Present tense word for got

Глагол to get – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: получать; доставать, добывать; зарабатывать; схватить, заразиться.

Infinitive to get
Simple past got
Past participle got/gotten
-s gets
-ing getting

Get in present simple


I get

You get

He gets
She gets
It gets

We get

You get

They get


I do not get

You do not get

He does not get
She does not get
It does not get

We do not get

You do not get

They do not get


Do I get?

Do you get?

Does he get?
Does she get?
Does it get?

Do we get?

Do you get?

Do they get?

Get in present continuous


I am getting

You are getting

He is getting
She is getting
It is getting

We are getting

You are getting

They are getting


I am not getting

You are not getting

He is not getting
She is not getting
It is not getting

We are not getting

You are not getting

They are not getting


Am I getting?

Are you getting?

Is he getting?
Is she getting?
Is it getting?

Are we getting?

Are you getting?

Are they getting?

Get in present perfect


I have got/gotten

You have got/gotten

He has got/gotten
She has got/gotten
It has got/gotten

We have got/gotten

You have got/gotten

They have got/gotten


I have not got/gotten

You have not got/gotten

He has not got/gotten
She has not got/gotten
It has not got/gotten

We have not got/gotten

You have not got/gotten

They have not got/gotten


Have I got/gotten?

Have you got/gotten?

Has he got/gotten?
Has she got/gotten?
Has it got/gotten?

Have we got/gotten?

Have you got/gotten?

Have they got/gotten?

Get in present perfect continuous


I have been getting

You have been getting

He has been getting
She has been getting
It has been getting

We have been getting

You have been getting

They have been getting


I have not been getting

You have not been getting

He has not been getting
She has not been getting
It has not been getting

We have not been getting

You have not been getting

They have not been getting


Have I been getting?

Have you been getting?

Has he been getting?
Has she been getting?
Has it been getting?

Have we been getting?

Have you been getting?

Have they been getting?

Get in past simple


I got

You got

He got
She got
It got

We got

You got

They got


I did not get

You did not get

He did not get
She did not get
It did not get

We did not get

You did not get

They did not get


Did I get?

Did you get?

Did he get?
Did she get?
Did it get?

Did we get?

Did you get?

Did they get?

Get in past continuous


I was getting

You were getting

He was getting
She was getting
It was getting

We were getting

You were getting

They were getting


I was not getting

You were not getting

He was not getting
She was not getting
It was not getting

We were not getting

You were not getting

They were not getting


Was I getting?

Were you getting?

Was he getting?
Was she getting?
Was it getting?

Were we getting?

Were you getting?

Were they getting?

Get in past perfect


I had got/gotten

You had got/gotten

He had got/gotten
She had got/gotten
It had got/gotten

We had got/gotten

You had got/gotten

They had got/gotten


I had not got/gotten

You had not got/gotten

He had not got/gotten
She had not got/gotten
It had not got/gotten

We had not got/gotten

You had not got/gotten

They had not got/gotten


Had I got/gotten?

Had you got/gotten?

Had he got/gotten?
Had she got/gotten?
Had it got/gotten?

Had we got/gotten?

Had you got/gotten?

Had they got/gotten?

Get in past perfect continuous


I had been getting

You had been getting

He had been getting
She had been getting
It had been getting

We had been getting

You had been getting

They had been getting


I had not been getting

You had not been getting

He had not been getting
She had not been getting
It had not been getting

We had not been getting

You had not been getting

They had not been getting


Had I been getting?

Had you been getting?

Had he been getting?
Had she been getting?
Had it been getting?

Had we been getting?

Had you been getting?

Had they been getting?

Get in future simple


I will get

You will get

He will get
She will get
It will get

We will get

You will get

They will get


I will not get

You will not get

He will not get
She will not get
It will not get

We will not get

You will not get

They will not get


Will I get?

Will you get?

Will he get?
Will she get?
Will it get?

Will we get?

Will you get?

Will they get?

Get in future continuous


I will be getting

You will be getting

He will be getting
She will be getting
It will be getting

We will be getting

You will be getting

They will be getting


I will not be getting

You will not be getting

He will not be getting
She will not be getting
It will not be getting

We will not be getting

You will not be getting

They will not be getting


Will I be getting?

Will you be getting?

Will he be getting?
Will she be getting?
Will it be getting?

Will we be getting?

Will you be getting?

Will they be getting?

Get in future perfect


I will have got/gotten

You will have got/gotten

He will have got/gotten
She will have got/gotten
It will have got/gotten

We will have got/gotten

You will have got/gotten

They will have got/gotten


I will not have got/gotten

You will not have got/gotten

He will not have got/gotten
She will not have got/gotten
It will not have got/gotten

We will not have got/gotten

You will not have got/gotten

They will not have got/gotten


Will I havegot/gotten?

Will you havegot/gotten?

Will he havegot/gotten?
Will she havegot/gotten?
Will it havegot/gotten?

Will we havegot/gotten?

Will you havegot/gotten?

Will they havegot/gotten?

Get in future perfect continuous


I will have been getting

You will have been getting

He will have been getting
She will have been getting
It will have been getting

We will have been getting

You will have been getting

They will have been getting


I will not have been getting

You will not have been getting

He will not have been getting
She will not have been getting
It will not have been getting

We will not have been getting

You will not have been getting

They will not have been getting


Will I have been getting?

Will you have been getting?

Will he have been getting?
Will she have been getting?
Will it have been getting?

Will we have been getting?

Will you have been getting?

Will they have been getting?

Get in conditional present


I would get

You would get

He would get
She would get
It would get

We would get

You would get

They would get


I would not get

You would not get

He would not get
She would not get
It would not get

We would not get

You would not get

They would not get


Would I get?

Would you get?

Would he get?
Would she get?
Would it get?

Would we get?

Would you get?

Would they get?

Get in conditional present progressive


I would be getting

You would be getting

He would be getting
She would be getting
It would be getting

We would be getting

You would be getting

They would be getting


I would not be getting

You would not be getting

He would not be getting
She would not be getting
It would not be getting

We would not be getting

You would not be getting

They would not be getting


Would I be getting?

Would you be getting?

Would he be getting?
Would she be getting?
Would it be getting?

Would we be getting?

Would you be getting?

Would they be getting?

Get in conditional perfect


I would have got/gotten

You would have got/gotten

He would have got/gotten
She would have got/gotten
It would have got/gotten

We would have got/gotten

You would have got/gotten

They would have got/gotten


I would not have got/gotten

You would not have got/gotten

He would not have got/gotten
She would not have got/gotten
It would not have got/gotten

We would not have got/gotten

You would not have got/gotten

They would not have got/gotten


Would I have got/gotten?

Would you have got/gotten?

Would he have got/gotten?
Would she have got/gotten?
Would it have got/gotten?

Would we have got/gotten?

Would you have got/gotten?

Would they have got/gotten?

Get in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been getting

You would have been getting

He would have been getting
She would have been getting
It would have been getting

We would have been getting

You would have been getting

They would have been getting


I would not have been getting

You would not have been getting

He would not have been getting
She would not have been getting
It would not have been getting

We would not have been getting

You would not have been getting

They would not have been getting


Would I have been getting?

Would you have been getting?

Would he have been getting?
Would she have been getting?
Would it have been getting?

Would we have been getting?

Would you have been getting?

Would they have been getting?

нет оценок

9 years, 3 months ago

6k times

They set unbelievably hard tasks to do, to see which one of us got the best deal. — Top Gear (TV show)

I don’t understand; what is «got» doing in present tense? Or am I misunderstanding the sentence?

anongoodnurse's user avatar


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asked Dec 17, 2013 at 18:16

bartolo-otrit's user avatar


Got is past tense and it’s perfectly grammatical. That’s because set is also past tense, although, because it’s the same as the present tense, it doesn’t show as such.

Imagine that the verb was instead gave, which is different from the present tense:

They gave us unbelievably hard tasks to do to see which one of us
____ the best deal.

The only conventionally grammatical way to fill the gap is with got.

answered Dec 17, 2013 at 18:46

Barrie England's user avatar

Barrie EnglandBarrie England

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While ‘have’ stands for the possession of something, the word ‘got’ refers to receiving an object or an article. In the present tense usage of the terms they are often used interchangeably, however, in the past tense, this is altered.

This differentiation is important to understand in order to use the terms in accordance with the correct syntax rules. Moreover, this difference in meaning also produces further subtle dissimilarities between the terms.

Key Takeaways

  1. Got is the past tense of get and refers to the act of obtaining or receiving something in the past, while have is a present tense verb that refers to possession or ownership.
  2. Got is often used in spoken language and informal writing, while have is used in more formal or academic contexts.
  3. Got can also be used as slang to mean “understand” or “comprehend,” while have cannot.

The difference between got and have is in terms of their meanings in particular given situations. The meanings of the two terms may be overwhelmingly similar in most instances, however, in the past tense, ‘got’ and ‘have’ connote a slight difference in meaning.

Got vs Have

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Got Have
Meaning The word ‘got’ connotes the act of having received an object or an article. The word ‘have’ connotes the possession of a certain object.
Use in Past Tense ‘Got’ or ‘have got’ cannot be used to replace ‘have’ in the past tense. ‘Got’ cannot be replaced by ‘have’ in the past tense.
Usage The term is more suitable for informal usage. The term is more suited for formal usage.
Preference ‘Got’ or ‘have got’ is preferred by British speakers. ‘Have’ is preferred by the American and Canadian speakers.
Contraction The words ‘have got’ –that is commonly used as a substitute for ‘got’-can be used as a contraction in the positive form in sentences. The words ‘have’ cannot be used as a contraction in the positive form in sentences.

What is ‘Have’?

The word ‘have’ is often invoked in the present tense to connote the possession or holding of an object or an article. It primarily expresses ownership of an item.

Another commonly invoked meaning of the term is in the context of obligations in relationships. Commonly in the present tense the words ‘have’ and ‘have got’ are used interchangeably. They are taken to mean the same thing.

However, in the past tense, their meaning and usage are significantly altered. The usage of ‘have’ is more commonly used by the American and Canadian speakers as compared to their British counterparts.

Some examples demonstrating the use of ‘have’ in sentences:

  1. Can I have this dress?
  2. I want to have an ice-cream.
  3. I have to study for the upcoming exam.
  4. I have to pay the rent by the end of the month.

have 1

What is ‘Got’?

‘Got’ or ‘have got’ are used to connote the act of receiving a particular object or an item. Both these terms are used interchangeably and as replacements for ‘have’. This replacement, however, is only permitted in the present tense.

In the past tense, the meaning is altered. As in the past tense, ‘have’ becomes ‘had’ it cannot be replaced with ‘have got’ or ‘had got’. For instance, if we say, I have got a cat. Then in the past tense, this sentence is changed to I had a cat and not I had got a cat.

Moreover, the contracted form of ‘have got’ can be used in a positive sense. However, the positively contracted form of ‘have’ cannot be used in grammatically correct sentences.

Some examples of using ‘got’ in sentences:

  1. I got a penny from the by-lane.
  2. She got a car for her 18th birthday.
  3. I got a gold medal for winning the 100-meter race.
  4. She got away with the crime.


Main Differences Between Got and Have

  1. The main difference between the two terms is in terms of the meaning of each term. The meaning of the word ‘have’ in the past tense connotes the possession of a particular object or thing. While the word ‘got’ when used in the past tense in a sentence connotes the act of receiving something. This slight variance in the meaning of each term is important.
  2. The second salient difference between the two terms is in terms of their usage. Both terms are used differently in the past tense. ‘Got’ or ‘have got’ cannot be used to replace ‘have’ in the past tense.
  3. The word ‘have’ when used in a positive form cannot be contracted. Whereas, the word ‘have got’- that is commonly used in sentences instead of ‘got’- can be used in the contracted positive form.
  4. The word ‘have got’ is considered to be informal. Using ‘have’ instead is considered to be befitting for formal usages.
  5. Similarly, ‘have’ cannot be replaced with ‘got’ to refer to future or recurring events.
  6. The word ‘have’ is commonly used instead of ‘got’ or ‘have got’ in American and Canadian English. While the British speakers may prefer the term ‘got’ or ‘have got’. ‘Have got’ is generally used in American English to add emphasis to a sentence.



Emma Smith 200x200 1

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

3 формы глагола get

Английский глагол get [get], переводится как: получать.
Входит в группы:
неправильные глаголы,
глаголы 3-й класс,
глаголы 4-й класс,
глаголы 5-й класс.

3 формы глагола get: Infinitive (get), Past Simple — (got), Past Participle — (gotten).

📚 Глагол get имеет значения: получить, попасть, доставать, добывать, приносить, добираться, становиться, иметь, поймать, приобретать, покупать, захватывать, увлекать, понимать, постигать, наблюдать, улавливать.

👉 Формы глагола get в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет get в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола get

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
get [get]

got [gɒt]

gotten [gɒtn]

got [gɒt]


Как поставить get во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол get в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — get. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить get в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для get нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
get в past simple — got.

What is the past tense of get?

The past tense of get is got.

The past participle of get is gotten or

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — get в past simple, будет got.

Future simple — get в future simple будет get. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — get в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — get в past perfect будет

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол get?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол get это неправильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола get

    She definitely wanted to get stolen — Она определенно хотела, чтобы ее украли.
    (Past Simple)

    Every man and animal has got a breaking point — У каждого человека и животного есть предел.
    (Present Perfect)

    She still thinks we should have gotten their numbers — Она все еще думает, что мы должны были взять их номера.
    (Present Perfect)

    We are getting married, isn’t that the real happiness? — Мы женимся, разве это не счастье?
    (Present Continuous)

    You always get whatever you want and your friend is left with nothing — Ты всегда получаешь, что хочешь, а друг остается ни с чем.
    (Present Simple)

    Will you get some water for me? — Принесешь мне воды?
    (Future Simple)

    It’s impossible to get up early after working 12 hours — Невозможно вставать раньше после 12 часов работы.
    (Present Simple)

    I’ve got a new job at last — Я наконец получил новую работу.
    (Present Perfect)

    They will get everything they paid for — Они получат все, за что заплатили.
    (Future Simple)

    We have gotten some information on that case — Мы достали некоторую информацию по тому делу.
    (Present Perfect)

Вместе с get, часто смотрят глаголы


and show.

Глаголы на букву:

























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The present tense for «got» is «get.»

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