Phrases with the word tree

In winter, when the snow lay glittering on the ground, a hare would often come leaping along, and jump right over the little Tree. Oh, that made him so angry!

In autumn the wood-cutters always came and felled some of the largest trees. This happened every year; and the young Fir Tree, that had now grown to a very comely size, trembled at the sight; for the magnificent great trees fell to the earth with noise and cracking, the branches were lopped off, and the trees looked long and bare; they were hardly to be recognised; and then they were laid in carts, and the horses dragged them out of the wood.

As Adam was a-working outside of Eden-Wall, He used the Earth, he used the Seas, he used the Air and all; And out of black disaster He arose to be the master Of Earth and Water, Air and Fire, But never reached his heart’s desire!(The Apple Tree‘s cut down!)

Realizing that I could outdistance the clumsy brute in the open, I dropped from my leafy sanctuary intent only on distracting the thing’s attention from Perry long enough to enable the old man to gain the safety of a larger tree. There were many close by which not even the terrific strength of that titanic monster could bend.

But, seeing they were bigger than the Lion, and remembering that there were two of them and only one of him, the Kalidahs again rushed forward, and the Lion crossed over the tree and turned to see what they would do next.

The time of Elizabeth was only distant from the present time by a moment of space compared with the ages which had passed since the water had run between those banks, and the green thickets swarmed there, and the small trees had grown to huge wrinkled trees in solitude.

But the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn.

At the top of the cocoanut tree the numerous branches, radiating on all sides from a common centre, form a sort of green and waving basket, between the leaflets of which you just discern the nuts thickly clustering together, and on the loftier trees looking no bigger from the ground than bunches of grapes.

They lay sleeping under a tree, and snored so that the branches waved up and down.

The crocodile passed him, but not another living thing, not a sound, not a movement; and yet he knew well that sudden death might be at the next tree, or stalking him from behind.

We were off and away, and the Chatterer gave us the chase of our lives through the trees.

Elizabeth turned her head, when they reached the point where they were to descend the mountain, and thought that the slow fires that were glimmering under his enormous kettles, his little brush shelter, covered with pieces of hemlock bark, his gigantic size, as he wielded his ladle with a steady and knowing air, aided by the back-ground of stately trees, with their spouts and troughs, formed, altogether, no unreal picture of human life in its first stages of civilization.

«Over to those trees, to see if I can find some fruit or nuts,» answered Dorothy.

‘I carried out my intention, and had all the fruit picked off the tree, but when I tasted one of the apples it was bitter and unpleasant, and the next morning the rest of the fruit had all rotted away.

And this would be generally observed, that the borders wherein you plant your fruit-trees, be fair and large, and low, and not steep; and set with fine flowers, but thin and sparingly, lest they deceive the trees. At the end of both the side grounds, I would have a mount of some pretty height, leaving the wall of the enclosure breast high, to look abroad into the fields.

tree — перевод на русский


I found this really weird-looking tree.

Я увидел это странное дерево.

I mean, it wasn’t a tree. It was something different.

Я хочу сказать это было не дерево Это было что-то другое

This is a tree, Johnny.

Это дерево, Джонни.

Say, did you notice that leaning tree down there?

Кстати, вы заметили там упавшее дерево?

If that supporting branch were cut away… this fallen tree would make a perfect Malay deadfall.

Если подрезать держащую ветку, дерево станет прекрасной малайской ловушкой.

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Come on, light the Christmas tree and rejoice. This is his last hour.

давай,зажги елку, (пусть хоть порадуется) в его последний час

I’ve got to get up and trim that darn Christmas tree.

Мне надо подняться и нарядить эту чёртову Рождественскую ёлку.

I’ve gotta get home and trim my Christmas tree.

Я должен идти домой наряжать елку.

Trim your Christmas tree, eh?

Наряжать елку?

I’ve gotta get home and trim my Christmas tree.

Я собираюсь пойти домой и нарядить елку.

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I’m saying I’m on green grass with palm trees waving overhead.

Я пишу, что лежу на траве, и над головой пальмы.

Palm trees… Flowers… The sun to warm us…

Пальмы, цветы, солнце, чтобы нас греть и мягкие дождики.

I liked the palm trees.

Я люблю пальмы.

And if you were out of work, for no charge at all, the «Palm Trees of Valencia» and «Elisabeth’s Lovely Legs» could magically appear in your cold, bare room.

А если вы ушли с работы и совершенно ничем не были заняты «Пальмы Валенсии» или «Милые ножки Элизабет» могли привнести волшебство в вашу холодную, пустую комнату.

We passed the window and saw the fancy posters, all blue seas and palm trees.

И проходя мимо витрины, увидели красивые плакаты — море, пальмы, греческие острова или что-то подобное.

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White sand, green pine trees, fragrance of the sea — it’s a popular health resort.

«Белый песок, зеленые сосны,» «запах моря — это знаменитая здравница.»

There are pine trees, a river.

Здесь есть сосны, река.

— Look at those pine trees.

— Посмотрите на эти сосны.

The next day, Setsukos body was discovered near the pine tree, behind the house

На следующий день за домом, у сосны, обнаружили тело Сэцуко.

Do you live up in those dark trees and snow?

Вы на холме живете, Где черные сосны и снег?

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The small tree became a tall oak…

Маленькое деревце стало высоким дубом…

A blade of grass, a bush, a tree a flower petal.

Травинка, кустик, деревце, цветочные лепестки.

When a hare gnaws a young tree, it’s completely destroyed.

Понимаешь, когда заяц обгрызает деревце, оно тут же погибает.

That little tree is in trouble.

Это деревце в беде.

When you see a young tree die,

Если гибнет молодое деревце,

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He wanted to add it to the family tree.

Он захотел внести его в семейное древо.

This is the Ounce family tree.

Это фамильное древо Оунса.

This is my family tree.

Вот моё фамильное древо.

Clutching on to their family tree like an umbrella!

Хватаются за свое генеалогическое древо, как за зонтик!

Buddha’s tree of enlightenment. Remember?

Древо просвящения Будды, помнишь?

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Strong as a tree and swift as the wind.

Могучий, как дуб и быстрый, как ветер.

This oak tree and me, we’re made of the same stuff.

Этот дуб и я, мы состоим из одного и того же.

He was planting oak trees.

Потом засыпал ямку. Он сажал дуб.

It’s a camphor tree.

Это дуб.

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But he told you himself not to go back through the trees.

Но он вам сам сказал не идти через лес.

You must go across the tuft and into the trees.

Идите через ветки, а потом в лес.

Make sure you can see the forest. Make sure the trees aren’t getting in the way.

Только… подумай над тем, виден ли тебе лес убедись, что деревья не мешают.

Those trees are two centuries old, right?

Двести лет стоит этот лес, да? Издержки цивилизации.

There is so much trees in this forest.

Это такой большой лес.

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Hold, ye husbandmen, because the harvest of your field hath perished and the vine is dried up and the apple tree languisheth!

Берегитесь, земледельцы… ибо урожай ваших полей погиб… и виноградная лоза высохла… и яблоня погибла!

Only it’s not cherry, but an apple tree.

Только это не вишня, а яблоня.

The leaves have all gone off the apple tree, ducks.

Яблоня вся облетела, утенок.

God bless you, apple tree!

Дай бог тебе здоровья, яблоня!

Poetry is like an apple tree.

Поэзия — как яблоня.

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Do you see that tree over there?

Это мой тополь и мой дом.

Do you remember when after the fire you nearly cut my tree down?

А помнишь, после пожара мой тополь чуть не срубили.

Yes, it is a good tree!

Да, хороший тополь. Ты ешь, ешь, Картанбай.

Why did you become so attached to your tree?

А что ты за свой тополь держишься?

I’ll go only when I cut down your tree and build the new school with large windows and durable roof!

Я уйду только тогда, когда срублю ваш тополь. И построю новую школу. С большими окнами и крепкой крышей.

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Отправить комментарий

дерево, древо, вал, родословное дерево, загнать на дерево, влезать на дерево


- дерево

hollow tree — дуплистое дерево
fruit tree — фруктовое дерево
to climb a tree — забираться, залезать на дерево
to cut /to fell/ a tree — срубить /повалить/ дерево

- (тж. Tree) рождественское дерево, ёлка

gifts clustered under the tree — подарки, сложенные под ёлкой

- родословное дерево, родословная (тж. family tree, genealogical tree, tree of consanguinity)
- древо

the tree of knowledge — а) = the tree of knowledge of good and evil; б) познание, знания
the tree of knowledge of good and evil — древо познания добра и зла
the tree of life — древо жизни

- что-л. напоминающее дерево

clothes tree — вешалка-стойка

ещё 7 вариантов


- загнать на дерево

the dog treed the cat — собака загнала кошку на дерево

- ставить в затруднительное положение, ставить в тупик
- взбираться на дерево

the hunter had to tree for his life — чтобы спастись, охотнику пришлось взобраться на дерево

- растягивать, расправлять на колодке (обувь и т. п.)
- снабжать деревянной частью

to tree a spade — насадить лопату на черенок

- уст. вырастать, превращаться в дерево

Мои примеры


using an ax to fell a tree — срубить дерево с помощью топора  
alate seeds of a maple tree — крылатые семена клёна  
the jutting limb of a tree — выступающая ветка дерева  
to sit beneath a tree — сидеть под деревом  
a black, blasted tree — чёрное, сожжённое молнией дерево  
under the canopy of a tree — под сенью дерева  
to climb (up) a tree — влезать на дерево  
to dig up a tree — выкопать дерево  
to fit a tree — подрубать дерево  
up a gum tree — в большом затруднении, в тупике  
mesquite tree allergen — аллерген мескитового дерева  
tree code — древовидный код  

Примеры с переводом

Fruit grows on trees.

Фрукты растут на деревьях.

Monkeys live in trees.

Обезьяны живут на деревьях.

The car hit a tree.

Автомобиль врезался в дерево.

Climb down out of that tree!

Слезь с того дерева!

The car struck the tree.

Автомобиль врезался в дерево.

He chopped down the tree.

Дерево он срубил.

The tree was about to fall.

Дерево вот-вот должно было упасть.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They are pictures of convoluted tree trunks on an island of pink wave-smoothed stone …

…pared the stray branches on the tree…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

entree  — основное блюдо, доступ, право входа, личный доклад, право личного доклада
treeless  — безлесный, голый, лишенный растительности
treed  — закрепленный, поросший, покрытый лесом

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): tree
мн. ч.(plural): trees

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a plant having a permanently woody main stem or trunk, ordinarily growing to a considerable height, and usually developing branches at some distance from the ground.

any of various shrubs, bushes, and plants, as the banana, resembling a tree in form and size.

a pole, post, beam, bar, handle, or the like, as one forming part of some structure.

a saddletree.

a treelike group of crystals, as one forming in an electrolytic cell.

a gallows or gibbet.

the cross on which Christ was crucified.

Computers. a data structure organized like a tree whose nodes store data elements and whose branches represent pointers to other nodes in the tree.

verb (used with object), treed, tree·ing.

to drive into or up a tree, as a pursued animal or person.

Informal. to put into a difficult position.

to stretch or shape on a tree, as a boot.

to furnish (a structure) with a tree.



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Idioms about tree

    up a tree, Informal. in a difficult or embarrassing situation; at a loss; stumped.

Origin of tree

before 900; Middle English; Old English trēo(w); cognate with Old Frisian, Old Norse trē,Old Saxon treo,Gothic triu; akin to Greek drŷs oak, Sanskrit, Avestan dru wood


treelike, adjective

Words nearby tree

Treblinka, trebuchet, trecento, tre corde, tredecillion, tree, tree-and-branch, tree aster, tree creeper, tree cricket, treed

Other definitions for tree (2 of 2)


Sir Herbert Beer·bohm [beer-bohm], /ˈbɪər boʊm/, Herbert Beerbohm, 1853–1917, English actor and theater manager; brother of Max Beerbohm. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to tree

forest, sapling, seedling, shrub, timber, wood, hardwood, pulp, softwood, stock, topiary

How to use tree in a sentence

  • These trees grow right along the coastline, their long, stilt-like roots stretching down into the water.

  • That’s nearly two-thirds of the state’s 33 million acres of forests and trees, and six times the area that has burned so far this year.

  • Untie the rock, work the cord down the length of the branch until it’s at least five feet from the tree, and then tie one end to your food sack.

  • Instead, Reed Hastings thinks of it as a tree — but not in the way you might think.

  • The phones in the trees contain the Flex app and are synched with other phones belonging to the drivers.

  • Plenty of Jewish kids today grow up with a Christmas tree next to their menorah.

  • His most recommended plant was tree ivy—its juices sprayed up the nostrils.

  • Bohac vowed to that when he came back next year there would be no confusion about any Christmas tree or Santa aprons.

  • If you Google “Muslim Christmas tree star” you will see a list of right-wing websites wetting their pants over this.

  • Civilians left flowers as well as a tiny frosted Christmas tree that had two red ornaments.

  • This tiny person spent little or none of his time in the tree-tops, but chose to stay near the ground.

  • Each tiny tree was a plume of leaves; the rows stretched out to the hilltop, and over.

  • Wide and straight, well made and tree-lined throughout, it supplied the two great arteries of Indian life.

  • I saw every crook in the fence, every rut in the road, every bush and tree long before we came to it.

  • It was supposed by many on its discovery to grow like the engraving given—in form resembling a tree or shrub rather than an herb.

British Dictionary definitions for tree (1 of 2)


any large woody perennial plant with a distinct trunk giving rise to branches or leaves at some distance from the groundRelated adjective: arboreal

any plant that resembles this but has a trunk not made of wood, such as a palm tree

a wooden post, bar, etc

chem a treelike crystal growth; dendrite

  1. a branching diagrammatic representation of something, such as the grammatical structure of a sentence
  2. (as modifier)a tree diagram

archaic the cross on which Christ was crucified

at the top of the tree in the highest position of a profession, etc

up a tree US and Canadian informal in a difficult situation; trapped or stumped

verb trees, treeing or treed (tr)

to drive or force up a tree

to shape or stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree

Derived forms of tree

treeless, adjectivetreelessness, nountreelike, adjective

Word Origin for tree

Old English trēo; related to Old Frisian, Old Norse trē, Old Saxon trio, Gothic triu, Greek doru wood, drus tree

British Dictionary definitions for tree (2 of 2)


Sir Herbert Beerbohm . 1853–1917, English actor and theatre manager; half-brother of Sir Max Beerbohm. He was noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for tree

Any of a wide variety of perennial plants typically having a single woody stem, and usually branches and leaves. Many species of both gymnosperms (notably the conifers) and angiosperms grow in the form of trees. The ancient forests of the Devonian, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian periods of the Paleozoic Era were dominated by trees belonging to groups of seedless plants such as the lycophytes. The strength and height of trees are made possible by the supportive conductive tissue known as vascular tissue.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Other Idioms and Phrases with tree

see bark up the wrong tree; can’t see the forest for the trees; talk someone’s arm off (the bark off a tree); up a tree.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

He had heard, too, that a bear could not climb a small, straight tree, and he could.

Some offered to get a ladder, and ascend, and others to cut down the tree; all of which he obstinately rejected.

She planted fruit trees there and planned to raise rubber and cocoa and cattle.

Hans has never seen the trees after a snowstorm.

One was always surprised not to find a Christmas tree and crackers.

But the real trouble came when, after felling the dead tree, splitting an armful of fuel and carrying it to the Colonel, he returned to the task of cutting down the tough green spruce for their bedding.

And lesser good near greater you shall see, As grows the paper shrub neath sandaltree.

It stands now in the open field, a majestic tree; its great trunk, eight feet in circumference, its long arms covered with foliage, casting a broad shadow over the pasture beneath, in which cattle and sheep seek for coolness and ruminate in the heat of the summer days.

«They are three times our number, and would pick us all off before we could reach the trees.

Why, when a native of one of these island groups sets his heart on a particular loaf of bread up his breadfruit tree, he doesn’t bother to climb after it.

On the following day they shake the trees, and clank their keys, while the church bells are ringing, under the impression that the more noise they make the more fruit will they get.

The snow bends and trims the upper forests every winter, the lightning strikes a single tree here and there, while avalanches mow down thousands at a swoop as a gardener trims out a bed of flowers.

A mere vaqueano was General Rivera of Uruguay,but he knew every tree, every hillock, every dell, in a region extending over more than 70,000 square miles!

It should be a misdemeanor to chop down a tree, and a felony to clear an acre within its boundaries.

But leaving trees, an immense number of proverbs are associated with corn, many of which are very varied.

We love the tree that our forefathers planted, the roof that they built, the fireside by which they sat, the sods that cover their remains.

Strabo says:»Mauritania generally, excepting a small part desert, is rich and fertile, well watered with rivers and washed with lakes; abounding in all things, and producing trees of great dimensions.

Hate follows love, as neath those sandaltrees The withered leaves the eager searcher sees.

I‘ve seen two sich in my day; one of ’em sent me into a tree, and the other put me around a great hemlock a dozen or twenty times, a good deal faster than I like to travel in a general way, and if I hadn’t hamstrung him with my huntin knife, maybe he‘d have been chasin me round that tree yet.

The mighty flood ran free, tearing up trees by their roots as it ran, detaching masses of rock, dissolving islands into swirling sand and drift, carving new channels, making and unmaking the land.

« When they sighted timber that commended itself to the woodman, if he thought well of it, why, he just dropped the sledrope without a word, pulled the axe out of the lashing, trudged up the hillside, holding the axe against his shirt underneath his parki, till he reached whatever tree his eye had marked for his own.

Traces of treeworship occur in Africa, and Sir John Lubbock mentions the sacred groves of the Marghia dense part of the forest surrounded with a ditchwhere in the most luxuriant and widest spreading tree their god, Zumbri, is worshipped.

But, in their essential structure, they very closely resemble the earliest Lepidodendroid trees of the coal: their stems and leaves are similar; so are their cones; and no less like are the sporangia and spores; while even in their size, the spores of the Lepidodendron and those of the existing Lycopodium, or clubmoss, very closely approach one another.

There was much to do to get the place ready, and Donaldson and Bertrand fell to with their axes to fell trees for the fort.

I never saw a Big Tree that had died a natural death; barring accidents they seem to be immortal, being exempt from all the diseases that afflict and kill other trees.

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