Phrases with the word pleasant

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Aura 136B is an extremely pleasant apartment.

Aura 136B — это чрезвычайно приятный апартамент который рассчитан максимум на 4 человек.

They are used in cosmetics products to provide a pleasant smell.

Его широко применяют в косметологии для того, чтобы придать косметическим средствам приятный аромат.

Negative punishment implies removing something pleasant.

Считается, что лучший способ наказания — это лишить чего-то приятного.

Happiness is just having pleasant thoughts most of the time.

Счастье — просто настроение, при котором большую часть времени нами владеют приятные мысли.

Creating warm housing decorations are different concepts that make up a pleasant working environment.

Создание теплого жилого декора — это совершенно иная концепция, которая заключает в себе, помимо прочего, и приятную рабочую среду.

Drinking it at room temperature is not so pleasant.

Поэтому пользоваться ими в условиях минусовой температуры воздуха не слишком приятно.

Life for these two new-comers was anything but pleasant.

Жизнь на положении интернированных для этих двоих была вопреки всему приятной.

Bananas are tropical fruits with sweet taste and pleasant aroma.

Бананы — это тропические фрукты, обладающие сладким вкусом, приятным ароматом.

We think of weightlessness as something pleasant for astronauts.

Мы думаем о невесомости, как о чем-то приятном для астронавтов.

Oddly enough, the circumstances and surroundings were pleasant.

Как ни странно, обстоятельства и окружающая обстановка были весьма приятны.

A pleasant bonus for those with foreign partners and clients.

Приятный бонус для тех, у кого есть иностранные партнеры и клиенты.

For the married, a pleasant change.

Для человека, состоящего в браке, — приятную перемену.

Each of them had children and related pleasant troubles.

У каждой из них появились дети и связанные с этим приятные хлопоты.

Undoubtedly there was something indescribably pleasant for me on that hilltop.

Без сомнения, было что-то неописуемо приятное для меня на вершине этого холма.

None of these diseases is pleasant.

Ни одна из этих болезней не является приятной.

Most of us work best in pleasant environments we enjoy being in.

Большинство из нас работают лучше всего в приятной обстановке, в которой нам нравится находиться.

Villages are not always pleasant places to live in.

Деревня — это не всегда место, в котором приятно жить.

There are no pleasant thoughts here.

Никаких приятных мыслей на этот счет не возникает.

Ensuring intercommunication with the forum’s community for full and pleasant interaction.

Обеспечить двустороннюю связь с сообществом на площадке форума — для полноценного и взаимно приятного общения.

Neither does communism turn production into something perpetually pleasant and playful.

Схожим образом, коммунизм не превращает работу в нечто вечно приятное и радостное.

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You recall only pleasant things.
Верно, следует помнить только приятные ве щи.

I wish you all pleasant holidays, a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Желаю всем вам хороших праздников, веселого Рождества и с Новым вас годом.

We had a pleasant evening.
Мы провели приятный вечер.

But still, it is pleasant here, like a child’s bedroom: red, yellow, and green walls, different coloured chairs, and, in place of a window, a television that shows mermaids swimming.
Зато здесь весело, как в детской комнате: красные, желтые и зеленые стены, разноцветные стульчики, вместо окон — телевизоры, где плавают девушки-русалки.

Putin was a pleasant call.
Разговор с Путиным был приятным.

Your able leadership and personal commitment, as well as your amiable nature and pleasant disposition, have contributed to your remarkable ability to build consensus and to steer the General Assembly in the right direction to achieve successful outcomes during a critical period.
Ваше умелое руководство и личная приверженность, а также Ваш дружелюбный характер и веселый нрав содействовали Вашей замечательной способности добиваться консенсуса и направлять работу Генеральной Ассамблеи в правильное русло, к достижению плодотворных результатов в весьма критические моменты.

Sleep tight, and pleasant dreams.
Крепкого сна и приятных сновидений.

Divorce proceedings are rarely pleasant.
Процедура развода редко бывает приятной.

Nothing is more pleasant than traveling.
Нет ничего приятней путешествия.

. . it’s a pleasant surreal world.”
Это приятный сюрреалистичный мир».

It’s not a pleasant sleep.
Это не приятный сон.

Hope you had a pleasant flight.
Надеюсь у вас был приятный перелет.

“I never brought Putin pleasant questions.
— Я никогда не приходила к Путину с приятными вопросами.

This book is pleasant to read.
Эта книга приятная для чтения.

Miss Corinth, what a pleasant surprise.
Мисс Коринф, какой приятный сюрприз.

We had a very pleasant flight.
У нас был очень приятный полет.

It’s not a pleasant subject.
Это не очень приятная тема.

The indoor temperature is very pleasant.
Климат в помещении очень приятный.

Have a pleasant flight, Dr. Lawson.
Желаю приятного полета, доктор Лоусон.

Her voice is pleasant to listen to.
Её голос приятно слышать.


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pleasant — перевод на русский


Pleasant, especially when chance sent me a connoisseur.

И прежде всего приятно, что судьба послала мне ценителя.

It goes pleasantly in my veins.

Оно приятно бежит по моим жилам.

I’m sorry in a way because it would be so pleasant… to buy lovely «nonsensities» for somebody who’d never had them.

В чем-то это даже плохо. Было бы приятно покупать милые мелочи тому, кто их не имел.

That’s the first place you gotta go and it ain’t pleasant, the morgue.

Туда надо идти в первую очередь, а в морге не очень-то приятно.

— Did you have a pleasant trip, Nicholas?

— Твое путешествие прошло приятно, Николас?

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Very pleasant.

Очень мило.

You can come see me here. It’s much more pleasant.

Заходите ко мне сюда, тут мило.

Oh, it’s very pleasant.

О, это очень мило.

Doctor, you’re being very pleasant with me.

Доктор, вы со мной так мило шутите.

How pleasant of you to join us.

Как мило с вашей стороны присоединиться к нам.

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It’s pleasant and cool here.

Здесь хорошо и прохладно.

I wish her well, I want her to be happy, I want a normal, peaceful, pleasant life for her.

Я ведь хочу ей добра, счастья, чтобы жизнь сложилась нормально, хорошо, спокойно.

Pleasant trip?

Хорошо доехал?

How pleasant to see a man respond in such a way.

Как хорошо, когда человек так реагирует.


Теперь там так зелено и хорошо.

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It’s never pleasant.

Это всегда неприятно.

Now this isn’t going to be pleasant.

Итак, это будет неприятно.

Yes, well, I understand that it’s not very pleasant to have people saying that your girlfriend was raped.

Да-да, понимаю, крайне неприятно, когда весь город знает, что твою девушку изнасиловали.

— It is very pleasant.

— Было очень неприятно. Да?

What I have to tell you is no more pleasant for me than it will be for you.

То, что я должен сказать вам, будет более неприятно для меня, чем для вас.

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How pleasant is the life I lead

И знаю я, что славно жизнь моя летит.

You look pleasant.

Ты славно выглядишь.

You know, so he’s closed the drapes there so he can have a nice, pleasant conversation with your little sister.

Понимаешь, он задёрнул шторы,… чтобы мило и славно… поболтать с твоей младшей сестрой.

— It was pleasant.

— Это было славно.

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It’s pleasant that you grasp everything so quickly.

Мне очень приятно, что вы так точно все понимаете.

That doesn’t sound pleasant.

Звучит не очень приятно.

This isn’t going to be pleasant.

Будет не очень приятно.

Well, as pleasant as this has been, I’m afraid I’m going to have to run.

— Было очень приятно, но боюсь, мне нужно бежать.

Mmm. I tell you something, it was not pleasant.

Скажу тебе одно, это было не очень приятно.

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Good night. Thank you for a most pleasant evening.

Доброй ночи и спасибо за прекрасный вечер.

Well, good night, Susan, dear, and thanks for a pleasant evening.

— Что ж, спокойной ночи, дорогая Сьюзен, благодарю вас за прекрасный вечер.

Obliged by this pleasant night work, Lady Astwell.

Леди Эствилл, благодарю Вас за прекрасный вечер.

Sun’s going down, with my mates, it’s down below 90 degrees, we’re in the deep south, it’s a pleasant evening.

Солнце садится, оно уже почти за горизонтом, мы далеко на юге. Прекрасный вечер.

It’s another pleasant day for me, Peter the Strawberry.

Еще один прекрасный день у меня, Питера Клубники.

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Are you in advance for Mount Pleasant?

Ты расплатился за дом в Маунт-Плезант?

Mount Pleasant will be mine.

Маунт-Плезант будет моим.

This is Mount Pleasant.

Это Маунт-Плезант.

Trudiæemo to spend in Mount Pleasant!

Мы постараемся восполнить этот пробел в Маунт-Плезант!

Um, Mount Pleasant. And a British stamp.

Маунт-Плезант и британский штемпель.

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I have tickets to a bonsai exposition in Mount Pleasant Friday night.

У меня билеты на выставку бонсай в пятницу в Маунт Плезант.

Zach’s away and I’m going to Mount Pleasant on business today.

Зака нет, а я поеду по делам в Маунт Плезант.

I see that you made it back from Mount Pleasant.

Вижу, ты вернулся из Маунт Плезант.

Look, I’m in mt. Pleasant right now buying some end tables

Слушай, я сейчас в Маунтин Плезант, покупаю тумбочки.

He was working as a nurse at the free clinic in mount pleasant.

Он работал медбратом в бесплатной клинике «Маунт Плезант»

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It’d be very pleasant If men were to act like men again.

Это было бы очень пикантно. Может, глядя на него, мужчины снова начнут поступать как мужчины.

This is hardly a pleasant country just now. You’ve chosen an odd time.

Вы выбрали очень странное место для развлечений.

And it is a very pleasant place, captain.

Это очень прелестное место, капитан.

It’s a very pleasant room, Ben.

Это очень славное место, Бен.

Yes; everything went off very pleasantly, and dancing was kept up until five o’clock.

Как же! очень было весело; танцевали до пяти часов.

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Something pleasant may have associations with happiness, entertainment, enjoyment, ecstasy, or euphoria. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It’s all part of the company’s plan to wrap us in its big digital bear hug, making our lives more convenient, organized and pleasant.


It serves on the sky-high level of quality: always pleasant support team, great discounts, personalized approach, timely delivery and fantastic final results.


Please give me a call at 666-555-4444 or email me at [Email Address] so we can discuss this further in person, as for a position such as this, seeing is believing how I can make your customers» contact with your company an especially pleasant one.


But it’s the large and distinctive single-piece OLED rear light bar that really marks it out — for a company considered to be quite conservative it’s a pleasant surprise.


By placing the Mario characters in an unfamiliar setting (taking obvious inspiration from XCOM), crafting a surprisingly deep battle system, and finally giving the Rabbids the quality title they were so desperately in need of, and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle proved to be a most pleasant surprise.


While it is not necessarily a pleasant realization as to why the dog reacted the way he or she did, there is most probably a definite link to the behavior.


Cats scratch to (1) condition their claws by removing old nail sheaths, (2) scent mark objects with the glands on their paws, (3) visually mark objects by leaving shredded matter as evidence, (4) stretch and exercise their forelegs, and (5) enjoy a pleasant sensation.


The market «village» with shops restaurants and pavilions overlooking the beach and the sea make it a pleasant spot to stop and enjoy the view and do a little beach combing.


Living near Washington DC, I would have to say that fall is the one season here in which the weather is actually pleasant, so I look forward to it all year long!


Even learning to play well is not always pleasant.


This game sounds particularly impressive with headphones on, featuring booming bass and other pleasant sounds firing at you in full stereo.


Warm wood worktops and flooring ground the scheme, while dove grey walls are a pleasant and modern contrast against the white units and smart metro tiles.


Keep the wheels from slipping and you’ll have a pleasant time, thanks to the i3’s nimble feel.


And how pleasant to be able to transmute our fury over our fate into incoherent feelings of self-heroism against our present «enemies.»


The interior is a pleasant and comfortable place to sit in with high-quality materials, comfortable seats, and plenty of room for passengers.


Above all, I have an excellent temperament, exceptional customer care skills and a pleasant and friendly personality.


He was a pleasant and seasoned professional.


It’s also very quiet — except when its job is complete and the Smart Scoop plays one of three pleasant ice-cream-truck-inspired melodies.


The hunt this afternoon will be pleasant, for the section of the jungle he has chosen to roam today is shaded with several densely layered canopies creating a green, leafy ceiling upwards of five stories above his head.


At the carefully stage-managed Labour women’s training conference in mid-July, defence of the proposals by Baroness Hollis and new Labour MP and ex-NUS president Lorna Fitzsimons as not pleasant but «necessary» contrasted with a well attended and heated Labour Women’s Action Committee (LWAC) meeting addressed by Audrey Wise MP, which effectively launched the campaign within the Labour Party to save lone parent benefits.


I also just enjoy the texture that chia brings to this smoothie — a little bit like pudding and a little bit like boba tea, with a pleasant pop and crunch that occurs if you bite into it.


Thankfully, I have been fairly lucky with screening my tenants; most of them are very pleasant people who I have a great relationship with.


Not a pleasant experience for the dog, and a pretty shocking one for his owner.


In 2015 galleries surprised me with some pleasant turns of ingenuity — I discovered obscure pastel genius Liotard at the Royal Academy, and my hatred of Damien Hirst thawed with the opening of Newport Street gallery.


I’ve always had good buying experience with this dealership, no complaints there at all always an easy pleasant experience.


I’ll be riding with the top off and my leg resting on the side steps as I ride through the country gazing up at the stars with my girl by my side, while we make pleasant memories in my Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited.


With three sizes (petite, average and plus) and a pleasant array of colors, the Mommy Pillow is another option for stomach sleepers.


I can’t speak for the ocean temps (I only walk on the beach, I don’t go in), but August in Connecticut was very pleasant but not exceptionally warm.


Deluxe desktop replacements, whose large screen and goodies such as DVD-ROM qualify them to be your only computer, though less pleasant to carry around.


The 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport’s reasonable pricing might come as a pleasant surprise.


Still don’t like the game all that much but the big plastic ships were pleasant enough to push around.


Quito was a very pleasant surprise for us.


Bruce walks on water, pushes rush hour traffic out of the way, and aims just retribution at a gang that beat him up on his worst day ever by having a monkey come out of the most obvious bodily orifice (although that doesn’t mean it’s anywhere near the most pleasant).


The stretch of sand offers pleasant beach walks during the day and at sunset, and you can easily get here via the main Jalan Jungut Batu road that runs the length of Nusa Lembongan’s western coastline.


Their staff is always professional and pleasant to deal with.


However, the film was seriously pleasant to watch.


The bass from the v3 Prism was a pleasant hum that never got too intimate with my ears or stayed too far away.


This popular purpose-built guest house offers very safe, pleasant and affordable accommodation.


Although getting a traffic ticket in Virginia Beach is not a pleasant experience, we can help by taking the frustration out of going to traffic school.


Meanwhile, as you step into the cabin, you feel a refined air hit you from the pleasant layout of the interior.


It’s not a horrible experience or anything, but it’s not overly pleasant.


More pleasant and more polished, the new WRX is definitely less raw — but not at the expense of fun.


Consequently, Other People comes across as merely pleasant, the exceptions being two over-the-top sequences involving Justin (J.J. Totah)— the flamboyant young brother of David’s longtime friend, who puts on a showstopping drag routine for his father’s birthday celebration — and the astute recognition that true hell is soft-rock band Train’s «Drops of Jupiter.»


Guest accommodations at the Mawamba Lodge consist of 36 comfortable rooms with private bathrooms, hot water, ceiling fans and chairs for a pleasant, relaxing evening.


Ellen Trawton has a comfortable job at a posh London jewelry company, and her fiancé, William, is perfectly pleasant, but she still finds herself with a major case of pre-wedding cold feet.


So, it’s all about believing those things that are the most pleasant?


Sarayi Palm Cove was clean, affordable and a very pleasant place to stay.


21 Jump Street was one of the most pleasant surprises of 2012, but the biggest surprise was that 22 Jump Street was even better.


Actually moving from one place to another is not pleasant.


TTS uses IVONA and features a pleasant female voice, with adjustable speed settings.


приятный, милый, славный, отрадный, веселый, шутливый


Мои примеры


a house in a pleasant suburban district — дом в приятном пригородном районе  
a place with a pleasant, equable climate — место с приятным, ровным климатом  
a pleasant amble by the river — приятная неторопливая прогулка вдоль реки  
friendly / nice / pleasant chat — милая, приятная беседа  
pleasant experience — приятное событие  
pleasant flavour — приятный вкус  
nice / pleasant aftertaste — приятный привкус  
pleasant incident — приятное событие  
pleasant memories — приятные воспоминания  
nice / pleasant / friendly neighbourhood — приятное соседство  
pleasant day — милый денёк  
pleasant, pleasing aroma — дивный аромат, приятный запах  

Примеры с переводом

It was very pleasant for me.

Мне было очень приятно.

He smiled pleasantly.

Он любезно улыбнулся.

We had a pleasant conversation.

Мы славно побеседовали. / У нас состоялась приятная беседа.

It left a pleasant aftertaste.

Это оставило приятный вкус.

A pleasant warm is felt near the sea.

Приятное тепло ощущается рядом с морем.

A pleasant female voice came over the phone.

В трубке послышался приятный женский голос.

The voyage was pleasant and uneventful.

Путешествие было приятным и без каких либо сюрпризов.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It had been a pleasant evening.

He has a very pleasant personality.

What a pleasant surprise to see you!

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