Present tense the word put


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  • to put — спряжение по временам Present

to put [pʊt] — неправильный глагол, все 3 формы которого совпадают (put — put — put)

Перевод: класть, помещать, ставить, сажать, вставлять, подвергать, приводить, излагать, направлять






Спряжение to put по временам present

Tense Form
Present Simple put(s)
Present Continuous am/is/are putting
Present Perfect have/has put
Present Perfect Continuous have/has been putting

Утвердительные предложения:

Present Simple I put
Present Continuous I am putting
Present Perfect I have put
Present Perfect Continuous I have been putting

Вопросительные предложения:

Present Simple Do I put?
Present Continuous Am I putting?
Present Perfect Have I put?
Present Perfect Continuous Have I been putting?

Отрицательные предложения:

Present Simple I do not put
Present Continuous I am not putting
Present Perfect I have not put
Present Perfect Continuous I have not been putting


  • He puts them on the green table — Он кладет их на зеленый стол.
  • She is putting a shunt in it — Она ставит в него шунт.
  • We’ve put the presents under the tree — Мы поставили подарки под дерево.






Статьи по теме:

  • to go — спряжение по временам Present
  • to complete — спряжение по временам Present
  • to use — спряжение по временам Present
  • Формы глагола slow

Tenses are the forms of verbs that express the activities that take place at different times. Now, we will describe the usage of “put’’ in the three tenses.

The verb “put’’ provides the meanings of keep, shove, jab, task, thrust, and so on. We can use this regular verb in the present tense to mention is kept, in the past to be kept, and will be kept in the future tense. All the forms are needed to insert into sentences as per our needs.

Now, we will describe the utilization of the verb “put’’ in different types of tenses along with relevant examples and explanations.

A present tense deals with the forms of verbs for referring to the action taking place at the present moment. Let us explain how “put” acts in the present tense.

We use the verb “put’’ to refer to an act of keeping something, someone, or some ideas in the present tense. We apply the various forms such as “put’’, “puts’’, “am/is/are putting’’, “has/have put’’, and “has/have been putting’’ to present our intention of placing any object or thought.

When can we use “put’’ in the present tense?

The action word “put’’ must be used in the present tense when we desire to present the act thrusting anything on a place. We use the verb “put” in the present indefinite, present continuous, present perfect, and present perfect continuous tense.

Examples with “put’’ in the present tense-

Type of present tense Example Explanation
1. Present indefinite tense/ Simple present tense a. I put a pencil into the pocket of my shirt.
b. We put on new clothes for the festival.
c. You put the book on the table.
d. He/she puts the shirt in the wardrobe.
e. They put the ball under the cot.
Here the verbs “put’’, and “putting’’ are used in the general sense. All the subjects of all numbers and persons take the various forms of the verb along with the helping verb to present the actions in the present indefinite or simple present tense.
2. Present continuous tense/ Present progressive tense a. I am putting on a new shirt to go to the fair.
b. We are putting Somashree among the best singers in the country tonight.
c. You are putting out the fire. They are putting their son in a boarding school for good education.
d. He/Santanu is putting off the old shoes.
e. They are putting the picture up on the wall.
In the mentioned sentences, the term “ putting’’ is used along with am/is/are to form the continuous action in which we find out that the actions of keeping things and extinguishing are in progress.
3. Present perfect tense a. I/we/ have put my/our little baby to bed.
b. You have put the plan of building a house before the authority.
c. They have put the vegetables in the fridge. He has put out the candle.
Here the verbs “has/have put’’ are used in the present progressive tense to present the actions of keeping and extinguishing that have been done recently.
4. Present perfect continuous tense/ Present perfect progressive tense a. I/We/you have been putting out the fire in the building for two hours.
b. He has been putting out the lamp for some time but cannot do it till now.
c. They have been putting down the essay in the exercise book for an hour.
Here we see that the verbs “has/have been putting’’ have been applied in the mentioned sentences to present the act of extinguishing fire for a certain period of time.
Examples with “put’’ in the present tense

“Put’’ in the past tense.

We apply the past tense in order to show the completely finished actions of the past. Here we will check how the verb “put’’ plays its function in the past tense.

We can use the verb “put’’ in the past tense to show the act of casting or thrusting something in the past time. We apply the verb ”put’’ in its various forms along with was/were, had, and had been to show our need to present the act of keeping.

When can we use “put’’ in the past tense?

The verb “put’’ can definitely be used in all types of the past tense to display the placement or needed to stay in a situation in the past. We use “put” when we frame sentences in the simple past, past continuous, past perfect, or past perfect continuous tense to refer to keep something on a place in the past.

Examples and explanations of “put’’ in the past tense-

Type of past tense Example Explanation
1. Past indefinite tense/ Simple past tense a. I/we put the bed against the wall.
b. You put the piano on the desk.
c. He/she put the piano on the table.
d. They put the picture on the wall.
Here we have seen that the verb “put’’ is used in all the sentences to mention the act of placing something in some places. The verb “put’’ is applied in the same spelling as it is not changed in the past form.
2. Past continuous tense/ Past progressive tense a. I was putting up with my friends in a hotel.
b. He was putting by money into the future.
c. You/they were putting on the new dresses for the reception party.
Through all the examples provided here, we find that the verb “put’’ has shown its activity in the action of staying in a hotel in the past progressive tense.
3. Past perfect tense a. I/we had put off shoes before I/we entered the temple last week.
b. He/you/they had put the lamp out before the electricity went off.
In these examples, we find out the verb “had put’’ are used to form sentences with a sense to provide that I/we had put off shoes before I/We entered the temple last week. We also see that they had put the lamp out before the electricity went off.
4. Past perfect continuous tense/ Past perfect progressive tense a. I/ We had been putting up at Simla for the last few years.
b. You/they had been putting up the pictures on the walls for an hour.
c. My father had been putting up a large sum of money for several years.
Here we find out that the verb “had been putting’’ is used in the cited sentences to provide the action staying or placing for a period of time span in the past.
Examples and explanations of “put’’ in the past tense-

“Put’’ in the future tense.

The verb “put’’ presents the actions of pacing some object or thought in the future tense. Here let us get to know the function of how the verb “put’’ acts in the future tense.

The verb “put’’ remains the same spelling in all the tense forms. Only the helping verbs are required to construct sentences in the future tense. We use the verb “put’’ in the future tense to bring something into a state or existing situation.

When do we use “put’’ in the future tense?

We use the verb “put’ to keep any object in a certain place. When a preposition is added after it the meaning will be completely changed and we will use the verb to show intention to write through “put down’’. We use it in the simple future, future continuous, future perfect, and future perfect continuous tense forms.

Examples and explanations of “put’’ in the future tense-

Type of future tense Example Explanation
1. Future indefinite tense/ Simple future tense a. I/we shall put them for the weekend.
b. You/ he/they will put the papers on the table tomorrow.
In these sentences, we see that the verbs “shall/will put’’ are used in the sense for placing something in the future in a general sense. We come to know that the verb “put’’ is used along with shall/will to present the sense of keeping in the future tense.
2. Future continuous tense/ Future progressive tense a. I/we shall/will be putting the progress report before my/our father after the publication of the result.
b. You/he will put your/his feelings into words.
c. They will be putting down the story tomorrow.
Here we have found that the verb “put’’ is used along with auxiliary verbs shall/will be to present the continuous actions of the future tense. Here we come to know that the subjects will be doing the act of presenting their result before their parent.
3. Future perfect tense a. I/we shall have put out the sandal when the time will come to enter into the sacred place.
b. You/he/they will have put the bulb out before going to bed.
The examples bearing the verb “put’’ along with shall/will have shows the future activities in which we see that the verb “put’’ is used along with shall,/will have to present the actions of removing the sandals and extinguishing the bulb before another action in the future.
4. Future perfect continuous tense/ Future perfect progressive tense a. I/we shall/will have been putting the report of my/our work before the manager for an hour to judge it.
b. You/he will have been putting up the tent for several hours.
c. They will have been putting up the lights on the pandal for some time tomorrow.
The sentences hint at the action that the verb “putting’’ along with shall/will have been is used to display the action placing the report and putting up the tent will be in progress for a certain period of time. We get to know the function of the verb “put’’ in the future progressive tense.
Examples and explanations of “put’’ in the future tense


After learning the usage of “put’’ in various tenses we may say that we can make phrases with this verb such as “put something in writing’’, “to put it mildly’’, “to put something into words’’, “put a stop to something’’, etc. We can frame phrasal verbs like “put up’’, “put about’’, “put across’’, “put aside’’, “put down’, etc with this verb form.

What is present tense for put?

Word forms: puts, puttinglanguage note: The form put is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. Put is used in a large number of expressions that are explained under other words in this dictionary.

Is putted the past tense of put?

The past tense of put is put; the past tense of putt is putted.

What is simple past tense for put?

The irregular verb put means ‘move something into a particular place’. The past simple form is put and the -ed form is put: She took off her coat and put it on the chair.

What is the ING form of put?


present simple I / you / we / they put /pʊt/ /pʊt/
he / she / it puts /pʊts/ /pʊts/
past simple put /pʊt/ /pʊt/
past participle put /pʊt/ /pʊt/
-ing form putting /ˈpʊtɪŋ/ /ˈpʊtɪŋ/

Is the word puts correct?

Both forms are correct; you can say either “he put” or “he puts” depending on whether you intend this to be past or present tense.

Has put or had put?

If it’s the tense you’re asking about, then yes, you can use past perfect. The past participle of ‘put’ is ‘put’ so that works. However a past perfect usually requires another clause. She had put her shoes on before going into the garden.

Is putted a word?

Simple past tense and past participle of putt.

What is another word for put?

What is another word for put?

lay place
position set
deposit situate
stick leave
park plant

Have been or had been?

“Had been” is used to mean that something happened in the past and has already ended. “Have been” and “has been” are used to mean that something began in the past and has lasted into the present time.

How use have been in a sentence?

Usage of “Have Been & Has Been” When we are talking about the present: If the subject of a sentence is I – You – We – They or a plural noun (cars, birds, children) we use ‘have been’. If the subject of the sentence is He – She – It or a singular noun (car, bird, child) we use ‘has been’.

What is difference between being and been?

“Being” is the present participle of the verb “to be.” (For comparison, “cooking” is the present participle of the verb “to cook.”) “Been” is the past participle of the verb “to be.” (For comparison, “cooked” is the past participle of the verb “to cook.”)

Is it OK to say had had?

Yes, it’s grammatically correct, and makes you more sound in the language. Examples: I had had my food when he came to my home. ( Here, the first “had” is a helping verb and the second “had” is for a main verb for-finished/completed)

How do you avoid had in a sentence?

Rewriting to avoid “had had” is almost always a good idea. It reads even more terribly than it sounds. The easy way out is to use a contraction: I’d had enough of this nonsense and was ready to move on.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the passive form of put?
  2. What is simple present passive?
  3. What type of verb is put?
  4. What is the another word of put?
  5. What is irregular verb of put?
  6. Is run regular or irregular?
  7. What is 3rd form of come?
  8. What are German regular verbs?
  9. How do German verbs work?
  10. How do you use present simple passive?
  11. What is the formula of simple present tense in passive voice?
  12. What is passive example?
  13. What is the present perfect passive?
  14. Why do we use present perfect passive?
  15. Will future passive examples?
  16. What is difference between simple present and present perfect?
  17. What means Present Perfect?
  18. Are you past present or future?
  19. How do you use present perfect and past perfect?
  20. Had had meaning?
  21. Have been or had been?
  22. Had been given meaning?
  23. What is the word here?

The past tense of put is also put. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of put is puts. The present participle of put is putting.

What is the passive form of put?

We make the passive by putting the verb ‘to be’ into whatever tense we need and then adding the past participle. For regular verbs, we make the past participle by adding ‘ed’ to the infinitive. So play becomes played. Click here to learn about irregular verbs.

What is simple present passive?

Like most other verb forms in the English language, the simple present passive is periphrastic meaning that that “a phrase of two or more words performs a single grammatical function that would otherwise be expressed by the inflection of a single word.” Verbs in the simple present passive are formed by the present …

What type of verb is put?

The irregular verb put means ‘move something into a particular place’.

What is the another word of put?

What is another word for put?

lay place
position set
deposit situate
stick leave
park plant

What is irregular verb of put?

List of Irregular Verbs

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle
put put put
quit quit, quitted quit, quitted
read read read
rid rid, ridded rid, ridded

Is run regular or irregular?


Base Form Past Simple Past Participle
Run Ran Run
Saw Sawed Sawn/Sawed
Say Said Said
See Saw Seen

What is 3rd form of come?

Verb Forms of Come See above verb Come Second form and Come Third forms [Came] [Come].

What are German regular verbs?

German Regular Verbs in the Present Tense

antworten * to answer machen
glauben to believe/think vergessen
helfen * to help verlieren
kaufen to buy versprechen
kennen to know (people) verstehen

How do German verbs work?

German verbs require more different endings than English verbs. In English we use only an s ending or no ending for most verbs: “I/they/we/you play” or “he/she plays.” In the present tense, German has a different ending for almost all of those verb situations: ich spiele, sie spielen, du spielst, er spielt, etc.

How do you use present simple passive?

  1. Present Simple Passive is used to talk about some actions that are performed in the present or repeatedly (habits), simple statements of fact or universal truth.
  2. [subject] + base form of the verb (in third person singular, we add ‘-s’ to the verb)
  3. am/is/are + the Past Participle form of the verb.

What is the formula of simple present tense in passive voice?

Passive voice in Simple Present Tense

Active Voice Passive Voice
Formula: Subject + infinitive + object Formula: S + to be + past participle + by object

What is passive example?

So every verb that needs an object (transitive verb) can form a personal passive. Example: They build houses. – Houses are built. Verbs without an object (intransitive verb) normally cannot form a personal passive sentence (as there is no object that can become the subject of the passive sentence).

What is the present perfect passive?

We use the present perfect in the passive form for all the same reasons we use it in the active form – to talk about recent actions, experiences, and ongoing actions/situations. In the present perfect form with the passive, we always use ‘has/have been’ + the past participle form.

Why do we use present perfect passive?

We use the Present Perfect in the passive form for all the same reasons we use it in the active form — to talk about (1) experiences and achievements, (2) changes over time, (3) incomplete actions with expected ends, (4) continuous actions started in the past, (5) past actions with results in present, and (6) multiple …

Will future passive examples?

Passive: The horses will be taken to the stable. Active : Will the manager sign the contract tomorrow. Passive: Will the contract be signed by the manager tomorrow….Forming Simple Future Passive.

Affirmative Form Object + will + be + verb3 (past participle)
Question Form Will + object + be + verb3 (past participle)

What is difference between simple present and present perfect?

We have already learned that the simple present tense is used to talk about routines. The present perfect tense is used to talk about events that have just completed.

What means Present Perfect?

The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle.

Are you past present or future?

The use of ‘could’, ‘would’, or ‘will be’ all imply future tense. The past tense version would be: “You could not have made me happy, and I am convinced that I am the last woman in the world who could have made you so.”

How do you use present perfect and past perfect?

For example, “I have just finished writing my essay.” Present perfect can also be used to describe something that happened in the past but is still occurring. For example, “Daniel has worked for Exxon for the past 12 years.” Past perfect refers to how two things that have already happened relate.

Had had meaning?

past perfect

Have been or had been?

Present perfect ‘have/has been ‘ is used when describing an action completed in the recent past and still assumes importance in the present. We use ‘had been’ when you describe something that happened in the past before something else in the past.

Had been given meaning?

“I was given” is the action of someone giving you something. It makes me imagine you, in the past, being given something. “I have been given” is the story of how you were given something. This makes me think of you in the present, retelling the story of a time in your past where you were given something.

What is the word here?

adverb. in this place; in this spot or locality (opposed to there): Put the pen here. to or toward this place; hither: Come here. at this point; at this juncture: Here the speaker paused.

3 формы глагола put

Английский глагол put [pʊt], переводится как: класть.
Входит в группы:
неправильные глаголы,
глаголы 4-й класс,
глаголы 5-й класс.

3 формы глагола put: Infinitive (put), Past Simple — (put), Past Participle — (put).

📚 Глагол put имеет значения: ставить, класть, положить, вкладывать, подмешивать, всыпать, помещать, назначать, устраивать, надевать, размещать, приделать, приладить, бодать, бодаться, излагать, выражать.

👉 Формы глагола put в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет put в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола put

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
put [pʊt]

put [pʊt]

put [pʊt]


Как поставить put во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол put в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — put. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить put в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для put нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
put в past simple — put.

What is the past tense of put?

The past tense of put is put.

The past participle of put is put.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — put в past simple, будет put.

Future simple — put в future simple будет put. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — put в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — put в past perfect будет

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол put?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол put это неправильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола put

    Put our books on the shelf! — Положи наши книги на полку!
    (Present Simple)

    She tried to put the vase on the locker — Она попыталась поставить вазу на шкафчик.
    (Past Simple)

    He had to put on a skirt — Он должен был надеть юбку.
    (Past Simple)

    I’m sorry to put you through it — Прошу прощения за то, что втянул тебя в это.
    (Present Simple)

    Her parents will put the car up for sale soon — Её родители скоро выставят машину на продажу.
    (Future Simple)

    You did not even notice that I had put on lipstick — Ты даже не заметил, что я накрасила губы.
    (Past Perfect)

    The police will put you behind bars for twenty years — Полицейские посадят тебя на двадцать лет.
    (Future Simple)

    Maybe it put him in the hospital — Возможно, из-за этого он в больнице.
    (Past Simple)

    Nobody will put you in jail! — Да не посадят тебя в тюрьму!
    (Future Simple)

    You move, I will put a bullet in you — Шевельнешься, я всажу пулю в тебя
    (Future Simple)

Вместе с put, часто смотрят глаголы


and dream.

Глаголы на букву:

























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