Подключение sqlite к excel

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    A tiny, quick, self-contained, highly reliable, fully-featured serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine is implemented by SQLite, an in-process C language library. The most popular database engine worldwide is SQLite. The public domain status of SQLite’s source code allows for its use for any purpose, whether they are public or private. All smartphones, the majority of laptops, and many other daily-used programmes include SQLite as standard equipment. The most widely used database in the world, SQLite has more uses than we can count, including some well-known programmes. So let’s first talk about why and How to connect Excel to SQLite.

    Why Connect Excel to SQLite?

    Numerous accounting software programmes are used by businesses to manage their finances. While some companies utilise commercial accounting or financial software, others develop their own internal systems using programmes like Microsoft Access or Visual Basic. Although the features of accounting applications vary widely, a back-end database is a characteristic that almost all of them employ to index and store data.

    The open-source SQLite engine is widely used in custom accounting software to manage data. You might want to export data from your business accounting tool for use in Microsoft Excel analysis if it connects to an SQLite database. You can use Excel’s built-in features to retrieve data if the application lacks built-in control to export it and make spreadsheets.

    How to Connect Excel to SQLite?

    • On the Ch-Werner.de website, download the SQLite ODBC driver. Get it installed and make sure whether this is done properly or not on your PC. 
    • Launch Excel from Microsoft. Open the worksheet you wish to add data from the SQLite database to or create a new one if necessary.
    • On the Excel ribbon menu, select “Data.” Over the “Get External Data” section label, click the “From Other Sources” button. When the drop-down selection appears, select “From Microsoft Query”.


    • Now click on Microsoft Query just as illustrated,


    • Turn off the option to “Use the Query Wizard to Create/Edit” Queries. After selecting “New Data Source,” click “OK.”


    • Turn on “SQLite3 ODBC Driver” by selecting it. Press “OK.” The tables from your SQLite database are displayed in a new query window that appears. Click “Close” after you have highlighted and chosen the table holding the data you wish to import into Excel.


    • Click the Fields list’s “*” icon. Then, to import every field from the table into Excel, click the “>” button in the window’s centre. Choose the desired data filtering choices. Excel is instructed through filters to only get information from the SQLite data table that satisfies certain criteria. For instance, your SQLite data table likely has a column with the name “old telephone” or something similar if it contains a list of customers along with their addresses or other contact information. Applying a filter will allow you, for example, to only obtain data for clients with the area code “211”. In the “Column to Filter” window, select the “old telephone” or a field with a similar name. In the filter list, select “Contains”. Click “Next” after entering “211” in the field next to the “Contains” choice.


    • Either enable the ascending sort order option and click “Next” to sort the records in that direction, which is the default By clicking, the “Return Data to Microsoft Excel” option can be chosen. To end the fresh query window, click the “Finish” button.


    • In the Import Data window, click to make the “Table” and “Existing Worksheet” options active. To make the data table from the SQLite database display in a specific cell on the Excel spreadsheet, click the empty cell. Select “OK” from the menu. Based on any filters you applied to the query, Excel builds and presents a new table with the records it has retrieved from the SQLite data table.


    Everything is now set up correctly. As necessary, modify or format the new data table from the SQLite database. Delete your worksheet.

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    You can load external data into Microsoft Excel or export spreadsheet data from Excel into SQLite using an Open Database Connectivity driver. SQLite is a open-source SQL server. It’s designed for small databases, so it’s useful for businesses with low data volumes and limited budgets that want to use a relational database management system. You’ll need to create a SQLite database and an ODBC connection to the database in question, and then use an Excel query to retrieve data using the ODBC connection.


    Step 1

    Download the SQLite ODBC driver installation file from the Christian Werner site (link in Resources). The name of the file is “sqliteodbc.exe.”

    Step 2

    Double-click on the downloaded file to install the SQLite ODBC driver.

    Step 3

    Download the SQLite browser from SourceForge (link in Resources), and then install it. You’ll use this application to create a new SQLite database and tables as necessary.

    Step 4

    Click “Start” on your Windows desktop and select “Control Panel.” Click “Administrative Tools” and choose “Data Sources (ODBC)” from the list.

    Step 5

    Click “Add” under the “User DSN” tab and follow the steps in the wizard to add the SQLite ODBC driver and set the database you created as your data source.


    Step 1

    Launch the Microsoft Office Excel application.

    Step 2

    Click on the “Data” tab in Excel’s top menu bar.

    Step 3

    Click “From Other Sources” under the Get External Data heading.

    Step 4

    Click on “From Data Connection Wizard” and choose “ODBC DSN” from the list of options. Follow the steps in the wizard to connect to the SQLite DSN you created in the previous section and pull data from your SQLite database into Excel.


    Writer Bio

    Gissimee Doe has been writing for over 11 years on a range of subjects and interests. Her favorite genres are horror, science fiction, adventure and food. Doe maintains a number of fashion and style blogs and is currently working on her first novel. She holds a Bachelor of Science in computer science and a Master of Science in computer-based management information systems.

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    06.04.2018, 10:55. Показов 7545. Ответов 6

    Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

    Подскажите пожалуйста, как еще можно подключить БД SQLite к Excel, кроме как посредством ODBC? Так как через ODBC запросы обрабатываются крайне долго…
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    06.04.2018, 10:55

    Ответы с готовыми решениями:

    SQLite for Excel или как выгрузить данные в SQLite
    Мне необходимо написать макрос для выгрузки данных из excel в sqlite.
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    файл создается, но проблема возникает именно при создании таблиц, строка 33
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    пиши свою прослойку, делов-то


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    06.04.2018, 12:36



    То есть вариантов кроме ODBC нет? Или вы на VBA намекаете?
    Если вариантов нет, то может быть проще на MySQL перейти, она вроде с Экселем без проблем работает…


    1562 / 1114 / 165

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    06.04.2018, 12:46


    ODBC — драйвер. за прослойку я имел в виду прямой доступ к OpenXML, а уж потом как хочешь, так и пихай данные на СУБД


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    06.04.2018, 12:51



    Погоди погоди, можно по медленнее Причем тут XML ?
    Мне данные наоборот с SQLite забрать в Эксель необходимо
    Хотя бы схему опиши, то есть за место ODBC использовать OpenXML?


    1562 / 1114 / 165

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    06.04.2018, 13:08


    получай данные из своей СУБД и используй OpenXML. Что не ясно?

    Добавлено через 1 минуту
    или тащи напрямую через ADO/VBA (я хз, есть там поддержка SQLite или нету)


    I have an Excel workbook that has some adodb code that queries a local access database. I want to do the same for SQLite as I believe that will provide better performance. How do I do that? Can I connect to an SQLite file using adodb or odbc?

    I need something simple that I can deploy so that if i can minimize unnecessary configuration and installation maybe peoople that will be using the excel won’t have admin rights on the pc so they can’t install software.

    asked Aug 28, 2009 at 13:30

    user161259's user avatar

    Facing the same question, I made a lightweight library to give direct access to SQLite3 from Excel VBA. The end result is a much simpler solution, with no intervening ODBC or OleDb/ADO layer, and the performance reflects the SQLite database performance and not that of the opaque wrapper. It’s also nice because you need no registration of a COM component in the registry, you just copy two .dlls with your workbook and add a .bas module into your project.

    A disadvantage of this approach is that the API is not the standard DAO or ADO interface, so you might need to make some wrappers, or convert some of your code to make it work. That also means you need some familiarity with the SQLite API to use it, but the SQLite documentation is very clear.

    I have put an early version of the project on CodePlex: SQLite for Excel provides a high-performance path to the SQLite3 API functions, preserving the semantics of the SQLite3 library calls and allowing access to the distributed SQLite3.dll without recompilation.

    Any feedback would be much appreciated.

    Update: The SQLite for Excel project now lives on GitHub.

    answered Jan 18, 2010 at 11:38

    Govert's user avatar


    16.3k4 gold badges60 silver badges69 bronze badges

    How to access sqlite from vba macro from here (original article in chinese) :

    Software environment:

    1) Win7 (32 bit) 2) Excel2007 (with VBA function)


    1) First,
    download and install the SQLite ODBC driver.

    Note: If you use Win7, then you need to Adminitrator permissions,
    otherwise the installation fails. The simplest step is to use the
    Administrator login, and then install the SQLite ODBC driver.

    2) Open the Excel VBA code editor window, the menu bar [tool] ->
    [reference], adding Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7, the purpose is
    to use VBA, and database connectivity.

    3) Use the following code to connect SQLite database:

    Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection 
    Dim dbName As String 
    'Define the connection string 
    dbName = "Driver = {SQLite3 ODBC Driver}; Database = D:  yourdbname.db" 
    'Open the database 
    ff.Open dbName 
    ff.Execute "create table a (a, b, c);" 
    'Other operations on and VBA to connect to other DB like Access the same. 
    'Close connection 

    Matthieu's user avatar


    4,5854 gold badges40 silver badges59 bronze badges

    answered Apr 2, 2011 at 9:54

    luke's user avatar


    There’re some DLLs that you can use to access a SQLITE Database from Visual Basic using adodb. I think here is the info that you’re looking for. I never tried it, but the link can be usefull for you.

    Good Luck.

    answered Aug 28, 2009 at 13:39

    Jonathan's user avatar


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    I’ve used Datenhaus’ dhSQLite and it works well.

    answered Aug 31, 2009 at 4:09

    Mark Nold's user avatar

    Mark NoldMark Nold

    5,5786 gold badges30 silver badges33 bronze badges

    google sqliteforexcel and download it from github

    govert responded to this already (the creator), the easy solution to me, unless you can’t.. don’t use Access. Transfer the data to sqlite db files. You can even use ADO to a server or DAO and read the rs directly in to a sqlite table

    It requires no driver or install. You can have your workbook download the 2 .dll’s from a shared location on file open(check if they don’t already exist on their file system, on say c:temp), then user is running sqlite. I suspect, if you’re so inclined to ask this, you’d want to write a function to loop calls to the appropriate sqlite functions(explained in example docs) and read returned data in to a vba array. Then you can do whatever you want with it.

    answered Dec 19, 2019 at 1:54

    Gregg Burns's user avatar

    Gregg BurnsGregg Burns

    1662 silver badges5 bronze badges

    In this tutorial I am going to show you how to connect to a SQLite database with VBA.

    What is SQLite

    A SQLite database is open source, lightweight relationship file-based database. Unlike Microsoft Access, SQLite doesn’t have the 2GB storage limitation.

    Steps To Connect To A SQLite Database In VBA

    Step 1. Install SQLite ODBC Driver

    To connect to a SQLite database in VBA, we first need to download the SQLite ODBC Driver. You can download the SQLIte driver by go to http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/, download the driver executable file sqliteodbc_w64.exe, and install the driver.

    Once you have successfully installed SQLite ODBC driver, you should see SQLite ODBC Driver is now available in ODBC Data Source Administrator.

    Step2. Add ActiveX Data Object Reference

    Next, we need to add ActiveX Data Objects reference for VBA to connect to the ODBC Connection Manager.

    Open the VBA Window (shortcut ALT + F11), Tools > References, and check Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects <version number> Library and click OK.

    Buy Me a Coffee? Your support is much appreciated!

    Step 3. Connect To A SQLite Database With VBA Code

    To connect to the SQLite database with VBA, you can use the VBA code snippet below. Makes sure you update the database path and SQL query.

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