Plagiarism not word for word

Asked by: Itzel Gislason

Score: 4.7/5
(59 votes)

No word-for-word and no paraphrasing plagiarism is present. Thus, the writing must be common knowledge or the writer’s own ideas.

Is plagiarism only word for word?

Plagiarism is an ethical concept, not a legal one, so there is no universal accepted standard. The ‘five-consecutive word’ is a rule of thumb, not a legal precept.

How many words does it take to plagiarize?

The rule of thumb is: More than three consecutive words, not counting short words such as «a,» «the,» «but,» «in,» «an,» or «and» need either quotation marks and a footnote or acknowledgement of the author in the text of your paper.

Does Turnitin check word for word?

Turnitin does not check word for word. … This means that Turnitin will use particular keywords to scan for the similarity between your paper and works that are available in its database.

Is it plagiarism if reworded?

Most of us understand that just copying and pasting someone else’s work, without providing a citation, is plagiarism. But what if: You change a word or two in the sentence after you paste it into your paper, then provide a citation at the end of it. … You rewrite the sentence or paragraph or sentence in your own words.

41 related questions found

Is it plagiarism if you only change a few words?

While more ambiguous than direct copying, paraphrasing a source can also constitute plagiarism. You cannot simply change a few words in a source and present the sentence as your own.

Is it plagiarism if you don’t use in text citations?

Can you plagiarize yourself? Yes, reusing your own work without citation is considered self-plagiarism. This can range from re-submitting an entire assignment to reusing passages or data from something you’ve turned in previously.

How do you beat Turnitin 2021?

The best way to cheat Turnitin is by paraphrasing the content, changing sentence structure, using synonyms, or getting homework help from experts. You can also legally beat Turnitin by arguing points afresh. However, to effectively fool Turnitin using any of the tricks, you must cite and reference the sources well.

Does Turnitin detect translated text?

When Translated Matching is enabled for an account, Turnitin will identify the language that a paper has been written in and then translate the paper into English. … If a match is found, this will be displayed alongside any matches we have found in the non-translated version of the paper.

What to say if you get caught plagiarizing?

The first thing to do is to speak frankly with your instructor. Ask them why they felt that you had plagiarized and what the next steps are in this particular case. Many teachers, especially in relatively minor cases of plagiarism, don’t take the issue any higher.

Can you cite word for word?

Anytime you copy and paste verbatim from a source and do not give the source credit it is plagiarism. If you do copy and paste a passage word for word, you must put the information in quotations (i.e. » «) marks and give credit to the author. This is called a direct quote.

What is it called when you copy something word for word?

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to «plagiarize» means: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own. to use (another’s production) without crediting the source.

How do you write words without plagiarizing?

Follow these four steps to ensure your paper is free from plagiarism:

  1. Keep track of the sources you consult in your research.
  2. Paraphrase or quote from your sources (and add your own ideas).
  3. Credit the original author in an in-text citation and reference list.
  4. Use a plagiarism checker before you submit.

Can teachers see if you use Google translate?

Yes, teachers/instructors can be able to tell if you used google translate because google translate is not grammar oriented and the translated text may look different from your style of writing. Some teachers can tell you have used Google translate, while others can’t.

Is Google translate cheating?

RE: Online translators/cheating opportunities

With full support of administration, using Google translate is considered cheating. It will always result in a 0 for the assignment.

Is turnitin for English only?

Turnitin currently supports English, Danish, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Swedish.

Is using Quillbot cheating?

QuillBot is designed to write with the user, strengthening original ideas and text. If a user takes someone else’s writing and tries to pass it off as their own, that is considered cheating, whether QuillBot was used or not. It is necessary to cite all outside sources to avoid plagiarism.

Is using a paraphrasing tool cheating?

Ideally, using paraphrasing tools is considered cheating because the content is not original and the tools do not give credit to the real author. … Paraphrasing tools are software that can be used to re-write articles and essays without plagiarizing. some of these tools generate 100% original unique content.

Does Turnitin accept PDF?

Turnitin will not accept PDF image files, forms, or portfolios, files that do not contain highlightable text (e.g. a scanned file — usually an image), documents containing multiple files or files created with software other than Adobe Acrobat®.

Is it plagiarism if you copy yourself?

Can you plagiarize yourself? Yes, reusing your own work without citation is considered self-plagiarism. This can range from re-submitting an entire assignment to reusing passages or data from something you’ve turned in previously. Self-plagiarism often has the same consequences as other types of plagiarism.

How many percentage plagiarism is acceptable?

There is a lack of consensus or clear-cut-rules on what percentage of plagiarism is acceptable in a manuscript. Going by the convention, usually a text similarity below 15% is acceptable by the journals and a similarity of >25% is considered as high percentage of plagiarism. Not more than 25%.

Is copying a table plagiarism?

Yes. Buying, stealing or copying an essay to produce your work is plagiarism. Collaborating with another student to produce an individual assignment is also plagiarism. Copy a diagram or data table from a web site, providing a reference for the source underneath?

Is it plagiarism if you turn in the same paper for two different classes?

Unless the second instructor expressly allows it, submitting an assignment already submitted for another class is a form of academic misconduct. This is also known as self-plagiarism or recycling work.

Is plagiarism considered a crime?

Plagiarism is essentially theft and fraud committed simultaneously. It is considered theft because the writer takes ideas from a source without giving proper credit to the author. … Plagiarism can be illegal, and a violation of Unites States copyright laws.

Plagiarism is derived from the Latin word “Plagiarius” meaning “kidnapper”. Plagiarism means stealing or copying another’s work and representing it as own work. On Internet, everything is available for free. We can share, upload, download, view, or search any text, audio, and video. Everything is there for free. The availability of anything and everything on the internet has made our lives easier but people make misuse of this advantage of the internet by representing other’s work as their own for fame, for academic benefits, for money, for personal interests, etc. 

Plagiarism is most commonly practiced in academics and researches. On the internet, we have all kinds of literary articles, educational content, research papers, etc available for free. This facilitates everyone and assists them in gaining knowledge and becoming literate. Earlier when there were no Internet people either had to visit libraries when they wanted to study or know anything or had to purchase expensive books. But now we just type the topic in our browser and we get thousands of search results. As a result, some people use these articles, research papers, educational content in an adverse manner.

Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional. We should have the knowledge of what can be called plagiarized content and what not. Following are the key points to understand what can be called as plagiarism:

  • If we use another person’s work under our name.
  • If we copy other’s ideas and words and don’t give them the credit.
  • If we download copyrighted images or music and present them as our own.
  • If we copy maximum words and modify them so that we can cleverly use them under our own name.
  • If we use someone else’s copyrighted music or video for our own music cover or video.
  • If we recreate an image, video, music, article, etc in such a manner that it is quite similar to the original one.

Types of Plagiarism

There are several types of plagiarism. In this article, we will get to know the common ones:

  • Complete Plagiarism: Complete Plagiarism is the most extreme form of plagiarism. In this plagiarism, a person completely copies someone else’s work such as a research paper, article, image, etc, and represents it as their own work. This form of plagiarism is similar to identity theft or stealing.
  • Verbatim: Verbatim is also known as direct plagiarism. When we read a book we must have observed that if any statement that a famous person has made is always represented in double quotations and is highlighted so that we get to know that it is said by this particular person. Similarly consider a person writing an article and mentioning someone’s else work or words that too exactly the same. But this person doesn’t represent it in quotation marks. Then that person is said to be exhibiting direct plagiarism. Hence copying another person’s work word to word and not representing it in quotation marks is known as Verbatim or direct plagiarism.
  • Self Plagiarism: This kind of plagiarism is the duplication of a person’s own work. It is also known as auto plagiarism. It occurs when a person copies some words of his own published work and uses the same for another work. This form of plagiarism is commonly observed in research journals. Researchers may make re-use of their research work for another research work, however, the percentage of re-usage must be according to those set by the publishing journals if they allow them to do so.
  • Source-Based Plagiarism: This form of plagiarism is most commonly observed in research work. In the research paper one needs to provide references that have contributed to their work, If a person provides wrong references that do not exist, or that are not relating to the work then it is known as source-based plagiarism. The falsification of data or its fabrication is also source-based plagiarism. Falsification and fabrication of data are manipulating or representing false or non-existing data.
  • Accidental Plagiarism: This kind of plagiarism mostly occurs due to a lack of knowledge. If we don’t know how to paraphrase, cite and quote a research work we leave the work as it is and it results in accidental plagiarism.

Why is plagiarism unethical?

  • Plagiarism is unethical because we are representing someone’s other work as our own without giving them the right to. In the real world if someone else takes our things without our permission then we call that person a “thief” and doing so is considered as a punishable offense. Similarly if in the virtual world someone copies someone else’s work it is unethical and is a punishable offense.
  • Plagiarism affects the integrity of academics. Researchers are given the degree of Ph.D. on basis of their research works, students are given grades according to their homework. If we will be practicing plagiarism we will not be gaining any knowledge. We may even succeed in getting our Ph.D. degree or good grades but that will put our career at risk and is a threat to our future. We will be a risk for society, organizations where we may work as we do not have the complete knowledge of the corresponding work.
  • If we use the plagiarized content for our personal benefits such as monetary gains, fame, etc then it is unethical because we are being benefitted for what we actually have not done. We are being rewarded without actually performing well or giving our 100 percent to get that reward. It is immoral to do so.

How to avoid plagiarism?

There are certain steps we can follow in order to avoid plagiarism.

  • Always give credit to the person whose work you are including in your own work. Make use of double quotations to prevent verbatim.
  • Build your own ideas and thoughts and use them in your work. Do not copy another person’s ideas or work. Develop yourself and work on yourself so that you can enhance your thought process. Increase the domain of your knowledge.
  • Make use of paraphrasing. Paraphrasing means the representation of an idea or thought in our own words in such a manner that the original essence of that idea remains the same. But we should also do paraphrasing in such a manner that it does not convert to plagiarism.
  • Use online plagiarism checker tools. There are many sites that offer plagiarism checker tools. These sites check your work against thousands of other works available on the internet and give you a percentage of plagiarized or unique content. They can even tell from which site the content is copied. We should always use plagiarism checker tools in order to prevent plagiarism. Some of the plagiarism checking tools are – Grammarly, smallseotools, turnitin, quetext, etc.
  • Always provide correct references in your research paper or article.
  • Learn how to cite your articles, provide references, use double quotations, etc. You should know how to write a scholarly article or book or research paper before you begin writing.
  • If you are using someone else’s videos, images, or audios in your own video, etc always ask them first, and even after that provide them the credit for the same.
  • Keep your morals high. Be educated about plagiarism and be an ethical person. As in real life, you don’t do bad things as you know the differentiation between what is good and bad similarly teach your inner conscience that plagiarism is unethical and you should not make use of plagiarized content.

Laws against plagiarism

There are many laws against plagiarism. Some of them are mentioned below-

  • In section 57 of the Indian Copyright Act 1957, authors have “the right to claim authorship of their works among other things. It grants the authors the special right to be attributed for their work. The statute recognizes the right to attribution analogous to the rights not to be plagiarized.”
  • In section 63 of the ICA 1957, “a convicted infringer is liable to be imprisoned between six months to three years, and to be fined between fifty thousand and two lakh rupees”.
  • University Grants Commission or UGC has provided a certain set of guidelines that need to be followed by universities in order to prevent plagiarism in academic activities.

Sample Questions

Question 1. What is plagiarism?


Plagiarism is stealing or copying another’s work and representing it as our own work without giving them the credit.

Question 2. Why is plagiarism unethical?


Plagiarism is unethical because we are representing someone else works as our own without giving them the right to. It also affects academic integrity adversely.

Question 3. What is verbatim?


Copying another person’s work word to word and not representing it in quotation marks is known as Verbatim. Verbatim is also known as direct plagiarism.

Question 4. What is paraphrasing?


Paraphrasing means the representation of an idea or thought in our own words in such a manner that the original essence of that idea remains the same

Question 5. Mention any law against plagiarism.


In section 57 of the Indian Copyright Act 1957, authors have “the right to claim authorship of their works among other things. It grants the authors the special right to be attributed for their work. The statute recognizes the right to attribution analogous to the rights not to be plagiarized.”

Back at the end of the 2016 US Presidential Election, many people accused a specific person of plagiarism. This mainstream occurrence of duplicity shot up the searches related to it on all the search engines.

Nowadays, plagiarism is a common problem in every aspect of life. All content creators, scriptwriters, SEO writers, and students face this problem. On the other hand, some of them deliberately plagiarize to save time and effort.

In fact, a study conducted revealed that 40% of the students openly admitted to plagiarizing in assignments. The same study also saw 43% confessing to plagiarizing on tests or exams. While websites and blogs suffer from an overwhelming surplus of duplicated content.

Studies suggest around 30% of websites today have plagiarized content in them. So, what causes it? Moreover, is there a way to avoid plagiarism?

These are all viable questions, but it leads us to understand the idea behind plagiarism and how it can occur intentionally or unintentionally. So, let’s dive right into it and understand what it is and how to avoid it.

Defining plagiarism & common causes

Understanding plagiarism isn’t a difficult task. If you see two eerily similar content in different places, then one of them has to be plagiarized. Unless one of the content pieces accredits the other one. But, accidental plagiarism isn’t something too far off.

People who hadn’t heard the term before came to understand that plagiarism isn’t always about copying and pasting—it’s about stealing ideas and speech patterns as well. A lot of uninitiated people think plagiarism is only about stealing word-to-word from another written text.

However, the University of Oxford describes plagiarism as “presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own.” This should tell you that plagiarism isn’t only copying and pasting; it’s also about being lazy with your ideas and duplicating someone else’s work.

As for the common causes, here are some:

  • Laziness or tardiness is the primary reason among students and professionals
  • Lack of creativity or understanding is another major reason
  • Lack of topic understanding or information
  • Tight deadlines
  • Fear to fail on a test – is most common among students
  • Poor time & workload management skills

While for some, plagiarism is a choice they make because they don’t know better. Evil intentions in writing or literature aren’t unheard of, so some students or professionals would do it to save time and effort.

While various types of plagiarism help us understand that plagiarism isn’t always a matter of choice. Sometimes, it can be accidental; other times, it’s just unintentional.

Main types of plagiarism

Speaking of types of plagiarism, to avoid it efficiently, we must understand what they are. Each type of plagiarism is caused by different intentions or ideas. Therefore, it’s imperative that we understand the different types of plagiarism.

Here are four major kinds:

  • Direct/Complete plagiarism

Direct or complete plagiarism is pretty self-explanatory. In this type, the writer copies content or ideas word-to-word. This means no changes or alterations to avoid it from any sort of scanner. It’s the most common type in novices, as many students believe they can get away with it. However, it’s the same in professionals as well. Some just copy ideas and paint them as their own. That’s why it’s considered one of the most unethical types of plagiarism.

  • Self/Auto plagiarism

Auto or self-plagiarism is common when a writer works on the same ideas repeatedly. This could be accidental, but nowadays, you can assume it’s intentional for most people. The idea behind this plagiarism is to redo older ideas and revamp them.

This doesn’t avoid plagiarism for a few reasons. One of them is the same topic idea, which is one of the significant reasons for duplicity in the first place. Then, common tropes of similar content can always lead to a plagiarism checker detecting it as duplicate content.

Therefore, even if it’s not intentional, there’s no room for it in any professional or academic environment.

  • Mosaic or patchwork plagiarism

Mosaic or patchwork plagiarism is considered to be the most severe and unethical type of plagiarism. It’s mainly because it’s difficult to detect and earns the original author no credit. In this type, a writer would change a few elements here and there to make the content seem original.

Nowadays, advanced AI algorithms can detect this type, but not all tools are capable of finding it. Therefore, it’s considered as one of the most immoral types and must be avoided at all costs. Common traits of patchwork plagiarism will include:

  • Similar terms but extensive usage of synonyms
  • Using unnatural content tone
  • Lack of information distribution or random occurrences of information
  • Accidental or unintentional plagiarism

Accidental or unintentional plagiarism is when a writer incidentally copies another writer’s work. The chances of this happening are very rare, but you shouldn’t put it beyond belief. Mainly because a lot of universities and professional environments follow the same patterns & topics. This makes commonly available knowledge a source of plagiarism. So, when students use such sources for their information, accidental plagiarism isn’t a far-fetched occurrence.

However, it still counts as duplicate content, so it’s not allowed either. It makes it any less harmful in any writing setting.

How do you avoid it? What will you need?

Avoiding plagiarism can be straightforward, or it can be complicated – both depend entirely on you. It comes down to the way take to avoid or remove plagiarism from your content. For example:

  • Finding plagiarism
  • Rewriting the plagiarized content
  • Paraphrasing the plagiarized content
  • Using tools to do both

The last choice is the best, but the rest can be done easily too. So, here are two of the most important ingredients in a plagiarism-removal recipe:

Comprehensive ways of avoiding plagiarism

As mentioned before, you can rewrite the plagiarized content to remove it. But, how exactly do you go about doing that? A simple way to do it is by finding the plagiarism first. For that, you need a tool that can help you find the source of original content – we’ll talk about that in a bit.

The second step is to rewrite or paraphrase the plagiarized content and credit the original author. This intention alone counts more and helps you remove plagiarism effectively. So, a few ways of plagiarism include:

  • Quoting the original author
  • Citing after rewording the plagiarized content
  • Removing and rewriting the content entirely
  • Turning it into an opinion piece

Now, the last point makes sense only in a few topics. A student can easily share their opinion on another writer’s work and write extensive levels of text based on that. However, a professional writer with specific topics may not be able to express opinions.

InstaText maximizes the readability of the text in a way that avoids plagiarism.

Yet, it can work if you’re creative enough to figure out a way. So, you need to keep the rewriting methods in mind, which can help you remove plagiarism. The intention of your rewriting process should be to present the idea in your own words but credit the original author.

Now, this can be compromised in the case of universal ideas. For instance, you can rewrite to avoid plagiarism if your topic is getting a university degree. In this case, you won’t have to present the original author, as a universal idea like this can be opinion-based.

What you will need

The things you will need to avoid plagiarism effectively include two sorts of tools:

  • A proper online plagiarism checker
  • A good paraphrasing tool

The first tool is to help you find plagiarism. Now, you can find plagiarism by simply searching sentences on Google. However, that process is neither efficient nor time-efficient. In fact, it may not even help you find plagiarism, as most people believe it would.

On the other hand, a proper tool can assist you in detecting various types of duplicities—including the types we spoke of above. On top of that, you get to analyze the percentage of plagiarism in your writing. Then, you get to explore the links/sources of the original content.

As for why do you need a paraphrasing tool? Let’s say you find that 500 words out of your 2000-word blog/essay are plagiarized. So, if the due date is soon, there’s no way you can rewrite 500 words quickly.

Now, a paraphrasing or rewriting tool can make this process a lot more easier—and we’ll be exploring that in a bit. Therefore, you need these two tools to remove plagiarism from your writing.

Five steps to avoid plagiarism

Removing plagiarism isn’t rocket science. You need to find it and remove it or rewrite it. But, if only it was as simple as it sounds. Many times, writers aren’t able to do it simply because they can’t find it. Other times, too much of their content is plagiarized.

Therefore, writers must implement a procedure that they can employ day in and day out. It is a process that helps them find and remove duplicity—avoiding plagiarism or any of its types. Therefore, here are five steps they can take to avoid it:

  1. Use plagiarism checkers

To avoid plagiarism in your content, you first need to find it. Once you’ve found all the plagiarized bits of text in your content, you can move ahead to removing them.

And this is where you can use a plagiarism checker. While the specific functions and features can differ from tool to tool, the main concept behind their working is the same. Essentially, plagiarism checkers scan the given text against existing online sources to see if there are any matches between them.

The matched part in the text are highlighted in a prominent color (which is red, in most cases) so that they are easier to spot.

While there are many plagiarism checkers available online, not all of them are worth using. The quality of a plagiarism checker is defined by the algorithm it uses for spotting duplication in the given text.

There are several tools that use a highly sensitive algorithm. As a result, they start to point out words like ‘this is’ or ‘it is’ as plagiarism. These types of tools are inaccurate, and are not worth using at all.

Before selecting a plagiarism checker for scanning your work, you should do some research and find out what other users have to say about it. Read some reviews on it. If it is reported to be accurate, then you can go ahead and use it…otherwise not.

  1. Paraphrase

‘Paraphrase’ means to change the words and phrases of a piece of content without altering the original sense and intent.

Paraphrasing is a good technique to use when your content is showing up as plagiarized even if you had not intentionally copied it from somewhere.

In this sort of scenario, you can paraphrase your own work to make it different.

There are two main ways in which you can paraphrase your content. You can either do it manually, or you can do it using an online tool. Manual paraphrasing is good when the content at hand is short i.e., it contains 400 – 500 words. However, for longer documents, using a paraphrasing tool is better since it’s more time saving.

Probably the most powerful paraphrasing tool on the market is InstaText. It maximizes text readability in a way that avoids plagiarism. The underlying technology provides you with original text that is likely to have excellent readability without taking actual word combinations from other sources or articles.

  1. Use quotes

Using quotations is also a good way to avoid plagiarism in your writing.

Plagiarism is essentially defined as the use of someone else’s content without giving them their due credit. That basically means that if the original source or author is properly credited, it won’t be called plagiarism anymore.

This is precisely what you can do with quotes. If you wrap a sentence or paragraph in quotation marks, you acknowledge that you are using another writer’s words. This automatically saves the copied part from being recognized as plagiarism.

Furthermore, you can write the name of the source after the quoted part to make sure there is nothing lacking in the credit due to the original author. It would look something like this:

If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers.” – Doug Larson

However, it should be borne in mind that quotes are good for a couple of sentences, or a small paragraph at most.

  1. Add citations and references

Like quotes, citations and references are also used for neutralizing plagiarism. They are used for giving credit to the original source/author, and thereby preventing the copied part in your work from being recognized as plagiarism.

Citations and references are, contrary to common belief, not the names of the same thing. Citations refer to the bracketed, in-text indicators whereas the reference is the detailed information of the source given at the end of the document. Each citation only describes the name of the author and the year of the publication.

There are different citation styles that you can use such as APA, MLA, Chicago and Harvard. For blogging, the MLA style is recommended since it lets you cite just about any type of source.

This image efficiently descirbes the difference between citations and references:

  1. Use hyperlinks

Hyperlinking is also a way to attribute a particular fact or piece of info to a particular source. Hyperlinks can only be used in online content (or digital content, more like). They won’t benefit you in any way in content that has to be perused in hard form.

Hyperlinks are usually added to specific words in the text. The linked words are usually colored blue, and are underlined.

The thing to keep in mind about hyperlinks is that they cannot be used everywhere and in just about any number. They have a particular application.

For example, you cannot link to spammy or inappropriate sites. Similarly, you cannot add too many links to your content otherwise it can start to look strange, and readers can get the impression that the whole text is just a collection of copied stuff taken from other sources.

You should add hyperlinks sparingly. Similarly, you should take care to link authoritative and reliable websites/platforms.


We talked about plagiarism, its types, how to find it, and how to remove it as well. This guide should be enough to help you understand what to look for when finding plagiarism and how to go about it when trying to avoid it.

Effective plagiarism prevention includes a plagiarism checker and a good paraphrasing tool. While there are many plagiarism checkers online, it is much more difficult to find a suitable tool for paraphrasing and rewriting.

We have found InstaText to be a powerful tool for rewriting and paraphrasing. InstaText improves the readability of texts while avoiding plagiarism. The underlying technology provides you with original texts that are highly readable, without reusing word combinations from other sources or articles.

“Of course, there’s Grammarly, a writing assistant that checks the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and clarity of your writing, corrects common errors, and occasionally gives you suggestions for rewording. The thing about Grammarly, though, is that it’s a good proofreader, but not an editor. And, as any skilled writer will be happy to tell you, the editing is the secret.”

— Jim Stonos, Writer and Editor

“InstaText doesn’t have a multitude of functions, and that’s the beauty of it. It only does what it claims to do, and that’s to help you write like a native speaker. And it does that in the best possible way.

The beauty of this tool is also that it doesn’t replace a human editor, although I can say it’s over 95% accurate. It doesn’t rob you of the joy of coming up with ideas and putting them into words. It just helps you write more confidently, easily, and quickly.”

— Elham P. Mohammadi, Freelance Journalist, Writer and Editor

“I use InstaText mainly for academic writing. I switched from another software that did not help me write like a native English speaker – it only corrected typos, grammar, and punctuation.

InstaText, on the other hand, makes your text engaging to read, coherent, and professional-looking. Further, I feel that the paragraphs corrected by InstaText look akin to what I see in the best marketing and social psychology journals. It is a huge help for an academic writer because rather than focusing on making the text appealing, you can simply focus on what you want to say and build a logically unfolding narrative.”

— Michał Folwarczny, Researcher

Photos by InstaText, Andrea Pexels, and Pavel Danilyuk.

Have you ever written an essay in school or university? Or maybe you have had another assignment that you have struggled with? Are you still struggling? In that case, we want to introduce you to an ideal platform: Studymoose Free Plagiarism Checker. This is an incredible tool for students not only in English-speaking countries but for people all over the world since English is taught, we believe, almost everywhere.

Out of all the free plagiarism checkers available in the market, we want to assure you that ours is the smartest, the most convenient, the most efficient, and simply the best. You can always distinguish a poor paper from a great one by judging many different factors such as the source quality, quotations, and of course, the checkup for plagiarized parts. Since it is now much easier to identify a non-original work, it is a little bit more difficult for students to cope with all of the tasks. The upswing of technologies made it easier for everyone to write essays using a huge amount of information on the Internet, but at the same time, teachers have a great tool today to detect copied essays and papers. So, we decided to create this powerful platform to help students and everybody who has to deal with writing something other than Facebook messages, tweets, or captions to photos of food on Instagram.

Free Plagiarism Checker for Students and Teachers

We also have great news for everyone who wants to save money for some more pleasant things, as our software is 100% free. We think that it is a day-light robbery to charge you for this service, so you do not have to pay any cent to use a wide range of procedures introduced on this platform. Another advantage is that it is not just an anti-plag checker but also an essay editor, so you can work with your essay or any text using only one tab in a browser. Our team is passionate about pushing the limits of the software and is doing its best to provide you with day-to-day professional service. We believe that it is not so difficult to improve students’ accountability and wipe out people’s belief that stealing other people’s texts is a common thing.

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Deep plagiarism checker for everyone

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Choose Studymoose

Many people still think of plagiarism as a problem and an unsolvable puzzle. But that only means they are not familiar with the Studymoose free plagiarism checker, which, in our humble opinion, is simply the best of all existing competitors on the market. So dive into this technology, and plagiarizing will never be your problem ever again!


Original Source Material

Student Version

To summarize, the elaboration model of instruction starts by presenting knowledge at a very general or simplified level in the form of a special kind of overview. Then it proceeds to add detail or complexity in «layers» across the entire breadth of the content of the course (or curriculum), one layer at a time, until the desired level of detail or complexity is reached.

Reigeluth, C. M. (1999). The elaboration theory: Guidance for scope and sequence decisions. In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional design theories and models: A new paradigm of instructional theory (Vol. II, pp. 425-453). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

They soon switched to a model based on the elaboration theory (Reigeluth, 1999). Using this approach, the game would begin with a level that offered the simplest version of the whole task (the epitome); subsequent levels would become increasingly more complex—an approach common to videogames—with opportunities for review and synthesis.

Reigeluth, C. M. (1999). The elaboration theory: Guidance for scope and sequence decisions. In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional design theories and models: A new paradigm of instructional theory (Vol. II, pp. 425-453). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism


Item 2

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

Student Version

First, the potential of digital games is discussed using the tutor/tool/tutee framework proposed by Taylor (1980). Second, the potential of digital games to enhance learning by connecting game worlds and real worlds is stated. Third, the possibility of digital games to facilitate collaborative problem-solving is addressed. Fourth, the capability of digital games to provide an affective environment for science learning is suggested. Last, the potential of using digital games to promote science learning for younger students is indicated.

Li, M. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2013). Game-Based Learning in Science Education: A Review of Relevant Research. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 1-22.

There are five advantages of using games in science learning stated in the literature. Games can be used as tools; make connections between virtual worlds and the real world; promote collaborative problem solving; provide affective and safe environments; and encourage younger students for science learning.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism


Item 3

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

Student Version

There is no other way to accommodate the facts that different children learn at different rates and have different learning needs. But to have an attainment-based rather than time-based system, we must in turn have person-based progress rather than group-based progress. And that in tum requires changing the role of the teacher to that of a coach or facilitator/manager, rather than that of dispenser of knowledge to groups of students who pass by at the ring of a bell like so many little widgets on an assembly line.

Reigeluth, C. M. (1994). The imperative for systemic change. In C. M. Reigeluth & R. J. Garfinkle (Eds.). Systemic change in education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

In the new paradigm of the information age, rather than serving as a dispenser of knowledge as teachers did in the industrial age, their role must change to that of coach or facilitator of learning (Reigeluth, 1994). There is no other way to accommodate the facts that different children learn at different rates and have different learning needs (Reigeluth, 1994, p. 8).

Reigeluth, C. M. (1994). The imperative for systemic change. In C. M. Reigeluth & R. J. Garfinkle (Eds.). Systemic change in education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism


Item 4

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

Student Version

Memory is given a prominent role in the learning process. Learning results when information is stored in memory in an organized, meaningful manner. Teachers/designers are responsible for assisting learners in organizing that information in some optimal way. Designers use techniques such as advance organizers, analogies, hierarchical relationships, and matrices to help learners relate new information to prior knowledge. Forgetting is the inability to retrieve information from memory because of interference, memory loss, or missing or inadequate cues needed to access information.

Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4), 50-71.

Memory takes an important role in the process of learning. Learning occurs when information is integrated into student memory in a structured and meaningful way. Teachers can help students learn by arranging that information in useful ways. Advance organizers could be used to assist learners to connect existing knowledge to new knowledge.

Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4), 50-71.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism


Item 5

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

Student Version

Science classrooms offer at least five ways to individualize and to enhance students’learning using games and simulations beyond what is possible in informal settings. First, teachers can assign students to teams based on detailed knowledge of learners’ intellectual and psychosocial characteristics. Second, in contrast to relatively unguided learning in contexts outside of school, science teachers can alter their classroom instruction and support based on the feedback educational games and simulations provide. Third, science games and simulations are adaptable to students with special needs, allowing them to be mainstreamed in science classrooms. Fourth, educational games and simulations can prepare students to take full advantage of real world field trips in science classrooms. Fifth, teachers through their knowledge of students can relate virtual experiences in science games and simulations to what is happening in the real world or in their personal lives.

Dede, C. (2009). Learning context: Gaming, gaming simulations, and science learning in the classroom. Paper commissioned for the National Research Council Workshop on Gaming and Simulations, October 6-7, Washington, DC. Retrieved from:
bose/Dede_Gaming_CommissionedPaper. pdf

According to Dede (2009), different games can be assigned and used based on students’ characteristics. Information about student performance when playing games can help science teachers plan subsequent classroom activities. Games also can be utilized for students with special needs, which can be selected to match their ability levels.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism


Item 6

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

Student Version

There is a design methodology called rapid prototyping, which has been used successfully in software engineering. Given similarities between software design and instructional design, we argue that rapid prototyping is a viable method for instructional design, especially for computer-based instruction.

Tripp, S. D., & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (1990). Rapid prototyping: An alternative instructional design strategy. Educational Technology Research and Development, 38(1), 31-44.

Tripp and Bichelmeyer (1990) suggested that rapid prototyping could be an advantageous methodology for developing innovative computer-based instruction. They noted that this approach has been used successfully in software engineering; hence, rapid prototyping could also be a viable method for instructional design due to many parallels between software design and instructional design.

Tripp, S. D., & Bichelmeyer, B. A. (1990). Rapid prototyping: An alternative instructional design strategy. Educational Technology Research and Development, 38(1), 31-44.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism


Item 7

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

Student Version

The study of learning derives from essentially two sources. Because learning involves the acquisition of knowledge, the first concerns the nature of knowledge and how we come to know things…. The second source in which modern learning theory is rooted concerns the nature and representation of mental life.

Driscoll, M. P. (2000). Psychology of learning for instruction (2nd Ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Driscoll (2000) concludes that «the study of learning derives from essentially two sources… The first concerns the nature of knowledge and how we come to know things…. The second … concerns the nature and representation of mental life» (p. 10).

Driscoll, M. P. (2000). Psychology of learning for instruction (2nd Ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism


Item 8

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

Student Version

The theory we have constructed originates with the three phases of learning described above. We have organize and adapted the features of simulations to provide the learner with the most effective and efficient presentations in order to achieve successful acquisition, application and assessment. Our general model describes five aspects of simulations and provides prescriptions for the implementation of each. It applies to all simulations for teaching principles or procedures. Specific conditions or types of simulations require their own characteristic prescriptions that are described G3 variations on the general model.


Reigeluth, C., & Schwartz, E. (1989). An instructional theory for the design of computer-based simulations. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, 16(1), 1-10.

Another ID theory that could be useful in the design of educational games is a model presented by Reigeluth and Schwartz (1989) intended for designing instruction in educational simulations. This model provides a more specific approach to designing instruction. Reigeluth and Schwartz propose three phases of the learning process which educational simulations should activate. They are: (1) acquisition of basic knowledge, (2) application of knowledge to the full range of scenarios, and (3) assessment of what has been learned. Their model for designing educational simulations is comprised of heuristics intended to inform the designer in following a set of prescriptions.


Reigeluth, C., & Schwartz, E. (1989). An instructional theory for the design of computer-based simulations. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, 16(1), 1-10.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism


Item 9

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

Student Version

Learning is a complex set of processes that may vary according to the developmental level of the learner, the nature of the task, and the context in which the learning is to occur. As already indicated, no one theory can capture all the variables involved in learning.

Gredler, M. E. (2001). Learning and instruction: Theory into practice (4th Ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

A learning theory, there, comprises a set of constructs linking observed changes in performance with what is thought to bring about those changes.

Driscoll, M. P. (2000). Psychology of learning for instruction (2nd Ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

A learning theory is made up of a set of constructs linking observed changes in performance with whatever is thought to bring about those changes. Therefore since «learning is a complex set of processes that may vary according to the developmental level of the learner, the nature of the task, and the context in which the learning is to occur,» it is apparent that no one theory can capture all the variables involved in learning (Driscoll, 2000, p.10).

Driscoll, M. P. (2000). Psychology of learning for instruction (2nd Ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism


Item 10

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material

Student Version

The concept of systems is really quite simple. The basic idea is that a system has parts that fit together to make a whole; but where it gets complicated — and interesting — is how those parts are connected or related to each other. There are many kinds of systems: government systems, health systems, military systems, business systems, and educational systems, to name a few.

Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Retrieved from

Frick (1991) claims that systems, including both business systems, and educational systems, are actually very simple. The main idea is that systems «have parts that fit together to make a whole» (The nature of systems in education section, para. 1). What is further interesting to Frick is how those parts are connected together.

Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Retrieved from

Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?

Word-for-Word plagiarism
Paraphrasing plagiarism
This is not plagiarism

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Plagiarism, Paraphrasing Plagiarism, or Neither
Item #1:
This is neither plagiarism nor paraphrasing plagiarism because this studen…

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