Phrases with word think

думать, считать, мыслить, полагать, мысль, размышление


- думать, размышлять; мыслить

- думать, иметь в голове

to think black thoughts — лелеять чёрные мысли
to think scorn of smb. — уст. думать с презрением о ком-л., презирать кого-л.
he thought base thoughts — в голову ему приходили грязные мысли

- полагать, считать; предполагать

- иметь (какое-л.) мнение

to think much /well, highly, a great deal/ of smb., smth. — быть высокого мнения о ком-л., чём-л.; высоко ценить кого-л., что-л.
to think badly of smb., smth. — быть дурного мнения о ком-л., чём-л.
to think little /nothing/ of smth. — а) = to think badly of smth.; б) ни во что не ставить; в) считать пустяком; I think nothing of thirty miles a day
to think dirty about smb. — прост. плохо думать о ком-л., ни в грош не ставить кого-л.
to think of smb. as one’s inferior [superior] — считать кого-л. ниже [выше] себя
he is well thought of — он на хорошем счету

- представлять себе, воображать

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- разг. размышление

to have a long think about smth. — как следует поразмыслить о чём-л.

- мысль; мнение

Мои примеры


to concoct / think up a scheme — придумать план, проект  
to think oneself something, to think something of oneself — быть высокого мнения о себе  
to think the matter over — обдумать вопрос, обдумать проблему  
to think twice before doing smth. — подумать дважды, прежде чем сделать что-л.  
to think aloud / out loud — думать, размышлять вслух  
to think fit / good — счесть возможным, уместным  
to think badly of smb. — быть дурного мнения о ком-л.  
to think of smb. as one’s superior — считать кого-л. выше себя  
to think of marrying — собираться жениться  
to think no end of smb. — очень высоко ценить кого-л.  

Примеры с переводом

I must have a think.

Мне надо подумать

I’ll think about it.

Я подумаю об этом.

Do you really think so?

Вы действительно так думаете?

I cannot think what he means.

Не могу понять, что он хочет сказать.

I can’t think of his name.

Не могу припомнить его имени.

I think no harm in it.

Я не вижу в этом ничего плохого. / Мне кажется, в этом нет ничего плохого.

I think he is very smart.

Я думаю, что он очень умён.

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Фразовые глаголы

think out — додумываться, продумывать до конца, находить решение, соображать
think over — продумывать, обдумывать, вдумываться, обмозговывать, взвешивать, обсуждать
think through — продумывать, додумывать до конца, тщательно продумывать
think up — придумывать, выдумывать, сочинять, изобретать

Возможные однокоренные слова

thinkable  — мыслимый, возможный, осуществимый
thinker  — мыслитель, философ
thinking  — мышление, размышление, размышления, мыслящий, разумный
rethink  — пересмотреть, пересматривать, пересмотр
unthink  — передумать, выбросить из головы, перестать думать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: think
he/she/it: thinks
ing ф. (present participle): thinking
2-я ф. (past tense): thought
3-я ф. (past participle): thought

«THINK» is a slogan first used by Thomas J. Watson in December, 1911, while managing the sales and advertising departments at the National Cash Register Company. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

For every think piece that characterizes that cohort (those born starting in 1981) as progressive, optimistic and innovative, there is one that describes them as sheltered, entitled and underemployed.


I’m Chairman of such a civil society structure, global think tank called the Club of Rome, and I’m just coming from Beijing, where they have informed me that the rules for registrations of civil society structures have been streamlined and improved, so much so that this triangle can also be applied here in China.


Since golf got the green light to be an Olympic sport, the Chinese think it is worth investing in,» Mark Dreyer, founder of China Sports Insider told CNBC in a TV interview.


Richard Haas, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, a nonpartisan think tank, said this meeting is more serious than in past years largely because of the fallout from Brexit, which is raising concerns about Ireland’s economic prospects and the future for Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.


Many factors are contributing to this: the ubiquity of smartphones and internet access, the increasingly global scope of business and, importantly, greater acceptance of flexible and/or alternative work arrangements (think: spending only three hours in the office during the day, then catching up from the neighbourhood coffee shop at night).


Nothing is better than asking personally or assessing where you could still improve cause a lot of times we over think on what yet should be done to improve when in fact our customers have already been ranting or praising our business.


It’s not a pretty picture, and regardless what the authors» think of small businesses, they are crucial to thousands of smaller towns across America, and critical to our overall entrepreneurial vibrancy that has created the greatest economy in history.


«She was more a force of nature than a regulator,» says Jules Polonetsky, of the Future of Privacy Forum, a think tank in Washington, D.C. «She’s used every policy tool, and then some, to advance the Privacy by Design agenda.»


think — перевод на русский


Yeah, I think Donnie’s got some.

Да, думаю у Донни немножко есть.

I keep thinking, «What if Nick finds out»?

Я постоянно думаю: «А что если Ник узнает?»

I don’t think anything, Bax.

Я ничего не думаю, Бакс.

I think he’s a sophomore.

Думаю, он еще совсем ребенок.

When Scott first met Allison, I think it was literally, you know, love at first sight.

Когда Скотт впервые увидел Элисон, думаю, это была буквально

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That is so cool! Hey, I just thought of something.

Я тут подумала.

Just thought you might want to know, Frankie and his crew are going to hit back.

Просто подумала, вы должны знать, что Френки и его банда собираются нанести ответный удар.

But then when we met, I started to think, maybe he was a jerk. Again.

А когда мы встретились, я подумала, что он подонок.

When I realized what Annie’s real feelings were for me, I just thought…

Когда я поняла, что у Энни ко мне чувства, я просто подумала…

I was thinking that we could use your role as bridesmaid to really mess her up.

Я подумала, что можно использовать твою роль подружки, чтобы реально ей насолить.

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I think it’s pretty obvious that Stiles has a crush on Lydia. He has since he was, like, eight.

Мне кажется, довольно очевидным, что Стайлз влюблен в Лидию.

Okay. Oh, no, I think I’m stuck.

Нет, я кажется застряла.

I think I left it in the back there.

Кажется, я оставил её сзади.

I think someone stole my minivan.

Кажется кто-то угнал мою машину.

I think we’ll walk.

Кажется, пора валить.

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They let other girls play there, but only if they like them. They won’t let boys play there, ’cause they think boys are smelly.

Пускают других девчонок, только если они им нравятся, не пускают мальчишек, потому что считают их вонючими.

Now they think I’m bloody Wikileaks.

А они теперь считают меня чуть ли не WikiLeaks.

Why can’t you just tell them, all right, that we’re not the people that they think we are?

Вы же можете сказать им, что мы — не те, кем они нас считают…

They don’t think I’m heinous anymore.

Они больше не считают меня ужасной.

Even now there are people who think there’s no case to answer.

Даже сейчас есть люди, которые считают, что нет оснований для разбирательства.

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And it had to do with piecing together new thoughts in your mind, that produced people like Bob Dilan and John Lennon and William S.Burroughs.

» это наталкивало на всЄ новые и новые мысли, которые, к примеру, рождались в воображении таких людей как Ѕоб ƒилан, ƒжон Ћеннон, «иль€м —. Ѕерроуз.

And it had to do with piecing together new thoughts in your mind that produced people like Bob Dylan and John Lennon and William S. Barrows.

» это наталкивало на всЄ новые и новые мысли, которые, к примеру, рождались в воображении таких людей как Ѕоб ƒилан, ƒжон Ћеннон, «иль€м —. Ѕерроуз.

It simply is an act of self deception to put that kind of religious interpretation on out of thought.

Ёто просто акт самообмана налагать религиозные интерпретации на такого рода мысли.

Our bodies are earth and our thoughts are clay… and we sleep and eat with death.

Наши тела земля наши мысли глина и мы спим и едим со смертью.

Whatever you think right, Jerry, dear.

— В любом случае, твои мысли верны.

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Being cautious man and I thought I would start with the smallest-smallest quantity which even it could have any effect

явл€€сь осторожным человеком, € решил начать с наименьшего количества, способного дать хоть какой-то эффект.

Next day, Ola heard what had happened, he thought it was high time to put an end to what was going on between the two of them.

На следующий день Ола прознал о том, что случилось накануне, и решил положить конец отношениям между дочерью и Тором.

— Queen takes it! — Well, if you think that’s a queen, look again.

— Ну, если ты решил… что это королева, так посмотри ещё раз.

Why, darling, I loved you for thinking of it.

Что ты, любимый, я рада, что ты так решил.

So I thought I’d run out here and get some of this nice california sunshine of yours.

Поэтому я решил перебраться сюда, и наслаждаться калифорнийским солнцем круглый год.

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Here’s the thing, I-I’d love to be a bridesmaid, but I don’t think it would be fair for me to be a bridesmaid and for Valencia not to be.

Штука в том, что я хотела бы стать подружкой невесты, но, по-моему, будет нечестно, если я буду подружкой, а Валенсия – нет.

But I think it’s important to understand that they are taking advantage of your good hearts.

По-моему, важно, чтобы вы поняли: они злоупотребляют вашей добротой.

I think I’m doing the right thing.

По-моему, я всё делаю правильно.

It has no authority to arrest humans but it can investigate, so I think it’d be useful to you.

Он не имеет права арестовывать людей но он может вести расследование, по-моему, он будет вам полезен.

I think he is very fascinating.

По-моему, он очарователен.

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Полагаю, я могу объективно судить об этом.

Gentlemen, I think there’s only one thing to do:

Джентльмены, полагаю у нас один выход:

I think I’ll have something to tell you soon.

Полагаю, вам есть, что мне сказать.


Полагаю, я знаю эту юную леди достаточно долго, чтобы позволить себе эту вольность.

I think the occasion calls for a celebration.

Полагаю, это надо отметить.

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Anybody else think that’s for us?

Может это не нам?

Only I’ve been making things without sleeves and I thought perhaps I ought to get knitting?

Я всегда делала ей вещи без рукавов. Может, пора всё надвязывать?

— How old do you think she is?

— Интересно, сколько ей может быть лет?

Don’t you think I’ve done enough today?

Может мне хватит на сегодня?

— Where do you think he’s gone?

Где он может быть?

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I will, but I can’t think of anything.

— Я хочу, но я не могу придумать — о чем.

I’ll have to think something up before morning.

Придётся что-то придумать до утра.

I’m sorry I couldn’t think up a more dignified alibi.

Это вы меня извините. Я не смог придумать другого алиби.

Why the deuce didn’t I ever think of that before?

Почему, черт побери, я не придумал это раньше?

Innit a good job I thought of the hay cart?

Ну как, здорово я придумал с тележкой?

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Are you looking for a list of phrasal verbs using the verb think?

If so, you have come to the right place.

Here are 9 great phrasal verbs to help you sound like a native English speaker.

Think About

  • Meaning: To contemplate something or to remember someone or something
  • Use in a sentence: Every time she thinks about her first date with him she gets butterflies in her stomach.

Think Ahead

  • Meaning: to think about the future. To make plans for things you want to do in the future; to think proactively.
  • Use in a sentence: We need to sit down and think ahead about what we want to do over the next coming months.

Think Back

  • Meaning: to remember something that happened in the past.
  • Use in a sentence: When you have kids, it helps to think back to when you were a child.

Think For (oneself)

  • Meaning: to make your own decisions without letting other people influence you; to think independently
  • Use in a sentence: As a person gets older, they need to learn to think for themselves and rely less on others.

Think Of

  • Meaning #1: to recall or to remember something that happened in the past.
  • Meaning #2: to consider doing something; an idea
  • Meaning #3: to have an opinion or idea about something
  • Use in a sentence #1: That song makes me think of my wife and our first dance together.
  • Use in a sentence #2: I am thinking of cutting my hair, what do you think?
  • Use in a sentence #3: I can tell by the way she looks at you that she thinks highly of you.

Think (something) Out

  • Meaning: to consider all the possibilities; to plan something.
  • Use in a sentence: Before we said yes, we carefully thought out how we would execute the plan.

Think Over

  • Meaning: to consider something thoroughly before making a decision.
  • Use in a sentence: Think it over and tomorrow let me know if you want to buy the car.

Think (something) Through

  • Meaning: to consider the possible results of a decision or plan.
  • Use in a sentence: Before I make a decision, let me think it through and I will let you know for sure on Monday.

Think Up

  • Meaning: to develop a new idea or plan; to devise
  • Use in a sentence: We had a meeting at work to think up some new ways to increase sales.

Phrasal Verbs With Think – Exercises

Here are some exercises to put to use what you have learned. Scroll down to see the answer sheet.

  1. I can’t give you an answer right now, please give me a week to (think it up / think it over / think ahead).
  2. It didn’t go as planned, I guess we didn’t (think it through / think it up / think about it).
  3. Moving out of the house helped him to (think about it / think it over / think for himself).
  4. Every time I (think in / think about / think over) cookies, it makes me hungry.

Answer Sheet

  1. think it over
  2. think it through
  3. think for himself
  4. think about


1. noun, informal An act or instance of careful or considered thought. Why don’t we all get together for a fresh think about the issue tomorrow? Hmm, let me have a think about that.

2. adjective, informal Having, involving, or characterized by in-depth thinking. Our company was contracted to produce a think report on the effect of the issue on local infrastructure. The professor went on to form a think tank whose primary goal was to look into ways to solve the housing crisis. She actually wrote a think piece on this topic a couple of years ago for the New York Times.

think aloud

To verbalize one’s thoughts. A: «And I guess I should also pick up some plywood while we’re out…» B: «Pardon me?» A: «Sorry, I’m just thinking aloud!»

think out loud

To verbalize one’s thoughts, especially when trying to produce a solution or conclusion about something. Those weren’t really suggestions for a solution, I was just thinking out loud. OK, so we’ve got 20 over there, 10 from the last one, five pending—sorry, I was thinking out loud.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

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