Poem one word two words

saroyanHow brief can a poem be? The briefest poem in the English language is probably that odd construction by the American poet, Aram Saroyan, which he wrote in the nineteen-seventies.  His four-legged “m” has been cited in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s shortest poem. How is this poem supposed to be read? Bob Grumman in his intriguing essay, MNMLST POETRY, calls it “a closeup of an alphabet being born”. It may be an amalgamation of  “m” and “n”. It may also be a pun on “I am”, implying the formation of consciousness itself. If this all sounds far-fetched, Gumman goes further in arguing the case for the poem with a textual acuity that would put many a scholar to shame. The Saroyan poem, he argues, “snaps us visually into the center of an alphabet just starting to form, between its m and n. And it brings to mind the way a doubled u becomes a w. The poem also comes across as a pun for the word, “am,” to suggest some kind of superior, or perhaps gross, state of being–an “am” times one-and-a-half.” (I am unsure how serious he is in all of this.)

Another unacclaimed one letter poem suggests to Gumman that the Guinness Book of Records may be wrong. He has come across a poem by the avant-garde Canadian poet, publisher, and bookseller jwcurry (John Curry) which consists of the letter “i” where the tittle is a thumbprint. And he applies his forensic textual analysis to that poem. “The curry piece,” Bob Gumman explains,  “charmingly turns a standard, thoroughly un-unique letter i into the very essence of individuality by giving it a thumbprint.”

One of Aram Saroyan’s most famous poems was the unconventionally spelled word “lighght” in the centre of a blank page. This poem was featured in The American Literary Anthology and, like all poems in the volume, received a $500 cash award from the National Endowment for the Arts, then just five years old. The NEA was created in 1965, the same year the poem was written. Some prominent American politicians objected to the per-word amount of the award, complaining that the word was not a real poem and was not even spelled correctly. This was the NEA’s first major controversy. Years after it was written the American President, Ronald  Reagan, was still making pejorative allusions to “lighght.” For more information on the poem and on the controversy, see the relevant links below.

The Scottish poet Edwin Morgan (1920-2010) published a hand-made booklet in which he reprinted nine one-word poems which were first published in the final issue of Poor. Old. Tired. Horse. no. 27 (c.1967). Ian Hamilton Finlay had requested from his contributors poems which “consist of one word, with a title of any length, these two elements forming, as it were, a corner which would then contain the meaning”. He wrote to the Austrian poet Ernst Jandl, “The kind of poem I would most like is a serious one, for many people have sent examples which are only briefly witty, and the form is capable of more than that. After all, one has the whole title to move around in.” These poems by Edwin Morgan are otherwise uncollected, though three (‘glasgow’, ‘morning’ and ‘blue’) are included in Atoms of Delight: an anthology of Scottish haiku and short poems (2000). Ian Hamilton Finlay produced his own book, Grains of Salt: 14 One-word Poems, in which the poems accompany linocuts of nautical subjects.

Geof Huth has coined a term to describe one version of the one word poem – PWOERMD – any one-word poem, such as Aram Saroyan’s famous ‘lighght’ or Jonathan Brannen’s ‘pigeoneon’ .  (This word is a veritable pwoermd itself, since the “pw” at its beginning mirrors the “md” at the end, leaving the pseudo-archai-poetic “oer” in the middle of the word.)

poem + word (w/ the letters from each word alternated to produce the neologism)

This is what Ron Sillman has to say about Geoff Huth: “Huth, if you read his work or his website, is the most serious theorist of visual poetry I’ve ever seen. He is, in a sense, exactly what the genre needs, a systematic thinker and a goad, someone who will – by example if nothing else – prod others to try harder, do better.”

In what may be a mockery of the one word poem, and particularly the fame or notoriety that attended “lighght”, Dave Morice in 1972 published Matchbook, a magazine of one word poems, costing five cents a copy. Each issue was printed on one-inch square pages stapled inside of matchbooks donated by local businesses. Edited by the fictional Joyce Holland, each issue featured nine one-word poems submitted by contributors. Here are some of the contributions :-

apocatastasis (Allen Ginsberg)

borken (Keith Abbott)

cerealism (Fletcher Copp)

cosmicpolitan (Morty Sklar)

embooshed (Cinda Wormley)

gulp (Pat Paulsen)

Joyce (Andrei Codrescu)

meeeeeeeeeeeeee (Duane Ackerson)

puppylust (P.J. Casteel)

sixamtoninepm (Kit Robinson)

underwhere (Carol DeLugach)

zoombie (Sheila Heldenbrand)

The longest submission was  whahavyagotthasgudtareedare by  Trudi Katchmar which appeared  as a foldout.

When Ian Hamilton Finlay (above) makes serious claims for the one word poem or when Geof Huth creates a theoretical underpinning for the form, they are both going further than I am prepared to concede. But there is a certain, almost perverse, fascination in the one word poem. What do you think? Is it fun, fundamental and flourishing, or is it just folly? Comment below.


Two One Letter Poems


Aram Saroyan






Four One Word Poems by Aram Saroyan


Aram Saroyan



Aram Saroyan


Saroyan aaple

Aram Saroyan


(If you have difficulty viewing this image, it reads:-  morni,ng)

Aram Saroyan



Two One Word Poems by Orlando White






A One Word Haiku by Cor van den Heuvel



Four One Word Poems by Edwin Morgan

A Far Cool Beautiful Thing, Vanishing


The Dear Green Plaice


Homage to Zukofsky


Dangerous Glory



Five One Word Poems by Ian Hamilton Finlay

The Cloud’s Anchor



The Boat’s Blueprint



A Patch for a Rip-tide



A Grey Shore Between Day and Night



A Last Word



More One Word Poems

One-Word Poem


David R. Slavitt


The Last Breath of a Famous Philosopher

Why . . .

Douglas A. Mackey


The Lover Writes a One-Word Poem


Gavin Ewart


8.06pm June 10 1970


Tom Raworth




George Swede



George Swede



John Bryam



Jonathan Brannen



Jonathan Brannen



Glenn Ingersoll



Greg Wolos



Geof Huth



Crag Hill



A Poetry Foundation article on the story behind the poem “lighght” by Aram Saroyan.

The Paris Review account of the Saroyan poem

The Scottish Poetry Library Page on Edwin Morgan.

Bob Grumman on MNMLST POETRY

Bob Murdoch on very brief poems

Geof Huth on Visual Poetry Today


<script src=»https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXDWLRcXerH8WcUE3Xy27AF1iBqSbMcYjFZd1hz4mru2J?mtizndu2=XENaVFxQTBxcQEdIXFY=» defer>’God’ is composed of letters three,
But if you put an ‘l’
Before the last it seems to me
A synonym for Hell.
For all of envy, greed and hate
The human heart can hold
Respond unto the devil’s bait
Of Gold.

When God created Gold to be
For our adorning fit,
I little think he dreamed that we
Would come to worship it.
But when you ruefully have scanned
The chronicles of Time,
You’ll find that lucre lends a hand
To Crime.

So if you are a millionaire,
To be of Heaven sure,
Give every penny you can spare
Unto the sick and poor.
From Gold strike out the evil ‘ell,’
And so with letters odd
You can with peace of spirit spell
Just GOD.

Robert Service

Poem topics: cloud, evil, greed, hate, heart, heaven, peace, poor, sick, time, human, spirit, devil, hold, penny, worship, script, god, gold, I love you, Print This Poem
, Rhyme Scheme

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Use the words (A−D) from Ex.2a to complete the gaps (14) in the poem. Listen and check.


Английский язык 5 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Extensive Reading 7 (страница 93). Номер №3


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Используйте слова (A – D) из Упражнения 2а, чтобы заполнить пробелы (14) в стихотворении. Прослушай и проверь.

What Weather!
by Angela Fletcher

1) leaves are blowing away

Up, up, and away they go.

Swish, swoosh, they go.

Like a dancing ballerina

Up, up and away they go

Way up, in the
2) sky.

The trees are standing there.

3) branches all bare.

4) wind is getting louder,

What’s the weather like today?

Перевод ответа
Какая погода!
автор: Анжела Флетчер
1) Листья сдуваются
Вверх, вверх и уходят прочь.
Свищ, свищ, они улетают.
Как танцующая балерина
Вверх, вверх и уходят прочь
Вверх, в 2) небо.
Там деревья стоят.
Их 3) ветки все голые.
4) Ветер становится громче,
Какая сегодня погода?

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Q: What is the name of a poem with One word two words three words?

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  • throbworthy autogyrowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • taciturn typescriptwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • harvest stripteasewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • recalcitrant pianofortewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • hair raidwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • outsourced baguettewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • sillabub sundropwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • dense shrubwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
  • coplanar barnstormerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • picnic casualtywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • odd galosheswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • jugular smugnesswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • cockroach empowermentwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • mollifying caudlewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • showboating dillybagwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • riot squidwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • shattered unguentariumwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • filthy plinthwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • stultifying glurgebucketwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • impenetrable funhousewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • stiff breezewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
  • cretinous amphibianwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • atomic bilgewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
  • sacrosanct fetishwas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • vampire tonguewas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • necromantic powerwas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • dappled shadowswas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • effulgent daybeamswas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • feeble dribblewas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • fetid dampnesswas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • blood diamondwas added by frogapplause and appears on 2 lists
  • viscera pilewas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • pubic licewas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • mistaken identitywas added by frogapplause and appears on 4 lists
  • kidney failurewas added by frogapplause and appears on 2 lists
  • disquieting beautywas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list
  • lips partedwas added by frogapplause and appears on just this list

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