Plural word of tooth

зуб, зубец, зацеплять, зацепляться, нарезать зубцы


- зуб

- спец. зубец, зуб, зубок

teeth of a saw — зубья пилы
teeth of a comb — зубья гребёнки
teeth of a fork — зубцы вил
teeth of a gearwheel — зубцы шестерни

- вкус, любовь (к еде, питью и т. п.)


- нарезать зубцы, зубья
- зацеплять
- зацепляться
- грызть, глодать

Мои примеры


to fill a cavity (in a tooth) — запломбировать зуб  
crowned tooth — зуб с коронкой  
hole in a tooth — дупло в зубе  
molar tooth — коренной зуб  
root of a tooth — корень зуба  
to drill a tooth — сверлить зуб  
baby tooth — молочный зуб  
false tooth — искусственный зуб  
permanent tooth — коренной зуб  
the crown of a tooth — коронка зуба  

Примеры с переводом

I had my tooth out.

Мне удалили зуб.

Which tooth aches?

Какой зуб вас беспокоит?

My tooth still hurts me.

(Мой) зуб все ещё болит.

He cut a tooth.

У него прорезался зуб.

The baby cut a tooth.

У малыша прорезался зуб.

The dentist will have to pull that tooth.

Стоматологу придётся выдернуть этот зуб.

Her tooth chipped.

У неё сломался зуб.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The tooth erupted and had to be extracted

You should get that tooth seen to by a dentist.

The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

toothed  — зубчатый, имеющий зубы, зазубренный
toother  — удар в зубы
toothful  — глоток спиртного
toothing  — зубчатое зацепление, зубчатый венец
toothless  — беззубый
toothy  — зубастый, зубчатый, кусачий, сердитый

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): tooth
мн. ч.(plural): teeth


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English language learning Blog

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  • Словарь
  • Множественное число tooth

14 декабря 2017г.


Существительное tooth [tuːθ]

Перевод: зуб, зубец






Единственное число

Множественное число
tooth (зуб) teeth (зубы)


It looks like its have 200 teeth.
Он выглядит так, будто у него 200 зубов.






Статьи по теме:

  • Множественное число apple
  • Множественное число leaf
  • Множественное число knife
  • Множественное число baby

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Plural of Tooth, Singular of Teeth, Singular and plural of Tooth

Here we will learn the meaning of Tooth & Teeth, singular, plural, synonyms and example sentences of Tooth and Teeth. This basic lesson is very useful for kids and beginners. You will understand the difference between Tooth and Teeth. You will come to know about the singular of Teeth and plural of Tooth. This is brief but detailed lesson.

Meaning of Tooth, Teeth

The meaning of Tooth is each of a set of hard, bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing.

Singular and Plural of Tooth, Teeth in English

Singular Plural
Tooth Teeth

Synonyms of Tooth, Teeth

  • bicuspid
  • cuspid
  • eyetooth
  • fang
  • incisor
  • ivory
  • molar
  • premolar
  • tusk
  • carnassial
  • false tooth

Use of Tooth in Example Sentences

  • A tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an eye.
  • Under the tooth, he has a nasty abscess.
  • Her wisdom teeth was pulled by the dentist.
  • This tooth appears to be quite loose.
  • I haven’t even started on your tooth.
  • A hole was bored in the tooth by the dentist.
  • I recently had a tooth extracted at the dentist.
  • My tooth is causing me a lot of pain.
  • A tooth that has been severely damaged may discolor.
  • They had been fighting tooth and nail for a long time.
  • Under local anesthesia, the tooth was extracted.
  • That tooth will have to be extracted.

A huge list of Singulars and Plurals in English.

Baby Babies
Actor Actors
Office Offices
Computer Computers
Child Children
Day Days
captain Captains
City Cities
Bank Banks
House Houses
Cloth Clothes
Chocolate Chocolates
class Classes
Newspaper Newspapers
Sheep Sheep
Girl Girls
Ring Rings
camp Camps
Fork Forks
Monkey Monkeys
Accident Accidents
Ball Balls
cigarette Cigarettes
club Clubs
engine Engines
Man Men
kitchen Kitchens
Person People
field Fields
Horse Horses
election Elections
edge Edges
Kid Kids
Party Parties
driver Drivers
Feather Feathers
Louse Lice
bird Birds
bridge Bridges
doctor Doctors
Magazine Magazines
Glass Glasses
Dress Dresses
farm Farms
Mouse Mice
Piano Pianos
chapter Chapters
Account Accounts
Apple Apples
Table Tables
dream Dreams
Adult Adults
Teacher Teachers
Shop Shops
Goose Geese
Beach Beaches
Cup Cups
Phone Phones
Student Students
Brothers Brothers
factory Factories
card Cards
Apartment Appartments
Answer Answers
Egg Eggs
face Faces
Address Addresses
Story Stories
Bottle Bottles
Pencil Pencils
School Schools
Plate Plates
country Countries
Artist Artists
library Libraries
Boy Boys
Door Doors
Suitcase Suitcases
Lady Ladies
Bed Beds
finger Fingers
bill Bills
film Films
list Lists
Daughter Daughters
Cat Cats
Bell Bells
Potato Potatoes
Boat Boats
castle Castles
Bag Bags
coat Coats
bush Bushes
College Colleges
Tomato Tomatoes
Idea Ideas
crowd Crowds
Pet Pets
Boot Boots
Tooth Teeth
chest Chests
Notebook Notebooks
Orange Oranges
ear Ears
corner Corners
Book Books
Woman Women
Hand Hands
Pilot Pilots
Article Articles
Friend Friends
Animal Animals
lake Lakes
Insect Insects
Chair Chairs
father Fathers
Deer Deer
Box Boxes
Bus Buses
king Kings
eye Eyes
machine Machines
Match Matches
case Cases
effect Effects
Waiter Waiters
Banana Bananas
Battle Battles
Tree Trees
Car Cars
key Keys
judge Judges
job Jobs
issue Issues
island Islands
husband Husbands
hour Hours
hotel Hotels
hospital Hospitals
hill Hills
heart Hearts
head Heads
hat Hats
hall Halls
gun Guns
group Groups
gate Gates
garden Gardens
game Games
foot Feet
problem Problems
plant Plants
plane Planes
plan Plans
picture Pictures
path Paths
park Parks
page Pages
neck Necks
nation Nations
motor Motors
month Months
model Models
mistake Mistakes
minute Minutes
method Methods
message Messages
member Members
meeting Meetings
meal Meals
Town Towns
Tour Tours
Thought Thoughts
Tent Tents
Task Tasks
Street Streets
Stream Streams
Station Stations
Star Stars
Spot Spots
Son Sons
Smile Smiles
Sister Sisters
Shock Shocks
Shirt Shirts
Scheme Schemes
Room Rooms
Road Roads
RIver Rivers
Project Projects
Valley Valleys
Village Villages
Walk Walks
Wall Walls
Week Weeks
Window Windows
Year Years
Mother Mothers
Inch Inches
Chief Chiefs
Essay Essays
Fox Foxes
Ox Oxen
Sky Skies
Mango Mangoes
Leaf Leaves
Cow Cows
Son-in-law Sons-in-law
Toy Toys
Singular Plural
News News
Bamboo Bamboos
Hair Hair
Radio Radios
Daughter-in-law Daughters-in-law
Dozen Dozen
Fish Fish
Father-in-law Fathers-in-law
Mother-in-law Mothers-in-law
Fly Flies
Proof Proofs
Hoof Hoofs
Leg Legs
Step son Step sons
Army Armies
Cry Cries
Watch Watches
Poetry Poetry
Class fellow Class fellows
Baby Babies
Maid servant Maid servants
Hero Heroes
Duty Duties
Jar Jars
Family Families
Copy Copies
Clutch Clutches
Scissors Scissors
Half Halves
Life Lives
Knife Knives
Bench Benches
Sister-in-law Sisters-in-law
Cliff Cliffs
Lass Lasses
Trousers Trousers
Loaf Loaves
Uncle Uncles
Cuckoo Cuckoos
Calf Calves
Gas Gasses
Brother-in-law Brothers-in-law
Wife Wives
Ass Asses
Self Selves
Ray Rays
Dog Dogs
Thief Thieves
Donkey Donkeys
Bone Bones
Buffalo Buffaloes
Baby Baby
Brother-in-law Brothers-in-laws
Caddy Caddies
Class  fellow Class fellows
Daughter-in-law Daughters-in-laws
Deck Decks
Deer Deers
Dozen Dozens
Father-in-law Fathers-in-laws
Fish Fishes
Hair Hairs
Loof Loops
Love Loves
Maidservant Maidservants
Mother-in-law Mothers-in-laws
Penny Pennies
Pitch Pitches
Poetry Poetries
Quiz Quizzes
Scissor Scissors
Sheep Sheeps
Singular  noon Plural noun
Sister-in-law Sisters-in-laws
Son-in-law Sons-in-laws
Stepson Stepsons
Trouser Trousers
Wish Wishes

About The Author


noun существительное

множественное число (plural):














  1. зуб

    healthy tooth
    здоровый зуб

    upper front teeth
    верхние передние зубы

    small sharp teeth
    мелкие острые зубы

    dazzling white teeth
    ослепительно белые зубы

    removal of wisdom teeth
    удаление зуба мудрости

    teeth of wild beasts
    зубы зверей

    temple of tooth relic
    храм зуба будды

  2. зубец

  3. зубок

  4. удаление зуба

  5. пломбирование зуба

  6. больной зуб

adjective прилагательное














  1. зубной

    tooth enamel
    зубная эмаль

  2. зубчатый

  3. зубастый

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений tooth на 1 миллион слов: 7.

Примеры предложений

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Око за око, зуб за зуб.

This tooth has to have a filling.
На этот зуб нужно поставить пломбу.

I wonder if they don’t have meetings anymore where strong words fly and everyone goes at each other tooth and nail.
Мне интересно, нет ли у них еще встреч, где они бросались словами и оскорбляли друг друга не покладая сил.

When I bite down, this tooth hurts.
Этот зуб болит, когда я кусаю.

My upper right wisdom tooth hurts.
У меня болит верхний правый зуб мудрости.

He broke his tooth last week.
Он сломал зуб на прошлой неделе.

This tooth is wobbly.
Этот зуб шатается.

This tooth is loose.
Этот зуб шатается.

I had a tooth pulled out.
Мне вырвали зуб.

I had my decayed tooth removed.
Мне вырвали гнилой зуб.

Tom has a loose tooth.
У Тома зуб шатается.

This is a canine tooth.
Это клык.

This tooth is an incisor.
Этот зуб называется резец.

Tom had a tooth pulled out yesterday.
Тому вчера вырвали зуб.

I had a tooth pulled out last week.
У меня зуб вырвали на прошлой неделе.

I must get a bad tooth pulled out.
Мне надо удалить больной зуб.

I had a tooth pulled.
Мне выдернули зуб.

Leave a tooth under your pillow, and the tooth fairy will take it and put a present in its place.
Оставь под подушкой зуб, и зубная фея его заберёт и положит на его место подарок.

The decayed tooth came out on its own.
Гнилой зуб сам выпал.

He had his tooth pulled.
Ему удалили зуб.

The dentist took her broken tooth out.
Зубной врач вырвал ей сломанный зуб.

The doctor tore his tooth away with a pair of tongs.
Врач вырвал ему зуб щипцами.

She bought a hair brush and a tooth brush.
Она купила расчёску и зубную щётку.

She had her tooth pulled.
Ей вырвали зуб.

Maria is missing a tooth.
У Мэри не хватает одного зуба.

I had a tooth pulled out yesterday.
Мне вчера вырвали зуб.

My wisdom tooth hurts.
У меня зуб мудрости болит.

You cannot pluck love out of your heart as you would pull a tooth.
Ты не можешь вырвать любовь из своего сердца так, как мог бы вырвать зуб.

Tom had a tooth pulled out last week.
На прошлой неделе Тому выдернули зуб.

I’ve always had a sweet tooth.
Я всегда была сладкоежкой.

  • tooth,
    мн. teeth
  • tooth,
    / toothed
    / toothing
    / tooths

Склонение существительного tooth[tu:θ]      зуб, зубной, зубец


Possessive case




Спряжение глагола tooth[tu:θ]      зацеплять

Все формы
IndefiniteContinuousPerfectPerfect ContinuousInfinitivesParticiples

Present Indefinite

I tooth
you tooth
he/she/it tooths
we tooth
you tooth
they tooth

Present Perfect

I have toothed
you have toothed
he/she/it has toothed
we have toothed
you have toothed
they have toothed

Present Continuous

I am toothing
you are toothing
he/she/it is toothing
we are toothing
you are toothing
they are toothing

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been toothing
you have been toothing
he/she/it has been toothing
we have been toothing
you have been toothing
they have been toothing

Past Indefinite

I toothed
you toothed
he/she/it toothed
we toothed
you toothed
they toothed

Past Continuous

I was toothing
you were toothing
he/she/it was toothing
we were toothing
you were toothing
they were toothing

Past Perfect

I had toothed
you had toothed
he/she/it had toothed
we had toothed
you had toothed
they had toothed

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been toothing
you had been toothing
he/she/it had been toothing
we had been toothing
you had been toothing
they had been toothing

Future Indefinite

I will tooth
you will tooth
he/she/it will tooth
we will tooth
you will tooth
they will tooth

Future Continuous

I will be toothing
you will be toothing
he/she/it will be toothing
we will be toothing
you will be toothing
they will be toothing

Future Perfect

I will have toothed
you will have toothed
he/she/it will have toothed
we will have toothed
you will have toothed
they will have toothed

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been toothing
you will have been toothing
he/she/it will have been toothing
we will have been toothing
you will have been toothing
they will have been toothing

Conditional Present

I would tooth
you would tooth
he/she/it would tooth
we would tooth
you would tooth
they would tooth

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be toothing
you would be toothing
he/she/it would be toothing
we would be toothing
you would be toothing
they would be toothing

Conditional Perfect

I would have toothed
you would have toothed
he/she/it would have toothed
we would have toothed
you would have toothed
they would have toothed

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been toothing
you would have been toothing
he/she/it would have been toothing
we would have been toothing
you would have been toothing
they would have been toothing




to tooth
to have toothed
to be toothing
to have been toothing

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