Picture of the word everything

Продолжаем тему «Местоимения в английском языке» и в этом уроке изучим похожие местоимения all, every, everything, everybody, everyone. Рассмотрим основные правила их использования и выполним упражнения для закрепления.

Местоимения all, every, everything, everybody, everyone.


  1. Местоимения all, every, everything, everybody, everyone.
  2. Устойчивые выражения с местоимением all.
  3. Упражнения на all, every, everything, everybody, everyone.

* * *

Правило 1. Местоимение all переводится «весь, вся, все» и определяет группу лиц или предметов как единое целое.

Запомните: all (the), all his, all these… but we all = >all of us


  • All people have two legs and two arms.
  • All the people of our class are ready for the dictation.
  • All his free time…
  • All these books….
  • We all know about it. = All of us know about it.

* * *

Правило 2. All = everybody (everyone). Местоимения everybody & everyone имеют в виду каждого по отдельности и согласуются с глаголом в ед. числе.

All может употребляться как самостоятельное местоимение в качестве дополнения или подлежащего. Если местоимение all является подлежащим, глагол ставится как в единственное, так и во множественное число.


  • All is ready. (=Everything is ready). – Все готово.
  • All are ready. (=Everybody is ready). – Все готовы.
  • All said the same thing. (all= everybody) – Все сказали одно и то же.
  • I know all. (all= everything) – Я знаю все.

* * *

Правило 3. All vs Every. Местоимение all используется самостоятельно, в то время как местоимение every (each) ТОЛЬКО перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе в значении каждый. Изучить Every vs Each[/box]


  • All students are present. — Все студенты присутствуют.
  • Every  student must know it. — Каждый студент должен это знать.
  • Each student has his textbook. — У каждлгл студент есть свой учебник.

* * *

[box] Правило 4. All vs Whole. Местоимение all (весь)используется либо самостоятельно, либо перед исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными. Местоимение whole (целый) используется ТОЛЬКО перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе.


  • I spent all my free time in the library.
  • I have read all the books.
  • I have read the whole boook.

ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЯ с Time words;

  • All morning (evening, night) = the whole morning (evening, night)
  • All day (week, month, year)  = the whole day (week, month, year)

* * *

Устойчивые выражения с местоимением All:

  1. all about  — все о (нельзя everything about). ПРИМЕР. He told us all about his holiday.
  2. all day long — целый день, весь день, день-деньской, с утра до вечера
  3. all the year round — круглый год
  4. be all ears — внимательно слушающий, слушающий со всем вниманием ПРИМЕР I am all ears. — Слушаю тебя внимательно.
  5. all over again — снова, еще раз, заново; с начала до конца
  6. all right (1) Все в порядке, нормально. ПРИМЕР. Is it all right with you? — Вас это устраивает?
  7. all right (2) Хорошо! Согласен!
  8. all the best  всего хорошего, всего наилучшего. ПРИМЕР All the best for the New Year! — Всего вам наилучшего в наступающем новом году!
  9. all the better — тем лучше
  10. all the same – все равно. ПРИМЕР. It is all the same to me. – Мне все равно. [/orange]

* * *

Местоимения All (the whole), every, everything, everybody, everyone. Упражнения

Упражнение 1. Вставьте в предложение all, everything, everybody (everyone), the whole

  1. She is very kind. _______ loves her.
  2. They did ________ to help us.
  3. She translated the text from the beginning to the end. She translated _____ text.
  4. Ann hates doing the housework. Her husband does _______.
  5. Jane told me _____ about her trip to the mountains.
  6. He is a great scientist. He devoted his ______ life to science.
  7. I didn’t spend much time in the shops. ______ I bought was a pair of gloves.
  8. Nobody is perfect. ____ has their faults (недостатки).
  9. He opened the book. In three hours he turned over the last page. He read _______ book.
  10. ______ in our family plays the piano. _______ family likes music.
  11. It rained from the beginning of the week to the end. It rained ______ week.
  12. ______in the class speaks English well.
  13. They have decorated ______ the rooms in the house. ______ house looks new.

* * *

Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский.

  1. Я принес вам все книги, которые нужны для работы.
  2. Они все ушли.
  3. Я провел с ним весь вечер.
  4. Вы все знаете этого человека.
  5. Вы выпили все молоко, которое было в бутылке?
  6. Все дикие животные боятся огня.
  7. Все были готовы к отъезду.
  8. Это все, что я могу вам сказать об этом.
  9. Все было готово к отъезду.
  10. Вы можете купить в этом магазине все, что вам нужно.
  11. Расскажите мне все, что знаете об этом.
  12. Вся комната была украшена цветами.
  13. Они все здесь.
  14. Они все были очень взволнованы.
  15. Мы все будем рады его видеть.
  16. Они все придут сюда сегодня вечером.
  17. Мы все можем участвовать в этой работе.

Продолжаем изучать местоимения дальше?


Здравствуйте! Для получения доступа к ответам необходимо оформить подписку. Ссылка в боковом меню — ОТВЕТЫ.

все, все самое важное, куча, масса


- обыкн. шутл. всякая всячина
- indef pron всё

he thinks he knows everything — он воображает, будто знает всё (на свете)
everything for sports — всё для спорта (вывеска)
to put everything in its place — класть всё на своё место

- разг. всё самое важное, самое главное и т. п.

money is everything to him — деньги для него всё
art was his everything — главным в жизни для него было искусство

- с гл. в отриц. форме (не) всё

everything is not clear — не всё ясно
everything was not lost — не всё было потеряно
everything is good in its season — посл. всё хорошо в своё время
everything comes to him who waits — посл. кто ждёт, тот дождётся
to know everything is to know nothing — посл. знать все — значит не знать ничего

Мои примеры


everything under control — всё как надо, всё в порядке, всё путём  
highway to ruin everything — прямая дорога к уничтожению всего  
on top of everything else — в добавление ко всему  
added to everything else — к тому же; в дополнение ко всему  
anything goes, everything goes разг. — все дозволено, все сойдет  
everything hinges on his decision — все зависит от его решения  
see everything black — видеть все в чёрном свете  
carry everything before one — преодолевать все препятствия; преодолеть все препятствия; завоевать сердца  
he’d with everything — ему все сойдёт с рук  
reserve and tact in everything — сдержанность и такт во всём  

Примеры с переводом

Money isn’t everything.

Деньги — это ещё не всё.

I decided to tell her everything.

Я решил всё ей рассказать.

Everything’s fine at the moment.

На данный момент всё нормально.

She means everything to me.

Она для меня — всё.

Tell us everything that happened.

Расскажите нам всё, что произошло.

We’re pretty happy with everything right now.

Пока что мы всем очень довольны.

People will buy everything she paints.

Люди будут покупать всё, что она ни нарисует.

I didn’t agree with everything he said.

Я был не полностью согласен с его словами.

Apart from the bus arriving late, everything else seemed to be going according to plan.

Если не считать опоздания автобуса, всё остальное вроде бы шло по плану.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I felt that everything was going wrong.

He denied everything about the incident.

What do you buy for the man who has everything?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

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Alternative forms[edit]

  • (eye dialect, AAVE): e’rythin’, e’rythang, e’rything, ev’ryting, ev’rythang, ev’ythang, ev’rything, ev’ythin’, ev’ything, eve’ything, errythin,
  • (eye dialect, Caribbean): everytin’, everyting
  • (eye dialect, Southern US): everytang
  • (obsolete): every thing, evrything, evrythin


From every +‎ thing.


  • IPA(key): /ˈɛvɹiθɪŋ/
  • Hyphenation: eve‧ry‧thing or



  1. (literally) All the things under discussion.
    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 4, in Mr. Pratt’s Patients:

      I told him about everything I could think of; and what I couldn’t think of he did. He asked about six questions during my yarn, but every question had a point to it. At the end he bowed and thanked me once more. As a thanker he was main-truck high; I never see anybody so polite.

    I checked the list again and everything is done.

    Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.

  2. (colloquial, hyperbolic) Many or most things.
    • 1859, Charles Dickens, The Haunted House:

      Then, I was sent to a great, cold, bare, school of big boys; where everything to eat and wear was thick and clumpy, without being enough []

    A:What do you want to do at the amusement park?

    I did everything today — washed the dishes, cut the lawn, did the laundry.

  3. (colloquial) A state of well-being (from all parts of the whole).

    She wasn’t feeling well this morning but now everything is fine.

    Since the company lost its best customer everything has gotten worse.

  4. (colloquial) Considerable effort.
    It took everything in me to resist the temptation to skip work on my birthday.
  5. (colloquial) The most important thing.
    I can’t believe I made it in time — timing is everything!


  • all


  • nothing

Derived terms[edit]

  • call someone everything but a child of God
  • chips with everything
  • chips-with-everything
  • everything and the kitchen sink
  • everything bagel
  • everything but the kitchen sink
  • everything else
  • everything happens for a reason
  • everything in the garden is rosy
  • everything including the kitchen sink
  • everything is everything
  • everything is rosy in the garden
  • everything old is new again
  • everything one touches turns to gold
  • everything one touches turns to shit
  • everything under the sun
  • how’s everything
  • if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
  • know everything
  • know-everything
  • leave everything on the road
  • talk about everything under the sun
  • talk everything
  • theory of everything
  • there is a time and place for everything
  • timing is everything


  • anything
  • every
  • everybody
  • everyone
  • everywhen
  • everywhere
  • nothing
  • something


all the things

  • Afrikaans: alles (af)
  • Aghwan: 𐕠𐔴𐕀 (cex)
  • Apache:
    Western Apache: dawa
  • Arabic: كُلّ شَيْء(kull šayʔ)
    Egyptian Arabic: كل حاجة(kul ḥaga)
    Moroccan Arabic: كل شي(kull ši)
  • Aragonese: tot
  • Azerbaijani: hər şey, hamısı (az)
  • Basque: den
  • Belarusian: усё (be) (usjó)
  • Bengali: সবকিছু (bn) (śobkichu)
  • Bulgarian: вси́чко (bg) n (vsíčko)
  • Catalan: tot (ca)
  • Cherokee: ᎢᎬᏩᏕᎴᎩ (igvwadelegi)
  • Cheyenne: mȧheto
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 凡事 (faan4 si6), 一切 (jat1 cai3), 萬事万事 (maan6 si6), 乜嘢都 (mat1 je5 dou1)
    Gan: please add this translation if you can
    Hakka: 凡事 (fàm-sṳ), 萬事万事 (van-sṳ)
    Mandarin: 一切 (zh) (yīqiè), 每事 (zh) (měishì), 什麼都什么都 (shénme dōu), 凡事 (zh) (fánshì), 萬事万事 (zh) (wànshì)
    Min Dong: please add this translation if you can
    Min Nan: 凡事 (zh-min-nan) (hoân-sū), 萬事万事 (zh-min-nan) (bān-sū), 一切 (zh-min-nan) (it-chhè)
  • Chuvash: йӑлт (jălt)
  • Czech: všechno (cs) n, všechen (cs) m (before an uncountable noun)
  • Danish: alt (da)
  • Dutch: alles (nl)
  • Egyptian: (tm)
  • Esperanto: ĉio (eo)
  • Estonian: kõik (et)
  • Faroese: alt
  • Finnish: kaikki (fi)
  • French: tout (fr) m
  • Galician: todo (gl) m
  • Georgian: ყველაფერი (q̇velaperi)
  • German: alles (de) n
    Silesian: olles n (Olles, Alles)
  • Greek: όλα (el) n pl (óla), τα πάντα n pl (ta pánta)
    Ancient: πάντα n pl (pánta)
  • Hebrew: הכל (he) (hachol)
  • Hindi: सब कुछ (sab kuch), सब (hi) (sab)
  • Hungarian: minden (hu), mind (hu) (when it is about a previously mentioned group)
  • Icelandic: allt (is)
  • Ido: omno (io)
  • Indonesian: segala sesuatu, semuanya (id)
  • Interlingua: omne, toto
  • Irish: gach rud
  • Istriot: doûto
  • Italian: tutto (it)
  • Japanese: 全て (ja) (すべて, subete), 全部 (ja) (ぜんぶ, zenbu), いずれも (izuremo), どれも (doremo)
  • Kabuverdianu: túdu
  • Korean: 모두 (ko) (modu), 모든 것 (modeun geot), 전부 (ko) (jeonbu)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ھەمو شتێک(hemu ştêk)
  • Latin: omnia (la) n pl, nihil non, omnes res f, totae res, quidvis, quidquid n, tota (la) n
  • Macedonian: се (se)
  • Malay: semuanya
  • Maltese: kollox
  • Mbyá Guaraní: opa mba’e
  • Mòcheno: òlls
  • Nahuatl: nochi
  • Navajo: tʼáá ałtsoní
  • Norwegian: alt (no), allting (no)
  • Old English: eall, ǣlċ þing, eall þing pl
  • Persian: هر چیز(har čiz), همه‌چیز(hame-čiz)
  • Polish: wszystko (pl) n
  • Portuguese: tudo (pt) m
  • Romanian: tot (ro)
  • Russian: всё (ru) n (vsjo)
  • Rusyn: вшы́тко (všŷ́tko)
  • Scots: aathin
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: све n
    Roman: sve n
  • Slovak: všetko
  • Slovene: vse (sl)
  • Spanish: todo (es)
  • Swedish: allt (sv) n, alla (sv) c
  • Telugu: అన్నీ (te) (annī)
  • Thai: ทุกสิ่ง (túk-sìng), ทุกอย่าง (túk-yàang)
  • Tok Pisin: olgeta samting (tpi)
  • Turkish: her şey, herşey (tr)
  • Ukrainian: усе́ (usé), все (vse)
  • Urdu: سب کچھ(sab kuch), سب(sab), ہر چیز
  • Venetian: tuto (vec)
  • Vietnamese: mọi vật, mọi thứ nào (every thing), tất cả (vi) (all)
  • Volapük: valikos (vo)
  • Welsh: popeth
  • Yiddish: אַלץ(alts), אַלצדינג(altsding)
  • Yámana: xanikina

many or most things

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
  • Finnish: kaikki (fi)
  • Greek: η πλειονότητα f (i pleionótita)
  • Portuguese: tudo (pt) m
  • Spanish: please add this translation if you can

state of well-being

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
  • Finnish: kaikki (fi)
  • Portuguese: tudo (pt) m
  • Spanish: please add this translation if you can

the most important thing

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
  • Finnish: kaikki (fi)
  • Portuguese: tudo (pt) m
  • Spanish: please add this translation if you can


  • English compound terms
  • English 3-syllable words
  • English terms with IPA pronunciation
  • English terms with audio links
  • English lemmas
  • English pronouns
  • English terms with quotations
  • English terms with usage examples
  • English colloquialisms
  • English hyperboles
  • English compound determinatives
  • English indefinite pronouns
  • English third person pronouns

Today, I want to talk about two different spellings of the same word: everything vs. every thing. Is there any difference between these two, other than a space?

Are they similar to everyone / every one, where there is a clear difference in meaning?

Let’s find out.

There doesn’t appear to be a major difference in meaning between these two spellings; the one-word everything is now the default and more common spelling.

It has been said that every thing suggests things as individual items or units, while everything suggests all items as a collective unit. I’ve tried to illustrate this with the following examples.

  • Every thing on this menu is bad for you.
  • Everything on this menu is bad for you.

If it’s still unclear how these could be different, try the following sentences.

  • Every item on this menu is bad for you.
  • All of the items on this menu are bad for you.

The difference is one of emphasis, one focuses on the individual items, the other focuses on all items as a unit.

That said, the one-word everything has become universal, as everything is rarely spelled as two words.

everything versus every thing grammar

The above chart graphs every thing vs. everything in books over the past 200 years. Sometime in the middle of the 19th century, every thing began to be written as one word. This is consistent across American English and British English.

When to Use Everything

What does everything mean? Everything (one word) is the default spelling. It is defined as all things; all things of a group or class; all things of importance; the most important fact or consideration.

  • Everything in this house will need to be replaced.
  • It is the black hole of the Rangers lineup, and coach Alain Vigneault is doing everything he can to keep it from sucking away any semblance of a balanced forward group. –New York Post
  • In business, location is everything.

When to Use Every thing

Is is now rare to see everything written as two words. There are some circumstances, however, that call for the two-word every thing, and that is when an additional adjective is placed in between both words.

  • He corrects every little thing that you say.
  • Every single thing she touches is a success.

This is common in speech but rarely seen in writing—especially formal writing of any kind.

Everything Uses Singular Verbs

everything about english grammarIt’s important to note that while everything refers to all things in a group or class, it takes a singular verb.

  • The houses were damaged after the tornado, but everyone was all right. (Correct)
  • The houses were damaged after the tornado, but everyone were all right. (Wrong)

In this example, everything refers to many different people, but it still takes the singular verb was, not were. For a discussion on was vs. see, see here.

Popular Phrases that Use Everything

Have Everything. This is another informal phrase that means to possess every attraction or advantage.

  • She has a successful career, a loving husband, and two wonderful kids; she has everything.


Is it every thing or everything? There is little, if any, difference in meaning between the two.

Everything is now the default spelling, but is separated into two words when an adjective comes in the middle (every single thing).


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Everything and Every thing?
  • 2 When to Use Everything
  • 3 When to Use Every thing
  • 4 Everything Uses Singular Verbs
  • 5 Popular Phrases that Use Everything
  • 6 Summary

  • Top Definitions
  • Quiz
  • Related Content
  • Examples
  • British
  • Idioms And Phrases

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ ev-ree-thing ]

/ ˈɛv riˌθɪŋ /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


every single thing or every particular of an aggregate or total; all.

something extremely important: This news means everything to us.


something that is extremely or most important: Money is his everything.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of everything

Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at every, thing1

Words nearby everything

everyone, every other, everyplace, every single one, every so often, everything, everything but the kitchen sink, every time one turns around, every Tom, Dick, and Harry, everyway, everywhen

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to everything

all, business, lot, aggregate, all in all, all that, complex, lock stock and barrel, sum, the works, total, universe, whole, whole ball of wax, whole enchilada, whole shebang

How to use everything in a sentence

  • To make it work almost everything else about these shows has to seem factual which is why many look like a weird Celebrity Sims.

  • And so he looked at her, smiled, and offered a polite “Is everything okay?”

  • Note: UNICOR uses its inmates for everything from call center operators to human demolishers of old computers.

  • “The government just wanted to catch the big fish [in the Juarez cartel] and they ignored everything in between,” Lozoya said.

  • Do as Tumblr has done and scrub her last words off the Internet—erase everything she wanted the world to hear.

  • So after a few minutes I remarked to him, «Everything tastes very sweet out of this spoon!»

  • He wanted to tell her that if she called her father, it would mean the end of everything for them, but he withheld this.

  • Everything is topsy-turvy in Europe according to our moral ideas, and they don’t have what we call «men» over here.

  • She never realized that the reserve of her own character had much, perhaps everything, to do with this.

  • I should like it to be used for Maude; and mind, I’ll see to everything; you need not give yourself any trouble at all.

British Dictionary definitions for everything


the entirety of a specified or implied classshe lost everything in the War

a great deal, esp of something very importantshe means everything to me

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with everything

In addition to the idiom beginning with everything

  • everything but the kitchen sink

also see:

  • hold everything

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

  • all
  • business
  • lot
  • aggregate
  • all in all
  • all that
  • all things
  • complex
  • each thing
  • every little thing
  • fixins’
  • lock stock and barrel
  • many things
  • sum
  • the works
  • total
  • universe
  • whole
  • whole ball of wax
  • whole caboodle
  • whole enchilada
  • whole lot
  • whole shebang

On this page you’ll find 33 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to everything, such as: all, business, lot, aggregate, all in all, and all that.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING everything

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use everything in a sentence

So after a few minutes I remarked to him, «Everything tastes very sweet out of this spoon!»


He wanted to tell her that if she called her father, it would mean the end of everything for them, but he withheld this.


Everything is topsy-turvy in Europe according to our moral ideas, and they don’t have what we call «men» over here.


I should like it to be used for Maude; and mind, I’ll see to everything; you need not give yourself any trouble at all.


It happened that I didn’t stay around those police posts long enough to get familiar with the technical terms for everything.


Everything showed a rapid flight; even the would-be dinner of the guerrillas was found half cooked.


He told, in answer to the volumes of inquiries that everything was all right, and that the book would appear soon.


Lessard’s high-handed squelching of MacRae had thrown everything out of focus.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • all
  • all-embracing
  • all-encompassing
  • all-inclusive
  • blanket
  • broad
  • broad in content
  • complete
  • comprehensive
  • encompassing
  • everything
  • extensive
  • global
  • including all categories
  • including all members
  • panoptic
  • sweeping
  • total
  • wide
  • widespread
  • accumulation
  • aggregate
  • aggregation
  • collection
  • ensemble
  • entirety
  • everyone
  • everything
  • gross
  • group
  • integer
  • jackpot
  • lock stock and barrel
  • mass
  • quantity
  • sum
  • sum total
  • total
  • unit
  • utmost
  • whole ball of wax
  • whole enchilada
  • whole nine yards
  • whole schmear
  • whole shooting match
  • whole show
  • works
  • all
  • any one thing
  • anything at all
  • everything
  • whatever
  • absoluteness
  • aggregate
  • all
  • allness
  • collectiveness
  • collectivity
  • completeness
  • complex
  • comprehensiveness
  • ensemble
  • entireness
  • everything
  • fullness
  • gross
  • intactness
  • integrality
  • integrity
  • omneity
  • omnitude
  • oneness
  • perfection
  • plenitude
  • sum
  • sum total
  • the works
  • total
  • totality
  • undividedness
  • unity
  • universality
  • whole ball of wax
  • whole bit
  • whole enchilada
  • whole nine yards
  • affair
  • anything
  • apparatus
  • article
  • being
  • body
  • business
  • circumstance
  • commodity
  • concept
  • concern
  • configuration
  • contrivance
  • corporeality
  • creature
  • device
  • element
  • entity
  • everything
  • existence
  • existent
  • fact
  • figure
  • form
  • gadget
  • goods
  • implement
  • individual
  • information
  • instrument
  • item
  • machine
  • material
  • materiality
  • matter
  • means
  • mechanism
  • object
  • part
  • person
  • phenomenon
  • piece
  • point
  • portion
  • shape
  • situation
  • stuff
  • subject
  • substance
  • tool
  • word
  • collectivity
  • completeness
  • everything
  • sum
  • whole

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

everything — перевод на русский


You tell everything you know, don’t you?

Ты всегда рассказываешь чужие тайны?

You’re always razzing everything I do, but this time I’m in.

Ты всегда насмехаешься над тем, что я делаю. Вот, и на этот раз тоже.

— It’s how we get everything.

Да, мы всегда ими платим.

It takes so many francs to make one american dollar. You should never have to worry about such things. You’re so— you should have everything that’s beauti— well, beautiful.

Слишком много франков стоят всего один доллар вы не должны беспокоиться о таких вещах вы так всегда так прекрасны

Death’s at the bottom of everything, Martins. Leave death to the professionals.

На дне всегда смерть, оставьте ее профессионалам.

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I’m leaving tomorrow The money and everything is ready.

Я уезжаю завтра. Деньги и вещи готовы.

Yes, it’s funny that everything is the way it is, on account of how you feel.

Да, забавно, и ведь так вышло из-за твоего взгляда на вещи.

Yes, he said everything should be made use of.

— Да. Он говорил, вещи должны быть полезны.

Take everything that’s important to you, and quickly.

Возьмите вещи, которые представляют для вас ценность, только быстро.

And I could take care of everything here and meet you at the gate with the ticket, if you’d like.

Оставьте вещи со мной и встретимся на перроне. Я возьму билет, если хотите.

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Just my original agreement with Frazier: 50 percent of everything.

Был уговор с Фрейзером — половина дохода от дела.

Oh, everything is fine.

Как дела?

— How’s everything at the house, Charlie?

— Как идут дела дома, Чарли?

Well, how’s everything?

Ну, как дела?

How’s everything?

Как дела? — Прекрасно.

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Hold everything, I’ll be right back.

Жди здесь, я скоро вернусь.

Everything’s so beautiful here!

Здесь так хорошо!

Everything’s quiet.

Здесь так тихо.

Everything was getting so cluttered.

Здесь было так загромождено.

You stay here, I’ll take care of everything.

Ты останешься здесь.

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Everything back to normal.

Жизнь вроде налаживается.

Everything’s a risk.

Жизнь полна риска.

I know where I stand with him. Everything will be safe and secure. And I feel awfully good about it.

Я знаю какая у меня будет с ним жизнь, спокойная и надежная когда я думаю об этом мне становиться так хорошо

Well, I’m glad you recall me because I had a nice time that night, and I was wondering how everything was with you.

Как вообще жизнь?

They’ve got to fight for a place to play, fight for a little extra something to eat, fight for everything.

Враги… А что хорошего они видят в жизни?

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I need you to phone my folks, I want you to tell them that I’m fine and everything’s OK, that I’m just going to go travelling for a little bit.

Позвони моим родителям, скажи, что со мной всё хорошо и вообще всё хорошо, просто я собираюсь попутешествовать подольше.

Listen, the burial fund and everything. I’ve got it right here.

Деньги на похороны и вообще всё у меня здесь.

Electric stove, refrigerator, washing machine, everything.

Электрическая плита, холодильник, посудомоечная машина, вообще все.

It was ever so kind of you, milady, to come all this way to see us and to give Fanny that lovely doll and everything.

Так любезно с Вашей стороны, миледи, проделать такой путь, чтоб нас навестить, и подарить Фанни такую замечательную куклу, и вообще…

— So that everything has occurred it?

Зачем вообще ты отдавала?

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Get William to do everything to cut short his sentence.

Обратись к Вильяму, чтобы он сделал все возможное.

— We’ll see that everything’s done.

.. — Мы сделаем всё возможное.

We’re doing everything in our power.

Мы делаем все возможное.

I assure you, we’ll do everything we can.

Уверяю вас, мы сделаем все возможное.

They’re doing everything they can to break our spirit.

Делается все возможное, чтобы сломить наш дух.

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? He seems to know everything about us.

Он знает о нас абсолютно всё!

— No, that covers everything.

— Нет-нет, здесь абсолютно всё.

Take that stuff about the old man, who lived there and heard everything!

Возьмите старика, который там живет и который всё слышал, абсолютно всё.

Everything normal.

Абсолютно нормально.

You don’t believe in anything, everything means the same to you.

Или, что тебя абсолютно ничто не интересует?

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Before you came here, everything was so great. And now, for his sake … we no longer know where we are employed.

До вашего появления всё шло прекрасно, но теперь, из-за вас… я уж не знаю, что и будет с нами.

Why ain’t he here? Everything runs on a timetable till it comes to paying’ us.

Всё шло по расписанию, пока не пришло время делёжки.

Everything was wrong, and all she had to look forward to was a long, cheerless evening.

Все шло не так! И впереди ее ждал только тоскливый, долгий вечер. Нет!

Apparently everything came off on schedule.

Все идет по плану.

Madam does everything for her little girls.

Мадам Жосран идет на все ради дочерей.

Everything you want.

Как угодно.

Ship’s carpenter: he fixed everything from stove boats to broken arms and legs.

Он чинил что угодно… от шлюпок до сломанных рук и ног.

And you’re everything but a nazi, aren’t you?

И вы — кто угодно, только не нацист, не так ли?

You see, when you’re a good girl and play with the other children don’t go moping and dreaming by yourself your daddy wants to do everything he can to make you happy.

Понимаешь, когда ты ведешь себя хорошо и играешь с другими детьми когда ты не киснешь и не витаешь где-то в облаках твой папочка готов сделать все что угодно, чтобы сделать тебя счастливой.

You could hit it with everything but the kitchen sink.

И вы можете стрелять в неё всем чем угодно, даже кухонной мойкой.

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