Phrases with the word reward

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Ingratitude is the world’s reward.

Что же, «неблагодарность — награда мира».

A $5000 reward was placed upon his head.

За его голову была назначена награда в 5 тыс. долл.

But as you know the reward isn’t what motivates us.

Но, как вы знаете, вознаграждение не является тем, что мотивирует нас.

Bounty is a reward offered by ICO creators for certain services.

Баунти (Bounty) — это вознаграждение, предлагаемое создателями ICO за определенные услуги.

He helps others without expecting payment or reward.

Он заботится о других, помогает без принуждения, не надеясь на плату или награду.

Everybody eventually gets his reward or punishment.

И в соответствии с ними в своё время каждый человек получает награду или наказание.

He said they have their reward.

Об этом говорит и то, что у них были свои награды.

The true hero needs no reward.

И в принципе думаю, что истинный герой не нуждается в какой-либо награде.

Often high risk equals high reward, but not every time.

Высокие риски, как правило, подразумевают большой объем вознаграждения, но это не всегда так.

We also seek so-called «reward» from food.

Мы также стремимся к получению так называемой «награды» от еды.

Do anything that they ask to make them think you deserve a reward.

Сделайте все, что они просят, чтобы заставить их думать, что вы заслуживаете награду.

Teachers have long said that success is its own reward.

Долгое время учителя говорили, что успех это уже награда сама по себе.

Juries only reward people they like.

Награды дают только тем, кто их желает.

Eternal life is not a reward for the good enough.

Вечная жизнь не является вознаграждением за то, что человек был достаточно хорошим.

I think that’s the biggest reward.

Я искренне считаю, что это величайшая награда».

So the reward is there, she said.

В этой награде есть и их заслуга», — сказал он.

The more you can help people, the greater the reward.

Чем больше он сможет дать людям, тем выше будет и его награда.

Slack users would argue that simplicity is its own reward.

Пользователи Slack будут утверждать, что простота — это его собственная награда.

Helping you achieve your goals is our greatest reward.

Достижение Ваших целей с Нашей помощью — это самая большая награда для Нас.

H5N1 may be our unexpected reward.

H5N1 может оказаться нашей нежданной «наградой».

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награда, вознаграждение, воздаяние, вознаграждать, награждать


- награда, вознаграждение

in reward for smth. — в награду за что-л.
a reward of valour [for a service] — награда за мужество [за услуги]
without hope of reward — без надежды на вознаграждение

- воздаяние; наказание

hanging was the reward for desertion — виселица ожидала всех дезертиров

- денежное вознаграждение, премия (за выдачу преступника, находку и т. п.)

a reward of fifty pounds — вознаграждение в размере пятидесяти фунтов
a reward for saving the child — награда за спасение ребёнка
to offer a reward for information about a stolen painting — предложить вознаграждение за информацию об украденной картине


- вознаграждать; воздавать должное

success has rewarded our efforts — наши усилия не пропали даром /увенчались успехом/
a magnificent view rewards the traveller — великолепный вид вознаграждает путешественника

- отплачивать; воздавать

is this how you reward me for my help? — так-то вы мне платите за мою помощь?

- давать награду или денежное вознаграждение

to reward a service — отблагодарить за услугу
to reward smb. for his valour — наградить кого-л. за мужество

- платить (жалованье и т. п.)

miners feel they are inadequately rewarded for the dangerous work they do — горняки считают недостаточным вознаграждение /-ой зарплату/, которое /-ую/ они получают за свой опасный труд

Мои примеры


a reward incommensurate with his effort — награда, несоизмеримая его стараниям  
to earn reward — получать вознаграждение  
to obtain a reward — получить награду  
just reward — справедливая награда  
tangible reward — материальное поощрение  
well-deserved reward — заслуженная награда  
to claim / reap / receive a reward — получать награду  
to offer / post a reward — представлять к награде  
to pay a reward — давать награду, награждать  
to single smb. out for praise / a reward — отметить кого-л. похвалой, наградой  
well-earned reward — заслуженная награда  

Примеры с переводом

Love is the reward for love.

Наградой за любовь является любовь.

She wanted to reward the cleaners for their efforts.

Она хотела вознаградить уборщиков за их усилия.

We rewarded him for finding our lost dog.

Мы отблагодарили его за то, что он нашёл нашу потерявшуюся собаку.

A reward of $20,000 has been offered.

Назначено вознаграждение в размере двадцати тысяч долларов.

Success brings its own rewards.

Успех приносит свои плоды.

The finder usually receives a reward.

Нашедший (клад) обычно получает вознаграждение.

To reward high performance, use bonuses.

Чтобы должным образом вознаградить высокие результаты работы, используйте премии.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the firefighters were rewarded by the city for their heroic actions…

…offered a bounteous reward for finding the lost ring…

He gave the children some chocolate to reward them for behaving well.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: reward
he/she/it: rewards
ing ф. (present participle): rewarding
2-я ф. (past tense): rewarded
3-я ф. (past participle): rewarded

ед. ч.(singular): reward
мн. ч.(plural): rewards

a good deed is its own reward

proverb Doing something because it is morally or ethically correct should be more important and satisfying than receiving some kind of tangible reward. A: «I went through all that trouble to find her missing dog, and all she gave me was a homemade cookie!» B: » Ah well, a good deed is its own reward.» No, thank you, I couldn’t possibly accept that—a good deed is its own reward, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking money from you for what I did. I know you’re not crazy about Bill, but try to be nice to him anyway—if nothing else, a good deed is its own reward.

desert and reward seldom keep company

proverb One will often not receive an anticipated reward. Don’t get too hopeful that the teacher will recognize your hard work because desert and reward seldom keep company.

go to (one’s) reward

euphemism To die. I was very sorry to hear that your grandfather went to his reward last night.

reap the rewards

To enjoy the benefits resulting from something. You’ll always reap the rewards of hard work—don’t ever forget that. He was ultimately fined for the dodgy deal, which had seen his company reap the rewards of large-scale investments without any tax burden.

reward (someone, something, or oneself) for (something)

To bestow a gift, prize, bonus, treat, etc., upon someone, oneself, some animal, or group as a result of worthy behavior or actions. Often used in passive constructions. It’s important to reward children for good behavior and give as little attention as possible to bad behavior. I’m going to reward myself for getting an A in all my subjects with a new video game this weekend. The company is being rewarded for its consumer-friendly business model, with thousands of people switching to their services as a result.

reward (someone, something, or oneself) with (something)

To bestow a particular gift, prize, bonus, treat, etc., upon someone, oneself, some animal, or group (as a result of worthy behavior or actions). Often used in passive constructions. I try to reward my kids with berries and other sweet fruits instead of chocolates or candies I’m so pleased with my final exam results that I’m going to reward myself with a day at the spa. The company’s new consumer-friendly business strategy is being rewarded with a huge surge of new business.

virtue is her own reward

proverb Doing something because it is morally or ethically correct should be more important and satisfying than receiving some kind of tangible reward for doing so. More commonly written as «virtue is its own reward» in modern English. A: «I went through all that trouble to find her missing dog, and all she gave me was a homemade cookie!» B: «Ah well, virtue is her own reward.» No, thank you, I couldn’t possibly accept that—virtue is her own reward, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking money from you for what I did.

virtue is its own reward

proverb Doing something because it is morally or ethically correct should be more important and satisfying than receiving some kind of tangible reward for doing so. A: «I went through all that trouble to find her missing dog, and all she gave me was a homemade cookie!» B: » Ah well, virtue is its own reward.» No, thank you, I couldn’t possibly accept that—virtue is its own reward, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking money from you for what I did.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Desert and reward seldom keep company.

Prov. If you deserve a reward, you are not necessarily going to get it. Jill: I worked so hard on that project, and Fred is taking all the credit for it. Jane: You know how it goes; desert and reward seldom keep company.

get one’s just deserts

 and get one’s just reward(s); get one’s

[specified by context] to get what one deserves. I feel better now that Jane got her just deserts. She really insulted me. The criminal who was sent to prison got his just rewards. You’ll get yours!

go to one’s (just) reward

Euph. to die. Let us pray for our departed sister, who has gone to her just reward. Bill: How’s your grandma these days? Tom: She went to her reward last winter, may she rest in peace.

reward someone for something

to give someone a prize or a bonus for doing something. I would like to reward you for your honesty. She wanted to reward herself for her hard work, so she treated herself to a massage.

reward someone with something

to honor someone with a gift of something. She rewarded the helpful child with a chocolate chip cookie. He rewarded himself with a night on the town.

Virtue is its own reward.

Prov. You should not be virtuous in hopes of getting a reward, but because it makes you feel good to be virtuous. Bill: If I help you, will you pay me? Fred: Virtue is its own reward.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

go to your reward


This euphemisistic expression is based on the idea that people receive their just deserts after death.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

ˌvirtue is its own reˈward

(saying) the reward for acting in a moral or correct way is the knowledge that you have done so, and you should not expect more than this, for example praise from other people or payment

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • a good deed is its own reward
  • teach a man to fish
  • village
  • it takes a village
  • when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter
  • best-laid plans go astray, the
  • best-laid schemes/plans, the
  • the best-laid plans
  • the best-laid plans go astray
  • the best-laid plans of mice and men

Synonym: award, compensate, pay, remunerate. Antonym: punish, punishment. Similar words: rewarding, prewar, leeward, beware, lukewarm, ward, award, toward. Meaning: [rɪ’wɔrd /-‘wɔːd]  n. 1. a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing 2. payment made in return for a service rendered 3. an act performed to strengthen approved behavior 4. the offer of money for helping to find a criminal or for returning lost property 5. benefit resulting from some event or action. v. 1. bestow honor or rewards upon 2. strengthen and support with rewards 3. act or give recompense in recognition of someone’s behavior or actions. 

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1. Virtue is her [its] own reward

2. Virtue is to herself the best reward

3. Love is the reward of love. 

4. Virtue is her (or its) own reward

5. Virtue is its own reward.

6. Poverty is the reward of idleness. 

7. The reward of suffering is experience. 

8. She was not the intended recipient of the reward.

9. He deserves a reward for his efforts.

10. You have received a just reward.

11. Here we reward performance, not face time.

12. You deserve a reward for being so helpful.

13. He received a medal in reward for his bravery.

14. Without risk, there is no reward.

15. Is that how you reward me for my help?

16. Giving is a reward in itself.

17. It is important to reward good behaviour .

18. It’s a reward for virtue.

18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

19. I don’t expect anything in reward.

20. There’s a reward for whoever finishes first.

21. He will expect some reward after working so hard.

22. He forbore claiming the reward.

23. Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had made.

24. The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one.

25. The owner has offered a reward for the recovery of the stolen goods.

26. They are offering a reward for the return of their cat.

27. A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals.

28. He was given the job as a reward for running a successful leadership bid.

29. If you’re brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO.

30. Hearty congratulations on your passing the examination with excellent result.It is a well deserved reward for the hard effort you have made during the past year.

More similar words: rewarding, prewar, leeward, beware, lukewarm, ward, award, toward, inward, forward, upward, warden, coward, inwards, awkward, hardware, eastward, inwardly, untoward, wardrobe, afterward, put forward, bring forward, awkwardness, look forward to, upwardly mobile, straightforward, crew, screw, shrew. 

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