Phrases with word golden

golden — перевод на русский


— Dr. Silver’s Golden Elixir.

Золотой эликсир доктора Серебряного.

Dr. Silver’s Golden Elixir.

Золотой эликсир доктора Серебряного.

Do you have Dr. Silver’s Golden Elixir?

У вас есть золотой эликсир доктора Серебряного?

— Oh, for Dr. Silver’s Golden Elixir.

— О, искала золотой эликсир доктора Серебряного.

I hope our little golden hook will catch the fish.

Надеюсь, наша рыбка попадется на золотой крючок.

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The Golden Club’s open tonight.

Голден Клаб откроется сегодня.

Hey, look, Rainey just got the tip that Nick is opening his Golden Club tonight.

Послушай, Рэйни, только что получил сведения, что Ник открывает Голден Клаб сегодня.

You gonna want that picture again today, Mr. Golden?

Вы ещё будете сегодня смотреть этот фильм, мистер Голден?

Golden was very upset.

Голден был очень расстроен.

and the Golden Rubi!

И Голден Руби!

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But in the light, they’ve got little golden flecks.

Но на свету в них видны маленькие золотистые крапинки.

Your mother had golden hair.

У твоей мамы волосы были золотистые.

Look, the soft golden dusk is already transmogrifying itself into the blue star-sprinkled night.

Тихие золотистые сумерки уже превращаются в синию усыпанную звездами ночь.

Soon golden rays in sweet profusion will drive away the night

Скоро золотистые лучи развеют эту Ночь.

How much your golden hair, your angel’s face?

Сколько стоят твои золотистые волосы, твоё ангельское лицо?

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— That’s what they call the golden age.

— У них золотой век. — Что?

— What? What is the golden age?

Что за золотой век?

It isn’t the Golden Age, it’s not the Lost Paradise —that would be where the farmers of Dalécarie represented the Hymn of Hymns.

Это не Золотой Век, это не Потерянный Рай, это, должно быть, сад, где крестьяне Даларны поют Песнь Песней…

In a way, they began the golden age.

Так начался Золотой Век.

— [Wendell] Well, the golden age was almost 200 years ago when the ladies you refer to had their great moments in history.

Золотой век был примерно двести лет назад. Когда упомянутые Вами леди вершили историю.

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What do you want me to start with, the Golden Gate Bridge?

А с чего мне начинать? С моста «Золотые ворота»?


Золотые ворота.

We won the Golden Gate.

Мы выиграли Золотые ворота.

I won the Golden Gate.

Я выиграла Золотые ворота.

The Golden Gate…

Золотые Ворота…

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Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?

— Убить курицу, несущую золотые яйца?

You’re gonna kill off the golden goose.

Ты ж хочешь убить птицу, несущую золотые яйца.

It would be like killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

Глупо избавляться от гусыни, несущую золотые яйца.

She just didn’t want to see Bertie cook the golden goose.

Она не хотела, чтоб Берти зарезал курицу, несущую золотые яйца.

Why would I kill the golden goose?

Зачем мне убивать курицу, несущую золотые яйца?

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As long as we pay rent on time and swear we’re not Turkish, — we are golden.

Пока мы будем вовремя оплачивать аренду, и поклянемся, что мы не турки, мы в шоколаде.

I’m telling you. We are golden here.

При таком раскладе мы в шоколаде.

So if it’s a rule, we’re golden.

Есть правило и мы в шоколаде.

Great. I’m golden.

Я в шоколаде.

Then we’re golden.

И мы в шоколаде.

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Then I hear language in which the song rests forever Blue, but golden azure

Услышал я речь, что звук песни хранила сияя лазурью златой…

«To lay their just hands on that Golden Key

Но кое-кто из смертных все же ищет на праведном пути тот ключ златой,

«To lay their just hands on that Golden Key

На праведном пути тот ключ златой,

I am the golden god of this place.

Я златой Бог этого места.

I am the golden god!

А я — Златой Бог!

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«I’ve got the Golden Fleece and I’ll never be cold no more.»

«Я получила Золотое руно и больше не буду мерзнуть, никогда.»

This symbol is the golden fleece of the sacred ram.

Это Золотое руно овна.

If you bring the golden fleece back to our city,

Привези Золотое руно, и я с радостью верну тебе твое царство.

He was looking for the Golden Fleece.

Он искал Золотое Руно.

The Golden Fleece, you know very well.

-«Золотое руно» … Ты же наверняка знаешь.

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For instance, a buzzard: «It tastes a little bit milder than a golden eagle, but still quite palatable.»

Например, канюк:»На вкус немного мягче, чем беркут, но все еще довольно аппетитный.»

Golden Eagle calls you!

Вас Беркут вызывает!

Wilco, Golden Eagle.

Вас понял, Беркут.

Roger, Golden Eagle!

Понял, Беркут!

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Bake for 30-35 minutes until the muffins are golden brown and crispy, and the centers spring back lightly to the touch.


This is a basic light golden ale with the cider added at the end to give it some kick and aroma.


These Paleo Onion Rings are made with yellow onions, battered with coconut milk, arrowroot powder, and coconut flour, seasoned with sea salt and cayenne and fried to a golden brown.


Cook for 6-8 minutes, turning frequently until outside of pineapple is lightly golden and caramelized.


This cream comes with a box packaging and when you open it, you will meet with a small super cute yet heavy jar container which has a golden lid at the top.


How did you keep the golden color of your oat?


I have absolutely no problem with Poligomy it is the whole «an Angel gave golden plates (which have never been seen) to Joesph Smith» thing plus the whole women as subserviant to men aspect of LDS and the «inner circle of MEN only in the temples running everything» that make it hard for me to accept.


Continue to bake until bottom of crust is golden brown and crisp, about 10 minutes more.


Turn the halloumi and cook for another few minutes until just barely golden on the opposite side.


In the same skillet, toast the coconut, stirring constantly, just until it begins to turn golden (note: toasting the coconut second will help unstick any toasted rice flour that’s stuck in the grooves of your pan if you have a textured pan like me).


So that will create fair competition to the team and in no time, im sure our squad member (and some golden boy) will fighting for place or just warming the bench + lighten up their winning mentality, passion


I’ve not made any golden milk drinks at home though.


To continue the drama, we added in golden cutlery, pearl chargers, oyster shell candles from The Oyster Candle Co. and chunky wooden benches.


I’m sure you agree that the table would look pretty blah without the color added by a bowl of red cranberries, a bright green salad or the golden squash.


Even golden parachutes, sky-high CEO pay, and corporate jets make some sense when you hear them tell it.


Cook for 1 to 2 minutes, until bottom is golden brown and edges begin to bubble, then carefully flip and cook for 1 to 2 minutes more.


Comment below if you have other golden cashew butter sources!


Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the remaining parsnips on a medium heat until golden brown.


On one tray, toast the seeds for about 15 minutes, until golden and crunchy.


Turn up heat to 375 degrees and cook for another 15-20 minutes, until the top is golden brown, and the apples are bubbling.


A bright salad filled with the sweet notes of dates and golden raisins, crunchy hazelnuts, and toasted pita.


It is not the tomb of the long-forgotten King Sil nor the resting place of a golden knight.


Bake for 20-22 minutes until light golden brown and almost set.


Bake at 350 ° for 45 minutes or until filling is bubbly and crust is golden.


Bake cupcakes until lightly golden, about 20 minutes.


Flip it over to the other side and let it cook until golden.


questioned «is there any way you can extend your leave» and reminded of the golden rule «NO formula.»


The gap between stated aims and actual distribution of the austerity can be seen e.g. in Cameron speaking about austerity from a golden throne.


Season the eggs with salt and pepper and cook until the whites are golden brown, lacy on the edges, and just set in the middle, and the yolks are still a little jiggly, about 3 minutes.


Makes me think of my grandparents» home in molise, here in italy, where the wonders of autumn are in full bloom now, with all the red and golden foliage that lacks here in Rome, where the weather is almost tropical and not very different from yours in Florida.


Add the potatoes and red bell pepper and garlic and continue to cook for approximately 5 minutes or until the potatoes turn a golden brown around the edges.


My favorite part of fruit crumbles is the crumble itself — the golden, crunchy yet so-soft-that-it-melts-in-your-mouth kind of topping.


The beet flavor comes right through, especially if you use red or striped beets (as opposed to golden), so if you aren’t a fan of beets, I don’t think is the recipe for you.


Next, add minced garlic, and cook until aromatic and golden.


A sluggish U.S. economy couldn’t unseat Barack Obama, who was re-elected in November, while Mark Carney remains the golden boy of international banking after nabbing the top position at the Bank of England.


Once the onions are golden and mushrooms have softened, place into a food processor with the meat and blend until shredded.


Big European clubs are still circling Juventus» golden boy and the latest club…


When it begins to boil, add the tea leaves and keep on a rolling boil for 2 minutes or till the tea leaves are brewed and the tea has a dark golden color.


Add remaining 2 teaspoons oil to pan and cook patties, turning once, until golden brown, about 6 minutes.


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, and once the pies are done chilling for 15 minutes, bake them for 20-25 minutes until lightly golden.


Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the bottoms are lightly golden.


This has a simple breading and after it’s all golden brown, you make a quick lemon sauce right in the pan.


Here, I would like to point out some problem connected with the principle of a golden mean.


Brush an even coat of the glaze over the surface of the galette then bake it for 30 to 35 minutes, or until it’s golden.


Add the mushrooms and onions; cook and stir over moderate heat until the mushrooms are golden, about 10 minutes.


Let mushrooms cook and only flip them when the bottom is golden brown, then let the other side cook until brown as well.


Add a tablespoon of oil and cook a batch of burgers on one side until golden brown.


Once the skillet and oil are hot, add the tofu cubes and fry until golden brown and crispy on all sides.


Harry Kane capped another prolific season with a second hat-trick in four days to secure the golden boot for the second successive season as Tottenham demolished relegated Hull 7-1 at the KC Stadium.


Add halibut and cook undisturbed until fish is golden brown and looks opaque halfway through, about 4 minutes.


золотой, золотистый, златой


- золотистый

golden hair — золотистые волосы
golden sunset [clouds] — золотистый закат [-ые облака]
golden grain — золотистое зерно

- золотой, прекрасный, счастливый

golden opportunity — прекрасный случай, блестящая возможность
golden age — золотой век
golden days — золотые дни, счастливое время
golden hours — счастливое время

- прекрасный, отличный

golden deeds — благородные /прекрасные/ поступки
golden notes — сладкие звуки
golden smile — ослепительная улыбка

- золотой

golden guinea — золотая гинея

- золотосодержащий; изобилующий золотом


- редк. золотить
- становиться золотистым

Мои примеры


the mellow golden light of early evening — мягкий золотистый свет раннего вечера  
the golden summer of his life — золотое лето его жизни  
open door with the golden key — золотой ключик любую дверь отопрет; давать взятки; подкупать  
golden eyed — с золотистыми глазами  
golden-eyed — с золотистыми глазами  
golden gram — золотистая фасоль; фасоль золотистая; маш  
golden-green — зелено-золотистый  
«golden gun» mentality — психологическая концепция разработки дорогостоящих сложных систем вооружения  
golden-haired — златокудрый  
golden hue — прозолоть  
golden jubilee — пятидесятилетний юбилей; золотая свадьба  
golden lettering — тиснение «под золото»  

Примеры с переводом

I took the print of the golden age.

Я получил представление о том, что такое золотой век.

Golden Horde

ист. Золотая Орда

The memoir recounts the golden times in her life.

В мемуарах рассказывается о золотых годах её жизни .

He wasted a golden opportunity when he missed from the penalty spot.

Он упустил блестящую возможность, промахнувшись с одиннадцатиметровой отметки.

Trying to find a golden mean between doing too little and doing too much.

Попытки найти золотую середину между тем, чтобы сделать слишком мало, или сделать слишком много.

Hollywood’s golden girl, Julia Roberts

«золотая девушка Голливуда», Джулия Робертс

We sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Мы проплыли под мостом Золотые Ворота.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The sun was surrounded by a golden haze.

Cook the pastry until it is crisp and golden.

…San Francisco’s famed Golden Gate Bridge….

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Возможные однокоренные слова

goldenly  — превосходно, великолепно, как золото, золотого цвета

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Collocations for «golden»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «golden» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. is golden (in color)
  2. is a golden color
  3. golden [brown, red]
  4. her golden [hair, locks]
  5. the golden sun
  6. a golden [statue, ornament]
  7. found a golden nugget
  8. is in the middle of a golden [age, era]
  9. was the golden age for
  10. [is, are] living a golden age
  11. those were the golden years
  12. [could be, is] a golden opportunity [to, for]
  13. What’s the golden rule?
  14. according to the golden ratio
  15. the golden boy of [the screen, television, Hollywood]
  16. the golden eagle
  17. a Golden Retriever
  18. the Golden Gate Bridge

golden‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

Synonym: bright, excellent, fine, metallic, nice, shining, splendid, superior, valuable, very good. Similar words: golden rule, golden handshake, embolden, beholden, emboldened, gold, golf, pergola. Meaning: [‘gəʊldən]  adj. 1. having the deep slightly brownish color of gold 2. marked by peace and prosperity 3. made from or covered with gold 4. supremely favored or fortunate 5. suggestive of gold 6. favoring or bringing good luck. 

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1. The golden age is before us, not behind us. 

2. Speech is silver [silvern], (but) silence is gold [golden]. 

3. Silence is golden, but speech is silver [silvern]. 

4. Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace. 

5. Golden words offend the ears.

6. Kill the goose that laid the golden egg. 

7. Speech is silver (or silvern), silence is golden

8. A golden key opens every door. 

9. Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. 

10. A golden key can open any door. 

11. In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden. 

13. A good name is better than a golden girdle . 

14. Poison is poison though it comes in a golden cup. 

15. Truth will out, even if buried in a golden coffin. 

16. The room was flooded with warm and golden sunlight.

17. He stood there in a cocoon of golden light.

18. A cascade of golden hair fell down his back.

19. The golden week of National Day is approaching.

20. He trod the golden beetle underfoot.

20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

21. He had been the golden boy of Welsh rugby.

22. She chopped off her golden, waist-length hair.

23. The sun was surrounded by a golden haze.

24. He was gently caressing her golden hair.

25. Bake until the pastry is crisp and golden.

26. The girl has golden hair.

27. The leaves looked golden in the mellow afternoon light.

28. The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields.

29. Bake them in a warm oven until risen and golden brown.

30. Adults often look back on their childhood as a golden age.

More similar words: golden rule, golden handshake, embolden, beholden, emboldened, gold, golf, pergola, googol, golfer, gold mine, pure gold, marigold, goldsmith, pangolin, mongolia, gold digger, golgi body, goldilocks, gold standard, older, happy-go-lucky, golan heights, alder, elder, solder, folder, golgi apparatus, wilder, gilded. 

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