Phrases with the word share

share — перевод на русский


They smiled graciously. A moment later I turned up 9, of course. I had the voluptuous joy of sharing my ‘theft’… with my wife and my mistress.

Они улыбнулись любезно, мгновение спустя я выбросил 9, конечно и имел удовольствие поделиться своим наворованным с моей женой и моей любовницей.

But I’ll never have to miss it again. From now on I’ll have a wife, a son and if Connie will let me share them, a mother-in-law and a father-in-law.

Но такого больше не повторится теперь у меня будет жена и сын и если Конни захочет со мной поделиться то и отец и мать,

Then you can share this makeup with her.

Тогда ты можешь поделиться с ней макияжем.

I had to share it with her.

Меня подмывало поделиться с ней.

Nothing could make stronger our bond but tonight I wish to share it with you all.

Ничто не разорвет наши узы. Однако я хочу поделиться с вами новостью.

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– In an early 1950s the CIA and american military intelligence were funding the lion’s share of the research on LSD…

¬ начале 50-х годов ÷–» и военна€ разведка —Ўј финансировали львиную долю исследований Ћ—ƒ…

You can send my share there.

Можешь послать мою долю туда.

I’m giving my share to the boys.

Я отдаю свою долю ребятам.

I don’t feel I got the right to stay on here so I’m giving you my share, and I’m bowing out.

Я не в праве здесь оставаться. Поэтому я уступаю вам свою долю, а сам ухожу.

A fair share of it.

Справедливую долю.

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Colonel. So you came back to share our fate.

И вы вернулись, чтобы разделить нашу судьбу?

Now there is nothing I want so much as to share them, and I cannot.

Теперь же я ничего не желаю больше, чем разделить их, и не могу.

— Remembering your past adventures, sir… I fail to share in your enthusiasm.

Я помню ваше последнее приключение, сэр, поэтому не могу разделить ваш энтузиазм!

There’s nothing sweeter than sharing a secret with an enemy.

Нет ничего сладостней, чем разделить тайну с врагом.

The delivery of the calendar is an auspicious day for you and we are very happy to share in your good luck

У вас доставка календаря идёт в любое удобное время и мы очень счастливы разделить ваш успех.

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His accomplice didn’t like to share.

Его подельнику не улыбалось делиться.

I know he’s ruthless and won’t want to share.

Я знаю, что у него нет жалости, нет желания делиться.

Because he refused to share,

Потому, что он не хотел делиться,

If we work together, do we share everything?

Если мы будем работать вместе, мы будем всем делиться?

— Now, you’ll have to share.

— Так нельзя, надо делиться

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I do not share your anxiety, madame, and I shall not go to the Bois de Vésinet to make myself ridiculous.

Не разделяю вашего беспокойства — и не собираюсь ехать в лес Везине, чтобы стать посмещищем.

— I share your pain.

разделяю вашу боль

— I share your pain.

Я разделяю твою боль

I don’t share all the beliefs of my ancestors.

Я разделяю не все верования моих предков.

I only wish I shared your confidence.

Я на это надеюсь, разделяю вашу уверенность.

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What would happen on this earth, if all masters would start to share their income with employees?

Что же это получится на земле, если все хозяева начнут делить свой доход с работниками?

We don’t want to share this night with others.

Не будем делить эту ночь с другими.

Whereas I want to share the joy of those who are happy, the sorrow of all those who suffer… and the anguish of those who despair.

А я хочу делить радость со счастливыми, и чувствовать боль всех тех, кто страдает, тревожиться… с теми, кто в отчаянии.

He opened the safe to pay me my share, but instead…

Он говорит, что будем их делить, и я верю ему.

It’s stupid to share the profits with Garin if I can have all 100 percent.

Глупо делить с Гариным барыши, если я могу взять все сто процентов.

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How about Petrowitz shares?

Как насчет акций Петровиц?

1,500 shares of Larrabee Preferred for your father.

Машина. И полторы тысячи привилегированных акций Лэрраби для твоего отца.

I have proxies here representing 1,400,000 shares of stock.

Здесь у меня доверенности, эквивалентные 1 400 000 акций компании.

I own 10 shares outright.

У меня 10 акций, включающих премию.

Twenty five shares.

Двадцать пять акций.

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But when one is both a revolutionary and a filmmaker, it is easy to demonstrate that their shared bitterness stems from the fact that the film in question is a precise critique of the society they do not know how to combat; and the first example of a kind of film they do not know how to make.

Но когда заодно и революционер, и кинопроизводитель, легко продемонстрировать, что их общее разочарование происходит от того факта, что рассматриваемый ими фильм — точный критический анализ общества, с которым они не знают, как сражаться, и первый пример фильма нового жанра, который они не знают, как снимать.

Everything is shared and I don’t mean Mandele

Все общее и я не имею в виду Мендель

As far as I’m concerned you and I have shared something that we will treasure forever.

Как я считаю, у нас просто появилось нечто общее, что мы будем хранить в памяти вечно.

If she knew she were an android we would have something to share.

Если она узнает, что она — андроид, то у нас появится нечто общее.

You know that we share everything on a kibbutz.

Вы же знаете, что у нас в кибуце всё общее.

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As soon as I sell my share of the Phelps store.

Как только я продам мою часть магазина Фэлпс.

If Tommy Rogers disappears, his share of the store reverts to Martha Phelps, the old man’s sister.

Если Томми Роджерс исчезнет, его часть магазина переходит к Марте Фэлпс, сестре босса.

I permit the farmers to work my land, and they in return… pay me a yearly tribute and a share of their produce.

Я позволяю фермерам возделывать мою землю, а они, взамен,.. платят мне ежегодную дань — часть урожая.

I’ll not ask a share in what you’ve made so far, only in the profits to come.

Я не прошу часть того, что вы уже добыли. Только долю в будущей прибыли.

If he was asking to share in what we made it’d be different.

Если бы он просил часть добытого, это другое дело.

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It’s been so long since we all shared a meal.

Давно мы не ужинали вместе. И ты отец.

Would you honor us by sharing meat with us?

Окажете нам честь поужинать вместе?

And I pray that under my rule… … NormansandSaxonsalike will share the rights of Englishmen.

И я надеюсь, что при моем правлении… норманны и саксы заживут вместе, как одна большая английская семья.

I mean, we share it until I leave.

Поживём вместе, пока я не уеду.

But, you could not hide forever anyway, and no matter how it goes, we could never share our lives.

И мы не можем жить вместе, как прежде.

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Отправить комментарий

доля, акция, часть, участие, пай, лемех, сошник, делить, делиться, разделять, участвовать


- доля, часть

one’s share of the expenses [of the plunder] — чья-л. доля расходов [добычи]
to get one’s due [one’s proper, one’s fair] share of smth. — получить полагающуюся [причитающуюся, справедливую] часть /долю/ чего-л.
he got his full share — он получил свою долю сполна
to give due share of the credit — воздать должное
to go /to run, to club/ shares (with smb. in smth.) — честно поделиться (чем-л. с кем-л.), делить поровну /пополам/ (что-л. с кем-л.)
I’ll go shares with you on that dinner — расходы по обеду мы с вами разделим поровну
to take /to go/ smth. share and share alike — делить поровну /по-братски/

- доля, удел

to fall to smb.’s share — выпадать на чью-л. долю, стать чьим-л. уделом
I have had my share of worries — на мою долю выпало немало злоключений

- участие, роль

to have /to take, to bear/ a /one’s/ share in smth. — принимать участие в чём-л.
to take a share in the conversation — участвовать в беседе, вступить в разговор
what share had he in their success? — какую роль сыграл он в их успехе?
he had no share in the plot — он не принимал участия в заговоре
he must bear his share of responsibility — он должен нести свою долю ответственности
he has had no small share in framing the destinies of our country — он сыграл не последнюю роль в определении судьбы нашей родины

- акция; пай

- лемех, сошник (плуга)


- делить, распределять

to share smth. equally — поделить что-л. поровну
to share smth. among five men — поделить что-л. на пять человек /на пятерых/

- делить, разделять (с кем-л. что-л.)

to share smth. with smb. — (по)делиться чем-л. с кем-л.
to share one’s bread with smb. — поделиться с кем-л. хлебом
only we two shared this secret — только мы двое знали эту тайну
we share everything — у нас всё общее
let me share your knowledge — поделись со мной своими знаниями
the two chemists shared the Nobel prize — Нобелевская премия была присуждена совместно этим двум химикам

- пользоваться совместно

to share a room with smb. — жить вместе /в одной комнате/ с кем-л.
to share a table — сидеть за одним столом (обедать, работать и т. п.)
to share a bed — делить ложе
to share an umbrella — идти вдвоём под одним зонтом
we each have a room of our own but we share a bathroom — у нас у каждого своя комната, но ванная одна

- участвовать (в чём-л.), делить

to share (in) the expenses [(in) the losses] — принять участие в расходах [в убытках], делить расходы [убытки]
to share responsibility [blame] — разделять ответственность [вину]
he shares responsibility — он тоже несёт ответственность
to share and share alike — участвовать на равных правах
I am ready to share with you in the costs — я готов разделить с вами расходы

- иметь долю или часть; быть пайщиком

to share in a firm — быть пайщиком фирмы

- делить (горе, радость и т. п.)

to share smb.’s lot [smb.’s hardships] — делить с кем-л. судьбу [трудности]
he shared the same fate — его постигла та же участь

- разделять (чужое горе и т. п.); сопереживать

to share (in) smb.’s grief — разделять чьё-л. горе; переживать чужое горе как своё

- разделять (мнение, вкусы и т. п.)

to share smb.’s likes and dislikes — разделять вкусы кого-л.
I share your opinion — я разделяю ваше мнение, я присоединяюсь к вашему мнению

Мои примеры


a third share in the profits — третья часть прибыли  
a fractional share of the vote — дробная часть голосов  
to share a burden — разделять трудности  
to share expenses — разделить затраты  
half share — половина капитала  
to carry one’s share of the load — «нести свой крест», нести положенное бремя забот  
to share profits — участвовать в прибылях  
to pool / share one’s resource — объединять ресурсы, совместно использовать ресурсы  
to share (the) responsibility — разделять ответственность  
equal share — равная доля  
share of the responsibility — доля ответственности  
a share in smth. — доля в чём-л.  

Примеры с переводом

I share your opinion.

Я разделяю ваше мнение.

I’d like to share this idea with you.

Я хотел бы поделиться этой идеей с вами.

They shared the last cookie.

Они разделили последнее печенье.

Shall we share the driving?

Мы поведём машину по очереди?

Our children share a love of music.

Наших детей объединяет любовь к музыке.

We’ll share it on a fifty-fifty basis.

Мы разделим его ровно пополам.

All of us had a share in making the decision.

В принятии данного решения приняли участие все мы.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…clubbed together to share their love of model rockets…

Local schools have joined forces with each other to share facilities.

…has his share of the quips that seem to come with a title of nobility…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: share
he/she/it: shares
ing ф. (present participle): sharing
2-я ф. (past tense): shared
3-я ф. (past participle): shared

ед. ч.(singular): share
мн. ч.(plural): shares

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«Open an account to Hardwell in it; a quarter of all the shares I buy are to be in his name, and a quarter of all the profits I make in dealing in the shares is to be credited to him.»

If you are asked questions as to why you are dealing in these shares to such an extent, you can say that the friend for whom you are acting desires to boom copper, and is going on the low price of the metal at the moment.

Wingrave at that time was the possessor of six thousand shares in the Royal Hardwell Copper Mine, which had cost him, on an average, two dollars twenty-five.

He bought five thousand shares in one block, and sold none.

He had bought these shares to hold; he did not intend to sell one.

On the third afternoon, Aynesworth met on the stairs a young broker, whom he had come across once or twice during his earlier dealings in the shares. They had had lunch together, and Aynesworth had taken a fancy to the boy—he was little more—fresh from Harvard and full of enthusiasm.

And we thought that some fool of an Englishman was burning his fingers with those shares. I’m not the only one caught, but the others can stand it.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


the full or proper portion or part allotted or belonging to or contributed or owed by an individual or group.

one of the equal fractional parts into which the capital stock of a joint-stock company or a corporation is divided.

Digital Technology.

  1. a digital file or document that can be accessed by specific users on a computer network, as for viewing, downloading, or making changes to it: I just sent you a share—can you improve the second paragraph?
  2. an act of sharing online content with specific users on a computer network: You can do a video share with friends and family.

verb (used with object), shared, shar·ing.

to divide and distribute in shares; apportion.

to use, participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., jointly: The two chemists shared the Nobel Prize.

Digital Technology. to give specific users access to (online content), as by posting it on a social media website or sending it as an email attachment: to share photos on Instagram;a shared spreadsheet.

verb (used without object), shared, shar·ing.

to have a share or part; take part (often followed by in).

to divide, apportion, or receive equally.

Digital Technology. to give specific users access to online content: You can share via email, Facebook, or Twitter.


Computers. noting or relating to the practice of sharing online content with specific users on a computer network: Add a share button to your site.


What Is The Origin Of The Word «Share»?

Remember when we were kids in the cafeteria and all we shared were Lunchables and the answers to that first period math quiz? Now kids share just about anything just for a “like” on Instagram. So, where did this word come from?




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Idioms about share

    on / upon shares, on the principle of sharing the profits or losses of an undertaking: They agreed to work on shares.

Origin of share


First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English noun shar(e), sharre “cutting, division,” Old English scearu “fork of the body, groin”; cognate with Dutch schaar, German Schar “troop”; see shear

synonym study for share

7. Share, partake, participate mean to join with others or to receive in common with others. To share is to give or receive a part of something, or to enjoy or assume something in common: to share in another’s experiences. To partake is to take for one’s own personal use a portion of something: to partake of food. To participate is especially to join with others in some thought, feeling, or, particularly, some action: to participate in a race, in a conversation.


shar·a·ble, share·a·ble, adjectivesharer, nounhalf-shared, adjectivenon·shar·ing, adjective, noun

un·shar·a·ble, adjectiveun·share·a·ble, adjectiveun·shared, adjectiveun·shar·ing, adjective

Words nearby share

Shara, Sharaku, Sharansky, shard, Shardana, share, share account, share and share alike, share certificate, sharecrop, sharecropper

Other definitions for share (2 of 2)

Origin of share


First recorded before 900; Middle English shar(e), sharre, Old English scear, scer; cognate with German Schar; see shear Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to share

contribution, dividend, division, interest, part, percentage, proportion, stake, distribute, divide, experience, participate, receive, split, allowance, apportionment, bite, chunk, claim, commission

How to use share in a sentence

  • By 1984, Heinz swooped in to scoop up Chico-San’s market share.

  • At the time, Mozilla described it as a file-sharing tool with a focus on privacy.

  • Now, Amazon will allow users to share their favorite routines with others.

  • Trina reported that her younger sister was doing “better” and would share more details about what she experienced when she was ready.

  • Little wonder Square’s share price has climbed 150% this year.

  • Cosby conspiracy theorists share a perspective born of a long, pained history of American racism.

  • We have to share those feelings of concern that the people are feeling.

  • Mr. Bachner said it had been hard to introduce his work ethic and share his vision with the locals and his team.

  • Getting men to do their share of care and domestic work is a key overlooked strategy in reducing poverty.

  • Perhaps it always seems that way at the time, but surely we face our fair share right now.

  • The foster-child remained behind to share the hut of the political exile.

  • Rent, the share of the land-owner, offered to the classicist a rather peculiar case.

  • Murat, who had earnestly begged to be allowed to share the Austrian campaign of 1809, was delighted to serve in person.

  • It is almost unnecessary to add, that the porter had his share well paid, and that the fisherman got the full value for his prize.

  • But Yung Pak was not allowed to share the pleasures and the trials of the boys in the public school.

British Dictionary definitions for share (1 of 2)


a part or portion of something owned, allotted to, or contributed by a person or group

(often plural) any of the equal parts, usually of low par value, into which the capital stock of a company is divided: ownership of shares carries the right to receive a proportion of the company’s profitsSee also ordinary shares, preference shares

go shares informal to share (something) with another or others


(tr often foll by out) to divide or apportion, esp equally

(when intr, often foll by in) to receive or contribute a portion ofwe can share the cost of the petrol; six people shared in the inheritance

to join with another or others in the use of (something)can I share your umbrella?

Derived forms of share

sharable or shareable, adjectivesharer, noun

Word Origin for share

Old English scearu; related to Old Norse skor amount, Old High German scara crowd; see shear

British Dictionary definitions for share (2 of 2)

Word Origin for share

Old English scear; related to Old Norse skeri, Old High German scaro

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with share

In addition to the idiom beginning with share

  • share and share alike

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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