Prefix for the word gone

Prefixes of gone

  • undergo

    • verb pass through
      • The chemical undergoes a sudden change
      • The fluid undergoes shear
      • undergo a strange sensation

    • More ‘undergo’ Meaning
    • undergone Associated Words
    • undergone Related Words
  • bygone

    • noun past events to be put aside
      water under the bridge.
      • let bygones be bygones
    • adjective satellite well in the past; former
      bypast; foregone; departed; gone.
      • bygone days
      • dreams of foregone times
      • sweet memories of gone summers
      • relics of a departed era

    • More ‘bygone’ Meaning
    • bygone Idioms/Phrases
    • bygone Associated Words
    • bygone Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bygone Related Words
  • foregone

    • adjective satellite well in the past; former
      bypast; bygone; departed; gone.
      • bygone days
      • dreams of foregone times
      • sweet memories of gone summers
      • relics of a departed era
    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; predate; forgo; antedate; precede.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools

    • More ‘foregone’ Meaning
    • foregone Associated Words
    • foregone Related Words
  • antigone

    • noun (Greek mythology) the daughter of King Oedipus who disobeyed her father and was condemned to death

    • More ‘antigone’ Meaning
    • antigone Associated Words
    • antigone Prefix/Suffix Words
    • antigone Related Words
  • agone

    • adjective satellite gone by; or in the past
      • two years ago
      • `agone’ is an archaic word for `ago’

    • More ‘agone’ Meaning
    • agone Associated Words
    • agone Prefix/Suffix Words
    • agone Related Words
  • forgo

    • verb do without or cease to hold or adhere to
      relinquish; foreswear; forego; waive; dispense with.
      • We are dispensing with formalities
      • relinquish the old ideas
    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; predate; antedate; precede.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools

    • More ‘forgo’ Meaning
    • forgone Associated Words
    • forgone Related Words
  • woebegone

    • adjective satellite worn and broken down by hard use
      run-down; creaky; decrepit; derelict; flea-bitten.
      • a creaky shack
      • a decrepit bus…its seats held together with friction tape
      • a flea-bitten sofa
      • a run-down neighborhood
      • a woebegone old shack
    • adjective satellite affected by or full of grief or woe
      • his sorrow…made him look…haggard and…woebegone»- George du Maurier

    • More ‘woebegone’ Meaning
    • woebegone Associated Words
    • woebegone Related Words
  • doggo

    • adverb quietly in concealment
      in hiding; out of sight.
      • he lay doggo

    • More ‘doggo’ Meaning
    • doggone Associated Words
    • doggone Prefix/Suffix Words
    • doggone Related Words
  • epigone

    • noun an inferior imitator of some distinguished writer or artist of musician

    • More ‘epigone’ Meaning
    • epigone Associated Words
    • epigone Prefix/Suffix Words
    • epigone Related Words

Suffixes of gone

  • goner

    • noun a person in desperate straits; someone doomed
      • I’m a goner if this plan doesn’t work
      • one mistake and you’re toast

    • More ‘goner’ Meaning
    • goner Associated Words
    • goner Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goner Related Words
  • goner

    • noun a person in desperate straits; someone doomed
      • I’m a goner if this plan doesn’t work
      • one mistake and you’re toast

    • More ‘goner’ Meaning
    • goners Associated Words
    • goners Prefix/Suffix Words
    • goners Related Words

Derived words of gone

  • bygone

    • noun past events to be put aside
      water under the bridge.
      • let bygones be bygones
    • adjective satellite well in the past; former
      bypast; foregone; departed; gone.
      • bygone days
      • dreams of foregone times
      • sweet memories of gone summers
      • relics of a departed era

    • More ‘bygone’ Meaning
    • bygones Associated Words
    • bygones Related Words
  • wagoner

    • noun the driver of a wagon

    • More ‘wagoner’ Meaning
    • wagoner Associated Words
    • wagoner Prefix/Suffix Words
    • wagoner Related Words
  • waggoner

    • noun the driver of a wagon

    • More ‘waggoner’ Meaning
    • waggoner Associated Words
    • waggoner Prefix/Suffix Words
    • waggoner Related Words
  • epigone

    • noun an inferior imitator of some distinguished writer or artist of musician

    • More ‘epigone’ Meaning
    • epigones Related Words
  • mangonel

    • noun an engine that provided medieval artillery used during sieges; a heavy war engine for hurling large stones and other missiles
      catapult; arbalest; trebuchet; trebucket; arbalist; bricole; onager; ballista.

    • More ‘mangonel’ Meaning
    • mangonels Related Words
  • mangonel

    • noun an engine that provided medieval artillery used during sieges; a heavy war engine for hurling large stones and other missiles
      catapult; arbalest; trebuchet; trebucket; arbalist; bricole; onager; ballista.

    • More ‘mangonel’ Meaning
    • mangonel Associated Words
    • mangonel Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mangonel Related Words
  • wagoner

    • noun the driver of a wagon

    • More ‘wagoner’ Meaning
    • wagoners Associated Words
    • wagoners Related Words
  • waggoner

    • noun the driver of a wagon

    • More ‘waggoner’ Meaning
    • waggoners Associated Words
    • waggoners Related Words
  • agon

    • noun a festivity in ancient Greece at which competitors contended for prizes

    • More ‘agon’ Meaning
    • agones Prefix/Suffix Words
    • agones Related Words
  • trigonella

    • noun Old World genus of frequently aromatic herbs
      genus Trigonella.

    • More ‘trigonella’ Meaning
    • trigonella Idioms/Phrases
    • trigonella Associated Words
    • trigonella Related Words
  • dragonet

    • noun small often brightly colored scaleless marine bottom-dwellers; found in tropical and warm temperate waters of Europe and America

    • More ‘dragonet’ Meaning
    • dragonet Associated Words
    • dragonet Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dragonet Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `gone`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `gone`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

Образуйте новое слово при помощи приставки

Задание 1.

I cannot put up with his .

Задание 2.

More than half of the population still stays on the continent of Africa.

Задание 3.

How many English verbs do you know?

Задание 4.

The smell of fried bacon and eggs was .

Задание 5.

It was for him to forgive her.

Задание 6.

Usually children are so .

Задание 7.

His style of life puts me off.

Задание 8.

The book was so difficult to read and full of complex ideas, that it was totally .

Задание 9.

I would like to take part in expeditions to areas of our planet.

Задание 10.

Jim would not tolerate so much .

Задание 11.

The concrete at a construction site was .

Задание 12.

Despite the fact that the film was unusual it was rather .

Задание 13.

Smoking is habit.

Задание 14.

The actions, directed at saving the company from collapse, were .

Задание 15.

What a pity! All his endeavors were futile and .

Задание 16.

His actions lead to drastic consequences.

Задание 17.

You should have told me the truth! I won’t tolerate .

Задание 18.

I believe we will find the way out! It all looks like huge .

Задание 19.

He stared at us in as we told him what happened.

Задание 20.

I think I will order drink.

Тест недоступен для мобильных устройств.

Is there a name for words, like unpremeditated or antidisestablishment, having two prefixes incorporated?

This question might have been much simpler had not grammarians long ago abducted the traditional Latin term for «prefix», praepositiō, and used it for another purpose.Wiktionary. «Prefix» is not easy to manipulate. «Position» might have been easier.
30 years ago I would not have imagined that the word agglutinated might serve a purpose in English Language matters, but, it seems it can.
There are examples of the terms *agglutinating, agglutinated, *etc, used in a grammatical sense in English today.

«Agglutination at the morphological level represents a mechanical adding of one or more affixal morphemes in pre-position, post-position or in interposition to the root morpheme. Somewhat different, however, is the quantitative representation of the parts of speech that are formed in the contrasted languages by means of preposed agglutinating morphemes.»

» Synthetic verbs are single phonological words, formed by
agglutinating prefixes and suffixes to roots of a handful of verbs,
most of them

Some uses apply directly to English

«One section of the book, «Vice Verses,» consists entirely of slightly naughty poems involving words that have been stripped of agglutinated prefixes.» Good For You

Of course, none of this creates a term for a double prefixed word. Gone with «preposition» for «prefix» are possibilities not likely to be available with «prefix». Among them might have been «anteprepositioned» «preprepostioned», «diploprepositions», etc.

Given that no term for a two prefixed word seems forthcoming, at least with any credibility, agglutinated may fill the bill as well as any word.

Intransitive Verb
1): To united or combine into a group or mass

2): To form words by agglutination Merriam Webster online


  1. The act or process of agglutinating; adhesion of distinct parts.
  2. A clumped mass of material formed by agglutination. Also called agglutinate.
  3. Biology The clumping together of cells or particles, especially bacteria or red blood cells, usually in the presence of a specific antibody or other substance.
  4. Linguistics The formation of words from morphemes that retain their original forms and meanings with little change during the combination process. The Free

I would feel reasonably correct, if not precise, in using agglutinated to at least partially describe a two prefixed word.

Prefixes do not change when they are added to words. Some prefixes have more or less clear meanings, while other prefixes have lost their meanings. (Prefixes and their meanings are listed in Prefixes, with Meanings and Examples in the section Writing.)

Some prefixes are still productive; that is, derivative words are formed with their help, for example, pleasant – unpleasant, like – dislike. But in most cases you can’t take a prefix and attach it to some words to form other words without knowing that such derivative words exist in English. You can’t replace one prefix with another either, even if they have similar meanings.

Prefixes present the following problems for language learners: (1) the choice among similar prefixes, such as «for, fore; de, dis, di; un, in, il, im, ir»; (2) the use of the hyphen between the prefix and the root. (The use of the hyphen with prefixes is described in Hyphen with Prefixes in the section Writing.)

Prefixes FOR, FORE

There are no rules that could help us to choose between the prefixes FOR and FORE. But their meanings are entirely different, which should help to memorize the words with these prefixes.

Arrange the words with FOR and FORE in two columns on one page, with meanings and pronunciation. Comparing the words in this way will make it easier to memorize their spelling.

Prefix FOR

The prefix FOR has the following meanings: away, off, extremely, wrongly. The prefix FOR occurs in a limited number of verbs and their derivatives. Many of such words are archaic, but some are still in use.











Prefix FORE

The prefix FORE has the following meanings: before, in advance, in front, front. The prefix FORE is found in a number of verbs and nouns.








forefinger / index finger



















The words «forbears, forebears» have the same meaning: «ancestors».

The word «forward» was formed by «fore + ward», but the letter E was lost.

Prefixes DE, DIS, DI

The prefixes DE, DIS, DI have similar meanings and are found in verbs and their derivatives. Most often, language learners confuse the prefixes DE and DI, which are similar in meaning and have the same pronunciation [di]. (In some cases, DE is pronounced as [de], and DI is pronounced as [dai].)

There are no rules that could help us to choose among these prefixes. Arrange the words with these prefixes in three columns on a page and learn them by comparing their meaning, spelling and pronunciation.

Prefix DE

The prefix DE is found in verbs and their derivatives. It has several meanings, such as removal, separation, negation, descent, reverse action.


















Prefix DIS

The prefix DIS has the following meanings: apart, away, completely, utterly. The prefix DIS is widely used in verbs and their derivatives to express reverse action, negation, removal, separation.

able – disable

ability – disability

advantage – disadvantage

agree – disagree

appear – disappear

approve – disapprove

connect – disconnect

like – dislike

obey – disobey

appoint – disappoint

belief – disbelief

close – disclose

cover – discover

honest – dishonest

respect – disrespect

taste – distaste

trust – distrust

grace – disgrace













Language learners sometimes write DES instead of DIS. There is no prefix DES in English. The words «describe, descend, design, despondent, despair, desperate, destination, despicable, despite, destroy, destruction» have the prefix DE, and S is the first letter of the root. This mistake is probably caused by Russian spelling of such words. Compare these examples:







disorient / disorientate

disinformation / misinformation

Prefix DI

The prefix DI is a variant of DIS and has the same meanings. It was used in Latin instead of DIS before certain consonants and just remained like that in English.











Prefix DYS

The prefix DYS (meaning: bad, ill) is found mostly in medical terms: dysentery, dysfunction, dyskinesia, dyslexia, dyspepsia, dysphasia, dystonia, dystrophy.

Prefixes UN and IN

There are no rules that could help us to choose between the prefixes UN and IN. But it is helpful to know that the prefix UN is of Old English origin and is widely used in English words of native origin and in commonly used words in general, while the prefix IN is of Latin origin and is used mostly in words derived from Latin or Greek words.

Another helpful tip is that mostly UN is used in adjectives in the form of participles: undying, unconvincing, unfeeling, uneducated, unexpected, unwritten. There are a lot of adjectives with the prefix UN. Adjectives with the prefix IN are a little less numerous.

Prefix UN

The prefix UN means NOT and is widely used in adjectives (and in their derivative nouns and adverbs) to show the opposite or negative side.

able – unable

clear – unclear

countable – uncountable

eatable – uneatable

fair – unfair

grateful – ungrateful

happy – unhappy

important – unimportant

known – unknown

lawful – unlawful

limited – unlimited

loving – unloving

manageable – unmanageable

attractive – unattractive

natural – unnatural

necessary – unnecessary

official – unofficial

planned – unplanned

pleasant – unpleasant

real – unreal

reasonable – unreasonable

selfish – unselfish

sociable – unsociable

true – untrue

usual – unusual

willing – unwilling

unreal – unreality

unhappy – unhappiness – unhappily

unfair – unfairness – unfairly

The prefix UN is added to some nouns to show the opposite or negative side.

employment – unemployment

rest – unrest

truth – untruth

The prefix UN is also used with some verbs to show reverse action.

do – undo

dress – undress

fasten – unfasten

lock – unlock

mask – unmask

pack – unpack

settle – unsettle

plug – unplug

Prefix IN and its variants IL, IM, IR

The prefix IN has several meanings: in, inside, into, not (or sometimes doesn’t have any apparent meaning). In this material, only the meaning NOT of the prefix IN is described. The prefix IN is widely used in adjectives (and in their derivative nouns and adverbs) to show the opposite or negative side.

accurate – inaccurate

adequate – inadequate

appropriate – inappropriate

attentive – inattentive

audible – inaudible

capable – incapable

complete – incomplete

correct – incorrect

decisive – indecisive

direct – indirect

edible – inedible

expensive – inexpensive

famous – infamous

human – inhuman

sensitive – insensitive

significant – insignificant

sincere – insincere

tolerable – intolerable

tolerant – intolerant

inattentive – inattention

inaccurate – inaccuracy

indirect – indirectly

In some cases, the adjective has the prefix UN, and the related noun has the prefix IN.

unable – inability

unequal – inequality

ungrateful – ingratitude

unjust – injustice

The prefix IN turns into IL before the consonant L, into IM before M and P, and into IR before R.

legal – illegal

legible – illegible

literate – illiterate

logical – illogical

mature – immature

measurable – immeasurable

mobile – immobile

moral – immoral

patient – impatient

perfect – imperfect

polite – impolite

possible – impossible

probable – improbable

rational – irrational

regular – irregular

relevant – irrelevant

resistible – irresistible

responsible – irresponsible


In many cases, it is possible to use NOT with the adjective you need instead of the same adjective with the prefix UN or IN.

This answer is incorrect. / This answer is not correct.

His question was impolite. / His question was not polite.

His argument is unconvincing. / His argument is not convincing.

This work is unnecessary. / This work is not necessary.

The difference is insignificant. / The difference is not significant.

However, in some cases the difference in meaning may be significant. For example, «invaluable» implies value so great that it cannot be measured (invaluable help, invaluable aid, invaluable support, invaluable contribution); «not valuable» implies little value or no value.

Трудные префиксы (приставки)

Префиксы не изменяются при прибавлении к словам. Некоторые префиксы имеют более или менее ясные значения, в то время как другие префиксы утеряли свои значения. (Префиксы и их значения даны в материале Prefixes, with Meanings and Examples в разделе Writing.)

Некоторые префиксы все еще продуктивны; то есть с их помощью образуются производные слова, например, приятный – неприятный, любить – не любить. Но в большинстве случаев нельзя взять префикс и присоединить его к каким-то словам, чтобы образовать другие слова, без знания, что такие производные слова существуют в английском языке. Также нельзя заменять один префикс другим, даже если они имеют похожие значения.

Префиксы представляют следующие трудности для изучающих язык: (1) выбор между похожими префиксами, такими как «for, fore; de, dis, di; un, in, il, im, ir»; (2) употребление дефиса между префиксом и корнем слова. (Употребление дефиса с префиксами описывается в статье Hyphen with Prefixes в разделе Writing.)

Префиксы FOR, FORE

Нет правил, которые могли бы нам помочь в выборе между префиксами FOR и FORE. Но их значения совершенно разные, что должно помочь запомнить слова с этими префиксами.

Расположите слова с этими префиксами в двух колонках на одной странице, со значениями и произношением. Сравнение слов таким образом поможет легче запомнить их написание.

Префикс FOR

Префикс FOR имеет следующие значения: прочь, в сторону, крайне, неверно. Префикс FOR встречается в ограниченном числе глаголов и их производных. Многие из таких слов устаревшие, но некоторые все еще в употреблении.

forbear – воздерживаться от

forbears – предки

forbid – запрещать

forfeit – лишиться права

forget – забыть

forgive – простить

forgo – отказываться от

forlorn – заброшенный

forsake – покидать, отвергать

forswear – отрекаться, нарушать клятву

Префикс FORE

Префикс FORE имеет следующие значения: до, заранее, впереди, передний. Префикс FORE встречается в ряде глаголов и существительных.

forearm – предплечье

forebears – предки

forebode – предрекать

foreboding – плохое предчувствие

forecast – прогноз

foreclose – препятствовать

forefathers – предки, праотцы

forefinger – указательный палец

forefront – передний край

forego – предшествовать

forehead – лоб

forejudge – предрешить

foreknow – знать наперед

foreknowledge – предвидение

foreman – мастер, бригадир

foremost – передний, передовой

forerunner – предшественник

foresee – предвидеть

foreseer – предсказатель

foreshow – предвещать

foreshadow – предвещать

foresight – предвидение

foretell – предсказывать

foreword – предисловие

forethought – предусмотрительность


Слова forbears, forebears имеют одинаковое значение: предки.

Слово forward (вперед) было образовано с помощью fore + ward, но буква E была утеряна.

Префиксы DE, DIS, DI

Префиксы DE, DIS, DI имеют похожие значения и встречаются в глаголах и их производных. Чаще всего, изучающие язык путают префиксы DE и DI, которые похожи по значению и имеют одинаковое произношение [di]. (В некоторых случаях префикс DE произносится как [de], а префикс DI произносится как [dai].)

Нет правил, которые могли бы нам помочь в выборе между этими префиксами. Расположите слова с этими префиксами в трех колонках на одной странице и учите их путем сравнения их значения, написания и произношения.

Префикс DE

Префикс DE встречается в глаголах и их производных. Он имеет несколько значений, таких как убирание, отделение, отрицание, понижение, обратное действие.

decease – скончаться

decentralize – децентрализовать

decompose – разлагать(ся)

deduce – сделать вывод

deduct – вычитать, отнимать

defeat – нанести поражение

deform – деформировать

degrade – ухудшать, понижать

delay – откладывать

demolition – разрушение

demoralize – деморализовать

demote – понижать в должности

denigrate – порочить, оговаривать

depart – покидать, уезжать

depress – подавлять, понижать

descend – спускаться, снижаться

detract – вычитать, уменьшать

Префикс DIS

Префикс DIS имеет следующие значения: отдельно, прочь, полностью, крайне. Префикс DIS широко употребляется в глаголах и их производных для выражения обратного действия, отрицания, убирания, отделения.

способный – сделать неспособным

способность – нетрудоспособность

преимущество – невыгодное положение

соглашаться – не соглашаться

появиться – исчезнуть

одобрять – не одобрять

соединить – разъединить

любить – не любить

подчиняться – не подчиняться

назначить – разочаровать

вера – неверие

закрыть – выявить, раскрыть

накрыть – обнаружить

честный – нечестный

уважение – неуважение

вкус – отвращение

доверять – не доверять

благодать – позор, бесчестье

discard – выбросить, избавиться

discharge – выпустить

discriminate – различать, выделять

disguise – маскировать

disgust – отвращение

dismiss – отпускать, увольнять

dispatch – отсылать, отправлять

display – выставлять, показывать

distortion – искажение

distract – отвлекать

disturb – причинять беспокойство


Изучающие английский язык иногда пишут DES вместо DIS. В английском языке нет префикса DES. Слова describe, descend, design, despondent, despair, desperate, destination, despicable, despite, destroy, destruction имеют префикс DE, а буква S – это первая буква корня слова. Эта ошибка скорее всего вызвана русским написанием таких слов. Сравните эти примеры:

deactivate – дезактивировать

deodorant – дезодорант

disavow – дезавуировать

disinfection – дезинфекция

disintegration – дезинтеграция

disorganize – дезорганизовать

disorient – дезориентировать

disinformation / misinformation – дезинформация

Префикс DI

Префикс DI – это вариант DIS и имеет те же значения. Он употреблялся в латинском языке вместо DIS перед определенными согласными и просто остался таким в английском языке.

digest – переварить, усвоить

digress – отклоняться

direct – прямой; направлять

distress – причинять страдание

diversify – разнообразить

divert – отклонять, отвлекать

divest – раздевать, отделять

divide – делить, разделять

division – деление, отдел

divorce – развод; расторгать брак

Префикс DYS

Префикс DYS (значение: плохой, дурной, больной) встречается в основном в медицинских терминах: дизентерия, дисфункция, дискинезия, дислексия, диспепсия, дисфазия, дистония, дистрофия.

Префиксы UN и IN

Нет правил, которые помогли бы нам сделать выбор между префиксами UN и IN. Но полезно знать, что префикс UN происходит из древнеанглийского языка и широко употребляется в исконно английских словах и в употребительных словах в целом, в то время как префикс IN происходит из латыни и употребляется в основном в словах, образованных от латинских или греческих слов.

Другая полезная подсказка – в основном UN употребляется в прилагательных в форме причастий: неумирающий, неубедительный, бесчувственный, необразованный, неожиданный, неписаный. Есть очень много прилагательных с префиксом UN. Прилагательные с префиксом IN немного менее многочисленны.

Префикс UN

Префикс UN значит NOT (не) и широко употребляется в прилагательных (и в их производных существительных и наречиях) для показа противоположной или отрицательной стороны.

способный – неспособный

ясный – неясный

исчисляемый – неисчисляемый

съедобный – несъедобный

справедливый – несправедливый

благодарный – неблагодарный

счастливый – несчастный

важный – неважный

известный – неизвестный

законный – незаконный

ограниченный – неограниченный

любящий – нелюбящий

управляемый – неуправляемый

привлекательный – непривлекательный

естественный – неестественный

нужный – ненужный

официальный – неофициальный

запланированный – незапланированный

приятный – неприятный

реальный – нереальный

разумный – неразумный

эгоистичный – неэгоистичный

общительный – необщительный

верный – неверный, ложный

обычный – необычный

охотный – неохотный

нереальный – нереальность

несчастливый – несчастье – несчастливо

несправедливый – несправедливость – несправедливо

Префикс UN прибавляется к некоторым существительным для показа противоположной или отрицательной стороны.

работа, занятость – безработица

покой, отдых – беспокойство, волнения

правда – неправда

Префикс UN также употребляется с некоторыми глаголами для показа обратного действия.

сделать – вернуть к прежнему

одеться – раздеться

застегнуть – расстегнуть

запереть – отпереть

надеть маску – снять маску

упаковать – распаковать

уладить – расстроить

включить в сеть – вынуть из розетки

Префикс IN и его варианты IL, IM, IR

Префикс IN имеет несколько значений: в, внутри, внутрь, не (а иногда не имеет явного значения). В этом материале описывается только значение NOT префикса IN. Префикс IN широко употребляется в прилагательных (и в их производных существительных и наречиях) для показа противоположной или отрицательной стороны.

точный – неточный

адекватный – неадекватный

подходящий – неподходящий

внимательный – невнимательный

слышный – неслышный

способный – неспособный

полный – неполный

правильный – неправильный

решительный – нерешительный

прямой – непрямой

съедобный – несъедобный

дорогой – недорогой

известный – печально известный

человеческий – бесчеловечный

чувствительный – нечувствительный

значительный – незначительный

искренний – неискренний

терпимый – невыносимый

относящийся терпимо – нетерпимый (к)

невнимательный – невнимание

неточный – неточность

непрямой – неявно, косвенно

В некоторых случаях прилагательное имеет префикс UN, а родственное существительное – префикс IN.

неспособный – неспособность

неравный – неравенство

неблагодарный – неблагодарность

несправедливый – несправедливость

Префикс IN превращается в IL перед согласной L, в IM перед M и P, и в IR перед R.

законный – незаконный

читаемый – неразборчивый

грамотный – неграмотный

логичный – нелогичный

зрелый – незрелый

измеримый – неизмеримый

подвижный – неподвижный

моральный – аморальный

терпеливый – нетерпеливый

совершенный – несовершенный

вежливый – невежливый

возможный – невозможный

вероятный – невероятный

разумный – неразумный

нормальный – неправильный

уместный – не относящийся к делу

отразимый – неотразимый

ответственный – безответственный


Во многих случаях можно употребить NOT с нужным прилагательным вместо того же прилагательного с префиксом UN или IN.

Этот ответ неправильный.

Его вопрос был невежливым.

Его аргумент неубедительный.

Эта работа не нужна.

Разница незначительная.

Однако в некоторых случаях разница в значении может быть значительной. Например, invaluable подразумевает такую высокую ценность, что ее нельзя измерить (неоценимая помощь, неоценимая поддержка, неоценимый вклад); not valuable подразумевает малую ценность или отсутствие ценности.

Negative statements are the opposite of affirmative statements. In English, one way to make negative statements is by adding negative prefixes to nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Here are some English negative prefixes: a, dis, il, im–, in-, ir, non, un.

For example, the prefix un- can be attached to the adjective happy to create the negative adjective unhappy. Or you can use the negative adverb not. Note that there is no difference in meaning between these two forms.

affirmative   negative
negative prefix   not
Tom is happy. Tom is unhappy. Tom is not happy.

Words that take a as a negative prefix always begin with a consonant.

affirmative   negative
political apolitical
sexual asexual
theist atheist

Words that take dis– as a negative prefix may begin with a vowel or a consonant.

affirmative   negative
agree disagree
comfort discomfort
mount dismount
orient disorient

Words that take il– as a negative prefix always begin with the letter l.

affirmative   negative
legal illegal
legible illegible
literate illiterate
logical illogical

Words that take im– as a negative prefix always begin with the letter m or p.

affirmative   negative
mobile immobile
moral immoral
perfect imperfect
possible impossible

Words that take in– as a negative prefix can begin with a vowel (except i or u) or a consonant.

affirmative   negative
accurate inaccurate
eligible ineligible
organic inorganic
decent indecent
sane insane

Note: There are many words that begin with in– that are not words with a negative prefix. For example:

word   does not mean
incline not cline
indulge not dulge
insist not sist
invoke not voke

Words that take ir– as a negative prefix always begin with the letter r.

affirmative   negative
rational irrational
reconcilable irreconcilable
regular irregular
resistible irresistible

Words that take non– as a negative prefix may begin with a vowel or a consonant.

affirmative   negative
conformist nonconformist
essential nonessential
fiction nonfiction
sense nonsense

Words that take un– as a negative prefix may begin with a vowel or consonant.

affirmative   negative
able unable
interesting uninteresting
usual unusual
comfortable uncomfortable
helpful unhelpful
prepared unprepared

Remember, not all words that appear to have a negative prefix are negative.

word   does not mean
alike not like
discuss not cuss
universe not iverse
illuminate not luminate
important not portant
involve not volve
irrigate not rigate

Related Lessons:

  • Negation
  • Negative adverbs
  • Negation with verb DO
  • Negation with verb BE
prefixes in english

Last updated:

April 22, 2022

If you want to work smarter, not harder, when learning English, look at English prefixes.

Prefixes are letters that go at the beginning of words and change their meanings—learn some prefixes and you can learn hundreds of new words easily!

Think about the prefix un-, which means “not” and appears in words like unhappy (not happy), unable (not able), unpopular (not popular) and unnatural (not natural).

English prefixes can help you add to your English vocabulary knowledge and communicate better in general.


  • What Is a Prefix in English?
  • 40 Common Prefixes in English to Help Build Your Vocabulary
    • Ambi- (both)
    • Anti- (against)
    • Astro- (star)
    • Bi- (two)
    • Co- (together)
    • Con- (against or opposite)
    • De- (down)
    • Dis- (opposite or not)
    • Em- (to make or put into)
    • Extra- (more than)
    • Fore- (before or front)
    • Hetero- (different)
    • Hind- (after or back)
    • Homo- (same)
    • Im- (opposite or not)
    • In- (opposite or not)
    • Inter- (between)
    • Mal- (bad or wrong)
    • Mid- (middle)
    • Mis- (wrong)
    • Mono- (one)
    • Non- (without)
    • On- (near or connected)
    • Pan- (all)
    • Ped- (foot)
    • Post- (after)
    • Pre- (before)
    • Pro- (forward or for)
    • Re- (again)
    • Semi- (half)
    • Sub- (below)
    • Sur- (over)
    • Trans- (across or changed)
    • Tri- (three)
    • Twi- (two)
    • Ultra- (beyond)
    • Un- (opposite or not)
    • Uni- (one)
    • Under- (not enough)
    • Up- (higher or better)
  • How to Learn Prefixes in English
    • Study a list
    • Find prefixes in your entertainment
    • Use online quizzes and resources

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can take anywhere.
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What Is a Prefix in English?

In English, many words are made up of prefixes, root words and suffixes.

A root word is the base of a word. It’s a simple word with a clear meaning that can be used alone or with the addition of prefixes and suffixes.

Prefixes are combinations of letters that go before a root word to change its meaning.

Suffixes are combinations of letters that go after a root word to change its meaning.

Technically, you can add many prefixes and many suffixes to make a super long English word. But for now, let’s just keep it simple!

When you’re learning vocabulary, it’s helpful to learn the definitions of common prefixes. In studying, you’ll find many new words that start with each prefix.

Knowing prefixes in English can also be helpful if you come across an unfamiliar word. You can break the word down to find the root word and the prefix. If you know what the prefix means, you’ll have a better idea of what the word means, too.

Now, let’s move on to the prefixes!

40 Common Prefixes in English to Help Build Your Vocabulary

Here are 40 common prefixes along with their definition and two or three examples of words that contain each prefix. As we mentioned before, study this list and add other example words as you find them!

By the way, if you’re unsure how to pronounce any of the words on this list, we recommend looking them up in an interactive pronunciation dictionary like Forvo.

Ambi- (both)

ambidextrous — capable of using both your right and left hands

ambivalent — open to both or multiple interpretations of something

Anti- (against)

antidote — a cure that acts against poison

antihero — an unlikely hero, a hero who goes against the norm

Astro- (star)

astronomy – the study of stars

astronaut – a person trained to travel to the stars

Bi- (two)

biannual — two times a year

bicycle — a vehicle with two wheels

binoculars — a viewing instrument with two lenses

Co- (together)

cohabitate — live together

cooperate — work together

Con- (against or opposite)

contradict — to say the opposite thing as someone else

confront — to go against someone or something

De- (down)

descend — to go down

deflate — to be emptied, taken down

Dis- (opposite or not)

disappear — to do the opposite of appear; to vanish

dissatisfied — not satisfied

Em- (to make or put into)

empower — to make powerful

embrace — to put into a hug

Extra- (more than)

extraordinary — more than ordinary, special

extravagant — more elaborate than it needs to be

Fore- (before or front)

foresee — to see before it happens

forehead — the front of the head

Hetero- (different)

heterosexual — attracted to a different sex

heterogeneous — used to describe a group of many different things

Hind- (after or back)

hindsight — to see or understand after something happened

hindquarters — back legs of an animal

Homo- (same)

homogeneous — of the same kind

homosexual — attracted to the same sex

homonym — two words that are pronounced the same

Im- (opposite or not)

impossible — not possible

impractical — not practical

In- (opposite or not)

incomplete — not complete

incompatible — not compatible

Inter- (between)

international — between nations

interactive — action between people or objects

Mal- (bad or wrong)

malfunction — functions wrongly

malicious — bad or evil

Mid- (middle)

midpoint — the middle point

midnight — the middle of the night

Mis- (wrong)

misfit — a person whose attitude or personality is wrong for a group

mistake — to do something wrong

Mono- (one)

monotheistic — belief in one god

monocle — glasses for just one eye

Non- (without)

nonsense — without sense

nonfiction — without elements of fiction

On- (near or connected)

online — connected to the internet

onlooker — someone watching from nearby

Pan- (all)

panorama — a complete view of all the area

pandemic — a diseases that covers all of a country or the world

Ped- (foot)

pedal — a lever operated by your foot

pedestrian — a person walking on foot

Post- (after)

postpartum — after birth

postscript — an added note after a letter

Pre- (before)

prefix — letters that come before a word to change its meaning

precaution — taking caution before something happens

preview — a partial view before you see the rest of something

Pro- (forward or for)

proceed — to move forward

pro-government — for the government

Re- (again)

repeat — say it again

revisit — visit again

reconstruct — build again

Semi- (half)

semicircle — half a circle

semi-formal — halfway between casual and formal

Sub- (below)

subzero — below zero

submarine — a vessel that travels below water

Sur- (over)

surpass — to go over what was expected

surreal — bizarre, to be over what’s normal

Trans- (across or changed)

transportation — to travel across a space

transform — a change in appearance

Tri- (three)

tricycle — a vehicle with three wheels

triangle — a shape with three sides

Twi- (two)

twins — two people born at the same time

twice — happening two times

Ultra- (beyond)

ultrasonic — a frequency beyond human hearing

ultraviolet — beyond the spectrum of human vision

Un- (opposite or not)

undone — not done

uncomfortable — not comfortable

unbelievable — not believable

Uni- (one)

unicorn — a fictional horse with one horn

unicycle — a vehicle with only one wheel

Under- (not enough)

understaffed — not enough staff

underperform — to not perform well enough

Up- (higher or better)

uplift — to lift something or someone higher

upstairs — the higher level of a house

How to Learn Prefixes in English

How do you practice English prefixes? Prefixes are hidden in hundreds of words that you hear every day, but how can you be smart about learning them?

Study a list

One idea is to study a list of common prefixes, like the list we shared above.

It can be helpful to memorize these prefixes and their definitions.

If you think of any other example words that use these prefixes, you can add them to the list to practice.

As you continue to study English, you can add any new prefixes you’ve learned to the list as well. Make sure to also write down example words so you can practice using the new prefix.

Find prefixes in your entertainment

Another way to study is to practice finding prefixes in English conversations, movies, books, magazines and videos. Write down any words with prefixes and try to guess what the word means before you use a dictionary.

When you’re watching movies, series or other types of videos, use subtitles so it’s easier to spot these little words. The movie scenes, trailers and comedy sketches on the FluentU language program have interactive subtitles that can give you more information on prefixes, like definitions and other videos that feature them.

Use online quizzes and resources

In order to see how much you’ve learned, it can be helpful to take a quiz about prefixes. There are many quizzes out there for you to use. We’ve listed a few here:

  • ProProfs has a quiz that focuses on the definitions of prefixes. It has questions like: “Which prefix means “not”?” with multiple-choice answers. This is a great way to study prefixes on their own.
  • English Media Lab focuses on words with prefixes instead of just the definitions. This quiz is a slightly higher level. It can help you see if you’ve improved and test your knowledge of prefixes and vocabulary in general.
  • The prefixes and suffixes quiz on Quizizz is for advanced learners. This quiz is focused on grammar and asks questions about how to use prefixes. These are also multiple-choice questions, and you can create a free account to see the correct answers to each question.

Now that you’ve learned these 40 prefixes, it’s time to practice what you’ve learned. Practice using prefixes in conversation, and listen for when other English speakers use them.

In no time, you’ll realize that you can determine the meanings of hundreds of new vocabulary words. By just learning these prefixes, you’re well on your way to mastering the English language.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. This is a list of the most common prefixes in English, together with their basic meaning and some examples. You can find more detail or precision for each prefix in any good dictionary.

A prefix goes at the beginning of a word. A suffix goes at the end of a word.

The origins of words are extremely complicated. You should use this list as a guide only, to help you understand possible meanings. But be very careful, because often what appears to be a prefix is not a prefix at all. Note also that this list does not include elements like «auto-» or » bio-«, because these are «combining forms», not prefixes.

prefix meaning examples
a- also an- not, without atheist, anaemic
a- to, towards aside, aback
in the process of, in a particular state a-hunting, aglow
a- of anew
completely abashed
ab- also abs- away, from abdicate, abstract
ad- also a-, ac-, af-, ag- al-, an-, ap-, at- as-, at- movement to, change into, addition or increase advance, adulterate, adjunct, ascend, affiliate, affirm, aggravate, alleviate, annotate, apprehend, arrive, assemble, attend
ante- before, preceding antecedent, ante-room
anti- also ant- opposing, against, the opposite anti-aircraft, antibiotic, anticlimax, Antarctic
be- all over, all around bespatter, beset
completely bewitch, bemuse
having, covered with bejewelled
affect with (added to nouns) befog
cause to be (added to adjectives) becalm
com- also co-, col-, con-, cor- with, jointly, completely combat, codriver, collude, confide, corrode
contra- against, opposite contraceptive
counter- opposition, opposite direction counter-attack, counteract
de- down, away descend, despair, depend, deduct
completely denude, denigrate
removal, reversal de-ice, decamp
dia- also di- through, across diagonal
dis- also di- negation, removal, expulsion disadvantage, dismount, disbud, disbar
en- also em- put into or on engulf, enmesh
bring into the condition of enlighten, embitter
intensification entangle, enrage
ex- also e-, ef- out exit, exclude, expand
upward exalt, extol
completely excruciate, exasperate
previous ex-wife
extra- outside, beyond extracurricular
hemi- half hemisphere
hyper- beyond, more than, more than normal hypersonic, hyperactive
hypo- under hypodermic, hypothermia
in- also il-, im- not, without infertile, inappropriate, impossible
also il-, im-, ir- in, into, towards, inside influence, influx, imbibe
infra- below infrared, infrastructure
inter- between, among interact, interchange
intra- inside, within intramural, intravenous
non- absence, negation non-smoker, non-alcoholic
ob- also oc-, of-, op- blocking, against, concealing obstruct, occult, offend, oppose
out- surpassing, exceeding outperform
external, away from outbuilding, outboard
over- excessively, completely overconfident, overburdened, overjoyed
upper, outer, over, above overcoat, overcast
peri- round, about perimeter
post- after in time or order postpone
pre- before in time, place, order or importance pre-adolescent, prelude, precondition
pro- favouring, in support of pro-African
acting for proconsul
motion forwards or away propulsion
before in time, place or order prologue
re- again repaint, reappraise, reawake
semi- half, partly semicircle, semi-conscious
sub- also suc-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sur-, sus- at a lower position submarine, subsoil
lower in rank sub-lieutenant
nearly, approximately sub-tropical
syn- also sym- in union, acting together synchronize, symmetry
trans- across, beyond transnational, transatlantic
into a different state translate
ultra- beyond ultraviolet, ultrasonic
extreme ultramicroscopic
un- not unacceptable, unreal, unhappy, unmanned
reversal or cancellation of action or state unplug, unmask
under- beneath, below underarm, undercarriage
lower in rank undersecretary
not enough underdeveloped

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