Phrases with word change

Here are 28+ commonly used expressions with “change”. They include collocations and idioms. You should use them to make your English sound more natural. I’m sure you’ll memorize and use them frequently. 🙂

Big / significant / considerable / revolutionary / drastic / important / major/ radical change

Mobile phones have undergone a revolutionary change in the past decade.

I doubt they have a future together unless they make some major changes.

Complete / systematic / minor / long-term / short-term / sudden / gradual / seasonal change

Gradual changes will bring more stability to the company.

Everybody was surprised by a sudden change.

Climate change

Meaning: changes in our planet’s climate (it’s getting warmer) due to high levels of gases.

The effects of climate change include more frequent droughts and wildfires.

Bring about change

Meaning: to cause or create change.

The only way to bring about change in the company is to employ new people.

 28+ Expressions with "change"

28+ Expressions with “change”

Career change

Meaning: to change your job to a different kind of job.

Paulie’s made a career change. She’s opening a restaurant.

A change for the better / worse

I believe that this year will bring a change for the better.

The weather is changing for the worse. It was a sunny morning and look at these clouds now.

A change of heart/mind

Meaning: to change your feelings and opinion about something.

UK Brexit change of mind appeared first on Cyprus Mail.

Sara planned to buy a new car but when she realised how expensive it is, she had a change of heart and bought a used one.

Change clothes/shoes

I’m all wet. I’ll change my clothes.

Change trains/planes

We changed trains in Budapest.

28+ Expressions with "change"

28+ Expressions with “change”

Change of scene

Meaning: to move to a different surrounding or just travel somewhere for a change.

Everyone needs a change of scene sometimes. Why don’t you go away for the weekend?

Change the subject

Meaning: to change the topic of the conversation.

I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Can we change the subject?

Change jobs

Meaning: get a new job.

Your job includes lots of hazards. I think you should change jobs. 

Change your tune

Meaning: to change your attitude on something completely.

He was against the project, but he changed his tune when he realized how much money it could bring.

Change your mind

Meaning: to change your opinion.

At first, I didn’t want to go to the party, but then I changed my mind.

Change your ways

Meaning: to start improving your behaviour for the better.

If he wants to stay and work in this company, he’ll have to change his ways.

 28+ Expressions with "change"

28+ Expressions with “change”

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In English, the verb ‘change’ means to alter or modify. Change is about making someone or something different, or perhaps replacing something. So, all these change idioms and sayings have the same theme.

It may be easy to guess the meaning of some of these expressions which include the word ‘change’. Others might be harder to understand, but we have included a definition for each and used it in a sentence to make things clearer.

This list will focus on idioms about change but there are plenty of idioms talking about the future that you may also find helpful while we’re on this topic.

Change idioms

A change of heart

If you have a change of heart, it means you no longer have the same opinion or thoughts about something. It may even be a complete reversal in how you feel or what you intend to do.

“After she heard all her friends had joined the drama club she had a change of heart and joined too.”

Change your tune

Some of these change idioms have much the same meaning. When you change your tune you simply adopt a different opinion or begin to act in a different way. It’s very similar to a change of heart.

“Oh, last week you were so certain it was want you wanted. Why have you changed your tune?”

Take a look at some more musical idioms here!

A change of scene / scenery

Change idioms can be about your personal characteristics or thoughts but this one is more about your surroundings. When you need a change of scene you are simply looking to move to different surroundings.

It could be something immediate, like spending some time away from your desk while at work. But this idiom about change can also be used to discuss bigger life choices, like getting a new job or moving to a new house, city, or even country!

‘I’ve been working and living in London for so long, I really need a change of scenery.”

This saying is similar to a ‘change is as good as a rest’, which is explained further down.

Sometimes, people achieve a temporary change of scene by taking a vacation. If this is what you are planning, take a look at some travel idioms too.

A leopard can’t change its spots

A leopard is a large wild cat born with yellow fur and beautiful black spots. These spots will stay with it for life. When you apply the fact that a leopard can’t change its spots to people, you are commenting that people can’t change their personalities or (bad) habits.

“Please don’t get back with your ex-boyfriend. No matter what he says, I believe that a leopard can’t change its spots.”

You may also hear different versions of this animal idiom including the fact that tigers or zebras can’t change their stripes. They all mean the same thing.

Also, did you know this expression has a Biblical connection? We have plenty of other Biblical idioms to look through as well.

You don’t change horses in the middle of the race

Here’s another of the idioms about change linked to politics or governments. It suggests that you shouldn’t change leaders or government when times are hard.

“The country needs a strong leader right now. It’s best we don’t change horses in the middle of the race.”

The saying you don’t change horses in the middle of the race was made popular by Abraham Lincoln in 1864.

A change is as good as a rest

The old English proverb a change is as good as a rest describes the fact that sometimes just modifying something like your job is as helpful as taking a break from it.

“Instead of quitting, why don’t you think about moving departments? A change may be as good as a rest.”

This is just one example of many good idioms in English.

The times they are a-changing

This is not so much of an idiom, but a popular saying made famous in the song of the same name, written by Bob Dylan. When people say that the times (they) are a-changing, they are simply referring to something changing over time; usually something to do with popular opinion, governments or laws.

“I’m glad we voted in a new school president. I can really feel that the times are a-changing!’

There are plenty more idioms about time which we have covered separately.

A chunk of change

When learning idioms about change, it’s important to know that ‘change’ can also have another meaning connected to money. While the noun ‘change’ usually refers to the money you receive back after paying for something, a chunk of change means a large amount of money.

“Your new car must have cost a chunk of change.”

Other times you may hear the word ‘change’ connected to money is when you pay for an item with an amount more than it is worth. You will receive the difference back so that you pay the correct amount. This returned money is your ‘change’. If you are given back less than was due to you, you could say you were ‘short-changed’.

‘Change’ can also refer to lower-value, lose coins. If someone needs some small coins, perhaps to put into a machine, they will ask you if you have any change. And someone might ask if you can spare some change if they are struggling financially and would like you to give them some money.

There are lots of other idioms about money for you to explore later.

More idioms about change

Break the mold

A mold is a hollow shape into which you pour a liquid such as plaster or jelly/jello. When it sets, it hardens to create a solid in the form of the mold.

When you break the mold, it means you are no longer being restricted by a particular expectation. You are doing something different to the norm instead of feeling the need to fit in or be the same as everyone else.

“I need to break the mold and try a new look.”

Reinvent the wheel

It’s said the wheel is the greatest invention of all time; therefore, there’s no need to recreate it. So to reinvent the wheel is to spend a lot of time and effort working on an alternative to something that is already fit for purpose.

“I know we are supposed to be pioneers in innovation, but there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.”

Turn over a new leaf

Most idioms about change are positive in their meaning. So when you turn over a new leaf you are saying you want to change, start anew or to act in a better way.

“I’m going to really try to turn over a new leaf next year.”

With the connection of leaves falling from the tree this expression may be used in autumn. In fact there are plenty of autumn and fall idioms to enjoy.

Start from scratch

When you start from scratch you simply start from the beginning or start all over again.

“I think it’s time we start from scratch as the first attempt didn’t work out well.”

Jump on the bandwagon

Do you know a friend who always joins in with something just because it’s popular? Or a friend who supports whichever team is currently winning? Then they would be accused of jumping on the bandwagon – changing their opinion and joining something simply because it’s fashionable and not because of a genuine interest.

“Just because Manchester United is winning the league, there’s no need to jump on the bandwagon and become a fan!”

Out with the old, in with the new

This a great idiom about change which marks a turning point or milestone in the process. You could use it when making New Year’s resolutions, clearing out your home, or making changes at work.

Out with the old, in with the new applies to abandoning old ideas, ways, things or practices and replacing them with new items or a fresh way of being and thinking.

“I think the company is trying to make some changes in personnel. Out with the old, in with the new, so to speak!”
“She’ll never get over her ex while she still has all those things that remind her of him. It’s time for a clear out: out with the old, in with the new!”

Fresh blood / new blood / young blood

A lot of change idioms apply to work situations and are good examples of business idioms. Any of the versions fresh, new or young blood may be used when new people are brought into a company to help generate different ideas or alter the energy within a team.

“What the football team needs is fresh blood. Some new players would make a big difference.”

We hope you found this list of change idioms helpful and you’ll be able to use some new ones as you expand your English vocabulary. Once you have mastered these, take a look at some transition words which we also use to switch between ideas or talk about changes.

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change color

To become pale.

The sight was so horrible that Mary changed color from fear.

Bill lost so much blood from the cut that he changed color.

To become pink or red in the face; become flushed; blush.

Mary changed color when the teacher praised her drawing.

Tom got angry at the remark and changed color.

change hands

To change or transfer ownership.

Ever since our apartment building changed hands, things are working a lot better.

change horses in the middle of a stream

change horses in midstream

To make new plans or choose a new leader in the middle of an important activity.

When a new President is to be elected during a war, the people may decide not to change horses in the middle of a stream.

change of heart

A change in the way one feels or thinks about a given task, idea or problem to be solved.

Изменение в эмоциональном отношении к чему-либо, полученной задаче, идее или проблеме, требующей решения.

Joan had a change of heart and suddenly broke off her engagement to Tim.

Fred got admitted to medical school, but he had a change of heart and decided to go into the Foreign Service instead.

I had a change of heart and I decided to go to a movie with my friend.

Я передумал и решил пойти в кино с моим другом.

change of life

The menopause (primarily in women).

Women usually undergo a change of life in their forties or fifties.

change of pace

A quick change in what you are doing.

John studied for three hours and then read a comic book for a change of pace.

The doctor told the man he needed a change of pace.

change off

To take turns doing something; alternate.

John and Bill changed off at riding the bicycle.

Bob painted one patch of wall and then he changed off with Tom.

change one’s mind

To alter one’s opinion or judgment on a given issue.

I used to hate Chicago, but as the years passed I gradually changed my mind and now I actually love living here.

We have changed our minds and are going to Canada instead of California this summer.

Matthew has changed his mind several times about buying a new car.

One to change it, and one to initiate a probe into the possible involvement of President Duterte in the old light bulb’s ‘death.’

When implementing changes in structure, system, or process; individual change has a mediating role because change starts with individual change, and unless the majority of individuals change their attitudes or behaviors, no organizational change occurs (Alas, 2007).

* A consolidated group member changing to or from a 52-53-week tax year is not eligible for automatic consent for such change, unless the requested year is identical to the consolidated group’s tax year.

In April 2006, CMS released «Artifacts of Culture Change,» a 70-page document that includes a scorecard covering 79 CMS-defined «artifacts.» Labeled «Compliance and Culture Change in LTC,» the scorecard is intended to help providers measure their success in implementing CMS’s measurements defining culture change.

To create a context of contemporary change in the classroom, a written assignment was structured to mimic a characteristic of complexity theory.

According to Anne Hass in Configuration Management Principles and Practices, configuration «derives from the Latin com-, meaning ‘with’ or ‘together,’ and figurare, ‘to form.'» Loosely interpreting that, she says, configuration means «to form from a relative arrangement of parts.» Hass defines configuration management as the «unique identification, controlled storage, change control, and status reporting of selected intermediate work products, product components, and products during the life of a system.»

I will review the important role that Earth Science plays in the climate change debate and suggest ways in which we should respond to the intense societal interest in the debate.

The successful implementation of change is facilitated when your organization’s culture, systems, and structures support and reinforce the new vision, objectives, and behaviors.

Advocates are demanding changes to assure the same protections as afforded other citizens, while others believe they can reveerse social change by enshrining penalties and fostering stigma on the alternative families involved.

In this model, [B.sub.1] estimates the slope of the preintervention data, [B.sub.2] estimates the slope of the postintervention data, and [B.sub.3] estimates the change in level of outcome as the difference between the estimated first point postintervention and the extrapolated first point postintervention if the preintervention line was continued into the postintervention phase.

Under IAS 8, Accounting Policies and Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors (, a change in accounting policy should be applied retrospectively, and the cumulative effect of the adjustment should be reflected in the opening balance of equity for the period.

In Preparation, the person undertakes serious planning to engage in behavior change within a set period of time, say one month.

In addition to his bias for change, de Brabandere has one for speed, as well.

«Climate change could undo even the little progress most African countries have achieved so fat in terms of development,» says Anthony Nyong, a professor of environmental science at the University of Jos in Nigeria.

Statement 154 requires retrospective application to prior periods’ financial statements of a voluntary change in accounting principle unless it is impracticable.

change — перевод на русский


I changed after I met you.

Я изменился после встречи с тобой.

You haven’t changed.

Ничегошеньки ты не изменился.

COOPER: I wasn’t happy about Cam staying, but, you know, I was hopeful he’d changed.

Я не в восторге от того, что Кэм остался, но знаете, я надеялся что он изменился.

Your children miss you and I’ve changed my ways.»

Твои дети по тебе скучают, а я изменился.

«You’ve changed John.

«Ты изменился, Джон.

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Old me would have been totally down for, like, an old-fashioned barb fest, but I’ve decided recently that I’m trying to change my patterns.

Прежняя я, была бы всеми руками за за старый добрый праздник подколов, но на днях я решила, что попытаюсь изменить свои привычки.

and nothin’ can change it!

и ничто не силах изменить его!

Instead of giving me this stolen stuff, why don’t you give me a way to change my life?

Вместо того, чтобы дать мне эту украденную вещь, почему бы тебе не дать мне способ изменить мою жизнь?

Then what the devil are you trying to change me for?

— Тогда за каким чертом вы пытаетесь изменить меня?

I’m not trying to change you, I’m trying to paint you.

— Я не пытаюсь изменить вас, я пытаюсь нарисовать вас.

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Come on, Bill, before he changes his mind.

Пошли, Билл, пока он не передумал.

— Tell him you changed your mind.

— Скажешь ему, что передумал.

— No. I just changed my mind.

Я просто передумал.

I haven’t changed my mind, Westley.

Я не передумал, Вестли.

Tell me, did you change your mind about going?

Окажи мне, ты не передумал уезжать?

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Time changes many things.

Время многое меняет.

A house changes its look.

Дом меняет свой облик.

I mean, now that I’m gonna live and everything, I… It kinda changes the whole setup.

Теперь, когда я собираюсь жить.., это все меняет.

A great man can always change his mind for a reason.

Великий человек всегда меняет решение под влиянием.

Do you believe what the old man… who was doing all the talking at the Oso Negro… said the other night… about gold changing a man’s soul so that he ain’t the same kind of a guy… that he was before finding it?

Ты веришь в то, что сказал тот старик из «Осо негро» прошлой ночью? Что золото меняет душу человека, и он уже никогда не может стать прежним?

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You gave us a fright! Go change, damn it!

Вы нас испугали, ступайте переодеться!

Not now, baby, I gotta make a change.

Не сейчас, детка, мне нужно переодеться.

Then I’ll have time to change.

Есть время переодеться.

I’ll go and change.

— Я иду переодеться.

Now look, Bruce, I’ll go back and change. After you get the check, you phone me.

Значит так, я еду переодеться, потом в полицию.

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I think we’d better change the subject.

Думаю, стоит сменить тему.

What you need is a little change.

Тебе надо сменить обстановку.

No doubt, you’ll want to change your name.

Вы захотите сменить имя.

— I sent her home to change her dress.

— Я отправил ее сменить платье.

Come on Buck, we’ll change them horses.

— Бак, мы должны сменить лошадей.

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Well, some things never change, like your handwriting.

Кое-что никогда не меняется, например, твой почерк.

And just to let the people know how the wind has changed…

И пусть люди знают, что ветер меняется.

Your expression keeps changing all the time.

Выражение вашего лица постоянно меняется.

All that doesn’t change.

Всё, что не меняется.

But so soon, it changes.

Но очень скоро все меняется.

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— Keep the change.

Сдачу оставь.

Hey, miss, you forgot your change.

Эй, мисс, вы забыли сдачу.

— Wait a minute, you got change coming.

-Подождите, а сдачу?

You forgot your change, señor.

Вы забыли сдачу, сеньор.

I will bring you back the change.

Я принесу вам сдачу.

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The only way to end the cycle is to change the way the whole system works. What are you saying?

Есть только один способ разорвать цепочку — поменять принципы орехоторговли.

«Can’t the boy change his wet stockings first?

«Можно ребёнку поменять носки?

Whose mind do you want changed?

Чьё мнение Вы хотите поменять?

If one day you are expelled from Monaco… you need only to change hotel rooms!

Если однажды вас выгонят из Монако вам нужно только поменять номер в отеле.

«Since it’s so easy to change a label…»

«На нём легко поменять этикетку, поэтому я положу его в шкаф.»

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So we meditate on what we need to change.

И мы медитируем на нужные изменения.

Even with the Marduks hunting the robots the rebels are screaming for human rights instigating citizens by proclaiming change in Robot Laws.

Несмотря на то, что мардуки преследуют роботов повстанцы горланят о правах человека будоража граждан и объявляя изменения в Законах о Роботах.

That is, with the exception of a slight change.

Ну, за исключением небольшого изменения.

Movement is change.

Все движения — это изменения.

And to an old man, change means death.

А для старого человека изменения означают смерть.

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