Phrases with word true

true — перевод на русский


Now, that isn’t true.

Это неправда.

It isn’t true about the launch needing repairs.

Про сломанный катер — неправда.

Tell him it isn’t true.

Скажи ему, что это неправда!

Is it true or not?

Это неправда.

— You know that isn’t true. Why don’t you give him whatever he wants for my sake? They’ll arrest you if you don’t.

Марджори, это неправда, отдайте ему то, что он просит, хотя бы ради меня, иначе они арестуют вас!

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Yes, now that I am free, I’m enjoying myself a bit. It’s true.

все верно.

It’s true that’s a source of our troubles: Emotions.

Верно, источник наших проблем — эмоции.

It’s all true!

— Всё это верно.

Yes, it’s quite true.

Да, всё верно.

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I learned to talk like a true cowboy. You talk like nothing i ever heard.

я учусь говорить как настоящий ковбой я никогда не слышал что бы они говорили как ты

He said true progress must bear some relation to man’s character.

Он сказал, что настоящий прогресс связан с натурой человека.

We had thought Leo Kardos was too young to apply for it but tonight, due to the efforts of some Brooklyn citizens we have decided that true musicianship is beyond age limits or rules.

Мы считали, что Лео Кардос слишком юн, чтобы претендовать на неё но сегодня вечером, благодаря усилиям некоторых граждан Бруклина мы поняли, что настоящий музыкальный талант не ограничен возрастными границами.

Every true seafarer respects courage, the courage of men of all national origins and religions, that has created seafaring tradition and built the S.I.U.

Каждый настоящий моряк уважает смелость, смелость людей всех национальностей и вероисповедания, которые создали традиции моряков и основали МПМ.

A true samurai won’t get hit.

Настоящий самурай не пропустит удар.

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This seems too good to be true.

— Это слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой.

If that were true, I’d wait forever.

Окажись это правдой, я бы ждал вечно.

Oh, dear. That’s too wonderful to be true!

Боже, слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой!

Too good to be true.

Слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой.

— And it wouldn’t be true either.

— И это не было бы правдой.

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True meaning?

Истинную причину?

I’m a historian, telling the true tale of this great land as her iconic birthday fast approaches.

Я историк, рассказывающий истинную историю этой великой земли поскольку приближается её знаковый день рождения.

You’re going to sell the True Love?

Ты продашь «Истинную любовь»?

It was upon the untimely death of this good man, however, that the stepmother’s true nature was revealed.

Но после безвременной кончины этого достойного человека… мачеха во всей красе обнаружила свою истинную природу:

He wouldn’t dare stand in the path of true love with an election coming up in November.

Он не посмеет остановить истинную любовь, ведь в ноябре выборы.

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— Maybe it’s true.

-А может, он прав?

Then it’s true.

Тогда ты прав.

save that there was not time enough to hear, as I perceived his grace would fain have done, of his true titles to some certain dukedoms and generally to the crown and seat of France derived from Edward, his great-grandfather.

И проявил заметный интерес, Хоть не успел в подробностях дослушать Обоснованье прав его законных

Yes, it is true.

Да, ты прав.

Quite true, but it’s so easy for us to get into the past.

Да, ты прав… Но дело в том, что, разговаривая, мы легко возвращаемся к прошлому.

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Whatever you dream here tonight will come true.

Что Вам сегодня приснится, сбудется!

All you need now is a divorce, and your dreams of Ashley can come true.

Вам нужен развод, и ваша мечта об Эшли сбудется.

To make Geppetto’s wish come true will be entirely up to you.

Все полностью зависит от тебя. — Зависит, сбудется ли желание.

And besides, if you say it out loud, it won’t come true.

И кроме того, если произнести вслух, не сбудется.

Wish real hard, blow out the candles, and your wish will come true.

Загадай желание очень сильно, задуй свечи и твое желание обязательно сбудется.

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So, I guess the rumors about you joining us are true, then?

Так слухи о том, что ты теперь с нами правдивы?

Were they true?

Они были правдивы?

If rumor is true, Barbara is quite a girl.

Если они правдивы,..

And if these reports are true, to fumigate that place with all the insecticides at our disposal.

И если эти сообщения правдивы — обработать этот город всеми возможными инсектицидами.

That tale you related earlier — may I be assured it was true in every detail?

История, поведанная ранее… все ли детали ее правдивы?

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It’s true, what could have Cesarina to do with us.

Действительно, что нам то Цезарина?

It is true, I went with your father.

Действительно, я был тогда с вашим отцом.

It’s true that a number of people have drowned there.

Там действительно утонули много людей.

It is true.


Very true.


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It isn’t true.

Не может быть.

What isn’t true?

Чего не может быть?

It can’t be true!

Этого не может быть!

That’s not true!

— Не может быть!

— It’s not true.

— Не может быть.

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Отправить комментарий

истинный, верный, истина, точно, правдиво, выверять, пригонять


- верный, правильный

- в функции вводного слова правда

true, the book is peppered with rhetorical questions — правда, книга приправлена большим количеством риторических вопросов

- надёжный, верный; не обманывающий ожиданий

a true sign of rain — верный предвестник /признак/ дождя

- преданный; верный; не отступающий

true friend — преданный друг
true to one’s principles [to one’s word] — верный своим принципам [своему слову]
true to one’s friends — преданный своим друзьям
true to oneself — верный себе
true to the spirit of her age — верная духу своего века

- настоящий, подлинный, истинный

ещё 9 вариантов


- истина, правда; реальность, действительное положение дел

in true — правильно установленный /настроенный/; точный
out of true — плохо установленный; неточный; невертикальный, неотвесный
to get /to run/ out of true — децентрироваться (о колесе)
to put smth. out of true — децентрировать что-л.


- правдиво, честно

his words ring true — его слова звучат правдиво

- точно; в соответствии с нормой

to aim true — целиться точно
to run true — вращаться без перекосов, без восьмёрки (о колесе)
to breed true — давать породистый приплод


- тех. выверять; править; пригонять; регулировать (тж. true up)

Мои примеры


the true meaning of the term — истинное значение этого выражения  
true up the cylinder of an engine — отрегулировать цилиндр двигателя  
a dramatization of a true story — инсценировка реальных событий  
If the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now? — Если слух этот верен, то что может быть неуместнее, чем повторять его сейчас?  
to find a true bill — передавать дело в суд  
true character — истинная личность, настоящий человек  
for a true copy — «копия верна», правильность копии удостоверяется  
a dream comes true — мечта сбывается  
drill does not run true — сверло отклоняется от прямой  
true account — правдивая, достоверная информация  
the true faith — истинная вера, правая вера  
as true as flint — преданный и верный  
true criminals — настоящие преступники  

Примеры с переводом

It is not true.

Это неправда.

Can it be true?

Неужели (это правда)?

«It will be difficult.» «This is true.»

— Это будет трудно. — Это верно.

I affirm that it is true.

Подтверждаю, что это правда.

No, honestly, it’s a true story.

Нет, честно, так всё и было.

This is especially true for old people.

Это особенно актуально для пожилых людей.

Has the wheel been properly trued up?

Колесо было точно подогнано?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…no one could have a heart of such immaculacy—she was too good to be true…

I have been to you a true and humble wife, at all times to your will conformable

True to Finals form, this hardwood battle has become as vicious as any street scrum.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

truancy  — прогул, манкирование службой, манкирование школой
truant  — прогуливать, прогульщик, лентяй, ленивый, праздный
truism  — трюизм, прописная истина
truly  — действительно, поистине, истинно, искренне, верно, правдиво, точно, в самом деле
truth  — истина, правда, правдивость, точность, правильность установки
untrue  — неверный, несоответствующий, ложный, неправильный, неточный
trueness  — правильность, верность, правдивость, преданность
trueing  — выверка, пригонка, рихтовка, правка, выверять

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): truer
прев. степ. (superlative): truest

Odds and EndsСлово «true» является одним из самых старых слов. Оно может происходить от протоиндоевропейского слова, означающего «дерево». Хорошо укоренившееся дерево является сильным, прочным и крепким. К тому времени, как слово вошло в английский язык, оно приобрело значение «честный» или «заслуживающий доверия». По мере развития языка слово приобретало все новые значения, и в современном английском у него, по крайней мере, шесть оттенков значения. Вот несколько примеров употребления слова «true» с несколькими синонимами, которые помогут до конца раскрыть то или иное значение.

1. Is it true what mother has told me about your behavior? – Это правда, что мама рассказала мне о твоем поведении?
В данном случае true означает «верный, правильный, точный, правдивый» и слова correct (правильный), factual (действительный), accurate (точный), right (правильный) являются его синонимами в этом смысле.

2. My true vocation is to teach English – Мое истинное призвание – преподавать английский.
Здесь true – это «истинный, неподдельный», а синонимами в данном значении будут слова genuine (подлинный), real (настоящий), authentic (подлинный), actual (настоящий).

3. The true heir of the whole property uncle John has left was his granddaughter. – настоящей наследницей всего имущества, которое оставил дядя Джон, была его внучка.
В данном случае true означает «законный, действительный». Синонимами, подходящими к этому значению, являются rightful (правомочный), authorized (уполномоченный), legitimate (законный), lawful (законный), legal (законный).

4. A true friend will always be with you – настоящий друг всегда будет с вами.
В этом предложении true означает «верный, лояльный, подлинный, надежный». Синонимами в этом случае будут loyal (лояльный), reliable (надежный), faithful (верный), devoted (преданный), trustworthy (надежный).

5. This film is a true reflection of the war events – этот фильм – точное отражение событий войны.
Из примера видно что перед нами true в значении «близкий к реальности, реалистичный». А синонимы у него следующие – accurate (точный), realistic (реалистичный), true to life ( точно воспроизведённый), factual (основанный на фактах), faithful (правдивый).

6. True repentance will help to save your soul. – подлинное раскаяние поможет спасти твою душу.
Последнее значение true – это «искренний, добросердечный». Синонимами являются sincere (искренний), unfeigned (неподдельный), genuine (подлинный), heartfelt (добросердечный), real (настоящий).

Устойчивые выражения со словом true

Слово true также используется во многих устойчивых выражениях, например,

  • true as steel: верный и надежный
  • true colors: истинное лицо кого-то
  • true love: истинная любовь
  • ring true: звучать правдоподобно
  • tried and true: верный, испытанный, надежный
  • true up: настраивать, регулировать
  • true to form: в своем репертуаре, верен себе
  • true-blue: ревностный, преданный

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adjective, tru·er, tru·est.

being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false: a true story.

real; genuine; authentic: true gold; true feelings.

sincere; not deceitful: a true interest in someone’s welfare.

firm in allegiance; loyal; faithful; steadfast: a true friend.

being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something: the true meaning of his statement.

conforming to or consistent with a standard, pattern, or the like: a true copy.

exact; precise; accurate; correct: a true balance.

of the right kind; such as it should be; proper: to arrange things in their true order.

properly so called; rightly answering to a description: true statesmanship.

legitimate or rightful: the true heir.

reliable, unfailing, or sure: a true sign.

exactly or accurately shaped, formed, fitted, or placed, as a surface, instrument, or part of a mechanism.

honest; honorable; upright.

Biology. conforming to the type, norm, or standard of structure of a particular group; typical: The lion is a true cat.

Navigation. (of a bearing, course, etc.) determined in relation to true north.


exact or accurate formation, position, or adjustment: to be out of true.

the true, something that is true; truth.


in a true manner; truly; truthfully.

exactly or accurately.

in conformity with the ancestral type: to breed true.

verb (used with object), trued, tru·ing or true·ing.

to make true; shape, adjust, place, etc., exactly or accurately: to true the wheels of a bicycle after striking a pothole.

(especially in carpentry) to make even, symmetrical, level, etc. (often followed by up): to true up the sides of a door.



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Idioms about true

    come true, to have the expected or hoped-for result; become a reality: She couldn’t believe that her dream would ever come true.

Origin of true

before 900; Middle English trewe (adj. and adv.), Old English trēowe (adj.) loyal, trusty, honest (see trow, truce); akin to Dutch trouw,German treu,Old Norse tryggr,Gothic triggws

synonym study for true


trueness, nounhalf-true, adjective

Words nearby true

Trudeaumania, Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, trudge, trudgen, Trudy, true, true anomaly, true believer, true bill, true blue, trueborn Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to true

accurate, appropriate, authentic, bona fide, correct, genuine, honest, legitimate, natural, normal, perfect, proper, pure, sincere, truthful, typical, dedicated, devoted, faithful, honorable

How to use true in a sentence

  • If they accept you — if Music accept you — then you learn true power.

  • It is like my dream is coming true, and it’s been special for me.

  • It was not a true accurate description of what it does – so now Google is calling it passage ranking.

  • This is especially true for people you once were close to or looked up to, who may now be engaging in behaviors that conflict with your values.

  • It is also unclear whether the same is true for variants of the virus that appear to be more contagious.

  • What happened to true love knows no boundaries and all that?

  • At 1:42 a.m., a commenter bluntly asked: “Jeff, Is it true you are a convicted sex offender?”

  • True, this may not be what James Madison had in mind when he was writing the Bill of Rights.

  • Like his old man, he keeps it reined in, but when talking about fishing, a true regret seeps out.

  • None of that is true for those brands who have booked black faces.

  • She is quite true, but not wise, and your left hand must not know what your right hand is doing.

  • Each religion claims that its own Bible is the direct revelation of God, and is the only true Bible teaching the only true faith.

  • Each picture bore a label, giving a true description of the once-honoured gem.

  • It seems to be a true instinct which comes before education and makes education possible.

  • But if what I told him were true, he was still at a loss how a kingdom could run out of its estate like a private person.

British Dictionary definitions for true

adjective truer or truest

not false, fictional, or illusory; factual or factually accurate; conforming with reality

(prenominal) being of real or natural origin; genuine; not synthetictrue leather

  1. unswervingly faithful and loyal to friends, a cause, etca true follower
  2. (as collective noun; preceded by the)the loyal and the true

faithful to a particular concept of truth, esp of religious trutha true believer

conforming to a required standard, law, or patterna true aim; a true fit

exactly in tunea true note

(of a compass bearing) according to the earth’s geographical rather than magnetic polestrue north

biology conforming to the typical structure of a designated typesphagnum moss is a true moss, Spanish moss is not

physics not apparent or relative; taking into account all complicating factorsthe true expansion of a liquid takes into account the expansion of the container Compare apparent (def. 3)

not true informal unbelievable; remarkableshe’s got so much money it’s not true

true to life exactly comparable with reality


correct alignment (esp in the phrases in true, out of true)


truthfully; rightly

precisely or unswervinglyhe shot true

biology without variation from the ancestral typeto breed true

verb trues, truing or trued

(tr) to adjust so as to make true

Derived forms of true

trueness, noun

Word Origin for true

Old English triewe; related to Old Frisian triūwe, Old Saxon, Old High German triuwi loyal, Old Norse tryggr; see trow, trust

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with true

In addition to the idioms beginning with true

  • true blue
  • true colors
  • true to

also see:

  • come true
  • course of true love
  • dream come true
  • find true north
  • hold good (true)
  • ring false (true)
  • run (true) to form
  • too good to be true
  • tried and true

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


Synonyms of true

  • adjective

  • as in real

  • as in correct

  • as in actual

  • as in steadfast

  • as in accurate

  • as in genuine

  • as in historical

  • as in reliable

  • as in typical

  • as in honest

  • adverb

  • as in indeed

  • as in real
  • as in correct
  • as in actual
  • as in steadfast
  • as in accurate
  • as in genuine
  • as in historical
  • as in reliable
  • as in typical
  • as in honest
  • as in indeed

  • Phrases Containing

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Definition of truenext


as in real

being exactly as appears or as claimed

his claim that he’s the heir to the throne of Greece can’t be true

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • real

  • authentic

  • genuine

  • honest

  • original

  • actual

  • unmistakable

  • for real

  • historical

  • certified

  • pure

  • certifiable

  • bona fide

  • very

  • right

  • legitimate

  • identifiable

  • echt

  • dinkum

  • pukka

  • accurate

  • proven

  • sureenough

  • undeniable

  • legal

  • unquestionable

  • verifiable

  • indisputable

  • lawful

  • irrefutable

  • correct

  • substantiated

  • validated

  • incontrovertible

  • recognizable

  • indubitable

  • verified

  • incontestable

  • pucka

  • undoubted

  • veritable

  • proper

  • unadulterated

  • unalloyed

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • false

  • unreal

  • bogus

  • fake

  • spurious

  • phony

  • pseudo

  • sham

  • counterfeit

  • imitation

  • mock

  • supposititious

  • artificial

  • phoney

  • unnatural

  • synthetic

  • factitious

  • simulated

  • unauthentic

  • suppositious

  • misleading

  • deceptive

  • manufactured

  • fabricated

  • delusive

  • manmade

  • concocted

  • delusory

See More

  • false

  • unreal

  • bogus

  • fake

  • spurious

  • phony

  • pseudo

  • sham

  • counterfeit

  • imitation

  • mock

  • supposititious

  • artificial

  • phoney

  • unnatural

  • synthetic

  • factitious

  • simulated

  • unauthentic

  • suppositious

  • misleading

  • deceptive

  • manufactured

  • fabricated

  • delusive

  • manmade

  • concocted

  • delusory

See More


as in correct

being in agreement with the truth or a fact or a standard

if that is true, then we can’t get in without a key

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • correct

  • accurate

  • good

  • exact

  • proper

  • so

  • precise

  • right

  • logical

  • valid

  • perfect

  • legitimate

  • veracious

  • deadon

  • spoton

  • bang on

  • sound

  • flawless

  • ontarget

  • rigorous

  • infallible

  • faultless

  • on target

  • impeccable

  • on the money

  • strict

  • inerrant

  • stringent

  • errorless

  • letterperfect

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • false

  • wrong

  • untrue

  • incorrect

  • inaccurate

  • improper

  • off

  • imperfect

  • defective

  • inexact

  • faulty

  • flawed

See More

  • false

  • wrong

  • untrue

  • incorrect

  • inaccurate

  • improper

  • off

  • imperfect

  • defective

  • inexact

  • faulty

  • flawed

See More


as in actual

existing in fact and not merely as a possibility

the true scope of this environmental problem is far greater than anyone imagined

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • real

  • actual

  • factual

  • very

  • genuine

  • effective

  • literal

  • existent

  • concrete

  • proven

  • final

  • substantiated

  • valid

  • absolute

  • de facto

  • undeniable

  • unquestionable

  • indisputable

  • irrefutable

  • realistic

  • validated

  • authentic

  • unmistakable

  • incontrovertible

  • objective

  • demonstrated

  • positive

  • confirmed

  • indubitable

  • certain

  • sureenough

  • incontestable

  • convincing

  • believable

  • verified

  • inescapable

  • substantial

  • tangible

  • established

  • authenticated

  • verifiable

  • attested

  • authoritative

  • bona fide

  • reallife

  • realworld

  • palpable

  • hard

  • certified

  • certifiable

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • possible

  • ideal

  • potential

  • hypothetical

  • theoretical

  • nonexistent

  • theoretic

  • alleged

  • platonic

  • suppositional

  • conjectural

  • assumed

  • supposed

  • illusory

  • legendary

  • fictitious

  • fictional

  • fabled

  • fanciful

  • reputed

  • inexistent

  • envisioned

  • imagined

  • romantic

  • imaginary

  • chimerical

  • unreal

  • conceived

  • visualized

  • fake

  • pictured

  • symbolic

  • envisaged

  • invented

  • pretend

  • chimeric

  • abstract

  • fabricated

  • virtual

  • madeup

  • makebelieve

See More

  • possible

  • ideal

  • potential

  • hypothetical

  • theoretical

  • nonexistent

  • theoretic

  • alleged

  • platonic

  • suppositional

  • conjectural

  • assumed

  • supposed

  • illusory

  • legendary

  • fictitious

  • fictional

  • fabled

  • fanciful

  • reputed

  • inexistent

  • envisioned

  • imagined

  • romantic

  • imaginary

  • chimerical

  • unreal

  • conceived

  • visualized

  • fake

  • pictured

  • symbolic

  • envisaged

  • invented

  • pretend

  • chimeric

  • abstract

  • fabricated

  • virtual

  • madeup

  • makebelieve

See More


as in steadfast

firm in one’s allegiance to someone or something

he will be true to his word

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • steadfast

  • loyal

  • faithful

  • good

  • staunch

  • devout

  • dedicated

  • devoted

  • constant

  • pious

  • fast

  • ardent

  • steady

  • trueblue

  • reliable

  • fervent

  • passionate

  • trustworthy

  • dependable

  • stanch

  • solid

  • responsible

  • downtheline

  • intent

  • unwavering

  • dutiful

  • resolute

  • determined

  • serious

  • enthusiastic

  • confirmed

  • unfaltering

  • trusty

  • tried

  • unhesitating

  • triedandtrue

  • sworn

  • avid

  • inveterate

  • impassioned

  • fervid

  • dyedinthewool

  • gung ho

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • false

  • untrue

  • unfaithful

  • disloyal

  • perfidious

  • treacherous

  • faithless

  • traitorous

  • unreliable

  • fickle

  • irresponsible

  • inconstant

  • untrustworthy

  • uncertain

  • undependable

  • recreant

  • dubious

  • hesitant

  • faltering

  • shaky

  • dispassionate

  • irresolute

  • uninterested

  • apathetic

  • wavering

  • vacillating

See More

  • false

  • untrue

  • unfaithful

  • disloyal

  • perfidious

  • treacherous

  • faithless

  • traitorous

  • unreliable

  • fickle

  • irresponsible

  • inconstant

  • untrustworthy

  • uncertain

  • undependable

  • recreant

  • dubious

  • hesitant

  • faltering

  • shaky

  • dispassionate

  • irresolute

  • uninterested

  • apathetic

  • wavering

  • vacillating

See More


as in accurate

following an original exactly

it’s not a true reproduction of the painting because the original is much larger

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • accurate

  • authentic

  • exact

  • faithful

  • careful

  • precise

  • realistic

  • real

  • strict

  • genuine

  • right

  • veracious

  • meticulous

  • authoritative

  • conscientious

  • lifelike

  • bona fide

  • scrupulous

  • punctilious

  • veridical

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • false

  • inaccurate

  • unfaithful

  • loose

  • inexact

  • imprecise

  • corrupted

  • wrong

  • untrue

  • careless

  • inauthentic

  • erroneous

  • incorrect

  • corrupt

  • slovenly

  • slack

  • invalid

  • off

  • untruthful

  • unsound

  • slipshod

See More

  • false

  • inaccurate

  • unfaithful

  • loose

  • inexact

  • imprecise

  • corrupted

  • wrong

  • untrue

  • careless

  • inauthentic

  • erroneous

  • incorrect

  • corrupt

  • slovenly

  • slack

  • invalid

  • off

  • untruthful

  • unsound

  • slipshod

See More


as in genuine

free from any intent to deceive or impress others

may our love for one another always be true

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • genuine

  • unaffected

  • honest

  • real

  • simple

  • innocent

  • naive

  • sincere

  • natural

  • straightforward

  • spontaneous

  • guileless

  • ingenuous

  • unpretentious

  • artless

  • inexperienced

  • unpretending

  • naïve

  • candid

  • childlike

  • unsophisticated

  • trusting

  • unworldly

  • on the level

  • trustful

  • malleable

  • direct

  • open

  • impressionable

  • frank

  • plain

  • unstudied

  • simpleminded

  • persuadable

  • persuasible

  • straight

  • gullible

  • unforced

  • openhearted

  • free

  • wideeyed

  • plainspoken

  • susceptible

  • unguarded

  • dewyeyed

  • geewhiz

  • exploitable

  • singleminded

  • freespoken

  • unwary

  • gullable

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • false

  • critical

  • assuming

  • fake

  • artificial

  • dishonest

  • affected

  • skeptical

  • phony

  • suspicious

  • artful

  • cynical

  • pretentious

  • insincere

  • wary

  • phoney

  • sophisticated

  • worldly

  • cosmopolitan

  • mistrustful

  • deceptive

  • civilized

  • hypocritical

  • polished

  • subtle

  • guileful

  • refined

  • cultured

  • cultivated

  • deceitful

  • dissimulating

  • dissembling

  • tricky

  • manipulative

  • cunning

  • smooth

  • crooked

  • shrewd

  • devious

  • sharp

  • wily

  • slippery

  • flattering

  • sly

  • crafty

  • shifty

  • foxy

  • designing

  • slick

  • calculating

  • worldlywise

  • underhanded

  • scheming

  • arch

  • sycophantic

  • unctuous

  • feigned

  • twofaced

  • forced

  • strained

  • knavish

  • canny

  • doubledealing

  • mealymouthed

See More

  • false

  • critical

  • assuming

  • fake

  • artificial

  • dishonest

  • affected

  • skeptical

  • phony

  • suspicious

  • artful

  • cynical

  • pretentious

  • insincere

  • wary

  • phoney

  • sophisticated

  • worldly

  • cosmopolitan

  • mistrustful

  • deceptive

  • civilized

  • hypocritical

  • polished

  • subtle

  • guileful

  • refined

  • cultured

  • cultivated

  • deceitful

  • dissimulating

  • dissembling

  • tricky

  • manipulative

  • cunning

  • smooth

  • crooked

  • shrewd

  • devious

  • sharp

  • wily

  • slippery

  • flattering

  • sly

  • crafty

  • shifty

  • foxy

  • designing

  • slick

  • calculating

  • worldlywise

  • underhanded

  • scheming

  • arch

  • sycophantic

  • unctuous

  • feigned

  • twofaced

  • forced

  • strained

  • knavish

  • canny

  • doubledealing

  • mealymouthed

See More


as in historical

restricted to or based on fact

that news story is completely true, for the station released a list of its sources to back it up

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • historical

  • factual

  • literal

  • documentary

  • real

  • nonfictional

  • objective

  • genuine

  • authentic

  • reliable

  • actual

  • simple

  • hard

  • documented

  • undeniable

  • unquestionable

  • matteroffact

  • indisputable

  • verifiable

  • irrefutable

  • right

  • demonstrable

  • provable

  • incontrovertible

  • bona fide

  • established

  • incontestable

  • sustainable

  • supportable

  • certain

  • plain

  • undoubted

  • confirmable

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • fictitious

  • fictional

  • theoretical

  • hypothetical

  • speculative

  • theoretic

  • fictionalized

  • nonhistorical

  • unhistorical

  • apocryphal

  • mythical

  • legendary

  • imaginary

  • mythic

  • fanciful

  • fantastic

  • undocumented

  • exaggerated

  • fantastical

  • nonfactual

  • fabulous

  • invented

  • unauthentic

  • nondocumentary

  • chimerical

  • pretend

  • imagined

  • chimeric

  • madeup

  • unsupportable

  • makebelieve

  • insupportable

  • embroidered

See More

  • fictitious

  • fictional

  • theoretical

  • hypothetical

  • speculative

  • theoretic

  • fictionalized

  • nonhistorical

  • unhistorical

  • apocryphal

  • mythical

  • legendary

  • imaginary

  • mythic

  • fanciful

  • fantastic

  • undocumented

  • exaggerated

  • fantastical

  • nonfactual

  • fabulous

  • invented

  • unauthentic

  • nondocumentary

  • chimerical

  • pretend

  • imagined

  • chimeric

  • madeup

  • unsupportable

  • makebelieve

  • insupportable

  • embroidered

See More


as in reliable

worthy of one’s trust

a true friend when you need one

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • reliable

  • good

  • responsible

  • safe

  • solid

  • sure

  • steady

  • loyal

  • trustworthy

  • dependable

  • calculable

  • secure

  • strong

  • faithful

  • tried

  • trusty

  • constant

  • trustable

  • steadfast

  • honest

  • sincere

  • devoted

  • proven

  • triedandtrue

  • fast

  • valid

  • staunch

  • sound

  • telling

  • infallible

  • unquestionable

  • effective

  • trueblue

  • confirmed

  • bedrock

  • unerring

  • validated

  • verified

  • unimpeachable

  • faultless

  • attested

  • firm

  • stanch

  • authenticated

  • impeccable

  • singleminded

  • irreproachable

  • blameless

  • guiltless

  • inerrant

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • false

  • untrue

  • uncertain

  • unreliable

  • unsafe

  • untrustworthy

  • doubtful

  • unfaithful

  • disloyal

  • perfidious

  • treacherous

  • faithless

  • traitorous

  • fickle

  • undependable

  • uncertain

  • problematic

  • dishonest

  • questionable

  • inconstant

  • dubious

  • deceitful

  • debatable

  • suspect

  • lying

  • problematical

  • untruthful

  • dodgy

  • mendacious

  • disputable

  • risky

  • fishy

  • hazardous

  • shaky

  • unsound

  • recreant

  • shady

  • unconfirmed

  • untried

  • doubtable

See More

  • false

  • untrue

  • uncertain

  • unreliable

  • unsafe

  • untrustworthy

  • doubtful

  • unfaithful

  • disloyal

  • perfidious

  • treacherous

  • faithless

  • traitorous

  • fickle

  • undependable

  • uncertain

  • problematic

  • dishonest

  • questionable

  • inconstant

  • dubious

  • deceitful

  • debatable

  • suspect

  • lying

  • problematical

  • untruthful

  • dodgy

  • mendacious

  • disputable

  • risky

  • fishy

  • hazardous

  • shaky

  • unsound

  • recreant

  • shady

  • unconfirmed

  • untried

  • doubtable

See More


as in typical

having or showing the qualities associated with the members of a particular group or kind

paleontologists are still debating whether the fossil is that of a true dinosaur or a precursor

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • typical

  • normal

  • standard

  • characteristic

  • average

  • usual

  • archetypal

  • regular

  • representative

  • common

  • classic

  • archetypical

  • ordinary

  • commonplace

  • customary

  • conventional

  • everyday

  • predictable

  • predominant

  • expected

  • familiar

  • vintage

  • textbook

  • unremarkable

  • habitual

  • preponderant

  • workaday

  • unexceptional

  • routine

  • wonted

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • unusual

  • uncommon

  • atypical

  • abnormal

  • remarkable

  • anomalous

  • unique

  • extraordinary

  • rare

  • exceptional

  • special

  • deviant

  • untypical

  • singular

  • noteworthy

  • unexpected

  • unknown

  • aberrant

  • distinctive

  • unconventional

  • peculiar

  • unpredictable

  • irregular

  • strange

  • especial

  • infrequent

  • unfamiliar

  • funny

  • eccentric

  • rare

  • odd

  • unwonted

  • idiosyncratic

  • unorthodox

  • curious

  • nonrepresentative

  • nontypical

  • outlandish

  • singular

  • outrageous

  • fantastic

  • bizarre

  • uncustomary

  • quirky

  • weird

  • nonconformist

  • wacky

  • oddball

  • fantastical

  • wild

  • unnatural

  • offbeat

  • funky

  • freakish

  • whacky

  • erratic

  • screwy

  • freak

  • kooky

  • wayout

  • outré

  • kookie

  • outoftheway

  • farout

See More

  • unusual

  • uncommon

  • atypical

  • abnormal

  • remarkable

  • anomalous

  • unique

  • extraordinary

  • rare

  • exceptional

  • special

  • deviant

  • untypical

  • singular

  • noteworthy

  • unexpected

  • unknown

  • aberrant

  • distinctive

  • unconventional

  • peculiar

  • unpredictable

  • irregular

  • strange

  • especial

  • infrequent

  • unfamiliar

  • funny

  • eccentric

  • rare

  • odd

  • unwonted

  • idiosyncratic

  • unorthodox

  • curious

  • nonrepresentative

  • nontypical

  • outlandish

  • singular

  • outrageous

  • fantastic

  • bizarre

  • uncustomary

  • quirky

  • weird

  • nonconformist

  • wacky

  • oddball

  • fantastical

  • wild

  • unnatural

  • offbeat

  • funky

  • freakish

  • whacky

  • erratic

  • screwy

  • freak

  • kooky

  • wayout

  • outré

  • kookie

  • outoftheway

  • farout

See More


as in honest

conforming to a high standard of morality or virtue

a person of great integrity, he was the truest person I’ve ever met

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • honest

  • honorable

  • good

  • nice

  • ethical

  • moral

  • decent

  • noble

  • worthy

  • right

  • virtuous

  • correct

  • just

  • all right

  • respected

  • righteous

  • straight

  • pure

  • legitimate

  • proper

  • upright

  • rightminded

  • innocent

  • exemplary

  • commendable

  • principled

  • seemly

  • creditable

  • reputable

  • esteemed

  • irreproachable

  • decorous

  • immaculate

  • incorruptible

  • guiltless

  • blameless

  • upstanding

  • unobjectionable

  • clean

  • highminded

  • angelic

  • unerring

  • scrupulous

  • spotless

  • uncorrupted

  • moralistic

  • sanctimonious

  • incorrupt

  • inoffensive

  • menschy

  • pharisaical

  • rectitudinous

  • incorrupted

  • lawabiding

  • angelical

  • lilywhite

  • goodygoody

  • selfrighteous

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • wrong

  • bad

  • evil

  • incorrect

  • dishonest

  • wicked

  • sinful

  • immoral

  • dishonorable

  • unethical

  • improper

  • indecent

  • unbecoming

  • unseemly

  • perverted

  • naughty

  • depraved

  • unrighteous

  • degenerate

  • mean

  • unscrupulous

  • corrupt

  • libertine

  • dissolute

  • indecorous

  • debased

  • debauched

  • unprincipled

  • atrocious

  • villainous

  • low

  • infamous

  • vicious

  • vile

  • base

  • objectionable

  • nefarious

  • evilminded

  • reprobate

  • offensive

  • blameworthy

  • iniquitous

  • fallen

  • erring

  • errant

See More

  • wrong

  • bad

  • evil

  • incorrect

  • dishonest

  • wicked

  • sinful

  • immoral

  • dishonorable

  • unethical

  • improper

  • indecent

  • unbecoming

  • unseemly

  • perverted

  • naughty

  • depraved

  • unrighteous

  • degenerate

  • mean

  • unscrupulous

  • corrupt

  • libertine

  • dissolute

  • indecorous

  • debased

  • debauched

  • unprincipled

  • atrocious

  • villainous

  • low

  • infamous

  • vicious

  • vile

  • base

  • objectionable

  • nefarious

  • evilminded

  • reprobate

  • offensive

  • blameworthy

  • iniquitous

  • fallen

  • erring

  • errant

See More


2 of 2


as in indeed

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • indeed

  • even

  • truly

  • nay

  • yea

  • verily

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • again

  • conversely

  • contrariwise

  • contrarily

  • if anything

  • to the contrary

  • on the contrary

  • again

  • conversely

  • contrariwise

  • contrarily

  • if anything

  • to the contrary

  • on the contrary

See More

Phrases Containing true

  • true believer
  • true believer

Thesaurus Entries Near true



true believer

See More Nearby Entries 

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“True.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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