Phrases with the word question

If you are learning the language, one of the important topics you will need to know is how to ask questions in English. This post reviews the structure and gives examples of each type of question in songs. Unlike in other languages, when we ask questions in English we have to change the structure of the sentence, and this can be confusing. In this series of blog posts we are going to break down the topic into four types of question you should know how to ask in English.

Yes/No questions

Probably the simplest type of question in English, the answer to this type of question is a yes or a no.

How to form YES/NO questions in English

We always use an auxiliary verb  such as “do”, “be”, “have” or another modal verb, and we need to arrange the component parts of the question in the following manner:

[Auxiliary Verb] + [Subject] + [Main Verb] + [Object or Other Information] + ?

For more information and examples in the various tenses see our post “How to ask yes/no questions in English

Songs with YES/NO questions in English

  • Are you ready? (Bob Dylan)
  • Are you gonna be my girl? (Jet)
  • Are you happy now? (Michelle Branch?)
  • Am I wrong? (Nico & Vinz)
  • Is it still over? (Randy Travis)
  • Can you feel the love tonight? ( Lion King)
  • Have you forgotten? (Daryl Worley)
  • Have you ever seen the rain?(CCR)
  • Green fields of France (Eric Bogle)
  • Will you still love me tomorrow (The Shirelles)
  • When I’m sixty four (The Beatles)
  • Will you be there? (Michael Jackson)
  • Do you believe in life after love? (Cher)
  • Do you believe in magic? (The Lovin’ Spoonful)
  • Do you want to build a snowman? (Frozen)
  • Do they know it’s Christmas? (Band-aid)

Wh- questions

Wh- questions ask for more information than just a yes or no answer. They are more open, needing a longer response in general.

How to form WH- questions in English

It’s very simple to learn how to form “wh-” questions in English if you understand the structure of YES/NO questions

The structure of a “wh- question” is usually like this:

[“Wh-” word or phrase] + [Auxiliary Verb] + [Subject] + [Main Verb]+ [Object or Other Information] + ?

We usually just need to add a question word or phrase to the beginning of the yes/no question structure. For more information and examples in different tenses take a look at our article “How to ask open questions in English”

Question words used to ask questions in English

With the exception of “how” most question words are written with “wh-”. Here’s a quick recap of the question words and phrases including when to use them.

True “Wh-” question wordsHow to ask questions in English

What: asks for information about a thing or an object.

Which: is similar to “what” but we use it when there is a range or some options to choose from.

When: is used to ask for times or dates.

Where: asks for information about a location or a place.

Who: we use “who” if we require information about a person or people.

Why: indicates we want a reason or an explanation.

“How” question words:

How: leads to answers containing information the way or technique to do something.

How much: is used to ask about quantities of uncountable nouns such as sugar, water, money, etc.

How many: asks for quantities of things are countable such as people, bottles of water, euros, etc.

How often: indicates that we want a response about the frequency of an event.

How + adjective: additionally we can use “how” with a descriptive word (an adjective)  to ask about the degree or amount of that adjective. For example: “how tall,” “how flexible,” “how efficient,” “how old” and many others.

Question phrases

Sometimes, for more precision, we can use phrases with multiple words as a question word. For example, I can as “Where” but if I want more precise information I can ask “Where in Europe…” for example. There are an almost infinite amount of combinations of question phrases, such as “How many times this year,” “When in summer,” etc.

So although the question word may have more than one word, it will still go at the start of the sentence.

Songs with Wh- questions in English

  • Alan Walker – Faded (Where are you now)
  • Justin Bieber – What Do You Mean?
  • Ylvis – The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)
  • LeAnn Rimes – How Do I Live?
  • Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times
  • Haddaway – What Is Love?
  • Unklejam – What Am I Fighting For?
  • The Black Eyed Peas – Where Is The Love?
  • Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On?
  • Baha Men – Who Let The Dogs Out?
  • Rockapella – Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?

Questions with tags

Question tags are used to check that information we believe to be correct is actually correct. For example: You don’t speak French, do you?

The tag, in this case “do you?”, comes after the main clause and turns it into a question.

How to form a question with tags.

As with other types of questions we depend on an auxiliary verb to form the question tag.

[main clause] + [auxiliary] + [subject pronoun]

If the main clause is affirmative we need a negative (normally contracted) tag. If the main clause if negative, the question tag is affirmative:

Affirmative main clause: You support Man U, don’t you?

Negative main clause: You don’t think he’s cute, do you?

Songs with questions tags in English

By far the best song with examples of question tags is  A little time by the Beautiful South

The Beautiful South - A Little Time question tag structure

The Beautiful South – A Little Time

Here are some of the lyrics:

“Funny how quick the milk turns sour

Isn’t it, isn’t it

Your face has been looking like that for hours

Hasn’t it, hasn’t it”

And the song continues:

“You need a little room for your big head

Don’t you, don’t you

You need a little space for a thousand beds

Won’t you, won’t you”

Take a look at all the post in this blog series on how to ask questions in English. Don’t forget that if you would like some professional help from our outstanding English teachers and our fantastic unique method, you can sign up for a free trial on our website.

  • question (parent phrase)
  • word (parent phrase)
  • question words


    Sentences with «question words» (usage examples):

    • Pondiscio does us all a service by calling into question the word «movement» in school reform. (
    • It can also recognize question words and understand how often the meeting’s leader asked questions that provoked a response from other participants. (
    • Besides forming questions, they can also appear in statements, such as in «I don’t know how in the world that happened,» where the question word is how. (
    • (see

    See also:

    • Sentences with QUESTION WORDS (usage examples)
    • Synonyms for QUESTION WORDS (related words and expressions)

    We cannot do without questions. We ask questions every day. We answer questions every day. Asking questions and getting answers to them, we become smarter. By asking questions we learn.

    How to ask questions correctly? What are the types of questions in English?

    Don’t worry if you don’t know yet. This is an easy and very interesting topic.

    General questions (Yes/No Questions)

    In some languages, we can only ask questions using interrogative intonation. In English, in order to form a question, we need additional tools:

    1. Auxiliary verbs.
    2. Special word order.

    These tools depend on the type of questions we ask.

    A general question (Yes/No Question) is one of the most popular and frequently used ways to get information.

    A general question is a question that we can answer simply YES or NO.

    A sheet of paper with yes and no marks
    This is the simplest type of question in the English language.

    We ask a general question when we don’t need more information. We ask a general question when it is enough for us to get YES or NO.

    In English grammar, we call these questions: Yes / No questions or General Questions.

    Look at the examples:

    Question: Are you going to work today?
    Answer: Yes, I am.

    Question: Do you want us to have dinner at a restaurant?
    Answer: No, I don’t want to, thanks.

    The word order inversion plays an important role in such questions.

    It means that we put the auxiliary verb at the beginning. Not the subject. We put the subject after the auxiliary verb. Then we put the main verb. Then we can add the rest of the sentence.

    Do you like your new job?

    Does she know the secret?

    One girl whispers a secret in another girl's ear, does she know the secret?
    Auxiliary verbs are our helpers in such questions.

    We can also use modal verbs in general questions. In this case, we don’t need any auxiliary verbs. Because modal verb can play the auxiliary role for itself.

    In such questions, we put the modal verb at the beginning of the sentence. After the modal verb, we put the subject. Then we put the main verb. Then we can add the rest of the sentence.

    Could you do me a favor?

    Can we help you this time?

    Should I pretend to believe all that nonsense?

    To form a general question with the verb to be, we also do not use auxiliary verbs. The verb to be, like modal verbs, forms questions on its own.

    Is he saying something behind my back?

    Are we really doing this again?

    Look at the detailed explanation of what a general question consists of, this will help you better understand how we form them:

    Do you know the answer?

    Do (auxiliary) you (subject) know (predicate) the answer (object)? (question mark)

    Can you help me?

    Can (modal verb) you (subject) help (predicate) me (object)? (question mark)

    Are you a writer?

    Are (verb to be) you (subject) a writer (rest of the sentence) ? (question mark)

    A special question differs from a general one in only one detail. A special question starts with a question word or question phrase.

    A list of popular question words such as what, where, why, whose, etc.
    List of popular question words

    We use a Special question to get additional information other than a YES / NO answer.

    That is why a special question has a question word or phrase at the beginning.


    General yes / no question:

    Will you go to work?

    Special question with a question word:

    When will you go to work?

    We cannot simply answer yes/no to a Special question. Because a special question has an extra word or phrase at the beginning. This word or phrase influences the answer.

    Question: Where were you yesterday?
    Answer: I visited my friend Frank.

    The word “where” in the question influenced the answer.

    To ask a special question we usually use these question words:

    • What?
    • When?
    • Where?
    • Why?
    • Which?
    • Whose?
    • Whom?

    These question words begin with “Wh” so we often call special questions Wh-questions.

    As you may have noticed, we use the same word order in Wh-questions as in General questions. We just simply add a question word (or question phrase) to the beginning of the question.

    Question word + auxiliary / modal / to be verb + subject + predicate / object + rest of the sentence.

    Take a look at examples:

    When do you want me to leave?

    Why do you stay with him?

    What are you still doing here?

    Why can’t you be with us tonight?

    How long does he have to be in quarantine?

    Infographic shows the basic rules for the formation of special questions, diagrams, and examples
    Infographics. Special questions.

    Questions to the subject in English

    The next type of questions are Questions to the subject. We ask a question to the subject when we want to know WHO is performing the action.

    Question: Who will go for a walk with you?
    Answer: John.

    Question: Who broke the cup?
    Answer: Tom did it!

    Question: Who wants a slice of delicious pie?
    Answer: I would not mind a piece of the pie …

    The main feature of subject questions is that we don’t use any auxiliary verbs.

    We just use the words Who or What instead of the subject.

    If we ask a question to the subject in the Present Simple, then we add the ending -s to the main verb.

    Question word + predicate + Secondary Parts of the Sentence

    Who talks like that guy?

    Who loves you?

    Example of a question and answer, a cup on the table, a smile is drawn on the cup.
    Example of subject question and answer

    Alternative questions

    Another type of question that you should understand is alternative questions.

    Why do we call these questions alternative questions? Because when we ask an alternative question, we not only ask but also offer alternatives for the answer! Doesn’t that sound interesting? Take a look at examples:

    Do you like it or not?

    Would you like tea or coffee?

    We can ask an alternative question to any Parts of the Sentence.

    Note the conjunction or in these examples. The conjunction or is an important feature of alternative questions.

    It is the or that separates the answer options.

    We form alternative questions almost in the same way as general questions.

    Auxiliary verb + subject + action + answer option + or + answer option

    Will you work at the central bank or one of its branches?

    Alternative questions always have the or part.

    Are you going to the cinema or the theater?

    Have you played football or basketball?

    If we want to use several auxiliary verbs in an alternative question, then we put the first auxiliary verb before the subject, and we put the remaining auxiliary verbs immediately after the subject.

    Has John been working in this department or the next one?

    We can easily turn an alternative question into a Wh Alternate Question (Special Alternative Question). To do this, we put a question word, or phrase at the beginning of the question:

    Who do you prefer to work with John or Tom?

    When did you decide to buy a new car, today or yesterday?

    Infographic shows the scheme of forming an alternative question in English, an example of an alternative question
    alternative question

    Tag Questions

    Tag Question is a very interesting type of question in English.

    For example, we ask General Questions just to get an answer (Often this is a simple yes / no answer). Often, when we ask a general question we do not know what the answer is.

    When we ask a tag question, we often expect to hear confirmation of some information that we already know. That is, when we ask a tag question, we often know or mean what the answer is!

    You’re going to see your grandmother, aren’t you?

    You probably noticed that such questions do not look exactly like questions? Indeed, tag questions are more like affirmative sentences.

    We DO NOT use question word order in tag questions. We use direct word order.

    The main feature of this type of question is in the ending. The end of a tag question is called the tag. This is why we call them Tag questions.

    You like her, don’t you?

    To form such a tag, we put an auxiliary verb and the subject at the end of the sentence.

    Any tag question has two parts:

    1. Affirmative or negative sentence.
    2. Tag at the end.

    In the first part, we put what we think is the answer.

    In the second part, we use the tag for confirmation.

    He doesn’t want to talk to me, does he?

    The two parts of which a tag question consists
    Tag question. Two main parts.

    Tag questions are very popular and convenient in the English language. We use them all the time. We often ask tag questions to start a conversation.

    We also use tag questions as a way to express feelings or emotions:

    • surprise
    • irony
    • distrust
    • skepticism
    • doubt

    He can’t beat me, can he?

    They will help you, won’t they?

    Janice doesn’t want to go to school anymore, does she?

    We won’t be able to win this game, can we?

    You better give up, don’t you?

    If we form a tag question using the verb to have, then the end of the question can have several types:

    British English: You have a new bike, have you?
    American English: They have a new home, don’t they?

    If we form such a question with the pronoun I, then:

    • In the affirmative question, the auxiliary verb remains in the am form.
    • In the negative form, the auxiliary verb changes to aren’t I. Because it is inconvenient to say am not.

    Correct: I am not the perfect Princess, am I?
    Correct: I am the perfect Princess, aren’t I?
    Incorrect: I am the perfect Princess, am not I?

    A tag question can be negative even if there is no negative particle not in the first part. Take a look at this sentence:

    You rarely go outside, do you?

    Note that the tag contains the verb do without the negative particle not. The first part of the sentence also has no negation. Why do we use do you instead of don’t you? Because the first part of the question contains the negative word rarely.

    RULE: If the first part of a tag question contains a word with a negative meaning, then the tag part must contain a verb in a positive form.

    Examples of negative words we often use:

    • scarcely
    • hardly
    • rarely
    • barely
    • little

    You barely know him, do you?

    We rarely work, do we?

    Infographic shows use cases for tag questions to express emotion
    We often use tag questions to express feelings and emotions.

    Negative questions

    There is another popular question type in English. These are Negative questions.

    We can divide negative questions into two types:

    Type 1: contracted negative questions
    Type 2: uncontracted negative questions

    We use Contracted Questions to express:

    • a polite request
    • criticism
    • dissatisfaction
    • remark
    • invitation

    Why don’t you get some more champagne?

    Wouldn’t you object at this point?

    Why don’t you take him shopping?

    Contracted negative questions begin with words such as:

    • Won’t you …?
    • Wouldn’t you …?
    • Why don’t you …?

    We use the following word order in contracted negative questions:

    auxiliary verb + ending n’t + subject

    Take a look at examples:

    Won’t you guys go up with me, please?

    Why don’t you keep your thoughts to yourself?

    Wouldn’t you like to refresh yourself?

    Won’t you please reconsider my request?

    Such questions are considered less formal.

    If you want to give a positive answer to this type of question, you should answer: YES. In case of a negative answer, you should answer: NO.

    Haven’t you read what I wrote?

    Haven’t you been dreaming about this?

    Haven’t you people heard anything?

    infographic shows word order in contracted negative questions, example sentences
    Word order in contracted negative questions

    Now let’s look at uncontracted negative questions. Such questions are more formal than contracted negative questions.

    We form uncontracted negative questions using the following scheme:

    Auxiliary verb + subject + not

    See how it looks with examples:

    Why do you not tell them I am here?

    Do you not recognize your own best friend?

    Why do you not want to help me?

    Have you not figured that out?

    Has he not been true to his vow?

    Are they not a shame on their country?

    Do you not dare to face me?

    Have you not seen The Voice?

    Question structure scheme

    I live in Ukraine. Now, this website is the only source of money I have. If you would like to thank me for the articles I wrote, you can click Buy me a coffee. Thank you! ❤❤❤

    Предложения с «question words»

    Syntax refers to grammatical changes, such as moving words around or adding question words ; prosody refers here to changes in intonation while speaking.

    Синтаксис относится к грамматическим изменениям, таким как перемещение слов или добавление вопросительных слов; просодия относится здесь к изменениям интонации во время разговора.

    Syntax refers to grammatical changes, such as changing word order or adding question words ; prosody refers to changes in intonation while speaking.

    Синтаксис относится к грамматическим изменениям, таким как изменение порядка слов или добавление вопросительных слов; просодия относится к изменениям интонации во время разговора.

    So while it’s reasonable to ask the question , it’s not reasonable to say that refugee is another word for terrorist.

    Поэтому хотя это и разумный вопрос, неразумно полагать, что «беженец» — синоним слову «террорист».

    You use random words that will distract them from the original question .

    Ты используешь случайные слова , которые отвлекают тебя от начального вопроса.

    Now I’m gonna ask you a question that’s gonna demand more than a one-word answer.

    Тогда я хочу задать тебе вопрос, который потребует нечто большее, чем односложный ответ.

    So therefore it is a simple question of getting this on a piece of paper in a wording that is agreeable to everybody.

    Поэтому вопрос просто — напросто состоит в том, чтобы изложить все это на бумаге в таких формулировках, которые были бы приемлемы для всех.

    If you received word in the night from the Queen Mother, it does make me question our new alliance.

    Если вы ночью получаете письмо от королевы — матери, это заставляет меня сомневаться в нашем новом союзе.

    Now, years after you remember the strategic question of whether you’re flying in a 777 or an Airbus, you remember those words and that experience.

    Много позже, когда вы уже забыли о стратегическом вопросе, летать ли на Боинге 777 или на Аэробусе, вы всё ещё помните и надпись и своё ощущение.

    Okay, was that an actual attempt at a question , or are you just kind of throwing words at each other and hoping they make sense?

    Ты действительно хотел что — то спросить или просто произносил случайные слова , надеясь, что они сами сложатся в фразу?

    In other words , for half of the orbits in question , Atlas and Delta are the only viable launch vehicles.

    Иными словами , на половину интересующих нас орбит. «Атлас» и «Дельта» являются единственными жизнеспособными ракетами — носителями.

    In other words , the message to Congress is that the question is not whether the United States will pay for the Euro crisis (it will) but how.

    Иными словами , сигнал Конгрессу должен быть следующим: вопрос не в том, будут или нет Соединенные Штаты платить за кризис евро, а в том, как они будут это делать.

    And to ask that question — happy is not a word I use very much — we’ve had to break it down into what I think is askable about happy.

    Чтобы корректно задать вопрос о счастье — а это слово я не часто использую — надо разбить его на несколько компонент, каждая из которых допускает

    She strode into his office with a sense of purpose, place, another word here, question mark.

    Она целеустремленно вошла в его с определенными мыслями, местом, еще одно слово здесь, вопрос, пометка.

    She asked a question , puzzled; Howard caught the word Hitler.

    Она озадаченно что — то спросила. Хоуард уловил слово Гитлер.

    In that way Lydgate put the question-not quite in the way required by the awaiting answer; but such missing of the right word befalls many seekers.

    Так поставил вопрос Лидгейт — несколько иначе, чем того требовал еще скрытый ответ. Но многие искатели истины не находят нужного слова .

    ‘Yes,’ I said, stung by her question , thinking how just and appropriate her word.

    Да, — сказала я, вздрогнув, как от удара, и подумала, как справедливы и уместны ее слова .

    Okay, just ’cause you jumble up the words doesn’t make it not a question .

    От того, что ты переставил слова , вопрос не перестал быть вопросом.

    She answers a kind of… wordless question in me.

    Она отвечает на немой вопрос… который сидит во мне.

    Iv?n Kouzmitch was not prepared for such a question ; he stammered some incoherent words .

    Иван Кузмич не был приготовлен к таковому вопросу; он запутался и пробормотал что — то очень нескладное.

    You’re asking me to seriously question the integrity of a police investigation based on the word of the accused and the mother of his child?

    Ты просишь меня подвергнуть сомнению добросовестность полицейского расследования основываясь на словах обвиняемого и матери его ребенка?

    A word dropped here at random, a question , a passing phrase.

    Оброненное мимоходом словцо , вопрос, мимолетная фраза.

    When he had spoken some sound words of sympathy and encouragement, we sat down to consider the question , What was to be done?

    После того как он в немногих словах выразил мне свое сочувствие и подбодрил меня, мы сели и стали обсуждать вопрос — что же теперь делать?

    With short a word or with a cross, With question sign and so forth.

    То кратким словом , то крестом, То вопросительным крючком.

    Did you relay my question precisely… word for word?

    Ты точно передал все мои слова слово в слово ?

    And then a quavering, hooting voice answered. At first it was just a noise, then, as I wrestled with the noise, I knew it to be a word, a single hooted question .

    Но в ответ раздался прерывающийся свистящий голос. Сначала я воспринял его просто как шум, но, прислушавшись, я понял, что это было слово , скорее, один просвистанный вопрос.

    Who are you to dare question my word?

    Кто вы такой, чтобы сомневаться в моих словах ?

    I realize this might be an extremely difficult question for you to answer but do you feel that we have in your words , a very good gardener in office at this time?

    Я понимаю, это может быть чрезвычайно сложным для ответа вопросом, но считаете ли вы что у нас есть, по вашим словам , очень хороший садовник в правительстве… на данный момент?

    I sympathise with your question , I sympathise entirely, the girl-student broke in hotly, flushed with indignation at the major’s words .

    Я слишком, слишком сочувствую вашему вопросу! — рванулась студентка, рдея в негодовании от слов майора.

    In a word, people about whom there is no question .

    Одним словом — люди, о которых нет вопроса.

    Among other things Nikolai Ivanovich had answered his question about the origin of the expression ‘Soft words will break your bones’.

    Доктор Николай Иванович отвечал ему, между прочим, откуда это — мягкое слово кость ломит.

    He wanted to put one question to Stepan Arkadyevitch, but he could not bring himself to the point, and could not find the words or the moment in which to put it.

    Ему нужно было сделать один вопрос Степану Аркадьичу, но он не мог решиться и не находил ни формы, ни времени, как и когда его сделать.

    So why was it so easy to question her integrity based on the word of a doctor you hardly knew?

    Почему вы так легко засомневались в ее честности, основываясь на словах от едва знакомого врача?

    And still with no word from the visitors and world leaders stymied by their silence, the question remains…

    И все еще без единого комментария от визитеров и мировые лидеры загнаны в тупик их молчанием, остается вопрос…

    In other words , the permalink displays what the article would look like today if someone reverted to the revision in question .

    Другими словами , Постоянная ссылка показывает, как выглядела бы статья сегодня, если бы кто — то вернулся к рассматриваемой редакции.

    Even a small change in a question’s wording can affect how people search through available information, and hence the conclusions they reach.

    Даже небольшое изменение в формулировке вопроса может повлиять на то, как люди ищут доступную информацию, а следовательно, и на выводы, к которым они приходят.

    The question is how long a word should be before you’d consider ­ing it. For normal article text I’d suggest a cut-off at something like 20 to 30 letters.

    Вопрос в том, как долго должно быть слово , прежде чем вы подумаете о нем. Для обычного текста статьи я бы предложил сократить его примерно на 20 — 30 букв.

    But there are longer words on the page in question without soft hyphens, so, I wonder, EEng, what’s the plan?

    Но на рассматриваемой странице есть более длинные слова без мягких дефисов, так что, интересно, Инг, каков план?

    RfCs should be neutrally worded , should not based on false premises, and should be written so that the central question is asked first.

    RFC должны быть нейтрально сформулированы, не должны основываться на ложных посылках и должны быть написаны так, чтобы центральный вопрос был задан первым.

    In languages that do not have words compared to English yes and no, e.g. Chinese, speakers may need to answer the question according to the question .

    В языках, в которых нет слов по сравнению с английским да и нет, например в китайском, говорящим может потребоваться ответить на вопрос в соответствии с вопросом.

    Some languages have words whose only function is as a question tag.

    В некоторых языках есть слова , единственная функция которых — это вопросительный тег.

    The question is made more complex by the fact that the Etruscans borrowed many Greek words in modified form.

    Вопрос усложняется тем, что этруски заимствовали многие греческие слова в измененной форме.

    I’m sure there’s reasons for the new wording , but I really question the value of the change.

    Я уверен, что есть причины для новой формулировки, но я действительно сомневаюсь в ценности изменения.

    In other words , he challenges confident logicians to answer the question of the truth of logical operators.

    Другими словами , он бросает вызов уверенным логикам, чтобы ответить на вопрос об истинности логических операторов.

    Ask the question wherever you think best, using whatever wording you think best.

    Задавайте вопрос там, где вам кажется лучше, используя любую формулировку, которую вы считаете лучшей.

    Most of the organisms in question do not have the cognitive capacity to “strategize” in the human sense of the word, so what is a strategy?

    Большинство организмов, о которых идет речь, не обладают когнитивной способностью “разрабатывать стратегию” в человеческом смысле этого слова , так что же такое стратегия?

    In languages with a literary tradition, there is interrelation between orthography and the question of what is considered a single word.

    В языках с литературной традицией существует взаимосвязь между орфографией и вопросом о том, что считать одним словом .

    Please ensure that any request there seeking a close is neutrally worded , and do not use that board to continue the discussion in question .

    Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что любой запрос, направленный на закрытие, сформулирован нейтрально, и не используйте эту доску для продолжения обсуждения данного вопроса.

    Interrogative pronouns introduce a question , e.g. the words who, what, which.

    Вопросительные местоимения вводят вопрос, например, слова who, what, which.

    Once again, letters were placed in the question by correctly unscrambling words .

    И снова буквы были помещены в вопрос, правильно расшифровав слова .

    Of the 166 words in Isaiah 53, there are only seventeen letters in question .

    Из 166 слов в Исаии 53 речь идет только о семнадцати буквах.

    Setting aside the accuracy of this description of the website in question , I doubt that the word ‘vicious’ should be there.

    Оставляя в стороне точность этого описания веб — сайта, о котором идет речь, я сомневаюсь, что там должно быть слово порочный.

    We now have “discussed” this question for more than a month, using more than 20,000 words .

    Мы уже больше месяца “обсуждаем” этот вопрос, используя более 20 000 слов.

    If it’s my word versus yours, we’ll make no progress; let’s get more input on that question .

    Если это мое слово против вашего, то мы не продвинемся вперед; давайте получим больше информации по этому вопросу.

    Question — Can Drmies explain in simple words why he claimed that the island didn’t have an official name?

    Вопрос — Может ли Дрмис простыми словами объяснить, почему он утверждал, что у острова нет официального названия?

    For example Here they have inserted words that will lead readers to question many facts.

    Например, здесь они вставили слова , которые заставят читателей усомниться во многих фактах.

    For example Here you have inserted words that will lead readers to question many facts.

    Например, здесь вы вставили слова , которые заставят читателей усомниться во многих фактах.

    Now nobody here can question Ibn Khaldun so let’s see what he wrote and I’m quoting WORD FOR WORD.

    Теперь никто здесь не может допросить Ибн Халдуна, так что давайте посмотрим, что он написал, и я цитирую слово в слово .

    A word, phrase, name, or question would be written in the ashes with a finger or stick.

    Слово, фраза, имя или вопрос были бы написаны на пепле пальцем или палочкой.

    Exact numbers vary based on the wording of the ethnicity question and the available response choices.

    Точные цифры варьируются в зависимости от формулировки вопроса об этнической принадлежности и имеющихся вариантов ответа.

    There is an about-250-word article with 20 blanks, and students need to choose the best from the 4 options of each question .

    Существует статья примерно в 250 слов с 20 пробелами, и студенты должны выбрать лучший из 4 вариантов каждого вопроса.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Перевод «вопросительные слова» на английский

    Это предоставит вам список доступных поисковых терминов, которые содержат только эти вопросительные слова.

    This will provide you with a list of available search terms which only contain these question words.

    Постарайтесь построить свой контент вокруг вопросов, используя эти вопросительные слова кто, почему, когда, что, где и как.

    Try to build your content around questions using these question words who, why, when, what, where, and how.

    Голосовой поиск будет чаще включать вопросительные слова кто, что, когда, где и как, которые обычно опускаются в письменном поиске.

    Voice searches will more frequently include the question words who, which, when, where, and how, that are usually omitted in written searches.

    В русском языке, чтобы спросить, даже не обязательно ставить какие-либо вопросительные слова, достаточно просто выделить фразу при помощи голоса.

    In Russian, in order to ask something, it’s not even necessary to put any question words, it’s simply enough to highlight the phrase with the help of the voice.

    К ним относятся вопросительные слова и другие часто используемые глаголы, такие как макё, do и can, а также ключевые существительные и прилагательные, в том числе рецепт, новые, простые, типы и home.

    These include question words and other commonly used verbs, such as make, do and can, as well as key nouns and adjectives, including a recipe, new, easy, types and home.

    Когда, что, кто, почему, как, где, делает и должен — все это вопросительные слова, обычно встречающиеся в избранных фрагментах

    When, what, who, why, how, where, does and should are all question words commonly found in featured snippets

    Часто они называются wh- вопросами, поскольку почти все вопросительные слова в английском начинаются с wh.

    Often referred to as wh… words in English because the majority of question words begin with wh… but not all!

    Вопросительные слова и фразы.

    Инверсия утвердительного порядка, в результате чего глагол предшествует субъекту, происходит только в языках, в которых вопросительные слова или фразы обычно находятся в препозиции.

    Inversion of statement order so that verb precedes subject occurs only in languages where the question word or phrase is normally initial.

    Исключения включают определенные заимствования, в частности, от итальянского и греческого языков, а также междометия, некоторые вопросительные слова, наречия и многие собственные имена.

    Exceptions include some suffix combinations and loanwords, particularly from Italian and Greek, as well as interjections, adverbs, and many proper names.

    ВАЖНО! Следующие вопросительные слова изменяются по:

    Часто они называются wh- вопросами, поскольку почти все вопросительные слова в английском начинаются с wh.

    Interrogatives are sometimes also called WH- words because the majority of interrogatives in English start with WH-.

    Почему вопросительные слова важны для интернет-маркетинга

    Why Keywords Are Important for Online Marketing

    Вопросительные слова ставятся в начале предложения.

    Вопросительные слова являются одними из наиболее частотных слов в любом языке.

    Stop words are the most common words in any language.

    Вопросительные слова «What» и «How»

    Вопросительные слова написаны на доске.

    Вопросительные слова (Question words).

    Вопросительные слова Испанском языке.

    Часто они называются wh- вопросами, поскольку почти все вопросительные слова в английском начинаются с wh.

    They are sometimes called wh-words, because in English most of them start with wh

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 21. Точных совпадений: 21. Затраченное время: 38 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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