Phrases with the word positive

positive — перевод на русский


Those things happen, like electrons, positive and negative.

Так случается. Как с электронами — положительный, отрицательный.

The test was positive.

Результат анализа положительный.

And positive, is that Colossus has discovered everything.

» еще положительный момент в том, что олосс все обнаружил.

The results from the laboratory show that Miss Fergusson has blood type 0, rhesus positive.

Лабораторные исследования показали, что у мисс Фергюссон нулевая группа крови, резус положительный.

Pylos informs us that Operation Hymen was conducted during the night of April 12th with positive results

Пилос сообщает, что операция «Гименей» проведена в ночь с 12-го на 13-ое апреля. Результат — положительный.

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— Think positively, Spock.

— Мыслите позитивно, мистер Спок.

Think big, think positive.

Думай по крупному и позитивно.

yeah. think positive.

да. думайте позитивно.

They were real high, they wrote great music, drugs had a positive effect, they did.

Они были на измене. написали отличную музыку, наркотики позитивно повлияли

Think positive.

Думай позитивно.

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— Well, you’re positive of that, aren’t you?

— Ты уверен?

— But I’m positive just the same.

— …но всё же я уверен.

You’re positive nothing went wrong?

Ты уверен, что все прошло, как надо?

You’re positive nothing went wrong?

Ты уверен, что что-то не пошло не так?

I know it sounds rather vague, but I’m positive I can work it out.

Я знаю, это звучит довольно туманно, но я уверен, я могу работать.

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Wants me to do something «positive» for the class before I leave.

Чтобы я хотя бы на прощание сделал хорошее дело для класса.

Or when they try and mangle a positive word into a car name.

Или когда они берут и искажают какое-нибудь хорошее слово, превращая его в название машины.

You turn it into something positive.

А обратить ее во что-нибудь хорошее.

To make something positive come out of this devastating event.

Приурочить к такому ужасному происшествию хоть что-то хорошее.

I mean, I hate to pry but I’d like to think that there’s still something positive in the life of a starship captain these days.

Мне, конечно, не хочется совать нос в чужие дела, но хотелось бы думать, что в жизни капитана корабля в эти дни все еще есть что-то хорошее.

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I’m positive I’ve got some figures on their net circulation in my files.

Я абсолютно уверен, что у меня есть информация об их тиражах в моих документах.

«The Police Positive steady in the Mouse’s big hand. »

«Полиция абсолютно доверяла уравновешенности Морея.»

Not that I didn’t think everything was gonna be wonderful but now I’m positive. Thanks.

Не то чтобы я не думал, что все будет хорошо но сейчас я абсолютно уверен в этом.

Positive? — Mm-hmm.


You seem to be so positive about this Keun case.

Кажется, вы абсолютно убеждены в деле этого Кейна.

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Positive identification can be made from tooth irregularities.

Человека можно опознать по его зубам.

Authorities say positive identification of some of the bodies may be impossible.

К сожалению, некоторые тела нельзя опознать.

You could positively identify the defendants for a moment of two seconds looking through this dirty window, this crud-covered screen, these trees with all these leaves on them, and I don’t know how many bushes.

Вы смогли опознать подзащитных за две секунды наблюдая из грязного окна, сквозь грязную ширму, эти деревься со всеми листьями на ними, и бог знает сколько кустов.

He swore out a statement saying that he had seen and could positively identify one Keyser Soze.

Он поклялся, что видел и может опознать Кайзера Созе.

We’re gonna go to the morgue and you can make a positive identification.

Давайте проедем в морг, где вы сможете опознать его.

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Mrs. Barrows, the test came back positive.

Миссис Барроуз,тест показал положительный результат.

It’s better if we wait till we’re positive.

Лучше подождем до тех пор, пока не получим положительный результат.

It tested positive for gonorrhea.

Положительный результат теста на гонорею.

Patient tested positive for herpetic encephalitis.

У пациентки положительный результат теста на герпесный энцефалит. — И что нам это говорит?

Well, the sick babies all tested positive for echovirus 11.

Ну, больные дети показали положительный результат на Эховирус 11.

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Because… recently… I had a blood test, and it turns out I’m HIV positive.

Потому что… недавно… я сделал анализ крови, и он показал, что у меня ВИЧ.

But… and he recently found out that he’s HIV positive.

Недавно у него обнаружили ВИЧ.


Должно быть,у него ВИЧ.


У него ВИЧ.


Есть немало парней, у чьих бой-френдов ВИЧ.

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And Rhoda positively refuses to bring her friends home while she’s here.

А Рода определенно откажется приводить своих друзей, пока она здесь.

Cora’s doctor says that Father positively has to go where there are no hard winters, and we thought, on account of Addie living in California…

Врач сказал Коре, что отец определенно должен переехать в местность без суровых зим, и мы подумали, в связи с тем, что Эдди живет в Калифорнии,




В такую погоду поездка, определенно, опасна, и тормоза не совсем в порядке.

Positively, no Decidedly, no

Определенно, нет! Решительно, нет!

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I wanna see a negative before I provide you with a positive.

Хочу увидеть негатив до того, как я представлю вам позитив.

One needs the negative, the positive, and the screen is neutral.

Нужны негатив и позитив — и экран станет нейтральным.

Such as the negative Kafka spoke of, which was to be created, the positive having been given to us at birth.

Как негатив, о котором Франц Кафка говорил, что он должен быть создан, тогда как позитив дается нам от рождения.

Yeah, you just gotta stay positive, man.

Лови позитив, сестренка.

Uh, we on this side of the kitchen choose to be positive.

Ну, мы на этой стороне кухни, выбирай позитив.

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Отправить комментарий

положительный, позитивный, уверенный, позитив, положительная степень


- несомненный; определённый, совершенно ясный

positive proof — несомненное доказательство

- точный, определённый

positive orders [instructions] — точные приказания [инструкции]
positive promises — определённые /недвусмысленные/ обещания

- решительный; категорический

positive order — категорический приказ
positive refusal [denial] — решительный /категорический/ отказ [-ое отрицание]

- положительный, утвердительный

positive reaction to a suggestion — положительная реакция на предложение

- верный, достоверный

positive information — достоверные сведения
positive ore — геол. достоверные запасы руды

ещё 16 вариантов


- нечто положительное, положительность
- нечто реальное, реальность
- грам. положительная степень
- фото позитив
- сокр. от positive quantity
- эл. положительная пластина (элемента)
- муз., церк. позитив (небольшой переносной орган; тж. positive organ)

Мои примеры


positive (negative) charge — положительный (отрицательный) заряд  
positive rational cube — положительный рациональный куб  
positive influence — позитивное, положительное влияние  
optimistic / positive outlook on life — оптимистическое, позитивное восприятие жизни  
positive reaction — позитивная реакция  
favorable / positive reaction — положительная реакция  
good / positive reference — хорошая, положительная рекомендация  
favourable / positive report — благоприятный, положительный отзыв  
favourable / positive review — благоприятный, положительный отзыв  
completely positive — вполне положительный  

Примеры с переводом

I am positive he is lying.

Я (совершенно) уверен, что он лжёт.

‘Think positive!’ she advised herself.

«Думай о хорошем!», посоветовала она сама себе.

She’s got a really positive attitude to life.

Она очень позитивно относится к жизни.

Two positive charges repel each other.

Два положительных заряда отталкиваются друг от друга.

The candidate projected a positive image.

Кандидат производил благоприятное впечатление.

You can find positives in any situation.

Положительные моменты можно найти в любой ситуации.

The superscript plus sign denotes a positive ion.

Знак «плюс» в качестве верхнего индекса означает положительно заряженный ион.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The positive effect on businesses may take up to three years to work through.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

positively  — положительно, несомненно, решительно, безусловно, с уверенностью, категорически
positivism  — позитивизм
positiveness  — положительность, определенность, безапеляционность, уверенность
positivist  — позитивист
positivity  — положительность, положительная проба, позитивность
dispositive  — располагающий, настраивающий, распорядительный, регулирующий, установочный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): positive
мн. ч.(plural): positives

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Collocations for «positive»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «positive» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. a positive [thinker, person, worker]
  2. a positive [reply, contribution, answer, development]
  3. a positive [mood, frame of mind, character, approach, attitude, personality]
  4. positive [thoughts, actions, ideas, feedback]
  5. make a positive change (to)
  6. make a positive impression (on)
  7. have a positive [influence, impact] (on)
  8. a positive [trend, movement, development] (towards)
  9. try to have a (more) positive attitude (towards)
  10. am trying to stay positive, but
  11. you need to stay positive!
  12. a positive reaction to the [defeat, news, comment]
  13. (the) positive [aspects, points, elements] (of)
  14. [take, extract, identify] the positive [aspects]
  15. positive [results, outcomes, consequences]
  16. a positive [outlook, future]
  17. a positive [number, total, amount, integer]
  18. a positive electric [charge, current]
  19. positive (or negative) [energy, charge]
  20. a positive identification of the [body, victim, suspect]
  21. a positive test for [drugs]
  22. tested positive for [drugs, steroids, alcohol, performance enhancers]
  23. the [blood, urine, doping] test came back positive
  24. I’m [totally, absolutely] positive that
  25. is positive (that) they will [win, finish, be on time]
  26. Are you positive?
  27. well, no, I’m not positive
  28. you [must, need to] be more positive


  1. [got, gave] a false positive
  2. the test (result) was a positive
  3. the positives (and negatives) of the [job, position]
  4. is one of the many positives of
  5. are just a few of the positives
  6. make a list of the positives
  7. discuss the positives and negatives (of)
  8. is one of the [few, many] positives (of)
  9. is a definite positive
  10. is considered a positive for the [job, position]
  11. [emphasize, accentuate, highlight] your positives
  12. [emphasize] the positives (of)
  13. put a positive instead of a negative
  14. [develop, print, enlarge] positives
  15. [verbs, auxiliaries] in the positive

positive‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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The book had a positive influence on me.

He has been a positive role model for his brother.

Nothing positive came out of that experience.

What are some of the positive things about your job?

The low unemployment rate is a positive sign for the economy.

The company took positive steps to create a safer workplace.

You’ve got to have a positive attitude to do well in life.

You should try to be more positive about the whole situation.

On the positive side, you will be making more money.

To end on a positive note, we are seeing an increase in sales this month.


The positives of living in the city include access to public transportation and many interesting restaurants.

The test showed a positive.

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Recent Examples on the Web

This version has hundreds of positive reviews on Amazon with plenty of buyers raving about how chic the hammock looks.

Martha Sorren, Woman’s Day Magazine, 7 Apr. 2023

But in the present, the battle still isn’t completely won, even after Tuesday night’s premiere-goers exited to see on their smartphones a raft of mostly positive, sometimes gushy reviews, some of them bound to be excerpted as blurbs posted on the theater exterior within hours.

Chris Willman, Variety, 5 Apr. 2023

During a search of his vehicle, police recovered 80 pills that tested positive for fentanyl, along with a loaded pistol, drug paraphernalia and a small amount to methamphetamine, reports said.

Clifford Ward, Chicago Tribune, 5 Apr. 2023

An investigation by Reuters, however, found that the company had long been aware that some of its products had tested positive for small amounts of asbestos.

Bryan Pietsch,, 5 Apr. 2023

Forty-six plants tested positive.

Lori Tobias | , oregonlive, 4 Apr. 2023

That leaves isolation as the last control in place against the virus, though the state has loosened guidance on how long people who test positive should stay home.

Ryan Fonseca, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

The film was met with very positive reviews and audience reactions and is expected to have a solid run in the coming weeks.

Lester Fabian Brathwaite,, 2 Apr. 2023

Beginning Monday, California will no longer require masks for COVID-19 prevention in health care settings — leaving isolation for those who test positive as the last vestige of the state’s formerly mandatory COVID rules.

Danielle Echeverria, San Francisco Chronicle, 2 Apr. 2023

And then just developing those passions and trying to just focus on that and focus on the positives.

Vandana Pawa, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

But even though unintended consequences are possible, Drs. Jones and Lynch said that the positives certainly trump any potential negatives.

Julia Landwehr, Health, 29 Mar. 2023

Those were the positives for Waldichuk in his Cactus League start against Cleveland.

Matt Kawahara, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 Mar. 2023

Nelson, who gave up three runs on four hits and two walks in 1 2/3 innings, was able to see the positives.

Nick Piecoro, The Arizona Republic, 3 Mar. 2023

Lying underneath the overwhelming positives about SMU potentially — and finally — joining a Power Five conference is a question some fans have pondered: Are there any negatives worth considering? Gasp.

Dallas News, 2 Mar. 2023

Focus on the positives of working out, such as less stress, more energy, or a deeper connection to your workout partner.

Terri Huggins, Fortune Well, 1 Mar. 2023

Instead of feeling frustrated, find the positives.

Expert Panel®, Forbes, 21 Feb. 2023

That’s a net positive of 35 percentage points.

Dante Chinni, NBC News, 28 Aug. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘positive.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative

Focus on the positive rather than the negative. If you’re feeling down, try to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Focus on the good things in your life! It can be very hard to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative when you’re in a bout of depression. My wife left me. How can I «accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative» in a situation like this, huh?

body positive

Having or intended to have the effect of encouraging a positive view of one’s body that focuses on overall well-being and self-worth, as opposed to being self-critical or adhering to unhealthy trends or societal views of beauty. I try to be body positive, but it’s hard when the media constantly bombards us with unrealistic images of female beauty. It’s nice to see some body-positive advertising for once.

eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive

Focus on the positive rather than the negative. If you’re feeling down, try to eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive. Focus on the good things in your life!

end on a positive note

To conclude (something) at some desirable or successful point or with some pleasant piece of news. I know we’ve had quite a few disappointments, but let’s win this last game and end the season on a positive note! The CEO’s speech at the Annual General Meeting ended on quite a positive note when he announced that there would be a company-wide bonus at the end of the year.

finish on a positive note

To conclude (something) at some desirable or successful point or with some pleasant piece of news. I know we’ve had quite a few disappointments, but let’s win this last game and finish the season on a positive note! The CEO’s speech at the Annual General Meeting finished on quite a positive note when he announced that there would be a company-wide bonus at the end of the year.

Positive Polly

One who is very (usually excessively) upbeat, encouraging, and optimistic. A: «Come on, we can do this! We just have to work together!» B: «Geez, Positive Polly, all right.» I need spend more time with Maria—she’s such a Positive Polly that I always leave feeling better about myself.

proof positive

Proof that definitively confirms something; undeniable proof (of something). This document—signed by the defendant—is proof positive that he authorized the transfer of funds. If you’re looking for proof positive, you’re not going to find it. Some things just don’t have a definite answer.

think positive

To be optimistic, especially about a particular situation. Oh, think positive—there’s no reason to believe you won’t get the job.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

(I’ve) seen better.

a noncommittal and not very positive judgment about something or someone. Alice: How did you like the movie? John: I’ve seen better. Bill: What do you think about this weather? Bob: Seen better.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

think positive

Be optimistic, concentrate on the good rather than the bad, as in It’s true you were fired but think positive-now you can look for a job you really like . This expression comes from the psychological doctrine of positive thinking, which gained currency with Norman Vincent Peale’s popular book, The Power of Positive Thinking (1953). [Second half of 1900s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

proof ˈpositive

definite or convincing proof: It’s proof positive of her belief in the company that she’s investing her own money in it.

think ˈpositive

think in a confident way about what you can do: If you don’t think positive, you won’t win. ▶ ˌpositive ˈthinking noun: He believes in the power of positive thinking.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

think positive

Concentrate on the bright side, on what is constructive and good; ignore the negative aspect. This exhortation comes from Norman Vincent Peale’s inspirational best-seller, The Power of Positive Thinking (1953). Although the idea had been developed by numerous psychologists of the early twentieth century, the term itself became current after the publication of Dr. Peale’s book.

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • accentuate
  • accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative
  • eliminate
  • eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive
  • negative
  • take note
  • take note (of someone or something)
  • blow (something) out of (all) proportion
  • blow out of proportion
  • center of attention

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