Phrases with the word room

In which room? That question was not easy to answer.

She ascertained from old Mazey that it was his master’s custom, during the winter and spring months, to occupy the rooms in the north wing; and during the summer and autumn to cross the Arctic passage of «Freeze-your-Bones,» and live in the eastward apartments which looked out on the garden.

He was like a writer busy among the figures of his brain, a kind of tiny blue-eyed king he was, in a six- dollar room facing Washington Square in the city of New York.

He began to tell little lies about business engagements that would give him freedom to walk alone in the street at night and, the chance offering, he secretly re-rented the room fac- ing Washington Square.

Upon it was some desolate flotsam cast aside by the room‘s marooned when a lucky sail had borne them to a fresh port—a trifling vase or two, pictures of actresses, a medicine bottle, some stray cards out of a deck.

At first I had thought of the tree which, a week ago, served me for an observatory; but I immediately saw that, from the way the window was half-opened, I should not be able to see from that point of view anything that was passing in the room; and I wanted, not only to see, but to hear, and—to act.

Descending from the table, she left the parlour, and went upstairs, intending to enter the room overhead, which was the bedchamber at the back of the drawing-room.

Catherine understood her: the general must be watched from home, before that room could be entered.

Dorothy put on a green silk apron and tied a green ribbon around Toto’s neck, and they started for the Throne Room of the Great Oz.

Levin went to his brother’s room. He had not in the least expected what he saw and felt in his brother’s room.

«Be good enough to enter, sir, and make yourself at home in the rooms our Royal Ozma has ordered prepared for you.

Most eagerly of all her mind turned to the wondrously exciting problem about to be solved: behind which of all these fascinating doors was waiting now her room—the dear, beautiful room full of curtains, rugs, and pictures, that was to be her very own?

I was not anxious to assist Strickland in his work, hut I took the loading-rod and waited in the dining-room, while Strickland brought a gardener’s ladder from the veranda and set it against the side of the room. The snake tails drew themselves up and disappeared.

Bruff’s manner convinced me that it was wisest to check the impulse while he was in the room. In less than two minutes it was all over—and Samuel (unbenefited by what I might have said) had gone downstairs again.

The room in which Montbarry had died was still fitted up as a bedroom, and was now distinguished as Number Fourteen.

Hey guys! Easter is almost here! But that’s only on Friday, so we’ve still got some breathing room before the holiday celebrations are in full swing. A couple of weeks ago we went over the main differences and how to use the words room and space. And now that we learned that, it’s time to move forward and cover some idioms and phrases with room. First, let’s start with the basics, so have a look at the definitions and examples below:

Are you sure this is a 35m2 apartment? It looks so roomy! (Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels)

Who doesn’t like room service? Room service is when hotel delivers food or drinks directly to guests’ rooms.

  • Our hotel offers a mini-bar, flat screen smart TV and 24-hour room service.
  • Ugh, it’s too late to get dinner. Let’s just order room service.

And what about a place that is nice and roomy? A roomy place is large and spacious, often meaning that it is comfortable.

  • I was surprised to find out how roomy my university dorm was.
  • We managed to book a very roomy and well-equiped Airbnb flat for our trip.

Do you like your drinks at room temperature? Room temperature is the normal temperature, not too hot or cold either.

  • Should I put this cake in the fridge or is it okay to serve it at room temperature?
  • This wine is better appreciated at room temperature.

I need to find the fitting room (Photo by cottonbro from Pexels)

How often do you go into fitting rooms or changing rooms? Those are individual stalls that allow people some privacy when they need to change, and are often found in locker rooms, beaches or stores.

  • Excuse me, do you know where I can find the fitting room? I’d like to try on this sweater.
  • There were no changing rooms at the beach, so I had to put on my bathing suit in the car.

Is having leg room important to you? When in a vehicle, leg room is the space available for your legs.

  • As a tall guy, these compact cars are a dealbreaker. There’s no leg room and it’s just too uncomfortable for me.
  • I’m done flying with these low-cost airlines. They are charging me $10 dollars to get seats with extra leg room.

Oh! So seems like I’m running out of space here, so I’d better save something for next time. Stay tuned for more idioms! Happy Easter, everyone!

back-room boys

Мальчики из секретного отдела. Люди, которые выполняют важную работу, но не появляются на публике.

Back-room boys don’t always receive the credit they deserve for their work.

Сотрудники, занятые секретной научно-исследовательской работой не всегда получают заслуженное признание.

control room

A room containing the panels and switches used to control something (like a TV broadcast).

While a television program is on the air, engineers are at their places in the control room.

elbow room

Adequate space to move around or to work in.

He doesn’t require a huge office, but we must at least give him elbow room.

ladies’ room

A public toilet and restroom for women.

Can you please tell me where the ladies’ room is?

live in

room to

room in

To live in the school you attend or the place where you work.

Jack decided to live in during his freshman year at college.

Many women advertise for mother’s helpers to room in with families and help take care of children.

new broom sweeps clean

A new person makes many changes. A proverb.

The new superintendent has changed many of the school rules. A new broom sweeps clean.

powder room

The ladies’ rest room.

When they got to the restaurant, Mary went to the powder room to wash up.

rest room

A room or series of rooms in a public building which has things for personal comfort and grooming, such as toilets, washbowls, mirrors, and often chairs or couches.

Sally went to the rest room to powder her nose.

room — перевод на русский


It says so right here, but I took some home and set the table with them, and my mom freaked out and sent me to my room, and her boyfriend even kept laughing!

Тут так написано. Но когда я принёс их домой и накрыл на стол, мама рассердилась и отослала меня в комнату. А её приятель даже смеялся.

And well, we should consider letting a room.

Кроме того, мы уже давно собираемся сдавать комнату.

I am lucky to find a room with such a charming a hostess.

Мне повезло найти комнату с такой очаровательной хозяйкой.

Get her in that room!

Уведи ее в эту комнату!

That’s all right, we take a room.

Вот и отлично, мы возьмем комнату.

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What do you want? Do you want a single room?

Хотите номер на одного?

Well, don’t you dare come to room 320 at 11:00.

Не хотите ли зайти в номер 320 в 11 вечера?

Did you say your room was 318?

Вы говорили, у вас 318-ый номер?

Mr. Hammer, how dare you come into my room?

Мистер Хаммер, когда же вы зайдете ко мне в номер!

Mr. Short ordered some cigars to be sent up to his room this afternoon.

Сегодня днём мистер Шорт заказал несколько сигар с доставкой в номер.

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Madame Colet would like to see you in the living room.

Мадам Коле ждет Вас в гостиной.

There’s only a small couch in the living room.

Есть только один диван в гостиной.

Please, will you wait for me in the living room?

Подождите меня, пожалуйста, в гостиной.

Don’t take anything from the dining room.

Ничего не трогайте в гостиной.

— There’s a big fire in the living room.

— В гостиной мы разожгли большой огонь.

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There is no more room down there.

Здесь нету места!

There’s no room for jealousy there, is there?

Тут нет места для ревности, понимаете?

There’s room for us both, I think.

Мне кажется, что места хватит для обоих.

Don’t anybody leave this room. I’ve lost my purse.

Всем ни с места, я потеряла кошелёк.

I haven’t room for both of you.

У меня для вас двоих нет места.

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In the funny yellow room where they dance.

В желтой зале, где танцуют.

She had an engagement in the Yellow Room at 5:00.

У нее встреча в желтом зале в пять часов.

— In the Yellow Room?

— В желтом зале?

One we got in a warehouse, the other’s downstairs in the auction room.

Одного мы взяли на складе, другой внизу, в аукционном зале.

I was looking at the foreign newspapers in the reading room when the Prince had himself announced

Я листал в читальном зале иностранные газеты, когда князь попросил доложить о себе…

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I’m in the dining room.

Я в столовой.

You see, the bar is too near the dining room.

Понимаете, бар слишком близко к столовой.

I think Simpson’s serving yours in the dining room.

По-моему, Симпсон накрыл вам в столовой.

— In the dining room.

— В столовой.

What do you think you’re doing in the dining room?

-Что ты делаешь в столовой?

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I mean, the late Mrs. De Winter always did her correspondence and telephoning in the morning room, after breakfast.

Миссис де Винтер… Я имел в виду… покойная миссис всегда занималась письмами в кабинете после завтрака.

It’s in his room on the wall, back of the desk. Thanks.

У него в кабинете, за письменным столом, под портретом.

Paul Harris is in the living room.

ѕол ‘аррис ждЄт теб€ в кабинете.

Oh, that’s in Room 31.

О, это в кабинете 31.

For joining you so quickly in a private dining room.

Я с тобой в отдельном кабинете…

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Miss, is that Mrs. Corbett’s room?

Мисс, это палата миссис Корбетт?

Miss, could you tell me where Mrs. Corbett’s room is?

Мисс, вы не подскажете, где находится палата миссис Корбетт?

Tommaso Garani, room 103

— Гаррани. Томмазо Гаррани, палата 103. — Седьмой этаж.

Miss Haze, Room 3.

Мисс Хэйз, третья палата.

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Well, this would be south-southwest parlor by living room.

Это, наверно, юго-юго-западная гостиная с видом на спальню.

I slept badly. But I dreamt a man came into my room.

Я плохо спала и видела во сне, как в мою спальню вошел мужчина.

The first time he’s been inside my room in years

Три года он не входил в мою спальню.

Supper for two in my room.

Принесёшь нам ужин в спальню.

From tomorrow, all your meals will be served by Balionte, in your room.

С завтрашнего дня еду Вам будет подавать жена Бальона в Вашу спальню.

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Don’t you dare take that coat off in this room. You get out of here as fast as you can go.

Не снимайте здесь пиджак.

— Were you ever in this room before?

— Вы когда-нибудь были здесь раньше?

-It’s in this room right now.

Оно здесь и сейчас.

You’re the most attractive man in the room and you know it.

Ты самый привлекательный мужчина здесь и знаешь это.

Every man in the room covets you.

Каждый мужчина здесь желает тебя.

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Subscribe to the Afternoon Brief Trending Story: Sonoma Tasting Room Battle Heats Up How many tasting rooms are too many?


The problem that I find with your recipes, Heidi, is that I’m running out of room in my «favorites» file for all them… Can’t wait to try this!


p.s. I was taking a pic the other day and was standing across the room with a zoom lens and remembered your story.


Remove from water bath (bain-marie), remove foil and cool completely at room temperature before unlatching and removing rim.


This salad is better the day it is made and I like to serve it at room temperature.


However, it is difficult to make time and provide room for people who spend a fraction of their week at the church to have a say in most of what occurs in the life of the church.


Before choosing a route towards apprenticeship, be sure to investigate the hiring climate in your region, and look for a company with room for advancement if your goal is working up to pipefitting supervisor.


In the final room — through the glass wall he waves at me — I know his mind has already made the leap across separation, landing safely on Wednesday.


The delicious spicy aroma fills the room as it caramelises.


Every Wednesday, at promptly 4:20 p.m., Sherman and co-founder Chase Wiseman call the team to the conference room and pass out edibles and microbrews for a mid-week «recharging session.»


They say the large screen and smart camera technology could help farflung people feel like they’re in the same room, which aligns with Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg’s mission of bringing Facebook users closer together.


You can store them in an airtight container at room temperature or in the refrigerator.


(It’s helpful if all ingredients are room temperature before starting!)


I feel like the bright sunshine streaming through my kitchen and living room this morning is giving me false hope that spring is truly on its way, here in Pennsylvania.


Filing an income tax return creates contribution room in various registered savings vehicles.


The high setting works great for larger rooms, while the lower settings will be a little calmer for small spaces.


Serve at once or let stand at room temperature until needed.


Bake the cookies from room temperature for 12 minutes.


These will keep well, covered and at room temperature, for up to a week.


Whether you buy the breads fresh from the bakery department or the freezer aisle, Canyon Bakehouse breads can be stored at room temperature (i.e. on your counter) for 5-6 days.


In a banks board room, it is «politically correct» to complain about those horrible irresponsible debtors.


The worst part is the only part of our house that is attached to theirs in my room.


hmmm… Coconut oil (firm at room temp) works GREAT in baking, and is better in many ways than margarine — but may not help too much if your looking for lower fat baked goods.


Culture tells us what to do when the CEO isn’t in the room, which is of course most of the time.»


Upon arriving, Dr. Morsch immediately began work in the emergency room, relieving staff members, most of whom had not left the hospital and had been working non-stop since the hurricane first hit.


Let sit at room temperature at least 30 minutes before serving to let the flavors come together.


On that note, I created a second studio in my basement so that my jewelry creating is done in the studio instead of our living room.


Allow taboulleh to come to room temperature, then drizzle with the final two tablespoons of olive oil and serve.


Wellness room provides employees with a quiet place to relax and is also suitable for nursing mothers


So then, how horrible it would be to have to lie alone and wide awake in the alien room with creaks and shadows all around me, and that creepy Jesus hanging over my head.


She said that Daniels invited her to «hang out» in a hotel room with her and Trump; she declined, thinking that the invitation was for a threesome.


If the dough is cold, let it stand at room temperature until slightly softened, 5 minutes in a warm kitchen or 15 minutes in a cool kitchen.


«For instance, our fish-cutting room is four times larger than what we had before.»


The service can be used on desktops, mobile devices and your company’s video and conference room systems.


If sushi rice is as you say room temperature, then it would not have as much resistant starch as rice cooled in a fridge over night.


In particular, the Haskayne Executive Education facilities include a boardroom (seats 14), a main classroom (seats 48) and five breakout rooms.


Cookies: 1 1/2 cups creamy-style peanut butter (not natural-style) 1 1/2 cups light brown sugar, packed 1 large egg + 1 large egg yolk, room temperature 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 2 tablespoons cornstarch 3/8 teaspoon baking powder


On Tuesday, Mastercard Canada hosted its Next 36 Mastercard Challenge in partnership with Next Canada, inviting six up-and-coming Next 36 startups to pitch and answer questions to a room of…


Ingredients: 1 cup all purpose flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 large egg, preferably at room temperature 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup dark brown sugar 1 cup buttermilk (I made mine using vinegar and milk) 1/3 cup canola oil 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 1 and 1/2 cups fresh strawberries, rinsed and diced into 1/4 inch cubes 1 tablespoon flour


Well, technically it’s not «my own» — it doubles as a guest room.


If you needed another mortgage for short-term projects like remodeling a few rooms in your house and replacing light fixtures, you could try to apply for a five-year loan.


You could set them out at room temp first while you get out the tortillas and such, to give them a little bit more time to warm.


In addition to the dining room and bar, Menton boasts two private event spaces perfect for gathering with colleagues, friends, or family.


The eyewear brand loves books so much, their offices include a library and a secret reading room.


«Many trans people we see end up waiting and going to the emergency room instead of going to a doctor’s office because they are so traumatized by providers who aren’t respectful.»


An attorney for Hobby Lobby says the arts-and-crafts headquarters has found a way to delay providing insurance coverage for emergency contraceptives that will give them a little breathing room while…


As the room breaks into smaller groups for a time of discussion, he poses the question: «Who here feels equipped to get involved?»


Pour the filling into the cooled tart shell and set aside at room temperature, uncovered, until it is completely cool and softly set, about 1 hour.


The owner, Anthony, goes back and forth between the dining room and the kitchen, talking to everyone and making sure that diners are comfortable.


It is important that these ingredients all be room temperature or the coconut oil will harden making it impossible to get an even mix in the batter.


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