Phrases with the word sunny

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Father recalled that the day was surprisingly sunny and spring-like joyful.

Папа вспоминал, что день тогда выдался на удивление солнечный и по-весеннему радостный.

Come and discover this unique sunny city on the ocean.

Приезжайте и откройте для себя этот уникальный солнечный город на берегу океана.

Excellent location where you will enjoy 320 sunny days.

Отличное место, где вы будете наслаждаться солнцем 320 дней в году.

Ideal for journeys on sunny days.

Идеальные места для мини путешествий в солнечные дни.

Some people love rainy or sunny days, while others loathe them.

Некоторые люди любят дождливые или солнечные дни, в то время как другие ненавидят их.

The weather forecaster predicts sunny weather tomorrow.

Ведущий прогноза погоды говорит, что завтра будет солнечно.

A bit sunny, perhaps but this heat feels wonderful.

Возможно, чересчур солнечно, но эта жара заставляет чувствовать себя восхитительно.

Requires good drainage and a sunny or slightly shaded position.

Требуется хорошо дренированная почва и солнечное (либо слегка затенённое) место.

It grows in relatively sunny places, including the clearings.

Произрастает в относительно солнечных местах, в том числе и на вырубках.

And who would refuse sunny beaches.

Да и кто бы отказался от солнечных пляжей.

Conditions are cooler but sunny enough to enjoy the outdoors.

Условия более прохладные, но достаточно солнечные, чтобы наслаждаться на открытом воздухе.

Her paintings focus mainly upon nostalgic sunny days at the beach.

Ее картины сосредоточиваются, главным образом, на ностальгических солнечных днях, проведённых на пляже.

Not all days are sunny and bright.

Ведь не каждый летний день является ярким и солнечным.

Days can be both sunny and rainy.

Дни могут быть как солнечными, так и и дождливыми.

Weather was sunny and time was 530pm.

Погода была солнечной, время — около 13 часов.

Every day is not sunny and bright.

Ведь не каждый летний день является ярким и солнечным.

Not every day is bright and sunny.

Ведь не каждый летний день является ярким и солнечным.

Especially prevailent in warm, sunny areas.

Особенно популярными они становятся в жарких, солнечных регионах.

Excellent visibility even in sunny weather.

Хорошая видимость, в том числе и в солнечную погоду.

Days are long and it is often sunny.

В тоже время дни уже достаточно длинные и, как правило, солнечные.

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Sunny (born June 11, 2012) is a pet dog of the Obama family, the former First Family of the United States. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

This Andrew Garfield mystery is set in the sort of sunny hipster enclaves that inspire New Yorkers to fire off their most poisonous tweets, but if you’re willing to keep your arms uncrossed, you’ll find something funny, beautifully filmed, and possessed of unexpected poignance.


As you can see my name is Nigel, I’m from Bolton in not so sunny England and I’m a first time author looking to get published.


A discharge from the Niagara Falls wastewater plant drew international attention because it spread a smelly, black plume visible to tourists visiting the falls on a sunny day.


After shooting the look it was quite stressful to hit the Marcel Ostertag show in time, but the sunny pictures are worth it!


That means it is shorts season too, and every guy we see sweating his face off in jeans on a hot, sunny day… well.


However, my idea of a gorgeous fall day is 70 ° and sunny… haha!


Bicycle Friendly America Fall 2016 — 31 and we savor the sticky, sunny sweltering days during mid-summer heatwaves.


My cookbook is a sunny, beautifully photographed tome with 60 savory and sweet recipes that highlight a variety of citrus fruits, from lemons to kumquats.


Well the weather may not always be sunny, but it sure was a special place to drive the new facelifted sedan from Nissan.


While I’d certainly rather it be warm and sunny, I kind of like these… [Read more…]


I would have been happy to watch the West Ham game on one-ninth of the screen, but despite there not being too many people in there wanting to watch on a sunny afternoon, almost all of them were selfish gooners who wanted to view the full size screen.


But, bear with me here, there’s a downside to the coming sunny days.


It has been raining here non-stop for the past 2 weeks and the weather is finally going to be sunny and 70 all weekend long.


Tuesday and Wednesday were lovely, sunny days filled with running, biking, reading, relaxing and a bit of cleaning.


A hundred square feet of east facing window can gain over one hundred thousand BTU on a sunny summer day!


Can’t wait to make it even though we’re going into summer now (posting from sunny South Africa) it’s something that I’m sure my entire family will enjoy.


This peace of mind feature will really help you feel safe when you are out of the house on a sunny day.


We all know bombers are a BIG must have for spring:) They are the perfect piece between cold weather and sunny days and on top they add a fashionable and young vibe to your outfit:D Depending on the style and color you can create many different effect with these jackets like a pink and sweet one, a cool denim one or the classical «school-look».


Picnics are easy and fit any budget — all you need is some veggies + dip, a couple beers, and a perfect sunny day and there you go.


It was fun to see her outside of sunny and warm LA!


Barcelona starts to get warm and sunny during March.


Watch tomorrow will be 90 degrees and sunny and then I’ll look like a fool.


Parisian influence as well as the sunny and bright look from the south.


Ah, another beautifully sunny day here today, and after a bit more work in my studio, I am so eager to get out there and play in the garden.


Walls in this sunny Gulf Coast living room are painted Vanilla Milkshake by Benjamin Moore, which moderates the bright seaside light and provides a soft backdrop for a combination of summery colors.


These were taken on a very sunny day in SoHo.


The forecast predicted rain, but the skies were clear and sunny last week as the cast and crew of the film «Southside With You» gathered on a quiet residential street in Chicago’s South Shore neighborhood.


As we reach the midway point of the week, we are here on this rather lovely sunny Wednesday with the most fabulous outdoor summer wedding for you, courtesy of Oxi Photography.


That’s a pretty common mistake to make because winter in Belize is a time of long, sunny days and warm temperatures.


Last week we had more beautiful sunny weather.


It is also incredibly sunny and hot in Italy right now… so there’s that.


Beach Town is perfect reading for a sunny summer day.


sunny Colorado About Blog kt literary is a full-service literary agency in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, specializing in MG, YA, and adult genre authors.


Newly purchased dahlia tubers can be placed on a warm sunny windowsill or glasshouse to begin shooting.


To give this bright sunny room a fresh clean backdrop, we painted the walls a soft warm white.


To understand this principle, think of a person frying an egg on the sidewalk on a hot, sunny day.


It’s the weekend friends, and I’m soaking in all I can of this lazy, sunny Saturday.


It is very stable once into a corner, and it’s fun to hustle it if you’re in the mood, though the car is really excellent at just cruising on a sunny day, esp.


Being awakened on a sleepy, sunny Sunday morning by being made love to is now a crime.


Set in the sunny San Fernando Valley, Dree Hemingway stars as Jane, a young, wannabe actress who strikes up an unusual friendship with her elderly neighbor Sadie (Besedka Johnson).


This storage solution lends a sunny backdrop to pretty glassware.


Last Sunday, I wanted to make the most out of a sunny day by visiting a big popular park in the southern part of Vienna.


The weather has been warming up over here and giving us a real taste of the Spring weather to come, so Apartment Therapy’s roundup of sunny outdoor spaces has me dreaming of sun-soaked weekends.


The villa is built on different levels, which provides privacy for the bedrooms with large and sunny terraces all around.


Parkside Rooms are also 390 square feet in size and receive morning sun, making them warm and sunny with lovely views of downtown Fairhaven and the Village Green Park.


Oceanfront elegance on Kauai in the sunny Poipu Resort area.


And unfortunately, that’s not the first time this is happening to me… In order to atone for my sin, I made it my mission to wear them as many times as possible in the few sunny and hot days left!


The fabrics have a thermal coating on the back that help to reflect the sun’s harmful rays and reduce the heat on hot sunny days.


Breakfasts are served either in the large sunny breakfast room or out on the front patio overlooking the gardens, offering a selection of homemade treats to start your day.


Hi, I am 56 years old, retired from Army and, looking to find a nice and sunny country to live.


солнечный, веселый, радостный, солнечно


- солнечный; освещённый солнцем; согретый лучами солнца

sunny room [side] — солнечная комната [сторона]

- весёлый, радостный, счастливый

sunny disposition — жизнерадостный характер
sunny smile — солнечная улыбка, сияющая улыбка

- наилучший

sunny side — наилучшая сторона (чего-л.)
on the sunny side of thirty — моложе тридцати
to look on the sunny side of things — смотреть бодро на жизнь, быть оптимистом

- похожий на солнце (по цвету или яркости)

sunny locks — золотистые локоны

Мои примеры


the sunniest parts of the country — самые солнечные районы страны  
a person with a sunny, placid disposition — человек с весёлым и спокойным характером  
a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room — чистая и светлая, но совершенно безвкусная комната  
sunny day — солнечный день  
radiant / sunny smile — лучезарная, сияющая улыбка  
a short spell of sunny weather — несколько солнечных дней  
sunny terrace — залитая солнцем веранда  
sunny hair — золотистые волосы  
sunny collapsing — солнечное стягивание  
sunny room — солнечная комната  
under sunny skies — под солнечным небом  
sunny-side up — поджаренный с одной стороны; яичница-глазунья  

Примеры с переводом

I hope it’s sunny tomorrow.

Я надеюсь, что завтра будет солнечно.

It was a bright, sunny day.

Это был яркий, солнечный день.

She had a sunny disposition.

По натуре она была живой и весёлой.

The weather was bright and sunny.

Погода была ясной и солнечной.

She is on the sunny side of thirty.

Ей ещё нет тридцати.

The violet loves a sunny bank.

Фиалки любят солнечные речные берега.

The good news is that tomorrow will be fine and sunny.

Хорошей новостью является то, что завтра будет ясно и солнечно.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

You can see your own shadow on a sunny day.

…children cavorting on the first sunny day of spring…

It was a bright sunny day and we set off in high spirits.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

sun  — солнце, солнечные лучи, солнечный свет, загорать, греть на солнце
sunless  — без солнца, темный, мрачный, бессолнечный
sunnily  — солнечно, радостно, весело
sunnite  — суннит, суннит, суннитский

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): sunnier
прев. степ. (superlative): sunniest

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амер. [ˈsʌnɪ]
брит. [ˈsʌnɪ]





Примеры со словом Sunny

Sunny days are waiting for you ahead.
Впереди вас ждут солнечные дни.

Другие слова для изучения:





Bought up




English story


Random Word

Cotton — Вата 

He fetched a cotton.
Он принес вату.


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look on the sunny side (of life/things)

To view one’s life, situation, or circumstances with a generally optimistic and cheerful attitude; to focus on what is positive in life. My mother always told me to look on the sunny side of life, and I have to admit, it helps when I’m having a rough day. I’ve had a problem with anxiety and stress, but lately I’ve been trying to just look on the sunny side of things. Life’s too short to worry about every little detail; I say, just look on the sunny side and have a bit of fun!

sunny side up

1. Of an egg, fried in a pan on one side so that the yolk remains runny on the top. When I was a kid, I would only eat eggs cooked sunny side up; now I’m a bit more flexible in how they can be prepared.

2. Having a particularly cheerful and optimistic attitude and outlook. He’s a really nice guy, but it’s a little irritating how he’s always sunny side up like that. Not everything is sunny side up in the country, though, despite its booming economy; many in the more rural areas still face poverty and high unemployment rates

the sunny side

A cheerful, optimistic attitude or outlook about something or life in general. Life’s too short to worry about every little detail—just look on the sunny side and have a bit of fun! My friend always manages to see the sunny side of any situation.

the sunny side of (an age)

Just a little bit younger than a landmark age, such as 20, 30, 40, etc. The thriller centers on a young journalist on the sunny side of 30 discovering the treacherous world of politics in Washington, D.C. What would you know about a business like this? You’re still on the sunny side of 20!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

sunny-side up

Fig. [of eggs] with yolks facing up and not turned over or cooked through; straight up. I’ll have my eggs sunny-side up, with toast and coffee. People who like sunny-side up eggs wouldn’t dream of eating a whole raw egg.

See also: up

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

sunny side

1. The pleasant or cheerful aspect of something, as in Beth always sees the sunny side of events like graduations. This idiom alludes to the area on which sunlight falls. [First half of 1800s]

2. on the sunny side of. At an age less than, younger than, as in He’s still on the sunny side of forty. [Second half of 1800s]

3. sunny-side up. Fried so that the yolk remains intact and uppermost, as in I ordered my eggs sunny-side up and you brought me scrambled eggs. This expression transfers the appearance of the sun to that of an egg yolk. [c. 1900]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

sunny side up


1. If you describe someone or something as sunny side up, you mean that they are cheerful and bright. This was Sol, sunny side up. He was `loving every moment’ with his new club, feeling `alive again.’ Note: You can also say that you keep your sunny side up, meaning that you stay cheerful. Somehow, throughout all this, she managed to keep her sunny side up.

2. If a fried egg is sunny side up, it is cooked on one side only and not turned over in the pan. She cooked his eggs the way he liked them — sunny side up and a drizzle of melted butter on top.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

sunny side up

(of an egg) fried on one side only. North American

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

ˌsunny-side ˈup

(American English) (of an egg) fried on one side only: How’d you like your eggs — scrambled or sunny-side up?

See also: up

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

sunny-side up

mod. [of eggs] having yolks facing up and still yellow and hot, but not cooked through; straight up. I’ll have my eggs sunny-side up, with toast and coffee.

See also: up

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • look on the sunny side (of life/things)
  • give (one’s) life
  • mix business with pleasure
  • cannot for the life of me/him/her/us/them
  • can’t for the life of me (do something)
  • don’t let life pass you by
  • inward man
  • life
  • live out (the rest of) (one’s) life
  • claret

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