Present tense the word went

  • go,
    / gone
    / going
    / goes

Спряжение глагола go[ɡəu]      пойти, идти, собираться

Все формы
IndefiniteContinuousPerfectPerfect ContinuousInfinitivesParticiples

Present Indefinite

I go
you go
he/she/it goes
we go
you go
they go

Present Perfect

I have gone
you have gone
he/she/it has gone
we have gone
you have gone
they have gone

Present Continuous

I am going
you are going
he/she/it is going
we are going
you are going
they are going

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been going
you have been going
he/she/it has been going
we have been going
you have been going
they have been going

Past Indefinite

I went
you went
he/she/it went
we went
you went
they went

Past Continuous

I was going
you were going
he/she/it was going
we were going
you were going
they were going

Past Perfect

I had gone
you had gone
he/she/it had gone
we had gone
you had gone
they had gone

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been going
you had been going
he/she/it had been going
we had been going
you had been going
they had been going

Future Indefinite

I will go
you will go
he/she/it will go
we will go
you will go
they will go

Future Continuous

I will be going
you will be going
he/she/it will be going
we will be going
you will be going
they will be going

Future Perfect

I will have gone
you will have gone
he/she/it will have gone
we will have gone
you will have gone
they will have gone

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been going
you will have been going
he/she/it will have been going
we will have been going
you will have been going
they will have been going

Conditional Present

I would go
you would go
he/she/it would go
we would go
you would go
they would go

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be going
you would be going
he/she/it would be going
we would be going
you would be going
they would be going

Conditional Perfect

I would have gone
you would have gone
he/she/it would have gone
we would have gone
you would have gone
they would have gone

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been going
you would have been going
he/she/it would have been going
we would have been going
you would have been going
they would have been going




to go
to have gone
to be going
to have been going

Глагол to go – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: идти, ходить; быть в движении; передвигаться; ехать, путешествовать; to go by train — ехать поездом; пойти; уходить; уезжать; стартовать.

Infinitive to go
Simple past went
Past participle gone
-s goes
-ing going

Go in present simple


I go

You go

He goes
She goes
It goes

We go

You go

They go


I do not go

You do not go

He does not go
She does not go
It does not go

We do not go

You do not go

They do not go


Do I go?

Do you go?

Does he go?
Does she go?
Does it go?

Do we go?

Do you go?

Do they go?

Go in present continuous


I am going

You are going

He is going
She is going
It is going

We are going

You are going

They are going


I am not going

You are not going

He is not going
She is not going
It is not going

We are not going

You are not going

They are not going


Am I going?

Are you going?

Is he going?
Is she going?
Is it going?

Are we going?

Are you going?

Are they going?

Go in present perfect


I have gone

You have gone

He has gone
She has gone
It has gone

We have gone

You have gone

They have gone


I have not gone

You have not gone

He has not gone
She has not gone
It has not gone

We have not gone

You have not gone

They have not gone


Have I gone?

Have you gone?

Has he gone?
Has she gone?
Has it gone?

Have we gone?

Have you gone?

Have they gone?

Go in present perfect continuous


I have been going

You have been going

He has been going
She has been going
It has been going

We have been going

You have been going

They have been going


I have not been going

You have not been going

He has not been going
She has not been going
It has not been going

We have not been going

You have not been going

They have not been going


Have I been going?

Have you been going?

Has he been going?
Has she been going?
Has it been going?

Have we been going?

Have you been going?

Have they been going?

Go in past simple


I went

You went

He went
She went
It went

We went

You went

They went


I did not go

You did not go

He did not go
She did not go
It did not go

We did not go

You did not go

They did not go


Did I go?

Did you go?

Did he go?
Did she go?
Did it go?

Did we go?

Did you go?

Did they go?

Go in past continuous


I was going

You were going

He was going
She was going
It was going

We were going

You were going

They were going


I was not going

You were not going

He was not going
She was not going
It was not going

We were not going

You were not going

They were not going


Was I going?

Were you going?

Was he going?
Was she going?
Was it going?

Were we going?

Were you going?

Were they going?

Go in past perfect


I had gone

You had gone

He had gone
She had gone
It had gone

We had gone

You had gone

They had gone


I had not gone

You had not gone

He had not gone
She had not gone
It had not gone

We had not gone

You had not gone

They had not gone


Had I gone?

Had you gone?

Had he gone?
Had she gone?
Had it gone?

Had we gone?

Had you gone?

Had they gone?

Go in past perfect continuous


I had been going

You had been going

He had been going
She had been going
It had been going

We had been going

You had been going

They had been going


I had not been going

You had not been going

He had not been going
She had not been going
It had not been going

We had not been going

You had not been going

They had not been going


Had I been going?

Had you been going?

Had he been going?
Had she been going?
Had it been going?

Had we been going?

Had you been going?

Had they been going?

Go in future simple


I will go

You will go

He will go
She will go
It will go

We will go

You will go

They will go


I will not go

You will not go

He will not go
She will not go
It will not go

We will not go

You will not go

They will not go


Will I go?

Will you go?

Will he go?
Will she go?
Will it go?

Will we go?

Will you go?

Will they go?

Go in future continuous


I will be going

You will be going

He will be going
She will be going
It will be going

We will be going

You will be going

They will be going


I will not be going

You will not be going

He will not be going
She will not be going
It will not be going

We will not be going

You will not be going

They will not be going


Will I be going?

Will you be going?

Will he be going?
Will she be going?
Will it be going?

Will we be going?

Will you be going?

Will they be going?

Go in future perfect


I will have gone

You will have gone

He will have gone
She will have gone
It will have gone

We will have gone

You will have gone

They will have gone


I will not have gone

You will not have gone

He will not have gone
She will not have gone
It will not have gone

We will not have gone

You will not have gone

They will not have gone


Will I havegone?

Will you havegone?

Will he havegone?
Will she havegone?
Will it havegone?

Will we havegone?

Will you havegone?

Will they havegone?

Go in future perfect continuous


I will have been going

You will have been going

He will have been going
She will have been going
It will have been going

We will have been going

You will have been going

They will have been going


I will not have been going

You will not have been going

He will not have been going
She will not have been going
It will not have been going

We will not have been going

You will not have been going

They will not have been going


Will I have been going?

Will you have been going?

Will he have been going?
Will she have been going?
Will it have been going?

Will we have been going?

Will you have been going?

Will they have been going?

Go in conditional present


I would go

You would go

He would go
She would go
It would go

We would go

You would go

They would go


I would not go

You would not go

He would not go
She would not go
It would not go

We would not go

You would not go

They would not go


Would I go?

Would you go?

Would he go?
Would she go?
Would it go?

Would we go?

Would you go?

Would they go?

Go in conditional present progressive


I would be going

You would be going

He would be going
She would be going
It would be going

We would be going

You would be going

They would be going


I would not be going

You would not be going

He would not be going
She would not be going
It would not be going

We would not be going

You would not be going

They would not be going


Would I be going?

Would you be going?

Would he be going?
Would she be going?
Would it be going?

Would we be going?

Would you be going?

Would they be going?

Go in conditional perfect


I would have gone

You would have gone

He would have gone
She would have gone
It would have gone

We would have gone

You would have gone

They would have gone


I would not have gone

You would not have gone

He would not have gone
She would not have gone
It would not have gone

We would not have gone

You would not have gone

They would not have gone


Would I have gone?

Would you have gone?

Would he have gone?
Would she have gone?
Would it have gone?

Would we have gone?

Would you have gone?

Would they have gone?

Go in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been going

You would have been going

He would have been going
She would have been going
It would have been going

We would have been going

You would have been going

They would have been going


I would not have been going

You would not have been going

He would not have been going
She would not have been going
It would not have been going

We would not have been going

You would not have been going

They would not have been going


Would I have been going?

Would you have been going?

Would he have been going?
Would she have been going?
Would it have been going?

Would we have been going?

Would you have been going?

Would they have been going?

нет оценок


  • Главная
  • Глаголы
  • to go — спряжение по временам Present

Глагол to go [ɡoʊ] — неправильный (go — went — gone)

Перевод: идти, ехать, ездить, ходить, проходить, отправляться, путешествовать, уезжать






Спряжение to go по временам present

Tense Form
Present Simple go(es)
Present Continuous am/is/are going
Present Perfect have/has gone
Present Perfect Continuous have/has been going

Утвердительные предложения:

Present Simple I go
Present Continuous I am going
Present Perfect I have gone
Present Perfect Continuous I have been going

Вопросительные предложения:

Present Simple Do I go?
Present Continuous Am I going?
Present Perfect Have I gone?
Present Perfect Continuous Have I been going?

Отрицательные предложения:

Present Simple I do not go
Present Continuous I am not going
Present Perfect I have not gone
Present Perfect Continuous I have not been going


  • She goes to school in Boston — Она ходит в школу в Бостоне.
  • We, however, are going home — Мы, однако, идем домой.
  • They have gone a long way to ensure it — Они прошли долгий путь ради этого.






Статьи по теме:

  • to test — спряжение по временам Present
  • to write — спряжение по временам Present
  • to complete — спряжение по временам Present
  • to put — спряжение по временам Present

One of the big challenges faced by English language learners is the proper way to use verbs.

If you didn’t grow up learning the
rules of English grammar, you might find yourself confused about verb tenses one particularly challenging verb to learn is “go” and its different variations “goes”, “going”, “went” and “gone”.

Common meanings of the word “go”

“Go”, “goes”, “going”, “went”, or “gone” are verbs, words that describe an action. “Go” is the main verb, while the others are its tenses. 

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the verb “go” means to travel. It’s used to describe the act of moving from one place to another. 

It is also used to describe being in the process of moving. Such as when we say “go up” stairs, someone is moving up the stairs.

You can also use “go” if you want to say you are leaving. “I have to go” is a common English phrase that is used to take your leave or
say goodbye. 

These are the three most common ways that native English speakers use the word “go”. Simple enough right? What trips many people up is when we bring the tenses in it.

Go: Present Tense

Mostly, go is used in the present tense, so it is something that is happening now. It can be used with first-person and second-person pronouns and in singular or plural.

First Person Singular

I go

Second Person Singular

You go

First Person Plural

We go

Third Person Plural

They go

Go: Future Tense

“Go” can also be used when you are talking in the future tense. The future tense means that you are describing an action that will be taking place in the future.

If you are going to visit the store in the evening, you say:

I will go to the store.

If it is Steve’s turn to go to the store later, you will say:

Steve will go to the store.

“Go” in the future tense can also be used with first person, second person, and third-person pronouns, both singular and plural.

First Person Singular

I will go

Second Person Singular

You will go

Third Person Singular

He/she/it will go

First Person Plural

We will go

Third Person Plural

They will go

Goes: Third-person singular, present tense

Goes is the
present tense, third-person singular of the verb “go”. 

Since “goes” is a verb in the present tense, you use it when you are describing an action that is happening now. However, since it is the third-person singular, you can only use it if you are describing someone else’s actions.

For example, if you are on your way to the store and someone asks you what you are doing, you use “go”, like so:

I go to the store.

However, if you want to say that Steve is about to go to the store, you use “goes” because you’re talking about an action that someone else is taking.

Steve goes to the store.

You can also use “goes” with third-person singular pronouns.

He/She goes to the store

Going: The Present Participle 

A present participle is a word that is formed from a verb with the suffix “-ing” attached. A present participle is either used as an adjective or in verb tenses.

So, “go” plus “ing” is “going”. There aren’t really any common examples of going being used as an adjective, but it is used in plenty of verb tenses. We’ll look at the different verb tenses that “going” can take below

Going: Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense, means your describing an action that is ongoing or that you are in the midst of performing. 

“Going” can be used here in the first, second, and third person and singular or plural 

First Person Singular

I am going

Second Person Singular

You are going

Third Person Singular

He/she/it is going

First Person Plural

We are going

Third Person Plural

They are going

Going: Past Continuous 

“Going” is also used in
the past continuous tense. Past continuous is also known as past progressive and you use it to describe a continuing action or when you want to say that something happened at a particular point in the past.  

Going can also be used in the first, second, and third person and singular and plural. 

First Person Singular

I was going

Second Person Singular

You were going

Third Person Singular

He/she/it was going

First Person Plural

We were going

Third Person Plural

They were going

Going: Future Continuous

Also known as future progressive,
the future continuous tense is used when you want to say that something is going to happen in the future and will continue for an expected length of time. 

Going in the future continuous tense can also be used in the first, second, and third person and singular and plural.

First Person Singular

I will be going

Second Person Singular

You will be going

Third Person Singular

He/she/it will be going

First Person Plural

We will be going

Third Person Plural

They will be going

Going: Perfect Progressive 

perfect progressive tense is used to describe actions that were:

  • Repeated over a certain time period

  • Continuing in the present and/or

  • Will continue in the future

First Person Singular

I have been going

Second Person Singular

You have been going

Third Person Singular

He/she/it has been going

First Person Plural

We have been going

Third Person Plural

They have been going

Going: Past Perfect

You use
the past perfect tense if you want to talk about an action that took place in once or many times before another point in the past. 

First Person Singular

I had been going

Second Person Singular

You had been going

Third Person Singular

He/she/it had been going

First Person Plural

We had been going

Third Person Plural

They had been going

Going: Future Perfect

This tense is used when you are talking about an action that will be completed between now and some point in the future. 

First Person Singular

I will have been going

Second Person Singular

You will have been going

Third Person Singular

He/she/it will have been going

First Person Plural

We will have been going

Third Person Plural

They will have been going

Going: A Conditional Verb

Going can also be used as a conditional verb, which is used to create conditional sentences. Conditional sentences describe unlikely or hypothetical situations.

When used as a conditional verb, you can use “going” in the present or the perfect tense.

Present Tense:

First Person Singular

I would be going

Second Person Singular

Would be going

Third Person Singular

He/she/it would be going 

First Person Plural

We would be going

Third Person Plural

They would be going

Perfect Tense:

First Person Singular

I would have been going

Second Person Singular

You would have been going

Third Person Singular

He/she/it would have been going

First Person Plural

We would have been going

Third Person Plural

They would have been going

Went: The Past Tense

When we want to say that an action took place in the past and is finished, we use a verb in the past tense. 

The past tense of “go” is “went”. So, going back to our example about the store. If someone asked where you were, you can say: 

I went to the store

If you want to say that Steve has come from the store:

Steve went to the store

This works with first, second, and third-person pronouns as well, in the singular and plural.

First Person Singular

I went

Second Person Singular

You went

Third Person Singular

He/she/it went

First Person Plural

We went

Third Person Plural

They went

Gone: Past Participle

“Gone” is the past participle of “go”. A
past participle is a word formed by a verb with one of the following suffixes: -ed, -d, -t, -en, or -n. 

You can use “gone” in the present perfect tense, the past perfect tense, and the future perfect tense.

Gone: Present Perfect

 A verb in the present perfect tense refers to an action or state that:

  • Happened at an indefinite time in the past

  • Started in the past and continued to the present

The present perfect tense is formed by placing have/has in front of the past participle of the verb. So, in the case of “gone”, it is “has/have gone”.

First Person Singular

I have gone

Second Person Singular

You have gone

Third Person Singular

He/she/it has gone

First Person Plural

We have gone

Third Person Plural

They have gone

Gone: Past Perfect

You use can use “gone” in the past perfect tense if you want to talk about something that was completed in the past. 

First Person Singular

I had gone

Second Person Singular

You had gone

Third Person Singular

He/she/it had gone

First Person Plural

We had gone

Third Person Plural

They had gone

Gone: Future Perfect

Gone can also be used in the future perfect tense. The future perfect tense is used if you are talking about an action that will be done before another action happens.

For example, if you want to say you will be going to the store while Steve is in school:

I will have gone to the store by the time Steve gets back from school.

The future perfect tense of “go” is formed by taking the past participle “gone” and adding either “will” or “shall” and “have” before it.

So, you could also have said:

I shall have gone to the store by the time Steve gets back from school

First Person Singular

I will/shall have gone 

Second Person Singular

You will/shall have gone

Third Person Singular

He/she/it will/shall have gone

First Person Plural

We will/shall have gone

Third Person Plural

They will/shall have gone


If you really want to learn how to properly use these different verbs and more, you need to practice using them in daily speech. Practice makes perfect after all.

The best way to practice and memorize the rules for when you should use “go”, “goes”, “going”, “went”, or “gone”, it to work on using them in conversation with an online native English-speaking tutor. Your tutor can provide you real-time corrections on your verb usage and your pronunciation and accent. This will help ensure that, when you need to use these words in a conversation, you can confidently “go” to the right one. 

Перевод go с английского на русский

  • идти (пойти, ходить, поехать, выйти, выходить, зайти, заходить, сходить)
  • проходить (пройти)
  • ехать (ездить)
  • отправиться (уходить, уйти, отправляться)
  • перейти
  • происходить


  • go right ahead (идти прямо вперед)
  • go south (пойти на юг)
  • go barefoot (ходить босиком)
  • go by train (поехать поездом)
  • go ashore (сходить на берег)
  • go through walls (проходить сквозь стены)
  • go well (пройти успешно)
  • go anywhere (ехать никуда)
  • go everywhere (ездить везде)
  • go on leave (уходить в отпуск)
  • go quietly (уйти спокойно)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
go went gone going
[ɡəʊ] [went] [ɡɔːn] [ˈɡəʊɪŋ]
[ɡəʊ] [ˈwent] [ɡɒn] [ˈɡəʊɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Спряжение go в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I go
  • you go
  • he, she goes
  • we go
  • you go
  • they go

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I went
  • you went
  • he, she went
  • we went
  • you went
  • they went

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will go
  • you will go
  • he, she will go
  • we will go
  • you will go
  • they will go

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am going
  • you are going
  • he, she is going
  • we are going
  • you are going
  • they are going

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was going
  • you were going
  • he, she was going
  • we were going
  • you were going
  • they were going

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be going
  • you will be going
  • he, she will be going
  • we will be going
  • you will be going
  • they will be going

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have gone
  • you have gone
  • he, she has gone
  • we have gone
  • you have gone
  • they have gone

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had gone
  • you had gone
  • he, she had gone
  • we had gone
  • you had gone
  • they had gone

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have gone
  • you will have gone
  • he, she will have gone
  • we will have gone
  • you will have gone
  • they will have gone

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been going
  • you have been going
  • he, she has been going
  • we have been going
  • you have been going
  • they have been going

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been going
  • you had been going
  • he, she had been going
  • we had been going
  • you had been going
  • they had been going

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been going
  • you will have been going
  • he, she will have been going
  • we will have been going
  • you will have been going
  • they will have been going

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would go
  • you would go
  • he, she would go
  • we would go
  • you would go
  • they would go


  • I would have gone
  • you would have gone
  • he, she would have gone
  • we would have gone
  • you would have gone
  • they would have gone

Present Continuous

  • I would be going
  • you would be going
  • he, she would be going
  • we would be going
  • you would be going
  • they would be going

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been going
  • you would have been going
  • he, she would have been going
  • we would have been going
  • you would have been going
  • they would have been going

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you go
  • we Let’s go
  • you go

Проспрягать другие глаголы

amend, enshrine, smell, express, cure, dance, bolt, promote, fuel, store, designate, protect, appoint, bring, settle, assess, interconnect, bait, revise, investigate, grant, ache, filter, raise, count, offload, warrant

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Present tense the word put
  • Present tense of the word will
  • Preposition as a word class
  • Preposition and verb word
  • Preparing report in word