Phrases with the word white

«It is the foolishness of the white man,» snapped Zilla.

«Then let old Ebbits teach the white man wisdom,» I said softly.

«Now listen, O White Man, and I will tell you of a great foolishness.

She took the two rose-trees with her, and they stood before her window, and every year bore the most beautiful roses, white and red.

Yet as he best may, the White Man has set down the substance of the story of Zweete in the spirit in which Zweete told it.

«My father,» he said to the White Man, «this is my word.

«What do you seek of Zweete, my white father?» asked the old man in a thin voice.

White Fang came in until he touched Grey Beaver’s knee, so curious was he, and already forgetful that this was a terrible man-animal.

But White Fang sat on his haunches and ki- yi’d and ki-yi’d, a forlorn and pitiable little figure in the midst of the man-animals.

He became the slave of old Fanfoa, head chief over a score of scattered bush-villages on the range-lips of Malaita, the smoke of which, on calm mornings, is about the only evidence the seafaring white men have of the teeming interior population.

It was a trap, and into the trap sailed two white men in a small ketch.

But a moment later, when Kaviri was able to realize the nature of the crew that manned the white man’s dugout, he would have given all the beads and iron wire that he possessed to have been safely within his distant village.

Their occupants were eager to join the battle, for they thought that their foes were white men and their native porters.

The anger of a wild animal was in his eyes; but he saw the white man’s hand dropping to the pistol in his belt.

«Swine!» the white man gritted out through his teeth at the whole breed of Solomon Islanders.


    When blood drains from your face in response to a sudden shock or fright, or on hearing bad news.

    Example sentence: When I told him about the accident, he went as white as a sheet.


    A whiteboard is a large, flat, white surface for writing on. An interactive whiteboard (IWB) can additionally be used to display a computer screen.

    Synonyms: digital whiteboard, electronic whiteboard.


    A white elephant is a useless posession that can be hard to look after and/or difficult to get rid of.


    A white collar job is a non-manual job, such as office worker or other professional occupation.

    A white collar worker is a person who has a white collar job.


    To give up; surrender; yield.

    Example sentence: This isn’t an argument you can win. You need to wave the white flag.


    A white lie is an unimportant lie told to spare someone’s feelings, or to avoid conflict.


    A white-out is when snow is falling fast and winds drive the snow so much that is impossible to see.


    To conceal or play down inconvenient facts and/or misconduct, in order to make a situation seem less serious than it really is.

    Example sentence: Many people believe that the government investigation will be a whitewash.


    A big, traditional (UK) wedding, with a church ceremony and an expensive formal reception afterwards in a hotel or hired venue.

black and white

put on paper

put (it) in black and white

put (it) in writing

Print or writing; words on paper, not spoken; exact written or printed form.

«Черным по белому», в письменной форме.

He insisted on having the agreement down in black and white.

Mrs. Jones would not believe the news, so Mr. Jones showed her the article in the newspaper and said, «There it is in black and white

Our boss usually asks us to communicate him in black and white.

Наш начальник обычно просит нас передавать ему сообщения в письменном виде.

The different shades of black and white of a simple picture, rather than other colors.

He showed us snapshots in black and white.


Divided into only two sides that are either right or wrong or good or bad, with nothing in between; thinking or judging everything as either good or bad.

Everything is black-and-white to Bill; if you’re not his friend, you are his enemy.

The old man’s religion shows his black-and-white thinking; everything is either completely good or completely bad.

blue around the gills

green around the gills

pale around the gills

yellow around the gills

pink around the gills

white around the gills

Pale-faced from fear or sickness; sickly; nauseated.
Also used with other prepositions besides around, as about, at, under, and with other colors, as blue, pink, yellow, white.

Иметь бледное лицо от страха или болезни; болезненный; тошнотворный.

Bill’s father took him for a ride in his boat while the waves were rough, and when he came back he was green around the gills.

You should sit down. You look a bit blue around the gills.

Тебе следует присесть. Ты выглядишь неважно.

The car almost hit Mary crossing the street, and she was yellow around the gills because it came so close.

Машина чуть не сбила Мэри, когда она переходила улицу, и девушка побледнела от страха потому, что машина проехала так близко.

plain white wrapper

Unmarked police car.

There’s a plain white wrapper at your rear door!

white Christmas

Дословно: белое Рождество.
Так говорят, когда на Рождество выпадает снег.

We haven’t had a white Christmas in twenty years.

У нас уже двадцать лет не было снега на Рождество.

white as snow

Белый как снег — невероятно бледный, часто от испуга.

Marilyn turned as white as snow when the policeman told her that her son had been in a car wreck.

Мэрилин побледнела как полотно, когда полицейский сказал ей, что ее сын попал в автомобильную аварию.

white elephant

Unwanted property, such as real estate, that is hard to sell.

That big house of theirs on the corner sure is a white elephant.

white fury

white heat

Неистовство, бешенство, ярость.

She was in a white fury.

Она была в бешенстве.

Synonym: Andrew D. White, Andrew Dickson White, Caucasian, E. B. White, Edward D. White, Edward Douglas White Jr., Edward White, Elwyn Brooks White, Patrick Victor Martindale White, Patrick White, Stanford White, T. H. White, Theodore Harold White, White, White River, albumen, ashen, blanched, blank, bloodless, clean, egg white, flannel, gabardine, lily-white, livid, ovalbumin, snowy, tweed, white person, white-hot, whiten, whitened, whiteness. Similar words: the White House, whither, architect, architecture, hit, shit, whip, which. Meaning: [hwaɪt /w-]  n. 1. a member of the Caucasoid race 2. the quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness (bearing the least resemblance to black) 3. United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President Taft; noted for his work on antitrust legislation (1845-1921) 4. Australian writer (1912-1990) 5. United States political journalist (1915-1986) 6. United States architect (1853-1906) 7. United States writer noted for his humorous essays (1899-1985) 8. United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded Cornell University and served as its first president (1832-1918) 9. a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows southeastward through northern Arkansas and southern Missouri 10. the white part of an egg; the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk consisting mainly of albumin dissolved in water 11. (board games) the lighter pieces 12. (usually in the plural) trousers made of flannel or gabardine or tweed or white cloth. v. turn white. adj. 1. being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light 2. of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration 3. free from moral blemish or impurity; unsullied 4. marked by the presence of snow 5. restricted to whites only 6. glowing white with heat 7. benevolent; without malicious intent 8. (of a surface) not written or printed on 9. (of coffee) having cream or milk added 10. (of hair) having lost its color 11. anemic looking from illness or emotion 12. of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Two blacks do not make a white

2. Two blacks don’t make a white

3. Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two. 

4. Thereis no wool so white but a dyer can make it black. 

5. He that hath a white horse and a fair wife never wants trouble. 

6. Her skin was as white as snow.

7. Gray is intermediate between black and white.

8. She bought a new white mop.

8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

9. He served a light white wine with the lunch.

10. Our first speaker tonight is Mr. White.

11. The dome was supported by white marble columns.

12. A white car rocketed out of the school gate.

13. The pictures were in black and white.

14. The White House was swift to deny the rumours.

15. Her smile revealed a row of white, even teeth.

16. The plant produced a single white bloom.

17. Do you want red or white?

18. Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white.

19. The red horse walks away from the white one.

20. My shirt is more ivory colour than white.

21. The horse was almost pure white in colour.

22. On high the great white clouds slid swiftly.

23. Call back white and white back.

24. The meeting was chaired by schoolmaster Mr White.

25. The room was painted white,with green shutters.

26. Dr White will see you now, Miss Carter.

27. I wore a white dress and was barefoot.

28. It can white out the black letter on paper.

29. His hair was as white as snow.

30. Save something for the man that rides on the white horse. 

More similar words: the White House, whither, architect, architecture, hit, shit, whip, which, while, whisper, chitosan, meanwhile, after a while, once in a while, cite, site, item, suite, write, spite, unite, quite, elite, write up, jupiter, erudite, write out, despite, excited, write off. 

white — перевод на русский


Black… and white.

Чёрный… и белый.

White master…greater…than…all…

Белый Господин… сильнее… чем… все…

White master…no…’fraid…voodoo!

Белый господин… не бояться… вуду.

Me…tell…white trader… you…steal…ivory.

Мы… сказать… белый… торговец… ты… воровать… слоновый кость.

Whitr trader…white girl’s…father!

Белый торговец… отец… белый девушка!

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White… feather.


A body believed to be that of the janitor was found in a hamper… in the basement of 346 White Street.

Тело, найденное в бельевой корзине в подвале дома 346 по Уайт Стрит, скорее всего принадлежит швейцару.

Wellman, Wendel, White, Whitman, Wilkens, Williams, Woolsey, Wortman…

Уэллман, Уэндел, Уайт, Уитман, Уилкенс, Уильямс, Уолси, Уортман—

Lawrence white is the buyer.

Покупатель — Лоуренс Уайт.

Mr. White’s paper is very successful.

Мистер Уайт — успешный газетчик.

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Over the seven jewelled hills beyond the seventh fall, in the cottage of the seven dwarfs dwells Snow White, fairest one of all.

За семью зелеными холмами, за семью лесами, в домике семи гномов живет сейчас Белоснежка. Она красивей.

Snow White lies dead in the forest.

Белоснежка лежит мертвая в лесу.

Snow White still lives, the fairest in the land.

Белоснежка все еще жива и она самая красивая.

Now, turn red to tempt Snow White. To make her hunger for a bite.

А теперь стань красным, и пусть Белоснежка захочет тебя съесть.

Smith and Jones, and I’m Snow White.


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Was he the man with the long, white mustache?

У него были большие седые усы?

You said that he had a long, white mustache.

Ты сказал, что у него были большие седые усы.

There he is six years ago, and his mustache is neither long nor white.

Вот каким он был шесть лет назад, и его усы ни большие, ни седые.

I can see her now. White haired. Lavender and old lace.

Я вот вижу, как наяву: седые волосы, покрытое морщинами измождённое лицо.

With white hair.

У него седые волосы.

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We’ll make a white boy of you as soon as we get you to Umballa.

Мы сделаем из тебя белого человека, прежде чем мы пойдём в Амбалу.

if he has to eat shit would he rather eat shit from a white man’s ass or a black man’s?

раз уж ему все равно приходится есть дерьмо, то он бы предпочел жрать его из задницы белого человека или из зада черного?

— 18 years… and in all that time I never saw a white man.

18 лет, и за все это время ни разу не видел белого человека.

It’s for sure a white man’s world in America.

Америка — это точно мир белого человека.

That’s what they always do before they behead a white man.

Они таквсегда делают, прежде чем казнить белого человека.

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Look at her gleaming there so pale and white.

Смотри, как она сияет. У нее такая бледная кожа.

No wonder you’re so pale and white.

Неудивительно, что ты такая бледная.

Beautiful flesh, white skin and strong bones.

Нежная бледная кожа и отличная фигура.

Look at the state of you. Chalk white face.

Только посмотри на себя — ты бледная, как мел.

He went toward Horaikyo, his face white as a sheet

Он пошел в сторону Хораикё, он был такой бледный…

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He turned white as a duck.

Он побелел как утка.

The guy is white as a ghost!

Он побелел, как мумия.

«When did it turn white?» «Perhaps the day you left?

«Когда он побелел?»

Your red roses shall also turn white.

И твои красные розы тоже побелеют!

This woman can rot in one of Saladin’s prisons until her hair turns white before I’ll trade with the man that killed my friends!

Эта женщина может гнить в одной из тюрем Саладина пока ее волосы не побелеют, прежде, чем я буду торговать с человеком убившем моих друзей!

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I’ll raise Mr. White’s offer.

Я заплачу больше м-ра Уайта.

Their banking firm has offered to lend us the extra money to meet Mr. White’s offer.

Их банковская фирма предложила одолжить нам деньги, чтобы встретить предложение м-ра Уайта.

I’ve made a careful study of the existing contract… between the heirs of the late John Garrison and lawrence white publishing enterprises.

После тщательного изучения существующего контракта… между наследниками покойного Джона Гаррисона и издательским предприятием Лоуренса Уайта.

He’s not here as amicus curiae, and I’m positive he’s not here in the interests of Mr. White.

Он не консультант суда и не представляет интересы мистера Уайта,

So when White landed, he sought refuge in his camp.

Поэтому, когда он увидел Уайта, он решил спрятаться у американца.

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With him we worked out how to shoot it black and white.

С ним мы решили, что будем снимать черно-белый фильм.

We were told to make it a black and white movie, though I hoped

Запланирован был черно-белый фильм,

It had to be apparent even in black and white.

Не забывая, что фильм — черно-белый.

— I personally prefer black and white.

— Предпочитаю черно-белый.

Black and white TV with the sound turned low.

Чёрно-белый телевизор, у которого приглушён звук.

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The whites of your eyes are clear.

Белки глаз чистые.

You liked the white of my eye.

Тебе понравились белки моих глаз.

I shoot when I see the whites of the eyes.

Я стреляю, когда вижу белки глаз.

You stiffen the egg white first before the rum?

Вы взбиваете белок до жесткости прежде, чем добавить ром?

There was no change in the white of the egg, No. but there was conspicuous change in the yolk.

«Белок яйца изменениям не подвергся, но были заметные изменения в структуре желтка.»

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