Phrases with word cool

прохладный, клевый, прохладно, свежо, охлаждать, прохлада


- прохладный, свежий

cool morning [weather] — прохладное утро [-ая погода]
cool wind — свежий ветер
to get cool — а) становиться прохладным; охлаждаться; б) успокаиваться

- нежаркий

cool dress — лёгкое платье
cool greenhouse — необогреваемая теплица
cool tankard — прохладительный напиток (из вина, воды, лимона и т. п.)

- спокойный, невозмутимый, хладнокровный

keep cool! — не горячись!, успокойся!
he is always cool in the face of danger — он всегда спокоен перед лицом опасности
he has a cool head — он хладнокровный /спокойный/ человек
in cool blood — хладнокровно

- сухой, неприветливый, равнодушный, холодный

his manner was very cool — держался он весьма холодно /сухо/
cool reception — холодный /прохладный/ приём
cool greeting — холодное /сухое/ приветствие

- дерзкий, нахальный

cool behaviour — наглое поведение

ещё 10 вариантов


- разг. спокойно, невозмутимо

to play it cool — амер. вести себя спокойно, не суетиться; не терять головы; сохранять спокойствие /достоинство/; не проявлять эмоции
to come on cool — казаться невозмутимым, сохранять самообладание


- студить, охлаждать

to cool one’s tea — остудить чай
the rain has cooled the air — после дождя стало прохладно /воздух стал прохладным/
to cool enthusiasm [eagerness] — охладить энтузиазм [пыл]

- охлаждаться, остывать (тж. cool down)

to let the horses cool — дать лошадям остыть
she is quick to get angry and slow to cool — она вспыльчива и неотходчива
his anger has cooled down — его гнев остыл
his affection has cooled — его любовь остыла

- амер. сл. игнорировать (кого-л., что-л.); быть равнодушным; не интересоваться
- амер. сл. убить, ухлопать, укокошить, пришибить
- спец. поглощать тепло

to cool it — а) сохранять спокойствие, хладнокровие; не кипятиться; проявлять выдержку; б) держаться в стороне (от чего-л.); не связываться; не ввязываться; в) прохлаждаться; валандаться
to cool it with the neighbour’s daughters — болтать с соседскими дочерьми
to cool one’s heels — зря или нетерпеливо дожидаться /ждать/
to cool one’s coppers — опохмеляться


- прохлада

the cool of the evening [of the forest] — вечерняя [лесная] прохлада

- разг. хладнокровие, невозмутимость

to keep one’s cool — сохранять невозмутимый вид
to blow /to lose/ one’s cool — выйти из себя, взорваться; потерять самообладание

- холодность, неприветливость
- бочонок масла (обыкн. 28 английских фунтов)

Мои примеры


the cooling effect of the breeze — охлаждающее действие ветра  
a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next — очень непредсказуемый персонаж: то холодная и своенравная, то бесконечно хрупкая и беззащитная  
a cool dress — лёгкое платье  
cool green — светло-зелёный  
cool girl — клёвая, классная девчонка  
to store in a cool dry place — хранить в прохладном сухом месте  
cool head, level head — рассудок, рассудительность, спокойствие, хладнокровие  
chilly / cold / cool reception — холодный приём  
to cool / dampen one’s ardour — охладить чей-либо пыл  
cold / cool tankard — прохладительный напиток  
chilly / cool welcome — холодный приём  
blow one’s cool — терять самообладание; выйти из себя  

Примеры с переводом

Cool before drinking.

Охладить перед употреблением.

Be cool, be natural.

Будь спокойным, веди себя естественно.

Cool bike!

Классный велосипед!

She’s pretty cool.

Она очень классная. / Она довольно крутая.

You look cool in denim.

Ты круто выглядишь в джинсе.

We were in the cool shadow of the mountain.

Мы находились в прохладной тени горы.

Your parents are way cool.

Твои родители намного круче.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘I’m finished.’ ‘Cool.’

Cool off with an iced drink.

Relax in the sun with a cool drink.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

cool down — успокаивать, утихомиривать, охлаждать, остужать
cool off — остывать, охлаждаться

Возможные однокоренные слова

coolant  — смазочно-охлаждающая эмульсия
cooler  — холодильник, градирня, прохладительный напиток, бачок с водой, гауптвахта
cooling  — охлаждение, охлаждающий
coolness  — прохлада, хладнокровие, охлаждение, холодок, свежесть, спокойствие
coolly  — равнодушно, дерзко, свежо
undercool  — недостаточно охлаждать, переохлаждать
cooled  — охлажденный
coolish  — холодноватый
uncool  — неприятный, не умеющий себя вести, не принятый, распущенный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cool
he/she/it: cools
ing ф. (present participle): cooling
2-я ф. (past tense): cooled
3-я ф. (past participle): cooled

срав. степ. (comparative): cooler
прев. степ. (superlative): coolest

Cools /ˈkoːls/ is a Dutch patronymic surname meaning «son of Cool», Cool being an archaic nickname for Nicholas. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Let cool slightly and portion into containers.


I let it cool, shredded it, and added it later on to the soup.


The success of an operation can depend on a spy’s ability to keep cool in extremely high-pressure situations.


Let cool completely on rack before slicing.


We are getting central AC installed in our house in two weeks» time and in the meantime, I welcome these cool breakfasts.


Cool in pans for 10 minutes before removing to cool completely on a wire rack.


Autumn has arrived here in the mountains of Western North Carolina with all its beauty of the changing leaves, cool air and pumpkins.


When finished baking, let cool completely on a wire rack.


Bake for 12-15mins, then take the tray out of the oven and let them cool completely.


Stir for a minute, then turn off the heat and let it cool slightly.


When cool, top the rounds as you would if you were going to bake them right away: Spread some sauce on the pizzas, add toppings, and sprinkle cheese over the top.


Meanwhile sprinkle gelatin on remaining 1 cup cool stock; let stand 1 minute, add to strained stock mixture; then heat, stirring until gelatin just dissolves.


When the biscuits are cool and the strawberries are ready, whip the cream.


Sometimes, it was as simple as warming a piping hot bowl of pot likker on the stove and making a fresh skillet of corn bread to go along with it for a simple and warm lunch during the cool winter months.


Once cool, melt the dark chocolate in the microwave or over a pan of simmering water, then spread in an even layer over the top of the brownies.


I had no idea what I was going to do with it, I just thought the idea of trying it was cool.


«The intent was to learn what we could do to be successful in a world where virtual and augmented reality aren’t just cool but part of everyday life.»


As I tried to have a conversation with them, «the bible says it» seemed to be their favorite line, so I directed the conversation elsewhere… like how cool the place was decorated.


I have not encountered the QR codes, but I read about Jose’s trying them out, and I think it’s a really cool idea.


If you’d like to freeze your bread, simply wait until bread is completely cool, then slice and individually wrap in cling wrap and place in the freezer.


Invert and unmold the cake onto the rack and cool completely.


Let it cool, removing the baking sheet a few times to wipe off any condensation that may gather on the surface, until the pan is lukewarm to the touch, about 1 1/2 hours.


They also had these cool cookie plate covers over in the grocery section of mine — they were plastic bags fit to drop a plate of cookies in and then tie the top, almost how you make for a big gift basket?


We’re trying to make it cool and slick.»


Extracts can be stored indefinitely in a sealed airtight container kept in a cool dark place.


Then baked for 5 minutes at 350 F. Let cool 5 minutes before serving (still too hot!).


Once the cookies are completely cool, buddy up the cookies that appear the most like one another -LCB- it’s fun!


Heaven is not like the mirage of an oasis in the desert that lures us on with the promise of cool water, only to turn into hot, dry sand every time we approach it.


Sure, something was spent on the totally cool experiment, but not $ 40,000.


So go grab some Ginger Snaps, Graham Crackers, or Nilla Wafers… this delicious pumpkin cool whip dip is about to become one of your easiest go-to Pumpkin Recipes and must-have at your Fall parties!


Remove from the heat and let cool slightly to thicken even more then toss in the cooked sweet potato and stir to coat.


These days, that luster has faded, but it’s still damn cool collecting checks every month.


Lindsay Lohan plays the new girl who completely loses her identity to become a part of the cool kids in school and then attempts to tear down the leader (played by Rachel McAdams).


My girlfriends and I love sharing cool blogs we find.


In this episode, we highlight Trello… a really cool organizational tool that can be used in a variety of ways to keep track of what’s happening, who’s invovled and where things stand.


So some are wondering, billions were cool last century, can this space manage a trillion?


Summer baking just doesn’t happen in my house… I hate turning on the oven when it’s hot out but thanks to this lovely polar vortex we are experiencing — the doors and windows are open to let the fresh, cool air in!


Feedly is cool as long as you’re online.


Matt Yglesias raises an important point here about conservatives who can’t abide any increase in tax rates but will entertain raising more tax revenues through reductions of tax expenditures — that cool trillion or so we forgo in tax revenue each year through various favored activities in the tax code, like the mortgage interest deduction or the exclusion from the tax base of employer-provided health care.


Remove from oven and let cool 15 minutes.


I’m totally unaware of most food trends, so I’m sure I’m much further behind in learning about the «cool» foods than you, rest assured Thanks for sharing.


I offer this kale salad discovered at a macrobiotic bed and breakfast brunch at the beach in south Jersey years ago: same greens preparation as Heidi’s, quickly steam kale until bright green, cool and toss with whisked olive oil, salad spices, dash of mustard, good vinegar and enjoy cold.


: (Hope you can stay cool, Julie!


I wouldn’t say it was a cool look, but I wouldn’t blame Canada for it.


Let cool to room temperature, then stir in the avocado, herbs, and season with salt and pepper.


As others have indicated, my first attempt was not so successful: I didn’t let the water/chocolate/molasses mixture cool enough, and it killed my yeast.


Remove to a wire rack and cool slightly before slicing with a serrated knife.


Like any thoughtful person, Saul Griffith has ideas as he walks around: Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if… You know, we sure could use… Why doesn’t someone make a better… But it’s hard to imagine anyone who does this as often, and in such a variety of areas, and — this is the important part — with such acute ability to execute them.


Well at the same time I did that Paul, the editor of Vasili’s Garden to Kitchen Magazine, interviewed me for a piece in the magazine, under the title celebrity chef, how cool is that (me a celebrity, lol) Well the magazine is now out and you can get your copy from the Garden centre in Coburg or from the website.


I never worshipped any of the carvings, but some of my friends and family think they look pretty cool.


cool — перевод на русский


So he’s scared, but also it’s sort of cool, so he’s also kind of excited.

Да, он был напуган, но в тоже время это типа круто, поэтому отчасти он этому радовался.

Scott can respect their situation, and knows that, you know, the offer at hand of them becoming a werewolf sounds like a really cool thing, but knows that it just is not. It’ll mess up their life.

Скотт понимает их ситуацию, и знает, что предложение стать оборотнем звучит очень круто, но он знает, что это не так.

That’ll be very cool if come together.

Если вместе это будет круто.

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Sounds cool.

Классно звучит.

Isn’t this cool?

Правда классно?

— That was cool.


-Yeah, that’s cool.


— It was so cool.

Как классно всё получилось!

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«He shrugged, turned, looked coolly at Mouse Moray.

«Он пожал плечами, повернулся, и спокойно посмотрел на Морея.

He gets all worked up about it. You were playing so cool.

А с тобой все было так спокойно.

Cool down, mister.

Спокойно, мистер.

Keep your cool!


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It’s pleasant and cool here.

Здесь хорошо и прохладно.

It’s getting rather cool, don’t you think?

Становится прохладно вам не кажется?

There’s something so cool and lovely about you.

Здесь около вас, так прохладно и прекрасно.

The spring air is cool.

Еще прохладно, хоть и весна.

Here, the nights are cool!

А ночью прохладно!

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Cool off, Jerry.

Остынь, Джерри.

Cool off, Stonewall.

Остынь, Стоунволл.

— Come on, cool it!


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That’s so cool.

Это же так здорово.

Wow, cool!

Ух ты, здорово!

— Yes, real cool.

Да, очень здорово.

It’s a little bit harsh to start with, but it’s cool

Немного непривычно поначалу, но это здорово.

Look, virgin forest — it’s so cool.

Слушайте, девственный лес — это же так здорово.

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— Oh, now, cool off, will you?

— О, успокойся ты.

Cool down, go on with your shaving, finish dressing, and I’ll go downstairs with you!

Успокойся, побрейся, оденься и я спущусь с тобой вниз.

Keep cool, Harvey.

Успокойся, Харви.

Oh, no, no, no, stay cool.

Нет, нет, успокойся.

Just cool it, huh, Steve?

Успокойся, Стив.

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Cool, er… there’sa coupleof bars round here, we should give ’em a go.

Клёво… Тут рядом есть несколько баров, можем туда зайти.

Play along now, friends, Be cool and clap your hands!

Будем играть, друзья, будет клёво. Хлопайте в ладоши!

It doesn’t rhyme, but it’s cool.

— Это… — Клево! — Да, клево.

It’s so cool over here.

Здесь так клёво.

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I guess it’s as cool here as anywhere.

Думаю, тут везде будет холодно.

It’s so cool, I’m afraid I’ll catch a cold!»

Там так холодно, мы можем простудиться.

The outside of the caravan cooled, but the inside stayed warm — and so moisture formed on the inside.

Снаружи каравана было холодно, но внутри по прежнему тепло — и так формируется влага.

The weather was so cool.

Очень холодно сегодня было.

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She’s upset. Be cool.

Она очень расстроена, ведите себя хорошо.

She plays it cool, but she can’t fool me.

Она хорошо играет, но меня ей не одурачить.

We stay ’cause he’s seen combat and stays cool under fire.

ћы остаЄмс€, потому что он видел бои и хорошо держитс€ под огнЄм.

Yeah, right. Cool.

Да, хорошо.

OK, that’s cool.

Ладно, хорошо.

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English is a cool language because well, there are so many different and expressive ways to say things.

One English word that is useful in many situations is the exclamation “cool”.

You’ve probably heard an English speaking friend say that someone or something is “cool”. Or maybe you’ve heard it used by a character on your favorite
Netflix TV series or in that
holiday movie you just watched.

“Cool” is a common way to express approval with a situation or to pay someone a compliment. If you want to become fluent in English, you don’t just know how to use “cool” properly, but you also need to know the different ways to say “cool”. What do native speakers really mean when they say “cool”?

What Is The Meaning of “Cool”?

Strictly speaking, “cool” in English is an adjective that refers to temperature. When something is cool, it is neither warm nor cold. Saying that something like the night or the weather or a glass of water is “cool” means that it is comfortably cold.

“Cool” can also be used as an adverb, to describe how someone is acting. For example, if someone is speaking “coolly” they are neither very welcoming nor totally displeased to be interacting with you.

“Cool” is also commonly used as a slang term, mostly among the younger generation of English speakers.

How Is “Cool” Used as Slang?

When we are talking about slang, the most common ways to say “cool” are to either express acceptance or agreement or to convey admiration and approval.

You can say “cool” in place of “I agree” or even “okay”. For example, if Sean asks if you can meet at the restaurant at 7:30, you can say “cool” to mean you agree to that plan.

“Cool” is also used as an exclamation of pleased surprised, to convey your admiration of a person or your approval of a situation.

For example, Mary said that she got her dream job, you can say “Cool!” and it’s understood that you are happy for her. 

7 Great Ways To Say “Cool” Without Saying “Cool”

 In English, there are often a lot of different words and phrases you can use to convey emotions – even if the literal translation of the word doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with emotions.

“Cool” literally refers to a state of physical being, not an emotion, yet it is now associated with feelings and used to express happiness and admiration. 

While “cool” is a versatile slang term that can be used in almost every situation, it’s not the only English expression you can use. There are several other words and phrases out there that means “cool” and it’s probably a good idea that you learn them as you might encounter them in conversation with native speakers.

Here are a few of the most common ways that people have to say that something or someone is “cool”.

1. Awesome

You can say something is “awesome” if you want to imply that you are impressed. If you admire someone or something, you can say “awesome”. 

For example:

Your new sports car is awesome.

You got an “A” in the test? Awesome!

You can also simply say “awesome” if someone asks you if you agree with something. 

2. Nice!

You can say something is “nice” when you want to express admiration. It’s usually used to say that you think that something someone told you is “cool”.

For example:

Do you have a date with Nancy on Friday? Nice.

3. Sweet!

Similar to “nice”, you can say sweet when you want to convey admiration. You can also say something is “sweet” when you are pleased about it.

For example:

Sweet! I have tickets for the concert.

4. Excellent

When you say something is “excellent” it is a way to say a situation is “cool”.

For example:

You got an “A” in the exam? Excellent!

Going hiking this weekend? That is an excellent plan.

5. Dope

This is a good example of how certain slang words may have multiple meanings. 

“Dope” can be an insult; it is short for “dopey” which means acting stupid. “Dope” is also used in place of addictive or dangerous drugs.

Dope is also one of the ways to say cool among young people nowadays. If something is “dope” it is “cool” or great.

For example:

Going on a surfing trip? That’s dope!

6. Killer

While beginner English language learners may be taught that “kill” or “killer” has slightly negative connotations, native speakers often use it as another way to say “cool”.

For example:

Killer dress, it suits you.

7. Sick

Again, another of the different ways to say “cool” might be confusing for beginning learners.  “Sick” means illness or feeling ill, but it is also a slang word that is used to say that you admire something.

For example:

That band was sick! I want to hear them play again.

Sick moves, did you study dance? 

13 Other Ways to Say Cool

The following words can also be used to say “cool”. They are all basically words that mean you think that something is admirable.

  1. Astonishing

  2. Glorious

  3. Dynamite

  4. Splendid

  5. Exceptional

  6. Exemplary

  7. Impressive

  • Marvelous

  • Sensational

  • Wonderful

    The following slang terms are also used to mean “cool” though they are considered a bit dated.

    1. Groovy

    2. Hip

    3. Dreamy

    Ways to Say “Cool” In British and Australian English

    English is one of the most common languages in the world and, like many common world languages, there are different regional varieties of English. The three most common regional varieties of English are American English, British English, and Australian English.

    “Cool” as a slang term actually originated in American English, though it’s pretty much “universal” among all English speakers nowadays. There are, however, ways to say “cool” that are a bit more associated with British English or Australian English.

    If you hear someone say the following terms, they are basically saying that someone or something is “cool”.

    1.  Wicked

    This is an example of British slang. While other English speakers might use “wicked” to say that something is “cool”, it’s more commonly heard among those who speak British English. 

    For example:

    That was a wicked performance last night. You should be proud.

    Wicked! It’s the new BMW.

    2. Brilliant 

    “Brilliant” or simply “brill” is what British English speakers say when they want to say that something is “awesome” or “cool”

    For example:

    Brilliant! I passed the test.

    Brill, I can go on that trip this weekend.

    3. Mint

    When a British person says that something is “mint”, they mean it is of high quality. So they are saying something is worth admiring or “cool”.

    For example:

    That record is mint. Still great after all these years.

    4. Beaut

    This is an Australian slang term that is used to say that something is amazing. So, Australian English speakers will use this to say that they think something is “cool.”

    It is basically short for “beautiful” or beauty.

    For example:

    Your new car is a beaut.

    5. Bloody ripper!

    If you hear an Australian English speaker say this, they are saying that something is “awesome”. So this is basically a way to say “cool” in Australia.

    For example:

    Did you get front row seats for the concert? Bloody ripper!

    6. Crikey!

    This is possibly the most commonly known Australian slang word and it can basically be used the same way that you would say “cool”.

    For example:

    Crikey! Did you see that winning goal?

    Ways to Say Cool That You Should Use With Caution

    If you look up a slang word or phrase, you will often find that the literal or dictionary meaning is totally different from the everyday meaning. 

    As we pointed out in the beginning, “cool” is defined as an adjective describing temperature in a dictionary but means something else in daily conversation. The following ways to say “cool” in English should be used with cautions as their other meanings are not so “polite”

     1. Badass

    When you say that something or someone is “badass” you are saying that you admire them. It’s usually used to say something or someone that is “cool” is also tough and a little intimidating.

    Be careful when you use this, however, not only is it informal but “ass” technically is
    a mild English swear word. 

    For example:

    Vin Diesel gets more and more badass with each “Fast and Furious” movie.

    Your leather jacket is so badass!

    2. Bitchin’

    Like with “badass”, you can use this to say that you think that something is “cool”. Also, like “badass” however, you need to be careful around who you say this with because it derives from a swear word or insult.

    For example:

    This is my favorite club. The music is bitchin’.

    3. The shit

    Okay. “Shit” is a swear word that means feces. It is commonly used as an exclamation of pain, displeasure, or anger. However, adding the article “the” makes it another way of staying cool.

    Be very careful with this. Native English speakers will usually use a tone of voice to convey if they are saying this as an insult or a compliment, but it can be easily open to misinterpretation.

    For example

    I love that movie! It was the shit!


    In order to improve your fluency and hold daily conversations with native English speakers, it’s as important to learn different English slang words as it is to learn the most common words and phrases of English.

    One effective way to learn slang is to download lists of different English slang words and memorize them. To help you learn the different ways that “cool” can be used, we have complied these words
    into a list in a PDF that you can download.

    We also recommend that you go through this list of ways to say “cool” with your online native English speaking tutor. They can provide you with some useful tips about not only when and where you should use these different words for “cool” but also how to properly pronounce them

    Sounds cool? Awesome! Have fun learning.

  • Recent Examples on the Web

    The video of Spot digging was pretty cool—how did that work?

    IEEE Spectrum, 15 Feb. 2023

    Ric Owens of Roberts Design gave the hotel interiors a cool, yet approachable feel with neoclassical French flare.

    Medgina Saint-elien, House Beautiful, 13 Feb. 2023

    Not in a bad way, but in a good, strange, really cool way.

    The Indianapolis Star, 13 Feb. 2023

    Both teed off in the morning wave when the wind wreaked havoc on performances, but both kept their cool.

    Jenna Ortiz, The Arizona Republic, 10 Feb. 2023

    Faison got so giddy meeting Travolta, that Braff had to remind him to keep his cool.

    Lanae Brody, Peoplemag, 9 Feb. 2023

    Yet when the lights shine brightest, Houston too often loses its cool.

    Michael Shapiro, Chron, 9 Feb. 2023

    Some wineries are experimenting with shallow water aging, but most are looking to recreate the conditions of the wrecks that whet the industry’s interest: consistently cool, dark, and deep.

    Popular Mechanics, 8 Feb. 2023

    But to have made these records 30 years ago and not be embarrassed, that’s a pretty cool thing.

    Josh Chesler, SPIN, 3 Feb. 2023

    One report from the Institute for Supply Management said that growth in the U.S. services sector slowed last month by more than economists expected, as the pace of new orders cooled.

    Yuri Kageyama, ajc, 6 Apr. 2023

    Arguably the best time to visit, however, is fall, when temperatures have just started to cool and the air is crisp yet still warm enough for a light jacket.

    Jessica Poitevien, Travel + Leisure, 6 Apr. 2023

    So the conveyor belt takes a 161-foot route to the packaging area to give them a chance to cool.

    Kevin Dupzyk Christopher Payne, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2023

    Over the past year, the Fed has raised interest rates from nearly zero to a range of 4.75% to 5% to cool the economy.

    Nicole Goodkind, CNN, 6 Apr. 2023

    The energy audit might indicate a need to replace heating and cooling systems, seal ducts, install water-saving features and upgrade thermostats to programmable models that can help people monitor their energy use.

    The Arizona Republic, 5 Apr. 2023

    Remove and allow to cool to room temperature.

    Tori Latham, Robb Report, 5 Apr. 2023

    As the Timberwolves cooled, the Lakers offense started to operate more effectively, the team getting to the basket, hitting open threes and getting to the line.

    Dan Woike, Los Angeles Times, 31 Mar. 2023

    Meanwhile, administrators and the civil rights groups say the school system is still inappropriately funded to maintain its buildings, which are among the oldest in the state and frequently close to students due to lack of heating and cooling throughout the year.

    Lillian Reed, Baltimore Sun, 31 Mar. 2023

    But rather than trying to fully recreate the Banks patriarch’s magnetism, the Canadian actor took certain aspects from the iconic portrayal and fused them with a new-school cool inspired by none other than former POTUS Barack Obama.

    Ineye Komonibo,, 7 Apr. 2023

    But that front will definitely bring a significant cool-down for the rest of the week.

    Kxas-tv (nbc5), Dallas News, 3 Apr. 2023

    Around Washington, a cool-down in mid-March is far from a guarantee of snow, or even really cold weather.

    Ian Livingston, Washington Post, 1 Mar. 2023

    However, this recent cool-down could be deceiving.

    Sam Burdette, The Arizona Republic, 29 July 2022

    Anxiety on the UConn bench built in the fourth quarter as Ohio State players tried to keep their cool.

    The New York Times, New York Times, 25 Mar. 2023

    Keep in touch, keep inviting, keep your cool.

    Carolyn Hax, Washington Post, 7 Mar. 2023

    Mistake #6: Not Including Warm-Ups & Cool Downs A common denominator among world-class athletes and those who enjoy a career of consistent and healthy training is a systematic, patient, and deliberate warm-up (and cool-down) routine.

    Chris Johnson, Outside Online, 10 Feb. 2023

    Overland’s lambskin jacket will keep you warm (without losing your cool).

    Brad Lanphear, Men’s Health, 6 Jan. 2023

    The Ford Bronco can scratch almost anyone’s itch for a cool-looking SUV with mega off-road capability without sacrificing good paved-road behavior in the process.

    Car and Driver, 22 Feb. 2023

    Some cool-looking shots.

    Rebecca Alter, Vulture, 18 Jan. 2023

    Asus Asus Republic of Gamers (ROG) has unveiled its varied, eclectic, and very cool-looking lineup of new gaming laptops for 2021.

    Monica Chin, The Verge, 12 Jan. 2021

    The Peloton Bike+ is a cool-looking machine with a matte black finish and red accents.

    Corey Gaskin, Ars Technica, 12 Feb. 2023

    Today, the Sun had two relatively minor — but quite cool-looking — events.

    Phil Plait, Discover Magazine, 24 Mar. 2012

    But while the script (co-written by Eisener and John Davies) is weak, there is an endearingly scruffy vibe here, goosed by some cool-looking costumes and effects.

    Noel Murray, Los Angeles Times, 20 Jan. 2023

    The bodyweight-only moves on this list are great additions to any dynamic warm-up or cool-down, too.

    Amy Marturana Winderl, SELF, 25 Jan. 2022

    Now, add something new and kind of cool-sounding, scheduled to open October 1: an interactive exhibit inspired by … cannabis.

    Joan Oleck, Forbes, 17 Sep. 2021

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘cool.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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