Pick one word that describes you

Pick a simple word that describes you:

Pick a body part to get tattooed:

Which do you prefer the sound of/to play?

In which of these cities would you rather live?

And finally- pick a burger. Just because!

You are smart. You pride yourself on your knowledge. In any situation, people look to you know what to do and you never let them down. One word can’t encompass everything that is you, but if you had to chose it would be smart!

You are strong; literally and figuratively. You’ve seen tough times, but when the times get tough you get rock hard. You are a support for all those that you love, who value you for your straight forward approach and your emotional muscle. Keep on kicking ass!

Kindness is underrated. You are known for being kind—to those you love but also to anyone that needs it. You know that true kindness knows no limits. Make sure you’re kind to yourself too!

You are resilient. Not flashy, not dramatic, you know how to keep your head down and move forward no matter what is going on around you. You might not always seem the most friendly, but those who know you can’t help but love your stoic ways.

You are always moving, always looking for the next big adventure! In some ways, you bring the adventure to every situation! You love visiting new places and seeing new things-but remember to slow down and take stock of what you have once in a while!

You are carefree. Nothing bothers you—it isn’t that you aren’t listening, it’s that you don’t allow any negativity to touch you at all. You are the life of any party and you know how to bring the joy to any situation. Make sure you allow yourself to feel sad once in a while, you’re only human after all!

ONE word that describes you? I’ve aalways wanted to know that.So i dont know what else to say so peeeeaaaaseeee take my quiz?

Want to know ONE word that describes you? take this quiz and find out i out a lot of work into it so the results shoud be accurate! C: thank you so much!

Created by: HarshmaBoo

  1. What do you spend most of your time doing??
    • Hanging out with friends
    • being with my bf/gf c:
    • what does this have to do with the quiz?
    • depends… :)
    • doing something silly or stupid :p lol
    • thinking..
  2. I enjoy:
    • volunteer work!
    • reading c;
    • LaLaLa :D
    • nothing ig
    • family time (especially dinner ) o.o
  3. My Future career (out of these) would most likely be???
    • uhhhh….unemployment?
    • Counselor, social worker
    • teacher
    • star, athlete
    • something at home…not very social person
    • doctor
  4. (sorry…) faveorite color??
    • White/pink/red
    • white/yellow/gold
    • black/gray/dark blue
    • green or orange
    • purpleee!
    • rainbow
  5. Which quote describes you best?
    • ONE smmile can hide a MILLION tears…
    • LIfe is about about partying hard, partying harder and looking twice as good as the b*tch standiing next to ya
    • whats better a lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear?
    • I love you c:
    • no degree, no life, you’re stuck with parents
    • Haters keep hatin’!
  6. Which is first?
    • family
    • friends
    • bf/gf
    • no one
    • me
    • everyone/more than one
  7. Which song lyrics appeal to you the most?
    • «it’s on the papers, it’s on the tvs, it’s everywhere that I go. Soldiers are dyin’,children are cryin’ wome people don’t have a home»
    • «what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, sstand a little taller»
    • «I’m gonna break down all your walls»
    • «Now tha I know wha I’m without you can’t just leave me here!»
    • «H-E-L-L-O coming straight from Tokiyo! K-I-T-T-Y My sex will eave you satisfied!»…..LOL
    • uhhhh, I HAVE to choose one..?
  8. You see your best friend getting bullied you:
    • I’m the bully
    • I’m the bullied friend
    • be a smarta**
    • stand up for them/crack a joke
    • i’m too scared to help
    • uhh..idk/i dont really have a bestieee
  9. BE HONEST: are you EVER mean or let your anger slip on someone?
    • DUH
    • mhm
    • yes…I’m so sorry/…
    • sometimes.. :c
    • I don’t get angry/do my best to avoid it
  10. My Musc style is:
    • screamo/rock
    • rap
    • pop
    • country
    • tecno/dance
    • many/none
  11. I love you :3
    • i love you too :)
    • uhhh…OK! LOL xD
    • f— off
    • are we done??
    • :)

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About This Quiz

All of us are the sum of many parts, one of the things that makes people so cool and interesting is how different all of us are. Still though, when it comes to people that know us well, they think of one thing about us first and foremost. If we were to go up to your significant other or your best friend and asked them to describe you in one word, what would it be? Now don’t forget, we are talking about people that like you here, otherwise, the word might be a lot different.

Are you known by all as a leader who never quits? Are you courageous, having faced long odds and defeated them? Are you kind to all that you meet? Are you so affected by the world around you would people describe you as sensitive? Are you so funny that people would forget about all of your other characteristics?  Do you have a strong sense of justice of what is right and wrong? There are a whole lot of people in the world, and there are a whole lot of words that can be used to describe each of them. Take this quiz to find the word that might describe you best.

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