Plural word for watch

часы, вахта, наблюдение, смотреть, наблюдать, вахтенный


- часы (наручные, карманные)

He set his watch by mine. — Он поставил свои часы по моим.
My watch has run down. — Мои часы остановились.

- мор. корабельный хронометр
- наблюдение; надзор; присмотр; просмотр

to keep watch over smth., smb. — а) наблюдать /следить/ за чем-л., кем-л.; б) сторожить /караулить/ что-л., кого-л.
to keep (a good) watch — внимательно /бдительно/ следить или сторожить

- (for) высматривание

on the watch for smth., smb. — в ожидании чего-л., кого-л.
to be on the watch for — подкарауливать, поджидать
to be on the watch for an opportunity — выжидать удобного случая

- вахта

starboard [port] watch — первая [вторая] вахта; вахта правого [левого] борта (часть команды)
watch and watch — деление команды на две вахты
watch below — а) подвахтенные; б) время, свободное от вахты
Watch fall in! — Очередной смене построиться! (команда)

ещё 10 вариантов


- наблюдать; следить

to watch the development of affairs — следить за развитием событий
to watch one’s diet — соблюдать диету

- смотреть; наблюдать; просматривать

to watch television — смотреть телевизор
to watch a game — смотреть игру; наблюдать за игрой

- (тж. over) стеречь; сторожить; караулить; охранять; присматривать

There is a policeman watching outside the building. — У здания дежурит полицейский.
Will you watch (over) my clothes while I have a swim? — Вы не посмотрите за моей одеждой, пока я купаюсь?

- (for) поджидать; выжидать; ожидать; высматривать; подстерегать; подкарауливать

watching for a signal — в ожидании сигнала
to watch one’s time — подстерегать (удобный) момент
to watch for a chance — поджидать удобный случай

- быть начеку, настороже; проявлять осмотрительность (тж. watch out)

Watch out! — Осторожно!
Watch out! There is a car coming. — Осторожно! Едет машина.
to watch out for smth., smb. — напряжённо ожидать чего-л., кого-л.
The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles. — Врач велел ей следить, не появятся ли симптомы кори.

- дежурить (особ. ночью)

to watch with a sick person, to watch at smb.’s (bed)side, to watch beside a sick bed — дежурить у больного /у постели больного/

- редк. стоять на вахте; быть в карауле, дозоре
- часто рел. бодрствовать; бдеть

Watch and pray. — Бодрствуйте и молитесь. (библ.)


- сторожевой; вахтенный; дежурный

watch buoy — сторожевой буй
watch officer — мор. вахтенный офицер
watch commander — старший вахтенный офицер; начальник смены
watch dog — сторожевой пёс

- часовой; относящийся к наручным или карманным часам

watch repairer — часовой мастер, часовщик
watch band — ремешок для наручных часов
watch chain — цепочка для часов

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

My watch is fast.

Мои часы спешат.

Let’s watch the news.

Давайте смотреть новости.

Watch out!, Watch it!

Осторожно! Будь осторожен!

My watch has stopped.

Мои часы остановились.

Watch me carefully.

Следи за мной внимательно.

She glanced nervously at her watch.

Она нервно взглянула на свои часы.

They watched as the murderer was executed.

Они смотрели, как казнили убийцу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

watcher  — наблюдатель, сторож, знаток, исследователь
watchful  — бдительный, внимательный, осторожный
overwatch  — наблюдать
watching  — наблюдающий, смотрящий, надзор

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: watch
he/she/it: watches
ing ф. (present participle): watching
2-я ф. (past tense): watched
3-я ф. (past participle): watched

ед. ч.(singular): watch
мн. ч.(plural): watches

The plural form of watch; more than one (kind of) watch.

Simply so Is watch a real word? Watch is similar to look at, but it usually means that we look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving: …

Was singular or plural? Was is used in the first person singular (I) and the third person singular (he, she, it). Were is used in the second person singular and plural (you, your, yours) and first and third person plural (we, they). I was driving to the park.

also What is plural child? The plural form of the noun child is: children.

What is cherry plural?

noun, plural cher·ries.

What word class is watches? watch used as a noun:

A portable or wearable timepiece. “More people today carry a watch on their wrists than in their pockets.” A particular time period when guarding is kept.

Is watch a noun or a verb?

watch (verb) watch (noun) watching brief (noun)

What word type is watching? Watching can be an adjective or a verb.

When to use were or was?

When to use were

Whereas was is the singular past tense of to be, were is used for both the third person plural past tense (they and we) and the second person past tense (you). In the past indicative, were acts similar to was. “They were at the store,” you could say, for example.

Is everyone a plural? Grammarians actually agree that the words everyone and everybody are singular. … She says, everyone sounds like a lot of people, but in grammar land, everyone is a singular noun and takes a singular verb. For example: Everyone loves Squiggly.

Was there grammar?

Learning how to use there was and there were isn’t that difficult if you already know how to use there is and there are.

There was and There Were Examples.

Plural There were There were 3 strangers outside the office
Singular There was There was a stranger outside the house

• Jan 2, 2022

What is Goose plural? noun. ˈgüs plural geese ˈgēs “,What is tooth plural?”

noun. ˈtüth plural teeth ˈtēth “,What is the plural of fish?”

The plural of fish is usually fish. When referring to more than one species of fish, especially in a scientific context, you can use fishes as the plural. The zodiac sign Pisces is also often referred to as fishes.

What is Donkey plural?

noun. don·key | ˈdäŋ-kē , ˈdəŋ- , ˈdȯŋ- plural donkeys.

What is the plural form of Fox? noun, plural fox·es, (especially collectively) fox.

Is watch is a naming word? watch” are informed to choose the naming word. ‘The naming word’ indicates noun. ‘Plate’ is the naming word. … Though graze is also a noun but actually graze is used to describe verb form of parts of speech.

Is wrist watch a proper noun?

A watch that is worn on a strap or band fastened around the wrist.

Which is best brand for watch? The Top 25 Watch Brands To Know Now

  • Jaeger-LeCoultre. Jaeger-LeCoultre. …
  • Audemars Piguet. Audemars Piguet. …
  • Frédérique Constant. Frederique Constant. …
  • Piaget. Piaget. …
  • Cartier. Cartier. …
  • Harry Winston. Harry Winston. …
  • Blancpain. Blancpain. …
  • Longines. Longines.

How do you use watch as a verb?

watch something for something He watched the house for signs of activity. watch (for something) He watched for signs of activity in the house. ‘Would you like to play? ‘ ‘No thanks—I’ll just watch.

Is watch an action word? Watch is classified as an action verb that is the longest of the three verbs. We can use watch for a few minutes or a few hours. Progressive forms are common with this verb.

How is watch used as a noun?

She kept looking anxiously at her watch. He paced nervously, checking his watch.

  1. The police have mounted a watch outside the hotel.
  2. I’ll keep watch while you go through his papers (= watch and warn you if somebody is coming).
  3. The government is keeping a close watch on how the situation develops.


What is the plural of the word watch?

2 watch /ˈwɑːtʃ/ noun. plural watches. 2 watch. /ˈwɑːtʃ/ plural watches.

How do you spell wrist watch plural?

The plural form of wrist watch is wrist watches.

What is the plural of Rolex?


What is Fox plural?

noun plural foxes or fox.

Who is smarter a dog or cat?

A study carried out by researchers from six universities and published in Frontiers in Neuroanatomy suggests something that dog advocates may claim they already knew: that dogs could be more intelligent. Researchers have found that dogs have around twice the number of neurons in their cerebral cortex than cats.

What is the smartest dog breed?

The Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

  • Border collie.
  • Poodle.
  • German shepherd dog.
  • Golden retriever.
  • Doberman pinscher.
  • Shetland sheepdog.
  • Labrador retriever.
  • Papillon.

Which is the most beautiful dog in the world?

Here the list of 10 most beautiful dog breeds.

  • 9 Miniature Schnauzer.
  • 8 Icelandic Sheep Dog.
  • 7 Bernese Mountain Dog.
  • 6 Alaskan Malamute.
  • 5 Akita Inu.
  • 4 Beagle.
  • 3 Golden Retriever. The smart, beautiful and good-natured golden retriever is one of the most popular dog breed in the world.
  • 1 Pomeranian.

What dog has the shortest lifespan?

Dogue de Bordeaux

Can a dog kill a tiger?

There is no such dog which can take on a tiger one on one but in the forests of India there is a wild dog breed known as ‘ Dhole’ in local language . In packs, they are known to hunt tigers , though only when they are desperate and out of options .

Which dog can kill a puma?

No dog can kill an adult puma one on one in a fair fight but cougars will avoid fights when they can so they will easily run. Certainly no dog can kill a leopard as leopards are incredible strong.

  • watch,
    / watched
    / watching
    / watches
  • watch,
    мн. watches

Спряжение глагола watch[wɔtʃ]      смотреть, наблюдать, посматривать

Все формы
IndefiniteContinuousPerfectPerfect ContinuousInfinitivesParticiples

Present Indefinite

I watch
you watch
he/she/it watches
we watch
you watch
they watch

Present Perfect

I have watched
you have watched
he/she/it has watched
we have watched
you have watched
they have watched

Present Continuous

I am watching
you are watching
he/she/it is watching
we are watching
you are watching
they are watching

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been watching
you have been watching
he/she/it has been watching
we have been watching
you have been watching
they have been watching

Past Indefinite

I watched
you watched
he/she/it watched
we watched
you watched
they watched

Past Continuous

I was watching
you were watching
he/she/it was watching
we were watching
you were watching
they were watching

Past Perfect

I had watched
you had watched
he/she/it had watched
we had watched
you had watched
they had watched

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been watching
you had been watching
he/she/it had been watching
we had been watching
you had been watching
they had been watching

Future Indefinite

I will watch
you will watch
he/she/it will watch
we will watch
you will watch
they will watch

Future Continuous

I will be watching
you will be watching
he/she/it will be watching
we will be watching
you will be watching
they will be watching

Future Perfect

I will have watched
you will have watched
he/she/it will have watched
we will have watched
you will have watched
they will have watched

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been watching
you will have been watching
he/she/it will have been watching
we will have been watching
you will have been watching
they will have been watching

Conditional Present

I would watch
you would watch
he/she/it would watch
we would watch
you would watch
they would watch

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be watching
you would be watching
he/she/it would be watching
we would be watching
you would be watching
they would be watching

Conditional Perfect

I would have watched
you would have watched
he/she/it would have watched
we would have watched
you would have watched
they would have watched

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been watching
you would have been watching
he/she/it would have been watching
we would have been watching
you would have been watching
they would have been watching




to watch
to have watched
to be watching
to have been watching

Склонение существительного watch[wɔtʃ]      часы, просмотр, дозор


Common case



Possessive case

watch’s / watch’



Watch Plural, What is the Plural of Watch?

Meaning: use or expend carelessly

Singular and Plural of Watch

Singular Plural
watch watches

Synonyms of Watch

  • throw away
  • squander
  • spend recklessly
  • spend like water
  • misuse
  • misspend
  • lavish
  • fritter away
  • dissipate
  • be wasteful with

Watch In Example Sentences

  • She bought a new watch at the jewelry store.
  • I will girt you a watch, in my dreams.
  • The watch is running five minutes slow.

English has both singular and plural forms for nouns, pronouns, adjectives and verbs. Understanding when to use them correctly is an important part of mastering the language. This basic vocabulary short lesson is very useful for kids and beginners. We have discussed basic synonyms and their use in our daily routine conversational sentences.

Learning English is a challenging process for many people, but fortunately there are plenty of resources to help you along the way. One common grammar issue that ESL students struggle with is singulars and plurals. If your goal is to learn how to use these correctly in sentences, it can be helpful to keep this basic rule in mind- plural nouns have an “-s” added on the end!

Download here a complete list of singular and plurals in PDF.

Here is a detailed list of singular and plurals:

Singular Plural
corpse corpses
corps corps
corpus corpora
corn corns
cornea corneas
coral corals
conundrum conundra
continuum continua
context contexts
content contents
consortium consortiums
consensus consensus
conscious conscious
conscience consciences
congress congresses
confetti confettis
concrete concretes
concerto concertos
comrade comrades
computer computers
Singular Plural
dad dads
daddy daddies
daily dailies
dairy dairies
dais daises
daisy daisies
data data
database databases
date dates
day days
dear dears
decoy decoys
decubitus decubiti
degree degrees
deli delis
delivery deliveries
demo demos
denarius denarii
dentist dentists
Singular Plural
ear ear
eclipse eclipses
education educations
effort efforts
ego egos
elementary elementaries
elephant elephants
elk elks
ellipsis ellipses
else else
email emails
embargo embargoes
embassy embassies
embolism embolisms
embolus emboli
embryo embryos
emoji emojis
employee employees
Singular Plural
face faces
factory factories
faculty faculties
fairy fairies
fan fans
fantasy fantasies
father fathers
fawn fawns
feedback feedbacks
foot feet
female females
ferry ferries
Singular Plural
gallery galleries
gallows gallowses
garage garages
garden gardens
garlic garlics
gas gases
gazelle gazelles
Singular Plural
hair hairs
halibut halibuts
hallux halluces
hand hands
handful handfuls
handsome handsome
hare hares
hat hats
head heads
health healths
hearse hearses
helix helices
hello hellos
help helps
hen hens
Singular Plural
ice ices
idea ideas
ides ides
igloo igloos
ignoramus ignorami
ilium ilia
illness illnesses
impetus impetuses
inca incas
inch inches

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