Present word for found

3 формы глагола found

Английский глагол found [faʊnd], переводится как: основывать.
Входит в группы:
правильные глаголы.

3 формы глагола found: Infinitive (found), Past Simple — (founded), Past Participle — (founded).

📚 Глагол found имеет значения: основывать, основываться, обосновывать, закладывать, учреждать, создавать, создавать фонд, быть основателем, класть в основу.

👉 Формы глагола found в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет found в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола found

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
found [faʊnd]

founded [ˈfaʊndɪd]

founded [ˈfaʊndɪd]


Как поставить found во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол found в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — found. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить found в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для found нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
found в past simple — founded.

What is the past tense of found?

The past tense of found is founded.

The past participle of found is founded.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — found в past simple, будет founded.

Future simple — found в future simple будет found. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — found в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — found в past perfect будет

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол found?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол found это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола found

    Five thousands of winged termites take to the air to found new homes — new colonies — Пять тысяч крылатых термитов взлетают в воздух, чтобы основать свои новые дома — новые колонии.
    (Present Simple)

    The Affi Hat brand was founded in 2009. — Торговая марка Аффи Хат была основана в 2009 году.
    (Past Simple)

    Henry has founded our separatist party. — Генри основал нашу сепаратистскую партию.
    (Present Perfect)

    This relationship was founded on mutual esteem. — Эти отношения были построены на взаимном уважении.
    (Past Simple)

    The theory is founded on a basic proposition. — Данная теория основана на основном положении.
    (Present Simple)

    Was this organization founded by a dedicated army of volunteers? — Эта организация была основана армией идейных добровольцев?
    (Past Simple)

    He founded a self-help group for parents with children suffering with this disease. — Он организовал группу взаимопомощи для родителей, чьи дети страдают от этого заболевания.
    (Past Simple)

    The scientists has founded an institute for research into the causes of mental illness. — Ученые основали учреждение для исследования причин психических заболеваний.
    (Present Perfect)

    The school was founded in 1956. — Школа была основана в 1956 г.
    (Past Simple)

    The castle was founded on solid rock. — Замок был основан на скале.
    (Past Simple)

Вместе с found, часто смотрят глаголы


and laugh.

Глаголы на букву:

























найденный, основывать, основываться, геологоразведка


- снабжённый всем необходимым; обеспеченный жильём и питанием

all found — на всём готовом

- past и p. p. от find


- основывать (город и т. п.); закладывать (фундамент и т. п.)

to found a building — закладывать здание
to found a memorial /a monument/ — заложить памятник

- основывать, учреждать; создавать

to found an association — создать общество
the company [firm] was founded in 1777 — компания [фирма] была учреждена в 1777 г. /существует с 1777 г./

- учредить на свои средства; создать фонд для содержания (больницы и т. п.):

to found a college [a scholarship] — учредить колледж [стипендию], выделив на это соответствующий фонд

- создавать, быть основателем, основоположником

to found a theory [a system of philosophy] — создавать теорию [философскую систему]

- обосновывать, подводить основу; класть в основу

founded on facts — основанный на фактах
to be ill [well] founded — быть плохо [хорошо] обоснованным
to found a novel on old legends — положить в основу романа старые предания
his conclusion is founded on /upon/ very superficial knowledge — его выводы не основаны на достаточно глубоком знании предмета

- редк. основываться, опираться

to found a family [a dynasty] — стать родоначальником семьи [династии]

- плавить, выплавлять

to found iron [steel] — выплавлять чугун [сталь]

- лить, отливать

to found a bell [gun] — отливать колокол [пушку]

- варить стекло


- поиск, разведка

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

He was found dead.

Его нашли мёртвым.

I found myself empty.

Я обнаружил, что голоден.

The boat is fully found.

Корабль снабжён всем необходимым.

A search found 46 websites.

Поиск нашел 46 сайтов.

Vitamin D is found in butter.

Витамин D содержится в сливочном масле.

Passion found vent in words.

Страсть нашла выражение в словах.

He was found guilty of theft.

Он был признан виновным в краже.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Their defence was found wanting.

Hall was found guilty of perjury.

We never did let on how we found out.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

founder  — основатель, учредитель, основоположник, оседать, охрометь, разбивать ногу, падать
founding  — литье, литейное дело
founded  — основанный, обоснованный
refound  — отливать заново, заново основывать, восстанавливать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: found
he/she/it: founds
ing ф. (present participle): founding
2-я ф. (past tense): founded
3-я ф. (past participle): founded

Recent Examples on the Web

Holley’s sculptures are constructed from found materials in the tradition of African American sculpture.

Brent Lang, Variety, 22 Mar. 2023

The movie is ultimately about pitting two families against each other: the Baileys vs. the Carpenters and their found family, the Meeks-Martin twins.

Patrick Gomez,, 18 Mar. 2023

The movie injects real life horror, depicting one of the most horrific nights ever captured in front of a live studio audience, mixed with found footage to complete the story.

Destiny Johnson |, oregonlive, 15 Mar. 2023

One girl, no more than 10 years old, wiggles a found piece of string on the ground, like a snake.

Erin O’brien, The Christian Science Monitor, 15 Feb. 2023

Archive 81 is known for its found footage format, which helps lend an eerie feel to the mystery series.

Erica Gonzales, ELLE, 19 Jan. 2022

As for found fabrics, examples include the Indy overshirt made from deadstock Italian military fabric, and the Malibu overshirt cut from vintage cotton.

Eric Twardzik, Robb Report, 6 July 2021

It was filmed on a budget of about $15 million by Kingdom Story, a company co-founded by Birmingham natives Jon and Andrew Erwin.

Greg Garrison | , al, 5 Apr. 2023

Both Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, cofounders of Andreessen Horowitz, spoke at a Miami conference last week hosted by the Future Investment Initiative Institute, a non-profit founded by the PIF.

Nicholas Gordon, Fortune, 4 Apr. 2023

Virgin Orbit, the rocket company founded by British billionaire Richard Branson in 2017, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Bailey Schulz, USA TODAY, 4 Apr. 2023

Higher Ground, the production company founded by Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, has struck its latest audio deal with the podcasting platform Acast.

J. Clara Chan, The Hollywood Reporter, 4 Apr. 2023

Virgin Orbit, the private satellite launch company founded in 2017 by multibillionaire Richard Branson, filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday.

Andrew Paul, Popular Science, 4 Apr. 2023

Cook was recently announced as the U.K. president of Gamma, a new music, media and technology company founded by former Apple Music global creative director Larry Jackson.

Mark Sutherland, Variety, 3 Apr. 2023

China Renaissance, the boutique investment bank founded by star Chinese financier Fan Bao, said its auditors can’t finish their work while its top executive remains uncontactable.

Rebecca Feng, WSJ, 3 Apr. 2023

The San Antonio Spurs have announced an official partnering with Nerd Focus, an energy drink founded by University of Texas at San Antonio graduate Vinicio Montes in 2006.

Paul Stephen, San Antonio Express-News, 3 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘found.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

The English language is quite complex, to say the least. As such, there are lots of words that you may not fully understand and some that are downright confusing. The words «found» and «founded» may very well be two of them. So let’s take a closer look at the differences between these two words and when and how to use each one in a sentence.

The word «found» is basically the past tense of «find». For example, I finally found the dress I was looking for yesterday. The word «founded», on the other hand, is the past tense of the verb found, which means «to establish» or «set-up». For example, This website was founded in the late 90s by Mr. Peterson.

Meaning of The Word «Found»

To found is defined as establishing or setting up something. For example,

  • I will establish a new company in August, or I founded a new company last August.

Another definition of «found» is the past tense of «find.» For example,

  • I was looking for my lost dog, which has now been found.

To establish the foundation or basis of; base. For example,

  • I found evidence to back up a theory.

To establish or set up, especially with provision for continuing existence. For example,

  • The university was founded in 1984.

The alternative meaning of «found» is to melt metal and pour into a mold.

When and How to Use «Found» in a Sentence

found and founded in dictionary

Examples of Usage in Sentences:

  • I found it a bit hard to adjust to my new school.
  • I found out that Peter now has three citations for DUI.
  • I thought we had eaten all the food in the house, but I found another box of crackers.
  • Thousands of dead crabs have been found floating on the shoreline.
  • We found out recently that lots of predators live here on this mountain.
  • Researchers have not found a cure for cancer as yet.
  • That kind of drink can’t be found just anywhere.
  • I found it challenging to get along with my partner.
  • She tried to lift the box but found it quite difficult.
  • I found it very hard to get in contact with him.
  • I found it refreshing to get up early every morning.
  • I found a special book I had been looking for.
  • I found it difficult to get along with him.
  • I finally found the solution to the problem.
  • I found the shoes that were under the chair.
  • I found it therapeutic to keep a diary every day.
  • I found the kids playing on the artificial grass.
  • I actually found out about it by accident.
  • I found it imperative to get help.
  • He found his father lying in the bathroom.
  • I found a pair of chopsticks under the chair.
  • She found her standing near the gate.
  • I found it extremely hard to solve the problem.
  • I found his name written on the chalkboard.
  • She found it difficult to please her mother.
  • I’ve found it.
  • We found her alive.
  • I found the book interesting.
  • He found his siblings.
  • Timmy found me a taxi.
  • She found him a girl.
  • She found him charming.
  • I easily found his house.
  • I found the boy asleep on the grass.
  • I found the test easy.
  • They found the money.
  • I found the book boring.
  • They found Dan in the crowd.

Additional ways to Use «Found» in a Sentence

  1. Lost time can never be found.
  2. Love is not to be found in the market.
  3. A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.
  4. A friend is easier lost than found.
  5. Lost time is never found again, and what we consider time enough is rarely enough time.
  6. True friends are best found in adversity.
  7. A partner without faults will never be found.
  8. Fortune is easily found but hard to keep.
  9. In a large river, many fish are found, but take heed, lest you drown.
  10. Wisdom is only found in truth.
  11. She found this argument very convincing.
  12. They found it extremely rewarding working with less fortunate children.
  13. Wherever valor true is found, true modesty will abound there.
  14. I’ve just found a hundred-dollar bill in my pocket.
  15. Water was found at a depth of 30 ft.
  16. A lack of discipline at home meant that the pupils found it hard to settle down and focus at school.
  17. I slept and found that life was a beauty; I awoke and found that life was, in fact, a duty.
  18. She found the ring amongst a pile of dirt.
  19. He found the dog lying in a ditch.
  20. She found that she preferred the taste of apples to oranges.

When and How to Use the Word «Founded» in a Sentence

founded sign in red letters

Examples of Usage in Sentences:

  • He founded the college three years ago.
  • Princeton was founded in 1636.
  • This city was founded years ago.
  • This story is founded in fact.
  • Our hospital was founded in 1990.
  • The business was founded in 1984.
  • This colony was founded in 1600.
  • This church was founded in 1750.
  • This temple was founded in 1570.
  • When was this university founded?
  • This building was founded in 1943.
  • Unisa was founded in 1936.
  • That factory was founded by Mr. Jones.
  • Mr. Williams founded this school fifty years ago.
  • He was still in his teens when he founded a company.
  • Buddhism is a religion founded by the Indian Shakyamuni.
  • The school was founded by his father thirty years ago.
  • It has already been sixty years since our school was founded.
  • They founded a Shaolin Temple that is now home to hundreds of people.
  • Religion is founded on the basis of truth.
  • Mark Zuckerburg founded Facebook.
  • Andrej founded dozens of websites and flipped them for profit.
  • Oprah founded an all-girls school in South Africa.
  • Lisa founded a daycare center to bring in an income.
  • Robert founded a Forex school to teach people how to trade forex.
  • Dave founded this training camp for teenagers.

Additional Ways to Use «Founded» in a Sentence

  1. A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship.
  2. The Egyptians founded a great city on the banks of this river.
  3. Patriotism must be founded on great principles and backed up by equally great virtue.
  4. The Independent Labor Party was founded in Chicago on August 25th, 1976.
  5. York was founded by Romans in the year AD 71.
  6. This hospital was founded last year.
  7. Our castle is founded on solid rock.
  8. The dynasty he founded ruled for hundreds of years.
  9. When was the People’s Republic of China founded?
  10. Any relationship should be founded on love.
  11. Her family founded this organization years ago.
  12. The hospital was founded with sponsored money.
  13. American humor is founded largely on hyperbole.
  14. Her paranoia turned out to be well-founded.
  15. When was the satellite city founded?
  16. The settlement was founded in 1983.
  17. The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.
  18. If the reports are well-founded, this news could seriously cause social distress.
  19. Isaac is planning to depart from the company he founded.
  20. This school was founded with the express purpose of teaching deaf children.

The Difference between «Found» and «Founded» Explained

English is a language where you will find many words that look similar, and you will most certainly come across words in your day-to-day life that baffles you. «Found» and «founded» are two of those words that we’re going to discuss in this section.

«Found» is the past tense of «find.»


  1. I found my bag near the staffroom
  2. I found that the movie didn’t interest me much.
  3. She finally found her passion to be in cooking.
  4. He somehow found out about his surprise party.

The word «find» which is found in the past tense, originated from the old English «findan.»


  1. We founded this organization in the 1900s to feed the poor.
  2. She is the founder of a successful internet business.
  3. The rules for this project have been founded based on the demands of this project.

Synonyms for «Found»

A few synonyms for the word found include discovered, located, detected, unearthed, established, and spotted.

Found Quote

«My observation is that whenever one person is found adequate to the discharge of a duty… it is worse executed by two persons, and scarcely done at all if three or more are employed therein.»

George Washington

Synonyms for «Founded»

A few synonyms for the word founded are established, ended, started, organized, destroyed, launched, set-up, and grounded.

Founded Quote

«Your Empire was founded by Cyrus, Xerxes extended it and Darius preserved it. Your present ruler seems to me to possess something of the qualities of all three of these mighty kings.»

Michael Stewart

lost and found airport sign


In the English language, sentences are more than just words; they are thoughts, stories, and ideas. So, just as letters build words and words build sentences, so to do sentences ultimately build the English language. Therefore, it is always a good idea to learn the meaning of words that may baffle you so that you may ultimately put together better sentences and, of course, have a stronger grasp of the English language.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.




1. Find the adjective:

A) Happiness  B) health         c) harmful       D)
help                        E) hesitate

2. Find a signal word for Past Simple:

A) Tomorrow  B) ever                        C) now                        D)
three days ago       E) next week

3.  Find a signal word for Present

A) Usually      B) Listen!        C) yet              D)
always                   E) seldom

4. Choose the word with the fourth type of

A)  Burn                     B) Dress          C)
Tulip          D) Fire                        E) Bar

5.  Find a sentence in Present

A) Last year we in France.      B) Have you cleaned
the floor?                     C) Are you from New Zealand?

                         D) I’m making a cheese cake
right now.      E) They are going to kook for a present.

6. Choose the right verb form:

A) we is playing                     B) we has playing       C)
we are playing       D) we are plaing                     E) we was playing

7. Choose the right verb form:

A) He sung     B) He singed   C) He sungs    D) He
sang      E) He sangs   

8. Choose the correct variant:

A: What … in your spare time?                     B: I
often go swimming

A) do you do  B) are you doing                    C)
have you done       D) are you do             E) does you do

9. Find the verb form in Present Perfect

A) Has V3         B) Had V3         C)
am, is, are +Ving     D) Have/has been Ving                       E)
Have/Has been V3

10. Choose the correct variant: 
There are 584 students at the department:

А) Five and hundred
В) Five hundred and eighty-four.      С)
Five eighty-four hundred.

            D) Five hundred eighty fourth.          E)
Five hundred and eighty four.

11. Choose the word to the definition:
It is a person who doesn’t wear fur and leather clothes, and doesn’t eat diary
products, meat and fish.

A) A meat-eater          B) my Granny C) a child        D)
a vegetarian           E) a sick person

12. Choose the correct variant:  
… you at school yesterday? – Yes, I …

А) Were/was   В)
С) Were/were D) Was/was    Е)Was/were

13 Choose the correct variant:  Listen!
That boy … the saxophone.

A) plays                      B) played        C) is
playing   D) will play     E) is going to play

14. Choose the correct
Mark … swimming yesterday.

A) go              B) has gone     C) is going      D)
went                      E) will play

15. Choose the correct answer:

A: Have you ever been to England?  B:  …

A) No, I haven’t         B) No, I did    C) No, I have
D) No, I don’t             E) No, I hasn’t

16. Find the sentence in Present Perfect:

A) She’s not from Canada.   B) Mark’s moved to
California.        C) Mom’s wearing an old shirt.                                                         D)
She doesn’t play the violin.                     E) Michele’s going to sleep.

17. Choose the correct preposition: 
I haven’t seen Lena … many years.

A) since                      B) at                C)
before        D) after                       E) for

18. Choose the correct variant:  There
are 14 pupils in my group.

A) four                        B) forty                      C)
fourteen     D) fourth        E) fourteenth

19. Choose the correct
There … very many children in the park yesterday.

A) were                       B) is                C)
did             D) was            E) are

20. Choose the correct pronoun:  
… husband is a travel agent.

A) She’s                      B) His             C)
Her             D) Mine                      E) Hers

21. Find the noun:

A) Different   B) dangerous  C) discussion  D) damage      E)

22. Find a sentence in Present Simple:

A) He was from China.          B) We are playing
chess.        C) Mary doesn’t play chess

              D) My friend invited me to the party.                     E)
I have had a cup of tea.

23. Find the adjective
with negative meaning:

A) Treatment  B) responsible C) careful        D)
painless      E) social

24. Find the suffix of a

A) –ous                       B) –ness                      C)
–full                       D) –y              E) –fy

25. Find the suffix of an

A) –tion                      B) –ly              C)
–ous                       D) ness                       E) –ment

26. Find the English equivalent: 

A) Tasty                      B) tasteless     C)
taste                       D) tasteful      E) untasty

27. Choose the correct
John’s uncle has been doing the same job …10 years.

А) During       В)
С) In               D) Of              Е)

28. Finish the idiom:
“to have a sweet …”

A) Tongue      B) tooth                      C) eye             D)
lip               E) hands

29. Finish the idiom: “on
the tip of one’s …”

A) Tongue      B) tooth                      C) eye             D)
lip               E) hands

30. Finish the idiom: “button
your …”

A) Tongue      B) tooth                      C) eye             D)
lip               E) hands


                Variant I


































1. Choose the correct verb form:

A) I drinked    B) I drank       C) I drunk       D) I
drinks      E) I dranks

2. Find a signal word for Future Simple.

A) Yesterday  B) today                     C) now                        D)
next Monday                     E) ever

3.  Find a signal word for Present Perfect

A) Since                      B) yet              C)
often                      D) already       E) just

4. Choose the correct variant:
There … much ice cream in the fridge.

A) were                       B) is                C)
are              D) has             E) have

5. Find the sentence in Present Perfect.

A) I have a brother      B) She visited her uncle 
yesterday  C) Last year I was in Salt Lake City

                         D) They have been reading for
an hour        E) I’ve forgotten my homework

6. Choose the word with the second type of

A) Car                         B) Dress          C)
Tulip                      D) Fire            E) Burn

7. Choose the correct verb form:

A) Susan have written            B) Susan have wrote  C)
Susan has written  D) Susan has writing  E) Susan has wrote  

8. Find the sentence in Past Perfect.

A) She hadn’t translated the text       B) Mark’s
moved to New York.        C) Dad’s wearing an old shirt.                                                           D)
Nobody came to the meeting                   E) Meg’s going to sleep.

9. Find the verb form in Future

A) was Ving      B) would Ving  C)
am, is, are +Ving     D) will be Ving            E) shall
be Ving

10. Find the correct verb form in Past

A) liveed         B) tried                       C)
broken        D) planed        E) tryed

11. Choose the correct preposition:
Students will have finished the test3 pm next Friday.

А) by              В)
С) in                D) of               Е)

12. Choose the correct variant:  
… you at school yesterday? – Yes, I …

А) Were/was   В)
С) Were/were D) Was/was    Е)Was/were

13. Find the English equivalent: 

A) painful       B) pain                        C)
unpain        D) painless      E) painly

14. Choose the correct
verb form:
George … swimming yesterday.

A) go              B) has gone     C) is going      D)
went                      E) will play

15. Choose the correct variant:

A: Have you ever been to Germany? B: …

A) No, I haven’t         B) No, I did    C) No, I have
D) No, I don’t             E) No, I hasn’t

16. Find the adjective with negative

A) famous       B) tasteless      C) careful        D)
painful       E) social

17. Choose the correct preposition:  I haven’t
seen Lisa … December.

A) since                      B) for              C)
before        D) after                       E) at

18. Choose the correct variant:  My
Granny has  13 grandchildren.

A) three                      B) thirteen      C)
threeteen    D) third                       E) thirteenth

19. Find the adverb:

A) usually       B) healthy       c) solution       D)
interpreter  E) good

20. Choose the correct variant: 
They have over 15 550 books:

А) fifteen thousands five
hundred and fifty    
В) fifteen thousand five
hundred fifty      
С) fifty thousand five
hundred and fifty

            D) fifteen thousand fifth hundred and
fifty  E) fifteen thousand five hundred and fifty

21. Find the verb:

A) decision     B) decide        C) reading       D)
worker       E) thoughts

22. Find the sentence in Past Simple.

A) I live in Odessa    B) Emily has just come from
school    C) Did you phone me last night?

              D) There will be some rain in the East                    E)
My friend was invited to the party

23. Choose the correct

A: What … in your spare time?                     B: I
often go swimming

A) do you do  B) are you doing        C) have you done       D)
are you do             E) does you do

24 Find the suffix of a noun:

A) –al              B) –ize            C) –full                       D)
–ment         E) –ent

25. Find the suffix of an

A) –ish                        B) –tion                      C)
–or              D) ness                       E) –y

26. Choose the correct verb form: Listen!
That boy … the guitar

A) plays                      B) played        C) is
playing   D) will play     E) is going to play

27. Choose the word to
the definition:
It is a person who  wears fur and leather clothes, and eats
diary products, meat and fish.

A) a meat-eater           B) my Granny            C) a
child        D) a vegetarian           E) a sick person

28. Finish the idiom:
“apple of one’s  …”

A) tongue                   B) tooth                      C)
eye             D) lip              E) hands

29. Finish the idiom: “to
have time on one’s  …”

A) tongue                   B) tooth                      C)
eye             D) lip              E) hands

30. Finish the idiom: “to
have a sweet  …”

A) tongue                   B) tooth                      C)
eye             D) lip              E) hands


                Variant II

1.       B

2.       D

3.       A

4.       B

5.       E

6.       A

7.       C

8.       A

9.       D

10.   E

11.   A

12.   A

13.   D

14.   D

15.   A

16.   B

17.   A

18.   B

19.   A

20.   B

21.   B

22.   C

23.   A

24.   D

25.   E

26.   D

27.   A

28.   C

29.   E

30.   B




Choose the correct answer.

1. In the sentence, «I like
dancing,» what is the word «dancing»?

a. gerund         b. participle    c. adjective                 d.
adverb                     e. infinitive

2. They haven’t had two children, ________

a. did they       b. had they      c. have they                d.
do they                    e. don’t they

3. Finish the question tag? ‘Let’s go for
a walk, ________?’

a. shall we       b. don’t we      c. let us                                   d.
won’t we                 e. will we

4. In
the sentence «You’d better take an umbrella, it might rain» — ‘d
better =

a. would better            b. did better    c. had
better                d. could better            e. food better

5. According to the proverb, ‘There’s no
smoke without _______’.

a. matches       b. cigarettes     c. burning the
dinner              d.  fire                         e. fire place

6. Which form of ‘walk’ starts this
sentence? «________ is good for you.»

a. To walk       b. Walk                       c.
Walking                  d. Walked                   e. To walking

7. How long ________ you lived here?

a. have            b. has               c. been                        d.
is                             e. do

8. What is a synonym of “rude”?

a. inpolite        b. dispolite      c. unpolite                   d.
impolite                   e. anti-polite

9. John ate the meal, ________ the vegetables.

a. except from b. apart for      c. except for               d.
apart                                     e. besides

10. Which of the following nouns is

a. money         b. milk             c. people                     d.
information             e. juice

11. She’s the woman _______ came into the

a. who             b. whom                      c.
whose          d. which                      e. what

12. The Internet  is an amazing ________.

a. invent                      b. inventor      c.
invention     d. inventive                 e. to invent

13. In
which sentence is the Present Perfect used correctly?

a. I has bought a new computer.    b. I have buyed a
new computer.    c. I bought a new computer.

            d. I have bought a new computer.      e. I
have to buy a new computer.

14. The underlined word is:  “The
letter written by her was full of mistakes”.

a. Gerund        b. Participle II c. Participle I              d.
Infinitive                 e. Passive Infinitive

15. Choose the right variant: 
A cold wind ____ for the last three days

a. has been blowing    b. blows          c. is blowing
              d. blew                        e. have been blowing

16. By the year 2020 the population of the
world ________ to 8 billion.

a. will increase   b. increases      c. will have
increased         d. is increasing           e. would increase

17. If  the weather ________ sunny, we’d
go to the beach.

a. had been      b. is                 c. were                        d.
would be                 e. was

18. By the time I arrived at the station,
the train _________.

a. had left                    b. has left        c.
left              d. will leave                e. would leave

19. London’s major airport is … .

a. Stansted      b. Gatwick      c. Thiefrow                 d.
Wimbldon               e. Heathrow

20. Which is the correct reported speech
of — He asked, “Do you have a car?”

a. He asked do I have car?                 b. He asked
do you have a car?                     c. He asked if I had a car.

            d. He asked if you had a car.  e. He asked
if I have a car.

21. Finish the proverb, “Too many cooks …

a. make light work      b. save nine     c. spoil the
broth         d. catch the worm       e. keep the doctor away

22. My brother has ________ my favorite

a. lent              b. loaned         c. lend             d.
adopted                  e. borrowed

23. Which word is odd?

a. huge            b. enormous    c. terrific         d.
gigantic                   e. large

24. Find the synonym to the verb “run

a. resemble      b. hit by a car  c. meet by chance       d.
search          e. be friendly with

25. Finish the idiom: “Walking on the … “

a. air                 b. waters        c.
cloud           d. weather       e. rain

10-th form



Choose the correct answer

Help ___  to sandwiches , please.

a) you       b) me         c)
yourselves       d) your             e) yourselfes

This was the ______ test I’ve ever done

a) easiest          b) easy       c)
easier               d) most easiest       e) more easiest

3.  At this time next Monday we …. an essay.

a) will have      b) having   c) will be
having   d) had had     e) will had had

4. I _____ the flowers all the morning.

a) have been watering   b) watered    c) have watered          d)
did watered            e) has been watering

5. His car runs _____ a race car.

a) as fast as      b) faster       c) faster
like       d)  that fast as        e) faster as

I wonder who ________.

a) did help him to escape      b) to escape
him  help    c) him helped to escape    d) helped him to escape  e) escape

She asked him _________________.

a) how much did he expect to earn         b)
how much he expected to earn       c) how many did he expect to earn                     d)
) how many  he expects to earn                    e) how much he expects to

Anna _____________ swim when she was three.

a) should             b) may         c)
ought to       d) could    e) can

When I was at school we _______ do homework
every day.

a) had to     b) must to        c) are able            d) ought    e)
have to

10. I don’t know where _______ yesterday.

a) did he go       b) he went      c) went
he        d) he has gone     e) he had gone

11. Find
the synonym to the verb “run into”:

a) continue         b)  resemble      c) return           d) take care
of              e) meet by chance

12 .I__________a decision  yet.

a) made         b) am making        c)
haven’t made         d) will make       e) hadn’t made

13. The nickname of New York is …..

Yellow apple          b. Red apple    c. Green apple             d. Small apple             e.
Big apple

14.  I  must go to the doctor. My  toothache
_______ worse.

a) had got       b) was getting           
c) is getting            d) gets               e) get

15. Find the Russian equivalent to the word “rainbow:

a) капля          b) радуга          c) плащ                   d) ливень  
e) дождевая вода

16. This time last year she___________   for
FCE exam.

a) was preparing            b)
prepared       c) has prepared      d) will prepare         e) prepare

17. Finish
the idiom: “
one’s brain

a) wind            b) ice          c)
air       d) cloud              e) wash

18. One thousand people _________  by the

a) employ           b) are
employing             c) employed            d) are employed              e)

19. The next meeting _________  on April 1st.

a) will hold         b) will be held              c)
helds                         d) is held                                   e)

20. If it________ sunny  tomorrow, I’ll go out.

a)  is              b) will                   c)  
was                    d) is going   e) will be

21. The capital of Wales is … :

a) Glasgow      b)  Edinburgh         c) Cardiff                 d)
Belfast          e) Caernafon

22. We’ll be late if the bus ___________.

a) doesn’t arrive        b) won’t arrive            c) hasn’t
arrive      d) don’t arrive    e) isn’t arrived

23. The underlined word is:  “The girl crying at the window is Emily”:

a) Participle II            b) Infinitive               c) Participle
I         d) Gerund          e) Complex Object     

24. She made her son ________down to music.

a) to turn               b)  turn                 c)
turning               d) turned            e) having turned

25. Complete the sentence:  “The
… is perfect for slalom”:

a) Charyn Canyon      b) Charyn River   c) Turgen
Gorge   d) Singing Hill    e) Medvezhni waterfall

Keys 10 класс

            Variant I


























10    Класс Variant II


























Test                          I

form      Variant I

1.      Choose the right
variant of articles.

… first true robot was
developed in … Japan in … 1927.

A)       a, the, —       
B) the, the, the          C) the, a, —       D) -, -, the     E) the, -, -.

2.      Find the verb
founded with the prefix.

A)       connected         
B) populate               C) locate       D) disapprove    E) solve

3.      Find a compound

A)       Greenhouse    B)
Development      C) Employment      D) straighten      E) Socialist

4.      The letter «u» is
missed in a word.

A)       to rece…ve      B)
to appr…ach        C) to s…spect          D) to m…an        E) to …btain

5.      Choose the right
variant of numerals:

We finish our school at
fifteen minutes past one

A)       12.15     B) 1. 
15      C) 1.  05      D) 1.  50      E) 1.  45

6.      Choose the write

        The … system was
born about 4.600 million years ago as nebula.

A)       Sun         B)
Moon     C) Sunny    D) Solar       E) Earth

7.      Read the wishes
and complete the reality:

        I wish I lived in London, but I don’t.

      A) I
live in a small town.     B) I go to school every day.

      C) I’m
hungry.     D) It is Thursday.      E) I promise to get up early.

8.      Write
one thing you wish you could do: I wish I … speak Turkish.

A)       need      
B) could      C) must       D) may        E) am

9.      Choose
the suffix of an adverb.

ly         B) – able      C) – ent      D) – ness      E)
– ive

10.  Choose the right 

            -Where is Mary?  … is in the kitchen

A)       we     B)they     
C) she         D) he       E) I

11.  Choose the right
definition to the idiom «to cry for the moon»

A)    – very happy.

B)     – to promise to
give someone something that is beyond ones
power to give.

C)     — to desire
strongly something that can’t be gained.

D)    – once in a very
long time.

E)      – to look at the

12.  Find the Russian
equivalent. «come back»     

A)       Вернуться B)

13.  Choose the right 
variant. “I wish you ______ not so far again”

A)       Was       B) would
be      C) will be      D) were       E) had be

14.  «Favorite topic of
conversation in Britain»

       A) tea party    B) weather    C) discos    D)
T.V.       E)

15.  Choose the correct 
variant. “Today is … than it was yesterday”

     A) the warmest        B) the warmer       C) as
warmer       D) warm E) warmer

16.  Choose
the right  variant: “The capital of Wales is”

A) Cardiff   
B) London     C) Toronto    D) Atlanta   E) Washington

17.  Antonym
of the word “Business” is:

A)       Leisure    
B) Education    C) Lesson     D) Meal    E) Work

18.  Choose
the right variant: “ It is autumn now”    I wish

    A) I
didn’t         B) it wasn’t.        C) there was     D) I could          E) she

19.  Phrasal 
verb “

A)       to
look for    B) to look in   C) to look out  D)to look on     E) to look at

20.  Choose
the right preposition:

have my English class… Monday.

in        B) for        C) at       D) on        E) with

21.  Transfer
into Indirect speech.

« The trees
in the park are yellow :»– he says.

A)       She
says the trees are in the park yellow.

 She says the trees in the park were yellow.

 She says the trees in the park are yellow.

D)       She
say is the trees in the park are yellow.

 She says if the trees are yellow in the park.

22.  Choose
the right variant: “Could you tell me … has happened?”

A)       who       
B) what       C) why  
  D) which         E) where      

23.  Choose
the correct word:   Praises … there quickly.

A)       go
up        B) get along         C) to discuss together
    D) think of         E) take of      

24.  Chose
the word written correctly:

A)       telephon      
B) telefone      C) tellephone       D) telifone
    Е) telephone

25. Choose
the synonym to the word “Foxy”:

A) shy    B)
sly    C) wide    D) Cold    E) Suitable 

     Key  11 form     Variant
1          1 term

  1. E)        6.
    D)        11. C)        16. A)         21.
  2. D)        7.
    12. A)        17.
    A)        22. B)
  3. A)        8.
    B)        13. D)        18. B)         23.
  4. C)        9. A)        14.
    B)        19. A)         24. E)
  5. B)       10.
    D)        15. E)         20. D)       25. B)

I term         

                                11 form     Variant

25.  Find a compound

A)    straighten       B)
Development      C) Employment      D) Greenhouse     E) Socialist

  1. The letter
    «u» is missed in a word.

A)       to rece…ve      B)
to appr…ach        C) to s…spect          D) to m…an        E) to …btain

27.  Choose the right
variant of articles.

… first true robot was
developed in … Janan in … 1927.

A)    a, the, —       
B) the, the, the          C) the, a, —       D) -, -, the     E) the, -, -.

28.  Read the wishes
and complete the reality: I wish I lived in London, but I don’t.

 A) I live in
a small town.     B) I go to school every day.   C) I’m hungry.    

 D) It is
Monday.      E) I promise to get up early.

29.  Write
one thing you wish you could do: I wish I … speak English.

A)    need      
B) could      C) must       D) may        E) am

30.    Choose the right
variant of numerals:

We finish our school at
fifteen minutes past one

A)    12.15     B) 1. 
15      C) 1.  05      D) 1.  50      E) 1.  45

31.  Choose the write

The … system was born
about 4.600 million years ago as nebula.

A)    Sun         B)
Moon     C) Sunny    D) Solar       E) Earth

32.  Choose the right
definition to the idiom «to cry for the moon»

F)     – very happy.

G)     – to promise to
give someone something that is beyond ones
power to give.

H)     — to desire
strongly something that can’t be gained.

I)       – once in a very
long time.

J)       – to look at the

33.  Find the Russian
equivalent. «come back»     

A)       Вернуться B)

34.  Choose
the suffix of an adverb.

ly         B) – able      C) – ent      D) – ness      E)
– ive

35.  Choose the write

            -Where is John?  … is in the kitchen

      A)we     B)they      C) she         D) he      
E) I

36.  Choose the correct
variant. “Today is … than it was yesterday”

      A) the warmest        B) the warmer       C) as
warmer       D) warm E) warmer

      13. Find the verb founded with the

A)     connected         
B) populate               C) locate       D) disapprove    E) solve

14. Choose
the right variant: “The capital of the Wales is”

A) Cardiff   
B) London     C) Toronto    D) Atlanta   E) Washington

15. Choose the right
variant. “I wish you ______ not so far again”

     A)Was       B) were      C) will be      D) would
be       E) had be

16. «Favorite topic of
conversation in Britain»

       A) tea party    B) weather    C) discos    D)
T.V.       E)

17. Phrasal
verb “

A) to look
for    B) to look in   C) to look out  D)to look on     E) to look at

18. Choose
the right preposition:

have my English class… Monday.

A) in        B)
for        C) on        D) at        E) with

19. Antonym
of the word “Business” is:

Leisure     B) Education    C) Lesson     D) Meal    E) Work

      20. Choose the right variant: “
It is autumn now”    I wish ……                                            

A) I
didn’t         B) it wasn’t.        C) there was     D) I could          E) she

21. Choose
the correct word:   Praises … there quickly.

A) go
up        B) get along         C) to discuss together
D) think of         E) take of      

22. Chose the
word written correctly:

B)    Telefone       
B) telephone        C) tellephone       D) telifone
    Е) telephon

23. Transfer
into Indirect speech.

« The trees
in the park are yellow :»– he says.

A) He says
the trees are in the park yellow.

B) He says
the trees in the park were yellow.

C) He says
the trees in the park are yellow.

D) He say is
the trees in the park are yellow.

E) He says if
the trees are yellow in the park.

24. Choose
the right variant: “Could you tell me … has happened?”

B) why         C) where
which         E) what      

     25. I can’t stand … hard

      A) controlling     B) listening to    C) hurting    D)
picking up    E) wastin

Key 11 form     
variant II             1 term                                        

  1. D)        6.
    B)        11. D)        16. B)         21.
  2. C)        7.
    D)        12. E)        17. A)         22. B)
  3. E)        8.
    C)        13. D)        18. C)         23.
  4. A)        9.
    A)        14. A)        19. A)        24. E)
  5. B)      10.
    A)        15. B)         20. B)        25. B)

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  • Present word for eat
  • Present tense word for would
  • Present tense word for will
  • Present tense word for were
  • Present tense word for went