Phrases with the word obvious

«Obvious» is the third single to be released from the American R&B singer LeToya’s debut album LeToya. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It’s such a fun way to incorporate natural inspiration into your wardrobe without going for the obvious animal print.


What is very obvious is that long bull markets tended to be followed by short and sharp bear markets (1957-62 and 1982-87) and short bulls were followed by long bears (1974-78 and 1998-2002).


The imagination, perseverance, and obvious excitement of the photographer make this picture my favorite of all the entries, and my clear choice for Best Picture.


Should it not be obvious to anyone outside the Westminster Village that there is a symbiotic relationship between the overall body politic and the overall media?


Although, she sleeps really well we are wanting to get her in her own crib for obvious reasons.


The potential in Raechelle quickly became obvious as she took the New Zealand Fitness World by storm.


It seemed obvious to Winthrop that the sweatshirt was a great candidate for reinvention.


Since then, her sex has been the obvious talking point.


This does not cause obvious symptoms in mild cases, but if levels rise too high, it can cause digestive upset, constipation, depression, lethargy, weakness, joint pain, and excessive thirst.


Two years in and the tensions are becoming more obvious.


I don’t really recommend driving yourself insane trying to «fix» it but if your child is ill or teething or has an obvious cause of discomfort, you can relieve night wakings by treating it.


«As far as active growth in the markets that we serve, I see measured growth with no obvious dynamics or fundamentals that are going to be a game changer.»


No, the 21 year old female staffer driving Eric Schneiderman, with Schneiderman right there next to her in the front seat, HIT another car causing damage obvious — even to impartial bystanders — who recorded the license plate as the driver drove away.


One obvious explanation for a faster rate of evolution is the anole lizards» faster rate of reproduction.


Coutinho was the obvious change, coming back from his one match suspension but the other three were all slight surprises in one way or another.


So far, so obvious — this is a market where mothers are the major client, and the first adverts in the campaign played squarely to that.


We weren’t really looking to sell, but [when they approached us about an acquisition] the synergies were so obvious.


It’s easy to miss the obvious: add your ID to your email signature file, and to your customer service pages and documentation.


LB: Menshn was a good idea that failed for a variety of reasons, the most obvious being what happened with my personal life.


The three most obvious lessons appear to be: «Live more simply,» «Do as much as you are able for the poor and disadvantaged,» and «Don’t let the way you live and talk about the faith make it seem something grim and unattractive.»


there is no single obvious lineup for today’s game.


They might not get cranky or upset when they’re tired, or otherwise show any obvious physical signs of being sleepy.


[UPDATE 10/26: Given all the comments below about the variability in the data, I think it’s worth emphasizing what should be a fairly obvious point.


Your question has a very obvious answer that highlights your fallacious reasoning about science, but you’ll not get it from me until you deal with your own stupid behavior..


Avoid exposing your baby to people who are unwell It’s an obvious one, but if someone is unwell and it could be potentially contagious, keep your little one away.


A Catholic pilgrimage might not seem like an immediately obvious subject for a Hollywood movie.


It’s obvious that something I did worked.


At the moment, even though the cycle is showing signs of fraying, there are no obvious threats to its continued well-being.


The answer to number one should be obvious: no.


This allows the electron «train’to pass through lengthways rather than sideways, making the coupling between electrons more obvious.


We keep these discussions private for obvious competitive reasons, and we do not comment on speculation,» said Hall.


At the risk of sounding patronizingly obvious, this can not happen when the biblical text is intentionally re-written to exclude women and it can not happen when one aspect of God’s view of humankind is exclusively staged to norm the other.


The conclusion is obvious: the more expensive, detailed, and complicated the purchase, the more likely consumers want to use a big screen to understand it, see it, compare it, and judge it.


I’m stating the obvious, which is that the struggle is… Continue Reading about Roasted Carrot-Jalapeno Salsa with Pepitas (low FODMAP)


Two points clear of the chasing pack and also boasting a couple of games in hand, no-one would dare contest our next statement that United are well and truly in the driving seat as far as this race for the Premiership crown is concerned, as we are merely stating the blooming obvious.


From the video that was recorded it obvious none of the other passengers in the bus were unaware of the personality who was in the same bus with them.


In addition to obvious safety steps of using a car seat correctly, installing a smoke detector, and childproofing your home, beware of other hidden dangers that can compromise your child’s safety:


It’s obvious that Liverpool were incredibly effective from corners in 2013/14.


One of the more obvious side effects of neglecting quality sleep is reduced physical and mental performance increasing your risk for weight gain and obesity.


Given the obvious lack of depth in midfield, which has forced Gattuso to rely heavily on favoured trio Giacomo Bonaventura, Lucas Biglia and Franck Kessie, he will undoubtedly welcome reinforcements in that department with open arms.


For the blonde version it’s just straight baking soda with a bit of essential oils for scent and the brunette version has cocoa powder so that it’s less obvious you coated your hair in baking soda.


-LSB-…] Management’s commitment toward its shareholders is quite obvious.


Plaintiff states again that 2nd Defendant has not said a word against this marauding show of power without any legal justification by the 1st Defendant’s request of a deposit of filing fees for the 2016 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections thereby embolden 1st Defendant in perpetuating these obvious illegalities against the political parties and individual candidates in this 2016 general elections.


As the money poured in from both these sources it had to be sterilised or it would flow directly into the banking system and through that into money and credit aggregates, with obvious inflationary results.


the obvious Theo replacement… maybe


It is obvious that at the very time when life beyond death is no longer a matter of vital importance, there is an increasing emphasis on the worth of human personality.


They accomplished that, so we have to reset some goals, and the conference tournament is an obvious one.»


«This is the first time that somebody has done the obvious but important experiment,» he says.


This money comes with no restrictions — well, apart from the very obvious no withdrawal policy — and can be traded in whatever way the trader wishes.


«We’re keeping the details of most of the prizes secret for the obvious reason that we don’t want to spoil the surprise.


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


It should be obvious why it cannot.

Это должно быть очевидно, почему это не так.

It is sometimes not as obvious for grown-ups.

Дети порой не понимают того, что для взрослых вполне очевидно.

The car has both obvious and hidden problems.

Автомобиль может иметь как скрытые, так и явные дефекты.

Neurosis and depression — already obvious mental ill health, obvious psychological trouble.

Невроз и депрессия — уже явное душевное нездоровье, явное психологическое неблагополучие.

Three obvious questions at least arise.

В связи с этим возникают, по крайней мере, три очевидных вопроса.

We often forget this seemingly obvious fact.

Мы часто забываем об этом, казалось бы, простом и очевидном факте.

Possibly this is just confirming the obvious.

Однако в данном случае, она, скорее всего, лишь подтвердит очевидное.

Even if the outcome seemed obvious.

Даже в тех случаях, когда результат, казалось бы, очевиден.

Another fact is not obvious, but nevertheless important.

Есть и еще одно не совсем очевидное, но, тем не менее, существенное обстоятельство.

What happened here, is obvious.

То, что он имел место быть — это очевидно.

Much of what I say will be obvious to you.

Многие вещи, о которых я собираюсь рассказать, могут показаться вам очевидными.

Can’t really see anything obvious.

А кто-то действительно не видит совершенно очевидных вещей.

This may not be obvious to everyone today.

Сейчас это, может быть, не для всех очевидно.

The implications for industry are obvious.

Что касается последствий для отрасли, то они очевидны.

It is obvious that we, as…

В этом контексте очевидно, что мы, как…

This seemingly obvious declaration was truly a revelation to me.

Этот кажущийся очевидным вывод в свое время стал для меня настоящим откровением.

He wouldn’t say something so obvious.

Поэтому я бы не сказал, что это что-то такое очевидное.

Given the two sources, the conclusion is obvious.

Исходя из этих двух аргументов, я думаю, вывод очевиден.

However given the context it is obvious.

С одной стороны, учитывая обстоятельства, все очевидно.

Reasons for theft of narcotics are obvious.

Причины, по которым происходят отравления лекарственными препаратами, очевидны.

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очевидный, ясный, явный, банальный, понятный, тривиальный


- явный, очевидный; заметный

obvious advantage — очевидное преимущество
his embarrassment was obvious — он явно смутился

- ясный, понятный; само собой разумеющийся

an obvious meaning [intention] — ясное значение [намерение]
for an obvious reason — по вполне понятной причине
the obvious thing to do is to leave — ясно, что следует уйти

- банальный, тривиальный

an obvious remark — трюизм
the joke was coarse and obvious — шутка была грубая и банальная

- слишком явный, деланный; нарочитый

his correctness of speech [politeness] was perhaps a little obvious — правильность его речи [его вежливость] казалась чуточку деланной /натянутой/
dress that appeared too obvious for these surroundings — платье, которое казалось неуместным в этой обстановке

- уст. открытый, незащищённый

smth. obvious to ridicule — предмет постоянных насмешек

- зоол. яркий, чёткий (об окраске животного)

an obvious stripe — яркая полоска

Мои примеры


a murder mystery so obvious that even bubbleheads need not tax their brains — детектив, разгадка которого настолько очевидна, что даже дуракам не приходится напрягать мозги  
the converse statement is obvious — обратное суждение очевидно  
the absurdity of the assumption is obvious — абсурдность принятого допущения очевидна  
obvious hint — понятный, прозрачный намёк  
clear intent, obvious intent — явное намерение  
the proof is obvious — доказательство очевидно  
obvious snub — явное пренебрежение  
to belabour the obvious — втолковывать очевидное  
obvious intent — явное намерение  
obvious question — очевидный вопрос  
an obvious meaning — ясное значение  

Примеры с переводом

It’s obvious that he is drunk.

Ясно, что он пьян.

It was obvious that Gina was lying.

Было очевидно, что Джина лгала.

Her disappointment was obvious to everyone.

Её недовольство было заметно всем.

There is no obvious solution to the problem.

Очевидного решения этой проблемы не существует.

The ending was pretty obvious.

Конец был абсолютно банальным.

It’s pretty obvious what she means.

Довольно очевидно, что именно она имеет в виду.

The obvious question is — does his invention work?

Естественно, возникает вопрос: работает ли его изобретение?

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Some of the clues were glaringly obvious.

She saw only the most obvious differences.

There were no obvious signs of engine wear.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

obvious — перевод на русский


In the end, obviously, the Kanima brings them together, and they have a common enemy.

В конце, очевидно, Канима объединяет их вместе, у них есть общий враг.

Someone obviously doesn’t like me, and they’re trying to set me up.

Кто-то, очевидно, не любит меня, и они пытаются меня подставить.

I mean, it, obviously, it ripped the deer while it was standing here.

Я имею ввиду, очевидно, оно разорвало оленя на части пока он стоял здесь.

She’s labouring under the delusion that her dog stood in the way of my victory, when it’s obvious that Pistachio is the superior animal.

Она заблуждается, полагая, что её питомец встал на пути к моей победе, хотя очевидно, что Фисташка — куда более совершенное создание.

Obviously I’m not built like Alexis Godard.

Очевидно, я не похож на Алекси Годара.

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Obviously, you’re from Bordeaux.

Конечно, ты из Бордо.

Obviously I’m kept in the dark.

Конечно, мне же ничего не говорят.

— She’s obviously his daughter.

— Это, конечно, его дочь.

But I was happy, obviously. And proud.

Но я бып, конечно, (ча(тпив и горд.

— No, obviously not.

— Ну конечно нет.

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Christopher’s obviously involved with someone else.

У Кристофера явно есть кто-то еще.


Ты явно не один.

Taking in the scene, it was obviously your handiwork.

Если всё учесть, это явно твоя работа.

Why, I don’t know… but she’d obviously planned that they should go together.

Не знаю, почему… Но она явно хотела, чтобы они умерли вместе.

Obviously he’s the only one in Palm Beach… who is not aware of our relationship.

Он явно единственный в Палм Бич кто не в курсе наших отношений

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Miss Partridge, it’s perfectly obvious why you went to Washington.

Мисс Партридж, совершенно ясно, зачем вы поехали в Вашингтон.

I think that should be quite obvious.

Мне кажется, всё и так предельно ясно.

It’s obvious you’ve never seen any innocent people. I’m telling you.

Ясно что ты никогда не видел невиновного человека.

We can justify ourselves. Then it’ll be obvious who the real culprits are.

Мы оправдаемся и будет ясно, кто настоящие преступники.

Obviously, but why?

На людей, это ясно!

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Obviously they survived.

Видимо, они выжили.

So obviously he doesn’t know why. Do you like animals?

Видимо, она не знает, почему… – Ты любишь животных?

-Well, obviously we’ve been misinformed.

Видимо нас неверно информировали.

Obviously your escape didn’t go as planned.

Видимо, безупречный побег разворачивается не по сценарию.

Well, he’s obviously one of those monsters who’s not always about the place.

Видимо, он не из тех монстров, которые вечно путаются под ногами.

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Obviously I’ve never seen the money again… nor the cousin!

Разумеется, я не увидел ни этих денег ни этого кузена.

Obviously not.

Разумеется, нет.

Obviously, it’s extremely disagreeable to announce a devaluation of 30%, when at 18%, we might just hang on to a majority.

Разумеется, объявлять девальвацию в 30%%% крайне неприятно. А вот 18%%% позволят нам сохранить некое подобие власти.

Obviously, I can’t.

Разумеется, это невозможно.

The two Federation prisoners have escaped, obviously with outside aid.

Сбежали двое заключенных из Федерации. Разумеется, с чьей-то помощью.

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And it was obvious what people thought after Bobby was born.

Было понятно, что люди думали когда Бобби родился.

That is rather obvious, isn’t it?

Ну это и так понятно, не так ли?

Isn’t it obvious?

Что, не понятно? Я этого не допущу.

Obviously, you won’t be required to fight to the death here.

Понятно, что здесь вам не придётся убивать друг друга.

Isn’t it obvious?

Разве это не понятно?

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Obviously you don’t pay my electric bill, Eusèbe.

Видно, что вы не платите за электричество, Юзеб.

And obviously she hadn’t been there for a while.

И давно видно нет уже.

He was so young he obviously hadn’t seen a dead person yet.

Видно, не видал ещё по молодости лет покойничков

This is obvious.

Оно и видно.

Being a red-blooded human obviously has its disadvantages.

Видно, обладание красной человеческой кровью — не всегда плюс.

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Obviously, the young lady doesn’t wish to be photographed.

Определенно юная леди не хочет, чтобы ее фотографировали.

Obviously, Underwood’s been feeling out Hanson House, the old crook.

Определенно, Андервуд, старый мошенник, прощупывает почву насчет Хансона.

Your Honor! Your Honor, I move that this case be dismissed on the ground that the sole witness to the alleged crime is obviously insane.

Защита рекомендует суду прекратить дело на том основании, что единственный законный свидетель обвинения определенно невменяем.

They’re obviously trying to get us out of the house.

Они определенно пытаются выгнать нас из дома.


Определенно, ты опять напился.

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Nothing. Obviously.

— Ничего, естественно.

Obviously, it would involve a great deal of discretion.

Естественно, вам придётся держать рот на замке.

That’s obvious.

Это естественно.

It’s more expensive obviously.

Естественно, они дороже.

Obviously you have nothing to say.

Естественно, тебе нечего сказать.

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Synonym: apparent, clear, distinct, evident, explicit, manifest, plain, understandable. Antonym: obscure. Similar words: obviously, envious, previous, oblivious, previously, curious, dubious, various. Meaning: [‘ɑbvɪəs /’ɒb-]  adj. easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind. 

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1. Her obvious popularity made me feel inferior.

2. These virus infections display obvious visual symptoms.

3. It is quite obvious that he is lying.

4. Lack of qualifications is an obvious disadvantage.

5. Baxter eyed our clothes with obvious disapproval.

6. Don’t demean yourself by telling such obvious lies.

7. It is obvious that she is very clever.

8. The deficiencies in the system soon became obvious.

9. She gets an obvious thrill out of performing.

10. You shouldn’t tell such obvious lies.

11. There are obvious distinctions between the two wine-making areas.

12. Avoid making intuitively obvious but unfounded assertions.

13. There are some obvious practical applications of the research.

14. His nervousness was obvious right from the start.

15. She sipped her drink with obvious pleasure.

16. The reasons for this decision were not immediately obvious.

17. It’s obvious from what she said that something is wrong.

18. The obvious way of reducing pollution is to use cars less.

19. It became blatantly obvious to me that the band wasn’t going to last.

20. For obvious reasons, I’d prefer not to give my

21. It is already obvious that all four American systems have leapfrogged over the European versions.

22. There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.

23. Many see Parker as the obvious leader, whose voluble style works well on TV.

24. Walkers should stick to obvious paths, even if they are badly eroded.

25. Why? Isn’t it obvious? First, you impose way too much on me, and I’m tired of it. Second, you stood me up on Valentine ‘s Day.

26. They have a small child so for obvious reasons they need money.

27. She persevered in her idea despite obvious objections raised by friends.

28. Mr Haynes shook his head in obvious disgust and walked off.

29. The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.

30. He groaned and slapped his forehead, as if suddenly remembering something obvious.

More similar words: obviously, envious, previous, oblivious, previously, curious, dubious, various, anxious, officious, ambitious, bumptious, vivacious, mysterious, suspicious, pugnacious, loquacious, laboriously, subconsciously, consciousness, violent, violate, behavior, violation, behavioral, house, spouse, cousin, household, heinous. 

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