Phrases with the word promotion

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


With regard to the promotion of inward FDI, experts noted that the more successful investment promotion programmes target specific types of investors.

В отношении поощрения притока ПИИ эксперты отметили, что более успешные программы поощрения инвестиций направлены на определенные группы инвесторов.

General promotion measures, incentives and special zones are the most widely used tools for FDI promotion in services.

Наиболее широко используемыми средствами поощрения ПИИ в сфере услуг являются общие меры поощрения, стимулы и специальные зоны.

Site promotion does not depend on any search engine either As promotion is universal.

Продвижение сайта не зависит от какой-либо поисковой системы, так как продвижение универсально.

More effective than conventional promotion methods.

Причем, с гораздо большей эффективностью по сравнению с традиционными методами продвижения.

What is the difference between off-line promotion and brand promotion on-line.

These are promotion items that will help clients reminding your company name and service after the promotion events are finished.

Эти элементы поощрения, которые помогут клиентам напоминать название вашей компании и сервис после событий продвижения закончены.

In modern conditions, search engine promotion can not be just a search engine promotion.

Thus, investment promotion agencies pursuing the third generation of promotion policies have to include this as a necessary input in their activities.

Таким образом, учреждения по содействию инвестициям в ходе осуществления мер политики содействия третьего поколения должны в обязательном порядке вводить этот элемент в свои планы.

States parties’ obligations had also been expanded to include universal design, promotion of research and promotion of training.

Обязательства государств-участников также были расширены, с тем чтобы включить обеспечение универсального дизайна, поощрение соответствующих исследований и содействие профессиональной подготовке.

The overall expenditure on business promotion via a website is far less than other media of promotion.

Общие расходы на продвижение бизнеса через создание сайта, гораздо меньше, чем другие методы продвижения.

Our close relations with many international investment promotion agencies, chambers of commerce and other business promotion institutions have been maintained.

Поддерживаются тесные отношения со многими международными агентствами по поощрению инвестиций, торговыми палатами и другими учреждениями по продвижению бизнеса.

Video promotion also getting a good rating because there is very less competition for video promotion pages.

Продвижение видео также помогает получить хороший рейтинг, поскольку конкуренция за страницы продвижения видео очень мала.

Search Engine Optimization Google can be made today through two main promotion methods: the organic promotion method or the sponsored promotion method.

Поисковая оптимизация Google можно сделать сегодня с помощью двух основных методов продвижения: метод органического продвижения или метод спонсорского продвижения.

OBJECTIVES: The project aims at contributing to the promotion of socio-economic development and encouragement of business and entrepreneurship through promotion of culinary heritage.

ЦЕЛИ: Целью проекта является содействие социально-экономическому развитию и поощрение бизнеса и предпринимательства через продвижение кулинарного наследия.

Various general considerations also enter into promotion decisions.

Кроме того, при принятии решений о повышении в должности учитываются различные соображения общего характера.

Field work usually combines promotion and protection activities.

What looked like hell was actually promotion.

То, что выглядело как похищение, на самом деле оказалось попыткой спасения.

Each promotion will automatically close at the end of the relevant promotion period, at which point no further participation in that promotion will be possible.

Каждая Акция автоматически закрывается в конце соответствующего Периода акции, после чего участие в этой Акции невозможно.

The promotion is only valid for new clients of the company registered in the period of the promotion.

Акция доступна только для новых клиентов компании, зарегистрированных в период действия акции.

Saving on promotion and promotion often leads to losses.

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Corporate solutions



Grammar Check

Help & about

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: advancement, betterment, improvement, lift, progress, rise. Antonym: demotion. Similar words: promote, motion, notion, negotiation, production, projection, proportion, protection. Meaning: [prə’məʊʃn]  n. 1. a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution 2. act of raising in rank or position 3. encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something 4. the advancement of some enterprise. 

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1. If you are successful, you can expect promotion.

2. May I offer my heartiest congratulations on your promotion?

3. I want a job with good prospects for promotion.

4. He got the promotion. —Whoopee.

5. I have every confidence in his promotion.

6. She won her promotion by deceit.

7. Kelly’s promotion means more money and more responsibility.

8. The new job is a promotion for him.

9. His promotion to manager was a popular appointment.

10. The company encourages internal promotion.

11. She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion.

12. Her job offers very little scope for promotion.

13. He muffed a good opportunity for a promotion.

14. Promotion in the job was by seniority.

15. That clerk is labouring for a promotion.

16. I got a promotion today. —Great.

17. I didn’t think through the consequences of promotion.

17. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

18. Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.

19. He’s intent on getting promotion, and no one’s going to stop him!

20. She deserved her promotion, but I wish she wasn’t so damned smug about it.

21. If they want promotion, United have got to pull their socks up.

22. It’s just not realistic to expect a promotion so soon.

23. He got a promotion.

24. If you really want the promotion, you’ll have to be more assertive.

25. Promotion will mean that I’m immediately above him in rank.

26. His promotion was assured.

27. She was very smug and self-satisfied about getting the promotion.

28. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.

29. She was filled with deep resentment at being passed over for promotion.

30. It’s all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion.

More similar words: promote, motion, notion, negotiation, production, projection, proportion, protection, prosecution, in proportion to, motive, motivate, environmental protection, prompt, prominent, compromise, promising, from time to time, provision, profession, professional, action, option, nation, auction, section, edition, portion, question, fiction. 

продвижение, поощрение, содействие, стимулирование, продвижение по службе


- содействие (развитию); поощрение, поддержка

institutions for the promotion of learning — учреждения по распространению научных знаний

- подстрекательство
- продвижение по службе, повышение в должности; производство в чин

promotion by merit — воен. внеочередное присвоение звания
promotion by seniority — повышение (в должности) по старшинству
to obtain /to get one’s/ promotion — получить повышение по службе

- учреждение, основание (акционерного общества и т. п.)

promotion money, expenses of promotion — расходы по учреждению (акционерного общества и т. п.)

- реклама; рекламная кампания; рекламирование; рекламно-пропагандистская деятельность

promotion man — посредник, агент

- реклама; рекламный материал; листовки, проспекты и т. п.
- шахм. продвижение пешки

promotion square — поле превращения
to be on one’s promotion — а) иметь право на повышение; б) вести себя примерно в надежде на повышение, шутл. тж. на женитьбу

Мои примеры


a well deserved promotion for a hard worker — заслуженное продвижение усердного работника по службе  
a promotion to captain — производство в звание капитана  
a promotion to the rank of professor — присвоение звания профессора  
to make / win one’s promotion — получить продвижение по службе  
promotion material — рекламные материалы  
promotion program — программа содействия развитию  
sales promotion devices — способ продвижения товаров  
local promotion — продвижение на местном уровне  
promotion of health — укрепление здоровья, оздоровление  
promotion of a company — продвижение компании  
get promotion — получить повышение  

Примеры с переводом

Afterward, she got a promotion.

Впоследствии, она получила повышение.

I want a job with good prospects for promotion.

Я хочу работу с хорошими перспективами роста.

She was aiming for a promotion.

Она стремилась получить повышение.

She is looking to a promotion.

Она с нетерпением ждёт повышения по службе.

She expects to get a promotion at midyear.

Она ожидает получить повышение (по службе) к середине года.

He made his promotion to major.

Ему присвоили звание майора.

That promotion was a real boost for her ego.

Это продвижение повысило ее самомнение.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She was given a well-deserved promotion.

His promotion has caused a lot of static.

We had a big blowout to celebrate his promotion.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

promoter  — промоутер, покровитель, подстрекатель, патрон, тот, кто способствует
promoted  — выдвинутый
promotional  — рекламный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): promotion
мн. ч.(plural): promotions

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Collocations for «promotion»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «promotion» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. is up for a promotion
  2. ask (your boss) for a promotion
  3. deserve a promotion (after, for)
  4. you have earned this promotion
  5. was [considered, overlooked] for promotion
  6. his promotion to [general, surgeon]
  7. the promotion of [gay, women’s, black] rights
  8. the promotion of [sustainable, green, wind] energy
  9. the promotion of a new [book, album, movie, product]
  10. is in charge of [product] promotion
  11. are offering a special promotion on [sponges, rice]
  12. there’s a [two-for-one, three-for-two] promotion
  13. the promotion is for a limited time only
  14. offering a limited-time promotion (on)
  15. the [product] is on promotion
  16. the promotion has ended
  17. an [in-store, online] promotion
  18. sports: won promotion to the [first, second] division
  19. enter your promotion code

n as adj

  1. enter your promotion code

promotion‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

On this occasion, we bring you an interesting review, perfect to be able to improve the ventures in a substantial way, we are talking nothing more and nothing less than the phrases to attract clients, many times good marketing strategies are needed marketing To be able to hook the clientele, learn them all.

Phrases to attract customers

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are phrases to attract customers?
  • 2 Different Phrases
    • 2.1 Phrases with the word «Promotion»
    • 2.2 «You know what?» Phrase to start a friendly conversation
    • 2.3 «Offer» a very seductive word.
    • 2.4 Use the «You» and «You»
    • 2.5 Phrases where the word “Exclusive” is immersed
    • 2.6 “Limited” Another word that attracts
    • 2.7 Say something is «Fast»
    • 2.8 «Easy» an attractive word
      • 2.8.1 The word «New» makes a sentence the center of attention.
      • 2.8.2 «Free» a magnet for customers.

Within a department of sales It is very important to try to attract as many customers as possible, this is because thanks to these strategies, sales can increase significantly, there is nothing more effective than phrases to attract customers, this is a simple and ingenious resource who tries to find common ground with customers in order to start a conversation, in this way the product can be offered and capture the buyer’s full attention.

For this to work, the seller must be extremely pro-active, seeing the different types of customers who come to the sales area in order to offer a service.

So communication is a very important point in this method, the seller must inspire confidence when approaching the client so that insecurity or discomfort is not noticed, it is for this reason that in the following section a series of phrases to attract customers, join us. Learn here about types of clients.

Different Phrases

The main characteristics of these phrases is that they must be short, and must relate the subsequent conversation to the product that you want to sell, which is why it is very important that they must have a strictly commercial and friendly meaning in order to engage the customer. client effectively, among the most effective we have the following:

Phrases with the word «Promotion»

Within the phrases to attract customers, the word promotion is one of the most effective and one of the ones that has the greatest impact on buyers so that they are interested in the product in question, this tells the customer that they will come out with benefits, because the relationship between the price and the product, you will have it in your favor.

However, this word must be used in the company of other words and phrases so that the impact is more convincing in the client, within these complete phrases the following can be found, for example:

  • Special promotion on everything related to men’s footwear.
  • Promotion and discount throughout the technology department.
  • Special promotion for mother’s day, take the special gift for mothers on their day.

Phrases to attract customers

«You know what?» Phrase to start a friendly conversation

People by human nature are very curious, which is why the seller must exploit that curiosity in some way, phrases from everyday life such as «You don’t know what happened! Guess who argued with her mother-in-law!…” These are very common phrases that invite us to know more about what happened, which is why marketing experts openly recommend using them.

To take these phrases and attract customers to the world of sales, they should be replaced by a «Did you know?» This simple question works very well to attract the customer’s attention using their curiosity in favor of the seller, something infallible

After this, the interest in the product offered must be added to be able to make the sale, if it is combined with the previous phrase the results can be very good, to give a fairly good example we can say the following:

  • You know what? we have Today we have a unique promotion for you.
  • You know what? Only for today we have the special end of the year promotion.
  • You know what? special valentine’s day promotion arrived just for you.

Phrases to attract customers

«Offer» a very seductive word.

This has a similar effect to the word “Promotion”, it can be used to attract the attention of customers so that they are very temptingly attracted to the product that is being sold in the sales department. It is crucial for this word to be mixed and directly related to the product you want to sell, such as the following phrases:

  • Today we have an incredible offer on high-end phones
  • For this week only, all school supplies will be on sale for the restart of classes.

Use the «You» and «You»

At first, it is not an extremely flashy word, however the objective of this phrase to attract customers is not to be very flashy. The objective of this phrase is simply to have a closer and more intimate conversation with the client in question, which is why it is widely used by sellers.

The word «You» indicates that the seller treats the client in a very trusting and open way, so that the client will feel comfortable. Saying «We have an offer for you today» should be avoided, so it can be replaced by «We have the best offers for you», this changes the conversation and makes it much more personal, this is because the pronouns in the singular make conversations more intimate.

You must be very careful when using personal pronouns in the singular, because some people may take it as a lack of respect, which is why you must study the client well before approaching. However, the objective of using «You» instead of «You» is simply to make the conversation closer, so that the client has the feeling that they are talking to a friend, this will always depend on the type of business. that is being attended to.

Phrases to serve customers

Phrases where the word “Exclusive” is immersed

This is a word that has the objective of providing exclusivity to what is sold, something that makes it attractive to customers, it is as if what is being sold is not for anyone, fully capturing the customer’s attention to the product. that is being offered.

A large number of people like to feel privileged, so if they are offered exclusivity, they will immediately be attracted to the product that is being offered, one of the best phrases to attract customers that there can be. To give a practical example, this word can be used in sentences such as:

  • This is an exclusive product for men.
  • This is an exclusive product for our best customers.

“Limited” Another word that attracts

This is one of the most effective phrases to attract customers that can be used, buyers are usually very impatient, so by saying that there is a limited product, either in quantity or time, they will want to have it before it runs out. It is a very attractive word for customers, because it is synonymous with an excellent quality product.

Within the thoughts of buyers, they tend to get the idea that if it is a limited product it must be for some reason, which can be directly related to its quality or its price. Do you know what the recruitment and selection of personnel? Discover it here

Phrases to attract customers

It also encourages you to buy without thinking much, fast. Well, they are afraid of being left out, that is, that the limit arrives before them. an excellent example of this useful phrase would be to use it in the following way:

  • Limited offer for Christmas days,
  • Limited offer for 10 people.

Say something is «Fast»

This word can be included in a number of phrases to attract customers in a very effective way, because in this case, it is about giving attributes to the purchase or the product, based on its performance or the time of the offer that It is happening, that is why this phrase can be used, for example, in the following sentences:

» The product guarantees quick cleaning on all surfaces, try it by wearing one» or «This cosmetic product can quickly remove stains from your skin»

Upon hearing that the product can give quick results to the problems presented by the buyer, and that it can satisfy their needs in a fairly feasible time, buyers are enthusiastic about the product offered, which is why phrases can be used in another sense such as for example the following:

  • Get this product fast before it finally runs out in store
  • Come quickly, so you can start efficiently enjoying the advantages of this product»
  • Do not waste time and quickly acquire this new cell in offer

These examples are perfect to illustrate how to manage the patience of buyers so that they quickly acquire a product, a foolproof phrase.

«Easy» an attractive word

This is a fundamental word that must be used to be able to hook customers effectively and at the same time make the product look quite attractive to buyers, one of the most used practical examples are the following:

  • Learn how to make cakes easily and quickly.
  • With this interesting course you can learn to play the guitar quickly and easily.

The word «New» makes a sentence the center of attention.

The word «New» is very useful to attract many customers, because it is proven that what the mass of buyers are looking for is new products that have just come out on the market to be bought and enjoyed by them. It is for this reason that, even if, for example, a person has a perfectly functional cell phone, but wishes to change it for the most innovative on the market, he will do so without thinking about it, because he will always want to have the best.

It is for this simple reason that this word is used in the best phrases to attract customers to businesses that want to increase their sales for some reason, the idea that you have something new is simply tempting for the buyer.

However, to be able to use this phrase, you must have something new in reality, because otherwise it would be considered a scam for the buyer, something serious for the seller. This word can be combined with others to give them much more convincing power, such as:

  • New menu! We bring you an excellent promotion for all Valentine’s Day
  • Come to our store and get our new high-end cell phone, fast, don’t waste time!

«Free» a magnet for customers.

It may sound very obvious and inaccurate, however, there is an inherent truth in that sentence, all people love products free, no matter how minimal, buyers will be attracted by this word. That is why many companies and stores use this simple strategy to attract customers like flies, the methodology is very simple.

It is not a secret that many researchers in the world of marketing have carried out multitudes of studies on the significance of gratuity within the sales of a certain company.

That is why in one of those studies it was possible to offer a group of people to test this point, to choose between two brands of chocolates, one of excellent quality and flavor at a price of 0.15 dollars for each chocolate and another of a regular brand. which was offered at only 0.01 dollars for each one.

The result of the first study gave the unsurprising result that 73% of people who made the purchase opted for the first option. After a while, they carried out the study again, with the obvious change that this time they would offer the high-quality chocolate at $0.14 each, and the regular-quality chocolate would be offered totally free.

This means that although the price difference between the two chocolates was only pennies, 69% of those who participated in this survey got the chocolate for free, proving the point.

In this way we end this interesting article on the most significant phrases to attract customers that can be used in sales, thanks for reading.

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