Planting the seed of the word

Why not save your seeds and next time you buy a takeaway coffee from Pugh’s, keep the cup and plant the seeds in it?

Just stick a same-colored pick for each variety into the pellets or cells after you plant the seeds, tape or clip the same color pick to the seed envelope they came from, and store them away.

You can then learn how to plant the seeds and look after them until they grow into trees for the garden.

We decided to plant the seeds before the Easter holidays and had grand ideas about planting outside.

Plant the seeds in spring in loose soil that has been deeply dug.

The event took place on Wednesday when the team of volunteers met up before heading off to plant the seeds in brilliant sunshine.

If your plants didn’t reach maturity fast enough, plant the seeds earlier next year.

Our goal is to plant the seeds of a smarter community in the minds of young people.

Part of his stated rationale for invading Afghanistan and Iraq was to topple authoritarian regimes in both countries and plant the seeds of democracy.

Without our help, Jenkins says, the fate of this cloud-clinging species depends on the nutcracker’s ability to gather and plant the seeds, usually on recently burned sites, in clusters of anywhere from three to 15 kernels per excavation.

At a two-hour forum held 12 January 2001 at the NIEHS campus in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, key players in the study of and fight against cyanobacteria species—which include Microcystis, Cylindrospermopsis, and Anabaena—had the chance to meet and plant the seeds for possible future collaborations in new cyanobacteria research.

He knows that a few well-spoken or ill-spoken words can plant the seeds for future success or set the stage for future failures.

«Management should plant the seeds by asking questions of your people.» By asking employees if a problem can be solved in a new way, or how it can be permanently prevented, they begin to think differently about maintenance.

The characteristics of each plot of ground will be added to a database in a computer that will use the information beamed from the satellites to determine how much fertilizer or pesticide to apply to that spot or how far apart to plant the seeds. «We will then go back to multiple applications of chemicals over the growing season, which will reduce the total volume of chemicals being applied.

«In managing our resources and in sustainable development, we plant the seeds of peace.»

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

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Your task is to plant the seed of kindness in your children.

Many have a dream and want a fertile grown to plant the seed of that dream.

У многих есть мечта, и они хотят найти плодородную почву, чтобы посеять семена этой мечты.

Given the history of the conflict, such actions might be designed to plant the seed of mistrust in complex inter-ethnic relations in the region.

Принимая во внимание историю конфликта, такие действия могут планироваться, с тем чтобы посеять семена недоверия в области сложных межэтнических отношений в регионе.

Another point, the Chinese seem to be pushing for UFO/ET disclosure of some sort, using Fulford as a kind of mouthpiece to plant the seed.

Еще один момент: китайцы, похоже, настаивает на частичном НЛО/ Инопланетном раскрытии, используя Фулфорда, как своего рода рупор, чтобы посеять семена.

They believe you are here to plant the seed of that destruction.

Они думают, что ты пришел сюда посеять семя этого разрушения.

And I can control where to plant the seed.

It will be very difficult to plant the seed of rational evidence in such unfertile ground.

Будет очень трудно посеять семя рациональных доказательств в таких бесплодных местах.

I just wanted to plant the seed, is all.

To wind up with a tree somebody has to plant the seed.

Перед тем, как дерево сможет вырасти, кто-то должен посадить семя.

Let the kriya prepare the ground of your body properly to plant the seed of higher experience.

Позвольте крийи подготовить почву в вашем теле для того, чтобы посадить зерно более высокого опыта.

Decide when to plant the seed.

I didn’t have a complete replacement context yet, but I began to plant the seed of one.

У меня ещё не было полностью сформировавшегося контекста на замену старому, но я посадил его первое зерно.

It was an attempt to plant the seed of real public broadcasting in a media landscape dominated by oligarchs and government channels.

Это была попытка посеять семена реального общественного телевещания внутри медийного ландшафта, в котором доминирующее положение занимали олигархи и правительственные телеканалы.

And before you know it, you’ll have that percentage we spoke of; less than one half of one percent of humanity has to plant the seed of an awakening consciousness within.

И прежде, чем вы узнаете это, у вас будет тот процент, о котором мы говорили, менее чем половина одного процента человечества нужна для того, чтобы посеять внутри семена пробуждающегося сознания.

He was the first man to plant the seed of the gospel in the soul of the Bulgarian tsar.

Он был первым человеком, посеявшим семена Евангельские в душе болгарского царя.

They noted that Russia is trying to weaken the cohesion of the EU, as well as to plant the seed of distrust and dissatisfaction with the democratic social order.

Они отметили, что Россия пытается ослабить единство ЕС, а также посеять недоверие и недовольство демократическим общественным строем.

To turn a Collaborator, we need to plant the seed in their mind that their ultimate plan will fail… that their compatriots will turn on them.

Чтобы склонить одного из преступников на нашу сторону, нужно посеять сомнения в его голове, что их план провалится, что их соотечественники их сдадут.

In the year 2005, a researcher, Elaine Solowey, decided to plant the seed.

Так, в 2005 году исследователь Элейн Соловей выступил с инициативой посадить эти семена.

We are willing to plant the Seed and let the Holy Spirit water it.

Мы сеем семя, а взращивает его Святой Дух.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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plant the seed — перевод на русский

I need to plant seeds for the next generation.

Мне нужно посадить семена для следующего поколения.

Just want to plant the seed.

Надо посадить семена.

Look, we tried Owen’s way of turning them through confrontation, planting seeds of doubt, and then offering a lifeline.

Послушай, мы попытались сделать так, как сказал Оуэн, пытались настроить их друг против друга, пытались посадить семена сомнения и предлагали спасательный круг.

I’ve planted seeds.

Я посадил семена.

The Parks Department has planted the seeds, and now they’re harvesting the rewards.

Департамента Парков посадил семена, и теперь они вырастают новыми доходами.

Показать ещё примеры для «посадить семена»…

I planted the seeds, then you come along and steal the harvest.

Я посеял семена, потом ты пришёл и украл урожай.

i planted a seed and left you’re mean

Я посеял семена и ушел. Ты убогий.

— They are not fools. They believe you are here to plant the seed of that destruction.

Они думают, что ты пришел сюда посеять семя этого разрушения.

Who planted the seed of death in you?

Кто посеял в тебе семена смерти?

Surely you could just walk to the point at which it would land and just plant seeds there.

Конечно, ты мог бы дойти до того место куда они приземлились сам и посеять семена.

Показать ещё примеры для «посеял семена»…

And when you understand this, you realize «l would like to choose those thoughts or those behaviors of these certain ways of thinking that will plant seeds to create blessings, positive things versus chaos and negativity.»

Когда ты это поймешь, ты осознаешь, что — я хочу выбрать те мысли, и то поведение, которое связанно с определенным типом мышления, Я буду сажать семена, что бы создать благословление, положительные вещи. Я против хаоса и негатива.

He showed us how to plant seeds, and all different depths, and my brother and sister, when they were still around, we would just, like, water and weed and all that stuff.

Он показывал нам, как сажать семена на разную глубину, и мои брат и сестра, когда они были тут, мы могли поливать, и пропалывать, и всё такое.

Planting seeds, watering them, hoping they’ll grow into something useful.

Сажать семена, поливать их, надеяться, что они вырастут во что-нибудь полезное.

Planting seeds… uh-huh.

Сажаем семена… аха

No, that doesn’t make sense. Why would you plant a seed only to grow the same seed over again?

Зачем сажать семя лишь для того, чтобы вырастить то же самое семя?

Показать ещё примеры для «сажать семена»…

— She could plant the seed.

— Она могла бы посеять зерно.

They even planted seeds in them.

Они даже посеяли зёрна в их телах.

I’ll plant the seed as soon as Joffrey and I are married.

Я посею зерно после нашей свадьбы с Джоффри.

Well, you planted the seed… Who knows what’ll happen.

Ну, ты посеяла зерно… кто знает, как оно вырастит.

I got to plant the seeds of doubt before the country rushed to judgment.

Надо посеять зёрна сомнения, пока люди не начали судачить.

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A true revelation of God’s Word is essential for a victorious Christian life.

The Word of God often refers to itself as a seed. There are a total of forty-four verses in the New Testament where the Greek word “sperma” was translated “seed.” This is the same word from which we derive our English word “sperm.”

To conceive and give birth to the miracles you need, you must first plant God’s Word like a seed in your heart. Conception cannot take place without first planting the seed. There has only been one virgin birth, and the birth of you’re miracle won’t be the second.

I constantly meet Christians who pray and believe for God’s intervention in their lives, but remain frustrated with the results. It’s because they are missing the seeds of conception; they just don’t know God’s Word.

In Mark 4, the Lord taught three parables which illustrate that the Word is to the kingdom of God what a natural seed is to a harvest. The first of these parables, the story of the sower, is the key to unlocking all the Word of God (Mark 4:13). If we don’t understand these truths, Jesus said we won’t understand any of His other parables.

There are many life-changing truths in these parables, but one fact must be understood to get the full benefit of this teaching. The Lord used the comparison of His Word to a law of nature that is unchangeable, not an institution of man.

Here’s what I mean. You can cheat or manipulate nearly all systems that men have created. The legal system can be beaten, letting the guilty go free. Our educational system can be beaten, passing students who haven’t really learned the material. But you can’t change seedtime and harvest.

What if a farmer waited until he saw his neighbors reaping their crops before he sowed for his crop? Regardless of how sincere he was, or the justification for not sowing his seed at the proper time, he would not reap a crop overnight. The law of seedtime and harvest cannot be violated.

This is why our Lord chose to compare the way His Word works to a seed. There is a germination process of the Word of God in your life that takes time and can’t be avoided. In the second parable of

Mark 4, Jesus said in verses 26-29,

“So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.”

The seed is the Word of God (verse 14), and the ground is our hearts (verse 15). Our hearts were created by God to bring forth fruit when His Word is planted in them. Just as a seed has to remain in the ground over time to germinate, so the Word of God has to abide in us.

Jesus said in John 15:7,

“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”

What would happen if you planted a seed in your garden and then dug it up each morning to see if anything was happening? It would die and never produce fruit. You have to have faith that the seed is doing what God created it to do.

Some people put God’s Word in their hearts for a day or two, but if they don’t see fruit almost immediately, they dig up the seed through their words and actions and wonder why it didn’t work. You have to leave it in the ground over time. Then, there are also different stages of growth.

Mark 4:28 says,

“First the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.”

Many people are impatient, wanting to bypass the growth cycle and get the full ear right now. I’ve actually had to tell people that what they were believing God for was not going to happen, not because the vision wasn’t good, but because they were expecting a complete ear of corn immediately.

For example, one of our Charis Bible College students came to me who had never held a job, had been in a mental hospital, and had lived on welfare his whole life. When he heard the teaching on prosperity and vision, he started dreaming big. He had a plan to buy and renovate an old hotel. The total cost would be over four million dollars.

It really was a grand plan. I complimented him for the fact that he was dreaming and told him to keep dreaming big. Then I told him that it might work for someone but it wouldn’t work for him. Why? Because this person had never believed for a dime before. There has to be “first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.”

You may think that’s not so. It’s possible that he could have won the lottery or the Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes. It’s possible, but that wouldn’t have been God. God’s kingdom operates on laws, like the laws that govern the fruit-bearing process of a seed. God will not give you the full ear of corn if you haven’t seen the first blade.

That’s the way God’s kingdom works. And this is precisely the reason most people don’t see God’s best come to pass in their lives. They think that since God loves them, He will just grant their request regardless of whether they put the miracle of the seed to work or not.

Look at what happened after Jesus taught His disciples these principles of the seed.

Mark 4:35 says,

“And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.”

In a sense, Jesus was giving them a test. On the same day that He taught them the principles of God’s Word as a seed, He gave them a seed. He said, “Let us pass over unto the other side.” He didn’t say, “Let us go halfway across and drown.” The disciples had a seed from the lips of the Creator that gave them authority over the creation.

What happened? A two-hour trip turned into a fight for the disciples’ lives. Instead of using the seed the Lord had given them, they did all they knew to do in the natural and then got put out with the Lord.

They said in verse 38,

“Master, carest thou not that we perish?”

This wasn’t a cabin cruiser. Jesus was in an open boat full of water (verse 37) sloshing all around Him. He was well aware of their plight and yet was trying to sleep. They wanted Him to pick up a bucket and bail or row or do something.

How did Jesus respond? Did He apologize and say, “I’m sorry guys. I was really tired”? No!

Instead He said, “Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” (verse 40).

Jesus was telling them that they should have stilled the storm. If they would have operated in faith instead of fear, that’s exactly what they could have done.

The Lord did His job by giving them the seed of His Word. Their job was to take the seed and make it work. Instead, they doubted Jesus’ love for them and thought He wasn’t pulling His weight. Likewise, we often complain to the Lord, “Don’t You love me? Why aren’t You healing me or prospering me, etc.?”

God has done His part; He has given us the Word. For example, the Lord doesn’t give us money directly. Deuteronomy 8:18 says that the Lord gives us the power to get wealth. The power is in His promises, His Word. As we plant those promises in our hearts, the truth of His Word germinates and prosperity comes.

Healing operates the same way. There are numerous scriptures that get the point across that God’s Word is health to all our flesh. Here’s two:

“For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh” (Prov. 4:22).

“He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions” (Ps. 107:20).

Yes, a person can get healed without planting God’s Word in their heart. It comes through the prayers of others with the gifts of healing (1 Cor. 12:9), but it is not God’s best. We should never be too proud to ask for help, but the proper way to get healed is to take God’s promises of healing and plant them in our hearts until they release their life-giving power into our physical bodies.

This law of seedtime and harvest operates in every area of our lives. If we will plant God’s Word in our hearts, then allow the seed to germinate and the plant to grow to maturity, we will reap the fruit of a harvest. That is God’s best!

I cannot tell you strongly enough how important it is that you know God’s Word and that you plant the seed of His Word in your heart long before you need the fruit of the harvest. It could mean the difference between prosperity and poverty, or even life and death. I believe this is so important that it’s the very first class I teach to new students at CBC every year.

My teaching series A Sure Foundation will help you understand the power and importance of God’s Word in your life. It will help you go beyond the “touchy-feely,” emotion-based thinking that many mistake for faith. It’s not about what you feel; it’s about what has been planted in your heart and come to full fruit. It’s the foundation to receiving the promises of God.

So, make this year your personal Year of the Bible and build a sure foundation in your own life. It will be the best decision you have ever made.

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