Phrases with word good

выражения с good

Слово good имеет много значений: хороший, добрый, здоровый (в добром здравии), качественный и др. Также есть много выражений с good, смысл которых не всегда легко угадывается. Например, трудно догадаться, что «for good» — это «навсегда», а не «для хорошего», что «as good as gold» — это не просто «хорош, как золото». В этой статье мы рассмотрим несколько таких случаев.

  • be good (bad) at something – хорошо (плохо) что-то уметь

В качестве “something” – существительное или герундий.

She is very good at drawing portraits. – Она очень хорошо рисует портреты.

I’ve never been good at math. – Я никогда не разбирался в математике.

  • for good – навсегда

I’m going to live in London for a year or two, I don’t want to stay there for good. – Я собираюсь пожить в Лондоне год или два, я не хочу оставаться там навсегда.

I’m leaving, and this time for good. – Я ухожу, и на этот раз навсегда.

Синоним for ever имеет более книжный оттенок:

I will remember this moment for ever. – Я запомню это мгновение навсегда.

  • be as good as – быть почти как, не уступать

Your pies are as good as those my grandma used to make. – Ваши пирожки почти как те, что пекла моя бабушка (не уступают бабушкиным).

  • be as good as new – быть почти как новым

A couple of days of treatment and you are as good as new. – Пару дней лечения и ты будешь как новый.

I bought a used car, but it’s as good as new. – Я купил подержанную машину, но она считай что новая.

  • be as good as dead – 1) быть почти мертвым (в буквальном или переносном смысле), 2) находиться в трудной ситуации

He is as good as dead. – Он едва жив (считай, что мертв).

If you talk to her again, you are as good as dead! – Заговоришь с ней еще раз, считай, что ты труп!

  • be as good as one’s word – сдерживать обещание

He said, he would help me out, and he was as good as his word. – Он сказал, что выручит меня, и он сдержал обещание.

  • be as good as gold — быть паинькой, вести себя хорошо

Не зная смысла этой идиомы, можно подумать, что «быть хорошим как золото» значит быть хорошим, выдающимся, удивительным и т. д. На самом деле имеется в виду «вести себя хорошо», обычно говорится по отношению к детям или иронично по отношению к взрослым.

Parents bought him a new toy for being as good as gold. — Родители купили ему новую игрушку за то, что он вел себя хорошо.

During the meeting be as good as gold — don’t say anything stupid and agree with everything. — На собрании будь паинькой — не говори глупостей и со всем соглашайся.

  • be as good as it gets — лучше не бывает

The job is as good as it gets. — Работа — лучше не бывает.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than spending time at home with my family. That’s as good as it gets. — Ничто не радует меня больше, чем время, проведенное дома с семьей. Лучше не бывает.

  • Good for you! – Молодец! (похвала, одобрение)

Your English is much better now, good for you! – Твой английский уже намного лучше, молодец!

  • all in good time – в свое время, всему свое время

Be patient, you’ll see the progress all in good time. – Наберись терпения, ты увидишь прогресс в свое время (когда придет время).

  • be up to no good – замышлять или делать что-то нехорошее

You see that guy? He looks like he’s up to no good. – Видишь того парня? Выглядит так, будто задумал что-то плохое.

I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good. – Я торжественно клянусь, что не замышляю ничего хорошего.

  • for good measure – в дополнение, в довесок, на всякий случай (чтобы точно хватило), для ровного счета

Whenever she bakes she adds a little more cinnamon for good measure. – Каждый раз, когда она что-нибудь печет, она добавляет немножко корицы, чтобы уж наверняка.

You should put your report into protective cover for good measure.– Тебе лучше положить доклад под обложку на всякий случай.

  • the good old days – старые добрые дни

То есть те времена, когда жизнь была лучше, а трава зеленее.

His nanny kept telling him about the good old days. – Его няня постоянно рассказывала ему про старые добрые времена.

Похожее выражение – back in the day (в старые времена, в наше время).

People used to be polite back in the day. – Люди были вежливыми в наше время.

  • make good – преуспеть, разбогатеть (разг.)

Особенно, о человеке, который был бедным, что-то вроде «выбиться в люди».

I ran across my classmate at the mall. He made good. – Я случайно наткнулся на своего одноклассника в торговом центре, он выбился в люди.

The story is about a working-class boy who made good. – Рассказ о мальчике из рабочего класса, который преуспел в жизни.

  • make good on something – выполнить обязательство: сдержать обещание или вернуть долг (разг.)

Часто используется со словами debt (долг), promise (обещание).

I always make good on my debts. – Я всегда возвращаю долги.

He made good on his promise to tell her the truth. – Он сдержал обещание рассказать ей правду.

  • do someone good – приносить пользу здоровью

Take a pill, it will do you good. – Выпей таблетку, она тебе поможет (поправит здоровье).

Don’t sit all day at home, it does you good to walk. – Не сиди дома весь день, ходить пешком полезно для здоровья.


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Любое слово в любом языке не существует само по себе, оно должно сочетаться с другими словами. Английский язык не исключение, в нем это явление называется word collocation (сочетаемость слов). Как правило, у изучающих английский больше всего трудностей вызывает именно сочетаемость предлогов с разными частями речи, ведь она может сильно отличаться от сочетаемости в русском языке. Согласно исследованиям, прилагательное good – самое употребляемое в английском языке. В этой статье мы и рассмотрим, как употреблять good с предлогами at, with и for.

Как употребляются good at, good with и good for

Иногда слово может сочетаться с несколькими предлогами, от которых будет зависеть его значение. У прилагательного good есть множество значений, одно из них – знающий, умеющий, способный что-то делать. В этом значении good используется с предлогами at и with.

Разберемся, как употребляются эти предлоги:

  • Good at = деятельность, практика.

    Мы употребляем прилагательное good с предлогом at, когда человек умеет что-то делать хорошо, обладает какими-то практическими навыками и умениями. В таких случаях мы используем конструкции good at something и good at doing something.

    Jason is good at baseball. – Джейсон хорошо играет в бейсбол.

    She is not good at dancing. – Она не очень хорошо танцует.

    He is good at learning physics. – Ему легко дается физика.

  • Good with = инструмент, отношение.

    Good with используется по отношению к людям и конкретным предметам, а не к областям знаний и сферам деятельности (как предыдущая конструкция). Это выражение значит, что мы знаем, как обращаться с чем-то или как ладить с людьми. В таких случаях мы используем конструкцию good with something/somebody.

    Annie is good with children. She is so kind. – Энни хорошо ладит с детьми. Она такая добрая.

    John is an accountant. He must be good with figures. – Джон бухгалтер. Он должен хорошо считать.

    She is good with household appliances. – Она умеет обращаться с бытовой техникой.

    Для большей наглядности приведем в качестве примера выражение to be good with one’s hands – хорошо работать руками. В этом выражении мы рассматриваем слово hands как инструмент, с помощью которого мы можем что-то сделать.

    Hugh is good with his hands. He repaired a leaky faucet all by himself. – Хью хорошо работает руками. Он сам починил капающий кран.

  • Good for = похвала, польза.

    В данном значении good употребляем с предлогом for. Good for часто используется в выражении Good for you! (Молодец!, Рад за тебя!).

    – I’ve passed the exam and got the best grade in the class. – Я сдал экзамен и получил лучшую оценку в классе.
    – Wow, good for you! – Ух ты, молодец!

    If he wants to beat me out, well hey, good for him! – Если он хочет победить меня, ну что ж, удачи!

    Другое значение good for somebody – полезный для кого-либо.

    You work hard, a long vacation will be good for you. – Ты много работаешь, продолжительный отпуск пошел бы тебе на пользу.

Чертовски хорош: как усилить высказывание с good for, good at и good with

Из-за того что появился предлог, слово good не потеряло своего актуального значения: у него по-прежнему есть степени сравнения, с ним сочетаются другие слова.

Jerome is an Englishman, so he is better at cricket than at baseball. – Джером англичанин, поэтому он лучше играет в крикет, чем в бейсбол.

Ознакомьтесь с небольшим списком наречий, часто сопровождающих прилагательное good.

  • Very good (not very good) – очень хорошо (не очень хорошо).

    They are not very good at history of England. – Они не очень хорошо знают историю Англии.

  • Really good (not really good) – действительно хорошо (не особо хорошо).

    Healthy diet will be really good for you now. – Здоровое питание пошло бы тебе на пользу сейчас.

  • Extremely good – невероятно, чрезвычайно хорошо.

    He is extremely good with people. – Он чрезвычайно хорошо ладит с людьми.

  • Fairly/Pretty/Quite good – достаточно, довольно хорошо

    Ivy is fairly good at clay modelling. – Айви достаточно хорошо лепит из глины.

Прилагательное bad работает по тому же принципу, что и good. Мы можем сказать, что человек bad at something, если он плохо что-то делает, или использовать bad for somebody, если что-то окажется не совсем полезным для человека. Но с предлогом with прилагательное bad не используется.

He is extremely bad at saving money. – У него очень плохо получается копить деньги.

She is quite bad at math. – Она довольно плохо понимает математику.

Spending a lot of time in social media is bad for you. – Проводить много времени в социальных сетях вредно для тебя.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective, bet·ter, best.

morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man.

satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.

of high quality; excellent.

right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here. His credentials are good.

well-behaved: a good child.

kind, beneficent, or friendly: to do a good deed.

honorable or worthy; in good standing: a good name.

educated and refined: She has a good background.

financially sound or safe: His credit is good.

genuine; not counterfeit: a good quarter.

sound or valid: good judgment; good reasons.

reliable; dependable; responsible: good advice.

healthful; beneficial: Fresh fruit is good for you.

in excellent condition; healthy: good teeth.

not spoiled or tainted; edible; palatable: The meat was still good after three months in the freezer.

favorable; propitious: good news.

cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits.

free of distress or pain; comfortable: to feel good after surgery.

agreeable; pleasant: Have a good time.

attractive; handsome: She has a good figure.

(of the complexion) smooth; free from blemish.

close or intimate; warm: She’s a good friend of mine.

sufficient or ample: a good supply.

advantageous; satisfactory for the purpose: a good day for fishing.

competent or skillful; clever: a good manager; good at arithmetic.

skillfully or expertly done: a really good job; a good play.

conforming to rules of grammar, usage, etc.; correct: good English.

socially proper: good manners.

remaining available to one: Don’t throw good money after bad.

comparatively new or of relatively fine quality: Don’t play in the mud in your good clothes.

finest or most dressy: He wore his good suit to the office today.

full: a good day’s journey away.

fairly large or great: a good amount.

free from precipitation or cloudiness: good weather.

Medicine/Medical. (of a patient’s condition) having stable and normal vital signs, being conscious and comfortable, and having excellent appetite, mobility, etc.

fertile; rich: good soil.

loyal: a good Democrat.

(of a return or service in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) landing within the limits of a court or section of a court.

Informal. (used when declining an offer or suggestion, as to communicate that one is already satisfied): «More coffee?» «No thanks, I’m good!»

Horse Racing. (of the surface of a track) drying after a rain so as to be still slightly sticky: This horse runs best on a good track.

(of meat, especially beef) noting or pertaining to the specific grade below “choice,” containing more lean muscle and less edible fat than “prime” or “choice.”

favorably regarded (used as an epithet for a ship, town, etc.): the good ship Syrena.


profit or advantage; worth; benefit: What good will that do? We shall work for the common good.

excellence or merit; kindness: to do good.

moral righteousness; virtue: to be a power for good.

(especially in the grading of U.S. beef) an official grade below that of “choice.”


  1. possessions, especially movable effects or personal property.
  2. articles of trade; wares; merchandise: canned goods.
  3. Informal. what has been promised or is expected: to deliver the goods.
  4. Informal. items that are authentic rather than imitation; the genuine article: If you want real pearls, we have the goods.
  5. Informal. evidence of guilt, as stolen articles: to catch someone with the goods.
  6. cloth or textile material: top-quality linen goods.
  7. Chiefly British. merchandise sent by land, rather than by water or air.

the good,

  1. the ideal of goodness or morality.
  2. good things or persons collectively.


(used as an expression of approval or satisfaction): Good! Now we can all go home.


25 efficient, proficient, capable, able, ready, suited, suitable, dexterous, expert, adroit, apt.

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Idioms about good

    come to no good, to end in failure or as a failure: Her jealous relatives said that she would come to no good.

    for good, finally and permanently; forever: to leave the country for good. Also for good and all.

    good for,

    1. certain to repay (money owed) because of integrity, financial stability, etc.
    2. the equivalent in value of: Two thousand stamps are good for one coffeepot.
    3. able to survive or continue functioning for (the length of time or the distance indicated): These tires are good for another 10,000 miles.
    4. valid or in effect for (the length of time indicated):a license good for one year.
    5. (used as an expression of approval): Good for you!

    good full, Nautical. (of a sail or sails) well filled, especially when sailing close to the wind; clean full; rap full.

    make good,

    1. to make recompense for; repay.
    2. to implement an agreement; fulfill.
    3. to be successful.
    4. to substantiate; verify.
    5. to carry out; accomplish; execute: The convicts made good their getaway.

    no good, without value or merit; worthless; contemptible: The check was no good.

    to the good,

    1. generally advantageous: That’s all to the good, but what do I get out of it?
    2. richer in profit or gain: When he withdrew from the partnership, he was several thousand dollars to the good.

Origin of good

First recorded before 900; Middle English good, god; Old English gōd; cognate with Dutch goed, German gut, Old Norse gōthr, Gothic goths

synonym study for good

usage note for good

Good is common as an adverb in informal speech, especially after forms of do: He did good on the test. She sees good with her new glasses. This use does not occur in formal speech or edited writing, where the adverb well is used instead: He did well on the test. She sees well with her new glasses.
The adjective good is standard after linking verbs like taste, smell, look, feel, be, and seem: Everything tastes good. The biscuits smell good. You’re looking good today. When used after look or feel, good may refer to spirits as well as health: I’m feeling pretty good this morning, ready to take on the world. Well is both an adjective and an adverb. As an adjective used after look, feel, or other linking verbs, it often refers to good health: You’re looking well; we missed you while you were in the hospital. See also bad.


qua·si-good, adjective


good , well (see usage note at the current entry)

Words nearby good

gonzo, goo, goober, gooby, Gooch, good, good afternoon, Goodall, good and, good around, good behavior Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to good

acceptable, excellent, exceptional, favorable, great, marvelous, positive, satisfactory, satisfying, superb, valuable, wonderful, honest, respectable, able, efficient, proper, reliable, suitable, talented

How to use good in a sentence

  • Years of historical data and analysis helped guide the teams on which keywords were historically the best performing.

  • For best results, however, you should achieve 50 conversions over a 30-day period prior to implementing Target ROAS bidding.

  • If you own a small salon in Los Angeles, most people looking for salon services will search for very specific phrases like “salons in Los Angeles” or “best hair stylists in Los Angeles.”

  • Despite the best efforts of all involved, from players to TV producers, things were off all night.

  • Forwards Bile and Wahab were extremely active during Georgetown’s best runs, but foul trouble kept taking both off the floor.

  • As an example of good science-and-society policymaking, the history of fluoride may be more of a cautionary tale.

  • The speaker conjures up centuries of collective sagacity, aligning oneself with an eternal, inarguable good.

  • I think everybody would like to be handsome and good at karate.

  • Petty, shade, and thirst are my favorite human “virtues” and the trifecta of any good series of “stories.”

  • Finding a smuggler in Ventimiglia is easier than finding good food.

  • We resolved to do our best to merit the good opinion which we thus supposed them to entertain of us.

  • And with some expressions of mutual good-will and interest, master and man separated.

  • She did not need a great cook-book; She knew how much and what it took To make things good and sweet and light.

  • The Seven-score and four on the six middle Bells, the treble leading, and the tenor lying behind every change, makes good Musick.

  • Those in whom the impulse is strong and dominant are perhaps those who in later years make the good society actors.

British Dictionary definitions for good

adjective better or best

having admirable, pleasing, superior, or positive qualities; not negative, bad or mediocrea good idea; a good teacher

  1. morally excellent or admirable; virtuous; righteousa good man
  2. (as collective noun; preceded by the)the good

suitable or efficient for a purposea good secretary; a good winter coat

beneficial or advantageousvegetables are good for you

not ruined or decayed; sound or wholethe meat is still good

kindly, generous, or approvingyou are good to him

right or acceptableyour qualifications are good for the job

rich and fertilegood land

valid or genuineI would not do this without good reason

honourable or held in high esteema good family

commercially or financially secure, sound, or safegood securities; a good investment

(of a draft) drawn for a stated sum

(of debts) expected to be fully paid

clever, competent, or talentedhe’s good at science

obedient or well-behaveda good dog

reliable, safe, or recommendeda good make of clothes

affording material pleasure or indulgencethe good things in life; the good life

having a well-proportioned, beautiful, or generally fine appearancea good figure; a good complexion

complete; fullI took a good look round the house

propitious; opportunea good time to ask the manager for a rise

satisfying or gratifyinga good rest

comfortabledid you have a good night?

newest or of the best qualityto keep the good plates for important guests

fairly large, extensive, or longa good distance away

sufficient; amplewe have a good supply of food

US (of meat) of the third government grade, above standard and below choice

serious or intellectualgood music

used in a traditional descriptionthe good ship «America»

used in polite or patronizing phrases or to express anger (often intended ironically)how is your good lady?; look here, my good man!

a good one

  1. an unbelievable assertion
  2. a very funny joke

as good as virtually; practicallyit’s as good as finished

as good as gold excellent; very good indeed

be as good as to or be so good as to would you please

come good to recover and perform well after a bad start or setback

good and informal (intensifier)good and mad

(intensifier; used in mild oaths)good grief!; good heavens!


an exclamation of approval, agreement, pleasure, etc


moral or material advantage or use; benefit or profitfor the good of our workers; what is the good of worrying?

positive moral qualities; goodness; virtue; righteousness; piety

(sometimes capital) moral qualities seen as a single abstract entitywe must pursue the Good

a good thing

economics a commodity or service that satisfies a human need

for good or for good and all forever; permanentlyI have left them for good

make good

  1. to recompense or repair damage or injury
  2. to be successful
  3. to demonstrate or prove the truth of (a statement or accusation)
  4. to secure and retain (a position)
  5. to effect or fulfil (something intended or promised)

good on you or good for you well done, well said, etc: a term of congratulation

get any good of or get some good of Irish

  1. to handle to good effectI never got any good of this machine
  2. to understand properlyI could never get any good of him
  3. to receive cooperation from

Derived forms of good

goodish, adjective

Word Origin for good

Old English gōd; related to Old Norse gōthr, Old High German guot good

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with good

In addition to the idioms beginning with good

  • good and
  • good around
  • good as, as
  • good as done, as
  • good as gold, as
  • good as one’s word, as
  • good day
  • good deal, a
  • good egg, a
  • good evening
  • good faith
  • good for
  • good graces
  • good grief
  • good head on one’s shoulders, have a
  • good life, the
  • good luck
  • good many, a
  • good mind
  • good morning
  • good nature
  • goodness gracious
  • goodness knows
  • good night
  • good off
  • good riddance
  • good Samaritan
  • good scout
  • good sort
  • good thing
  • good time
  • good turn
  • good word
  • good works
  • goody two-shoes

also see:

  • bad (good) sort
  • but good
  • do any good
  • do good
  • do one good
  • for good
  • for good measure
  • get on someone’s good side
  • get out while the getting is good
  • give a good account of oneself
  • give as good as one gets
  • have a good command of
  • have a good mind to
  • have a good thing going
  • have a good time
  • hold good
  • ill wind (that blows nobody any good)
  • in all good conscience
  • in bad (good) faith
  • in (good) condition
  • in due course (all in good time)
  • in good
  • in good hands
  • in good part
  • in good spirits
  • in good time
  • in good with
  • in someone’s good graces
  • keep (good) time
  • make good
  • make good time
  • make someone look good
  • miss is as good as a mile
  • never had it so good
  • no good
  • no news is good news
  • not the only fish (other good fish) in the sea
  • one good turn deserves another
  • on good terms
  • on one’s best (good) behavior
  • put in a good word
  • put to good use
  • show someone a good time
  • show to (good) advantage
  • so far so good
  • stand in good stead
  • take in good part
  • throw good money after bad
  • to good purpose
  • too good to be true
  • too much of a good thing
  • to the good
  • turn to (good account)
  • up to no good
  • well and good
  • what’s the good of
  • with good grace
  • world of good
  • your guess is as good as mine

Also see undergoodnessgoods.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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