Plural word for key

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What is the plural word form for key?

The plural is keys.

Is keys plural or singular?

The noun ‘keys’ is the plural form of the noun ‘key’.

What is the plural for the word key?

The plural of key is keys.

What is the plural form of SHE IS?

The plural form for the pronoun ‘she’ is they’; the plural form for ‘she is’ is ‘they are’ or the contraction they’re.

What is the plural form for beliefs?

«Beliefs» does not have a plural form, as it is already plural.
Beliefs is the plural form of belief.

What is the plural of the word key?

The plural of key is keys.

Can keys be singular?

Senior Member. If you are talking about one, it should be key. However, normally people do carry all their keys together, so the plural is common.

What is Word key?

noun. a word that serves as a key, as to the meaning of another word, a sentence, passage, or the like. a word used to classify or organize digital content, or to facilitate an online search for information: Search the database for the keyword “Ireland.”

What is the verb of key?

keyed; keying; keys. Definition of key (Entry 3 of 7) transitive verb. 1 : to lock or secure with or as if with a key : fasten: such as. a : to secure (something, as a pulley on a shaft) by a key.

What are examples of key terms?

Important terms for you to know include:

  • Definition of Apply.
  • Argue.
  • Compare/Contrast.
  • Define.
  • Describe.
  • Discuss.
  • Evaluate/Critique.
  • Interpret.

What are key writing concepts?

Key Concept: One of the basic principles of style for effective technical writing is that the style must meet the needs of the reader/audience. Explanation: Effective writers adjust their style to the needs of their readers and their knowledge of the subject.

How do you find key terms?

First, target the major concepts from your topic.

  1. Write out a brief description (1 or 2 sentences) of your research topic.
  2. Identify the most important 2 – 4 words from your research question.
  3. For each key concept, make a list of other words with the same or related meanings.

How do you describe key terms?

In order to define the key terms, you first have to bluntly state what they are. Always include the key words included in the question. These have been identified as central concepts for you, and by excluding them, you’ll be very likely answering a different question from the one set.

What are defining terms?

Defining a term gives that word or phrase a particular, special meaning within the context of the legal document, and not the meaning that would be used in everyday language. This happens mostly to general words when we want to narrow the range of its meaning.

How should terms be defined?

1) Defined terms and definitions must be used to make the interpretation of a contract easier: they make contract provisions concise; whereas the use of defined terms should at all times reduce any risks of ambiguity. A defined term should not include “(s)”: where defined, a defined term is either singular or plural.

Why are key terms used in research must be defined clearly?

These terms should be clearly defined according how they are used in the study in order to make easy understanding of the problem and avoid ambiguous meaning to terms which can be otherwise interpreted in different ways. Make sure to define though common may have special meaning or used differently.

What is a term example?

Term – Definition with Examples A term can be a constant or a variable or both in an expression. In the expression, 3a + 8, 3a and 8 are terms. Here is another example, in which 5x and 7 are terms that form the expression 5x + 7. Math Games for Kids. Multiplication Games.

What is key terms in research?

Keywords are important words/concepts found in your research question or thesis. A quick and dirty way to pull keywords from a research question/thesis is to choose the most important nouns; all other words are irrelevant. Using keywords to search will always retrieve more results than phrases or sentences.

How do you write keywords?

Keywords should ideally be phrases of 2-4 words; single word keywords are acceptable, but they may lead to many false matches. 3. Keywords should contain words and phrases that suggest what the topic is about. Also include words and phrases that are closely related to your topic.

What is make a list of useful keywords?

Make a List of Useful Keywords. Keep track of the words that are used to describe your topic. This will help you when you are searching in different databases, because not every author uses the same keywords to describe the same topic.

How do I create a list of keywords?

Six Steps to Create and Prioritize a Keyword List

  1. Step 1: Audience. In this tab, write down what you know about your buyers, what’s important to them and when, and important dates to track.
  2. Step 2: Categories of keywords.
  3. Step 3: Keyword list.
  4. Step 4: Check volume.
  5. Step 5: Relevance score.
  6. Step 6: Prioritize.

What are the three steps to choosing keywords?

Three-Steps to Choosing Keywords

  1. Extract single words or short phrases. You will not use complete sentences as you would in normal conversation to search.
  2. Experiment with different synonyms.
  3. Think of related terms to describe your topic.

How do you target keywords?

Here’s an easy three-step process for targeting keywords with blog content.

  1. Step 1: Identify Keyword Opportunities. Before you can target anything, you need to determine what keyword phrases are likely to bring in relevant traffic.
  2. Step 2: Narrow Down Your Topic.
  3. Step 3: Write and Optimize Your Post.

How do you use keywords?

First, use your main keyword in the first couple of sentences of your content, or at least within the first paragraph. Next, use that keyword and variations of it, throughout the content, as shown below. The best practice is to include latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords rather than the exact keyword every time.

What makes a good keyword?

Your target keywords need to meet four criteria — significant search volume, high relevance, strong conversion value, and reasonable competition.

What are the most popular keywords?

Top 100 Google Most Searched Terms Globally

Keyword Search Volume
1 youtube 1.4B
2 facebook 1.2B
3 google 580.7m
4 whatsapp web 543.3m

What is the best keyword tool?

The 10+ best keyword research tools

  • SEMrush.
  • KWFinder.
  • Ahrefs Keyword Explorer.
  • Google Keyword Planner.
  • GrowthBar.
  • Long Tail Pro.
  • Majestic.
  • Keyword Tool.

How do I choose keywords in keyword planner?

Click on the wrench icon in the toolbar at the top of the page. You’ll see two different tools within Keyword Planner: “Discover New Keywords” and “Get search volume and forecasts”. When it comes to SEO-focused keyword research, these two tools are enough to generate thousands of potential keywords.

How do you check price keywords?

One of the easiest ways you can check the price of a keyword is through a keyword cost estimator tool. You won’t have much trouble finding such a tool online. These tools take all the relevant factors into account which Google uses to determine the price of a keyword.

How much do keywords cost?

The cost of the keywords can be incredibly cheap or grossly expensive, with the price per click ranging anywhere between 50 cents to 50 dollars per click, depending on the competition level and the industry you are in.

Is Google ads keyword planner free?

You can use this free tool to discover new keywords related to your business and see estimates of the searches they receive and the cost to target them. Keyword Planner also provides another way to create Search campaigns that’s centered around in-depth keyword research.

How do I choose keywords?

5 tips for Helping You Choose the right keywords

  1. Think like a customer. Identify your target audience and put yourself into the shoes of a customer when you create your initial list of keywords.
  2. Study the competition.
  3. Understand the long tail keyword.
  4. Use keyword research tools.
  5. Analyze the results.

How do I find my popular keywords?

One of the easiest ways to find trending keywords is to use Google’s search autocomplete feature on their website. Start typing your search term(s). As you type, Google will report some popular searches based on what you’ve entered. Look for “head” keywords.

ключевой, основной, главный, ключ, клавиша, кнопка, код, настраивать


- главный, основной, ведущий

key industries — ведущие отрасли промышленности
key man — незаменимый /ведущий/ работник, специалист
key personnel — ведущие специалисты
key actor — амер. актер первого плана
key issues — основные /жизненно важные/ вопросы
workers in key trades — рабочие ведущих профессий

- ключевой

key position — ключевая позиция
key point — тактически важный пункт, опорный пункт
key terrain — тактически важная местность

- кино, фото основной

key light — основной /направленный/ свет, ключевой свет
key drawing — основная фаза движения (в мультфильме)
key tone of a photograph — основная тональность фотоснимка

- спец. дескрипторный

key system — дескрипторная система
key file — картотека дескрипторов, дескрипторная картотека

- определяющий, опознавательный

key line — ключ к произношению и различным знакам (приводится в конце страницы)


- ключ (от замка)

safe key — ключ от сейфа
skeleton /false/ key — отмычка
key of the front door — ключ от парадного входа
to fit a key to a lock — подобрать ключ к замку
to put the key In the lock — вставить ключ в замок

- ключ (для завода часового механизма, настройки муз. инструмента и т. п.)

key of a clock — ключ от стенных часов

- гаечный ключ
- эл. ключ, кнопка, рычажный переключатель
- ключ (к упражнениям, переводам, решению задач и т. п.); подстрочник

key to the Latin book — подстрочник к латинской книге
key of the cipher — ключ к шифру
key to abbreviations — расшифровка сокращений

ещё 19 вариантов


- запирать на ключ
- использовать условные обозначения, значки, символы

instructions keyed to accompanying drawings — пояснения к чертежам, легенда

- тех. заклинить, закрепить шпонкой
- радио, тел. работать ключом
- настраивать музыкальный инструмент (тж. key up)
- приспосабливать (к чему-л.); приводить в соответствие (с чем-л.)

to key smth. to smth. — приводить что-л. в соответствие с чем-л.
remarks keyd to the situation — замечания, приличествующие данной ситуации
to key one’s speech to the level of the audience — строить своё выступление в соответствии с уровнем аудитории

- (on) спорт. присматривать за соответствующим номером команды противника; «опекать» (противника; футбол, хоккей)

Мои примеры


key one’s actions to the voters’ prevailing attitude — согласовать свои действия с преобладающими настроениями среди избирателей  
to depress a typewriter key — нажать на клавишу печатной машинки  
the key must be held down — эта клавиша должна удерживаться в нажатом состоянии  
to insert a key in a lock — вставить ключ в замок  
duplicate key — ключ-дубликат  
master key — ключ-оригинал  
a key to a door — ключ от двери  
to duplicate a key — сделать дубликат ключа  
to fit / match a key — подобрать ключ  
to insert a key — вставлять ключ  
key character — знак (символ) ключа  

Примеры с переводом

I lost my house keys.

Я потерял ключи от дома.

The key question is “Can we afford it?”.

Ключевой вопрос такой: можем ли мы себе это позволить?

He spoke in a low key.

Он говорил тихо, не повышая голоса.

Her story gave the key to the mystery.

Её рассказ стал разгадкой этой тайны.

He’s a key player in the organization.

Он – ключевая фигура в этой организации.

Are all the strings properly keyed up?

Все ли струны правильно настроены?

Calais served as a key to France.

Кале служило входными воротами во Францию.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The show has been hit by the departure of key personnel.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

key in — печатать, вводить с клавиатуры
key off — выключить, выключать
key on — включить, включать, заклинивать, ключ
key up — взвинчивать, придавать решимость, настраивать, повышать, придавать смелость

Возможные однокоренные слова

keyed  — взвинченный, снабженный ключами, взволнованный, гармонирующий
keyless  — без ключа, заводящийся без ключа
keyer  — манипулятор, модулятор, телеграфный манипулятор
keying  — клиновое соединение, соединение шпонками или шипами, кодирование, шифровка

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: key
he/she/it: keys
ing ф. (present participle): keying
2-я ф. (past tense): keyed
3-я ф. (past participle): keyed

ед. ч.(singular): key
мн. ч.(plural): keys

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key is one of the 1000 most common headwords.



  • 1 Pronunciation
  • 2 Noun
  • 3 Adjective
  • 4 Verb
    • 4.1 Synonyms
    • 4.2 Related words


  • enPR:
  • IPA (key): /kiː/
  • SAMPA: /ki:/
  • Audio (US) (file)
  • Audio (UK) (file)




  1. A key is a small instrument, usually metal used to open locks.
    I put my key in the lock and turned it.
  2. A key is a button used for typing.
    Type your name and hit the ENTER key.
  3. A key is the part of a keyboard instrument you press with your fingers to play a sound.
    The piano has a pattern of black and white keys.
  4. (music) The key in music is the tonal centre of a piece of music.
    Mozart’s Symphony No.40 is written in the key of G minor.
  • A key

    A key

  • Computer keys

    Computer keys

  • Piano keys

    Piano keys



more key

most key

  1. Something that is key, is an important or a main thing.
    Accuracy is a key part of playing music.


Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. To key is to lock something with key, or like using a key.
  2. To key is to put locks on a building.
  3. The locksmith was called in to key the building for better security.
  4. To key is to enter information into a computer.
    He keyed in all the data from the survey.


  • main
  • principle
  • important

Related words[change]

  • keyless
  • keyring

Retrieved from «»


  • BNC1 headwords
  • Nouns
  • Music
  • Adjectives
  • Verbs
  • Regular verbs

It seems to me that people use frequently the plural forms of the word «key» to talk about their keys. Apparently they do so even when there is only one key. Is this correct, and if so, why?
For instance, one might say, «I lost my house/car keys.» Does this always mean they lost more than one key? Or could it be that they are referring to a single entity using a plural word?

It seems to me that people use frequently the plural forms of the word «key» to talk about their keys. … more than one key? Or could it be that they are referring to a single entity using a plural word?

In the case of the house at least for me it’s keys in the plural. (I carry 3 house keys — front, back and gate.)
In the case of the car, I suspect it’s an anachronism from the not-so- distant-past when each lock had a separate key (ignition, doors and boot, petrol cap; ah, I remember it well..)

Cheers, Harvey
Ottawa/Toronto/Edmonton for 30 years;
Southern England for the past 21 years.
(for e-mail, change harvey to whhvs)

It seems to me that people use frequently the plural forms of the word «key» to talk about their keys. … more than one key? Or could it be that they are referring to a single entity using a plural word?

I cannot imagine anyone carrying a single key. Keys grow in clusters. On just about any key ring there is at least one key of unknown use. It is the key that opens something one once owned or used, and it never discarded in fear that this something will suddenly demand access.
In most houses there is a «key drawer» where old keys, like elephants, go to die. It is commonly considered very bad luck indeed to discard any of these keys. Even if common sense says that a key marked «Volvo» is no longer needed because you haven’t owned a Volvo for 16 years, there’s a deep and primitive instinct in man* not to throw away this key. The current owner that Volvo might call the next afternoon and offer $1,000 for someone to come and open the rotting carcass of that Volvo. If one moves to a new house, the contents of the key drawer should make the journey, and the keys to the old house should be added to the drawer.
Of special note are the tiny keys. These are the keys to luggage locks and are often fetishes of the old Samsonite religion. They are to be passed down from generation to generation with due reverence.

There is usually a receptacle in the garage that is similar to the key drawer, but it contains padlocks without keys. There is a myth — sometimes called «The Second Coming of the Key» — that one day one of the keys in the key drawer will fit one of the padlocks in the garage, but this has never happened yet even though the truly devout believe it will happen.
*»man», in this case, refers to male humans and not Man. Female humans are key agnostics. They irreverently call the contents of the key drawer «key clutter» and worship other things. They will try to clear out the key drawer and replace it with almost-spent tubes of lipstick in colors they will never wear again, and dried out containers of out-of-favor eye shadow.

Tony Cooper filted:

In most houses there is a «key drawer» where old keys, like elephants, go to die. It is commonly considered … the key drawer should make the journey, and the keys to the old house should be added to the drawer.

I’ve got a few in my key drawer that never operated any lock…for a while back in the early 90s the car dealers here were running a series of promotions wherein they’d mail a key to everyone they could think of…this was your invitation to come down to the lot, try it in a car they were giving away, and if it fit, you’d win the car…(naturally, most of these keys didn’t start the car, and you would then be in a position of being on a car sales lot and at the mercy of the sales staff)..

Of special note are the tiny keys. These are the keys to luggage locks and are often fetishes of the old Samsonite religion. They are to be passed down from generation to generation with due reverence.

if you get tired of looking at them, you could always try making wind chimes out of them…I’ve even considered that it would be a great place to hide the spare key to the house; just instruct people who are supposed to know that «the spare is the one counterbalanced by the long key with the blue head»..r

While it was 16/9/03 2:56 pm throughout the UK, Eamer sprinkled little black dots on a white screen, and they fell thus:

It seems to me that people use frequently the plural forms of the word «key» to talk about their keys.

How many plural forms of «key» are there?

Apparently they do so even when there is only one key. Is this correct, and if so, why?

I don’t think I’ve come across this. Are there many people who possess only one key, yet like to make people think they have several?

Though I can imagine someone asking someone else «Have you got your keys?» without knowing how many (or few) keys are on the bunch.

But I’ve come across it the other way round. While I was out shopping with a few of my family, my sister phoned to complain that she couldn’t get into the house because she’d left her «car key» behind, having not got her car for the time being. NTS I instantly wondered «What on earth’s that to do with anything?» It turned out that she had managed to confuse herself by using «car key» to mean her whole bunch of keys!


My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on on the ‘group where everyone may benefit.

Apparently they do so even when there is only one key. Is this correct, and if so, why?

I don’t think I’ve come across this. Are there many people who possess only one key, yet like to make people think they have several?

A couple of days ago I was watching an episode of Friends (722), where the gang wants to drive Monica’s Porsche. They first try to get the car key and their lines go like this:
Ross: Hey uh Mon, I saw the Porsche parked out front, can I get the keys? Thought I’d take that bad boy out for a little spin. (snip)
Rachel: Come on Ross give me the keys! Monica does not know what she’s talking about! I am an excellent driver!
Ross: There is no way I am letting you drive this car! So why don’t you just hand over the keys?
«the keys» flash across the screen only a couple of times, which makes it very difficult to make them out clearly, but what they refer to with «the keys» seems to be just a single key attached to a key ring. And I think I’ve come across such situations more than once. Does the whole thing make sense?

Note that they speak the first two lines before they actually get to see the keys. Perhaps they are assuming that Monica has several keys on a ring as most people do (as I gather from your posts).
BTW, I carry only one conventional key myself, which is my apartment key. First, I don’t own a car. I have other «keys» of course, but they are all card keys, which I use in my office.
There are a few sentences in this post that I don’t think feel right, so I’d appreciate it if you could correct my English.

It seems to me that people use frequently the plural … are referring to a single entity using a plural word?

In the case of the house at least for me it’s keys in the plural. (I carry 3 … not-so- distant-past when each lock had a separate key (ignition, doors and boot, petrol cap; ah, I remember it well..)

I sincerely hope that it’s not true that separate keys are an anachronism. When I buy my next new car, I will be disappointed if it’s not provided with separate keys.

I like being able to leave my car in the care of valet parkers or service facilities without granting access to whatever I may have locked up in the trunk.
I think several years ago I may have owned a Japanese car that had two keys: One key would fit both the ignition and the trunk; the other, the ignition only. If that’s true, it was an excellent idea.
As for the subject question, if I still had the Japanese car, and if my memory of its provision of keys is accurate, I would speak of «my car keys» when I had both keys on a ring in my pocket, but when I left the car for service, I might take the ignition-only key off the ring and leave «the key» with the car. But if I didn’t have anything in the trunk to bother about, I would probably just leave «the keys».


In the case of the car, I suspect it’s an … doors and boot, petrol cap; ah, I remember it well..)

I sincerely hope that it’s not true that separate keys are an anachronism. When I buy my next new car, I will be disappointed if it’s not provided with separate keys.

Maybe it’s different in the US I can’t recall the last car I owned her with separate keys (probably an early 1980s’ model). We currently have a 6-year-old Citroen and a 2-year-old Renault, and I recently drove a brand-new Vauxhall (Astra) as a loaner from the body shop; all of these used a single key.
(It’s also the case that all of the central locking on these automatically open the boot as well as the doors; the central locking on the new Vauxhall even unlocked the petrol cap flap.)

I don’t know if one can specify separate keys as an optional extra.

Cheers, Harvey
Ottawa/Toronto/Edmonton for 30 years;
Southern England for the past 21 years.
(for e-mail, change harvey to whhvs)

X-No-Archive: yes

It seems to me that people use frequently the plural forms of the word «key» to talk about their keys. Apparently they do so even when there is only one key. Is this correct, and if so, why?

When I turned 21 I wasn’t given keys, I was given a key. Christ only knows what it was supposed to open other than trouble.

For instance, one might say, «I lost my house/car keys.» Does this always mean they lost more than one key?

Yes. The «s» on the end of the noun is a dead give away.

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