Plural word for toy

Toy Plural, What is the Plural of Toy?

Meaning: an object for a child to play with

Singular and Plural of Toy 

 Synonyms of Toy 

  • simulation
  • plaything
  • model
  • miniature
  • make-believe
  • imitation
  • game
  • fake

Toy In Example Sentences

  • I bought my niece a toy car for her birthday.
  • How much would it cost to ship this large box with toys in it?
  • Santa brought me all of these toys.

English has both singular and plural forms for nouns, pronouns, adjectives and verbs. Understanding when to use them correctly is an important part of mastering the language. This basic vocabulary short lesson is very useful for kids and beginners. We have discussed basic synonyms and their use in our daily routine conversational sentences.

Learning English is a challenging process for many people, but fortunately there are plenty of resources to help you along the way. One common grammar issue that ESL students struggle with is singulars and plurals. If your goal is to learn how to use these correctly in sentences, it can be helpful to keep this basic rule in mind- plural nouns have an “-s” added on the end!

Download here a complete list of singular and plurals in PDF.

Here is a detailed list of singular and plurals:

Singular Plural
corpse corpses
corps corps
corpus corpora
corn corns
cornea corneas
coral corals
conundrum conundra
continuum continua
context contexts
content contents
consortium consortiums
consensus consensus
conscious conscious
conscience consciences
congress congresses
confetti confettis
concrete concretes
concerto concertos
comrade comrades
computer computers
Singular Plural
dad dads
daddy daddies
daily dailies
dairy dairies
dais daises
daisy daisies
data data
database databases
date dates
day days
dear dears
decoy decoys
decubitus decubiti
degree degrees
deli delis
delivery deliveries
demo demos
denarius denarii
dentist dentists
Singular Plural
ear ear
eclipse eclipses
education educations
effort efforts
ego egos
elementary elementaries
elephant elephants
elk elks
ellipsis ellipses
else else
email emails
embargo embargoes
embassy embassies
embolism embolisms
embolus emboli
embryo embryos
emoji emojis
employee employees
Singular Plural
face faces
factory factories
faculty faculties
fairy fairies
fan fans
fantasy fantasies
father fathers
fawn fawns
feedback feedbacks
foot feet
female females
ferry ferries
Singular Plural
gallery galleries
gallows gallowses
garage garages
garden gardens
garlic garlics
gas gases
gazelle gazelles
Singular Plural
hair hairs
halibut halibuts
hallux halluces
hand hands
handful handfuls
handsome handsome
hare hares
hat hats
head heads
health healths
hearse hearses
helix helices
hello hellos
help helps
hen hens
Singular Plural
ice ices
idea ideas
ides ides
igloo igloos
ignoramus ignorami
ilium ilia
illness illnesses
impetus impetuses
inca incas
inch inches

About The Author

игрушка, забава, пустяк, игрушечный, кукольный, играть, забавляться


- игрушка (детская)

toy shop — магазин игрушек
toy box — коробка для игрушек

- что-л. напоминающее игрушку

the tug was a toy beside the ship it guided — буксир казался игрушечным рядом с судном, которое он тащил

- забава, развлечение

to make a toy of smth. — забавляться /увлекаться/ чем-л.

- беспомощный человек

he was a mere toy in her hands — он был игрушкой в её руках
the wrecked sailors were but helpless toys in the raging ocean — потерпевшие кораблекрушение моряки были абсолютно беспомощны в бушующем океане

- человек, с которым можно не считаться; ничтожество, слабак

ещё 10 вариантов


- игрушечный, кукольный

toy dog — комнатная собачка
toy house — кукольный домик
toy monkey — игрушечная обезьянка
toy soldier — а) оловянный солдатик; б) солдат бездействующей армии
toy railway — игрушечная железная дорога
toy theatre — кукольный театр, театр марионеток
to run a toy car — ездить на детском автомобиле

- комнатный; предназначенный для развлечений

toy dog — комнатная собачка
toy poodle — карликовый пудель
toy fish — рыбка для аквариума

- миниатюрный

toy furniture — миниатюрная мебель
toy stove — маленькая /миниатюрная/ печка

- маленький; ненастоящий; напоминающий что-л. большое

toy army — игрушечная армия
toy Napoleon — (жалкое) подобие Наполеона, маленький Наполеон


- вертеть в руках

he toyed with a pencil — он вертел в руках карандаш

- играть, баловаться

don’t toy with the matches — не балуйся со спичками

- несерьёзно делать что-л.

he was not hungry and only toyed with his food — он не был голоден и лениво ковырял еду /лениво ковырялся в своей тарелке/

- играть, дурачиться, забавляться; несерьёзно относиться

to toy with an idea — играть с мыслью
to toy with a young girl’s affections — играть чувствами девушки
to toy with the muse — пописывать
he is merely toying with you — он просто играет вами

- флиртовать

Мои примеры


to entertain / toy with an idea — носиться с идеей  
toy car — игрушечная машинка  
toy plane — игрушечный самолётик  
toy train — игрушечный поезд  
toy store — магазин игрушек  
musical toy — музыкальная игрушка  
toy seller — торговец игрушками; продавец игрушек  
toy theater — театр марионеток; кукольный театр  
any toy is o.k. that keeps the baby at play — чем бы дитя ни тешилось, лишь бы не плакало  
run a toy car — ездить на детском автомобиле  

Примеры с переводом

Please put away your toys.

Пожалуйста, убери свои игрушки.

She looked down, and toyed with her rings.

Она смотрела вниз и вертела свои кольца.

He toys his hours away.

Он тратит свои часы на пустяки.

Her latest toy is a sports car.

Ее последняя игрушка — спортивный автомобиль.

Put your toys back in the toy box.

Положи свои игрушки обратно в ящик.

Computers have become household toys.

Компьютеры стали домашним развлечением.

Private airplanes are a rich man’s toy.

Частные самолёты являются игрушками богачей.

I have toyed too long down the stream of life.

В течение жизни я слишком долго занимался пустяками.

The food mixer is her latest toy.

Миксер — это её последняя игрушка.

Father often toys with the thought of going to live on a tropical island.

Папа часто забавляется мыслью о том, чтобы отправиться жить на тропический остров.

All the time he was talking, he was toying with a pencil.

На протяжении всего своего выступления он вертел в руках карандаш.

He bought a new TV and a few other toys.

Он купил новый телевизор и несколько других безделушек.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Annie was playing happily with her toys.

Your car is just a toy compared to this truck.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: toy
he/she/it: toys
ing ф. (present participle): toying
2-я ф. (past tense): toyed
3-я ф. (past participle): toyed

ед. ч.(singular): toy
мн. ч.(plural): toys

Table of Contents

  1. How do you use toy in a sentence?
  2. How do you write the word toys?
  3. What is the use of toy?
  4. What makes a toy popular?
  5. What is the first toy?
  6. What is the rarest toy?
  7. What is the most famous toy?
  8. What was first toy on TV?
  9. What was the first toy to be sold?
  10. Why are Koosh balls called Koosh?
  11. What are the most valuable vintage toys?
  12. How can you tell if a toy is worth money?
  13. What old stuff is worth money?
  14. What is the most valuable toy?
  15. What are collectors looking for?
  16. Are Hot Wheels worth money?
  17. What Happy Meal toys are worth money?
  18. How do I sell my 2020 Beanie Babies?
  19. Are Burger King toys worth anything?
  20. How much is a Happy Meal toy by itself?
  21. Can you ask for a specific toy at McDonald’s?
  22. Can I just buy the toy at McDonald’s?
  23. Are old Happy Meal toys valuable?
  24. Are Mcdonalds Toys valuable?
  25. What is the rarest Mcdonalds Pokemon card?
  26. What are the most valuable Mcdonalds Beanie Babies?
  27. How can you tell if a Beanie Baby is rare?
  28. What is the rarest Beanie Baby?

Toys, like play itself, serve multiple purposes in both humans and animals. They provide entertainment while fulfilling an educational role. Toys enhance cognitive behavior and stimulate creativity. They aid in the development of physical and mental skills which are necessary in later life.

How do you use toy in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] He threw his toy. ( Nero)
  2. [S] [T] Put away your toys. ( CK)
  3. [S] [T] Put your toys away. ( CK)
  4. [S] [T] Tom put away his toys. ( CK)
  5. [S] [T] Don’t toy with me, Tom. ( CK)
  6. [S] [T] That factory makes toys. ( CK)
  7. [S] [T] That toy is made of wood. ( Zifre)
  8. [S] [T] Tom lost his favorite toy. ( Hybrid)

How do you write the word toys?

Correct spelling for the English word “Toys” is [tˈɔ͡ɪz], [tˈɔ‍ɪz], [t_ˈɔɪ_z] (IPA phonetic alphabet).


What makes a toy popular?

A good toy is one that is fun for your child and suitable for his age, developmental needs, and personality. Generally, it also has one or more of the following qualities: Inspires active play. If the toy does all the work, then it loses its appeal after the first half hour.

What is the first toy?

Early Toys Among the earliest known toys are small stone and clay balls or marbles. Marbles were found in a child’s grave in Nagada, Egypt and date from 4000 BC. Medieval toys were made of wood and included yo-yos, cup and ball toys and tops.

What is the rarest toy?

  • Furby.
  • Game Boy.
  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
  • Jem and the Holograms Dolls.
  • Rainbow Brite Doll.
  • Star Wars Toys.
  • Strawberry Shortcake dolls.
  • Teddy Ruxpin.

What is the most famous toy?

The best-selling toys of all time:

  • Furby. Credit: Amazon.
  • L.O.L Surprise Dolls. Credit: Amazon.
  • Cabbage Patch Dolls. Credit: Amazon.
  • Rubik’s cube. Credit: Amazon.
  • LeapFrog learning. Credit: Amazon.
  • Stretch Armstrong. Credit: Amazon.
  • Iggle Piggle. Credit: Amazon.
  • Star Wars. Credit: Amazon. Amazon Prime Day 2021.

What was first toy on TV?

Potato Head

What was the first toy to be sold?

The Hula Hoop is considered the first major fad toy in the sense that when sales were good, they were unheard-of-good, but once the public tired of the product, they plummeted. During that period (1958), the company sold more than 100 million Hula Hoops for $1.98 each.

Why are Koosh balls called Koosh?

A ball made out of rubber fibers that were easily grabbed by tiny fingers. (An early prototype featured a mass of rubber bands tied together.) Stillinger named his soft creation “Koosh” because of the sound it made when it landed in his hand; he went on to sell them in a rainbow of colors and various sizes.

What are the most valuable vintage toys?

  • McDonald’s Happy Meal toys could be worth a nice bit of money.
  • Barbie accessories and playsets can also make you a fortune.
  • An original Furby could make you hundreds of dollars.
  • Original Sky Dancers from Japan go for around $200.
  • Rare copies of Super Mario Bros.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • Hot Wheels models have sold for $3,500.

How can you tell if a toy is worth money?

To determine a toy value, has a service which shows many completed auctions over the past 10 years. Searching this website under “toy”, one can find the priceand photos of over 105,000 toy lots sold over the past 10 years. I personally like toys made by the Performo toy company.

What old stuff is worth money?

So to help you along, here are 15 old things in your house that could be worth a fortune.


What is the most valuable toy?

10 Most Expensive Toys and Games: From Diamond Barbie to Astolat Dollhouse Castle

  • Steiff Louis Vuitton Teddy Bear – $2.1 million.
  • Golden Monopoly – $2 million.
  • The Masterpiece Cube Rubik’s Cube – $1.5 million.
  • Gold Rocking Horse – $600,000.
  • Stefano Canturi Barbie or Diamond Barbie – $302,500.

What are collectors looking for?

  • Comic Books. Comic books are still a very popular collector’s item — and the more vintage and rare your comic book is, the more it’s worth.
  • Coins. Coin collectors truly enjoy a valuable hobby.
  • Stamps.
  • Dolls.
  • Action Figures.
  • Board Games.
  • Trading Cards.
  • ‘Star Wars’ Collectibles.

Are Hot Wheels worth money?

One manufactured in 1969 or 1970 could easily fetch $200 to $400 he said. Hot Wheels hit the market in 1968, and even common cars from the earliest years of manufacturing can fetch $10 to $40 each, he said. So if you’ve got a shoe box full of early Hot Wheels, it’s worth sorting them out and determining their value.

What Happy Meal toys are worth money?

The 15 Most Expensive Happy Meal Toys from McDonald’s

  • Hot Wheels (1983) Estimated Value: $40.
  • Clone Wars Happy Meal Box (2008) Estimated Value: $50.
  • Transforming Food (1987 & 1989) Estimated Value: $70.
  • Potato Head Kids (1987) Estimated Value: $100.
  • Jerry the Minion (2013)
  • Furby (2000)
  • Snoopy (2000)
  • 101 Dalmatians (1996)

How do I sell my 2020 Beanie Babies?

Best Sites to Sell Beanie Baby Collections

  1. Craigslist.
  2. eBay.
  3. Etsy.
  4. PlushCollector.

Are Burger King toys worth anything?

Just like the ones at Mickey D’s, the small children’s collectibles at Burger King can be worth quite a bit of money. And thanks to some collectors on eBay, there are a few old Burger King toys still in perfect condition. But unlike valuable Pokémon cards, BK prizes went under the radar.

How much is a Happy Meal toy by itself?

Surprisingly, the real money is in the Happy Meal boxes themselves, which sell for about $20 each. A full store display set of the original McDonald’s Mario toys sold for $625.

Can you ask for a specific toy at McDonald’s?

6) Ask specifically for the “Customer Satisfaction Box” for the line of toys you are looking for. There will be a box for each line, and most restaurants receive them sometime early in the promotion.

Can I just buy the toy at McDonald’s?

There’s an option to buy a toy in the side. At my store it’s $1.00 with any food item and only for a toy it’s $1.49 and you can ask what toys the store has at the moment. Or there’s a box called ‘ customer satisfaction box ‘ it contains all the toys for that category.

Are old Happy Meal toys valuable?

Other valuable Happy Meal toys Transforming Food toys from circa 1987 to 1989 are valued at $70 each, and Hot Wheels from 1983 are worth around $40 per car. Today, sets of these vintage Happy Meal toys could fetch up to $80.

Are Mcdonalds Toys valuable?

For fans of The Wizard of Oz and Madame Alexander dolls, there’s some good news if you kept these McDonald’s toys for the past decade. Full sets of the 12 Happy Meal dolls are going for anywhere from $42 to $130 on eBay. You might as well cash in!

What is the rarest Mcdonalds Pokemon card?

The Rarest McDonald’s Pokemon Cards

  • Misprints. As with most any other set of Pokemon TCG cards, misprints and error cards tend to be both the rarest and most valuable cards on the third-party reselling market.
  • Holographic Pikachu.
  • Holographic Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle.

What are the most valuable Mcdonalds Beanie Babies?

The McDonald’s-exclusive line of Teenie Beanie Babies included four bears representing four different countries—Britannia from Britain, Maple from Canada, Erin from Ireland, and Glory from the U.S. In January 2019, a Britannia bear in its original packaging sold for $10,000.

How can you tell if a Beanie Baby is rare?

Rare signs list:

  1. All rare TY beanies have only a TY on the swing.
  2. No star on Tush tag.
  3. 1993-1998.
  4. PVC pellets.
  5. Capital i’s look like lower case L’s on the swing tag.
  6. Name and style number in combination with all of the above 1-5 are the rarest beanie babies.

What is the rarest Beanie Baby?

Peanut the Elephant



From Middle English toye (amorous play, piece of fun or entertainment), probably from Middle Dutch toy, tuyg (tools, apparatus, utensil, ornament) as in Dutch speel-tuig (play-thing, toy), from Old Dutch *tiug, from Proto-Germanic *teugą (stuff, matter, device, gear, lever, literally that which is drawn or pulled), from Proto-Germanic *teuhaną (to lead, bring, pull), from Proto-Indo-European *dewk- (to pull, lead). Cognate with German Zeug (stuff), Danish tøj (stuff). Related to tug, tow.


  • IPA(key): /tɔɪ/
  • Rhymes: -ɔɪ


toy (plural toys)

Children playing with a wooden toy car.
  1. Something to play with, especially as intended for use by a child. [from 16th c.]

    A grown man does not play with a child’s toy.

  2. A thing of little importance or value; a trifle. [from 16th c.]
    • c. 1587–1588, [Christopher Marlowe], Tamburlaine the Great. [] The First Part [], part 1, 2nd edition, London: [] [R. Robinson for] Richard Iones, [], published 1592, →OCLC; reprinted as Tamburlaine the Great (A Scolar Press Facsimile), Menston, Yorkshire; London: Scolar Press, 1973, →ISBN, Act II, scene ii:

      tis a pretie toy to be a Poet.

    • he had deflowered the abbess, and as many besides of the nuns as he could, and leaves him withal rings, jewels, girdles, and such toys to give them still, when they came to visit him.
  3. A simple, light piece of music, written especially for the virginal. [16th–17th c.]
  4. Short for toy dog.
    • 1968, Jeff Griffen, The Poodle Book (page 36)
      Since standards are large dogs, they grow much more rapidly than miniatures and toys, which means that they require more supplements.
  5. (obsolete) Love play, amorous dalliance; fondling. [16th–18th c.]
    • 1590, Edmund Spenser, “Book I, Canto I”, in The Faerie Queene. [], London: [] [John Wolfe] for William Ponsonbie, →OCLC:

      Then seemed him his Lady by him lay, / And to him playnd, how that false winged boy, / Her chast hart had subdewd, to learne Dame pleasures toy.

  6. (obsolete) A vague fancy, a ridiculous idea or notion; a whim. [16th–17th c.]
    • , vol.1, III.i.2:
      Though they do talk with you, and seem to be otherwise employed, and to your thinking very intent and busy, still that toy runs in their mind, that fear, that suspicion, that abuse, that jealousy […].
    • c. 1608–1610, Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher, “Philaster: Or, Love Lies a Bleeding”, in Comedies and Tragedies [], London: [] Humphrey Robinson, [], and for Humphrey Moseley [], published 1679, →OCLC, (please specify the act number in uppercase Roman numerals, and the scene number in lowercase Roman numerals):

      What if a toy take ’em i’th’ heels now, and they all run away.

    • 1612, Michael Drayton, “(please specify the chapter)”, in [John Selden], editor, Poly-Olbion. Or A Chorographicall Description of Tracts, Riuers, Mountaines, Forests, and Other Parts of this Renowned Isle of Great Britaine, [], London: [] H[umphrey] L[ownes] for Mathew Lownes; I. Browne; I. Helme; I. Busbie, published 1613, →OCLC:

      Nor light and idle toys my lines may vainly swell.
  7. (slang, derogatory) An inferior graffiti artist.
    • 2009, Gregory J. Snyder, Graffiti Lives: Beyond the Tag in New York’s Urban Underground (page 40)
      It is incorrect to say that toys tag and masters piece; toys just do bad tags, bad throw-ups, and bad pieces.
    • 2011, Adam Melnyk, Visual Orgasm: The Early Years of Canadian Graffiti (page 45)
      I was a toy until I met Sear, who moved here from Toronto and showed me the book Subway Art.

      2022 August 31, Babak Anvari, Namsi Khan; Babak Anvari, director, I Came By, spoken by Rave (Sean Rey), 15:22 from the start:

      DAVE COLUMBO (played by Gabriel Bisset-Smith): So, Rave, you’re a graffiti artist. RAVE: Writer. Graffiti writer. There’s a difference. DAVE COLUMBO: What do you make of “I Came By”(the practice of robbing rich people’s houses and tagging them with the words “I came by”)? RAVE: I think whoever done it is a fucking toy. I heard it’s not the same crew anymore.

  8. (obsolete) An old story; a silly tale.
    • c. 1595–1596 (date written), William Shakespeare, “A Midsommer Nights Dreame”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act V, scene i]:

      More strange than true: I never may believe these antique fables, nor these fairy toys.

  9. (Scotland, archaic) A headdress of linen or wool that hangs down over the shoulders, worn by old women of the lower classes; called also toy mutch.
    • 1814 July 7, [Walter Scott], Waverley; [], volume (please specify |volume=I to III), Edinburgh:  [] James Ballantyne and Co. for Archibald Constable and Co.; London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, →OCLC:

      Having, moreover, put on her clean toy, rokelay, and scarlet plaid.

  10. A sex toy (object or device to give sexual pleasure).
  11. (slang, MLE) A gun.
    • 2013 December 23, Stephen Reynolds; Stephen Reynolds, director, Vendetta, spoken by Ronnie (Nick Nevern), 48:02 from the start:

      RONNIE: Now, that is a SIG Sauer P226. JIMMY VICKERS (played by Danny Dyer): Yeah, takes 19 in the clip. It’s effective up to 50 metres. RONNIE: Man knows his toys.


  • See also Thesaurus:toy

Derived terms[edit]

  • boy toy
  • chew toy
  • cuddly toy
  • sex toy
  • toylike
  • toyshop


something to play with

  • Afrikaans: speelgoed
  • Albanian: lodër (sq) f
  • Arabic: لُعْبَة (ar) f (luʕba), دُمْيَة‎ f (dumya)
    Egyptian Arabic: لعبة‎ f (leʿba)
    South Levantine Arabic: لعبة(luʿba, luʿbe)
  • Armenian: խաղալիք (hy) (xałalikʿ)
  • Aromanian: giucãreauã f
  • Assamese: খেলাবস্তু (khelabostu), খেলনা (khelona)
  • Azerbaijani: oyuncaq (az)
  • Bashkir: уйынсыҡ (uyınsıq)
  • Basque: jostailu (eu)
  • Belarusian: ца́цка f (cácka), за́баўка f (zábaŭka)
  • Bengali: খেলনা (bn) (khelna)
  • Bulgarian: игра́чка (bg) f (igráčka)
  • Burmese: ကစားစရာ (my) (
  • Catalan: joguina (ca) f, joguet (ca) m
  • Cebuano: dulaan
  • Chamicuro: is̈hakatu’kulu’to kana
  • Cherokee: ᏗᏁᎵᏙᏗ (dinelidodi)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 玩具 (wun6 geoi6)
    Dungan: ванйир (vanyir), фалазы (falazɨ), фалар (falar)
    Mandarin: 玩具 (zh) (wánjù)
    Min Dong: 客佻乇 (káh-dièu-nó̤h), 玩具 (uàng-gê̤ṳ)
    Min Nan: 𨑨迌物 (chhit-thô-mi̍h / thit-thô-mn̍gh / chhit-thô-mn̍gh)
    Wu: 玩具 (hhoe jy)
  • Czech: hračka (cs) f
  • Danish: legetøj (da) n
  • Dutch: speelgoed (nl) n
  • Esperanto: ludilo, amuzilo
  • Estonian: mänguasi
  • Finnish: lelu (fi), leikkikalu (fi)
  • French: jouet (fr) m
  • Galician: xoguete m
  • Georgian: სათამაშო (satamašo)
  • German: Spielzeug (de) n
  • Greek: άθυρμα (el) n (áthyrma), παιχνίδι (el) n (paichnídi)
    Ancient: ἄθυρμα n (áthurma), παίγνιον n (paígnion)
  • Gujarati: રમકડું (gu) (ramakḍũ)
  • Haitian Creole: jwèt
  • Hawaiian: mea pāʻani
  • Hebrew: צַעֲצוּעַ (he) (tsa’atsúa)
  • Hindi: खिलौना (hi) m (khilaunā)
  • Hungarian: játék (hu), játékszer (hu)
  • Icelandic: leikfang (is) m
  • Ido: ludilo (io)
  • Indonesian: mainan (id)
  • Irish: bréagán (ga) m
    Middle Irish: áillecán m
  • Isnag: ayam
  • Italian: giocattolo (it) m, balocco (it) m
  • Japanese: 玩具 (ja) (おもちゃ, omocha), 遊び道具 (あそびどうぐ, asobi dōgu), トイ (toi)
  • Kabyle: ⴰⵍⵉⵍⵓⵛ m (aliluč)
  • Kashubian: bawidło n
  • Kazakh: ойыншық (oiynşyq)
  • Khmer: តុក្កតា (km) (tokkaʼtaa)
  • Korean: 장난감 (ko) (jangnan’gam), 완구(玩具) (ko) (wan’gu)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: pêlîstok (ku)
  • Kyrgyz: оюнчук (ky) (oyunçuk)
  • Lao: ຂອງຫລີ້ນ (khǭng līn), ຂອງຫລິ້ນ (khǭng lin), ຂອງຫຼິ້ນ (khǭng lin)
  • Latin: lūdibrium n, crepundia n pl
  • Latvian: rotaļlieta f
  • Lithuanian: žaislas m
  • Macedonian: и́грачка f (ígračka)
  • Malay: mainan (ms)
  • Malayalam: കളിപ്പാട്ടം (ml) (kaḷippāṭṭaṃ)
  • Manx: didee, gaih, goog
  • Maori: mea tākaro
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: тоглоом (mn) (togloom)
  • Norman: jouaette f (Guernsey)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: leketøy (no) n, leiketøy n, leke (no) m or f, leike m or f
    Nynorsk: leiketøy n, leikety n, leike f
  • Occitan: joguet (oc), joguina (oc)
  • Ojibwe: odaminwaagan
  • Pashto: بازيچه (ps) f (bāzičá), لوبڅی‎ m (lobcáy)
  • Persian: اسباب بازی (fa) (asbâb bâzi), بازیچه (fa) (bâziče)
  • Polish: zabawka (pl) f, bawidło (pl) n (dated or regional)
  • Portuguese: brinquedo (pt) m
  • Punjabi: ਖਿਡੌਣਾ m (khiḍauṇā)
  • Romanian: jucărie (ro) f
  • Russian: игру́шка (ru) f (igrúška), (bauble) безделу́шка (ru) f (bezdelúška), ца́цка (ru) f (cácka) (dated)
  • Rusyn: гра́чка f (hráčka)
  • Sanskrit: क्रीडनक (sa) n (krīḍanaka)
  • Scottish Gaelic: àilleagan m, cluicheag f, dèideag f
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: ѝграчка f
    Roman: ìgračka (sh) f
  • Slovak: hračka (sk) f
  • Slovene: igrača (sl) f
  • Spanish: juguete (es) m
  • Swedish: leksak (sv)
  • Tagalog: laruan
  • Tajik: бозича (tg) (boziča)
  • Tatar: уенчык (tt) (uyençıq)
  • Tausug: panayaman
  • Telugu: ఆటబొమ్మ (te) (āṭabomma)
  • Thai: ของเล่น (th) (kɔ̌ɔng-lên)
  • Tibetan: རྩེད་ཆས (rtsed chas)
  • Turkish: oyuncak (tr)
  • Turkmen: oýnawaç, oýunjak
  • Ukrainian: і́грашка (uk) f (íhraška), ца́цка f (cácka), за́бавка f (zábavka)
  • Urdu: کھلونا‎ m (khilaunā)
  • Uyghur: ئويۇنچۇق(oyunchuq)
  • Uzbek: oʻyinchoq (uz)
  • Vietnamese: đồ chơi (vi)
  • Volapük: pledadin (vo)
  • Welsh: tegan (cy) m
  • Yiddish: צאַצקע‎ f (tsatske), שפּילכל‎ n (shpilkhl), שפּילצײַג‎ n (shpiltsayg)


toy (third-person singular simple present toys, present participle toying, simple past and past participle toyed)

  1. (intransitive) To play (with) in an idle or desultory way.

    to toy with a piece of food on one’s plate

    Figo is toying with the English defence.

    • 1596, Edmund Spenser, “Book V”, in The Faerie Queene. [], part II (books IV–VI), London: [] [Richard Field] for William Ponsonby, →OCLC, stanza 24, page 246:

      His [Hercules’s] Lyons skin chaungd to a pall of gold, / In which forgetting warres, he onely ioyed / In combats of ſweet loue, and with his miſtreſſe toyed.

  2. (intransitive) To ponder or consider.

    I have been toying with the idea of starting my own business.

  3. (slang, transitive) To stimulate with a sex toy.
    • 2013, Jonathan Everest, Lady Loverly’s Chattel
      He could see her hand go to her slit, and soon she was toying herself along, breathing heavily.


to play with

  • Afrikaans: speel (af)
  • Bulgarian: играя си (igraja si)
  • Catalan: jugar (ca)
  • Czech: hrát si (cs)
  • Dutch: spelen (nl)
  • French: jouer (fr) (avec), s’amuser (fr) (avec)
  • Galician: xogar
  • German: herumspielen, spielen (de)
  • Greek: παίζω (el) (paízo)
  • Indonesian: mempermainkan (id)
  • Italian: giocare (it), trastullarsi, baloccarsi, giocherellare (it)
  • Portuguese: jogar (pt)
  • Russian: забавля́ться (ru) (zabavljátʹsja) (с), игра́ть (ru) (igrátʹ) (с)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: поигравати се (poigravati se)
    Roman: poigravati se
  • Spanish: jugar (con)
  • Swedish: leka (sv)

See also[edit]

  • game


  • Tyo, yot



From Proto-Turkic *toy (feast).


  • IPA(key): /toj/


toy (definite accusative toyu, plural toylar)

  1. wedding


    Declension of toy
singular plural
nominative toy toylar
definite accusative toyu toyları
dative toya toylara
locative toyda toylarda
ablative toydan toylardan
definite genitive toyun toyların
    Possessive forms of toy
singular plural
mənim (my) toyum toylarım
sənin (your) toyun toyların
onun (his/her/its) toyu toyları
bizim (our) toyumuz toylarımız
sizin (your) toyunuz toylarınız
onların (their) toyu or toyları toyları
singular plural
mənim (my) toyumu toylarımı
sənin (your) toyunu toylarını
onun (his/her/its) toyunu toylarını
bizim (our) toyumuzu toylarımızı
sizin (your) toyunuzu toylarınızı
onların (their) toyunu or toylarını toylarını
singular plural
mənim (my) toyuma toylarıma
sənin (your) toyuna toylarına
onun (his/her/its) toyuna toylarına
bizim (our) toyumuza toylarımıza
sizin (your) toyunuza toylarınıza
onların (their) toyuna or toylarına toylarına
singular plural
mənim (my) toyumda toylarımda
sənin (your) toyunda toylarında
onun (his/her/its) toyunda toylarında
bizim (our) toyumuzda toylarımızda
sizin (your) toyunuzda toylarınızda
onların (their) toyunda or toylarında toylarında
singular plural
mənim (my) toyumdan toylarımdan
sənin (your) toyundan toylarından
onun (his/her/its) toyundan toylarından
bizim (our) toyumuzdan toylarımızdan
sizin (your) toyunuzdan toylarınızdan
onların (their) toyundan or toylarından toylarından
singular plural
mənim (my) toyumun toylarımın
sənin (your) toyunun toylarının
onun (his/her/its) toyunun toylarının
bizim (our) toyumuzun toylarımızın
sizin (your) toyunuzun toylarınızın
onların (their) toyunun or toylarının toylarının

Crimean Tatar[edit]



  1. wedding feast
  2. banquet



From Danish tøj, from Middle Low German tüg.


  • IPA(key): /tʰɔiː/, /tʰœiː/


toy n (genitive singular toys, uncountable)

  1. fabric


Declension of toy (singular only)
n3s singular
indefinite definite
nominative toy toyið
accusative toy toyið
dative toyi toyinum
genitive toys toysins

Middle French[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • toi



  1. (in the singular, less formal) you


  • (plural or polite singular): vous


  • te
  • tu



  • IPA(key): /toɪ/

Etymology 1[edit]

From Ottoman Turkish طوی‎, attested in Turkic from the 11th century.



  1. immature, naive
  2. amateur, unexperienced

Etymology 2[edit]


toy (definite accusative toyu, plural toylar)

  1. great bustard; Otis tarda

See also[edit]

  • tay

Etymology 3[edit]

From Common Turkic *toy (feast).


  • IPA(key): /toj/


toy (definite accusative toyu, plural toylar)

  1. (dated) feast, wedding
Nominative toy
Definite accusative toyu
Singular Plural
Nominative toy toylar
Definite accusative toyu toyları
Dative toya toylara
Locative toyda toylarda
Ablative toydan toylardan
Genitive toyun toyların
Possessive forms
Singular Plural
1st singular toyum toylarım
2nd singular toyun toyların
3rd singular toyu toyları
1st plural toyumuz toylarımız
2nd plural toyunuz toylarınız
3rd plural toyları toyları
Definite accusative
Singular Plural
1st singular toyumu toylarımı
2nd singular toyunu toylarını
3rd singular toyunu toylarını
1st plural toyumuzu toylarımızı
2nd plural toyunuzu toylarınızı
3rd plural toylarını toylarını
Singular Plural
1st singular toyuma toylarıma
2nd singular toyuna toylarına
3rd singular toyuna toylarına
1st plural toyumuza toylarımıza
2nd plural toyunuza toylarınıza
3rd plural toylarına toylarına
Singular Plural
1st singular toyumda toylarımda
2nd singular toyunda toylarında
3rd singular toyunda toylarında
1st plural toyumuzda toylarımızda
2nd plural toyunuzda toylarınızda
3rd plural toylarında toylarında
Singular Plural
1st singular toyumdan toylarımdan
2nd singular toyundan toylarından
3rd singular toyundan toylarından
1st plural toyumuzdan toylarımızdan
2nd plural toyunuzdan toylarınızdan
3rd plural toylarından toylarından
Singular Plural
1st singular toyumun toylarımın
2nd singular toyunun toylarının
3rd singular toyunun toylarının
1st plural toyumuzun toylarımızın
2nd plural toyunuzun toylarınızın
3rd plural toylarının toylarının

Further reading[edit]

  • toy in Turkish dictionaries at Türk Dil Kurumu


  • Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–), “toy1”, in Nişanyan Sözlük
  • Redhouse, James W. (1890), “طوی”, in A Turkish and English Lexicon, Constantinople: A. H. Boyajian, page 1264


Other scripts
Cyrillic той (toy)
Latin toy


toy (plural toylar)

  1. foal

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

Is toy’s plural?

No apostrophe. «Toys» is plural of «toy»

What is the singular and plural noun for toy?

Toy is singular. The plural form is toys.

What is the plural of toy?

The plural for the noun toy is toys.

What is a plural in the child’s toy?

The plural form of the noun child is children.The plural possessive form is the children’s toy.The plural form of the noun toy is toys.The possessive forms are the child’s toys or the children’s toys.

What is the plural form of toys?

The word toys is the plural form. The singular noun is toy.

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