speed up the data input. I will leave the coding in the worksheet in case people find this useful. People are added to schools on the staff sheet. The input sheet acts as the control tab where data is entered into the back end database.

Team Performance Dashboard

The Team Performance Dashboard is a dashboard I created as a submission to the Excel Forum Dashboard competition in November 2014. The competition was open to all with a first prize of an iphone 6. There were 119 entries in the dashboard competition. It was enjoyable putting together this Excel dashboard, I did not win but I did get a page dedicated to this dashboard on ExcelTip.com

I have recently updated this dashboard to include a few new elements, an additional chart and I have streamlined the colour scheme.

School Excel Dashboard

Team Performance Dashboard

Sales Dashboard Excel

Sales Person Excel Dashboard

The Sales Person Excel Dashboard is a dashboard which traps sales person data by State based on Australian States. There is quite a bit of information on the Excel dashboard. The dashboard has 5 static charts to show the overall sales position and 20 dynamic charts which are based on the slicer at the top of the dashboard which spins on year. Apologies to Tasmania and the territories for the no show on this dashboard.

Road Traffic Dashboard

The Road Traffic Statistics Dashboard is a dashboard which captures traffic statistics in Australia over a long period. The raw data came from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

It is the government body here in Australia which looks after the collation of society demographic and other data related to life in Australia.

Traffic Statistics Excel Dashboard

The dashboard presents an all too real picture of the age, sex and vehicle type of all fatal accidents recorded over a 7 year period. One of the positives is that traffic fatalities seem to be falling. A slicer at the top of the dashboard allows you to generate a report by State or by year. There are high level charts, charts showing speed statistics, vehicle involved in fatality, month and time. The data is not complete on the ABS site however I have tried where possible to keep the data as close as possible to actual figures.

Revenue Expense Dashboard

The Rev Exp Staff Dashboard is an Excel dashboard which captures expenses by State and department, revenue and national staffing levels. The dashboard spins on year and has 3 years as an example. It has a very nice staffing chart and a consistent colour throughout.

Revenue Expense Sales Excel Dashboard

The Incident Dashboard

The Incident Dashboard is an Excel dashboard which is quite small but captures some important metrics. The dashboard uses the same in cell technique for charting incidents as the prior dashboard. In the blog post I will give some examples of in cell charting using the REPT formula. It would be nice if the picture library were enhanced a little more but it is what it is at this stage.

Incident Excel Dashboard Report

Social Media Dashboard

The Social Media Dashboard is an Excel dashboard outlining social media activity for a company. It focuses primarily on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Apologies to other social media outlets.

Social Media Excel Dashboard

Premium Excel Dashboards

The following files are from my premium dashboard selection, dashboard menu Shop Dashboard at top of page.  They tend to be my Excel Dashboard courses, so are available for a fixed price.  These Excel dashboards are a lot larger in size than the free Excel dashboards above.  All the inputs and calculations sheets are included in all models in these sections. The dashboards can be used to add your own data saving you time and effort. The short video in this section is an idea of how one of the premium dashboards operates.

KPI Dashboard

Excel city dashboard

This Excel dashboard has a combo box which give the dashboard the capacity to spin on month and has a range or organisational and operational metrics that change as the month changes. The dashboard is mostly a trending dashboard and does not have the variety of detail as some of the other dashboards on the site. There is a great deal more information not used in the dashboard so the dashboard can be modified to suit with your own Excel data.

Global Sales Dashboard

Global Sales Dashboard

Global Sales Dashboard The Global Sales Dashboard is a dashboard which captures sales statistics for a fictional company. This Excel dashboard uses an Excel heat map to highlight each of the regions. It uses 5 colours, one for each region. There are some option buttons to show data by year at the top and option buttons on the left to set the focus of the dashboard on a specific region. The map will change colour to reflect the region in focus.

KPI Sales Dashboard

KPI Dashboard

A key performance indicator (KPI) dashboard can give you the ability to consolidate all finance and operational activities and compare key projects, compare actual to plan all within a single page. These dashboards have audit, administration, staffing, data by department, by product. Check on the status of staff and customer satisfaction, cost to hire and the change between permanent and casual staff. Excel dashboards like the one beside are a great way to report key metrics clearly to management.

Key Operational Dashboard

Banking Dashboard

Consolidate all finance and operational activities and compare key projects, compare actual to plan all within a single page. These dashboards have audit, administration, staffing, data by department, by product. Check on the status of staff, cost to hire and the change between permanent and casual staff. Excel dashboards like the one beside are a great way to report key metrics clearly to management.

Financial Trends Dashboard

Financial Trends

Showing financial trends over time in a succinct manner is key. Show the big larger view of all sales activities and progress against target over time, both month and year to date.

This financial trends dashboard is part of my premium selection of Excel Dashboards. In addition this is my latest creation for one of my courses which I run for CPA Australia. I will pull this together with one of dashboard videos. Look forward to using it with my students in mind. It took quite some time to come up with the concept and get the look and feel exactly as I wanted it. There were many iterations before this final dashboard output.

Dashboard with Power Pivot

This is a full day training course I use as the output from a large data set. It takes current year and prior year sales and compares the sales against by department, industry segment, compares region and gives an idea of how the company performs against prior year. The dashboard is entirely created in Excel with a Power Pivot back end as its source.

Premium Dashboards

Product Dashboard

This product dashboard is used to report on products by department or category. The dashboard tracks a range of metrics including, revenue, expense, gross profit, net margin, staffing metrics and many more. The metrics in the body of the dashboard are both month in the chart and quarter in the table. Giving the user a range of dashboard items to focus on.

Premium Dashboards

BI Excel Dashboard

Premium Dashboards

This is a concept business intelligence (BI) dashboard which has been adapted from the infographics section of thesmallman.com. BI dashboards can monitor metrics such as gross margin, profit or loss on sale, plan versus actuals, new customers details, market volumes, market share and plenty more. Building a dashboard from a infographic is significantly more work as there needs to be more data and the data needs to have formulas which will help the Excel Dashboard spin appropriately.

Key Metrics Dashboard

Premium Dashboards

The latest dashboard for a new series of webinars for CPA Australia. This dashboard is packed full of features including a rollover function and heaps of charts, controls and conditional formatting. I adapted it from a more basic dashboard and now it has wings. Infographics, symmetry and consistent use of colour. All good in the dashboard hood.

Cost and Sales Dashboard

Premium Dashboards

The following is a brand new dashboard. I was playing around with a file I had and started arranging the data in columns and it started to take shape. I added some charts for my client (changed the source data) and kaboom, completed dashboard with all the bells and whistles. It is very satisfying finishing a dashboard in Excel. Click the dashboard to see a larger version.

Storytelling with Excel Dashboards

Premium Dashboards

Over this holiday season my colleague wanted to create a Power BI (PBI) prototype so I offered and with his data I made my first cut in Excel. I will be transferring the results to PBI in due course. The above would never fit into PBI but is a bit of fun with some of the results. Excel has the flexibility to generate the most visually appealing dashboards and with creativity and forethought you can create stunning results.

Website Traffic Excel Dashboard

Premium Dashboards

This Excel Dashboard became a labour of love as the months passed and I slowly put it together. It has hundreds of data points and tells a compelling and ever changing story of website traffic and related metrics in a single page. You could take this Excel dashboard which has metrics like site visitors, site bounce rate, time people spend on site, page views per user, social media, paid traffic, organic and direct search traffic.

YouTube Demonstration

Dashboard Tutorial YouTube

Excel Dashboard Template

Dashboard Tutorial YouTube Since the start of the growing pandemic, the general public has become increasingly interested in numbers and statistics, so being able to quickly interpret and comprehend large quantities of information has become more important than ever. The following model outlines the crisis and tracks changes automatically. The creation of this dashboard will be run as a webinar for the Financial Modelling Meetup group. Link below to more details and registration.

Dashboard Design in Excel

Recently I update my Excel charting course to include some additional charts I have been working on and some more detail in and around the calculations pages. The final output is presented in a well laid out design presented in three horizontal areas and four vertical areas, will some details and comparisons at the top. Enjoy.

Construction Dashboard Metrics

Had a client ask to track some key metrics. Started with a neat dashboard template and build on it. Split into three levels the dashboard displays information by state and gives some of the key performance indicators for each of the business areas. I am not sure how I will use this Excel dashboard but most likely it will be the basis for a future course.

Excel construction dashboard

Corporate Reporting Excel Dashboard

Occasionally I have a little time on my hands and I can update one of the dashboards that i devised many years ago. The following time is such a time. I added a fresh section to the following dashboard and made it spin by regional area. It is neat and to the point providing a high level overview of key operational metrics. The smaller version is available free to download at the following link. Alternatively you can get many dashboards of this quality at my premium section.

Sales & Commission Excel Dashboard

The following Excel dashboard is a summary of seven departments withing an banking environment. It summaries the financial performance by region showing sales, commission, performance against plan and prior year to data and some human resources metrics by each department. It displays the data in a clear structured format providing a sound overview of key organisational metrics. A link to the blog article which has more details on this dashboard is as follows — Cool Dashboard You can get many dashboards of this quality at my premium section.

Multi-National Excel Dashboard

Premium Dashboards

During the later part of the year I had some time on my hands and decided to add to the dashboard stable. The dashboard will spin on global region, Americas, Asia Pacific, Africa and Europe. It shows you month of the year, can go forwards and backwards and provides comparisons with plan and prior year data to show a meaningful comparison. I do hope you enjoy.

Full-Year Rolling Excel Dashboard

Excel Dashboard template

This dashboard was created for a client and has been modified slightly to protect the innocent. All of the images in the Excel dashboard are in fact Excel charts. It took a while to get all of the charts just right but has a striking final look and feel. The dashboard is split into 4 areas with current and prior year comparisons and data validation. You can get many dashboards of this quality at my premium section.

Annual Results Excel Dashboard

Premium Excel Dashboard

This dashboard was created in my spare time over the holiday period at the start of 22. This was the baseline for one of my early courses and I make it a little larger in size and dimension to show more results. It is a roll over dashboard that changes when you hover over the years at the top of the board. While the dashboard is over 10 years old now it sill performs well and tells a broad story about the state of the organisation. You can get many dashboards of this quality at my premium section.

Project Tracking Dashboard

Project Tracking Dashboard

Project tracking dashboards are a way to monitor how key metrics are tracking on a dashboard over the life of a project. They can flag when parts of a project are going poorly and help with the maintenance of the project as much of the information is right there in front of you. The project dashboard helps inform and if done thoughtfully will add a great deal to any business. Try creating your very own project tracking dashboard, an example output is here to help.

ABC Dashboard Design

The following dashboard is the output for an activity based costing course which I conducted for CPA Australia. I thought it might be nice to have a very visual display as ABC reporting can be a little number intensive. I quite like the result and it gives you the ability to choose a year of focus for the P&L and the ABC reporting.

Excel Dashboard Samples — Free Templates

Executive Dashboard Template

Executive Dashboard Template

Download the Executive Dashboard Template

An executive dashboard provides a big-picture view of an organization by consolidating KPIs into an easy-to-read, graphical report. Choose your KPIs based on organizational goals and quantifiable measures of success. This template is just one executive dashboard example — to learn more, read our post on executive dashboard types and best practices.

KPI Business Dashboard Template

KPI Business Dashboard Template

Download the KPI Business Dashboard Template

Track your company’s key performance metrics in a dashboard that shows data in both table and graph formats. This KPI dashboard example offers a simple, eye-catching layout for easy sharing and deciphering. Use the template as is, or customize it to suit your specific needs.

Financial Dashboard Template

Financial Dashboard Template

Download the Financial Dashboard Template

A financial dashboard can have various uses, whether you’re tracking sales revenue, analyzing business growth, or making strategic decisions based on fiscal performance. Compare financial data with information from previous years, and make future estimates based on performance. Getting a quick, visual picture of financial data is one of the benefits of using a dashboard.

Sales Management Dashboard Template

Sales Management Dashboard Template

Download the Sales Management Dashboard Template

Use this sales management dashboard template to track performance by salesperson, product, region, and more. Having this data at your fingertips can provide insight into any issues that may need to be resolved, enhance employee accountability, and drive progress.

Lead Generation Dashboard Template

Lead Generation Dashboard Template

Download the Lead Generation Dashboard Template

Assess your lead generation and conversion performance with this dashboard template. Whether you’re working independently or with a sales team, using a dashboard can give you a clear picture of your most successful lead sources, conversion rates, and how close you are to reaching your goals.

Marketing Dashboard Template

Marketing Dashboard Template

Download the Marketing Dashboard Template

This simple template provides marketing performance metrics at a quick glance to help you gauge the success of your campaigns. Track key metrics in order to drive marketing decisions and goals.

Social Media Dashboard Template

Social Media Dashboard Template

Download the Social Media Dashboard Template

A social media dashboard allows you to monitor your performance on multiple channels in one report. Use this dashboard template to track audience engagement and make strategic decisions about where to focus your social media marketing efforts.

Digital Marketing Dashboard Template

Digital Marketing Dashboard template

Download the Digital Marketing Dashboard Template

This dashboard template is designed for reviewing a digital marketing campaign across various channels, including paid advertising. Track your return on investment, traffic sources, costs, revenue, and more.

Email Marketing Dashboard Template

Email Marketing Dashboard template

Download the Email Marketing Dashboard Template

Monitor your email marketing efforts by tracking leads, subscribers, and other performance indicators. Use the dashboard to get a clearer idea of what’s working, and adjust your email campaigns as needed.

Project Management Dashboard Template

Project Management Dashboard Template

Download the Project Management Dashboard Template

Streamline your project management process by using a dashboard to track your timeline, task status, financial data, risk analysis, revisions, and more. Having all of this data visually represented in one place facilitates communication with team members and helps to keep projects on schedule and within budget.

Development Operations (DevOps) Dashboard Template

Developer Dashboard Template

Download the Development Operations (DevOps) Dashboard Template

A DevOps dashboard can help keep developers on track for any project, and supports an Agile approach by highlighting features, releases, and unresolved issues. Use the dashboard for communication among a DevOps team, to monitor performance, and to keep the development process running smoothly.

Product Metrics Dashboard Template

Product Metrics Dashboard template

Download the Product Metrics Dashboard Template

Track product revenue and time to market with a product metrics dashboard. This template offers a simple layout for viewing metrics on multiple products. Use it for documenting KPIs and creating consistent reports for stakeholders.

Supply Chain Dashboard Template

Supply Chain Dashboard Template

Download the Supply Chain Dashboard Template

A supply chain dashboard can be used for reviewing inventory, orders, and process efficiency. Monitor your supply chain performance with KPIs, and then identify opportunities for greater outcomes once your organization is meeting its measurements for success.

Customer Service Call Center Dashboard

Customer Service Call Center Dashboard Template

Download the Customer Service Call Center Dashboard

Analyze your weekly call center metrics — including agent performance, customer satisfaction, calls per minute, and more — with a customer service dashboard. A dashboard allows you to compile data at various levels, from overall call center performance to departments and individual agents. Use these key metrics to improve customer service and inform weekly goals.

Web Analytics Dashboard Template

Web Analytics Dashboard Template

Download the Web Analytics Dashboard Template

Track website analytics over time, including new visitors, bounce rate, and average time on site with a simple dashboard template. Adjust the dashboard metrics to suit your business goals and website performance.

SEO Dashboard Template

SEO Dashboard template

Download the SEO Dashboard Template

Get insight on your SEO efforts by following metrics on how your top keywords are ranking. Additionally, search traffic and conversions, backlinks, and more. An SEO dashboard can give you a snapshot of current performance and direct your goals for future improvement.

Support Dashboard Template

Support Dashboard template

Download the Support Dashboard Template

Use this support dashboard template to track tickets and response time, and assess daily, weekly, and monthly performance. A comprehensive dashboard report can show trends over time for a greater understanding of support performance.

Retail Analysis Dashboard Template

Retail Analysis Dashboard template

Download the Retail Analysis Dashboard Template

A retail analysis dashboard can provide insight on product, customer, and salesperson performance. Track monthly, quarterly, and yearly metrics to analyze your retail business, obtain a more accurate forecast of future performance, and make strategic decisions.

E-commerce Dashboard Template

E-commerce Dashboard Template

Download the E-commerce Dashboard Template

This sales dashboard template is designed specifically for tracking e-commerce metrics, including user visits and conversions, revenue and profit margin, and more. Compare your current e-commerce performance to previous time periods, and create an action plan for moving forward.

HR Dashboard Template

HR Dashboard Template

Download the HR Dashboard Template

Get a visual report of human resources data with an HR dashboard. You can adjust this template to include whichever metrics are most useful for your business, whether it’s employee salaries, recruitment, benefits, or employee satisfaction.

Productivity Dashboard Template

Productivity Dashboard Template

Download Productivity Dashboard Template

Evaluate productivity for a department or team, or for individual employees with a simple dashboard template. You can include employee satisfaction along with productivity KPIs to assess the relationship between performance and satisfaction. This may provide insight into company culture as well as business objectives.

Insurance Claims Dashboard Template

Insurance Claims Dashboard Template

Download the Insurance Claims Dashboard Template

Use an insurance claims dashboard to view data such as claim type, status date, and claimant information. The dashboard format makes it easy to view large sets of data quickly, and is represented in charts and graphs. This template provides the layout for a monthly insurance claims report.

Tips for Creating Great Dashboards

In addition to strategic key performance indicators (KPIs), insights, and recommendations based on data analysis, you should also demonstrate the business impact of the recommended actions. While this may be beyond the scope of data analysis for some dashboards, including the impact will make your recommended actions hold more weight. Of course, the content of a dashboard report will depend on the audience — keep this in mind when customizing your dashboard to make it more effective. Also, focus on a clean, uncluttered design for your dashboard so that viewers can easily identify and drill down into key metrics.

You have a couple options for getting started with your own dashboard. Scroll through the Excel dashboard examples listed below and choose a template to download for free. Read our tutorial on how to create a dashboard in Excel. Or, build your own dashboard in Smartsheet to get access to enhanced collaboration and customization features. 

Make Better Decisions, Faster with Smartsheet Dashboards

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

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