Phrases with the word way

Today, let’s look at some English idiomatic expressions with WAY.

We usually use WAY when talking about direction.

  • Which way is out?
  • How can I find the way?
  • Can you show me the way to the hotel or city centre?

However, the word WAY can be used in other ways in English!!

Here are some idiomatic expressions with WAY and common phrases.

Table of Contents



Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English lessons but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs. 

Idiomatic Expressions with Way

12 English Expressions with Way. That's the way the cookie crumbles meaning. On the way out meaning. Advanced English learning at #learnenglish #englishlessons #английский #angielski #nauka #ingles #Idiomas #idioms #English #englishteacher #ielts #toefl #vocabulary #ingilizce #ingles

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in a bad way

Where somebody is sick or involved in an accident and injured the relatives will be anxious to understand how they are. Sometimes the news is not so good.


The doctor said he is in a bad way and it may be a few days before they know how sick he really is.

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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all the way

We use it when we want to show support or understanding, it means that we completely support someone.


If you want to bring it up with Carol, I’m with you all the way.

to get his/her way

This concerns children usually but not always.

It means .to do what you want or to get what you want


Pauls’s daughter is spoilt. Every time she wants something she begins to shout. She is always getting her own way.

to be/get under way

to start something; to make progress with something


All three defendants were seated in a thick glass box as the trial got under way.

Everyone was looking for a greater opportunity as the century got under way.

12 English expressions with way

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on the way out

going out of fashion, not in demand anymore


Skinny jeans are on the way out.

in a roundabout way

When someone does not tell you in a straightforward or direct way or takes a long time to get to the point, we can say that they have a roundabout way of saying things.

Or when something is not straightforward and simple


You can add new fonts to your mobile phone, but you have to do it in a roundabout way.

Don’t give up, scroll down for 6 more expressions with Way.

12 English expressions with way

to give way on something

to stop resisting and to agree to do what someone else wants

Usually, this refers to someone who might be a little stubborn and never compromises or accepts he/she is wrong. We can use it in a negative and in a positive way.


Michael likes to discuss and argue. He is good at debating but he is not always right in his views. However, even when he is wrong he will not give way on something and accept he is incorrect. 

to change your way

to stop behaving in a certain way, to stop doing what we are doing and improve our attitude or manners


Moving abroad will teach you lessons and change your way of thinking.

to have a way with somebody

to have a talent for or skill in dealing with somebody


Tracey has a way with animals, and our dog loves her!

Adam has a way with people, jokes with his customer and is almost always in good humour.

where there’s a will, there’s a way

if someone wants something very much, they will always find a way to make it possible. You can achieve anything you set your mind to.


Sarah really wants to learn how to draw, but she hasn’t got enough time to do it.

Well, where there’s a will, there’s a way. I’m sure she’ll make time.

to have it both ways

you have to choose something, you can’t have advantages from two contradictory things at the same time 


But he can’t have it both ways. He can’t live with her and with you. He needs to decide.

that’s the way the cookie crumbles

it is what it is; something undesirable has happened, and things must be accepted the way they are


Sorry to hear that Manchester United didn’t get into Champions League next season. But hat’s the way the cookie crumbles.

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That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles meaning

12 English Expressions with WayThat's the way the cookie crumbles meaning. #learnenglish #englishlessons #английский #angielski #nauka #ingles #Idiomas #idioms #English #englishteacher #ielts #toefl #vocabulary #ingilizce #inglese

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Updated on November 13, 2019

The following idioms and expressions with the noun ‘way’ cover a wide range of topics and meanings. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help you understand these common idiomatic expressions with ‘way’.

Idioms and Expressions Using the Word «Way»

All the way

Definition: the entire distance, do everything necessary

  • We drove all the way to Phoenix yesterday.
  • I’m sure they will make it all the way to finals.

(Go) all the way

Definition: travel the entire distance, achieve everything possible

  • Make sure you go all the way to the end of the hall.
  • She’ll go all the way!

In a bad way

Definition: feeling poorly, in a very negative situation

  • I’m afraid Mary’s in a bad way. She needs our help.
  • That car looks like it’s in a bad way.

In a big way

Definition: very much so

  • I believe in that company in a big way.
  • He enjoys tennis in a big way.

In a familiar way

Definition: pregnant

  • Martha is in a familiar way.
  • Did you know Peter’s wife is in a familiar way?

In a family way

Definition: pregnant

  • Mary is in a family way.
  • I hear that Jennifer is in a family way.

It cuts both ways

Definition: there are two sides to every argument, don’t forget someone else is also involved

  • Don’t forget that it cuts both ways.
  • Be nice to people when you beat them. Remember it cuts both ways.

It cuts two ways

Definition: there are two sides to every argument, don’t forget someone else is also involved

  • Some people forget that it cuts two ways and treat others poorly.
  • Never forget that it cuts two ways.

No way!

Definition: exclamation of disbelief when surprised by a statement

  • I like Justin Bieber. — No way!
  • Peter and Jane are going to get married. — No way!

The only way to go

Definition: the best solution

  • I bought a Wilson tennis racket. They’re the only way to go.
  • If you go to Hawaii, stay in Maui. It’s the only way to go.

Out of the way

Definition: be in a position to not prevent progress

  • You need to stay out of the way of your kids when they are teenagers.
  • Good bosses stay out of the way of their employees.

Swing both ways

Definition: to be bisexual

  • Anna swings both ways.
  • Some of the men at work swing both ways.

That’s the way the ball bounces.

Definition: sentence used to accept defeat, or not achieving something one had hoped to achieve

  • I didn’t get the job. That’s the way the ball bounces.
  • Don’t get depressed. That’s the way the ball bounces.

That’s the way the cookie crumbles.

Definition: sentence used to accept defeat, or not achieving something one had hoped to achieve

  • Our football team last the game. I guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
  • He wasn’t accepted into the program. That’s the way the cookie crumbles.

That way

Definition: in love

  • Peter and Tom are that way.
  • Jason’s that way, but she doesn’t feel the same.

Two-way street

Definition: the same for both people

  • Love is a two-way street.
  • Never forget that your business associates are in a relationship with you that is a two-way street.

Way down

Definition: truthfully, the true feeling

  • Way down he feels he should go back to university.
  • I know she loves me way down.

Way off (base)

Definition: completely wrong

  • I think your opinion of Tom is way off base.
  • I was way off base about Mary. She really is a great person.

Way out

Definition: crazy, unbelievable

  • That theory about UFOs is way out.
  • Jack seems a little way out to me.

Way to go!

Definition: exclamation of praise

  • I won the match. — Way to go!!
  • Way to go, Tom! I knew you would get the job.

Making his way through the tainted crowd, dispersed up and down this hideous scene of action, with the skill of a man accustomed to make his way quietly, the messenger found out the door he sought, and handed in his letter through a trap in it.

«WeB, well,» said the old clerk; «we aa have our various ways of gaining a livelihood.

Charles Darnay had yesterday pleaded Not Guilty to an indictment denouncing him (with infinite jingle and jangle) for that he was a false traitor to our serene, illustrious, excellent, and so forth, prince, our Lord the King, by reason of his having, on divers occasions, and by divers means and ways, assisted Lewis, the French King, in his wars against our said serene, illustrious, excellent, and so forth; that was to say, by coming and going, between the dominions of our said serene, illustrious, excellent, and so forth, and those of the said French Lewis, and wickedly, falsely, traitorously, and otherwise evil-adverbiously, revealing to the said French Lewis what forces our said serene, illustrious, excellent, and so forth, had in preparation to send to Canada and North America.

For this purpose, let us as a preliminary consider different ways of being conscious.

Besides ways of being conscious there are other things that would ordinarily be called «mental,» such as desire and pleasure and pain.

There is one element which SEEMS obviously in common among the different ways of being conscious, and that is, that they are all directed to OBJECTS.

‘Tis well I’m wise to your insidyous, snugglin’, heart-stealin’ ways. I’ll have ye know my heart’s impervious.

When the traffic lights failed at Five Ways on Monday, April 29, motorists faced queues backing up the Hagley Road all the way to Quinton and a journey of 50 minutes for just a couple of miles — even with the underpass open.

In «50 Ways to Get Your Way» Juliet shows provides illustrated ‘real world practical’ instruction and commentary on how to be persuasive in a manner that is honorable, respectful, and effective.

«Those models raise a consciousness about how you can actually develop these small gaps in the community, how you can fill in the missing teeth as a way of reweaving the community,» Bee said.

YUMMY TRAITS The Sag guy is super-ambitious so, when he’s going after a goal, he won’t let anything get in his way. And it does have to be his way, make no mistake.

beyond that, grant that the prophet had it right two chapters later, when he commented on the differential in human and divine calculus: «For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.

The satellite galaxies couldn’t be moving that fast if they were circling the Milky Way as it’s currently understood, Kallivayalil says.

My proposal is that ballet teachers, knowing that only a tiny fraction of their students actually become ballerinas, might consider alternative ways of teaching so that when a student realizes that she may not be able to dance for a living, she doesn’t then hate it as passionately as she once loved it.

But the act of drawing a map forces them to organize musical information in their own way, which plays a key role in learning. — English language
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1. Путь, направление​

Самое простое значение слова way – это путь, направление.

Например, такой вопрос, как “Which way are you going?” можно перевести, как «Куда ты идешь?» Но слово куда здесь будет означать, не место (в школу, на работу, домой), а именно направление. То есть более верным и приближенным к правильному смыслу был бы перевод «В какую сторону (В каком направлении) ты идешь?»

Приведем ещё ряд примеров:

  • Мне нужно в театр, я иду в правильном направлении? — I need to get to the theatre, am I going the right way?
    • Глагол To Get и его значения
    • Фразовые глаголы с Get
  • Ты идешь в неверном направлении (Ты идешь не туда) — You are going the wrong way.
  • В какую сторону автобусная остановка? — Which way is the bus stop?
  • Мой дом в этом направлении (Мой дом там) — My home is this way.
  • Не могли бы вы показать мне дорогу до ближайшего супермаркета? — Could you please show me the way to the nearest supermarket?

Часто way переводится, как «сторона» (направление движения – в той стороне).

  • Прежде чем переходить дорогу, нужно посмотреть в обе стороны — Before crossing the road you have to look both ways.
  • Вдруг я увидел, как он идет в мою сторону — Suddenly I saw him walking my way.

  • Фразовые глаголы с Look

Также часто можно услышать такую фразу, как this way, которая имеет значение сюда, или же, наоборот, that way — туда. Например, к вам приходит сантехник, и вы, показывая ему, как пройти в ванную комнату, говорите This way, please — Сюда, пожалуйста.

2. Способ​

Второе весьма распространенное значение слова way – это способ, то, каким образом что-то делается. Приведем такой пример:

  • Мне не нравится, как ты обращаешься со мной — I don’t like the way you treat me.
  • Мне нравится, как ты водишь машину — I like the way you are driving a car.
  • Хорошо, ты убедил меня, давай сделаем по-твоему (т.е. твоим способом) — Ok, you’ve convinced me, let’s do it your way.
  • Какой лучший способ выращивать морковь? — What is the best way to grow carrot?
  • He smiled at me in a friendly way. – Он дружелюбно улыбнулся мне.

Приведем в качестве примера ещё одну довольно интересную фразу — That is the way it is. На первый взгляд, фраза довольно непонятная, но следует всегда помнить, что в английском языке часто выбрасываются слова что и как. И если это предложение записать в таком виде — That is the way how it is, то многое сразу станет понятным — буквальный перевод будет звучать, как «Это то, как это есть», либо более удобный для русского уха «Так оно и есть».

Например, кто-то вам жалуется на что-то, а вы ему отвечаете:

  • Вообще-то, так оно и есть — Actually, that’s the way it is.
  • Вообще-то, так все и происходит — Actually, that’s the way it goes.
  • Вообще-то, так оно и работает — Actually, that’s the way it works.

3. Значительно, много​

Ещё один вариант использования слова way распространен больше в разговорном американском языке. По значению этот вариант близок к таким словам, как a lot, much, то есть переводится, как много, намного, значительно. Для наглядности приведем такие примеры:

  • У этого участника было гораздо больше шансов, чем у других — This participant had way more chances than others.
  • Он работает намного лучше других — He works way better than others.
  • Вчера я принимал лекарства и теперь чувствую себя намного лучше — Yesterday I took some medecine and now I feel way better.

4. Прочие случаи​

Приведем ещё несколько неоднозначных случаев использования way в разных выражениях. Эти варианты используются больше, как идиомы, устоявшиеся фразы. Например:

  1. Way to go! — Молодец! Это, по сути, синоним выражения Good job!, своеобразная похвала за хорошо проделанную работу. Может звучать и с долей иронии, сарказма.
  2. By the way! — Кстати! Весьма распространенная водная фраза, используется очень часто в разговорной речи.
  3. There is no way… Если дальше идёт инфинитив to do smth, то переводится, как Невозможно что-то сделать, например — There is no way to know everything — Невозможно всё знать. Если дальше идет какое-либо придаточное предложение, то переводится, как Не может быть, чтобы (что), например — There is no way you did it on your own — Не может быть, чтобы ты сделал это один.
  4. In a way — В некотором роде (В какой-то степени). Например, In a way, I am glad they came to see us — В каком-то смысле, я рад, что они пришли к нам в гости.
  5. No way! — Ни за что! Весьма распространенная фраза, которая часто звучит в английской речи.
  6. Make my way to — Добраться куда-то. Фактически это синоним get to. Например, I can’t make my way home right now — Я не могу сейчас добраться до дома.
  7. To be on one’s way — Быть (находиться) в пути. Фраза означает, что кто-то уже находится в пути, по дороге куда-то. Предположим, вам звонят по телефону и спрашивают — Ну, где ты? И вы вполне можете ответить I’m on my way! — Я уже еду!

Вот основные значения, в которых используется в английском языке слово way. Надеемся, данная статья помогла вам разобраться с некоторыми тонкостями построения предложений с данным словом.

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